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tv   Devyataev  RUSSIA1  May 10, 2024 10:40pm-12:41am MSK

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comrades, cadets, for 3 years our country has been fighting against the fascist invaders, soviet troops. they inexorably drive out the fascist evil spirits from our land, the entire soviet people are fighting, but there are fighters who make a special contribution to our common victory, i’m talking about snipers now, soon you will be sent to the front to mercilessly beat the enemy, at the mere mention of snipers, the fascists come in horror, the fascist is afraid to lean out of the trench, he knows who will be hit by a well-aimed shot.
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preferably in the head, i am addressing you, a graduate of the central girls' school sniper training, today's competitions are designed to fully prove that you are ready to beat the enemy, but there are some comrades here who doubt that a woman can compete with a man in our sniper business, prove that this is not so, congratulations on the start of the competition and let him win...
10:43 pm
hey, girls, hey, smart girls, how do you like it, comrade political instructor, he’s doing a great job. i’m surrounding you,
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well done, girls, when they started shooting, i think that’s it, department, in half an hour, dinner for everyone.
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toast, fellow fursankas. my dears, thank you you will be pleased that you won the competition and made your commander happy, and you will be even more pleased when at the front you beat a german so that he fleds without looking back, well, the greatest joy will be when you return from the front alive, for you, dear ones, cheers, allow me to invite you , sorry, i need to go, sorry, i understand, come on,
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yes, there was no command of steps, that’s all. i didn’t think that your girls would be thrown into hell with me, there’s no need for snipers in a quiet place, sergei vasilevich, you yourself understand how important it is to hold the defense in this sector, my proposal is force, if you just say, i’ll leave you as a school instructor, andrei, you ’ve given your duty to your homeland in full, maybe you’ll stop fighting, huh? for victory, comrade colonel, look at the chest of drawers, soviet troops, why all this?
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have you recently received any news from yours, maybe someone came, no, he is in captivity of some kind. letter, maybe your eldest daughter received something? no, she couldn’t, she’s now, she’s now in a sniper training school, what do you have, nothing, we know that, post office, post office, there’s something for mikhailov, third department, huh? i i’m telling you, take two people and clean everything up here, of course, then for loading, excuse me, but you can help me, please, of course, come on, zarenko, thank you, thank you,
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let’s get him into his room, guys, wait, you forgot the accordion, yes it’s not theirs, but whose? and why are you silent then, well, you can’t do that with an instrument, well, you’re a musician, i liked it, i’ll give it, well, you’ll get better and you’ll play in the hospital, hold on, tikhonov, you’ll get there yourself, yes, of course, let’s go then, i’ll give it, like a musician to a musician. where did you get the hormone?
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air, damage to the left two hulls, sight 24, run! come here quickly, is it you, reinforcements, that's right, that's right, colonel revyakin, get out, the asps are flying high, on the corner...
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don't go to the front line, comrade colonel, allow me to ask, why aren't we going to the front line, because you don’t know the main rule. okay, let's see what you are like, but this is not a school for you,
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the fascists also know how to shoot, a mistake is death, everything is clear, just right, good luck, you will be located in the headquarters building, the duty officer will show you your room, i'll take it, thank you. squad commander, and you are comrades,
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please introduce yourself, commander of the sniper squad, private, private, private crucian carp, clearly, the germans had a sniper kill three of ours, orders from the regimental commander, special caution in the trenches, do not stick your head out and do not stand up. clear, that's right, thank you, comrade lieutenant, the squad, that's it, we're distributed 10 meters from each other, crucian carp, you stay in place, we study the no-man's land, we draw up shooting cards, if possible, i repeat, if possible, we try to determine the location of the enemy sniper if we see some movement, we shoot to kill, the task is clear, just right, carry it out, with god’s blessing, well, let’s go, excuse me, strongly. strongly, private advice, first assess the situation, and
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then act, otherwise you won’t last long here, the crucian crucian has been beaten, the crucian carp survived the blockade, you’re afraid of rats, that’s why i’m afraid, sit down, keep your eyes open, congratulations, these are 10 years, but 10 years , deadline, thank god it’s not a strict regime, no, no, not strictly, but very much a family one, look at the weekend, vacka, take time, take a day off, rest, i can’t go there prison, she took with her from the past only her name, what is it, stand still, and you just saved me, valentina, yes, i can do this, but the past requires new victims. “hello, well , you’ll change your last name, a clean slate, a brand new
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life, you’ll pay me for silence, we were robbed, she stole it, but i didn’t take the money, you were young, so i’m giving you a ride to the family, there are no fingerprints on the safe, valya, you like valya, i need the investigator urgently, valya, on saturday and sunday on rtr oldbar cognac, a product of steller group. callinan belek is a place where time stops. immerse yourself in sophistication and luxury, forgetting about time, on the shores of the mediterranean sea. discover true excellence by making your dreams come true. hotel kalinan beleg, where life turns into
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a fairy tale. сnop gin, a product of the stellar group. welcome to the newest rixas hotel in sharmalsheikh. riksas radomis sharmel sheikh. an ideal place for a family holiday, where everything is created for the happiness and comfort of the children of their parents. escape from everyday life into a world without... entertainment, enjoy themed rooms, the largest children's playground in the region and an unforgettable vacation. rixus radomis sharmal sheikh. borbon searsman, a product of stellor group. titanic delluxe golf belek hotel, where every moment is exclusive. wrap yourself in comfort by our pools, relax in the life salon and enjoy delicious dishes from the best restaurants. here, each room is
10:56 pm
a journey into coziness and comfort. your holiday is your rules. titanic deluxe. golf bellet is the best choice for an unforgettable vacation vodka veda is a product of the stellar group, you don’t need to go to it make an appointment, it's a joke, he will come to the house himself, we start, he will always help, we will train, how to walk on ice correctly, he will always tell you how to increase low blood pressure, how can an air freshener lead to asthma? how to take medicine correctly, will always support you, a bowl of macaroni and cheese, this is a pan of dumplings or a frying pan of fried potatoes with lard, a knitting needle, this is how a child spits, but i don’t advise you to do this, a doctor you can trust 100%, you will be happy, well, i don’t
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guarantee happiness, but health for sure... improve dr. myasnikov on saturday on rtr. my daughter sasha has a unique voice, but it was lost in an accident - only you can return it. goodbye. you are stubborn, like my beloved cow zoya. to begin with, she dumped me in a flood, and now we are best friends.
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yeah, i also asked to be a sniper, but they didn’t take me, well, that’s okay, i think i’ll go to the scouts, i think i’ll take it there, i’ve been at the front for a long time, it’s the third day, and i’m the first, don’t worry, little sister, you’ll get used to it, well, that's it, it's time for me. "lie down, where to bend down, look at the smoke from shot, noticed something, okay, klimenka, what do you see, nothing, an infection.
11:00 pm
you need to pick up the bowler hat, you’ll carry it, it looks like there’s a dog there, yes, it’s a dog in the net. i see the enemy, shoot, they are saving the dog, klimenko, klimenka kill the enemy, klimenko, it’s scary to do
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the wrong thing, fire, this is an order, klimenko, i am a fighter, klimenka, shoot, fire to everyone, they are saving the dog, i can, this is the enemy, yours is still alive , if i don't kill them, they will kill me. "the first time to kill a person is the most difficult, this is
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normal, the question is different, your delay we weren’t in any particular danger today; this fritz would have died in his trench, but he would have survived one more, one less. but the moment will come, klimenko, when your delay and inability to pull the trigger will cost you your life or the lives of your comrades. in general, i won’t wait until you get shot or you get court-martialed. i have decided that starting tomorrow you will be transferred to a nurse. i'm a sniper, a sniper who can't shoot shit at the enemy, not a sniper, it's not that bad, klimenka,
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what's what? what you can't do in a person shoot, comrade captain, i want to be a sniper, i want to hit the enemy, i want to prove that i can for... come on captain, this will not happen again, you yourself said, the first time is the most difficult, next time i will succeed do,
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do what? say it out loud, kill. farite, why aren’t you eating, are you a hero today, two krauts are on you, or are you not happy? yes, i think i’m glad, no, i’m glad, it’s just, it’s just scary, there was a man, and he’s not there, not a man, but a fascist, do you
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feel sorry for them or something, or have you forgotten how many of our people they destroyed, how many cities they razed the earth, say yes, the fascists must answer for everything. i have a personal account for them, and not only me, the conservatory, play the rerita, now, why, and then, that we are wasting precious time on the wrong things, do you know how long on average an infantry regiment lives on the offensive, how long? a month, just a month, ed., play, dasha. let’s go dance, but i don’t want to,
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dance, i’ll sit, well, as long as you get married, you’ll also sit on your own, come on, come on, if you don’t know how, i’ll teach you, i invite you, allow me,
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also showed excellent results in shooting. sergei vasilyevich, all this is in klimenko’s registration card, i studied it. i ’m not so much interested in her performance as in your personal opinion about her. you’re an experienced, insightful person, and maybe you’ve noticed something.
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listen, tell moscow, yeah, that they are not looking for enemies there, the enemies are behind the front line, but here they are all their own. transferred
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smirno branch. at ease. what will you please? the position of the german sniper was not detected. tomorrow we will continue our search. rest, fighters. eat. klimentka. go. i'm listening. you have been assigned to the warehouse, come tomorrow morning, i’ll give the pleasure to the whole squad, that ’s right, grub, stew, here, goletas, there’s even coffee, american, and what of this to us, not to you, to you, i have connections, i
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’ll take you here from your commander, everything is yours will. well, you too, with gratitude, no, don’t twitch, quietly, wait, that’s what, vasya, dima, i’ll tell you honestly, vasya, as a comrade in arms, i have not yet overcome this feeling of possessiveness in myself, who will touch mine, satan, i understood, i understood everything, that you understood, there was a mistake. your girls, i'm sorry, it will never happen again, y'all, well, yes, the products take the whole department, let’s take the stew, goletas, do you still have coffee, american, yes, yes, i’ll bring you more now, please allow me.
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well, i got up, come on, reminka, go to the table, how did you know that this foreman, yes, a good sniper should know that, thank you for helping me out, who told you that i was helping you out, and take off your cap, well, take off your cap, klimenko, take the gun off your shoulder. captain, what are you saying, and why are you doing everything he asks you to do, how dare you, and what did i just hear?
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no, no, no, don’t touch, don’t touch, isn’t that right, it’s just for the sake of decency, let’s take off your clothes, klimenko, i almost gave myself up to the warehouse, but to the commander, why, i should be the first, back, this looks like no. i’ll tell you, klimenko, a little military secret: among our own people, among our own people too , there are plenty of bastards and fools. they will give up their soul for dear, some even in uniform with small and large stars, death will send you a cruel death and will not blink an eye, rely on yourself, defend your own, don’t look at the shoulder straps,
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if the order is not clear, tell me, explain, well and if anyone gets caught without a king in his head, there’s a rifle over there, the tribunal will acquit him, even if not, from his fault. dying is not as bitter as from someone else’s stupidity, everything is clear, so precise, free, it was allocated to everyone, that’s exactly what it is for everything. but for me, the abandoned one saved you, that means he doesn’t care for you, but he would have beaten any of you in the face this year, you’ll say no, oh, girls, in general it seems to me that people like the abandoned ones don’t know how to love, well, skill is
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a knife-edge thing, they say that in africa monkeys don’t even learn to play the piano. wow, chocolate, why did you gather us all today, don’t be tormented, because your grandmother has already married you off in absentia, even intrigued me, light in the window, premiere, starting monday on rtr. rum castro, a product of stellor group. rest is leaving yourself alone. rest is
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not thinking about anything, when you are calm and completely switched off. rest is rest. we know everything about holidays. anexc. mancacher whiskey is a product of the stellar group. a hotel for unforgettable experiences. rixsas sharma. only for adults 18 plus. fun awaits you here throughout the day. year-round performances. the best djs from around the world and comfortable rooms. rixsus sharma. this is not just a vacation, it is a holiday for the soul, where every detail is created to be admired.
11:16 pm
cognac, monte shococa, product of stellar group. old barrel cognac is a product of steller group. film series. kuznetsov. people's commissar kuznetsov is too young. he doesn't have enough combat experience. there will be no war this year. what will it tell us about this? people's commissar of the forges? we won't be able to save the entire fleet. but sailors, soldiers, women and children, obliged to save. your husband violated the order
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of comrade stalin, especially for victory day , we watch all episodes of the admiral kuznetsov series for free on the website in the application.
11:18 pm
dog, where are you from, a politically irresponsible dog, he’ll come running to us, then to the germans, as if he hadn’t blown himself up on a mini yet, but she ’s smart, you’re smart, yes, smart, looking after him. needed, i can’t give orders, so i’ll ask
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this way, will you take patronage with the girls, why are you smiling, klimenko, i’m convinced that you take care of someone, maybe i like dogs, i don’t really like people, yes, of course, we’ll look after her, thanks, why aren't you sleeping? i want to, you are a soldier and you live according to the rules, and not the way you want, okay? clear, i can use my free time at my own discretion, i have the right, you don’t have it, you won’t get enough sleep, you’ll shoot poorly, it’s clear, let me go, i don’t allow it, you drew the neutral, that’s right, why, i got an idea, well, give me your idea and a dog, german. we never found the sniper, well, here’s the place where the german
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killed the soldier, so, but here the mine rat got scared, and the german shot, you mean, what’s wrong with him? in this place, something is blocking the view, yes, probably there is a turret from a burnt tank, and there are anti-tank hedgehogs here, it turns out that his bed is somewhere in this place, tomorrow we will check your version, here, feed the dog. bullet, bullet, well, let there be a bullet, feed the bullet, yours, yes, thank you, smart girl, what a good dog, here. doesn’t want
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, well, no, man, oh, sprouting, i wish you good health, comrade fighters, we wish you, margarita, can you, well, good morning, margarita, good morning, comrade lieutenant, who are you so good, this is for you, at night in went on a raid narwhal. thank you very much, but i don’t like flowers, it’s not true, all women love flowers, but not all of me, take it and give it to someone else, yeah.
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not you, no, there is still a package left for the captain, you know someone like that, we know him, please tell me, dash, what happened, there have been no letters from kolya for 3 months. now there’s no postman, you heard, we haven’t been included in the lists yet, his letters are lying somewhere, they’ll send them, i read in the newspapers that the situation in his sector of the front is difficult, there are big losses among our people, and if they kill him, he’s my fiancé, shur,
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i love him, i love him, i love him, okay, that’s it it will happen, do you hear? don’t cry, that’s it, the task for today, i’m klimenka attention, let’s go to neutral, at exactly six you tell the soldier to carry his helmet along the trench, there is, as soon as the german shoots and reveals himself, start merciless fire, maslov’s carp, stay on duty a trench will be needed if something goes wrong. urgently leave neutral ground, i will give a signal with a rocket, the color is white, the artillery will start firing, and you will cover our retreat, the task, exactly, precisely, carry out, let’s smear the face, okay, let’s smear it, got into gear the other day, got stuck so as not to be
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mina, what's where? mina, karasik, my name is lieutenant prokhorov, they are also touchy and serious, of course.
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well, everything seems to be covered. and open fire on the unmarked position, open fire,
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blue is alive, belt, help. weapons on you, behind me, comrade captain, comrade captain, come on, come on.
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how is your girlfriend? i don’t know, we’re just going to visit. yes, things are tense here. well, since we are soldiers of the red army, we should not lose heart. absolutely, wonderful. a mobile cinema comes to the neighboring part. i am inviting you. i hope you love tipaev. yes, yes, i know it by heart. i do not believe. let's go. if it’s by heart, then i’ll do whatever you want from me, comrade lieutenant, i see you are slow-witted, i’ll have to tell you directly,
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just don’t be offended, i won’t go anywhere with you, please don’t call me anywhere, okay, dasha, hello? the doctor and i talked, he said, you were born in a shirt, you can even hear, the bullet only grazed your cheek, this means that there is no danger to life, everything will be fine, yeah, here in the hospital you will receive treatment and they will treat you, you will go to the village, home, even , mirror, give me maybe then, give me a mirror. excuse me, do you have a mirror? yes, of course, take it, thank you very much.
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yes, you and i will have the most beautiful children in the world, many just like you. no matter how much of a fool i am, i won’t go to the village to scare the cows, i’ll go to the city, i’ll get a job at a factory, valka, you’re an engineer, you have a friend, yes, well, give me the address, then i want to sleep now, excuse me, girls, let’s go.
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maybe we won’t tell the damn thing, he’ll write, support, and if he doesn’t write, well, if he doesn’t need one with a scar, if he loves, he’ll write, if he doesn’t write, then he’ll come over, it’s better to it’s meanness to hope, you won’t go wrong, no, girls, i really think it’s better not to write to him. how did it happen that the german remained alive? i myself saw the smoke from the shot; everyone was shooting at this smoke. so, i made a mistake and
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was abandoned. what are you talking about? that he can be a captain and can swear with a twist, but he has no combat experience, so the german deceived him, and how he deceived him, well , look, i heard about german tactics back in school, they take a rifle and tie it a cord is pulled to her, this cord is pulled, the german himself lies down in another place, he pulls the cord, the rifle fires, we see it, we shoot at it, and at that moment he sees us. shoots at us, but he knows that this tactic has been abandoned, shura, are you protecting him? no, it’s just something else here, of course, the point is that he’s abandoned and doesn’t know how to fight, he’s taking us all to the monastery, okay, let’s go the same way, i’ll catch up, let’s go, comrade bullet, we’ll find you
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a bone, yes, comrade captain, i was thinking about the german, why he remained alive, if you please. take a seat, well, what if the german has a shelter , guess, well, go ahead with your hypothesis, concrete with a slot for a rifle, here from our shots, he is not cold, not hot,
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there is a glimmer of thought, not how he started to think, klimenka. if the german really has a pillbox, you can ask the sappers to set up a tripwire, as soon as he sticks in there, it will explode, reminka, i told you, so that you don’t consider the enemy stupider than yourself, no, yeah, now i’m saying, inside the shelter, he’s a tripwire - then he will notice, then we can ask to install on our side, and not a tripwire, but a mine, as soon as the german starts shooting at our trenches, we will mini, so that all his damn pillbox into crumbs. good plan, ask the cops to set a mine? no, i already established it myself, tomorrow we will settle accounts with fritz, why didn’t you immediately say that you understood everything, but i thought you would amuse me, say something stupid, let me go, wait, you are it, you, klimenka, well done, i realized , what's
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what, thanks tomorrow. i’ll announce you in front of everyone, there’s no need in front of everyone, the girls are already so angry that i’m defending you, they’re angry, well , they’re doing the right thing by being angry , there’s no point in defending me, it’s in vain, what’s in vain, you don’t tell anything about yourself, in vain, we even we don't know if it was you at the front or not, okay, you will remain without gratitude, you know german, so exactly what is written here? they have kurt wengler heroin, the germans sometimes write about him in the newspapers, look at this, i need to know where he is now, the task is clear, exactly, carry out, there is, and i’m back to you, comrade
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lieutenant. when will you understand that i'm not free? so what, the fact that my lover is a general, oh, so what? he finds out, he will demote you and send you to a penal battalion, understand? so what? here's the penal battalion for you, don't be afraid to go, you're a fool kopylov, eh.
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forgive me, i don’t know what, forgive me right away, life goes on, it doesn’t stand still, sometimes you think that’s it, but no, everything is just beginning, the main thing is to be ready for anything, but you are ready, i attached a postcard to you , so that immediately for sure. and don't miss, blow up this bastard with one shot.
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shura, come on, klimenko, shoot!
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we raised our helmets several times, the german doesn’t shoot, that means we got him, congratulations, well done, the squad is behind me, the comrade is abandoned, red star, bend down below the military officer, below, i have a task to take a photograph of you yours the detachment, well, for the newspaper, came from headquarters. your awards were handed over, please put them on, why is it no longer necessary, how is it not necessary, i should write an article about you, how your things were bombed when they were taking you to the hospital, how the orders were later restored,
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so, well, girls, let’s everyone is here, more crowded, a little more crowded, so you sit down here in front, the squad has assembled, come on, now smile at us, yes, yes, yes,
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okay, not mine, 1, 2, 3, even the captain, allow me to address you, wait.
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leute in sax, lieutenant sax, major wengler, major wengler, it is a great honor for me to fight alongside such a renowned sniper, i heard the fuhrer himself noted your heroism, i did not expect that you would be sent, this area is of strategic importance, i am tasked with eliminating russian snipers.
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were you on the olympic shooting team? yes, a silver medal for pistol shooting. at the institute, we listened to you on the radio and cheered for you. my most capable student. i'm sure he'll win gold again when we defeat the russians.
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hello, beauty, don't shoot, why? russian snipers don’t know that we are here, if you shoot, they’ll find out and they’ll start hunting, we must shoot and we will, but first we need to deal with their snipers, of course, i obey.
11:47 pm
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product of steller group. rixas premium seagate. family fun starts here. here every detail is created for your pleasure. enjoy a water park for children, lush green gardens and the beauty of coral reefs and the sea. immerse yourself in a world of unforgettable experiences at rixsos premium segate. rixas premium segate. rom castro is a product of the stellar group. excuse me, can i at least accompany you? you are in such a state that you will certainly get hit by a tram. on saturday.
11:49 pm
let's create a company. we will help people meet. anastasia videnskaya, anna banshchikova. evening in a tramp's hut. slu angels, no, better, cupids, premiere on saturday on rtr, ours, ours, tsey,
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mortars, but nothing, i lost consciousness. now, now, nothing, now, now the soldiers will come, they’ll give us the data, the hospital, they’ll pour 100 g, you’ll warm up, really, really, really.
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everything everything. i did everything i could, really, crucian carp, there was an order to watch the neutral, and what do you do with the neutral, so i am watching the neutral, klimenka, what are you doing, but the early one had to be helped, i helped, as
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it happened, you shoot you can’t, but you have some brains, and if the germans have a new sniper, he would easily slap you, why are you worried about me, comrade, captain, i after all, now it’s not under your command, what a fool, what a fool, i’m not so tired, you’re worried, what have you come up with, klimenko, to defeat people you need combat units, if everyone exposes their forehead to a bullet, then who will fight - it will happen, and you ’re in trouble, chewing snot, come on, let’s go, let’s eat.
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got there, complete failures, you can’t shoot at the enemy, as it turned out, you don’t really know how to save your own, comrade major, the wounded man had a huge loss of blood, he lay there half the night, yeah, he lay there half the night, but how did you appear there, died immediately, what do you want to say, i want to say that... the ability to shoot at the enemy, combined with your family connections, raises a number
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of questions, and the first of them is why are you here, you have armor was, and you’re on the front line, i ’m here, comrade major, to defend my homeland, it’s strange, you’re defending it, klimenko, ineffectively, as best i can, freely, for now... freely, you are like you didn’t have a good hunt today, yes, russian snipers perfectly camouflaged. we still don't understand where they are. we'll track down animals. zaks, tell the sappers to place
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flares here, here and here. if the russians touch the tripwire, we will understand what routes they take to enter the strip and where their hooks are. will be done. comrade lieutenant, allow me to contact you, please contact me, i ran to the neighboring village to buy groceries, sour cream, flour, sugar and carrots, what are they rich in, what are you happy about, what is all this for, i thought, pie, carrot hibernation, but i don’t know how, but you are a pastry chef, can you help me, why is there a pie, how to eat it. and drink tea with you, with the girls, kopylova can
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call, that's what, mina, go to sleep, eat, and more seriously, the war, and you think about nonsense, about various pies, you know, in my opinion, that’s what the german wants, so that we don’t enjoy life, walk like you, gloomy. here the whole zone has been cleared of mines, it’s safe, right, here we noticed the germans near a tree stump, it’s clear, let me enter, i allow it, sisters, maslova is there, i’m butter, yeah, here’s a letter for you, i thought i left it yesterday. there’s no way we’ll give it up, thank you, squad, listen
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here, intelligence reported that at night a german was fussing around the stump, special attention here, oil, oil, yes, what did you read, nothing, i heard everything, repeat what i said, the stump is special in...
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did you fall asleep? no, let's go back, eat, be quiet! i’m very glad to see you, he says, i’m married. sorry,
11:59 pm
they'll start shooting faster now!
12:00 am
12:01 am
“here, the russians were coming here, which means their positions in this area, reed, yes, what’s wrong with you, yes, she just received that letter, and she’s walking around, oh, girls, everything’s fine.” it’s okay, you’re the most attentive, somehow you caught the stretch, admit it honestly, you didn’t want to climb over the puddle again, yes, you’re still crawling through the mud tired, oh, girls, how i would like to put on patent leather shoes and walk along a clean street, and this is an idea, and then i would sew myself a blouse
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with a neckline like this. and for the sleeves to be lanterned, the blouse definitely needs a flared skirt, this length, shura, well, to be honest, you need to wear makeup to go with such an outfit, what’s there? wow, powder, what is this, perfume, you nengrad, tezhi, what is this, uh-huh,
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a clean pocket! girls, mina, help, yes, oh,
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the department is forming on the street in 5 minutes, we are going, sit quietly, he must not know, why are you here, christmas tree-sticks, i have an eye for the korashun, come quickly, my dear man, my beloved baby, comrade captain, please give me this letter, it’s deadly to remain silent, i just now realized, realized that you mean to me how much i... love you, i understand that it’s difficult for you to forgive me, but still forgive me, i can’t live without
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you, it’s wrong when people created for each other cannot live together, comrade captain, allow me to address you, i don’t allow it, well, you can’t do that with women, maslovo, maslovo. one harm from you, keep it, and you, comrade lieutenant, will think about the matter, and not about her tits, put, okay, touch colonel,
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everything is fine, the department is fatal, painful, disperse, but he was always abandoned like that, why from wait for him, but i don’t care what’s thrown, what will happen to the lieutenant now? the penal battalion probably hit the senior in rank, and even the regiment commander, god, how stupid, i didn’t even give him a reason, well, appreciate it, you didn’t give a reason, but he hit you for you, you give some a reason, and they attack you look like empty space, please don’t be jealous, i beg you, my military commander is married, he left his wife for me twice, and then came back, you want to help the lieutenant, i want to, he’s abandoned, he doesn’t do anything for nothing, i’d like to send him to the rear, i would have sent, but he would have sent a letter about... why, the choice means it gives,
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yes, comrade captain, allow me to enter, come in, i won’t go to moscow, as long as i can, i will fight. i will forget about my personal problems, i say that the lieutenant was impressed, comrade captain, i said that i would forget about my personal problems, i i forgot them, but lieutenant, he’s not guilty of anything, you take care of him, please, there’s no reason to put him in the penal colony, yes, comrade captain, what do you want? “thought the tribunal, and you hushed everything up, unexpectedly, thank you, i won’t apologize, but
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i need your apology like a goat butcher, better go and work on the blow, you’ll kill like a girl, by god, they’re called a scout, there ’s not even a bruise left , go!" eat. that means he decided to fight. what is commendable? tomorrow i’ll take you to neutral myself. go have a rest. eat.
12:09 am
thank you for not apologizing, there’s nothing to it, i wanted to ask, well, about this correspondent, please don’t, and generally stay away from me, because i’m nothing but problems. old positions cannot be used, the germans will seek shelter in the area where the oil has knocked down the signal, we are sitting in the trenches, thinking about where to equip new positions,
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a target will appear in the trench, shoot, double, but this is your signature, we are working together, we now have the signature one, shoot straight into the crater, the russians will start moving to get you, and i will see them. i obey.
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i can not see anything.
12:12 am
klimenka, leave, everyone return to position, calmly, yes, yes, yes, comrade military doctor, resolve the question, feel free to ask. i know the symptoms, i don’t know the disease, hold on, you gave up this morning, thank you, darling, what are the symptoms? periodically a very high pulse, almost to the point of loss of consciousness, only these pills help, who are you with these symptoms? i can’t say, comrade alone, please tell me how serious this is, loss of consciousness, how
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often i... saw it, yeah, bad, very bad, such pills are prescribed for very serious heart problems, well, if you lost consciousness in battle, that’s understandable, the workload is increased, but if everything is calm and he loses consciousness, that’s bad, very bad, tell me the rank, last name of the patient, lyuba, write it down, i can’t, yet. “my dear, a soldier with such symptoms can die at any moment, and if this happens in battle, he will not be able to help his comrades who are on him...” listen, he can still be saved, for now, but if measures are not taken, then he will die, you want it, here is a photo, cut out from
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trophy newspapers, oberst wengler, call sign teacher, hero, they have him, he always hits double, i know this german. a loner, an experienced creature and cunning, he camouflages himself impeccably, he shoots even better, he knows how to think, not like you, karasik, if you thought he noticed you, it means he wanted it to seem so to you, he’s preparing a trap for you, he would kill you all in no time; such a beast requires special training. we'll catch him with dolls, here's a diagram, sew dolls out of bags, as shown in the template, dress up their uniforms, and paint their faces, here's coal, tomorrow
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i’ll tell you what to do with the dolls, yes and yes. tomorrow , the day after tomorrow, no one goes to neutral, he will be waiting for us there, nothing, let him fray his nerves while we get ready, everything is clear to everyone, free, the one you were looking for in the newspapers? he is here, klimenko, the sniper affairs have nothing to do with you, and i’m just on a medical issue, i know your diagnosis, who
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else knows, no one, no one yet, but you must go to the military doctor, tell him everything, and as soon as possible, how... it’s all about my diagnosis, but you don’t have enough wounded, you have nothing to do, or you want to curry favor, i want you to stay alive, and i don’t care that i’m just a fighting unit for you, you don’t care about me, come on.
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yes, everything is ready, then come at my disposal, to the kitchen, in what sense to the kitchen, literally, we will prepare a holiday, after all, what kind of holiday? come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, be patient, be patient, okay, and so, well, well, everything, you see, everything is much better than i expected, as suggested. you're leaving, the frames will soon tighten, so come on, close your palms to your left eye, how many fingers do you see, three, three, three,
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we'll commission you, he'll treat you in the rear, no, i 'll fight, my girl, you can live with one eye, you can't be a sniper, humble, they're looking for you, some tankman, sergeant, nikolai, i forgot his last name. dash, dashulya, go away, go away, go away, leave, leave, leave. hello, come, like you, leave, i came to you, kolya, they hurt
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me, i know, well, you’ve already recovered, yes, kolya, my face is in pieces, and my fingers are whole, whole, whole, well, you’re good, dash, that means you can sign, where, where, where, no where, with whom, with me, dasha, you and i have long wanted, sick? open up, you’ll get married for real, but how can you not get married for real, i love you,
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who knows how to ruin the mood? are you sure? well, of course, he arranged the wedding. what are you talking about? he contacted kolya’s commander, said that i had been wounded, and asked that kolya be given leave for his wedding. volila, if you want to invite anyone else, tell me. okay, it starts at 50, the premiere. when are you getting ready? tell us about your monastery, when you’ve already told your friends about
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us, and you’ve already told your parents about surrogacy, it’s too late they started asking questions, well, why did you gather us all today, well, everyone is very interested, let’s tell us what kind of changes you have, don’t you want to, oh well, then i’ll say, the light in the window is on rtr from monday. mancacher whiskey is a product of the stellar group.
12:22 am
we invite you to the hotel sharmel sheikh. the world's first swiss hotel operating on an all-inclusive system. treat yourself to a holiday where elegance and natural beauty merge in perfect harmony. create memories that will stay in your heart forever. swissotel sharmel sheikh, yours. an ideal location in the heart of the city. cognac monte chococa, a product of the stellar group. discover a real gem on the bodrum coastline. titanic lakshery collection bodroom. exceptional service, incredible culinary delights and an atmosphere of complete relaxation. immerse yourself in a world of exciting adventures and exciting entertainment. welcome to a world of timeless elegance and unsurpassed
12:23 am
comfort. the secrets of paradise are revealed in the titanic collection bodrum. who do you think sings and who doesn’t sing? big musical premiere. i i already realized that everything is confusing. who's lying? who doesn't sing? who? i would already know how nice it is for me to watch you fidget and worry, we think, and you know that they don’t sing from them, think, decide, say, listen, whoever doesn’t sing, catch me if you can, soon on rtf, this is the first time i have such a disposition that
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i don’t know how to describe it, so let’s try to improvise, well, delyagin and smirnova. love each other, we love, of course, of course, we love, good, if you love, then you need to live together, have children, and so on, but first you need to defeat the krauts, so your task is to survive, your task can wait, in general, i wish that everything goes well with you, sign already, well, it turned out crookedly, well, maybe you still have a piece of paper, well, maybe, that’s it - for the rest of my life, since, for everything, i signed normally, that’s it, i declare you husband and wife,
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so quickly that it stands, bitter, bitter, gorka, dashenka, you are my most beautiful, sorry for the delay, congratulations, thank you , i got hold of some records here, oh, oh, let's dance. potyphon is my initiative, i thought that they would play the button accordion for you, and then you can dance on your own, let’s dance, but i said that i’m nothing but trouble,
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trouble doesn’t scare me, let’s dance, you ’re doing well, but look. so come on, don’t worry, i’m not coming to you, i’m closer to the potatoes, i’m not worried, but i remember, war is a serious matter, here... there’s no time for jokes, my name is stepan, okay, very nice, oh, mina , allow me to invite you, oh, it’s okay, i’m sure it can be so,
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in forty-two, i got windler, almost
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got it, you came up with everything correctly. egor i knew that i wouldn’t miss, but the cut came out, the cartridge was defective, wengler wounded me, egor got to me, he killed my brother. i have to take revenge on fenler, and then i’ll give up, i’ll give in to the doctor, i promise, let’s
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drink the girl to him, come on, let’s cheers! why do you keep rolling it on the table? i saw when the cartridge is defective, klimenka, you can immediately see how it clicks on the table, on a smooth surface, you see, on the spout, look, yes, it’s crooked, but i, and i didn’t check it then,
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it happens , kremenka. look, i see, that's it okay, in fact, yes, then lelu managed to send him to the mainland, he is now in serdlovsk. talk about him, they are
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good people, so i told you everything about myself, stepan, now you, too, tell me something, yes, it’s not an expert to say. but you dance wonderfully, you too, it’s a pity that there are rarely weddings here, otherwise i danced sweetly, i’m a wife. "excuse me,
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how come, oh, so it’s an exam, i have to take mozart’s twentieth concerto, i’m inspired, beautiful, in a beautiful dress, approaching the stage i understand that i don't remember anything, oh'. i don’t remember a single note at all, i run to the teacher and tell him what to do, i don’t remember anything, i forgot everything, you know what he says to me , wow, even my soldiers can’t do that, in general, i quickly remembered everything , played, i got such a standing ovation, then i was invited to the philharmonic, so, but then the war began, nothing, really, we’ll play again, definitely, look,
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comrade stage, nothing, nothing, they’ve already wanted it, i’m sorry, i’ll tell you, maybe do you need a rest, honestly? "i myself don’t know what i i want, so decide for yourself, i trust you, comrade lieutenant, you would go, quietly, quietly, let's leave, leave, then we'll talk." if you don't mind, of course, sober head, let's lie down, uh-huh, just
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like that, uh-huh. allow me, comrade captain, and smirno, well , come in, delyagin, no longer mortal, yes, exactly what i wanted, “i say goodbye, we’re leaving, we, well, yes, well, mortal, well, well, good luck to you, thank you, happiness, thank you,
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comrade captain, thank you, thank you for everything, really!” thank you, fellow mortal nook, listen to my command, myrrh, remove the dampness this is to your department, all around, to meet a happy life, step, march, my girls, dear ones, be alive. and after the war we will all meet, be sure, be sure to write to us, okay , be happy, we will be happy, we will be, my dears, come on, come on, come on, oops, sit down, shurka, conservatory, valya, valechka, crucian carp,
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red carp, it says so , here are three points, sappers will crawl there at night, make beds there, put these dolls, while camouflaging these beds with... they will make mistakes on purpose, why? german snipers will figure out these spots and understand that they fake, do you dare? not really, from these three points the entire no-man's land is being shot through, we'll provoke the german to shoot, we'll understand where he is, and then i'll crawl onto one of these beds,
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but he's not watching him, you know that they're fake, that's right. there he won’t target me, we’ll get even, letters to the encore, minichnaya, yesterday i saw you laughing with the scout, yes, yesterday i had too much and i’m very ashamed, really, that is, you remain your own food, personal... tell me, rito, after all you can't love a married man, you can't love a married man, what is it? okay, i’ll say,
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life is very complicated, you know? that's it, that's it, well, there are no ready-made answers, you just need to feel and decide for yourself, that is, the military commissar is a turnaround, a mine, of course, feel and decide, yeah, advice.
12:39 am
the guys know that my whole family died under bombs, and i have no one to send money to, but they have families, i can’t stop them for no reason, here i am, mine, mine, wait, mine, wait, mine, mina , i have to explain, i like you. very much, but i, you see, i’ve already lost all of my people once, if they kill you, i won’t survive.
12:40 am
take the rod in your right hand like that, oops, tell me, wouldn’t it be very arrogant to ask for your phone number, let’s look at the weekend, you’re no match for your boyfriend, so i can open their eyes. “it was you who were driving, she deceived me, and i trusted her with the children, it’s not your fault, i feel it, i’m not what you thought. valyusha, on saturday and sunday on rtr. immerse yourself in the world of luxury and comfort. viksas golf villas and suites sharma: enjoy contemporary design in rooms and luxury villas, ideal for couples and families.
12:41 am
relax in comfort and style at rixos golf. villas and suites sharma. welcome to rixsas premium magavish suds and villas in hurghada, where luxury rooms and villas are available. nestled with a 1 km long golden sandy beach.


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