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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  May 11, 2024 8:00pm-9:01pm MSK

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friends, thank you so much for being with us this evening, take care of yourself and your loved ones, see you tomorrow in songs with all your heart,
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big news on the russia channel, tatyana remizova in the studio and the main topics of this saturday in our issue. this evening , candidates for ministerial positions in the new government became known. the ministry of energy, the ministry of industry and trade, the ministry of transport, the ministry of agriculture and the ministry of sports can receive new leaders. how will the composition of deputy prime ministers change and who will take the post of first deputy. from where the shelling of belgorod was carried out. 10 years referendum on the independence of the donetsk and lugansk people's republics. russia, how
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universities, factories and mines live and work today. the driver was conscious and insists that the brakes were faulty, as evidenced by footage from the bus cabin at the moment it fell into the river wash. the us is quadrupling import duties on chinese electric vehicles. cars will become twice as expensive. beijing may retaliate against the shanghai plant of american fuel cells. the island of this downed japanese fighter has been lying in this place since july 1939, 100 km across the endless the steppes of mongolia, to the site of the largest air battle in history, our sergei mengazhev about the 85th anniversary of the battles on the khalkhin river, alena ragozina from chukotka about the first soviet airfield, where planes landed from forty-two. the bluest geomagnetic one hit the earth. extreme geomagnetic
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storm, why residents of central latitudes were suddenly able to see the northern lights ; linomaly will repeat this night for those who slept through everything. so, about two hours ago the probable composition of the new government became known. earlier today structure. vladimir putin approved the cabinet of ministers by decree. the ministry, there are 21 of them, will remain the same. the prime minister will have 10 deputies, including one first deputy prime minister. mikhail mishustin has already made his proposals on personalities, among which there are new faces. all candidates must be approved by the state duma. about the government, the composition of which is being formed literally before our eyes. andrey grigoriev. appointed by the state duma. president
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, prime minister mikhail mishustin today presented the candidacies of those who, in his opinion, should occupy the highest government positions in the country. even earlier, today the structure of the government was determined by presidential decree; it still has one first deputy prime minister and nine ordinary deputies. the distribution of powers in the new composition is changing slightly; there will be no vice who will simultaneously head the ministry of industry and trade, but the authorized representative of the president in the far eastern district and the deputy head will remain.
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the fuel and energy complex will be added to the area of ​​responsibility of which also included economic ministries. deputy prime minister the chief of the government apparatus, dmitry grigorenko, takes control of the antimonopoly service. tatyana golikova will be responsible for the social block, as before. she has the ministry of health, the ministry of labor and social affairs.
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thoroughly knows the industry, has the necessary experience and management potential to solve the tasks on the agenda for the development of transport, establishing new logistics corridors and implementing large projects in this important area. in place of deputy prime minister victoria abramchenko, who moves to another job, they propose the minister of agriculture dmitry patrushev. his area of ​​responsibility will include not only the agro-industrial complex, but also the environment. the head of the men's agricultural enterprise will be his deputy oksana lut, who is also already quite happy.
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proposes to make roman starovoit, head of the kursk region. he previously headed rosavtodor and was involved in the construction of roads throughout the country. in 2012-2018, he headed rosavtodor, in 2019 he headed the group “safe and high-quality roads and road activities to prepare the presidium of the state council for transport." anton likhanov, governor of the kaliningrad region as minister of industry and trade. in 2013, he was in the same department. in the department he was director of the foreign trade department, post-head of the westernmost russian region, and also only contributed to building up international relations. anton alikhanov is a qualified, strong manager. as governor, he was able to ensure the development of the economy and industry of the region thanks to his experience in the federal and regional government.
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regional levels, he has an understanding of the tasks and decisions on the agenda, which is extremely important for the industry for which he will be responsible as head of the ministry of industry and trade. coal and metallurgical, which consume a lot of electricity, so the area is very familiar to the governor. many years of experience as the head of the largest russian coal mining region, as well as work at the federal level in the presidium of the state council of russia and as chairman of the commission of the state council of russia in the field of energy, give reason to believe that sergei tsivilev will ensure the further development of an important industry for... the minister of sports, the head of the representative of the liberal democratic khabarovsk territory, mikhail dekterev, the party of russia until 2000, was professionally engaged in fencing, a prize-winner of russian and international competitions. in addition to his experience as head of the region, he was twice
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elected as a deputy of the state duma, where he headed the committee on physical culture, sports, tourism and youth affairs. it is important that he is a master of sports in fencing, winner of all-russian and international competitions. this list has already been submitted to the state duma, tomorrow there will be discussions at the committee level, on monday it is expected to approve deputy prime ministers, on tuesday, heads of ministries. there are also ministers who are appointed by the president after consultations with senators. this is the entire security bloc of the ministry of defense, the ministry of emergency situations, the ministry of justice and the ministry of defense. candidates for these positions have not yet been publicly announced. vladimir putin has 7 days by law, but the federation council is ready discuss personnel early next week. work without any interruptions or delays. with this thesis, vladimir putin opened today a meeting in the kremlin with the acting
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government in the process of forming the duties of deputy prime minister and head of the ministry of industry and tourism denis manturov and the general director of the rostec state corporation sergei chemizov. about the main tasks that the president set for the turnover.
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i would like to talk to you now about how this work is being built now and how we plan to exhibit it in the near future, i know that a lot has been done, everything has been adjusted, everything is functioning, but there are issues that require special attention, and we’ll focus on them today. rostec includes the ural carriage plant, the basis of the country’s tank power, an enterprise that produces the most armored vehicles in the world, which are now being modernized based on the wishes of the front. we perform all the setup and fire control systems on this vehicle. in the sverdlovsk region , a batch of equipment with protection around the towers is ready to be sent to the special operation zone. with her t-90 practically invulnerable in battle. unique lanza drones. they are also produced under the auspices of the corporation, and in the west it is with them that russian air superiority
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over ukraine is associated. atlancets, also called loitering ammunition, cannot hide either from german leopards or american abrams. an important part of the work is the adaptation of old, soviet weapons for use in modern realities. planning modules designed by rostec engineers made fap aerial bombs. controlled, here they are, separating from the plane, they spread their wings, the crater from the explosion is up to 15 m in diameter, in the vsu they were behind avdievki, when such things began to hit their positions every day. the fifth generation su-57 fighters appeared here for the first time. almost invisible to enemy air defense, super-maneuverable, and the first combat use of hypersonic dagger missiles took place. against which even western patriots and patriots turned out to be powerless.
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80% of the weapons that are currently used in the special operation zone were created at rostec enterprises, chemizov reported to the prime minister during meeting last week. mikhail mishustin controls the implementation of the state defense order. in addition to the su-57 , a new su-35s, a t-90 breakthrough tank, and a penicillin artillery reconnaissance complex at a distance appeared in the northern military district zone last year. per minute, ammunition for almost all types of weapons, by the way, is also made at the factories
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of the rostec corporation, and the volume of manufactured products has increased 12 times since the start of the special operation, many enterprises have switched to working in three shifts. dmitry petrov, andrey grigoriev, lead. six settlements were liberated by the russians at once troops in the special operation zone over the past 24 hours. these are the villages of borisovka, ogurtsova, pletenevka, pylnaya and strelechka. in the kharkov region, the village of keramik in the donetsk people's republic. in the same direction, the ukrainians are preparing to surrender chasov yar, at least the commander of the ground forces, pavlyuk, said that this until recently strategic settlement for the ukrainian armed forces suddenly ceased to be so. over the past 24 hours, more than 1,600 ukrainian militants have been eliminated on all fronts. the ukrainian armed forces lost 70 combat vehicles and artillery pieces. the destroyed nato equipment illustrates the geography well. alliance , the czech rszzo vampire, the french caesar gun, the american
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m113 armored personnel carriers and the paladin self-propelled gun, the polish crab installation, the british bravehart howitzer, five tanks, three of which are german leopards, were disabled. this is footage of the destruction of one of them. the combat vehicle was disabled by russian units on the southern sector of the front. and this is the moment of impact on bogdan’s rare ukrainian self-propelled gun. there are only a few such machines in the ukrainian armed forces . this. i only managed to make one copy shot, after which it was destroyed by a russian lancet, this is how russian troops are deprived of military supplies, this is an attack on dambi across the northern danetsk river, on it the ukrainians... from the unit destroyed positions from which, with the help of rocket artillery, the russian enemy regularly fired at the belgorod region. the santsepeks dealt another blow to the positions of ukrainian militants. the work of the crews of the heavy flamethrower systems was observed by
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voenkor vesti michael andronik. it’s not for nothing that this flamethrower system is called the heavy ten two hundred kilogram thermobaric shells are sent to ukrainian militants who have settled in the ruins of one of the settlements, still controlled by kiev. the objective control footage clearly shows how the missiles are stacked together; this is the result of the constant modernization of the combat vehicle. the next generation of combat vehicles with improved capabilities and characteristics will soon appear. now the heavy flamethrower systems of the southern group of troops, or abbreviated tos, are working around the clock.
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the massive use of drones on the battlefield has had an impact on all types of troops and military professions without exception. specialists from the only army canine center in the zone have trained their pets to detect birds at a distance of up to a thousand meters. a person cannot hear a bird, but a dog can already hear it. in the field of view, a person does not yet see it, but the dog already detects it, barks and lets you know that a bird is flying there. service dogs here begin to be trained from a very early age. that each has its own dog handler. the obstacle course simulates the same challenges they have to face while performing tasks. the same jumping into windows, the same ruins, running around, jumping over, the canine center of the southern military district was created long before
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the start of a special military operation. now dog handlers and their students are working in the liberated territories and are on duty. at checkpoints they look for explosive objects, they found caches, bookmarks, there was a detention of violators, nothing so natural, it’s just work. dogs serve here until they reach eight years of age. age, but in retirement they stay with dog handlers who take their pets home. mikhail andronik, vladislav mirzayants, magomed bashir aliyev, lugansk people's republic. russia will definitely return peace to the land of donbass, confidently. representatives of the dpr presented ros baskets in
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the colors of the republican flag to all russian regions. all these difficult years, the source of strength for our people has been the strong awareness that we stand for our native land, for the free future of our children, for traditional values ​​and true history. every day, every resident of donbass is ready to fight for this, to fight until victory, creative work that began from the moment of the reunification of the donetsk people's republic with the russian federation. fighting for independence, donbass went through the most difficult trials, economic transport blockades, shelling, severe provocations. during the holidays, the number of kiev attacks increases many times, and today donetsk finds itself under targeted fire from kiev formations. but even in such conditions, despite all the hardships and adversities, donbass
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continues to live, strive and develop. word to elena erofeeva. lie down, lie down, powerful explosion, panic, people run screaming in different directions, a frightened child calls his mother, ukrainian militants used american missiles to hit a restaurant where there were no visitors, only employees, not far from the cafe donetsk residents were preparing for a car rally on the occasion of republic day, this is who is lying with us, even if they are alive, there is a new perinatal center very close by. perhaps it was the target of the ukrainian nazis, but they missed. this center was built under fire since the summer of twenty-two, the first new building in the last 10 years, it was opened in april, immediately after the wards.
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you are tired, you want silence, you go to bed, and rockets are flying through your house, flying constantly. russian companies at first did not want to work with an enterprise from the unrecognized donetsk people's republic, but the plant continued to produce and sell through intermediaries, tunneling complexes, combines, loading machines, when they became part of russia, everything changed. we are now working with alrosa. to alrossa quite recently the americans imposed the same sanctions under which we have been living for 10 years, everyone understood. that we are in the same boat, it has already dawned on everyone, they have not supplied equipment to the mines of donbass for a long time, the coal industry is going through difficult times, this wheel
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never stopped during the war years, mining masters went underground, even when coal was actually being mined stopped, the ukrainian army, despite them there are slogans of returning by force, not by force, they clearly left burning bridges from here, therefore the withdrawal from the construction of many enterprises, it is not accidental. investors are already entering the donbass mines, after the cessation of shelling, mining, metallurgy and industrial production can increase two to three times. restoring infrastructure will require large investments, but the returns will be high. i don’t want our region to be subsidized, i want us to be absolutely self-sufficient, and not only that, but also to certainly contribute to the development of both power and...
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cooperation for many african states, russia is strategic partner. moreover, we always empathize with our brothers from africa in their problems. today
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, with its foreign policy, russia defends not only its interests, but also international security and a fair world order. the president of guinea bissau noted the long-standing partnership with russia and expressed hope for closer cooperation with certain regions, in particular with the chechen republic. yesterday i spent part of the day with russian president vladimir putin. vladimir putin spoke very kindly and warmly about ramzan kadyrov. thank you very much for giving the opportunity to come to you and chat with you. well done. the delegation from guinea-bissau was shown the russian special forces university, where security forces and volunteers are trained. we discussed various issues, including those related to military training and education. we agreed that we will soon send our students here to study at your universities. however, students from a number of african countries are already studying at grozny universities.
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the chechen republic intends to develop relationship. not only from guinea bissau, most recently the house of africa was opened at the grozny petroleum technical university, a pilot project on the basis of which students exchange business ideas, projects and get acquainted with culture. during his visit , umaru sisoko embala paid tribute to the memory of the first president of the republic, looked at his office, recreated in the museum of the memorial complex, and left an entry in the book of honored guests. and the first step in further strengthening the connection will be the renaming of one of the capital’s avenues. guinea bissau in honor akhmat khadzhi kadyrov. arthur mustaev, zelimkhan buntashev and aslan lalev. terrible news. residents of st. petersburg have been carrying flowers for the second day to the scene of an accident with a passenger bus, which the day before flew into the moika river. according to the latest data, seven people were killed. today, new footage of the incident from the bus cabin has emerged. they clearly show that the driver is conscious and not distracted from the road. he testifies as a suspect and insists on
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a brake malfunction. system, as it turned out, the suspect had five traffic violations, including driving on the side of the road at a red light. the investigation is checking the legality of his receipt of russian citizenship. an examination was also ordered into the condition of the bus itself, and searches were carried out at the carrier's company. those who heroically rushed into the water to join the drowning passengers before rescuers arrived will be presented with a reward, the investigative committee reported. we are talking about the captain of a pleasure boat, and also about three. eyewitnesses from dagestan. crazy people, suicide bombers, and russians can fly along this route. so during the great patriotic war they talked about the alaska-siberia air corridor, along which landlease planes flew to the front thousands of kilometers from the battlefields. more than 800 vehicles were transported to the east in difficult natural conditions by heroic pilots. footage and historical evidence at the first
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soviet airfield for these purposes in chukotka. researched by alena ragozina. uelkal iskimo village on a sand spit at the entrance to the bay of the cross. on the shore of the bering sea there is a memorial to the pilots who died during flights along the alaska-siberia air route. the first airfield on the territory of the ussr, where american landlease planes landed and was here in uelkala. so will you be participating in the excavations this summer? in the summer, a children's search team searches for artifacts from the great patriotic war in the tundra for a museum corner. the school bears the honorary title of the first red banner ferry air division and carefully preserves the memory of the heroes, pilots and fellow countrymen, builders of the chukotka section of the alsip highway. a mass grave in the middle of the endless tundra. you can only get there by snowmobile. flight commander of the first ferry air regiment, the conditions in the sky were hellish. the americans said that crazy suicidal people and
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russians could fly along this route. the proximity of the sea, the hills create turbulence and turbulence, difficult to predict dense clouds, in such weather local hunters in the tundra find their way home by signs that only they understand, you look at the wind, you simply remember where the grass lies, well, from what direction, you can navigate by this sign, it is difficult for us living in the 21st century to understand how, in the conditions of the polar night, the extreme... hydraulic hoses, landing gear lift, the brake system froze and often burst, there were not enough american stoves to heat the engines, they used homemade ones, the engineering and technical staff had no living
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space left on their hands and faces, that’s all... 894 aircraft of various types were flown along the alaska-siberia air route through uelkal. it is surprising that this airstrip received aircraft in the post-war years. where the sky is blue, the open bering sea begins, and here near the shore, while, of course, everything is hummocked, in august of '42 here to the village of ilkal. the first ship with construction materials for the future military airfield, in october it was already ready, how to evaluate this feat, the water in the bering sea, even in the summer is +5°, the shore is unequipped, everything, barrels, boards, metal,
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everything was loaded directly into the water, and local residents dragged it with their hands to the shore and further into the tundra, but there was a catastrophic shortage of building materials, and children walked along the shore, collecting logs like this. well, so that the construction does not stop, oh, not for a minute. the skill of our pilots incredible, given such difficult transport conditions, the losses turned out to be relatively small. over the course of three war years , 39 accidents occurred in the soviet alsibo sector, 114 pilots died, some were buried in yakutsk, others in igvekinot. crew of senior lieutenant evgeniy spiredonov, buried here in uelkala. i have a huge gratitude. that we can now enjoy this spring and life. during the long chukotka winter, the military cemetery is almost completely swept away; every year, on victory day
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, children and their parents clear a path, two a dozen names, some were never found. alena ragozina, dmitry arkhangelsky, gennady korneev. news: chukotka. this is big news, which is what we will talk about later in the program. macron again threatens to send troops to ukraine. if you threaten our interests and our security, then i do not rule out sending the military. how did the kremlin react to this statement? this is very provocative on the part of the europeans. the un general assembly recommended that sovez allow palestine to join the organization. the united states and israel opposed it. with their own hands. you are destroying the un charter, yes, yes, that's what you are doing. the us is quadrupling import duties on chinese electric vehicles. cars will double in price. beijing may retaliate against the shanghai plant of american tesla. the island of this downed
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japanese fighter has lain on this site since july 1939. after 1.00 km through the endless steppes of mongolia, to the site of the largest air battle in history. our sergei mingazhev is about eighty-five years old. a powerful geomagnetic storm hit the earth, an extreme geomagnetic storm was registered, why were residents of the central latitudes suddenly able to see the northern lights ? will the anomaly repeat this night, it’s caught everywhere, gas stations are in the corridor, where to go and what to do, you don’t have to ask anyone at all, beg, humiliate.
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they say: you need to prepare for a vacation, you need to be able to relax, you need to relax beautifully, but you need to relax, where there is sun and sea, on
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the first coastal one, where everything is included, except for your head, we know everything about vacation, relax, anex. treat yourself to a first-class holiday with leo resorts. elegant details. a celebration of exquisite tastes. a variety of entertainment, a golden beach and azure waves. lio reorts, we are here for you.
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welcome to the newest rixas hotel in sharmelsheikh. rixas radomis sharmelsheikh is an ideal place for a family holiday, where everything is created for the happiness and comfort of their children. escape from everyday life into a world of endless entertainment, themed rooms, the largest children's playground in the region and an unforgettable holiday. riksas rodomis charmel sheikh. open for yourself a real pearl on the coast of bodrum, titanic luxury collection bodrum. exceptional service, incredible culinary delights and an atmosphere of complete relaxation. immerse yourself in a world of exciting adventures
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and exciting entertainment, welcome to a world of timeless elegance and unsurpassed comfort. the secrets of paradise are revealed at titanic lakshary collection bodrum. where is your homeland, my brother, and whose homeland are you, soldier, who do you serve, former friend, tear away everything that was ours, which was together, what will you have left? against god, we went on a tour through all the liberated territories, what an impression it makes, but russia comes and the city lives. boris kovchevnikov's program, life and destiny, from monday to friday on rtr. excuse me, can i at least accompany you, you are in such a state that you will certainly get hit by a tram today.
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let's go, let's go, love will come exactly according to plan, limited liability company, angels, no, cupits, premiere, today on rtr, big news on the air, we continue the release, civilian died. as a result of another shelling of belgorod from ukraine.
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missiles fired from a czech vampire rszo exploded in the courtyard of a residential building. another shell fell near one of the hospitals, injuring five people. vesti correspondent alexey kornev is working at the scene of the event. at 19:25 belgorod again came under massive fire from the ukrainian armed forces. according to official information from the ministry of defense , more than 10 shells from the vampire sanitary protection zone were shot down over belgorod. there was a lot of damage... throughout the city.
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about 150 thousand palestinians left rafah for south of the gaza strip after the start of the israeli operation. over the past 24 hours , 28 residents have been killed by idf strikes. including one of the hamas hostages, movement officials said. in total, since the beginning of the escalation , almost 35 thousand palestinians have been killed in the enclave. the un general assembly adopted a resolution expanding.
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our right to self-determination, to an independent state, to membership in the un cannot be subject to an israeli vote. as everyone is saying now, freedom for palestine, and i repeat, freedom for palestine. vote for this resolution, i thank you very much. observer israel, full member since 1948. at that time, an arab state.
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president biden has made it clear that lasting peace in the region can only be achieved through a two-state solution
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with guaranteed israeli security, where israelis and palestinians can live side by side with an equal degree of freedom, believe that unilateral measures at the un and... localities will not lead to the achievement of this goal, this resolution of the general assembly was no exception and therefore the united states is voting against. the us is in the minority. the resolution was adopted with by a huge difference of votes, 143 in favor, nine including the americans against. israel was also against it, whose permanent representative decided to clearly explain to those gathered why they were mistaken. he took the shredder, a device used to destroy important papers, at the podium. this is your mirror so that you can see exactly what you are adding to the un charter with this destructive vote. you are destroying
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the un charter with your own hands. yes, yes, that’s exactly what you are doing, cutting up the un charter, shame on you.
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several areas of rafah as the idf expands its area of ​​operation. this is how israel responds to shell their territories. according to military estimates, there were five launches from central gaza in the city of be'ersheba. one of the rockets fell on a children's playground. a shell exploded in the center of the playground. fortunately, there was no one on it at that moment. the suburb of the city of kiriadshmon is on fire. hamas fired 35 rockets at it, only 15 were intercepted. due to dry weather, the fire spreads quickly. but also places where hostages could be held; hamas reported the death of one of them the day before. according to representatives of the movement,
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a 51-year-old man died from his wounds after being attacked by aircraft at the site where the prisoners were being held. the us has temporarily stopped supplying israel with a range of ammunition. information support is coming from overseas. american students tell europeans how to properly rally in defense of palestine. american protesters provided. to palestinian camps in british universities, recommendations and documents on tactics and logistics. advice from experienced american students who have been fighting with the police and university management for months, are already being adopted in italy. a huge palestinian flag was unfurled at the university of milan. the geography of pro-palestinian protest is expanding. hundreds of people came out to protest in athens, greece. denis davidov and anna lvova. news. emmanuel macron. he is ready to confront russia and its successes on the front line, even to the detriment of his own economy, he made this statement in an interview with figaro. the french president
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confirmed that he still considers it possible to send troops of the fifth republic to ukraine, again scaring the country with the supposed possibility aggression from russia. if we allow the law of the strongest to win in ukraine, we will not be safe, because this is happening one and a half thousand kilometers away from us, because romania, poland, lithuania could be attacked. also other countries, we will lose all authority and sense of security, so we are ready to risk our future and security if at some point the russians go too far, we all europeans must be ready to act to contain them, in response to macron's words, in the kremlin noted the collective the west is deliberately escalating tension against the backdrop of unsuccessful actions by the ukrainian armed forces. the europeans decided to go to obank, press secretary of the russian president dmitry peskov told the host of the moscow, kremlin putin program, pavel zarobin. deliberate escalation of tension, the europeans are going all in, they see that the situation is rapidly changing,
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it is actually fraught with a complete collapse for the ukrainians, so they themselves are exalted by this situation, so the moment is very responsible, and of course, this is very provocative on the part of the europeans. new release of the program pavel zarubin moscow, kremlin putin, watch this sunday at 22:00. the sisko-ukrainian war, this is the internal border of not only poland, but also the european union, so i have no doubt that the whole of europe will have to, i know that we
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will achieve this, invest in its security at the border. earlier, the polish authorities announced the modernization of the fence that was installed on the border with belarus in 2022. this is a wall made of steel lattice blocks with a height of 5.5 and a length of 186 km. the fence appeared after the european union accused minsk and moscow in a hybrid attack involving illegal migrants. america is preparing to declare a major trade war on china. according to the wall street journal, the biden administration will announce a fourfold increase in duties on electric vehicles on may 14. restrictions are also being introduced on the import of solar-powered devices and minerals critical to microelectronics. the publication notes that tariffs have not changed radically since the nineteenth year, since the times. donald trump's protective tariffs. the chinese foreign ministry has already complained that biden is repeating the mistake of his predecessor. report
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by dmitry melnikov. the car war between the united states and china is moving from a cold phase to a hot phase. fourfold increase in import duties on chinese cars. biden's most powerful blow to beijing in the economic confrontation between west and east. one hundred percent tariff instead of the current already high twenty. percentage will actually double for a buyer in the united states the cost of all electric cars produced in china and will close the american market for auto giants from the middle kingdom. share of chinese electric cars in american automobile imports now do not exceed one percent. however, few people in the united states know that popular european brands have long been owned by chinese companies, for example, volvo electric cars, which are produced under the paul star brand, are manufactured by the gilly group corporation. and it is unknown whether the new tariff rules will affect these cars. the explosive growth of the chinese auto industry, especially
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the electric car segment, poses a mortal threat to the american automobile. industry, say in washington, therefore, not only the cars themselves, but also chinese batteries, as well as components for their production, were subject to draconian tariff increases. beijing called the biden administration's decision a great insult and a violation of international trade rules. china vows to defend itself. the united states continues to politicize economic and trade issues and abuse the tariff review process, which is a great insult. we call. the united states will strictly abide by the rules of the world trade organization and cancel all additional tariffs imposed on china, not to mention tariff increases. china will take all necessary measures to protect its rights and interests. a frenzied campaign against chinese electric vehicles unfolded in the european union coinciding with the visit of chinese president xijen pingnya to europe. brussels is discussing not only raising tariffs, but also
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a complete ban on the sale of chinese-made electric cars. us decision. can speed up this process. we are ready to make full use of our protection tools trade if necessary. for example, a couple of weeks ago we launched our first international procurement investigation. europe cannot accept market-distorting practices that could lead to deindustrialization here at home. against this background , china is negotiating with the europeans, bypassing brussels. in belgrade, sidzen signs a bilateral free trade agreement with the president. we are ready to take our bilateral relations and practical cooperation to an even higher level in order to give a powerful impetus to our development and prosperity. china is still keeping its response to the escalating trade war by the united states secret; one option could be a ban on the shanghai plant
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of the american company tesla to ship cars to the united states. the enterprises were built by the chinese and local laws allow beijing to regulate the export of products, including the future of its automobile factories in china. the day before , company owner elon musk went to beijing to discuss, who was forced to admit that chinese electric cars have become the most competitive in the world. it's good to see that electric cars are developing in china, in the future all cars will be electric. washington began a full-scale economic offensive against china under trump. trump is ready to escalate the trade war with beijing in the event of a second term. the campaign headquarters is talking about increasing import duties on chinese imports to 60%. and in his speeches, trump even wants to impose a 100% tax on all
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goods imported from china. those huge factories. car manufacturing monsters that you now building in mexico, you will not hire americans to sell cars to us, no, we are going to impose a 100% tariff on every car, if i am elected, you will not be able to sell them. it is mexico that china views as an industrial springboard for an attack on america. this is the second country in terms of the number of imported chinese cars. russia takes first place. over the past year , almost 850 thousand cars were delivered to our country from china. it is no coincidence that the decision to protect the american market from the chinese biden adopted electric vehicles six months before the election. in the battle for swing pennsylvania and michigan, he promises to protect us industry, next could be triple tariffs on chinese slur and aluminum. chinese steel companies don't have to worry about making a profit because the chinese government has subsidized them so much that
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they don't compete, they cheat, they cheat. the presidential administration itself doubts that this economic blow to beijing will be able to save the us auto industry. among automakers, the scale of chinese production is too large and chinese electric cars are too cheap, but it is obvious that biden’s decision will further worsen relations with beijing, which biden spent months trying to normalize, which biden personally considered after his meeting with the chinese leader at the summit in san francisco. russia and mongolia recall the events at khalkhengol, which to some extent became a prologue to the great patriotic war. exactly 85 years ago, the armies of the two countries entered into a confrontation with militaristic japan, which tried to redraw the border in the far east in its favor. the conflict lasted 130 days, ended with the defeat of the japanese, forcing them to abandon plans
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to march on the ussr together with hitler. off-road to see historical battle sites. to get to khalkingol from ulanbater you need to drive about 100 km to the east. the last 350 kilometer section takes 8-10 hours along a bumpy track in the mongolian steppe, where there is no one on the way except grazing horses. it’s better to leave after dark, then you’ll be there by noon. a huge black stele with a five-pointed star on top on the bank of the khalkingol river is a monument to soviet and mongolian heroes. who defended these lands in the summer of 1939 from japanese militarists. in japan itself , little is remembered about this episode of history. a small private museum in
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the town of nasu, 200 km from tokyo, greets guests with bravura wartime songs, propaganda posters and an enlarged photograph of fifteen-year-old kamikaze pilots, taken a few minutes before their last flight in the summer of 1945. long before the surrender of japan, which was essentially predetermined thousands of kilometers away on the border with mongolia 85 years ago. by the end of the thirties , the japanese empire was already at war in china. on the border with mongolia, it had a puppet state called manjuugo, and some of the militarists at the head were preparing to begin seizing the northern territories with a subsequent attack on the soviet union. on may 11, a detachment of japanese cavalry with machine guns crossed the border and advanced 15 km into mongolian territory. attacking the nomonhan border outpost, surprise superiority enemy forces put the red army units stationed in mongolia in an extremely difficult situation. and these are propaganda illustrations from a japanese magazine, just in may
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1939, you see, a japanese soldier with a samurai sword captures a soviet tank. a silver-plated bust of marshal georgy zhukov in ulanbater was placed on the boulevard named after him for the fortieth anniversary of the victory at khalkhengol. he was sent to the mongolian front as an inspector with the rank. marvelous with the task of correcting the difficult situation in which we find ourselves soviet troops. the mongolian people will never forget the fraternal support that the soviet people provided in difficult times. we believe that zhukov, as an outstanding commander, was born on mongolian soil. the main difficulties of the soviet army were associated with the lack of roads, but the japanese had a railway built all the way to the border, little has changed since then, even now the corpses of animals are constantly driven around the potholes. or by chance, crossing water obstacles, with the risk of getting stuck in the mud, getting there is not easy, then a wheeled transport was technically even weaker, however , after the transfer of reinforcements and the arrival of new aircraft, and, most importantly,
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zhukov’s assumption of authority as commander of the entire operation, the initiative gradually passed to our side. the main city in the east of the country is choibalsan, this is the name of the commander of the mongol army. his equestrian statue stands in the central square. a point on the way to khalchinggol, the fourth largest in mongolia with a population of less than 50.00 people, off to the side on a hill overlooking the city steppe, there is a monument to soviet pilots, their names are inscribed on the memorial wall with golden letters. in the sky above khalkhengol, the first two-time heroes of the soviet union in history were born, here are their names: kravchenko, gritsevets, smushkevich, for example, sergei ivanovich gretsevets, single-handedly shot down 12 japanese fighters when his commander’s plane. behind enemy lines, he sent his i-16 60 km deep into the japanese defenses, landed, took a comrade on board and returned to his own. all main hostilities took place on the eastern bank
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halchinggola. now this is a restricted border area. we get there over rough terrain without any signs.


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