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tv   Formula yedi  RUSSIA1  May 11, 2024 9:00am-9:26am MSK

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but this time i’m in no hurry, sasha, i love you, and i love you, i will always love you in sorrow and joy, wealth and poverty, in sickness and health, show me our son, aunt rais. here you go, thank you.
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hello, this is from the studio alexander efremov. briefly about the main topics of our issue. our military occupy advantageous positions in different sectors of the front line. results of combat work for the week. the ukrainian armed forces suffered heavy losses - 6,500 militants, two dozen tanks. spoke out for independence from kiev exactly 10 years ago. donbass celebrates anniversary historical referendum. how life has changed in the regions. he was looking for fuses for fascist mines with an aluminum spoon. as a veteran of the great patriotic war, viktor martynenko took part in the battles of moscow and stalingrad, and then reached berlin. a high-level magnetic storm hit the earth. strong solar flares can affect human health and the functioning of electronics.
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cause auroras in the sky. the russian ministry of defense summed up the results of combat work in the special operation zone over the past week. our army liberated the villages of katlerovka and kislovka in kharkov region region and novokalinovo in the dpr. more profitable positions are occupied in other areas. during this time ukrainian. the formation lost another 6,500 soldiers and mercenary officers, 17 tanks were destroyed, including three german leopards and two american abrams, as well as 35 other armored vehicles, 126 self-propelled guns, howitzers and missile systems were destroyed, a downed su-27 fighter and 163 combat drones were destroyed. in addition, air defense systems, arsenals, fuel depots, as well as accumulations of manpower and military equipment of the ukrainian armed forces on railways were hit. loading stations acting
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minister of defense sergei shaigu sent telegrams to the units participating in the special operation. in particular, shaigu noted the 26th feodosia order of alexander nevsky tank regiment for completing tasks in difficult areas. the acting minister of defense also congratulated the command and personnel of the 132nd separate motorized rifle brigade on the liberation of the village of novokalinovo in the donetsk people's republic. the head of the department thanked the military personnel for successful completion of combat missions and loyalty to military duty. a new terrorist attack by the kiev regime: ukrainian militants shelled the peaceful city of rovenki in the lugansk people's republic. three people were killed, eight more were injured, including a teenager; residential buildings, an oil depot, agricultural equipment and civilian vehicles were damaged. according to the head of the lpr , leonid pasechnik, the attack was allegedly
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carried out by american-made atak ms missiles with cluster munitions. the next supply of american weapons to ukraine is a reaction to the successes of the armed forces russia at the front. this was stated by our country's ambassador in washington anatoly antonov. at the same time, as the diplomat noted, us political circles are silent about how neo-nazis use the deadly products they receive from america. washington is hypocritically dumping. assumes responsibility for the ukrainian armed forces' strikes on civilian targets on russian territory, for which kiev uses western-supplied weapons. the biden administration saw no violations in the ukrainian armed forces' strikes on civilian targets. the white house said nato weapons are being used as intended. washington is preparing to hand over another batch to the kiev regime. the new package will include ammunition for the patriot and nasa air defense systems. missiles for man-portable
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anti-aircraft systems stinger, multiple launch rocket systems and ammunition for them, large-caliber artillery shells, missiles for anti-tank systems jevilin, airborne ammunition, bradley infantry fighting vehicles, armored personnel carriers of various types, ammunition for small arms and grenades. today donbass celebrates the tenth anniversary of the referendum on independence. in may 2014, residents opposed the coup on maidan and declared their position. vadim topalov will talk about how people’s decisions influenced the future fate of the region. for the hopeful , may 11 is always a full family at the table, a cake prepared by the loving hands of the mother. 10 years ago, faith was born not only in the happy future of donbass, this is the name of this little girl with adult dreams. i want to become a dance coach. time, they say,
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flew by. may 11, 2014 was a fateful day, not to take part in had no right to vote. here is a modern perinatal center in donetsk, on behalf of the president of russia since november last year, thousands of builders and more than thirty pieces of equipment have been erecting it around the clock. the result exceeded all expectations; in less than a year, an institution was built that provides a whole range of medical services. when fully staffed, it can accommodate about 7.00 births per year. thanks to the modern equipment of the center , it is possible to treat severe cases ; doctors have a unique generator at their disposal oxide. my latest information is that today they have issued such devices to medicine, i think there are eight units, two of them we have. a unique tourist cluster in russia is being created on the coast of the azov sea. at the moment, we and our investors have formed an investment portfolio worth more than 60 billion
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rubles. as part of these investment projects , we plan not only to reconstruct and improve the hotels that we have, but also to create new sports and recreation facilities. centers, centers and children's camps. the development strategy of the priozov region is designed until 2040, it also involves large-scale construction of roads, programs are being implemented that did not exist at all in ukraine. agricultural enterprises, thanks to federal programs, have finally begun to renew their fleet of equipment, and the capital of the region is also coming to life. in the center, builders began work on the reconstruction of the main yelicha avenue. industrial giants are planning to resume work. gorlovsky sterol found an investor. this is an important enterprise for the country. well, because 3% of the world's world global fertilizer production is a serious figure. the main springboard for the development of production is the free economic zone. 42 enterprises have already received the status of a participant in the program, more than 3 billion rubles will be
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allocated for the technical re-equipment of the zuevskaya tes, which will increase the reliability of the entire energy system of the republic. the region has 10 years of struggle behind it, large-scale construction lies ahead.
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four months later i went to war, a scout, a sapper, he blew up important objects, ensuring the retreat of the red army, and eliminated fascist mines when soviet troops needed to clear the way for an offensive. in november '42, sappers cleared the approaches to stalingrad, the line of minefields stretched for many kilometers of the plain, and they searched for fuses in the frozen sandy ground, including with improvised means. in two days, i used up three spoons, why not jelly?
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to berlin and with your own hands clear the path for the red army to victory. before the storming of berlin , sappers worked around the clock, then our hero was hit by a german sniper, a bullet i crushed my hand and lost my arm. about victor's resounding victory. grandson, he is 99 years old, we arrived to see the seedlings were planted, a man with one hand plants
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the seedlings himself, plants tomatoes, then distributes these tomatoes to neighbors, full of energy, friendly, never sits at home, doing something, economical, we are proud of in general, our grandfather and i’m glad that we have him. anna sorokina, valery pyatov, mikhail kirtok and anna nekos, news, krasnodar region. in the history of the great patriotic war, the small chukchi village of uelkal occupies a special place. place, it was. the first landing point for our pilots who delivered various types of aircraft to the soviet union under lend-lease. report by alena ragozina. uelkal - eskimo village on a sand spit at the entrance to the bay of the cross. on the shore of the bering sea there is a memorial to the pilot who died during flights along the alaska-siberia air route. the first airfield on the territory of the ussr, where american landlease planes landed, was located here in uelkala. so you will participate in the excavations. a search party searches for artifacts from the great times in the tundra in the summer. domestic for a museum corner. the school
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bears the honorary title of the first red banner ferry air division and carefully preserves the memory of the heroic pilots and fellow builders of the chukotka section of the alsip highway. a mass grave in the middle of the endless tundra. you can only get there by snowmobile. flight commander of the first ferry aviation regiment. there were conditions in the sky. hellish, the americans said that crazy suicides could fly along this route, and the russians, the proximity of the sea, the hills create turbulence and eddies, it’s difficult predictable dense clouds, in such weather local hunters in the tundra find their way home under a sign that only they understand. it is difficult for us, living in the 20th century, to understand how, in conditions of the polar night, extreme sub-zero temperatures, it was, in principle, possible to transport aircraft along this route; they transported them here in any weather. snow, fog, storm, there, in any case, without
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navigators, hydraulic hoses, landing gear lifts, brake systems froze and often burst, there were not enough american stoves to heat the engines, they used homemade, the engineering and technical staff had no living space left on their hands and faces, everything was frostbitten, that is, these pieces of wood are strip marks, well, here and the boards were steel. and this is a reflective film. the runway was built from wooden slats and steel corrugation or corrugation, as the locals say. fragments of it have survived to this day. from october 1942 to october 1945 , 8,094 aircraft of various types were transported along the alaska-siberia air route through uelkal. it's amazing that this runway received aircraft in the post-war years. where there is a blue sky, the open berengov sea begins, but here, near the shore, of course. everything in torosy in august 1942 , the first ship with
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construction materials for the future military airfield landed here at the village of lkal; in october it was already ready. how to evaluate this feat? the water in the bering sea is +5° even in summer, the shore is not equipped, everything, barrels, boards, metal, everything was unloaded directly into the water, and local residents dragged it with their hands to the shore and beyond. into the tundra, but there was a catastrophic shortage of building materials. and the children walked along the shore, collecting logs and floats like this, so that the construction would not stop, oh, not for a minute, the skill of our pilots is incredible, under such difficult conditions of ferrying, the losses turned out to be relatively small, during the three war years , alsibo happened in the soviet sector 39 disasters, 114 pilots died, some were buried in yakutsk, others in igve-kinot, the crew of senior lieutenant evgeniy.
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what we can now enjoy this spring and life. during the long chukotka winter, the military cemetery is almost completely covered up; every year , on victory day, children and their parents clear the path, two dozen names, some were never found. a magnetic storm of the highest level hit the earth, the last time there was such an extreme manifestation of solar activity. was recorded 20 years ago. magnetic storms can lead to malfunctions of satellite navigation systems and some types of radio communications. they affect electronics, affect migration routes animals and birds, but the peak of solar activity is, in a certain sense, good news for lovers of bright photographs and videos. the stronger the sun flares, the brighter
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the auroras in the aurora sky. even muscovites will be able to admire them. now there is a short advertisement, and then we will talk about the events of the capital region, do not switch.
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i've been waiting for you forever, i was in such a hurry. with you, it has finally come, spring, warm, sunny, bright, the russian exhibition has blossomed with all the colors of spring, you have been waiting for spring, now spring is waiting for you, at the russia exhibition. we're on the air, we're continuing the show. the long-awaited warming will arrive in the capital region only by the end of next week. this is the forecast given by weather forecasters. in the meantime, abnormally cold weather remains in the capital and region with temperatures significantly below the may norm. this afternoon the thermometer can
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reach +10. it will be rainy and windy this coming night. frosts are again possible in moscow, even in the first half of next week and on monday, tuesday, wednesday, night temperatures are around zero marks from -1 to +3° in moscow and the moscow region, and daytime temperatures are about ten, only on wednesday the thermometer will cross the ten-degree mark in the range from 10 to 13°. however, despite the vagaries of the weather , grain sowing is already underway in the moscow region. the decline of other crops will occur after the night temperature stops falling below +5. according to experts, this year the sown area in the moscow region will increase by 30,000 hectares. artyom kuznetsov found out what the harvest prospects are like. clouds that hung over the fields in the moscow region and no rain interfere with sowing. seeds and barley are poured into a special compartment of the machine and
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work begins. the may frost is not dangerous for grains. 600 hectares, that’s how many fields have already been sown under kolomna. world crops, the same amount since autumn and winter with wheat. 60 centners per hectare, this is for the moscow region, well , if we take soviet times, the average yield was 20 centners. 60 centners for such a risky farming zone as the moscow region, this is considered a very good result. and these numbers are far from the limit, this year in the region agronomists plan to harvest 650 tons of grains, 85 tons of oilseeds, 280 tons of vegetables. cabbage will appear on store shelves soon, but is still warming up in greenhouse complexes. this small greenhouse now houses 325,000 seedlings. cabbage will be planted in the fields very soon; there are about 8 hectares of seedlings here. the first harvest will be harvested in july because it is an early variety. if we talk about volumes, then this is approximately 300 tons of cabbage. 12 varieties from early to late.
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experts began sowing seeds at the end martha. it takes 2 days for the sprouts to sprout, after which the cassettes are sent. we carry out certain actions to ensure that all conditions are met. potatoes this fall plans to harvest 370.00 tons. in general, this year the sown area in the moscow region increased by 30,000 hectares.
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over 4.0 people are already working in the fields; these are agronomists, machine operators and engineers. artyom kuznetsov, ilya kuzminy, anastasia roev. news. several hospitals near moscow immediately received mobile x-ray machines of domestic production, allowing surgeons see the inside. organs on which operations are performed, the intervention is minimally invasive, after which the patient’s recovery occurs much faster. this year, dozens of hospitals will be equipped with such equipment. alexander sandzhiev saw how it works. alexander nikolaevich was admitted to the hospital a few days ago with a severe attack of pain, despite his advanced age, 72 years old, he is recovering quickly after the operation. they discovered a cyst, a kidney stone, and made a puncture. deleted, that's it, now i i feel fine, temperature is normal. the operation was performed under the control of a mobile x-ray unit. the c-arm design allows clinicians to work from
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any angle. this is a high-tech operation, it was performed under a shim. siduga in urology is the main tool; it serves as guidance for us. we visualize the stone, directly visualize the surgical site. the scope of application of such devices is very diverse, from cardiology to traumatology. in real time on...
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the software is also domestic. other types, everything is made in russia, according to procedure, in addition, 85 of the latest devices . the device is highly accurate, significantly increases diagnostic abilities for identifying damage and diseases of the human body. new equipment has arrived at mytishchi, naginsk, pavloposad, elektrostal, royal, pushkin and dolgoprudny hospitals; equipping clinics with modern technology allows us to provide medical care to patients at a higher level. century, at various times owned by the soltykovs,
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dolgorukov, yusupov, the cultural heritage site on vorobyovy gory, which now houses the laboratories of the academic institute, has been in disrepair for many years , now money for restoration work has been found, but it is impossible to begin, as alexander karpov found out. this majestic empire palace has been hidden from the public eye for 80 years, ever since it housed the laboratories forging the ussr nuclear shield. the last estate on the top of the sparrow hills survived thanks to the regime of the guards secrecy, but today, alas, on the verge of destruction. we are observing signs of emergency, this wall is supported, we must monitor it carefully, keep an eye on it, it could simply collapse, which is completely calm at any moment. the palace is absolutely like a monument. is unique in that, like a taste of amber , three centuries, three eras and three famous families are frozen in it: field marshal dolgorukov, prince yusupov and count matvey dmitriev
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mamonov, the same one who became the prototype of the literary dubrovsky. in the 17th century, chinese turrets over the building from the time of vasily dolgorukov, the conqueror of crimea. here , in memory of the victory, toy turkish cities stood and toy turks floated. ships 19th century greenhouses and columns were added to the palace according to the design of gillard and bava already under nikolai yusupov, and after his death the hero of 1812, count mamonov, who was losing his mind, was settled on the estate under the supervision of the police. and this is already 1924, stills from the film paper girl from mosselprom, at the former mamon’s dacha, the museum of the peoples of the ussr. and, finally, in 1943, the palace was transferred to the academician’s institute of chemical physics. semenov, founder of the theory of chain reactions and nobel laureate. in fact, since that same year there have been no major renovations to the closed area. in 2013 there was
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a fire.


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