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tv   Valyusha  RUSSIA1  May 11, 2024 12:40pm-5:00pm MSK

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you're drunk, you're no weaker than others, nothing really hurts, well, it hurts if you walk for 14 hours, of course, then you hurt, but you function normally, you're not even very out of breath, unless you walk quickly, that is, everything is fine , my oxygen saturation was better than others, everything is fine, but now i understand how a smartphone feels when it’s... charged, when it says 80% is one thing, when it’s 8, it also works, that’s it great, the screen works, all applications work, it works, but it has 8%. i don't i know if the phone can feel it, but a person in the mountains feels it very much, because you understand that your reserve is leaving, which, by the way, is then restored many, many, many, many days, and than the climbers i was talking about, yes and...
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abramov, this is khalilov and so on, they are already in the mountains again, they are recovering very quickly, with us it’s different, but the question is, why are you going to the mountains, you, i can just show you the beginning, because in the beginning everything it's going incredibly beautifully, i never in my life imagined that the himalayas in april could be only flowers, births... dorns, something like that they are called, i called them rededorm, as the name used to be, but look, these are all flowers, and you just walk in the smell of such beauty, if we look further , it looks like this, these are truly amazing places that are simply amazingly beautiful, but this is the beginning, this is 3,500 m, you are still full of strength. and here, in
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principle, yes, it’s beautiful, by the way, my favorite photo, i advise you to retake it as a screensaver someday, look, but more than one person has already written to me, this is where a scarlet flower is growing, there’s a monster living there somewhere, you see, you see this with your own eyes, you can buy it for money, you can experience it somewhere else without putting in any work, it’s impossible. but this is amazing, well, these are such earthly concepts, then higher and higher, you understand that the world is becoming different, you understand, there are no our usual concepts here, there are no resentments, there is no... envy, here there is only this, how
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they say correctly, a friend’s shoulder, so i ’ll show you erokhin, look what can happen here maybe it’s something earthly, you see, a man, he’s a different person, he’s been to all the peaks of the world, he can’t be at the bottom, but how is he poisoned? and all of us who go to the mountains, we are poisoned, it is very difficult to return to the world, they nod at you, pretend to understand, but you know, i still can’t explain what i saw, what i felt to them, i can’t i’m trying to explain this to you, i ’m trying, i can’t, why, like this you go step by step, look, you’re not thinking about anything, your whole problem is to take
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one more step, one more step, and then another step, and then another step, and they ask you why, but really why, you know, we will all die someday, when we die, our souls will move somewhere, it won’t be so that we just fall asleep, darkness we ’re gone, now we’re gone, and we’ll all go through some kind of rebirth and things, it seems to me that... when, god forbid , my death comes later, i’ll recognize many of these places, because it’s really like a different form world, when you look, this is what is happening below, but we are some crazy ants aimlessly pushing around in the area, aimlessly killing themselves with food, vodka, cigarettes, cars, nerves, something else?
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this is unnecessary, when you realize there that this is a different world, and a sincere world, a real one, you are drawn there, further, as in the song. yes, there are streams of cars in the bustle of the cities, we are returning, we simply have nowhere to go, this lake has killed a lot of people, there is a village below, it now has several houses, when there was an earthquake, a few years ago, it broke through and flooded, well, there it was like , there were 300-odd people there, so they were flooded, now there is such an innocent blue lake, but so to speak, we see the remains of a building below, you understand, this is at an altitude of 4,500 m, there are quite harsh places there, but there is simply no chance there, you know what, i’m not calling you to the mountains, to the mountains not for everyone, they don’t accept everyone, not everyone is able
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to experience it, because it’s really very, very hard physical work, and most importantly , it’s a very difficult recovery, because once again the mountain doesn’t hurt you, it doesn’t stretch your muscles, it doesn’t break you . her legs don't tear a tendon, she they just drink you, as far as you can recover, that’s your problem, but to leave the house, not to sit on your butt straight, i really, really advise you, maybe then you ’ll see something like what i saw there, because everyone has their own measure, and faith and... is given to everyone according to their faith, oktor myasnyakov was with you, goodbye,
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if you want twice as much harvest, the best solution for you will be a mini-greenhouse, a granary, it will protect the plants from frost retains heat, accelerates growth, fruit ripening , extends the garden season, there are... windows for zippers will provide quick access for watering care. we offer a choice of two sizes of mini-greenhouses 120x60x60 cm and 120x90x90 cm. you can use it on the terrace for growing seedlings or exotic ornamental plants. thanks to its compact size, the mini-greenhouse-breadbasket will be successfully located even in the most inaccessible places on your site or premises. the durable frame of the mini-greenhouse made of metal pipes is resistant to corrosion and protects plants from strong gusts of wind. thanks to the covering material made of pvc film plants receive reliable protection from insect pests. choose your mini-greenhouse size and get a quality harvest. call to order the zhitnitsa mini greenhouse at an amazing price of only 29-95. they say
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that perfect shoes do not exist, but we boldly say the opposite. we present to you palermo genuine leather sandals that perfectly combine style, comfort and care for your feet. this lightweight and elegant model is perfect for active and long walks in the warm season. palermo sandals are created according to modern technology made from genuine leather to ensure a perfect fit and maximum comfort with every step. elegant sandals go with any style of clothing and are suitable for women of any age. reliable and comfortable velcro fasteners provide an ideal fit for any width and fullness of the foot. the high polyurethane sole creates the correct roll of the foot, which... provides a soft heel landing and reduces the impact load on the joints when walking. call soon for stylish and incredibly comfortable sandals palermo will be yours for just 24.95. palermo sandals are your step to beauty and comfort.
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well, alyusha, let's go with our city guys.
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vanya, get up, my dear, whoever gets up early, i don’t need anything, i want to sleep, okay, i’ll go, otherwise my pancakes are getting cold there, pancakes, and strawberry jam, well, of course strawberry, you’ll still sleep, and will you sprinkle powdered sugar, honestly, honestly, honestly? honestly, you’re my best, you ’re my best, good morning, let’s
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wash up, mom left, well, if you hurry up, you’ll still have time to have breakfast with her, good morning, well, like a little child, well, you said, it’s eight like a bayonet, i’ve already been standing here for half an hour, you’re not there, bayonet, you’re great, no, where are you going, did i go out of my way in vain? senya, well done, good boy, an example to all the guys, here’s valyusha, don’t put pressure on me, nastya, well done, strawberry jam, lev borisovich, good morning, yes, valyusha, should i knock on the door, huh? here you are again expressing yourself, we accept, we don’t detain you,
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don’t look at me with such expression, valentin vasilyevich, lev borisovich, valya, lev, mouth, great, have a nice day, and you too, nikolai, where are you? i'm here. valyusha, i'm sorry, i didn't mean to, i'm random. why did you oversleep today, and is your uzbek soul? i don't understand what you're saying, woman. and from what soul? well, you cunning israel, he remembers how to ask for an increase in salary, but suddenly he forgot how to do it. i don’t understand what you’re saying, woman, you ’re cunning yourself, okay, that’s enough, get ready to work, you’re a motor... i looked there yesterday , something rattled, it’s not the case anymore, tarakh tamar, why is the cuff on elenora
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evgenie ’s blouse stroked it so badly? so she didn’t say anything, so she didn’t notice? she didn't notice because i did your work for you finished it. valya, are you ready tomorrow? well, consider that the meeting is over for today. bon appetit, i hope it flies, it’s delicious, of course it’s delicious, the food is all fresh. as they say, kazas cook, lev boris, thank you for not liking it, i’m three, no, five, and where is nastya, you ground it, i won’t, otherwise i can’t fit into my jeans anymore, maybe you can make an egg, and i’ll have porridge, i dreamed everything, okay, good, good morning, good morning, good morning. i don’t know what i did wrong,
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maybe i added soda, in general i did everything as usual. ay, vanka is gobbling it up, only the fur coat is wrapped. never mind, this is the day. which? well, you're an aries, an aries. today is aries. aries. settle everything. sensitive questions, how is this? well , you have problems today, val, problems, don’t worry so much, you’re good, i sharpened a couple of pieces today, it’s just such a day, settle it, i had this dream, oh, nick good, it’s all not good, and eleanor has never asked for boiled eggs since her childhood, but for lev borisovich to ask for porridge, congratulations,
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congratulations, hurray, it seems we scared her, valyush, my dears, valyusha, congratulations , thank you, listen, 10 years, and one to one, like dumplings, this is for you, my beloved, but it’s not a pity for you, let me play, will you? hey, hey, laika, 10, 10 years, term, thank god, not a strict regime, no, no, not strict, but very family-like, thank you for taking me once, entrusting me with yourself.
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what will you spend the money on? i’ll be saving for a vacation, uh-huh, uh-huh, hello, not a transfer, how much? 60, there is an account number with a message for arina. uh-huh, good. valya. leonura
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evenevna, why are you here, i decided to contribute open, i’m saving up for a vacation, i could fly to the maldives, you’re not spending anything on yourself, maybe you’re losing little by little, but where am i, okay, i won’t bother you, so here you go, hello, hello, i have 20 minutes, let’s do it without prelude, of course, of course, i understand everything, i’ll make it in time. what happened, sergei vladimirovich? elenora evgenievna, you are our client, dear, i would like not over the phone, but in person, so to speak, what’s the matter, please, well, this is some kind of mistake, it says here, refuse, no mistake, i mean,
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you haven't mixed up anything, since when do you mess with such clients? “i see that your level of competence is clearly not up to par, i will talk to the manager, this is unlikely, eleonora evgenievna, your debt has exceeded the limits, so to speak, of our loyalty, you understand, nothing personal, just everyone has their own risks, it’s a pity, apparently we’ll have to part, hello, hello, girls, hello, hello, hello, everything’s fresh.” okay, okay, zinochka, hi, oh, hi, hi, try it, today's fresh, and how do i like it? i always know, i know, everything is fresh, everything comes from a goat, it’s just not necessary, thank you, hello girls, hello, honey, not berries, try it, beauty, try it. kolya, what
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happened? wait, kolya, what is it? what 's happened? what? nothing, nothing, shut your mouth, i told him, shut up. not arina's child. scare, shut her up, otherwise i will calm you both down, you should rest, you know, go fishing, it always calms you down, little white, well, my dear lev borich,
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work? for the benefit of high art, today it will be a still life. hello hello! tell me, what are you fishing for? well, the local crucian carp
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goes well for pearl barley, for hercules, of course, for potatoes, well, better for pearl barley, but what did you come with? i'm with bread, well, i read that you can use pulp. i read, i read, well, look, for the first time, well, almost, well, good luck, it’s good for beginners, like, thank you, excuse me, but can i stand here, try it.
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stand still, stand, stand, stand, yes, what is it, stand, stand, come here, yes, stand, excuse me, how inconvenient, inconvenient it is to sleep on the ceiling at night, to sleep on blankets. let's i myself, stand still, and you’re stuck like that, you’re sure you won’t break away,
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what’s your name, they decided to get acquainted, but lyuli despised him, yes, yes no, not in lyuli, no, just after what happened between us, and you’re asking me to marry, yes, no, what are you talking about, i’m just embarrassed, don’t be offended, i’m not offended at all, you know, i’m offended by everyone. there's not enough insults, valentina, it's very nice, arkady, you just saved me, valentina, yes, i can do that, wow, oops, crucian carp in the basin, how clever you are, i wish you could teach it like that, no, well, in general i can teach you, will it be useful to you? and i’ll try, well, look, take the rod with your right hand, yeah, here
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you let go of the line a little, open, uh-huh, just like that, hop, close and reel in, well , throw it, damn, well, i did everything right. well, are you going to tell me this with a crucian carp?
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nikita, what the hell, where are you, where have you been, what’s wrong with your mood, elechka, who dared, who’s ass to kick, if i don’t find the money, then... well, when’s the next time we go fishing? well, this is how it will turn out, i understand the busy schedule,
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me at my own place. only recently time appeared, and you are not from here, yes, i haven’t seen you before, my mother lives not far from here, and as soon as i was free, i immediately came, i promised her a long time ago, i was free, well, yes, i came from somewhere not so remote, and you know that don’t be upset, life doesn’t end there, but i try, fishing is a business, for me, of course, a fisherman is worthless, but still the air, nature. calms me down, well, that’s for sure, listen, valya, and you will help me with fishing, well, teach me, you won’t think, nothing like that, just with you somehow, you know, calm, pleasant, hurry up, yes, i promised to take a walk with my mother, but some time flew by, i didn’t even notice, i’m here, but... well, shall we say goodbye,
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vai? okay, okay, we don’t say goodbye, we don’t say goodbye, it’s not like unloading the wagons, yes, but you’re rude, okay, even though they didn’t call me paint, so, yeah, it’s yours, uh-huh, it’s yours, yes, oh, thank you, tell me, wouldn't it be very arrogant to ask for your phone number, huh? we'll call you someday, someday we'll have some free time, oh, i didn't think about it at all, you're probably married, no, it was, but it's gone, no risks, reinforced concrete option, i checked everything, the company is reputable, the people have been verified, the recommendation of such people is that it was achieved
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with great difficulty. i can’t do this, and if suddenly, nikita, this is a risk, you know, when it comes to you, i can dig the ground, if necessary, i assure you there are no risks for you, for us, what i will say, and you don’t need to say anything , why does the girl boris four-face, he won’t even know when he was last interested in business, and in six months you’ll return the house, i’ll pay off the debts. and most importantly, the contract it will be yours, and then, when i think about it, my head is spinning,
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muse, muse. where are you my muse? is turned off or is not up to me, my muse, on me, excuse me, can i at least accompany you, are you in this state?
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maybe it’s not necessary, it’s necessary, mom, well, let’s go, let’s go, love will come exactly according to plan, limited liability company, angels, no, cupids, premiere, today on rtr. cnop gin is a product of stellor group. you sleeplessly toss and turn all night with your old pillows, and wake up completely broken tense. it's over now. introducing the drimalina cvon pillow. a comfortable lounging pillow that hugs your entire body to optimally align it so you experience the best sleep of your life. the unique shape of the pillow offers
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seven comfort zones. that support your back, shoulders, head and neck, arms, hips, knees, ankles and feet. you remain in the most comfortable sleeping position without tossing and turning. unlike regular pillows. drimalina sleep keeps the spine in an ideal position and the neck in an optimal position height. your shoulders and arms will be relaxed. in addition, the dremalina pillow with one pillow prevents your knees from touching each other, which provides soothing relief to your lower back, legs and feet. the dremaliina swan pillow is made of breathable hypoallergenic lyocell fabric, it perfectly adapts to any body shape and size, supporting your posture in all sleeping positions. provides good ventilation throughout the night, you will sleep better than ever, and most importantly, the dremalina swan pillow is ideal for side, back and stomach sleepers. the dremalina cvon pillow
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provides optimal sleep for everyone. this is what makes her so unique. experience the best and most comfortable sleep of your life. call to order a unique drimalina swan pillow for you. best sleep for an incredible 5995, but wait, if you call right now, we will reduce the price especially for you, the dreamalina sleep pillow will be yours for an incredible 39.95, and you will immediately save 20 euros, but hurry up, the offer is strictly limited and valid for a short period of time. steersman bourbon is a product of stellor group. would you like to stay informed? watching the week's show, a program for advanced people, the week's show with dmitry kiselyov, on sunday on rtr, nastya, what are you reading, romeo juliet, now, nastya, but you
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believe in love, no longer. and romeo, then what? and romeo has hormones, puberty. juliet turned up by chance. well, there’s romanticism, knights and all that. literature. wow? yes, i'm not going to fall in love at all. fuck it, suffer, don’t sleep. i have a goal. i want the stage, the footlights, the audience, i want them, they give me. without love there is no life, but a schedule. well, well, let's see, when you're head over heels in love, you have to keep an eye on me, i scared you, stronger,
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stronger, come on, what are you doing at the machine today? if you had a day off today, you could go to the cinema, but why are you shining like a mouse on a rump? sulked, who sulked? the mouse is pouting on the cereal, but it sows like a samovat, tell me what you have there? oh, tomka, i met a man, that’s it, a man and that’s it, i’m also a man, and you why am i not so happy in the morning? a man, that means she was fishing and caught a man. even if you’re young, what’s the use of being old, you just get used to everything, cook kutya, oh, tumka, what ’s wrong? the guy is dead now, he’s not even close to retirement, good night, he’s old, that means no, not old, he just has a
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very difficult fate, he was in prison or something, but even if he was in prison, a man can do something stupid once in his life, with his sum from don't swear off prison, are you the devil? vanya, valka, you’re a fool, who allowed one, vanya, i’m alone, not my mother, with you can’t cook porridge with these two nannies, he let him go, and what are you, he let him go, so he decided to swim, so you’re afraid of water, so what are you? this is me before, now, okay, van, come on later, well, then you’ll jump, really, in general, you know, there’s no shame in being afraid, being afraid of cowards, look, if there’s no fear, then you don’t
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need strength, well, what kind of courage is there without fear, and do you ever get scared of me, otherwise, of course, okay, fine. well done, well done, i just remember myself for 6 years. you were seven, why did you leave him alone, well, the water is dangerous, he’s small, i’m not small, not small, not small, he said, look, don’t take your eyes off him, i understand, otherwise you won’t get dumplings, and i’ll go throw out the trash, what, vadol? “hello,
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hello, and you, how are you, how did you find me? - the task is not difficult, the main thing is to want, and i so wanted to see valyusha, well, i just can’t tell you, i really had to spend resources, because look at that last name. but no, dear little man to me, it’s like a channel into water, yes, what do you want from me, i thought, you’ll change your last name, everything, a clean slate, a brand new life, no one will say anything about you finds out, yes, i can’t talk to you, i have to work, and that’s true, time is money, you’ll pay me for silence, every month, for starters, 100 grand, where did i get that kind of money, right? this is not my problem, it’s yours, beautiful house, good job, daughter
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is growing up, studying, that’s all, you need money, print out your money, that you have two stashes of currency, well, i know you, we are careful people, but specific, you love your daughter, love her, take care of her. i've never seen a woman with
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a fishing rod like that, how do you know women, and yes there were women for you, yes tatyana, yours doesn’t count, mom, please, let’s not talk about this, but we’re not talking about that, we are your sons, well , forgive me, what’s her name, valentina, a simple name, and she’s simple herself , well, in a good way, open, sincere, decent. yeah, sincerity is good, but i’ve met sincere scoundrels, decency will be more reliable, son, isn’t it, mom, well, i’ve had enough of the past, let me cut you, i’ll give you a twist, a kick, such a beautiful evening, that’s enough for you too, leva, that’s enough for a long time,
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no, of course, it’s just so vulgar, that’s it everything is fine, yes, but why are you so sour? it's okay, baby, don't call me baby, yeah, okay, i signed up for acting classes, mm, great, finally, there will be another creative person in our family, but in my opinion, stas, that's enough art, i don't want to, for you to just waste time and money, that’s the point, don’t worry, i’ll earn money myself. i see that you are not a grandpa, go ahead, excuse me, i’ll go
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about my vulgar money affairs, i won’t tear you away from the high, we quarreled, nothing, nothing, nothing, between husband and wife, sometimes it happens, i will never get married. and elianura evgenievna has already left, vanya is just calling her, and you took the medicine, it seems to me that it’s not worth it with alcohol. it’s too late, lev barich, don’t be so upset, paint your most beautiful picture, that’s for you, valush, that’s the most beautiful, for me, uh-huh, i don’t know, the sea, forest,
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animals can be added. you’re laughing, i understand perfectly well that i don’t understand art, well, well, then there’s fruit in a vase - it’s like there’s some kind of word, like this, but in general, you know, it’s better to teach vanya to draw, really, yes, they’re children, i don’t know how to explain them, they bring joy, you see, and somehow you’ll hide in you, well, i’ll go there, yeah, vanyusha is alone, little animals , i couldn’t talk on the phone, i miss you so much, you won’t come out, i’ll stand at the gate until the morning, you’re crazy,
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it’s been a long time, quietly, quietly, come here, maybe you’ll let me in, i’m on business after all, there’s nothing to do in the house are being done, sorry? okay, at least i’ll see what you decided, we’ll draw up a deposit, and my husband, he’s stuffed himself with pears, without me there wouldn’t be anything here, no home, nothing at all, hello, hello? you’re not sleeping, no, bye, everything is fine with you, okay, something happened, no, nothing happened, i just decided to hear your voice, and why are you so sad, uh-huh, no, no, not sad, not sad , everything is fine, even excellent, it’s time for me to go to bed, forgive me, but
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i understand, good night. drunk again, you promised, it’s none of your business, none of my business, what are you doing, what are you doing, are you stunned or something, what are you doing? what are you doing here? valera, call an ambulance, valera,
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i can’t go to jail, i have a sentence they will give me everything, please, don’t give up. “i ’ll die there, and i’ll give you a probationary year at most, i beg you, valyusha, what about arisha without a father? so, you were the one driving?
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israel, valyusha, forgive me, valyusha, i’ll be working now, i’m sorry i woke you up, hey, it’s a pity, i had such a dream, and i was at home, and there was a peach blossom, my wife was there too, forgive me, i’ll be working now, tell me, can you give me money, doc, but the money, uh, what kind of money, why money, i really need it . i’ll give you 15 thousand later, 15 thousand, of course you’ll give it back, i believe you, i’ll go to work, but the money, no money, went home yesterday. sent, you forgave, alyosha, there is a wife, a house, yes, the peach is blooming, but here the leaves
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need to be removed, you have been hoping for so many years that everyone will get together again, it looks like it will happen today, you are glad, well, of course you are glad, premiere, ok, it’s like, yes, of course, i’ve forgotten how to give compliments, hello, what ’s all that noise you’ve got there, nothing unites a large family like a big secret, what the police say, a classic accident, dmitry miller, from the outside it’s always everything seems obvious, this is white and this is black, i prefer to call a spade a spade, maria kulikova, do you understand that this is a decision? will change your whole life, alena yakovleva, elena tsyplakova, it’s not our fault,
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what to do now, keep quiet, light in the window, from monday on rtr, they say you need to prepare for rest, you need to be able to rest, rest. you need to be beautiful, but you need to relax, where there is sun and sea, on the first coastline, where everything is included, except for the head, we know everything about vacation, relax, anex, vodka veda, a product of the stellar group, allow yourself. first-class holiday slio reorts, elegant details,
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a celebration of refined tastes, variety entertainment, golden beach and azure waves. lio reorts, we are here for you. rom castro is a product. stellar group kalinon belek is a place where time stands still. immerse yourself in sophistication and luxury, forgetting about time, on the shores of the mediterranean sea. discover true excellence by making your dreams come true. hotel calinan bellec, where life turns into a fairy tale. immerse yourself in a world of luxury and comfort at rixsas golf villas and suites sharmai.
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a stunning world class golf resort surrounded by lush green fields and endless horizons. enjoy contemporary design in rooms and luxury villas, ideal for couples and families. relax in comfort and style at rixos golf villas and suits sharma. “my daughter sasha has a unique voice, but it was lost as a result of an accident, only you can return it, goodbye, you are stubborn, like my beloved cow zoya, she first threw me into the flood waters, and now we are best friends , don’t sit around in bed when the teachers are waiting for her, it’s still 6 in the morning, there’s no need to stand around, i won’t tolerate cleanliness, the music sounds louder, maybe we’ll run away, well, why do you need such a life, that i’m happy, farmer,
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i’m going to die today. valya, why don’t you have children, like you don’t, and you, nastya, autumn. beautiful girl, who is she, i scared you, you can’t
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sneak up on people like that, you didn’t answer who it is, it’s mine. niece, arina lives in nizhny novgorod, oh, far away, and you never said that you have a niece, listen, but she might like me, but girls will tear out your hair for you in a fight, no, i’m afraid of those, here’s your arina , i could please you just as much must be from a family like yours. intelligent, wealthy, and rina, that she is a simple girl, not rich, what nonsense, yes it is nonsense now, but then you get used to it, you begin to notice that she eats wrong, says the wrong thing, dreams about the wrong thing, no, you need an equal , otherwise there won’t be happiness, but he actually needs to study, but he ’s moved out of his romance, listen, you’re only 15, you
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’re already a bitch, i’ll show you now, bitch, well, show me. not fate, oh, hello, hello, hello, valya, yes, come to the rod in half an hour, please.
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arkady, hello, hello, darling, yes, yes, thank you for coming, well , let's catch something, something happened today, something happened, let's catch it, oh, right. yeah, so wait, where is the hook, i don’t know, i didn’t take it, but no, there should be a hook here, well , it must be, well, apparently it got caught somewhere , it came off somewhere, well, there’s no way without a hook, yes, exactly, let’s then let's just sit, let's. please,
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let's look at the lake, listen to the frogs, how do you feel about frogs, this is me, me and how i feel is good, in general, frogs, they beautiful, excuse me, i said something stupid, you know, i’m boring, and that’s all i ’m saying, some stupid ass, beautiful, you’ll forgive me, i laughed, i’m just so happy, who told you that you are boring, and that you are the opposite, and if you also say that you are not afraid of mice, then they are generally afraid, and you are afraid of husbands, so small, so pretty, and their eyes, what eyes they have, like black beads that we
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fish for everything. it’s better to tell us about yourself, how long will you stay here? you know i haven't yet i decided, well, i’m relaxing, it’s nice here , it’s nice here, forest, fresh air, nature, by the way, the air is shown to you, there, in these places of yours that are not so remote, you won’t get tired of walking strictly according to a schedule, that’s for sure, i’m generally with her habit, it seemed that there were not 24 hours in a day, all 30, but i firmly told myself, i’ll finish my book, i’ll rest as i should, a book, what a book, on mathematics, but what about these places that are not so remote, but no, this is what my friends and i jokingly called it, i just worked in the same organization for 3 years
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closed, here i am unfortunately. it happened that it’s just you and me, i probably said everything about mathematics in vain, yes, forget it, let’s better tell me something about mice, excuse me, i really have to go, excuse me, wait, i’ll take you, disappointed you, yes, of course, you think mathematics is a piece of cake, excuse me, i really am a complete burden to you, well, no, it’s not a burden, just please, don’t say anything, tell me about yourself better than you you are probably studying, listening in some large company, and you my own business, i’m putting my own business, listen, and your book, who is it for,
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the book, oh, for mathematicians, traders, financial market analysts, my company deals with markets, financial ones, excuse me, i have to go, yes... wait, maybe we can take a walk , it just cleared up, well, what’s your valya, how does she look at you at second glance, even better, mom, i don’t see any joy, mathematician, not an attractive person, mom, i told her about the book, i couldn’t resist when... i see, but you aren't you going to retreat? valya is a rare woman, her simplicity is apparent, in fact she is very deep, sensitive, she has
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a big beautiful house, oh, yes, i want to say, mom, that modesty and even shyness for a successful woman is very rare. i've had enough of your synthetics, arkash, ma, bon appetit, thank you, invite her to dinner, just not a word about math, and i'll cook, how i love you, mom! i love you too, in case of non-payment, the borrower’s property becomes the property of the bank on time, after which the bank has the right to dispose
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of it at its own discretion, that’s right, now all that remains is to sign the contract, there is no risk, trust me. you know, my hands are just shaking, you did everything right, in six months you will return everything, resume your charitable activities, sponsors will line up for you, who else if not you, and you will turn around in full force, you deserve it, yes i i know i need to relax now, i deserve it, but i have a couple of hours, i couldn’t even dream of this. delicious woman,
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would you like us to have a glass, don’t joke, no jokes, today is such a good day, evening, um, valechka, bring us some wine, please, and some cognac, maybe some cognac, of course, levushka. health, i'm on my way now, i'm great again, can you do it already? relax, bye, call your mistress, wait, i’ll pay, well, of course, i’ll pay, where can you go, now call your mistress, it’s interesting to know what she will say when she finds out who
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she let into the house, who to her children damn, how do you like it when your soul goes away, and now call the mistress, and... well, evgenevna sent you straight for death, they ask you, who, i don’t know, he didn’t introduce himself, he said very urgently and... doesn’t leave, he’s waiting for you, okay, i’ll come now, oh, excuse me, please, i ’ll clean everything up now, now, excuse me, for god’s sake, now i’ll, you you are blackmailing me, you think that a story about betrayal can ruin my life, and i please pay him 2.0 rubles. for the service that saved me from... the need
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to tell my husband everything myself, the story about keeping the secret at home will appeal to your family, and to your business partner, they know that money is tight for you, so it’s hotter, long time ago, i’m such a beauty, i wouldn’t really count on my boy for two months, nikitoshka, but we’re sure that he needs you, and not your barefoot shoes. don’t divide the fees, don’t look for me, i’ll find you myself, freely, leave us alone, and i ask you, if you want me to get on my knees, get up.
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you’re doing well, well done, let me go, i shouldn’t have felt sorry for you then, in vain, you, valyusha, don’t be arrogant. if you bother me, i ’ll tell everyone about your biography, i’m not like leonor, and no one will let you into their house 300 miles away, clearly, you’re still no match for me to his fool, and you yourself know, well, he doesn’t know anything about you, yes, so i can open their eyes, huh?
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can you, i can’t solve a problem in physics, i don’t have time, why aren’t you doing a damn thing? and fuck off, let's do it, you tell me, i tell you, i mean, you, you, what are you doing, attention, what the hell, uh, decide. you fly to me, not today, 2
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months is not today, delicacy is not your thing, leva, my head hurts, let me go get a pill, no need, i can handle it myself. oh, okay, the working day is long over, i have work 24.7, what should i do, otherwise i won’t
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will you get ahead? valentina vasilyevna krasin, do you confirm that you were driving? have you
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heard the question? i can’t hear you well, i was driving and hit a man.
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listen, can't you buy yourself some cookies? well, it’s not disgusting to carry someone else’s food like this, someone else’s food will taste better, but what, you’re not yours
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, you’re such a bad thing, your dick is blown away, or what? didn’t live up to expectations, i told you, what for the old man, yes, i said, i said, but i didn’t listen to you, i don’t need anyone, i don’t have time to hang around with men, come on, listen, i’ll see you again you carry i’m on my way, i’ll fine you, i understand, i wish you a man, but let’s fight you, so that you’ll be kinder, go to the holiday party, tom... hello, kohl, hello, it’s me, listen, you can lend me 15,000, and i bought a new tv, congratulations,
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okay, bye, elionura evgenievna, i need to leave, remember, we agreed a week ago, i... i’ll leave in the afternoon, and i’ll be back in the evening, but what’s wrong? sorry, i don’t remember, so many things have piled up lately, my niece is 18 years old, so i want to go and congratulate her, she’s the only one i have, but how vanya, who is he with, i won’t be there all day, yes, what about me, listen, well, coming of age, this is a very important day, valush, go, i’ll take myself, thank you, lev borisovich, thank you, that’s right, anyway idle around.
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boovie does not exist, but we boldly say otherwise. we present to you palermo genuine leather sandals that perfectly combine style, comfort and care for your feet. lightweight and elegant model. great for active and long walks in the warm season. palermo sandals created using modern technologies made of genuine
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leather to ensure a perfect fit and maximum comfort with every step. elegant sandals go with any style of clothing and are suitable for women of any age. reliable and comfortable velcro fasteners provide an ideal fit for any width and fullness of the foot. the high polyurethane sole creates the correct roll of the foot, which ensures softness. quickly transform your suburban area beyond recognition, a fence, terrace, gazebo
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will be updated in an instant without expensive repair and painting, four bright beautiful colors to choose from, all you need to do is fix the photo facade in a way convenient for you, this is a ready-made solution, the bright life photo facade is suitable for any type of fence, wooden, stone or metal, if it gets dirty, just wash it water, beautifully, quickly. convenient and easy, call order a universal photo facade for the fence bright life at a special price from only 995, just choose the appropriate design create a unique look for your country house plot. can you explain to me why we are leaving st. petersburg and dragging ourselves to this sample? i have problems in business. and you remember tanka, vasil, and she was still in love with you, but
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she’s not married, it would seem that we’ve been living together all our lives, we know everything about each other, but not everyone, well, you liked me at school 20 years ago, are you really still obsessed with this stupid childish love, this is stupid, girls love their dreams to come true, olya, your husband, your husband is cheating on you, olya, olya, let's do this together, pash, stop. this never happened before, you don’t see me, you don’t even look in my direction, but i, i’m a woman, where we are not, on friday on rtr, lev borisovich, yes, yes, what is it, valush , excuse me, for god’s sake, i’ll just be a minute, yes, don’t be silent. “speak, we will solve any problem,
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really, lev borisovich, i wanted to ask, can i have 1500 before my salary, i will give it, it’s very, very necessary, and lionura evgenievna is busy, this is inconvenient, really, all this is inconvenient, sorry, sorry.” bye, wait, wait, you who came, yes i am 15,000 i wanted to ask before payday, but if it’s inconvenient for you, i understand, excuse me, it’s 15.00, that you, it’s easy, let’s go, really, of course, no problem, it should definitely be open now, oops, i opened it right away, my dear, thank you , take it, maryush, we have a grater, so, so, so, there were definitely 20, now i need to remember where i
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put them, now, this is what we have, this is who, this is laser, it’s unlikely, laser, now we’re fast , no, nothing jumps out, doesn’t jump out, that’s how it is, these are the great english artists, it must be they had everything, please, please, two, no, seven, yeah, eight more. maybe i don’t remember, now let’s see what it is, soviet, no, no, it’s definitely soviet, it ca n’t be, we’ll turn to the old turor, he’s good, generous, kind, come on, come on, come on , come on, i beg, i beg, duzher, op, how many, four, four, 11, 11, well, sorry, val, i don’t know where the others could be, thank you, one, well, i’m sorry, thank you, come on, eh where else? hi,
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you're late, what happened, i called yesterday, you didn't answer, sorry, honey, i got tired yesterday, i was completely infuriated, at 9, i collapsed in bed as you slept, you also had a day to envy, well, that’s for sure, your smell is driving me crazy, wait. we need to talk, i’m all yours, i’m being blackmailed, what?
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well, hello, sister, i didn’t wait, well , i don’t have time to wait, come on in, but if you don’t give it, you can decide on big clients, i put so much effort into them, and if competitors find out, they’ll trample on you, you understand, i understand, but if you give it, where is the guarantee? that he will fall behind, blackmailers don’t get paid, we need to buy time, delay somehow until the money is worked out, but then let him say what he wants, you’ll fix things, you’ll get the house back, congratulations, daughter, thank you for the gift, she saved it for her studies, what an adult, she saved it for her studies, my good girl, well , she’s smart, that’s of course, thank you to me, yes,
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yes , uh-huh, you better ask her what kind of study, uh-huh, she’s going to moscow, right? well done, small, big, just two idiots, what kind of moscow, well, they probably have their own girls, these ones, like mushrooms, well, nothing, nothing, well, you have to try, everything will work out, but that’s it , well, tone, why help, but already, mom, let’s go to me, i’ll show you what you didn’t give, but daughter, come with me to the kitchen, i need some pie there. help, yeah, come on, no, the two of you can’t separate, well, wait with me, i’ll be right back.
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sit, sit, the girls have arrived, wait, a second, come on, come on, come on, come on, kostya, dear ones, congratulations, that's it, girls, come on in, you look, everyone is beautiful, so, girls, girls, wait, i want to say, arisha , baby, lord, how quickly time flies, i look at you with it, for
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you, for you, my daughter. no need to be offended, but what did you want, she ’s not used to you, when it was time to get used to it, drown, i wanted to congratulate, i congratulated, i’ll go, but there’s no need to be offended. well, forget that i don’t have a light for you, so i’ll call the police now, but you have nothing,
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valyusha, your daughter is so ripe, what? she grows up without a mother, there is no one to look after her, just try to approach her, i love you with my own hands, how scary, i’m afraid, i’m afraid, warm greetings to you from valerie. “if you do everything as he said, everything will be fine with you, happy birthday to your daughter, bye, that is, pts i can keep it, you can, i only have it for a month, well, that’s understandable, look where the checkboxes are,
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you need to sign”? nothing. what are you doing, what are you doing , are you stunned, or what’s wrong with me, so what? you 're doing, well, it's time, but they're not scary, what are you talking about, there are women falling in stacks in front of me, speak quietly, please, here's the advance, that there was no such agreement for the advance, quieter, because these
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expenses were not taken into account in the budget, listen, lady, it’s good to fool me, how much is here, enough to spend 2 weeks on on the shore of the warm sea, until i find the rest, i am an honest entrepreneur, you can trust me, i am also honest. and i’ll honestly tell everyone everything, if in 2 weeks there’s no money, that she doesn’t answer, she’s busy, of course, she’s a business person, she’s generally one of those who doesn’t... empty promises, well, that’s okay, i’ll wait, what else, i don’t
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i understand what you’re waiting for, well, mom, i can’t put pressure on a person, women love it when men put pressure on them, arkasha, well, mom, give me the phone, give her number, come on, come on, mom, well, this is inconvenient. you do not understand anything, woman, dictate, hello, good evening, valentina, this is arkady’s mother, uh-huh, you know, i need your help, mathematicians don’t understand anything about cranberry jelly. can i count on your help? oh, really? thank you very much, well, i'm waiting for you, uh, thank you.
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alyosha, i’ve been waiting for you for a long time already, what kind of card did you meet my friend, well, good, i felt sorry for you then, oh, what a fool you were, you’re a fool now, valush, so it’s for the best, woman, if she’s not a fool .
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i'll wait. well, let's go on a spree, look, let's go on a spree, ah, well done, or maybe it’s true, val, let’s roll, val, don’t be upset, i was joking, you won’t, i won’t, kolna, let’s go, yeah.
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is anyone coming to us, who is this? let, who is it? oh, this, this is my arina, stop, well, well, stop, kol, arishka, arishka, i’m my arina, arishka, oh, you ran away yesterday, no, i didn’t run away, i just didn’t want to disturb you . hi, you are beautiful, hi, thank you, i decided to come to you, it’s true, i’m already an adult, i can decide for myself who i should live with, and you know, you’ll live, and what you can do, and you’re in the tanks play, you know how to play, tanks, just draw, oh, cool, i’m so glad, i’m very happy too, oh, wait,
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i’ll warn the owners now, okay, what’s not allowed, no, well, it’s possible, okay, i understand, yes no, everything will be fine, everything will be fine, eleon evgenevna, i don’t have time, sokolchich, yeah. lev borisovich, lev borisovich , lev marisich, lev marisich, what is it, what is it, everything is fine, daddy, i just thought you were dead, what are you saying, ugh, dead, somehow, that’s how you should wake up dad. lev
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borisovich, lev borisovich, you know, i came to you with a request, and eleanor evgenevna said, what can i do to you? of course, of course, of course, it’s possible, vali, arina is so beautiful, can she stay with us, she’s waiting there in the yard, my niece has arrived, she won’t be long, we ’ll find a job, then we’ll rent her a room, while she can stay with me , she draws tanks. yes, tanks, but what else besides tanks does she draw? she actually graduated from art, amazingly, how she loves to draw, an excellent student, an artist, an artist, well, excuse me, we ’ll come up with something, let’s go, wack, yes, what, yes, come on, call your beautiful arila here, hooray! you will
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to live here, lev borisovich was so happy that you were drawing, that he knew the whole room for you, and where you will be, i’ll move to another, here you know, there are rules, i ’ll tell you everything later, hold on, just a second, hello, come out. “you wait for me here, okay, i’ll be there soon, alyosha, but you don’t have to count it, check it, but check it, did you say?” what’s missing,
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i can rely on you like a clock, i’m proud, that’s it, that’s it, that’s it, i’m not a word, what with concepts, congratulations on the start of cooperation, since you’re like that with me, well done, let’s repeat it in a week, and you where am i from i’ll take you in a week, it’s not my problem, what kind of house you live in, everything is expensive, rich, what kind of people you’ll take from them, well, don’t come across, little thing. and they seem to trust you, while, by the way, they know what kind of girl came to you, didn’t say, well , darling, how can this be? look, i ’ll open everyone’s eyes, but for now, how great, i’ve got it all sorted out, great, you’re my boy, you
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’ve got it all sorted out great, great, i finished school alone, and what’s next, oh, what didn’t you say ? -what was hidden in such a secret? and how wonderful you are, most importantly talented niece, i’m not sorry, lev borisovich, maybe i’ll go to arina for now and show everything here, yes of course, oh, sorry, i’m torturing you with my conversations, arina, you come, we ’ll chat some more later, okay, come on, what are you doing , now we’ll chat here, yes, please, talk less with the owners, okay, but they don’t know that i’m your daughter? “you know, i left my personal life behind that fence, then officially you weren’t my daughter, explaining all this to strangers, you know, it’s just not interesting to anyone, well, you understand me, i don’t understand, when you
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say that i’m your daughter, i’ll tell you, then, when later, listen, it will be better, i beg you, don’t give me away, okay, in your phone write aunt, valya, not mom , well , everything is very complicated for now." okay, okay, let's go, i 'll show you everything here, you're driving me crazy, really, but you yourself can't see? i want to hear, a woman loves with her ears, well, at least you relaxed a little, a little, how are we doing, have you checked? i haven’t checked, no
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need to worry, check, i can’t, i need a power of attorney from you for such actions. are needed, but you can do it yourself, i can’t, my nerves are completely on edge . wait, but do you know that we went to the notary, do you trust me as much as you trust yourself? to me in the spirit of death, change my gender, saturate me from head to toe, saturate me with villainy, thicken my blood, close the entrance to pity, forgive me, why do you
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need advice, i’m afraid that you, who by nature have been soldered with milky non-malice, have the shortest path don't choose. i'm serious, come on, don't pay attention to her, who? shadow, why are you such a drag? you're talking about that one did you come to ask the girl? how do you know? sein? well, how can i not pay attention to her if she now lives with us. what do you mean he lives with us? “even if it seems to you that everyone is happy to see you, stay away from your family, they are just polite, intelligent people, yes, but i thought intelligent people don’t lie, well, if everyone is honest, there won’t be any polite ones left, besides
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vanya there are two more children, nastya and arseny, don’t even try to be friends with arseny, it’s because he’s also an intellectual and you can’t trust him, yes, of course, i understood, no, it’s because he more unevenly, mom, you’re like from the middle ages, but no, you don’t understand, but i understand everything”? i’ll go to lev borisovich’s studio, he invited me, it’s impolite to keep an intelligent person waiting.
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and hello to you, where can i see your work, my work, yeah, in private collections, in galleries, well , well-known galleries, well, something abroad, but you can... somehow get into the gallery, i really want to see it, it’s not necessary, however, by today’s standards this is generally so archaic, you know, modern art i don’t like classical school, but i really like classical school, okay, honestly, yes, honestly, i swear, i swear, you just bring me, but have you seen my sneakers, sneakers, workshop? if you haven’t seen, ask, so i saw, you were looking for sneakers, yes, you found them, no,
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i like the classical school, oh, the classical school died back in the 19th century, what were we talking about, i said, go, son, go, look sneakers, yes, savriz is published here now, it is a reflection of reality, feelings, emotions, reaction event, sovrisk, and what is it, modern art, sovrisk, risk, ugh, what disgusting, what do you like, forget it, like this, like this, smile, somehow, go, son, go, look for cross shoes, yeah, like this, now, quiet, quiet , quietly, like this, like this, like this, hold it, horoka, great, quiet, quiet, quiet, and love, also... unhappy, come on, tell me,
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today she fell in love with a basketball player, and that she is your daughter, so you can expect anything from her, she is your granddaughter, so you can expect anything from her, you need to somehow introduce them so that they can communicate somehow each other, listen, it’s starting, just without the bullshit, fuck it, i’m timofey, sasha, cupitons, premiere, today on rtr, let’s watch. melodramas. cleaning floors is a tedious and messy process that turns into torture for you, your back and your arms. forget about exhausting cleaning on all fours. stop using a broom and dustpan, stop using a clunky vacuum cleaner that is not capable of cleaning the most inaccessible places. all this in. past, you can now remove dirt,
2:22 pm
dust, crumbs, hair, wet food debris and even broken glass quickly and easily with brand new livington dipper swieper electric broom. the dipper swipper impresses with its original triangular design and innovative tribrush technology. three separate high-speed rotating brushes on each side sweep everything inward, no matter which direction. as you direct the cleaning head, even the smallest debris will be swept into the container. moreover, the durable corner brush located at the front reaches into every corner, even where vacuum cleaners are powerless, when cleaning is finished, it can also be easily cleaned with just one touch of a button, it is ideal for hard surfaces, all types of floors, be it tiles or laminate. the swivel head easily avoids any obstacle, and thanks to its... ultra-flat design, you can easily
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clean under furniture, where it is usually very difficult to reach. and only today , the unique, ingenious livington dipper swiper wireless electric shower with smart built-in corner bumpers that protect your furniture, baseboards and walls from scratches can be yours in just 89.95. but if you call and place an order right now, you will receive an incredible discount of... 20 euros and the livington dipper swieper will cost you an incredible 6995, but hurry up, the offer is strictly limited. are you bored with your old fence, do you want to update your bathhouse or terrace, but repair or replacement will hit your budget? we bring to your attention a universal photo facade for a fence, bright life. with its help, you can easily and quickly transform your suburban area beyond recognition. fence, terrace, gazebo. will be updated instantly without expensive
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repair and painting, four bright beautiful colors to choose from, all you need to do is fix the photo facade in a way convenient for you, this is: a ready-made solution, the bright life photo facade is suitable for any type of fence, wooden, stone or metal, if dirt appears, it is enough rinse with water, beautiful, fast, convenient and easy, call order a universal photo facade for the fence bright life at a special price, only from 9.95, just choose the appropriate design create a unique look for your country house station, you came, well, yes... i promised your mother, my mother is waiting for you, well, let's go, well, let's go, yes, i wanted to warn you, please don't pay attention, my mother, arkady, don't keep the guest in
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the hallway. this is arina, arina, valya’s niece, she will live with us until she finds work, and senko has fallen in love, by the way, maybe she will work for us as someone, i don’t know, but even there, or even as dad’s assistant, vanya says she draws it's great how many there are today. i missed it, dad allowed it, you don’t have time all the time, you don’t have time us, no, well, you can understand, of course, don’t be rude to me, at least talk to my own mother like that, okay, i won’t annoy you with my presence, nastya!
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you know, i prefer groten to dfenoa. yes, aren’t you afraid of ruining your figure? oh, i’ve already given up, and you? you have a great sense of humor. what did i say, mom? for your acquaintance.
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one. alyosha, don’t distract me, my inspiration has returned, you go to bed, i ’ll come a little later, okay, of course, of course, that’s it, that’s it, i’m not bothering you, come on, how do you feel about the flaber? what's wrong with you, honey? mommy, your joke about the flaubert has long been outdated, mommy, this trick is played on everyone, it’s something like a routine test of endurance, but you know, i like a simple soul more than madame bavarie, oh,
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some water, thank you. thank you, mom, we had a good time, yes, great, heartfelt, really, jelly, only we forgot to cook it, i forgot about jelly, listen, jelly, that’s right, they forgot about jelly, they forgot about jelly, this will be a great reason to come to us again , yes, we will cook jelly, yes, maybe i’ll come? i 'll be just happy, how wonderful you are a village, yeah, and not far from the city and nature,
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a little expensive, but not everyone can afford it, no, well, a businessman or an official, probably, huh... i wanted to ask what a flapper, it’s me, i still surprised your mother , yes, that i would give anything to see this scene again, well, really, i wanted to catch you, and sabata, and was confused, in fact, this is my class, she gave me two books, i was her favorite student, in general- then it’s just pure luck, really, listen, it turned out great, what a wonderful evening. thank you very much,
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good with you, or rather, no, good. the evening turned out well, thank you, yes, and maybe in that case we’ll repeat it, i mean, we’ll meet again, yes, maybe, of course, goodbye, valya, valya, it’s all because of me, we have to go, eh i think
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i warned you, but what’s wrong, what’s wrong? do you want to go back to your five-story building? ilyanora evgenevna, if she sees this friendship of yours, she will kick both of us out of the house. it's like being in prison here. what prison, aren? tell me what do you know about this? i don’t care, maybe you can tell me? so, i'm asking you, please promise me that... “you won’t be friends with arseny, okay, at least while you live here, i promise, i know how glad i am that you came, well, forgive me, forgive me, don’t be offended, okay, i’m not i’m offended, for sure, yes for sure.” the cat probably brought it, the cat,
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yes, the cat, of course, the cat, the cat, who else besides the cat, mom, what are you doing, mom, everything is fine, you know, go to bed, really, but i have something to do with it i'll figure it out, good night, yes, just wash your hands. israel, i saw the cat, but the cat doesn’t like eleon, i know, but maybe some stray was running around, a cat, no, the cat wasn’t true, it’s bad, it’s bad, and why are you a bird, at the kokokoshili, oh my god,
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why am i waiting for you to say that valya is a wonderful woman, valya is a wonderful woman, yes, but it doesn't suit you, i don't understand. you don't want me to lead you, do you? well, why, mom, you said that she’s wonderful, a simpleton, a provincial, an ordinary simpleton, i don’t understand at all, there’s a cultural gap between you, what did you even talk to her about, you’re a mathematics professor, i can’t believe what i’m hearing, mom, this is from you. "mom, what the hell snabism? she doesn’t look much like a business follower,
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at best, a housekeeper in a decent house, or a nanny, why are you looking at me like that, what are you saying, what a nanny, mom, what a housekeeper, arkasha, stop worrying, you ’ll be bad sleep, but i don’t want to sleep!” i’ll wait, i’ll wait, i’ll wait, this woman has a bad influence on you. hello, hello, my darling, i got it, and so that you don’t relax, good night, valyusha, i think you’re like that right away was, or later
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became, such a cool guy, well, you loved me like a cat. so, you would have been a bigot right away. i wouldn't even look, would i? hello, valer, hello, why haven’t you come for so long, you’re not drinking at all, you’ve got your fill of things to do, you’re the one here
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chilling out. she’s my home, and this daughter of yours is hanging on my neck, you don’t love me anymore, valer, that’s enough, in short, i divorced you, why should i live with a baby, and why did i come then, because i man. honest, straightforward, i wanted her to find out from me, yes, i sold our apartment, it was on me, so don’t complain.
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i’m not interested in alcohol, there’s something better, so get ready, fuck off, darling. “you’re suffering, it seems to me that she liked me, it would be true, of course, but all my girlfriends are crazy about you, in general it’s strange, what’s strange, it was somehow suddenly she appeared,
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but iwai didn’t say anything, and was absent-minded ..." lately, well, you have fantasies, but no, no, i have this feeling, it seems to me that valya is hiding something, so what can our valya hide, don’t tell me, and it’s none of your business, even if she hides, everyone can have a secret, you know, if mom finds out that she ’s leading her by the nose, lionor evgenin, good morning, i i tried to talk to you yesterday, my arina, val, it’s unpleasant for me that i’m the last one who found out about the appearance of your niece, i understand, i tried to talk, but let’s consider it a misunderstanding, yes, forgive me, please, yes, i don’t mind, the main thing so that everything goes well, i promise you, i will control everything,
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really, val, i’m on a different topic, i’m preparing a big one. what do you like more, herring under a fur coat or olivier, look what’s eaten, alexander grigorievich, well, hello, but let him go, there are no forces that could hold him, this is impressive, hello, after your interview many new questions arose, it’s good that they are watching and listening to what i say, in the first person, volodya, well done, thank you, at 3:30 in the morning, of course, i should always be in touch, moscow , kremlin, putin, we
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will see, we will show more than others, thank you very much, come back on sunday on rtr, montechoca cognac, product. stellar group: you sleeplessly toss and turn all night with your old pillows, and wake up completely stressed out, now that 's over, introducing the dremaliina pillow swan is a comfortable lounging pillow that hugs your entire body and optimally aligns it so you experience the best sleep of your life. the unique shape of the dremaliina svon pillow offers seven comfort zones that support your back, shoulders, head and neck, arms, hips, knees, ankles and feet. you remain in the most comfortable sleeping position without tossing and turning. unlike conventional pillows, dremalinost keeps the spine in an ideal position and the neck at
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an optimal height. your shoulders and arms will be relaxed. in addition, the dremalina pillow one pillow prevents your knees from touching each other. it provides soothing relief to the lower back, legs and feet. the dremalina cvon pillow is made of breathable, hypoallergenic material. for ocel fabric, it adapts perfectly to any body shape and size, supports your posture in all sleeping positions and ensures good ventilation throughout the night. you'll sleep better than ever, and best of all, the drimalina cvon pillow is ideal for side sleepers, back sleepers and back sleepers. stomach. the dreamalina swan pillow provides optimal sleep for everyone. this is what makes her so unique. experience the best and most comfortable sleep of your life. call and order a unique drimalina swan pillow for your best sleep for an incredible 5995. but wait, if you call right now,
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we will reduce the price especially for you, the drimalina swan pillow will be yours for an incredible 39.95. and you will immediately save 20 euros. but hurry, the offer is strictly limited. and it works. short period of time cognac oldbar is a product of stellar group. premiere. when are you going to tell everyone about your monastery? when will you tell your people about us? have you already told your parents about surrogacy? are you starting to ask questions too late? well, why did you gather us all today? well, everyone is very interested. come on, tell me what changes you have there. do not want? okay, then i'll tell you. the light in the window from monday on rtr, it’s already gone,
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who’s gone, girls, beautiful, gone, it’s already been 2 hours ago. where he went, he went there, look how your arina appeared, our the artist was immediately inspired, what are you hinting at, i’m not hinting at anything, i’m saying what i see, but you’re talking bullshit, it’s clear, the work is better, work, then you’ll agree with me, what’s off the chain? i see your nerves are getting crazy, drink some valyryakki and some motherwort, but you’ll stop throwing yourself at people, bite your tongue and work, the laundry won’t wash itself, but you keep your arina on
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a short leash, you’ll ruin your family, you’ll be left without a job, even with a wolf ticket. in architecture, the style in which he worked belongs to modernism, but his ideas challenged even modernism, cool dude, tell me how...
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i woke up today, got up and washed my face, then suddenly it seemed to me that i know everything in this world, and i know how to live, oh, cool, share this with your brother, because i don’t know how to do it, actually you have to knock, well, they’re generally open there, you become a bore, all people in love are bores, get busy, a person has to work, work hard, no matter who he is, that alone makes sense and the purpose of his life, his happiness, his delight, but what about love, dear ivan romanovich, i know that's all, what ivan romanovich is, these are three sisters, chekhov, little fellow, i will make a good actress, tell me, i came to you, and you are here with your antics? “you are 60 years old, and you are like a boy,
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always making noise, the devil knows what arishka, but i ’m waiting for you here, mom, i miss you too, lev borisovich is so smart, creative, he knows so much about art, and that means you, they talked about art all day, right? well, yes, he’s preparing me for exams.” mom, what are you doing, nothing, everything is fine, daughter, everything is fine, svetochka, hi, well, you will today, well, great, no, no, the intrigue remains until the last moment, well, great, soon they will bring it to you... yes,
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that’s it, hugs, forgive me, please, i just want to arrange everything quickly. lev says it will be a bomb, i think it will be like that, artists always do that. do you know what my dream is? no, about how we will relax, somewhere on the very edge of the earth, just you and me. it will happen, you just have to wait a little. but i don't want to wait. hello, sam sanich. hello, dear, i finally got through to you. “be careful, there’s glass there, valyucha, they ’ll break my lawn, what a lawn, winter is coming, then it’s not your lawn, yes, it’s not a lawn, it’s my uzbek soul, i put so much work here, i didn’t put it in, i put it in, i don’t put it here i need to go, hello, valya, hello, and i’m fishing, you
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know, you’re really missed here, the crucian carp say hello to you, i envy you, you want to go there, no, unfortunately, i can’t come to you, the event is important, yes, very important, how is your mother, arkady, excuse me, i’ll call you back, yes, neighbor’s children, yes, yes, of course, i promise, i’ll call you back after the event, and you’ll play mozart, yes, yes, of course, but it seems to be in order, very beautiful, there hasn’t been such a fuss here for a long time, everyone has gone crazy, no , no, no, in some places, what a masterpiece there is, you know, no, no, this is a secret, i don’t show borisovich to anyone, everyone will see here that i had to sell it right away, i felt sorry for my art.
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hello, hello, i’ll introduce you to the mistress of the house, an incredible woman, i have no doubt, but where is the mistress of the house, here she is, where, here, here, at eleon’s.
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a new painting by the artist lev koretsky, we we've been waiting for this for so long, and no one, believe me, no one has ever seen the master's creation, we meet the artist, good evening, thank you
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all very much for coming, you're very welcome, thank you, thank you very much. luxurious, hello, greetings to everyone, very good, and hello, yeah, beauty, thank you, dear, bravo, my dear friends, i am happy, simply immensely happy to present you my new painting, and i am grateful to my beautiful muse.
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hello, valya, you, what are you here, i wanted to meet the lady of the house, here you are, vanya go, and i’ll be right back, everything’s fine, yes, yes, everything’s fine, run, what a nice boy, maybe we’ll get some fresh air, otherwise... it’s kind of stuffy here, sorry, i can’t, service about the housework, my friend, let me bring it, and in general, don’t bother me talking to such dear guests as you, i need to maintain the prestige of the house, yes, it’s clear, it’s clear who i am, who
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you are, so i have no time to forgive, where did you go, a? it looks like a storm is coming, this painting is already, it’s called muse, arina, good evening, and this is definitely a bright work by a lion karensky, as you can see, is made in the technique of pointillism, yes, artists working in this manner, unlike the impressionists, use only pure color daughters, the birthplace of pointillism is france, as george wrote, vincent vaughn god, kamel pisaro, unfortunately, now pointillism has been forgotten by modern artists, but thanks to lev borisovich 150,000, thank you,
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a worthy start, and please pay attention to this purple, it seems to you that the artist used the color purple, but in fact it’s only here.
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congratulations on what, well, the muse of a great artist in all its glory, stop it, what modesty is needed, who would have thought, you are an ordinary predator, poor dad. “i was surprised, if i had not known you for so many years,
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i would have thought that you fell in love with eleon, but she is not your type at all, so, it seems, i am beginning to understand, this is the woman with whom i saw you, come to my place restaurant, don't argue." " so that the spirit of your niece is no longer here now, immediately, i understand, yes, let me see you until the morning, now into the night, well, where am i please, when will i wake up tomorrow? god forbid, she catches my eye. alisha, it's
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me! arisha, daughter, how did this happen? what? he forced you, right? tell me, he forced you, do you hear yourself, lev borisovich forced you, i can’t believe that you, we’ll leave together tomorrow, you can’t stay here anymore after what aunt valya did.
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where is arisha? sit down! just think about it, since you didn’t think then, why does she need a mother with a criminal record, her whole life is in shambles, i ’m still an aunt, even though i’m a cousin, and i don’t have children, pee, it’ll be better that way, come out, i'll let you see each other. there’s a transmission here, i think
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it’ll be better for her. “don’t worry, she will remain silent, my wife won’t want to lose her job, she may want to take revenge on me for her niece, then kill me immediately, and to keep silent, threaten her, she really won’t get a job later without your recommendations, blackmail, this is lowly, by the way, “why are you mad at the girl, she seems to have saved your auction, are you jealous of her decrepit lion?” "you don’t understand,
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i’m sorry, can i at least accompany you, you are in such a state that you will certainly fall under tram, today, let's create a company, we will help people. dmitry milner expected this from you, lyudmila artemyeva, i 'm afraid, and so am i, maybe this is not necessary, we need mom, let's go, let's go, love will come exactly according to plan, limited
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liability company, angels, no, cupid. today on rtr.
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titanic luxury collection boudrum. our program is dedicated to musical instruments, every note, every string is unique. this should be such a
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friendly country, where everyone sings so well. music is friendly. you understand, you’re disgusting, you’re disgusting, she ’s only 18 years old, god, you’re jealous, how wonderful it is, goddess, you’re just, what are you doing here, scratchy little guy, forgive me, i ’m impulsive, god, i’m like a little bastard, i didn’t write this the girl who wrote her, i wrote, that’s enough for me, but she didn’t pose for me, i can’t
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imagine, i don’t understand, and i don’t know what she’s like, she’s a tamel, i’m a fantasy. lelenora, i wouldn’t dare, i’m telling you the most precious thing i have, the breath of an artist, okay, but she won’t stay here, yes, there’s a muse in this house there can be only one, as you say, dear, but there will be no more paintings either, but... you could make good money in my inspiration. why do stupid things, but good girls, and you also think like them? why do you think? i know, but israel
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sees everything, understands everything. no need to walk. i can not. and i need to go to bed, and i’ll make the milk warm, sleep well, stupider in the evening than in the morning, and the morning is wiser in the evening, and you’re good, but i can’t stay, tell aunt vali that i left, wait, don’t worry, i'm leaving, i didn't tell you... thank you, it’s not worth it, goodbye, you can stay, but i don’t have the strength to hold her, god, i scared her, and... the owner said, mistress, where? and i said to talk to the girl, i’m catching up, stop, tell me to stay, asked, lev borisovich, i thought
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that valya was the mistress of the house, you know, no. “she doesn’t look like eleon at all, oh, wait, don’t knock me off, but she thought i was a mathematician, just a mathematician, you see, no, you don’t look like just a mathematician, and here i am like one and a half million, idiot, no, no , sorry, this is not for you, so she sent me." women's no, it's almost always yes, if everything is as you tell me, then i definitely like you,
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i can’t help but like you, smart, wealthy man, scientist, businessman, a treasure for a simple woman, a dream, what a salary, vova, buried, come on, alyusha, now is the sweetest dream, let him sleep, but you have to leave, you don’t have to leave, but israel has sorted everything out, yes, your owner asked arisha to stay, the owner asked, yes.
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you understand, you need to explain to me first, it’s my fault, it’s my fault, well, excuse me, well, forgive me, lev borisovich, oh, and arisha, how much am i i said everything, okay, oh, lord, heart, yes, now i’ll wait, some water, guys, what some water, okay, look, oh, what is this, take it, take it, take it, take it, take it, quickly, golotochek, do it better insult, uh-huh, here, come on, okay, horse, lev borisovich, you will forgive me, vanyusha is probably already awake there, i’ll go, sorry for the strong word, i was just angry, well, okay, come on, sorry, turkey milky, you have to come up with something like that, wow,
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what a smell, give me one, otherwise i’ll die, who then washes the housewife, pats her, oh, after simpler, otherwise you look without severance pay, it’s just a disaster, i’m in your place, it’s still like yesterday, when you start to think, i’m wound up, i was joking, i saw how much this guy paid for the painting yesterday, it’s someone else’s money for me they’re not interested, so i believed you, they’re still interested in other people’s money, one and a half lemons, that’s... i’ll go, i have a day off today,
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arish, i’m stupid, i’m sorry, i’m so stupid, sometimes i get scared when i’m afraid. it’s like i’m losing my mind, just eat it, but it’s unhealthy, well, i know it’s harmful, but you loved it when you were little she said, my brats, remember, i need to get ready.
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yes, yes, eleon evgenievna, good morning, good, this is the case, my niece, arina, in general, i wanted to ask for a salary , it’s time.
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here you go, thank you very much, thank you, okay, i came myself.
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it doesn’t change anything, let’s set it up, as they say, i’m a simple woman from the wilderness, with a criminal record for the death of a man, lord, van, van, van, van, van, were you eavesdropping, yes, oh lord, oh god my, i thought you never lie, but now i ’ll explain everything to you, okay, you’ll make excuses, well come on, you understand, sometimes it turns out that it’s impossible to tell the truth, in
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books it’s easy and pleasant to tell the truth, well , here i am and well, you can keep silent so you can lie to me, you yourself told me about this, you told me, or maybe you wanted to scare him, who? well, him, who is on the phone, so that he leaves you alone, then that’s right, aunt varya! “i ’ll take arina with me, okay? well, what are you talking about, i wanted to sign up to be a student in architecture, i’ve already found out everything, i solemnly swear to take care of her, okay, go, wait, i’ll go with you, just lionora evgenevna is at home today. hello, vov. listen, can you check something for me? yes,
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thank you."
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girl, can you help me choose a shirt, i just don’t understand whether it’s this or this, no, come here. it doesn’t suit my eyes, but my eyes, well, this is better, it suits me, an artist, yes , don’t be afraid, he doesn’t want to work, you ’re our wife, yes, don’t tell me, he cut down one and a half lemons for the painting. what are you doing, uh-huh, well, eat, eat, my beauty, this year has been without peter, you haven’t been anywhere, nothing. they said that we
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have now found the strength to come, diana gurtskaya, if he were here, and he is here, what would you tell him, i love you, dear , very much. tea, i won’t let you down, you are my eternity, you are my life. the fate of a man with boris korchevnikov on friday on rtr. they say that perfect shoes do not exist, but we boldly say the opposite. we present to you sandals made from genuine palermo leather, which perfectly combine style, comfort and care for your feet. lightweight and elegant model. great for active and long walks in the warm season. palermo sandals are created using modern technologies from genuine leather to ensure a perfect fit and maximum comfort with every step. elegant sandals go with any style of clothing and are suitable for women of any
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age. reliable and comfortable velcro fasteners provide an ideal fit for any width and fullness of the foot. the high polyurethane sole creates the correct roll of the foot, which ensures softness. heel support reduces the impact load on the joints when walking. call soon and stylish and you can get incredibly comfortable palermo sandals for only 24.95. palermo sandals are your step to beauty and comfort. we present to your attention a real bestseller, a luxurious bag, chocolate made of genuine leather. an elegant, stylish, very roomy chocolate bag, made in pat style and goes well with any clothes.
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call right now and order an exquisite chocolate bag made of genuine leather for only 1995. my daughter sasha has a unique voice, but it was lost in an accident , only you can return it. goodbye. you stubborn, like my beloved cow zoya. “she threw me out in the flood to begin with, and now we are best friends, don’t lie in bed when the teachers are waiting for her, it’s still 6 in the morning, there’s no need to stand there, i won’t tolerate
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cleanliness, the music sounds loud, maybe we’ll run away, well, why do you need such a life, sono felice, that i ’m happy, farmer. today on the rtr it’s a 15-minute walk from here to the institute, we ’ll stay longer, mom, or maybe you’ll wait here, drink coffee there, take a walk, no, naturally, i. with
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you, i recognize valya, oh, wait, and i tell her true, i’ll probably have a cup of coffee, yes, i have a headache, my blood pressure, i’ll probably call you, goodbye, goodbye, hello, hello, hello, and the barn shop is there, and i’m coming to you, no question, passport, yeah, passport. what's the bet, bet, bet, what's the bet,
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it's clear, you're late, yes, that's bullshit, let's go to the dean's office, i'll take you to the dean's office, don't think about it, bet on zenit. why to zenit? it’s urgent for you, but today they are playing with spartak. what luck, but rare. ok, how much? how much do you need to bet to win 30,000? thirty? cool, that's how i understand the goal. and the odds are four, ten, ten? no, but how? okay, okay, beginners are lucky, right,
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uh-huh, that’s not the right word, i’ll wait here. so what is it? forgive me, please, but can you give me a hint? hello, kohl, yes, it's me! listen, i just can’t get through to arishka on the phone. and where are you? well, where in moscow? i think we ’re lost, oh well, they’ll be found, which means
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they’ll be found, but you don’t understand anything, excuse me, please, can you tell me which direction of architecture, great, if you get in, we’ll travel together, you think i will, i promise. sorry, but can you tell me which side of the architectural, it’s about 10 minutes in that direction, yes, thank you, no problem, where are you, i’ll kill you, meet at the cafe, oh, ours. val, well, i don’t even want to listen to anything,
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you need to fall in love, otherwise... it’s connected, but actually the guy is simple like us, but he has charisma, charisma, why, well , he’s seductive, you know, how he took me by the elbow , so everything went well, you’re fast, but you already grabbed me by the elbow, so no tea... i’m really
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kidding or something, i’ll cook something now and you don’t happen to know how zenit played and with which ones i’ve been rooting for football for a while now, well done, you’re a good cheerleader, how spartak played, won 3:1 no wait no, you must be confusing something, yes, i won’t confuse anything with spartak spartak ole ole. olya, excuse me, please, well, well , it’s not that bad, tamar, that you really need to lose weight, yes, no. yeah, it’s easy to wake up and see the light,
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shake out the verbal rubbish from your heart and live without getting clogged in the future. this is all a little trick, how good, read on, sorry mom, i’m kind of tired, don’t you think you’re a little too old for love dramas, you know how to console, wait, i want to talk to you, sit down, why are you leaving me alone just because of... your bad mood, you feel sorry for yourself, rather for your stupidity, it will pass, it will pass, better go drink warm milk with honey, why are you
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like this, why well... you all the time, this is very important for me, but you definitely need to multiply everything by zero, you don’t need to measure everything with mathematics, son, i’d better go and drink some milk , soda, wait, wait , wait, i don't want you to spend the rest of your life on some kind there. i also found a pigmaleon when you decided to become an architect? at 5 years old, right? wow, why? do not remember?
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well, i think it will be difficult for you to understand. i remember there was an assignment in kindergarten. we ourselves, a beautiful dream, sit, sit, you’re a brave girl, an architect is a man’s profession, mom, what kind of sexism, i didn’t expect this from you, i just know more than you, but it’s unlikely that a provincial girl is even so smart and talented, she understands , how everything
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works, i’ll be there, i think you hardly understand how everything works in the provincial life. please, what would you do if you had money? i would go to paris, to design and art school. peter said to wenda, stammering, do you want me to fly with you? of course, this is why i came here. so peter fell in love with wendy? yes, but did wendy love peter? certainly. so, if wendy loved peter, then why did she marry? another, well, because peter didn’t want to grow up, why did you send him away, he didn’t want to grow up either, who, well, you know who i’m talking about, vanyush, let’s sleep, okay, that’s it adults, when they have nothing to say, send
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me to sleep or play, well, okay, please, don’t be offended, van, it’s just sometimes difficult for adults to understand. that’s why they are silent, to figure it out, you need to talk, and not be silent, you yourself told me about this, talk to him, okay, hello, when i loved asmira, i gave her a peach, she ate the peach, and i looked, looked , and death was your girlfriend, and before you were a girlfriend, and then you became a wife, you no longer love, yes, why don’t you love, you love, well, you said? when i loved, and before i loved a girl loved, and then i loved my wife, why don’t you understand, a peach is better, you give her a peach, and
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she will eat, and you will watch, and then there will be love. it’s good to sleep, fuck off, what time is it, 7, are you completely crazy, i really need to talk, but i haven’t slept all night, please. “who else in the family will listen to this romantic nonsense? tell me,
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you’ve been hoping for so many years that everyone will get together again, it seems...” it will be today, are you happy? well, of course, i'm glad. premiere, you look good, you’re looking younger, as if, yes, of course, you’ve forgotten how to give compliments. hello, what's that noise you're making there? nothing brings a large family together like a big secret. what are the police saying? a classic accident. dmitry miller. from the outside, everything always seems obvious, this is white and this is black. i prefer to call things by their proper names. maria kulikova, you understand that this decision
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will change your whole life. alena yakovleva, elena tsyplakova, we are not to blame. so what's now? be silent. light in the window. from monday on rtr. you sleeplessly toss and turn all night with your old pillows, and wake up completely stressed out, now that it 's over, we introduce the dremaliina swan pillow - a comfortable lounging pillow that hugs your entire body and optimally aligns it so you experience the best sleep of your life. the unique shape of the dremaliina svon pillow offers seven comfort zones that support your back, shoulders, head and neck, arms, hips, knees, ankles. and feet. you remain in the most comfortable sleeping position without tossing and turning. unlike conventional pillows, dremalinost keeps
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the spine in an ideal position and the neck supported. optimal height. your shoulders and arms will be relaxed. in addition, the dreamaliina s one pillow prevents your knees from touching each other. it provides soothing relief to the lower back, legs and feet. the dremalina cvon pillow is made of breathable hypoallergenic lyocell fabric. it adapts perfectly to any body shape and size, supports your posture in all sleeping positions and provides good ventilation throughout the night. you 'll sleep better than ever, and the most the main thing is that the dremalinost pillow is ideal for those who sleep on their side, back, and also those who sleep on their stomach. the dremalina swan pillow provides optimal sleep for everyone. this is what makes her so unique. try it yourself. the best and most comfortable sleep in your life, call and order a unique dremalina svon pillow for your best
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sleep for an incredible 5995, but wait, if you call right now, we will reduce the price especially for you and the dremalina svon pillow will be yours for an incredible 39.95 and you immediately save 20 euros, but hurry, the offer is strictly limited and only valid for a short period. under fur coats or olevier, see what's on the snack? alexander grigorievich, hello, let him in, there are no forces that could hold him back, this is impressive,
3:37 pm
hello, hello, after your interview there are a lot of new questions. it’s good that they are watching and listening to what i say in the first person. volodya, well done, thank you, at 3:30 in the morning, of course, i should always have a connection. moscow, the kremlin, putin, we will see and show more than others. thank you very much, come in more. on sunday on rtr. val, switch gears, is there anything, i had a fish pie there, will you? yes. evgenina seemed to let go, in a couple more days he returned everything to his bag, everything will be installed.
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what, val, what are you doing, val, you’ve never, what happened, val?
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hello, i’m listening, elionura evgenievna, yes, it’s me. the bank is bothering you, you have a debt, how much? enough for us to start worrying, everything is fine with you, yes, of course, you don’t have to worry, i ’ll pay off the debt today, we hope before goodbye, all the best, yes, mother, you could at least write a novel, at least film a series, well, what happened, it’s in vain. i ’m telling you this as a man, you cut off the women just like with a knife, but what about salting things out of sight, as they say, yes, but a man is a weak man against you, especially if he’s not young, and you’re like you glare, then at least stand, even fall, if, well, who am i, who is he, maybe you won’t decide for him, he’s not a child either, the man has lived, he’s worn out, guess what, there’s a woman
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like you here. talk to him, don't be a fool, this is love, i ’m telling you this as a man, we have peaches, openly, and i brought you something, wow! what are you doing? nothing, eat, listen, i can’t, you look like you’re in a zoo. well, i like looking at you. no, well, if it bothers you, fine, i'll turn away. i don't know what you
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're up to, but i don't like it. i need to get ready, please go. who's there? this is valya. have some tea with me. keep me company. arkady still has no time. thank you. i won't be here for long. how are you doing?
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you're not tired. it is good that it is good, it’s good that you weren’t upset; you hardly expected success. navitvy, the woman is not stupid. i... i don’t understand you, but you understand everything, little thing, i wanted to talk to arkady, so you came without calling, yeah, you wanted to take him by surprise, arkady is not there, he went to the city and in general, he has no time to play your games , little thing. hello, hello, you don’t need to come here, yes, how interesting, yes, you
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are setting it up, is it really clear to her, and in general it’s just indecent, indecent for servants, to pry into the affairs of the owners, oneself remember, otherwise you’ll be hunched over in the supermarket in your vologda, or where are you from ? hello, lev borisovich, hello, niketa, hello, lev borisovich, hello, valyush, the creditors were going crazy.
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this well, what’s wrong, and i’ll tell you what’s wrong, and vidushka is doing well, even i would say good, and arseny could learn from her, so you can be proud of your niece, i’m proud, thank you, yeah, maybe it’s better, in the literal sense, i’m tired of hiding. you see, well, we planned everything, you you don’t like it when plans collapse, but here you know, like a house of cards, one thing after another, i
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’m worried about you, about us, okay, that’s it , that’s it, that’s it, i’ll think of something, come on, go, go. lyoshka lyoshka is with me, you love me, don’t get on your knees, don’t, just don’t... oh, how long ago i haven’t heard this, i love you, i love you more than life itself, i won’t say anything more, because words ruin everything, okay,
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that's all i wanted to find out, goddess. valentina, very nice, arkady, uh-huh, you just saved me, valentina,
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yes, mom, son, for some reason i can’t get through on the phone well, i got through to you, mom. and i have good news for you, tell me, my favorite cactus has bloomed, i’m very happy for you, arisha, hello! where arseny went somewhere, like to visit
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friends, thank god, at least he remembered that he had friends, otherwise he sat at home, tied, he just likes arina, i like him too, because you have great taste. “she’s a young girl, she wants to go for a walk, to go, to let herself go, she can’t sit on a leash all the time, but i told her, there’s nowhere in the yard, but what are you, mother or something, i’m 18 too i wanted independence, well, he’ll take a walk and come back, our senka also left the house, or maybe they went out together separately for the sake of secrecy? don’t talk nonsense, well, no
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nonsense, i’ve already given you everything, i have nothing else, and you find us, you’re smart, just find us, you weren’t with arina, no, but arin isn’t there, don’t worry, she’ll be back soon, wait, you know something, where she went , i don’t know, but where is she ? go away, if she didn’t say anything, it means she’ll come back, her things are in the room, things, but how do you know about things? i'm sorry, i'm so tired, i want to sleep.
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yes, it’s time for us to settle accounts, but what did i think, that i should pay you? “my husband finds out about my affair, he mortgaged the house, you, you probably don’t care that a loving husband can forgive a lot, business, in our native business there’s nowhere to leave klima, brave means smart, and why are you so smart in do you allow criminals into your home, like the kind your nanny valentina once came to see you straight from the colony? “if i were you, i would
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check to see that nothing is missing in the house, i’m terribly embarrassed, why did you take all the money, i mean, you have every right to take all the money for pennies, well, i’m sorry, i wanted to do it to you, i don’t understand what you mean, didn’t you take it?” there’s no money, everyone, well, money for the painting, we were robbed, what call the police, i think i know who it is, they don’t answer the phone, it’s like, how do you know who
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it is? i'm sorry if they don't answer now, i 'll arrange it for them, now i'll unleash the dogs on them all, citizen, calm down, let the dogs go, finally, we were robbed, i don’t understand, are you rejoicing or are you declaring that leo, leva, excuse me, can i at least see you off, you are in such a state that you will certainly get hit by a tram today. now it’s not gangs of a serious office , it’s clear, but i agree, dmitry milner, who i didn’t expect was from you, lyudmila artemyeva, i’m afraid, and so am i, maybe this isn’t necessary, it’s necessary, mom, well, let’s go, let's go,
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love will come exactly according to plan, limited liability company, angels, no, we are with you. coupetons. premiere. today on rtr. treat yourself to a first-class holiday with leorets. elegant details. a celebration of exquisite tastes. asia of entertainment, golden beaches and azure waves. lio reorts, we are here for you. immerse yourself in a world of luxury and comfort. at rixsas golf villas and suites
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sharma shiykh. a stunning world class golf resort surrounded by lush green fields and endless horizons. enjoy modern designed rooms and luxury villas, ideal for couples and families. relax in comfort and style at rixos golf villas and suits sharmal shake. open for yourself a real pearl on the coast of bodrum. titanic lakshery collection bodrum. exceptional service. incredible culinary masterpieces and an atmosphere of complete relaxation. immerse yourself in.
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everyone knows how much it will be 7.8, 7.8, 7.8, how much, who is at work, speaks a lot and loudly, if you answer, then with humor, i am an oak tree, chop, not, pinch, problems with water, light, housing and communal services, i don’t know what else, geometry, algebra, physics, chemistry - this is a set of headaches, god forbid now. if you win, then hurray, 100 to one, tomorrow on rtr, i can’t live without thrills, hot passions, in short,
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she says to him like this, i want a child from you, and he’s like, what are you thinking of doing, and she’s crazy to him, that you’re rushing back and forth, you’re interfering with watching, and we’re watching and hugging, we’ll get it together. .. on the website in the application we look at the device of the called subscriber is turned off or is out of range. the device of the called subscriber is turned off or is out of network coverage. something happened to sarena, the phone doesn’t answer, she actually went somewhere, didn’t say anything to anyone, my god, my god, valyusha, don’t panic, panic, it’s good, when don’t panic, that’s it, and arisha went
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for a walk, and she has a battery... i also have a battery, you have a battery, it will be good, yes, but what if there’s something wrong with her - then, no, we need to go to the police, hello, hello, hello, you are eleonora evgenievna, i, no, i’ll accompany you, okay, let’s go, yes! can? yes, please come in, good evening, come in, stay, okay, that means
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they stole it from here, yeah, where, you know, i’m an artist, and my paintings are for sale, my last painting is called muse, i painted it in quantilism style, this is such a technique, it was first used in france, that’s it, that’s it, please sit down, and... you yourself said that i’m a godsend, lev borisovich, elechka, well, really, well , what are you going through, where that's her niece, and arina, and
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what does arina have to do with it, it's her, her niece, write it down, write it down, i myself heard her say that she needed money to study in paris, i heard it myself, elechka, well, this fantasy, just arina is a wonderful girl, why are you so smart, why are you standing there, arrest her, “now let’s go to the department and we’ll sort everything out, wait, what happened, go away , go away, since you don’t say anything to arina, okay, i’ll explain everything myself later, sit down, sit down. let's go,
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somehow you could, mom, this is our valya, she raised us, your children, yes elochka, she really raised our children, she actually didn’t go on vacation, didn’t take weekends off, just so that... we could ok, she has her whole life in this house, this is a betrayal, you understand, sit down, i won’t think, you don’t know people, nastenka, they can be sweet, charming, wonderful, kind, but when it comes to money, people can do a lot for money, yes, it’s true, money changes people, you weren’t like this before, i... i despise money, and i also despise you, what are you you allow yourself, girl, i’m a person,
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yes, elechka, elechka, you, well, don’t be angry with nastenka, she’s really a person, we’re all under stress, this happened, this is an emergency, you know, this is a nightmare, we need calm, we need common sense meaning, maybe a book, take away the statement, presumption of innocence, what? presumption of innocence, no one can be considered guilty until proven otherwise, and you just so easily called valya a thief, please withdraw your statement. “really, presumption of innocence, how
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did you open the safe? i didn’t open it, i’m telling you, i don’t even know how it opens, that is , the safe was already open when you took the money, but i didn’t take the money, who took it, an accomplice , your niece, no, don’t drag arina into this, sit down, the girl really isn’t guilty of anything, that is, you had another accomplice”? lord, why don’t you believe me, or something, i would never, and in general you don’t even have evidence that it’s me, which means i have to believe you, of course, i really, well, i would never take it, honestly, yes , thank you. tell me, please, where were you
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from 2004 to 2007? forgot? no, i remember. we have made progress. so where were you during this period? or rather, not where, but for what? comrade investigator, what do you think, a man, if he makes a mistake once, he is a criminal until his death, there is no use in pitying me. so, article 264 criminal code, violation of traffic rules, resulting in the death of a person. and they changed their last name to lie. it was more convenient, i just, i just wanted to say hello, she was sleeping, i thought you would bring money, the child needs joy, the child needs a jacket, my money is missing, mine too, after a criminal record
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i can’t get a job. “i’ll come back here, but you don’t need to come back, you need to change your last name, my classmate works at the passport office, she’ll make it better to change it. first you abandoned your native daughter, then, calling her niece, dragged her into the master's house, deceiving the owners, and the criminal record information. for some reason the vases have disappeared, this is not true, which of these is not true, a decent person trusted you, hold me for 48 hours, wait, wait, i can’t do this, i need to go home, i’m there, can i have at least one call, i’m supposed to have one call, i’ve seen it in movies, but i can’t,
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take me away. come in, lie down, light a cigarette, i don’t smoke, look, one more positive, who else, we don’t have others here, you come to us a minute, maybe, she probably thinks that now the tracker will change his mind, he’ll take her home for his own... what’s the article, and for what purpose are you interested? oops, what are you, impudent or what? lie down on the bunk, rest, lights out soon. a repeat offender, that means, well, let’s hug,
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what are you? i'll wait. good evening, girls, oh, i can’t, this is the philharmonic here, hello, my name is valya irina, don’t pay attention, come on in, choose any place at the top. damn it, we didn’t have enough seizures here, but she’s pretending like hell, i think that she it would be better for fools, but well, shut your mouths, inhale, inhale, come on, take a breath, inhale, come on, come on, come on, inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale, breathe, come on, come on, breathe! you don't believe in
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this nonsense, do you? no, we need to do something, save the fire. yes, we need to save valya. if valya didn’t take the money, and val didn’t take it, then who did, there were no strangers in the house, when the safe was opened, where did arina go? no, really. why are you silent? you've been trash for the last 2 days, like two deeps. what are you implying that arina took the money? no, arina couldn’t, although who knows, are you crazy, how did this even come into your head? quiet, quiet, why are you getting excited? yes, it’s always like that in detective stories, the least likely to think that you’re a criminal, quiet, quiet, that’s it, i’m silent. that's it,
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seriously, is that all you can do? valya is in prison, her beloved has disappeared somewhere, that’s all, lord, what... for such and such, go to your place, i want to sleep, what, sleep, sleep, the called subscriber’s phone is turned off or is out of range networks. well, this is the story, no, well, creature, it’s yours, eleonura evgenievna, yes, i
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would rip out all her troubles, you can’t understand her either, well , i have a criminal record, to screw with you, i can understand, i can understand, i need to understand, but what, of course, of course, what is there to understand, this is a crap i handed her over with fucking, you have to understand, what are these people? our heart is big, in general, the soul is soft, kind, push, you need to understand, damn, such people, yes, and the husband, and what about the husband, you have a husband, he will find you a lawyer, he now must do everything to get you out of here , oh, no, well, you're really blessed, i'm not can. i'm serious, yeah, with a sentence as long as a magician's ribbon, which he
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takes out of his mouth, day told how the pirates captured wendy, wendy, wendy, wendy and all the boys, peter's heart sank and jumped, my heart breaks off and jumps up, we need to save va has been captured, how can i explain this to you, our valya, you know, boy, people are sometimes not what they seem, you know, vanyusha, well, if you want, you want hot chocolate, i’ll tell you, valya, i’ll go, i’ll do it if you want, van, vanechka,
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where are you going, van? come on, petrushok, our program is dedicated to musical instruments, every note, every string, it is unique, that our neighbor plays the quarnet,
4:12 pm
palermo, which ideally combine style, comfort and care for your legs. this lightweight and elegant model is perfect for active and long walks in the warm season . palermo sandals are created using modern technologies from genuine leather to ensure a perfect fit and maximum comfort with every step. elegant sandals go with any style in clothing and are suitable for women of any age. reliable and comfortable velcro fasteners provide an ideal fit for any width and... fullness of the leg. the high polyurethane sole creates the correct roll of the foot, which ensures a soft landing of the heel and reduces the impact load on the joints when walking. call quickly and
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you will get stylish and incredibly comfortable palermo sandals for only 24.95. palermo sandals are your step to beauty and comfort. castro rum is a product of the stellar group. do you want twice as much harvest? the best the zhitnitsa mini-greenhouse will be the solution for you. it will protect plants from frost and retain heat. the ripening of fruits will accelerate the growth and extend the gardening season; the presence of zippered windows will provide quick access. for watering care. we offer a choice of two sizes of mini-greenhouses - 120x60x60 cm and 120x90 by 90 cm. you can use it on the terrace for growing seedlings or exotic ornamental plants. thanks to its compact size, the mini-greenhouse-breadbasket will be successfully placed even in the most inaccessible places on your site or premises. the durable frame of the mini-greenhouse made of metal pipes is resistant to corrosion and protects plants from strong gusts of wind.
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thanks to the covering one. material made of pvc film, plants receive reliable protection from insect pests, choose your mini-greenhouse size and get a high-quality harvest, call and order a granary mini-greenhouse at an amazing price from only 29.95 mancacher whiskey, a product of stellar group.
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eat until time runs out. i don’t understand you, and i don’t understand such an asshole as to waste your husband’s time, he also asked for a divorce, no, he won’t ask, you know what’s the worst thing here, hope, hope, helps you live. yeah,
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you hope, you go out the gate, and it’s empty, no husband, no family, no home, but there’s no hope, and there’s nothing to wait for.
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what are you boiling about? i urgently need to go to the investigator, as if on the trail of the first passage, only after lunch, even if you die, well, yes, now we’ll eat, harry looming, what happened, i don’t know, it’s something like a piece of trash, so they’ll do something on your trail, calm you down, or something, don’t be so reckless, otherwise someone will put her on the wanted list and come here, but she has nothing to do with it, but what does it have to do with you, well, maybe it’s good that they will announce you, find you, put you in with us, and be next to you. and it’s nothing, some kind of nonsense, i can’t believe that ilionora would hand valentina over to the police, with all due respect, but they’ll sort it out, valya, you can’t go to prison, valya, good, valya, strict, yes, i know how they sort it out, don't get me
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wrong, here...
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it's unfair, you're just mean, how could i be so deceived by a person? “take away the statement that valya is not guilty, i feel it, yeah, i wonder since when did you become so sensitive, i was like that, i, dear, artist, i feel subtly, or maybe you’re not an artist, but a psychic?” and what’s not bad, by the way, you can earn money, he’s as stupid as a scythe, and we’ll organize a company, sensitive lion, it’s beautiful, really, and what
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else do you feel, share intimate, and i also feel that your nikita, that, that he is a scoundrel, that your nikita, i feel... he is a bad person, i feel, you know, i ’m here, i feel, where are the children? doesn’t want to portray a happy family, i want alladi, i want
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sugar, tamara, more sugar, otherwise i’m already like. so, sugar, i don’t eat sugar, sugar, i never eat , please forgive me, ellen hands, yes, it looks like valya was the foundation, but without a foundation, nothing, i’ll quickly restore order. this is not the first time, i’m in the office, tamara, the white blouse is ready, oh, leonura evenevna, i didn’t have time to iron it, i’m there tomorrow, you have 10
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minutes, hello, yes, yes, yes, hello, of course, of course, today as promised, take care of the child, are you a father or who? so, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, so, so, so, so, imagine what state i’m in, just you me you see, my love, yes, listen, nikita, i
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decided to take the money from the fund, but the creditors cut off the phone, but i promised people. well , don’t you understand, nikit, it’s okay, i ’ll think of something, you know me, i love you, yes, well, where is my blouse, you know, eleonora evgenievna. where is nikolai? nikolai got sick, i mean he got sick, which means he got sick, i didn’t allow it, he got sick urgently, he got sick so urgently that i, huh?
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so why do you need arkady, i found out that his company needed a driver, i thought that i worked nearby, good people they suggested that arkady lives here, and you? doesn't look like a driver, why? and you have smart eyes, thank you, of course, i think that smart eyes don’t interfere with driving a car, on the contrary, maybe, maybe, and you have a higher education, i think so, i’m good at understanding people, i’m like x-ray, i think that you can be allowed to see my son, write down the phone number, just a second, uh-huh, 8916. uh-huh, thank you very much, call me, i’ll be
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waiting, this is my phone, you call me, i ’ll give your number to arkasha, that’s the only way , father you, or who, or who? i barely escaped him for an hour, this happens at our house, it’s just a madhouse, he’ll tell you that you’re being killed there?
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check, check, no way, i thought of it, why, i thought of it, i know who set his sights on leonora’s money, well done, now forget it, no one will believe you, they have already found the culprit, they are filing a case in court, but they have nothing
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except eleonora’s words , they will soon have yours, they won’t, i’m not going to admit anything, “i understand everything, nikolai, you’re going where you need to go, i’m
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with you, no, not with me, i won’t stay in this crypt, what is this, shakespeare, a fool, for now, you can do it, no question, for a while, how much time do you need, the hypoposition of a dead phone is possible only through emain, and you value this topic of people, you need to hack the database and my time is needed, this you know, it’s not a matter of opening an account, well, it’s a matter of life and death, wow, well then it ’s probably not a better tick there, although you know, i ’ll find it faster, that’s why i turned to you, okay. call me right away, i'm on my way.
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bourbon starsman is a product of the steller group. cleaning floors is a tedious and dirty process that turns into torture for you, your back and arms. forget about exhausting cleaning on all fours. stop using
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a broom and dustpan, stop using a clunky vacuum cleaner that is not capable of cleaning the most inaccessible places. all this is in the past. now you can clean up dirt, dust, crumbs, hair, wet food debris and even broken glass quickly and easily with the all-new livington dipper sweeper. the dipper swipper impresses with its original triangular design and innovative tribrush technology. tripartite high speed rotating the brushes on each side sweep everything inward, no matter which direction you point the brush. head, even the smallest debris will be swept into the container. what's more, the durable corner brush at the front gets into every corner, even where vacuum cleaners can't, when the cleaning is done, it can also be easily cleaned with just one click of a button. it is ideal for hard surfaces, all types
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of floors, be it tile or laminate. the swivel head avoids any obstacle without any problems, thanks to its ultra-flat design. instructions you can easily clean under furniture, where it is usually very difficult to reach, only today the unique, ingenious cordless electric broom limington dipper swipper with smart built-in corner bumpers that protect your furniture, baseboards and walls from scratches can be yours for only 89.95, but if you call and place an order right now, you will receive an incredible discount of 20 euros. and livington dipper swiper you will get for an incredible 6995, but hurry up, the offer is strictly limited. veda vodka, product steller group. so, your ex-husband married you
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to your mistress, and then stole the money from the safe? he probably needed money. a lot of money, you, you don’t need money, i make good money, or rather i did, why did you ask for your salary to be paid ahead of schedule, but then arina came to moscow, and i wanted to have fun, get paid there, well, all that, you know, it was like this, i think you saw the money all over. when the landlady gave you your salary, and then told your ex about a large amount of cash in the house, but no, and he proposed a profitable business, what do you really think, i’ll risk my position, job, people’s trust like this in order to come back here again, i advise you to stop making up nonsense and confess everything, purely
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from the heart, i need to call urgently, of course, but on condition , that you will... how much was stolen from you, and you will withdraw your statement from the police, you are crazy, why, i believe that this proposal should calm you down, you will get your money back and the conflict will be settled, and why m,
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well, let's just say i can't stand it when women suffer, well... agreed. what is the punishment for a crime? or do you think you can get away with it? well, there is no evidence that she did it. how can it not? how is it not? she deceived me, and i trusted her with the children. and what do your children think about all this? it's none of your business. i understand, eleon evenevna, that it came as a complete surprise to you that... meeting you , valya had a completely different life, she didn’t tell you everything, you would have hired her for a job if
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she had told you everything, naturally , no, well, you see, you understand, lionura evgenievna, people very often find themselves in difficult circumstances, and even very good people are forced by these circumstances to act, well , let’s say, not ideally, but this doesn’t make these people bad, do you... there have never been difficult circumstances, you must admit, deception is not theft, but are you really going to send an innocent person to jail, that’s it, i’ve had enough of having morals read to me in my own home, for your sake, thanks for the coffee, good health , you very handsome donura evgenevna? i know
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that lev borisovich’s paintings sell well. nikolai, arisha didn’t come, i’m worried, maybe she didn’t go home, she went crazy and left. these are women who will figure it out, we ’re worried here, and she ’s been drinking tea with bagels in her basement for a long time, why are you talking about a woman like that, it’s wrong, valyusha is suffering, daughter, where, what happened, and arisha himself didn’t do that , i need to call the police, i don’t know, if only it wouldn’t get worse, okay, let’s wait until tomorrow. maybe he will show up, let's wait and call the police, definitely here,
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so good, that's good. the called party's device is turned off or is out of network coverage. what is it?
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what's taking so long? i'm asking the questions here. why wait? yes, bullshit. i got caught on the starter. yes. oh, give me a full report. the guy called from the institute. like a problem with documents, come urgently, well , i believed it right away, and how did you know everything, i’ve been living
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for a long time, further, further, well, then everything went like clockwork, without noise, dust. am i a mother to meet food, give me a lift to the station? no thanks, i'm on my own. train in 15 minutes, you won’t have time on foot, the next one is in
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an hour and a half. yes, i need it faster, please give me a ride, hello, sit down, otherwise you’ll be late, i think that’s why i forgot my passport, sit down. further, well, further, that they packed the girl to the highest standard, hello, you can’t even mention at work, bro,
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great, she sealed you just like a cat, you say, in short, guys, you don’t have to count, there’s a steward, 300 broke off for us, you said there will be more. but it turned out to be 300, we are allowed to call, i talked to husband, well, you see how good everything is with you, but for
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me the rules are different. to whom are you writing that you are getting under a person’s skin, please forgive me, who am i writing to, probably a friend, i’m very worried about my daughter, i don’t know where she is, what’s wrong with her, or maybe she’s even returned and i’m not there, arina should know what’s wrong with me, you ’re not going to. to break, what does it mean to break, to admit, well, you’re not going to, yes, it depends on how they break, break, break, what a horror, give me your letter, why, they’re letting me go, i
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’ll hand it over, so quickly. it will be, i mean you they’re letting you go, why the hell are they letting you go, you ’re a thief, i’m a cliptomaniac, i can’t help but steal, it’s normal in general, and sonya and i can’t help but steal, for some reason no one is letting us go, yes, i don’t steal for profit, i just like it steal, well, all sorts of unnecessary nonsense, this time... in a cafe, and i stole a man’s glasses case, there was a car key there, i didn’t have time to return it, i called the police, to what miracles, just like in the movies, my husband agreed with victims, paid, and now
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releases. thank you very much, i’ll tell you, yeah, our program is dedicated to musical instruments, every note, every string is unique, that our neighbor plays the clanet, this should be such a friendly country, where everyone sings so well. oldbar cognac is a product of the stellar group. cleaning floors is a tedious and messy process that turns into torture for you, your back and
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your arms. forget about exhausting cleaning on all fours. stop using a broom and dustpan, or use a bulky vacuum cleaner that is not capable of cleaning the most inaccessible places. all this is in the past. now you can. remove dirt, dust, remove crumbs, hair, wet food debris and even broken glass quickly and easily with the all-new livington dipper swiper electric broom. the dipper swipper impresses with its original triangular design and innovative tribrush technology. three separate high-speed rotating brushes on each side sweep everything inward, no matter which direction you point the cleaning head. even the smallest debris will be swept into the container. moreover, the durable corner brush located at the front penetrates into every corner, even where where vacuum cleaners are powerless. and when the cleaning is done, it can also be easily cleaned
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with just one click of a button. it is ideal for hard surfaces, all types of floors, be it tile or laminate. the swivel head easily avoids any obstacle, and thanks to its super-flat design, you... can easily get under furniture where it is usually very difficult to reach, only today the unique, ingenious livington dipper swiper cordless electric broom with smart built-in corner bumpers that protect your furniture, anti-scratch skirting boards and walls can be yours for just 89.95, but if you call to order now, you'll get an incredible 20 euro discount, and livington. you can get diper swiper for an incredible 6995, but hurry, the offer is strictly limited. сnop gin, a product of stellor group.
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excuse me, can i at least accompany you? you are in such a state that you will certainly get hit by a tram. today, let's create a company, we will help people meet. anastasia vedenskaya, anna banshchikova. evening at home, tramps, filter the market, we are no longer a gang, we are now a serious company, i agree, dmitry milner, the one i didn’t expect was from you, lyudmila artemyeva, i ’m afraid, and so am i, maybe this is not necessary, it is necessary, mom, well, let's go, let's go, love will come exactly according to plan. limited liability company, angels, no, cupits, premiere, today on rtr, this is
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from israel, i found the best uzbek at the bazaar, in alyosha you have to eat well, they eat poorly there. well, it’ll be wasted when it’s ripe, cheese is better, there’s cookies, why don’t you give them, but oh my god, do what you want, tomke is also worried, everyone feels bad without their currency, yes, i really need to grieve for it, that i don’t have any other problems, this is not yours, you’ve all gone crazy with your currency. i’m just worried about who ’s going to take her place now, no matter how worse it gets, after valeya everything will only get worse, yes i could,
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but only to do the housework, but the nanny won’t, i can’t stand children, as they say there, a horned bull, of course, god doesn’t give horns to a lively cow, but i’m tired of you, come to me. “here it is, a promotion, i’ll settle accounts with you, i’m coming eleonura evgenievna, now you have to look after vanechka, play with him, feed him, that’s all, but eleon, i mean, but it’s better to do the housework, you’ll tell me that i’m better off.” well, of course, i’m a laundress , laundress, i can save money on the laundress.
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i understand, elena evgenievna, don’t worry about vanechka, vanechka will be happy , don’t touch him, that’s right, vanechka, you need to take a walk in the street, the weather is good, you’ve been promoted too, that’s
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all. maybe i can do it too, i worked as a teacher in samarkand, oh well, yes, and you thought that if you were uzbek, that meant you were stupid, but you didn’t think anything like that. there is no news from arina, probably something happened, we need to look for it, just val, it’s better not to talk about it, yes, it’s me, yes, val gave the letter, yes, and ira has probably already called kolya. i can find
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my comb, that irka pulled off the comb, oh, so girls? “fight, feed, don’t touch your fingers, so i thought that we seemed to have worked it out already, you think a lot, it’s all about the wrong thing, he’s lying, he’s heated up the money, he’s heated up a hundred thousand, now, now it’s okay, we’ll see further”?
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go ahead, girl, feed me, fight, because you don’t know how to cook pancakes, i’ll feed you a shark, beg for mercy, you unfortunate thing, better feed me a shark, god, you’re crazy, what are you doing, mama, why? you allowed this to happen to you, come on, tamach, everything is fine, everything is fine, well, go, go, put yourself in order. val, what are you doing, huh? what are you doing? tamara didn't do anything wrong. but she didn't do anything good either. okay, okay, okay. you are upset, out of your mind, i understand your feelings perfectly. you're nothing understand? okay, let's not argue. i know what to do. hello,
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volodya, hello, i need your help, maybe later, it’s urgent, i can’t stand it, okay, come, thank you, i’m on my way, great, great, great, come on, hurray, one more time, yes from the side, more, more, more , more pomaizu, pomaizu, pomaizkoy, here are the colors, well done, i’m all over you, good, good, my curly artist, yes, that’s why i turned to you, i did it wrong, i’m sure you need it, i understand, forgive me for the stupid question , that means, we can’t stop the fever, here we need to take aim, we work step by step. first, through my own channels
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, i will find out what kind of sledak is working on the case. i'm listening, nikolai. valya wrote that we need to find valery. please repeat again. valya wrote that we need to find valery. if you do not tell us where your daughter arina is, we will put her on the federal wanted list. they will find her quickly, the contents will be tough, very tough. do you want that? you are wrong. madoch is not guilty of anything, i’m wrong, maybe then tell me the truth, write a confession and we’ll leave your daughter alone,
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now i’ll separate you, you’ll eat. you'll eat, don't be afraid, you're beautiful, i didn't see it right away. eat, then eat me, i don’t understand, well, first fatten
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me up, then eat me, right? yeah, that means you won’t eat me, it’s already good, then what, eat, come on, tell me to feed you, whoever ordered it, whoever needs it, he ordered it, mad thing, don’t twitch. what, you weren’t 3 years old, so i
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’m taking you on a family ride, in a group, you and your little one will go and sew mittens together, will you write, or will i put the girl on the wanted list? makeev, put the girl on the wanted list, i’ll write and call you back, wait outside the door, wait outside the door, hello, valentina vasilyevna, i’m your lawyer, andrey sergeevich arrestov, have you got a lawyer? no, i didn’t... had a lawyer, now i do, i’m your lawyer, andrei sergeevich arrestov, uh-huh, that same arrestov, oh well, threats, deception, blackmail, what were you promised for this, what are you talking about, the suspect
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is cooperating with consequence of free will, let's finish and i'll go, i have it. i am very sorry to interrupt your confidential conversation with my client, kristina andreevna. i need to talk to valentina alone. tomorrow i’ll give you arina, she’s coming now, i’ll give you the address, you’ll come, she’ll say that i really need help, don’t rush, ladies, they’ve already arrived, let’s hurry up, well, girls,
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valyusha, let’s continue, let’s see.


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