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tv   Donbass  RUSSIA1  May 10, 2024 7:10pm-8:00pm MSK

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days and nights at the open-hearth furnaces our homeland did not close its eyes, days and nights we fought a difficult battle, we brought this day closer as best we could, this day of victory was lost in powder. this is a holiday, with gray hairs in places, this is joy with tears in the eyes, victory day, the day of the day, the day of the day,
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hello, mother, not all of us returned, we would like to run through the dew, we walked half of europe, half of the earth, we were bringing this day closer, as best they could, this day of victory was lost in powder. this is svetina's brothers on the scales , this is joy with tears in the eyes, day victory, victory day, victory day, this is victory day, hit it. this is a holiday, with light in
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the spring, it is necessary, with tears in our eyes, victory day, day day, day day. your brother is a posy passenger there on donbas, premiere, i’m not a fighter, i came for my brother, i have to find him, today on rtr, there are places that fascinate, because they are part of the cultural code, because they contain power, beauty and history , conquering. the squad is ready,
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explore, nature, mother, dear, simply incredible beauty, you already understand what the vietnamese’s favorite means of transportation is, there are 10 million moped drivers here, taste it, oh, it’s amazing how delicious everything is, as my mother says, it’s mind blowing, this world is worth it... snake charmer is the oldest profession in india, they say it’s done right bukhara knife became a real amulet for its owner. in secret to the whole world, on sunday on rtr. this is what, comrades, girls, a good sniper can single-handedly stop an enemy attack. we are
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now a team, we must become one in order to prove that we are snipers, i see the enemy, shoot, kliminko, fire, this is an order, and if the germans have a new sniper, he would easily slap you all, and why are you worried about me , comrade, or are you worrying so much, okay, a couple of barandas, there is a task for that squad, allow me take the abandoned one with you? to complete this task i need a second sniper, klimenko is the only combat unit, start, eat, you won’t leave, through the sight, today on rtr. there were already troubles, they were already
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expecting something bad, they went and held rallies, the children laughed at me too, mom, you need... you need it, i say, you need it, help, practically a war was organized against us, a war of the ukrainian regular army armed to the teeth, i emphasize, the regular army, god, what are you doing, bastards, what are you...
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russia high-rise buildings the regional administration on pushkin boulevard had not yet removed the ukrainian trident, but the yellow-bladed ensign was no longer on the flagpole; a week earlier, in the presence of thousands of donetsk residents, the old flag was torn down and the russian trident was raised, they woke up. you didn't want this, god knows we didn't want this wanted to protect the people of donbass from the nationalist pro-fascist dictatorship, this is how they perceived the new ukrainian government here, deputies of the regional council decided
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to proclaim the sovereignty of the donetsk people's republic, a popular vote for independence was scheduled for may 11, the news of the referendum was greeted by people in the square... with loud applause, here this. i also like it in english, in my opinion, yes, yes, look how interesting, they wanted to go to the world, they appealed to the world community, this is the will of the people, referendum, that is, in the rebellious spring of the fourteenth, the keeper of the funds of the croatian museum left work earlier
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than usual in worn-out sandals and ran to lenin square, every day more and more people came, the barricades, reinforced with tires and sandbags, resembled... on the outskirts of donetsk was already fighting: girlfriends, a march, farewell to the slavs, women with tears greeted volunteers from the vostok battalion and baptized them after them. suddenly someone from the crowd suggested marching to visit the oligarch akhmetov: “let’s go to rinat akhmeto, why did we go there? well, let's go, suddenly
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we stop, and i was walking there almost in the front rows, and there was this machine gunner standing there, pointing the machine gun at us like that, well, naturally, we all stopped, he said, that's it, we're not going any further. i couldn’t believe that you could be killed, i couldn’t wrap my head around the idea that ukrainians could kill civilians, just like that, the young donetsk republic was gradually gaining strength and preparing for a referendum, leaflets were printed on printers calling for a historic choice to be made 11. may 2014 donbass lined up in long lines for freedom.
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we, the people of the donetsk people's republic, according to the results of the referendum held on may 11 , 2014. that we were scared, we wouldn’t be able to look our veterans, our grandparents in
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the eyes, they defended our country, they passed the country on to the next generations, and we. by this time, ukraine had already announced the start of a punitive operation in the southeast, and radicals were gathering in the city. trains of tanks and armored personnel carriers arrived at the sinovata junction station, 10 km from donetsk. line of contact then she walked along the fence of yasenovadsky.
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everyone is responsible in uniform, no one else will answer for them except us, givi is the armor of the donetsk
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people's republic, where there are givi, there are tanks, when a lot of captured equipment appeared in the republic, he had to remember his military service, he served as a commander in the ukrainian army the tank in the militia formed an attack unit, the samali battalion. as a mator, it didn’t say, the somalis, how here in ilovaisk people in slippers stood up.
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lieutenant colonel of the ukrainian army oleg kuzminykh was brought to the place on this day in a terrible tragedy, the basse district was shelled by ukrainian militants who were sending tons of deadly metal into residential areas. blast waves and shell fragments hit passengers on trolleybuses on route seventeen, killing and wounded people in the cabin around it. when misha shoved chevrons into this very person’s mouth, i said, misha, you can’t do that, but now you know, i won’t say it now, that’s how they mocked our people.
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at that time me, they understand who motorola is, because they know that little boy, in a helmet, is always dirty in he was wearing a mask, they brought him a chocolate bar, they knew that it was a motor vehicle, it was the signalman of the commander of the battalion tactical group. at first i watched the maidan on tv, then i went to kiev myself, where he decided everything for himself. the main motive is to protect the people, to protect the civilian population, which
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is destroying in every possible way, if some people call it a revolution, some people... may 14, he met his future wife, proposed on the second day of meeting: the wedding took place in front-line donetsk , got married in crimea and we were expecting our first child, and you already know who the terrorist will be, we dreamed that we would buy
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motorcycles, when the children grew up, we would go for the gold. 7 pm misha called me, we talked, laughed, he told me that mommy, i love you very much, i say i love you son, we wished good night to each other, in the morning my son was not there, i knew and he knew that after
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the motorola he it won’t be when they buried the bear,
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guys, my proposal is to lay down your arms and leave, you are fighting the wrong ones, you have, you have a chance, you have a chance, the only one life, keep your life intact, give up, you will live, i promise that you will all return home later, alexander zakharchenko’s parents lived in
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artyomovsk at that time, the city remained under ukraine, when the russian spring began in donetsk, it was possible to leave artyomovsk difficult. he says, well, i succeeded, he says, i gave you up, they will look for you there, well, that’s how it happened, they started looking, the details of that special operation are still classified.
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mom, how did they share this bread? they shared a piece of bread, they cleared the mugs from the table, there was bread,
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even after heavy shelling, the broken lines were quickly restored and production started, when bombs tore the sky over donetsk, hot bread was delivered under shelling, we want peace besides the bread of peace, so that we can calmly raise our children and be happy. alexander zakharchenko also wanted peace, he fought for peace. on august 31 , 1818, the head of the republic arrived at the sepr cafe; he often dined here. an explosive device disguised as a lighting device went off in the room. the fact that the legendary dad is dead, many even they didn’t immediately believe it, but my mother did that day. sasha thought all the time about russia and he thought from the first second, from the first minute, and he even told me, we will soon be with russia, we
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should be together, when they recognized us, she approached the portrait, i say, son, we were recognized, you you wanted it so much, you strove for it, like a gray cloud of smoke, oh, what a pity that you left, my son, young. oh, what a pity, i sing, in my heart, melancholy and sadness, oh, what a pity, at the foot of saur there are graves, a burnt-out forest, in august 14, ukrainian nationalists watered it with hail, the heights...
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in kiev, it was a planned punitive operation to intimidate all those who were pro-russian in this russian-spirited city. despite this, just 2 days later, on may 11, people were not afraid to come to the referendum and speak out for the independence of the donetsk people’s republic, so great was their desire to break out of nazi ukraine. on election day , only four polling stations were opened in a city of half a million. plot, were afraid of provocations from the ukrainian punitive forces, thin hands from every street, from every house continuously flocked people. on the way, we were also met by people
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who shouted, intimidated, who commented that if these lists were known, they would persecute us, but we were not afraid, we walked, and so you go, in some roundabout ways, you think, suddenly there too there are machine gunners standing there, and then you look, and there are people, oh my god, the entire left bank has gathered here at the hotel, now it was demolished, and during the fighting they saw it.
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a feature of the national battalion was its commitment to paganism. the people of azov took as a basis the scandinavian beliefs in the god of war odin, they used ironic signs: black sun , wolf hook, similar to the symbols of nazi germany. they were sewn onto clothes, pricked in the vide, there were punishments with roses, when someone, excuse me, did something bad there, he was sent to the pit, the so-called pit, he sat there for a while to atone for his guilt, they laid him on his stomach , they took it anyway. usually at night, groups of mortar men went out to fire, not to the training ground, in the border area and sprayed fire on the civilian population of the donetsk people's republic. nowhere according to the documents of the highest the command of the ukrainian army did not carry out such a hunt for living people. the guys who didn’t go out were offended, they said, when are we going to go to combat, i’ve already stayed
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here too long, i’m interested. i’m going to quit, the contract is over, but be patient, be patient soon in combat, oh, this is cool, we’ll finally go kill people, it turns out like this, yes, he’s from donetsk, he left in 1414, when the civil war began in donbass, his father and mother stayed in the city, they live in the hottest petrovsky district for all 10 years ukrainian militants are mercilessly shelling, but the son continued to fight on the side of azov for 20 thousand hryvnia per month. asks for his son’s love, will people, neighbors forgive me, if i stay, i will be a disgrace, a stigma for my parents, it’s better for me not to show up at all, so that they think that, sorry, everything is bad with me, they forgot everything about me and i’m sorry, we are not afraid of this for a reason, not for the sake of the sergeant’s crowns, material things.
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come on, thank you very much, citizen, having knocked the dirt off the american boots, the fighters of the azov punitive battalion are slurping up the camp food gruel. on the parade ground of a colony for prisoners of war, ukrainian navy seals march to the sound of a soviet katyusha. katyusha, for a high age for a cool one. i was born on may 9th. we all know that
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this is victory day, and that’s what they called me, miroslav, glorifies the world. since 2015, he glorified the war; a lawyer from kiev joined the battalion. killed civilians of mariupol, when the city was trembling from the war, we went in, a young man ran to one of our positions during the shelling, we thought that this was quite likely, maybe some kind of intelligence officer or something
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like that, i gave the following order, to be killed, he not mariupol, but also almost one of our own, in dnepropetrovsk the red october factory sold candies, the punitive battalion... by the beginning of the twenty-second year it mainly consisted of those who grew up in the southeast, but with reformatted brains, they were the ones who shot the peaceful city , when the russian army was just approaching the outskirts, how many will destroy us here, especially if you know there is a cannon behind your house, it shoots in that direction, and it will fly here, i say: you take it away, well you bet on the house, right? they sent everything there, or when this sniper was sitting on the roof, our girl was shot by a tenth grader, he shot her in the back, she’s so small, well, it’s clear that she was a girl
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walking with bottles, the problem, for example, was water, that’s when we we stood under shelling, that is, we knew that... this is a huge area where people come for water, we all lay down on the ground, fell, because the shelling began, the exits were blocked, cars were shot, high-rise buildings were destroyed with heavy armor, knocking out an apartment for apartment, until the entrance collapsed, people were hiding in basements, cooking over fires, these memories do not leave his head, always with a rapid pulse, frozen tears in his eyes, aim... folk, oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh , there is a toilet here, yes, there was a kitchen, thanks to it we survived, he remembers how the building swayed when
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an artillery shell flew to the second floor, the rising dust, his old life disappeared, the office where he worked for more than 15 years turned into a pile of bricks, a gaping hole in the wall, when the shelling subsided, the soviet carried it out into the yard chair and received patients, there were still supplies of medicines in the clinic, the soviets gave them out for free, pharmacies, shops, everything was closed, and people were sick, i was more afraid of ukraine, because the russians were expected as liberators who would come, let there be peace, they waited, the guys came with the dpr, and we exhaled, yes already, i remember how on may 4, while we were putting things in order in the apartment, we came home, took a swim, i lay down and thought, lord, it’s all over, thank god, now there is peace, silence and peace, but again. the industrial city has now turned into a construction city, restored facades of burnt houses,
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entire neighborhoods were restored, built anew, st. petersburg builders occupied the stage of the drama theater, it was blown up on march 16, twenty-two. classic style, round stairs. rush upward, the walls painted with light paint are smoked and burnt. the explosion that collapsed the central part of the building occurred on march 16 , 2022. by this time, the theater was being used as a bomb shelter. there have always been many residents here. they hid from shelling in the basement of the theater. next to the building on the asphalt "children" was written in large letters. the roof fell directly onto the audience seat. theater director.
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lay and the majority of people died there when a wall fell on them while they were preparing food. but already in september of the twenty-second, the drama theater’s artists appeared on the stage of the mariupol philharmonic. since then they have been releasing premiere after premiere. you can't refuse a gift from an american woman. we very rarely give gifts to anyone. our viewer now for sure.
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mariupol has returned to peaceful life, explosions and shots are not heard here, no one is hiding in basements, the city is being restored, the avenues are full of elegant facades of rebuilt houses, schools, clinics, but the largest factories have been stopped, azov-steel will definitely not be restored, they will fight for ilic. this can be said to be the heart of the plant, the blast furnaces of the ilich plant. in the twenty-second year they were stopped and mothballed, so they can be launched. with the start of svo production.
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the ukrainian military was entrenched at the plant, a unit of the thirty- sixth marine brigade, workshops and equipment were damaged, but not so critically, as they called it. each workshop is different, has its own level of damage, that is , there are workshops that are 70% damaged, there are those that are more intact, this can and should be done here. electricity, water and gas. it took almost a year to clear the rubble, demined the territory, it’s too early to talk about starting production, we need to restart one blast furnace; it will take from 3 months to six months. you know, i think that all this should be conscious, but the one who should not live here, he should have left and not returned here. are you here stayed, you accepted it all, as if, yes, you
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agree with everything that is happening, because you had to understand one thing, it will never be the same as it was, luga mash made their choice at the lugansk plant back in 2007, then the enterprise became part of a large russian holding, in the fourteenth year a sudden war broke into the workshop,
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the teachers were on duty when a polish-made mine flew into the assembly hall, the geographer was discussing something with the teacher: a blow to the heart, instant death, elena ivanova did not she managed to wish her ten-year-old son good morning; he was still sleeping when she left for work. one of these shells hit our school specifically, the second shell hit our school’s football field, the third shell hit a house that was unfinished near the school, that is, it turns out that the radius of fire was actually ours. the school has been living for 10 years in anticipation of peace, they promise to have new
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classrooms, physics, chemistry, computer science, laboratory equipment is already outdated, the eighty-third year of the last century, it will be written off as a museum, following the old potyphon. dear, kind adults, take me, i’ll go, and i ’ll follow the bright stars, i ask you to listen to this song. they will perform several times, children who do not need to be told about the war. we went to kindergarten, but sometimes, when the shelling started, they let us into the basement and we sat there, and then immediately... we were sent home, i'm afraid of very loud sounds now after that, when the autogunrock arrived, a plane started flying there and i became so scared that i fell to the ground, lay there, everyone looked at me with misunderstanding. gorlovsky schoolchildren live in the yenakievo boarding school, on monday they arrive by school bus, on friday they return home, again under
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fire, april, april, the wind is ringing outside. bogdan just learned to read here, he’s seven, he’s finishing first grade, he’s already dreaming about space, i want to grow up to fly to the moon, i’ll study it, well , because i’ve never been there, i want to go there, in donetsk, the first hail shells, that ukraine brought down on a peaceful village, they ended up in a school. the army set up a kindergarten for us, a school, and now our children go to kirovsk, my daughter calls, says mom, says, red
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rockets are flying across the bus, and we are parents, nothing, but here there is rustling and flying everywhere overhead, and i can’t even do anything, i can’t with...
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food, those who were grouped into some kind of communes, let's call it that, it was easier to survive, lyudmila rides a bicycle to work, there is no connection in severodonetsk, no internet either, you can arrange an interview only in person, the next number will include a note about donors who donate
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blood for wounded soldiers, a few lines will dedicate the cleanup day to the victory memorial; ukraine could not destroy the eternal flame. in the lugansk printing house, printing presses are launched at night, 29 regional newspapers come into the homes of readers with a new agenda, they are distributed free of charge, and although in lugansk an air raid warning can be announced up to ten times a day, the city is increasingly immersed in peaceful life, and this needs to be done write. we have stability, we have jobs, we have good income. we have a lot of exhibitions, we have a lot of events for children, we have so many educational program, factories are opening, jobs are being created. parks according to moscow standards with bicycle paths, cozy lawns with carpets, street
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musicians playing on weekends, creative evenings by the fountain, not a single bench free, and the sky above your head is inviting in spring, as if there were no fires or bombings 10 years ago . there is a job advertisement at every step. painters, waiters, mechanics required. at the luga mash plant today there are more orders than workers. over 10 years, the staff has been reduced by almost six times. more then in the fourteenth the average age of employees was 48 years. during this time, many retired, young people left or went to fight. we recently monitored conscripts in conscript service, out of 980 working. you know how many people fall under this age, five. five people have been working at the company for up to 27 years. blacksmith viktor mikhalev decided to train welders and turners himself.
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makeyevka technical school recruited a group of students as an elective. he teaches them what he himself mastered well during the years of war, to turn weapons of death into flowers of life. here's what you can get for zilzy do? what? now let's see what can be done? now wait, let it cool, this is what came out of this shell. over the course of 10 years , millions of cartridges, cartridges, pieces of metal, and tank shells that soldiers brought from the front lines passed through this forge. purifying deadly steel with fire, his own faith in victory was tempered, the faith of everyone who did not betray donbass during the long and difficult years of the war. i received it first. and my family all received a der passport, and i was glad that i received a der passport, when they started issuing russian passports,
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my family received everything, and i’m proud, ilichovets stadium, i never thought about whether i love my city or not, when i walked along the alley and these huge craters and trees. everyone is broken, the houses are broken, i cry, i go, i say how much i love, i just realized at that moment that i love my city. our victory, in my understanding, is to make sure that ukraine can never again boast that it is the most powerful army in europe, so that it can never be considered by the west and europe as a tool against russia, all this exaggerated, pumped-up militarism, we must knock them off. the war still burns with the withering fire of death, but with each victory on...
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on the russia channel, the time of the main news of the day is on the air with big news.


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