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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  May 10, 2024 8:45pm-9:00pm MSK

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conflicts, when the kiev regime actually declared war on its own civilians, a film about how you can’t kill defenseless people, that it resonates with us in pain and you always want to help, it’s so very rude that it won’t go unpunished, for the first time since the beginning of the conflict in donbass works of art of such power and such symbolic range. this is the beginning of the entire gigantic conflict that is now unfolding on the territory of ukraine, this is a collision of worlds, you need to understand what is happening, we didn’t start this war, but we did it let's finish and put the country back together. call sign passenger, a film about the struggle for russian land, our age-old ideals and the future of the people.
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events that took place on russian soil, a film that showed exactly what happened, how it all originated, a very important film, a film about the most important thing today, about belonging to a single culture, about love for the motherland, about ideals and values, for which our country is fighting today, so house by house it is difficult, little by little, russia has grown into ukraine, dmitry kaester, andrey popov.
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news. space pirates of the future vs. moscow teenager from the present. this is a billion-ruble spectacle. this is how much the new film reading of kiluchev’s tale 100 years ahead has collected in the third week of release . the film by alexander andryushchenko with a first-class cast of konstantin khabensky, alexander petrov and yura borisov became the twenty-eighth russian release that managed to overcome the billion dollar mark. our broadcast will continue with local news. colleagues, as we see, have already taken places in their studios, but before we all go to our regions, we’ll briefly introduce the country to what what one of our branches will tell you, let’s give the floor to the state television and radio broadcasting company of tatarstan and elvira fayzulina: tatarstan was hit by frosts down to -5° last night, how this affected the plants. hello, igor, the frosts are persistent, and the winter ones were not damaged, the spring ones will sprout later, the condition of the fruit trees, cherry plums is causing concern: the strawberry blossoms froze, some of the insects died, which they could not stand, however,
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dangerous pests, cockchafers, died from the frost . meanwhile, the warmth has not yet returned; there will still be frosts at night. we wish everyone good broadcast to my colleagues, residents of moscow and the moscow region, see you in a few seconds. another cold front is approaching the metropolis, until the end of the week the temperature will lag behind the may norm, wet snow is again possible, the wind will increase and light frosts, so those who planned to do garden work over the weekend were advised by the moscow region ministry of agriculture to hold off for now. oksana maksimova will continue. the flower received a burn, the young cherry orchard was scorched by the cold . they are unlikely to give it to farmers
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the number of berries we were counting on, not all of our flowers survived, we saved the future harvest as best we could, on 24 hectares they even burned raw straw to warm the trees with smoke, only currants did not freeze, currants can withstand them in principle, minus currants will be tested by the cold the plants in the capital's parks couldn't stand it, at that time everything is fragrant, now it's not, here's a white lilac bush, it's clear that the buds have just begun to swell, it's unknown whether they will come down or not, up there all that's left from the inflorescence are brown withered branches. suffer in mostly exotic species of varieties from our latitudes, experts say, will bloom, maybe not as beautifully as usual, they can be damaged during budding, the beginning of flowering, or rather long frosts. the capital greeted tourists from the middle kingdom with bright sunshine, but today’s temperatures are still 10 degrees compared to may’s thirty-degree heat in china.
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so the fur coat came in handy, i’m very comfortable now, today the air temperature is 6° higher than it was yesterday, nature itself feels the change, even waterfowl can’t... deny yourself the pleasure of basking in the sun. the ducks have already begun to breed their young for walks. april was warm, so the birds appeared a month earlier than usual, and with them came the first troubles in gorky park. today, rescuers had to rescue seven hutyats from a sewer hatch. the ducklings failed. panda katyusha has mastered the outdoor enclosure and demonstrates the wonders of balancing act. electric cars, closed on all sides, are used to transport such visitors in winter, until then... saturday afternoon in moscow is only 7-9°, about the same temperature expected on sunday, we expect that in the second half of the week it will already approach 20° during the daytime and by next weekend it will even
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overcome the twenty-degree mark. the last month of spring is like a musical improvisation, it is difficult to understand what will happen next, all you have to do is watch and enjoy it. oksana maksimova, egor vazhletsov, gennady talochkin, anastasia roev and tatyana popova, lead. sergei sobyanin spoke about the new stage in the development of the temeryazevskoye city station today in his telegram channel. the station combines metro stations and mcd-1, as well as ground transport. ahead lies the reconstruction of underground passages across dmitrovskoye highway and the organization of parking for 170 spaces. more new transport hubs are being created at the kharashovskaya, seligerskoye and ozernoye stations. in dolgoprudno it was instituted. a criminal case after the illegal deforestation of a forest area on which a grandiose landfill was set up, a mountain of garbage is constantly growing and approaching the river, under suspicion the base workers are located next to the unauthorized land. report by igor ogeenko. they continue to collect waste, including
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construction workers, this big spot of concrete didn’t exist yet, literally 3 days ago. residents of dolgoprudny watch in horror as their beloved forest turns into a landfill, broken bricks mixed with '. you can fall through there, now it will start to burn, because you see what is happening, first the trees are destroyed, then tons of waste are brought in, including household waste, from above this place looks like a man-made wasteland, but if you change the angle, it takes you by surprise, when you walk around this pile from below it opens a completely different picture, more than 4 m construction waste, which, apparently, was simply dumped here and sprinkled with soil on top, and they did it on already green trees that had leaves, that is , everything happened literally yesterday or today, here, according to rumors, they even hunted wild animals, moose, in particular, there was beautiful
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nature, now you can hunt here, except for the remains of insulation in garbage bags, slowly but surely a gigantic pile is approaching the local river, this is a black stinking slurry, the so-called leachate... which, apparently, unknown, removed from some clean facilities and dumped here, the smell here is of course the same. local colologists consider this base, located a couple of hundred meters from the landfill, to be the culprit of the natural disaster. 2 months ago the police came here and the equipment working at the dump was arrested, but this did not affect the business. here are fresh traces of bulldozers and trucks. judging by the map, there should have been a forest here, but we are on a closed industrial site, we came from the other side of the fence and here we found uprooted stumps, which... apparently, they moved it here, planning the place for garbage disposal. a criminal case has been opened regarding illegal logging. during the on-site inspection, it was established that trees were destroyed and construction waste and contaminated soil were placed on the territory of the khlebnikovsky district forestry. based on
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the results of the inspection by the city prosecutor’s office, the director of the mos-obl-les state institution, as well as the head of the city district, submitted proposals to eliminate violations of federal legislation. for involvement in the import here. tone of different trash they are checking the management of the base, it is possible that it appeared here illegally, by seizing land. based on this fact , a case was opened for an administrative offense under part three of article 831 of the code of administrative offenses of the russian federation, that is, violation of sanitary safety rules in forests. while the inspection is underway, local authorities promised to remove the garbage and reclaim the landfill; this will definitely take a lot of time; according to the most conservative estimates, there are about 8,000 cubic meters of waste here, which is at least a thousand trucks. and in the famous mamonov estate on vorobyov in moscow, the restoration of the mountains is in question, a cultural heritage site of federal significance, which houses the laboratories of the institute of chemical physics, has been in disrepair for many years, now money for restoration work
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has been found, but it is impossible to begin due to a legal incident. report by alexander karpov. this one is majestic. mamonov, the same one who became the prototype of the literary dubrovsky. in the 18th century,
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chinese turrets above the building from the time of vasily dolgorukov, the conqueror of crimea. here in memory of the victory, he had toy turkish cities and the toys he took were floating. yes, toy turkish ships sailed. in the 19th century, greenhouses and columns were added to the palace according to the project of “gilliardi ibve” already under nikolai yusupov, and after his death the estate was placed under police surveillance. the hero of 1812, count mamonov, who was losing his mind. this was one of the founders of the decembrist organizations, a man who apparently considered himself a true peasant king, he refused to sue nicholas i and generally behaved extremely strangely. and this is already 1924, footage from film paperbox from mosselprom, at the former mamon’s dacha, museum of the peoples of the ussr. and finally,
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it needs restoration because it is falling apart and we may lose it. the institute staff then suspected. that the fire was not accidental, someone had their eye on the golden hectares, you seemed to be planning to build something here, tell us, you know, you yourself would love to know this, we shot this footage 10 years ago, and these today, practically nothing has changed, the walls are kept from falling from the cliff by the same rusty supports, this is what you can see behind the walls, laboratories researching the physics of ignition and detonation, the management of the institute has already accumulated ... a whole volume of instructions from the brain heritage department to begin the restoration of a monument of federal significance. the other day the ice seemed to have broken.
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the budget commission of the russian ministry of education and science made a decision to allocate funding for research and surveys on the object. at the moment, according to available estimates, the estimated size is 29 million rubles. and although the money has not yet been allocated, the situation has already reached a dead end due to a legal conflict with the former apartment of an academician. we enter the memorial office of academician nikolai nikolaevich semyonov, the founder of our institute, it was in this office that he received private visitors, the russian federation has no right to this premises, this is former residential real estate, which now does not belong to anyone, the institute does not yet have the right to spend this allocated money for these premises, according to the law, funding is allocated only for the entire facility and must be developed this year; the institute just shrugs.
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route, now it includes more than 40 attractions, including the greenhouses of the main botanical garden, chestnut alley, and some of the trees planted by astronauts. during the walk, you can walk along the eco-trail, see the largest collection of ros in the country, and visit the garden of the five senses. 700 free buses will be launched in the city on orthodox holidays. from krasnaya gorka on may 12 to radonitsa on may 14, they will run from metro stations and mcd to city cemeteries and memorial complexes. for comfort. temporary signs will be installed for passengers. endless meditations, pseudoscientific
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reasoning and intimidation, all this happens at meetings of the so-called co-creation school. hundreds of muscovites have already become its adherents; after just a few seminars, listeners leave their families and stop communicating with loved ones. experts are confident that cocreation activities fall under the definition of a sect. alexey knor with details. changed beyond recognition, if there was a person, he was cheerful, smiled all the time, adored his daughters, his youngest son galina ivanovna, no longer communicates, abandoned his mother, divorced his wife, my son went to school when he was born, and i found out from my daughter-in-law, she told me a year ago that her 2-year-old son is behind her, all attempts to meet.


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