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tv   Kupidoni  RUSSIA1  May 11, 2024 9:00pm-12:56am MSK

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the city of choibalsan is the name of the commander of the mongol army, his equestrian statue stands in the central square, the nearest settlement on the way to kholkhingol, the fourth largest in mongolia with a population of less than 50,000 people, in the country there is a monument on a hill overlooking the steppe city to soviet pilots, their names are inscribed on the memorial wall with golden letters, in the sky above khalkhengol the first ever twice heroes of the soviet union were born, here are their names: kravchenko, gritsevets. smushkevich, for example, sergei ivanovich gretsevets single-handedly shot down 12 japanese fighters, when his commander’s plane crashed behind enemy lines, he sent his i-16 60 km deep into the japanese defense, landed, took a comrade on board and returned to his own. all the main hostilities took place on the eastern bank of halchinggol. now this is a restricted border area. we get there over rough terrain without any signs. the landscape here begins to change. trees appear,
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interspersed with dunes. the island of this a downed japanese fighter has been lying on this site since july 1939. it was here that the main air battles took place. in general, the war on khalkhengol went down in history as the largest in terms of the number of aircraft involved. on both sides , up to 800 fighters and bombers took part in it. on august 20, 1939 , the victorious offensive of the soviet-mongolian units began in all directions. for 4 days of strength.
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vestei, nasu, japan, ulanbater, choibalsan, khalkingol, mongolia. see the northern lights in central latitudes. so rare the opportunity was given last night to residents of moscow, st. petersburg, nizhny novgorod, sverdlovsk, irkutsk regions, yakutia and the krasnoyarsk territory. an incredible bright spectacle that astronomers, photographers, artists and just travelers strive to capture, the aurora appeared in all its expressiveness and beauty and was observed even by the crew of an aircraft of the russian aerospace forces during a combat flight to the northern military district zone. the cause of this astronomical phenomenon was a strong magnetic storm, the likes of which had not happened since beginning of the century. scientists have assigned it the highest level of magnetic influence on the earth g5. the storm is the maximum. there are five levels of storm. g1 is the smallest, it is called a small magnetic storm. g5 is the maximum.
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extreme geomagnetic storm. the last km/ storm of this scale, this class, this intensity was recorded more than twenty years ago, this was october, the end of october 2003. the strongest geomagnetic storm has been going on for almost a day. the speed of the solar wind, which carries plasma emissions towards our planet, reaches 1,000 give me a sec. in the eastern hemisphere , the storm subsided a little in the middle of the day, but by night it was gaining strength again. scientists predict. its oval may drop to the southern borders of the country; perhaps it makes sense to postpone sleep and wait. and now we return to the first topic of the issue. vladimir putin approved the structure of the new government by decree. approved by the state duma and appointed by the president as prime minister mikhail today. the candidacies
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of those who, in his opinion, should occupy the highest government posts in the country. there is still only one leader in the government deputy prime minister and nine deputies. the distribution of powers changes slightly. the new composition will not include a deputy head of the ministry of industry and trade, but will remain a deputy plenipotentiary representative of the president in the far eastern district and a deputy chief of staff. first deputy prime minister, professional economist andrei belouk, is moving to another job. who spent 18 years in the government in various positions, he will be replaced by denis manturov, who served as deputy prime minister since 2012. it was proposed to retain the positions of deputy prime ministers for alexey overchuk, international relations, yuri trutnev, far east and morat khusnulin, construction. mishustin submitted to the state duma the candidacy of dmitry chernyshenko for the post of deputy prime minister in charge of science, sports, tourism and media coordination. as
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the government press service reported, in the new cabinet of ministers, chernyshenko will be responsible for scientific and educational support for national projects of technological leadership and will oversee the ministry of education and education. sciences, rosobrnadzor, rosmolodezh and the ministry of sports. dmitry grigorenko proposed to be reappointed to the post of deputy prime minister. he will oversee the financial , control and supervisory areas, digital development and antitrust policy, as well as the further implementation of platforms and mechanisms created by the it sector. thus, grigorenko will oversee the digital transformation of public administration in key sectors of the economy and social sphere. to the deputy prime minister. alexander novyk, in whose area of ​​responsibility the fuel and energy complex will also add economic ministries. responsible for the social block, as before there will be tatyana golikova. it has the ministry of health, the ministry of labor and social protection, the ministry of culture and the federal agency for
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national affairs. a separate deputy prime minister will now oversee the transport industry. and vitaly savelyev, who for a long time served as a relevant minister, is proposed for this position. the minister of agriculture dmitry patrushev is proposed to replace deputy prime minister victoria abramchenko, who is moving to another job. his area of ​​responsibility will include not only agro-industrial complex, but also ecology. the head of the ministry of agriculture will be his deputy oksana lut, who has also been working in the industry for quite some time. anton kotyakov, ministry of labor, and alexander kozlov (ministry of natural resources) will probably retain their posts in the new composition.
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until 2000, he practiced fencing professionally and was a prize-winner at russian and international competitions. this list has already been submitted to the state duma, tomorrow there will be discussions at the committee level, on monday it is expected to approve deputy prime ministers, on tuesday leaders ministries there are also ministers who
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are appointed by the president after consultation with the federation council; this is the entire power bloc; candidates for these positions have not yet been announced. watch the main events of the last seven days in news of the week with dmitry kiselyov tomorrow at 20:00. this is news of the week and i am dmitry kiselev, watch on sunday. victory parade on red square through a snowstorm and gale force wind. hooray! power! our partisans blow up four pillars of a bridge near a village, and how the russian partisans brought victory over fascism closer in italy, where their memory is revered until so far. my dad adored russians as partisans, because there were many
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russians in his brigade. the exercise of non-strategic nuclear forces of russia in response to the plans of the west will destroy our country. so what awaits britain, france and the usa if they now don’t believe their eyes? you've never encountered it before. 20 years since the murder of akhmad kadyrov in grozny. the same dynamo stadium. why did the terrorists fail to break chechnya then? ramzan kadyrov - chinese investments in hungary, but why neither cognac, nor armagnac, nor
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vonderleen, transgender people, satanists, and just songs without panties, what europe, such eurovision, and new horizons for chukotka, pivek becomes real. energy hub, why is it no longer the end of the earth? this is the beginning of the world, here heaven and earth meet, what it means to get into the case and how chukotka will definitely attract guests, news of the week, sunday 20:00, all news is always available on the media platform, watch it in the application or on the website. and that's all for today, goodbye.
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give me salt, please, please, thank you, you're welcome, but still there is great simplicity in umlet, i agree, yes.
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retirement, mom, can we just have a normal breakfast without these tricks of yours, otherwise i’ll forget this common thing, stooge, well, all that ’s left, we can just eat normally, but what’s wrong? you yourself said that today is your last day and that you are receiving your last fee, and we should be very tight on your pension alone, but mommy said, well , maybe somehow not so demonstratively, well, i can also get a job in a barrel at the zoo, that is again, it’s my fault, it’s our job to propose, right?
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eh, chicken, did you buy your license or did you forget where the pedal is? gas or something, but excuse me, it’s just green already, excuse me, did you just fall head over heels in love, like in a movie, something like that, and he, and he just doesn’t see people like me, he’s so cool. the coolest, they
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thought they had already won, i take the lead, then seryoga gives me a baseball pass, i make a market, put the ball in a brick, bilga, hi, can i have an autograph, well, girls, i suggest we go to my friend, okay, listen, i do n't think it's yours. option, that’s the whole problem, yes, there’s some nonsense with us, you too, tell me, but things are even worse for me, maybe it’s to the far east, as they wrote in the books, to save whales, at least some kind of life with meaning, i’m almost ready, and i’m almost ready too, so the meeting, i don’t know.
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room 105, please, i beg your pardon, i’m in a hurry, rest, somewhere, am i a waiter, damn it, or what’s his name, don’t twitch, it’s davidova herself, what are you, davidova herself, yeah, go crazy, find the mayor guilty of committing a crime, as provided for in part one of article 209 of the russian criminal code. federations and give him a sentence of imprisonment for 15 years, to be served in a high-security penal colony, yes, if you give it, you will answer, concrete said, concrete will do, wait, i answer you, minister,
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keep quiet in court. marya leonidovna, i won’t interfere, no, what are you, vasily serentsich, how you feel on the last day of service, i don’t know, i feel strange, i don’t understand, i’m confident in my decision, i’m sure, i’m not in control of myself
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lately, the commission, what’s the application. it was right, i was at the very last moment moved the barrel from his head to his leg, i was ready to pass my sentence, many in the city would understand you, there is so much blood on it, yes, but i’m not a judge, so that’s it, i understand you, i will miss you, i will miss you very much not enough. who would you recommend to take your place? i don’t know, vasilivich, it’s up to you to decide, i don’t initiate it, i think that my opinion will only do harm, excuse me, well, whatever you say, yes, whatever, sasha, sasha, sashka has problems, i missed her, what’s wrong with her, well come on,
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lay it out, i’m still not someone else’s godfather , after all, what a bad company, bad head. that no one needs her, that she is not lucky, she said that she will drop out of college and go somewhere to save whales, there will be problems , i’m asking, excuse me, let me listen, i understand, we’ll be right there, kovalchuk, we have a hostage, where is my car, urgently , don’t say too much there at the end. davidova, are you serious? which academician? you only have a year left with a penny, what happened? you see, vladimir olegovich, i
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’m pregnant, that’s when you manage to do everything, the best student in the class, here too the first. i have a certificate, no, i need it, i need it, okay, i lied, i i’m not pregnant, well, this can be easily corrected, what are you talking about, so that, okay, there is another reason, but this is completely, completely between us, i didn’t want to talk, i’m listening, my mother... has gone crazy, she decided that i was replaced at the maternity hospital, cries all day long, refuses to eat, doesn’t go outside, quit my job. i can’t leave her alone, lord, she also constantly calls for her real daughter, i will cure her with my love, i’m ready for anything for her,
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well, they did a dna test, and if i’m really not her daughter, it will completely kill her , terrible, terrible, alexandra, i hope that within a year you will resolve the situation and return it. clear the perimeter, don’t let anyone in here, oh, the management has come, control everything here, there is a husband and wife, she works as a saleswoman, and he caught her, jealousy, not quite like that, she caught him, took him hostage, what, well, in general, she has fists weighing 3 kg, he keeps yelling that they are killing him, maryalna, let me, she is armed. her gun is broken, we've already called the special forces, we can't go there, make sure they don't storm it, otherwise they'll get settled here and the water will get low, mash, you've gone crazy or something, give me back the gun, wave,
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don't get in the way, be careful there, another one, pray, pray, i'll kill, i'll kill, give it back to me, creature, i'll kill, i'll sit for you, but i'll kill you, creature, you'll give me my whole life. i gave my whole life, but it’s not my fault, it’s a coincidence, it fell under me, i don’t want to, oh, what are you, a sheep, you, you hit my ceiling, you fool, major davidov, not a sheep, shoot, take the gun, shoot, masha, break, put the gun down, the chicken will kill you now, who are you, yours too, so, yes, i don’t know, i swear i don’t know, well, shut up, both yes, let's talk, friend, what's your name? what's the difference? tanya, me and what? and i’m masha and i’m tan, the head of the internal affairs directorate, guess what? today is my last day of retirement here. this is such bullshit. well,
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screw you. but it's not that. the fact is that in 4 hours i will be out of business. will you wait? in terms of? i mean, don’t knock him down until i retire from demobilization, well , i’m asking you like a woman, understand? my problems will begin with a question, i’m just asking you, do you hear? well, maybe i'm not going to get out. tatyana, you are starting. to disappoint me, this asshole is cheating on you with some slut, and are you going to wipe yourself off, or whatever, don’t even think about it, if you don’t get overwhelmed during the assault, you’ll end up in the zone, but it’s also normal there, normal people live, but for yours this they won’t give you a freak for more than 8 years, and after 8 years tatyana, you are released, the whole world is at your fingertips, why is he a freak, he, he’s not a freak at all, he’s him, he’s good, he’s just a gentle weakling , tan, well, really, well, i think you’re a real woman, the woman said, the woman i did, and you? why did you just come here, and we’re having a family conversation, maybe, what do you care? that's right, we'll figure it out ourselves somehow, not the first time, that's right, fedya, well done,
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well done, well done, fedya, and why were you yelling at the whole of ivanovo, they're killing you for you, and they're beating you, damn it, that's right, because it hurt , it hurts, yes, it’s clear, it means you’re tatyana, you’re not going to knock him down, are you a fool, he’s my husband, okay, in short, let’s end this whole circus, i’ll put you in prison for 15 days, well, for prevention, to clear my brains, me at 15 for a day, yes, yes, he will die of hunger, he can’t cook scrambled eggs for himself, that’s exactly what he can’t do, tanya for 15 days, come on, give me then, uh, i attacked her, and she defended herself, okay, gentle, let’s give you 15 days, i persuaded him, let’s go, and you can transmit the transmission there, he has an ulcer. he just needs a couple, tatyana, we have everything there for the time being, but this is no longer for me, i ’ll just be free by this time, let’s leave, well, we’ve got everything ready, yes, yes, yes,
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yes, so, give it here, so, take it away from here, take it away, the key. congratulations, congratulations, congratulations, congratulations, what kind of crazy thing are you doing here, why aren’t we working? maria linda, we’re seeing you off to retirement, the table is set with all that, there’s a holiday, which means you, yuri romanovich, well, as they say, with tears in our eyes, yes, we will really miss you, nothing, you’ll have enough of me for a long time today, yuri romanovich, today is my last day at work, so the banquet is cancelled. clearly, mom is not in a good mood. everyone to work, well work, work like that, premiere, when are you
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going to everyone? tell me about your monastery when you’ve already told me about yours monas, you already told your parents about surrogacy, you started asking questions too late, why did you gather us all today, well, everyone is very interested, let’s tell us what changes you have, don’t you want to, oh well then i will say, the light is in the window from monday on rtr. oldbar cognac, a product of the stellar group. a hotel for unforgettable experiences rixsas sharmasheikh. only for adults 18+. here you will find entertainment throughout the day. year-round performances by the best djs from around the world and comfortable rooms. rixos sharmasha. this is not just a vacation, it is a holiday
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for the soul. where every detail is created to be admired. cnop gin is a product of stellor group. titanic delux golf belleg, where every moment is exclusive. wrap yourself in comfort by our pools, relax in the life salon and enjoy delicious dishes from the best restaurants. here, every room is a journey into comfort. comfort, your holiday, your rules, titanic deluxe, golf bellet - the best choice for an unforgettable holiday. stearsman bourbon is a product of the stellor group. kalinan bellec is a place where time stops. immerse yourself in sophistication and luxury, forgetting about time on the shores of the mediterranean sea.
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kalinonbek hotel, where life turns into a fairy tale, veda vodka, a product of the stellar group.
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you can have a snack or stuffed, thank you, let me treat you, madam.
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sasha, what do you want? are you hiding from me or what? i’m sleeping, from you, you were crying, i heard, no, you’re pregnant, you’re crazy, masha was crying too, and then it turned out that she was pregnant with you, it’s unclear from whom, but how did you get me, i’m not pregnant. for now, ok, let’s say, then you’re fucking crying, and love is also unhappy, come on, come on, tell me, who else are you going to tell about this, you’re not a crazy mother, you’re both
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crazy, you’re just diagnosed with... come on , tell me, i swear, i'll take this secret to the grave, who is he? you are ignoring me, madam , we are aggressive, i like this, it means that the beds are very hot, which hurts,
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have a good evening, maria lenitovna, you are in trouble, thank you, comrade men. let's go, what's up? it’s fine, everything is without consequences, everything is fine, where is sanya, why isn’t breakfast coming? i have the problem, and in more detail, that she dropped out of college, she fell in love with a basketball player, and
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what about him? but he doesn’t know, so what? i don’t know, she’s your daughter, so you can expect anything from her, mom, she’s your granddaughter, so you can expect anything from her, also the most monstrous nonsense. first we need to look at this basketball player. the porridge is not edible, i tried. he, well, looks like georgy ivanov, who else? he, of course. stand on guard, don't pretend you didn't understand, mommy, go stand up, yes, someone will go, give a favor, or fight into fits, as you know how, why give in,
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i don’t understand, we’ll find him and what, i don’t know. to begin with, you just need to look at him, it’s some kind of stupidity, not stupidity, you too, once fell in love, then got pregnant, and so at least we’ll understand from whom, why do you need this mom, i’m not your mother, what are you even sure , that they didn’t change my rudomi, also no, so i’m not, well, come on, tell me who it was, otherwise i’ll die and i won’t know, oh, god, mommy, his mom has black eyebrows, blue eyes like the sky, idiot, isn't it? that’s the smallest thing, it’s him, quietly, don’t worry, you’re already twice the height of all of us
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combined, what a freak, what a freak. hello, hello, just now a young
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man came in, he’s tall, what floor, what apartment? seventh floor, thirty-second apartment, okay, thank you, but you don’t say anything to anyone, you understand, we understand this.
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maybe you can still eat? listen, stop suffering so loudly, it’s unbearable, sing, i have the tragedy of my whole life, you’re being stupid, you said before that it’s a tragedy throughout your life, i am your mother, you by default, can somehow solve this problem, yes, well, how, for example, well, i don’t know, is it possible to somehow get acquainted with this basketball player, get to know him better, firstly , who is he, i, he’s a star, you should
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have seen how he paints less, and secondly, how do you imagine it, hello, i’m a fool, let’s be friends, i imagined it, well, without improvements, clearly, then let's continue. we need to get into gosha’s entrance at the right time, uh-huh, there’s a clerk sitting there, we’ll have to somehow neutralize her, as we think, we need to will find out her schedule, when she has a break, where she lives and so on, second, gosh, you need to understand what time he leaves the house, but this is not a problem, i’ll call the institute and find out his schedule, the most important thing is the dispatcher, elevator operators , how to make it so that... they don’t exist, how?
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question? well, the most difficult one is the elevator. how to make it stick at the right time, well, in the sense of hanging between floors. i think we've gone crazy.
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i have the same one, talkative, yeah, but where can i get someone? listen, what? could you sit in my place for a couple of days, but here in the entrance next to me, and i honestly admit, how
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unexpected, i don’t know if i can handle it, but it’s nothing complicated, sit, sit, there ’s even a couch there, you can lie down. well, just so that strangers don’t wander around, don’t let cats and dogs in, so that they don’t spoil things, i ’ll pay you 300 rubles for each shift, and well, agree, well, what’s the point of all the trains through moscow, i’ve always hated you. watch melodramas, romcastra, product of the stellar group, allow yourself
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a first-class holiday with lio reorts, elegant details. a celebration of exquisite tastes, a variety of entertainment, a golden beach and azure waves. liu reorts, we are here for you. mancacher whiskey is a product of the stellar group. rixas premium segate. family fun begins. here, here, every detail is created for your pleasure. enjoy a water park for children, lush green gardens and the beauty of coral reefs and the sea. immerse yourself in a world of unforgettable experiences at rixsas premium siagate. rixos premium seagate.
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cognac monte chococa. product of stellar group. cognac! product of stetellar group. new the raped victims of alfonso velancelista from colombia. he lay down next to me and started pestering me. he started threatening me. who is angela torres? give me three children. i really believed it. our film crew went to colombia, which
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the correspondent had to endure on the streets of one of the most dangerous cities in latin america. and how did angel toros manage to deceive the migration service? malakhov on monday on rtr, good afternoon, maria lenidovna, hello, i have a question for you, as an expert, you are our expert for all questions, tell me how you can stop the elevator so that it gets stuck, and why, don’t ask unnecessary questions, i understand, well, the simplest thing, you can jump, the sensor will work and it’s no good, you need to stop the elevator with... already, and this is more difficult , well, if you have access to the control room, you can try there, but there is no simpler way, well, the simplest thing is to try to open the doors at the moment when... the elevator is moving, you need to push the doors on any floor a couple of centimeters, the sensor will work there, the elevator will stop, insert the wedge, and then the wedge
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he’ll go again to pull it out, it’s good, just please, don’t tell anyone that i asked you about this, okay, but i already forgot, that’s all, i can be free, comrade major, free, thank you, but you’re welcome. “to be honest, we really miss you, oh well, really, hello, hello, excuse me, please, our elevator is broken, yes, i’m stuck between floors, the address is chervyakov 61, uh-huh, great, thank you!” how can we lure sasha into this list? how, how, mom, well, you ’re working as a horseman now, we’ll think of something, look, he’s out.
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9 minutes, very little, we need at least an hour, not enough, what are we going to do, i don’t know yet, but he shouldn’t arrive so quickly, have you signed up? signed up, oh, maria leonidovna, i didn’t recognize you,
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you’ll be rich. kind. is your day as usual? yes. like a burden rolls off the soul, doubt is far away, and you can believe it, cry, and so easily, easily,
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you said something, well, what, would i dare, so i remembered something from the early michal yuryevich, bon appetit, count me. long time no see, but you haven’t changed at all, i’m looking at a fortune teller, i’ve retrained, my gift has opened, i need to do one thing, they’re good, take away the phone, well, no. i don’t agree, okay, it ’s like a joke, but i’m in a bind, boss, i need it, i really need it, i need a personal request, and
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you’ll send me a gref to the zone, okay, no, no, i’ll contact zina, with her simpler and work cleaner, oh, oh, zinka, yes, she’s crooked, it’s better to work with zinka, we toured in st. petersburg in 2005, she caught one guy’s portmant on the tram, and then lost it, she’ll only ruin the whole thing for you, so it turns out this way, and gosha is tomorrow according to the schedule for the second class, sashka should already be on gosha’s floor by this time, but how will she even end up there, you said that you got a job, well, you said, i’m not sure that she remembered, yes , i probably remembered, you’ll call tomorrow and say that you forgot the pills, let her bring them to you, but i don’t know how to send her upstairs, for now, sonya will give
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us a signal, what? when gosha is there, i came up with an idea, i’m a genius, i came up with an idea, she ’ll mute it, who? sonya, i'll tell sashka that on the floor where gosha is, there is a cat screaming, well, disturbing the neighbors, there you need to catch it. gosha will leave the apartment, at this time sashka is riding in the elevator with the cat, following the cat upstairs, and the elevator door opens, sashka does not have time to get out. and then gosha wedges her, the two of them are going down, you ’re crazy, there’s a little girl, but i don’t know what’s next, how we’ll stop the elevator, trust me, it’s clear, at the moment you’re the weakest link, turn off the light, i’m afraid.
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and me too, maybe it’s not necessary, it’s necessary, mom, that’s it, come on, don’t be fooled, lord, some vulgar, it’s you, mother, you haven’t seen her in action yet, listen, shut up. sit here.
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damn, maria leonidovna, you’re a shaitan woman, i never would have thought. i'm an adult, don't look for me, if you're bored, send a telegram, your word. well. that's it,
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here's a kettle, a sofa, a tv, you'll figure it out on your own, the night shift worker lyuska will come at eight and replace you, everything in a bunch, not a point, uh-huh, that's it, i'm running, but no one will have time for the train, come on.
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listen, boss, just without any nonsense, please , let’s try. did you call? yes, it will be soon. i don't know, i don't i like your attitude, that’s enough, mom, that’s it, we went upstairs, you remember everything, i’m not sure, mom, it seems to me that senior dementia has begun, i don’t know, maybe we’ll go home, mom, pull yourself together, everything will be fine, don’t be afraid of anything, we with you,
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in short, he comes out, you delay him, fall into darkness or something like that, you have a rich repertoire, yeah. uh-huh, and i take out my mobile phone, i remember, but why do we need to take the phone away if there is always a connection with the elevator operators in the elevator? sonya, we have neutralized the elevator operator, he can call from his mobile phone mom, at the ministry of emergency situations, anywhere, yeah, and you’re smart, i’m waiting for you on the floor below, yeah, you remember everything, don’t be afraid. like in the pharmacy,
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decide, yes, these, now i’ll drink some tea, yeah, now, i ran, no, no, no, no, oh, sit by yourself, a little bit, please, you don’t understand, i’m radically late, i’ll pay you taxi. well, please, oh, well done man, help, what’s wrong with you, you feel bad, your head, well, it seems to have gone away, for sure, maybe it’ll get better soon. call, no, thank you, oh, did you forget, there’s a stray cat on the top floor,
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she’s complaining, go and catch her, here’s another one, let them catch it themselves, that’s it, i ran, there ’s some kind of catastrophe somewhere, i beg, i beg, well, otherwise i’ll ask now with my heartbeat, with my blood pressure, i’ll be behind this cat, for all this... i i’ll pay for your taxi, i’ll call you, i’ll pay for it, give me the phone, give me the phone, how did you get me? “thank you, i feel much better now, thank you, you are a real gentleman, i’ll go sit by the window, all the best, but you haven’t
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seen the cat here, the fox, so she’s at home, she sometimes runs out into the air, but now she’s definitely at home, but it’s clear, down for you? well, damn it, come on, help, what’s wrong with him, something needs to be done. excuse me, you have a phone, i just think i forgot mine, well, i need to call somewhere, there is this call button, but
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i don’t understand whether it works or not, the control room, say, hello, what about us? stuck, what's the address? chervyakova 61, wait, how long to wait? as soon as possible. well, what the hell are you going
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to do, that’s it, the train is here, the carriage has moved, the train is left, what? let's pass, i 'm late too, i met him on the internet. it’s like a first date, it’s all stupid, well okay, maybe she's for the better, well, yeah, i didn't really like her, i just wanted to try. what happened to you? you
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were very upset, it seems to me like a wreck, you were going to run very far to the ends of the world, cool, i would also run to the ends of the world, but i still have to finish college, i quit. cool, you're desperate, maman baban they say that i'm just a fool, yes, it doesn't seem like it, you just don't know me, we can meet, i'm timofey, but better than timokha. sash, mom, are you too desperate
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to find out what to find out, it’s not dangerous, i mean, well a healthy big guy, he won’t start pawing at her out of boredom, i don’t know, he’ll probably start screaming then, and if he likes it, what are you talking about, what a big guy, he’s flimsy. there’s nothing to look at, so don’t worry, mom, i mean, who’s flimsy, he’s about two meters, no less, are you kidding me, he’s as tall as me, if you stand on the chains, fuck, oh, nothing.
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this is how you manage to ruin everything? i don’t understand what i have to do with it, explain to me what i have to do with it, why it’s always your fault, explain to me, because i don’t know why, that’s enough yell, you’ll sort it out at home, you’re stuck, that ’s it, you’ve arrived, why have you gathered us all today, don’t be tormented, because... your grandmother
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has already married you off in absentia, she even intrigued me, light in the window, premiere, from monday on rtr, cnop gin is a product of stellor group. borbon steersman, a product of the stellar group, we invite you to the swiss hotel sharmelsheikh.
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the world's first swiss hotel operating on an all-inclusive system. treat yourself to a holiday where elegance and natural beauty merge in perfect harmony. create memories that will last forever in heart. swissotel charmel sheikh is your ideal place in the heart of the city. veda vodka is a product. discover a real gem on the bodrum coastline, titanic lakshery collection bodrum. exceptional service, incredible culinary masterpieces. and an atmosphere of complete relaxation. immerse yourself in a world of exciting adventures and exciting entertainment. welcome to a world of timeless elegance and unsurpassed comfort. the secrets of paradise are revealed in the titanic lakshery collection bodrum. rom castro is a product
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of the stellar group. hi, what is this here, hi, it just happened by chance, it’s funny, you ’ve been hanging around here by accident for a week, and where are you going, you ’re going somewhere, i haven’t told my friends yet that i dropped out of college, so the smart girl went to class, do you want to go for a walk together, but i don’t care, let’s go . anna konstantinovna, kira vladimirovna, you’re unrecognizable because you’ve become so numb, and that’s not what it’s about, but it doesn’t matter,
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you look great, an exaggeration, good, but not great. i was glad to see you, i was in no hurry, hello, kristar klievich, we haven’t lived together for 10 years, oh how? and what happened? nothing, he just left for another woman. however, he had already broken up with her too. and they also say that he is sick and is in the hospital. we'll all be there, bye, kirochka. they say he has cancer, what?
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hello, i’m busy, no, i’m just like that, and you want me to come, i’ll think about it, okay, i’ll come, yeah, go ahead.
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yes, hello, i want to talk about who you are, i’m not accepting today. “i am the wife of aristarkh yurivich, the former, how many wives does he have, he already had one, yes, only once, okay, what do you want to know what’s wrong with him, hello, hello. hello, aristar yurievich, annechka, annechka, how did you find out that i was here, it doesn’t matter, i found out, kira said, yeah, eat
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everything, here’s some vitamin for you. need to, you are still the same, unexpected, unpredictable, as always, how are you feeling, everything is fine, you will be discharged home soon, everything is fine, and why didn’t you call, why, then?
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well, i’ll take care of you, everything will be fine, and everything is already fine, well, next time i’ll open a chicken from the market, steam the cutlets, bring it, but don’t come again, why did i already... relented, i don’t want anything, it’s all over, what a fool you are, peristar yuryevich, your perfume is different, but i changed it, especially just for you. well, that’s it, bye everyone, get well, thank you, thank you very much, goodbye,
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i like you, i see you want me to be your boyfriend, but i don’t know, well, i like you too, but i don’t think that’s it... enough, you think that even weaklings are not capable of action, well , why did you get the idea, i feel, you think, you met me in the elevator and stuck to the first person you met, well, in fact it was like that, but in fact it’s not like that,
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can you explain why, no, so you understand, i’m fine, i... understood, just don’t do that again, okay, okay, let me make you some coffee, no, thank you. why are you doing this to me, i don’t understand, i always told you that it would be exactly like this, honestly, yes,
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yeah, well, you can drink coffee with me, well , sit with me for 15 minutes, you feel like a doll, okay, come on coffee, and by the way, i like to cook, no, but i can’t do it. no, really, i remember i once made bolognese pasta, and the end result was like someone was sick, but it smelled i also remember that everyone was looking at me then, and i was angry, well, why were you angry, well, because i cook according to the recipe all the time, but it turns out terrible, well, do you want to cook your blonaise together, i want? at my house, cool, well, at the same time i’ll introduce you to my gang, and you
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’re not afraid, what? well, that they won’t like me, rarely do anyone like me, but i like you, that’s enough, i like you, well, right? “i have to tell you something, tell me, basically, the day we met, 9 days ago, yes, in general, that’s all it was a set-up, but i didn’t know about it, why, well, i was in love with your brother.” so i go, but i thought that i was in love, in fact, i understood, okay, bye, yes, what’s wrong with you
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you want to get to the goshka through me, i ’m not your help in this, a packaged meal, you want to eat sausage, cheese, everything is there, i’ll make a sandwich, but i really need to run, you don’t know how to love at all, right, or do you have someone? yes, denis, i have no one, i don’t need anyone, i had a good time with you, what else do they say in such cases, i hope you too, isn’t that enough, you’re a monster, what have you turned yourself into, and most importantly why, you’re probably right, but i won’t be any different, it’s simple,
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become an ordinary woman. well, take off these fucking jeans, you're either in shape or wearing these jeans, change your hair, i don't know, let your hair down, but that's not all, masha, i want a normal life, yeah, yeah, like everyone else, like ordinary people people, i want us to live together, to take care of each other, masha, i want a family, i’m afraid it’s hardly possible with me either. “sorry, i can go, but sashka, what are you doing, you’re crying, just like that.”
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well, yes, damn it, i’m crying, but why don’t i cry, if i’m an idiot again, if you want, you can tell me everything, guys, we always show more, but this time we’ll surprise you even more with what happened in the kremlin, during inauguration,
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rest is not thinking about anything, when you are calm and completely switched off. rest is rest. we know everything about holidays. anex. cognac,
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monte shococa, product of stellor group. welcome to rix. premium magavish suites & villas in hurghada, where luxury rooms and villas combine with a golden sandy beach, 1 km long. impeccable service and exquisite cuisine will make your vacation unforgettable. rixas premium magavish with uts and villas the vacation you've dreamed of. cognac old bar. product of steller group. titanic delluxe golf belek hotel, where every moment is exclusive. wrap yourself in comfort by our pools, relax in the life salon and enjoy delicious dishes from the best restaurants. here, each room is a journey into coziness and comfort. your holiday is
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your rules. titanic deluxe, golf bellet - the choice for an unforgettable holiday gin сnop productlar group on sunday. to help you, yes, you know, somehow i don’t
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understand all this at all, well, that’s it, well, i ’m gone forever, well, i did the right thing , idiots like me need to be kept away, yes, well, brother basketball player, you’re his completely, completely threw it away? out of my head, well, yes, it was some kind of cloudiness, larisa, i ’m thinking about it now, and i want to forget forever, but i look like lyubka, lyoshka, you’re still suffering, i thought you forgot a long time ago, yes, i’m suffering, but it’s not up to me, what’s this, you’re a beautiful warrior, smart, and in general, he and i sat in the first class one desk for 2 days, and then he... moved, i ’m not his type, maybe i can somehow bring you together so that he looks at you with a fresh look, but it’s pointless, well, i’m, well, crazy, i
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mean, do you have any questions? well, this is a difficult stage, i see that you look good together, seriously, that’s all, i was glad to see you, bye! hell, oh, god,
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mom, what are you here? i think you'll have some cognac? you won’t, come on, you’re disgusting, ugh, something happened, nothing happened, what do you think, people? can correct mistakes, in general at least something can be corrected in this life, i mean i don’t think so, i think it’s stupid to think about it, maybe i’ll bring
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a person into the house to live, well, for a while, i’m sick, i hope he doesn’t have a vlog. not funny, but it doesn’t matter to him. mom, mom!
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oh, my god, what again? i don’t know, this is another disaster. san, what happened? how did you get me? can't you imagine? just tell me what happened and we will suffer together. fine. timokha left me. well, your affair lasted several days, which is a long time in modern times. cause? he found out that lifty had everything set up, that i was screwed in gosh. and i think that i want
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to get to gosha through him. how did he know? yes, she herself told him that isn’t it obvious, well, yes, she said it herself, i don’t want there to be a lie between us, and that i’m an idiot, or something, pathological, i have excellent heredity, if you want, we’ll cry together, just for a little while, okay. come to me, don’t be bored, i’ll come soon, okay, i’m off to work, should you turn on the tv? no, well
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, for now, if you don’t stop immediately, i’ll have to call for a delay, it feels like you’re pounding me from the inside of my head, where are you going, thinking with you in the same space is impossible. it’s clear, if he’s such an idiot, let’s take it, beat him up, extort him, i assure you, the problem is that he’s not an idiot, the problem is that i’m an idiot, oh, how, i’m already scrambling on the left hand, but no, something i don’t want to, what’s wrong with you, the last few days i haven’t been myself, somehow strange, completely, i just don’t know what to do with myself, before the days flew by so quickly.
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there was so much, now every day drags on and on, when we started this adventure with gosha, you were different, i was different, hello, well, hello, i’m an idiot, i was wrong, sorry, the attack is extreme . nonsense, and you’re sure that the attack has passed, i’m sure, okay, forget it, go, and you ’re very upset, what are you talking about, i didn’t even think about it.
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laris, you or i are going to work, yes, well, it’s happy, happy. mom, this is timukha. timukh is maria leonidovna, my mother. very nice. i hope when we get to know each other better. you will still be pleased, this is unlikely, this is anna konstantinovna, my woman, please don’t go into the kitchen, we will have
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a master class on balanises, it sounds dubious, okay, don’t worry, if anything happens let's order two pizzas. by the way, it’s quite edible, yes, the only thing missing is basil, oh, i forgot about basil, nothing without basil, timofey, you like it very much, timofey, how is your brother gosha, mom, did i ask something forbidden ? ? not at all, gosha is doing as always, training, and are you interested in sports? mm, not really, so, if you don’t want to blow me up, please shut up
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and leave me alone, and excuse me, i really have to go, already, uh-huh, all the best, timofey, you are a charming young man, i hope we'll see again. well, okay, come on, then, come on, bye, bye, write, and the piranha family, okay, stop, in the end it’s 1:0 in his favor, well, really, i thought he was being rude in response, but he’s like the man delicately left the battlefield, dear, dear, by the way, don’t you want to repeat it, no, no, i’m already barely finishing this, but i won’t go to waste, i’ll take a chance, woman,
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i told you about her, it seems to me that besides us in no one will help her in this city, why are you bored, is there at least some activity here? here she is, she opened the curtains, look, quickly, wow, all your friends are fancy, why don’t i know her, well , first of all, you know her, you just don’t care about me so much that it’s stupid to even talk about friends.
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well, yes, they can make an ideal couple, yes, an ideal couple, i’ll give you arina. i ’m watching this now on the weekend, i’ll give you the address, you come and say that i really need a forgery, don’t rush, ladies, you’ve already arrived, there’s a way out of every trap, come quickly,
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leave, i promise they won’t look for you. elegant details, a celebration of refined tastes, a variety of entertainment, golden beach and azure. lio resorts - we are here for you
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vodka veda - a product of the stellar group. welcome to the newest rixas hotel in sharmelsheikh. riksas rodomis sharmelsheikh is an ideal place for a family holiday, where everything is created for the happiness and comfort of children and their parents. escape from everyday life into a world of endless entertainment, enjoy themed rooms, the largest children's playground in the region and an unforgettable holiday, rixsas radomis sarmelshaih romcastra product of stellor group.
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whiskey mancacher is a product of the steller group. hi, tell me quickly what you wanted to talk about, i’m late for work, well, that ’s what i wanted, listen, i just dropped out of college, i want to get a job somewhere, well, definitely not where i work, why won’t they take me, take it, maybe they will take it, you yourself don’t want it, you just intrigued me and took it weakly, so where do you work? well, okay, let's go and have a look, just don't make any noise, if anything happens,
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hide behind me, everything is just so extreme, now you'll see for yourself, ivan vasilyevich, it's me, larisa, can i come in? sleeping, probably get it fascist grenade, i'm glad to see you, ivan vasilich, i brought you something to eat, now we'll take some pills, eat porridge, then an iv, and i 'll read to you about the scouts, i don't mean anything to you anyway, at least you're not bored, yes, the russians don't give up, forward. hello, good afternoon,
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hello everyone, i asked you not to come, let’s not waste time on nonsense, i was just at the doctor’s and agreed on everything, lord, what did you agree on, you will live with me, therapy can be carried out at home. "now you are in partial remission, you will be at home it’s better, mine doesn’t mind that you lied to the doctor, that i’m your ex, go away, please, you’re no one to me, why are you doing this, don’t meddle in my life, can
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i at least die without your participation? sent, i listened to you, as a result, you and i are unhappy, i won’t make this mistake a second time, we will be happy, no matter what it costs us, and stop thinking negatively, this is unproductive, you need to think about everything properly, me too. , everyone , get well soon, excuse me, can i... at least see you off, it seems to me that you are in such a state that
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you will definitely get hit by a tram, do we know each other? no, but i hope, and you go to the next old man, he is also so problematic, the next granny, very problematic, she doesn’t remember where she is and who she is, but she’s very good, we get to know each other again every time, and... honey, i feel sorry for her. do you work through a company? well, yes, relatives come, sign an agreement, everything is legal, we have a reputation. well, okay, i 'll think about it. don’t think, you don’t just have to feel sorry for them, you have to love them. you have a boyfriend over there, but i have no one to love. and in such a job without love
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you'll either burn out or turn into an insensitive morlot. well, i scoured the internet, this guy, alexey, yes, he was married, he was married for 3 months, 3 months, they quickly sorted out their feelings, well, yes, in general, he works as an apartment repairman, and in general profile, such a jack of all trades, well, yes, judging by the way he repairs cars, i would n’t trust him with anything at all, listen to the end, don’t pick on the details, keep an eye on...
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that is, based on your plan, all that remains is to find this weak-minded old lady, but what don’t even look at my side, firstly, i’m not weak-minded, and secondly, you’re a caretaker, mom, well , let’s start facing the truth from today, what a woman who’s soon to have a centenary anniversary, that’s it, well the main thing is who is in our family? artistic nature, you can’t argue with that at all, but there’s something in it, all that’s left is to find an apartment that can be locked from the inside, i understand correctly, yeah, oh no, not you,
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and i’m glad to see you, my memory seems to be , trap, what you need, the key from the inside, what do you want? need to, and i’m already starting to be afraid of you, let’s go and go shopping, there’s a topic, i still don’t understand what has to do with the crazy girl larisa, in love with the crazy mechanic alexei, and my lock on the door. in short, we need your apartment for one day, well, some more help, on some issues, well, not really. “i’ve had enough, you’re the boss, you’re also crazy, by the way, and you pay our taxes, what kind of rubbish you are, maria leonidovna, but maybe just a little, let’s discuss, by the way, your faucet is dripping, at the same time i’ll fix it, but not seriously,
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somehow, and what can i say? well, i don’t know, well. show your wit, as you can, well, well, well , let’s assume, so the last question, go ahead, you will carry transmitters for me, just keep in mind, nothing sweet, it’s time for a strict diet, my dear, after all, you are an incorrigible piece of trash, boss. yes, yes, good day, may i? please come in, have a seat, yeah, are you applying for a job with us or do you want to use our services? i want to use the services, why are you so
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upset? let's have some water, maybe. hello, alexey, hello, sorry to bother you, my friends gave me your number, you responded very well. you know, my faucet is leaking, i need to fix it, and in general it’s not... somehow i don’t really like it when you can tomorrow, well , about an hour, fine, great, now i ’ll send the address by sms, yeah, thank you very much, and then she started hiding in the toilet, because the death rays don’t pass through there, and she was silent, for example, for 2 days, and she was silent, you know, suspiciously silent, i get goosebumps, she looks all over my body, i understand you
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, i understand, yes , or, for example, i got lost in a store, i was lost for 3 hours until i arrived and i didn’t take her, well, this, this is definitely our case, but she was already diagnosed, yes, i gave her everything myself, senile cretinism, there is such a diagnosis, of course. “you know, i would still advise you not to self-medicate and see a qualified doctor, so i ’m turning to you, sit with her for a few days, i beg you, you know, i just can’t leave her alone, she’ll either build something up or podzhok, she’s dangerous for me, but in the meantime i’ll look for a doctor, and this can be treated, now everything is being treated, maybe then we’ll make a conclusion right away agreement
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? that they remind me too, and there are thousands of such nuances, but you know what, take your pick, thank you, it’s a pity you didn’t see it, it was talented, wonderful, tomorrow at one o’clock alexey will come to you to change the faucet, stop, and if nothing worked out, then he would just change your faucet, but i’m not into you... you’re better, you can do it, boss, when you have to be human, not too much,
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normal, you could knock out your teeth, but oh well, we won’t have time, listen, you and masha always have some wild jokes, who said i was joking? hello, boss, get ready, the client is entering the entrance, hello, hello, you are so punctual, we are strict about this, yeah, well, let’s go, i ’ll introduce you. mom, this is larisa, she will
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help you. i told you about larisa. good afternoon. she's red. mom, what a redhead she is. look, she's brown-haired. it's painted. mom, larisa is not dyed. don't be weird, or i'll deprive you compote. how should i best contact you? and today is thursday, then isolda olegovna, isolda olegovna, let’s agree this way, i’m here to help you, first i’ll measure your blood pressure and pulse, otherwise you have a slight tremors, this worries me, it’s already scary, well, you see how larisa is kind, don’t offend her, larisochka, i need to run, let’s see me out, and then we’ll measure the pressure, not for service, for friendship, soon the master will come to change the faucet in the kitchen, the new faucet is in the box, there’s money for it too services,
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fine? yes, okay, let's go, he will call, here is the key, nothing complicated, open everything, okay, yes, i understand, yeah, bye. that everything is according to plan, boss, call alexey, yes, in 5 minutes he should be here. hello, alexey, good afternoon, this is sonya, about the tap, sorry, for god’s sake, there’s a small force majeure here, i was called to work urgently, but my mother and nurse are at home, they’ll show you everything, okay, yes, sorry for the trouble, thank you, not too much, sleepyhead, i’m ordering in your name,
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no thanks, what are you doing? everyone i collected it today, don’t be tormented, because your grandmother has already married you off in absentia, even intrigued me, the light in the window, the premiere, from monday on rtr, monte shococa cognac, a product of the stellar group, kalinon bellec - a place where time stops. immerse yourself in sophistication and luxury, forgetting about time on the shores of the mediterranean sea. discover true excellence by making your dreams come true. hotel calinan bellec, where life turns into a fairy tale. old barrel cognac is
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a product of the steller group. hotel for unforgettable impressions rixas sharmelsheikh only for adults 18+. here you will find entertainment throughout the day. year-round performances by the best djs from around the world and comfortable rooms. rixsus sharma is not just a vacation, it is a holiday for the soul, where every detail is created to be admired. сnop product of stellor group. discover a real gem on the bodrum coastline. titanic lakshery collection bodrum. exceptional service, incredible culinary delights and an atmosphere of complete relaxation. immerse yourself in world-exciting adventures incendiary entertainment. welcome to a world of timeless elegance and unsurpassed
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comfort. secret. raya opens in titanic luxury collection bodrum. steersmann bourbon is a product of the stellar group. this is news of the week and i am dmitry kiselev. watch on sunday. victory parade on red square through a snowstorm and gale force wind. hooray! power! our partisans blow up four pillars, the bridges near the village were browned, and how the russian partisans brought victory over fascism closer in italy, where their memory is still honored. my dad loved russians as partisans, because there were many russians in his brigade. the exercise of russia's non-strategic nuclear forces in response to
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western plans to destroy our country. so what awaits britain, france and the usa, if now they do not believe their eyes, will lead you to consequences that you have never encountered in your history. 20 years since the murder of akhmad kadyrov in grozny, the same dynamo stadium, why the terrorists failed to break chechnya then. ramzan kadyrov, about my father, he was for me. mentor, teacher, commander of the fatherland, i will continue his path, the steely friendship of china with serbia, chinese investments in hungary, but why didn’t macron help either cognac, armagnac, fonder, transgender people, satanists, and just songs without
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panties. what kind of europe, such eurovision, and new horizons for chukotka, pivek is becoming a real energy hub, why this is no longer the end of the earth, this is the beginning of the world, heaven and earth meet here, what it means to get into the cover and how chukotka will definitely attract guests, no one knows. .. well, what are you saying, you you don’t know me at all, i know, all redheads are like that, well, i’m not a redhead, i’m a plumber, don’t let me in
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, hello, where are you from, and i ’m looking after a woman, and you’re changing the tap? well, yes, the hostess warned me, come on in, thank you, it’s strange, all i have to do is replace the gasket, call the hostess. tell me, why, why bother her, maybe she doesn’t like the tap itself?
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isolda olegovna, do you need something? oh, why didn’t they call me, i dreamed of something, take me to bed, i’m tired, don’t twist my arms, go away, they’re not waiting for me, isolde olegovna, stop it, i don’t like it when people disturb my sleep, be careful and close the door, i don’t want to see you. and this disgrace will continue for a long time, i generally have lunch at this time, as much as necessary, it will
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continue for so long, a fasting day, i don’t even understand what to put off, oh, lariska, i’m glad to see you, get married, it doesn’t happen. well, that’s all, business, well, i’ll go, of course, as they say, get the job done, go for a walk , well, bye, well, i don’t understand how the door opens here,
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there’s a key, but it’s not there, it’s like, it’s isolde olegovna looks like she stole it, why? i don't know, she's a little strange. well, ask for the key not to break the door? no, of course, but you can’t disturb her now, she fell asleep, but what about waking her up? no, i can’t let her get nervous, so what? call the hostess while she’s driving, we can drink tea, she allowed it, come on. yes, i’m listening,
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alexey, are you terrible, what a horror, i apologize, no, please, just don’t touch her, i beg you, i’ll try to come as quickly as possible, yeah, okay, yes, agreed, he’s great, well and how much more they will play vanka there. well, about an hour, at least, i agree, we’ll time it, time has passed, remember, we sat at the same desk in first grade for 2 days, and then you moved to mishka kanavalov, i just couldn’t concentrate, how could that be? , why? well, i was constantly distracted there, thinking about you. i thought that you didn’t like me, on the contrary, but do you remember that you saved me once, when you forgot, i was walking from school. suddenly
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a dog jumped out from somewhere, huge, angry, and it bit into me, i closed my eyes in fear, suddenly, you jumped out from somewhere, started screaming and waving the bag with the change, she ran away, and it was definitely me, of course, well, it’s strange, i’m somehow afraid of dogs, well, now i’m a little afraid, well, you didn’t just marry the girl? perhaps it's time, long overdue.
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but i really fell in love with you at graduation, you were so beautiful and unusual, i wanted to ask you to dance, but i never dared, who am i compared to you, and in the yard, when you passed by, i thought there to call you, to meet there, to take a walk, but you were something like that. constantly, and i didn’t dare, and then i realized that i would never dare to, then one day, here, kiss me, i ’ve been dreaming about it for so long.
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here you are, well, i’m sorry it happened like this, come on , everything turned out great, really, larisa, somehow it’s just incredible, come on, come on, but... pick it up, pick it up, pick it up, pick it up, it’s some kind of stupidity, they somehow dragged it here, it seems they dismantled it before, mom, maybe we can just leave it where it was, no, it will be inconvenient for arrestee yulvich, i came up with an idea, we’ll return it the chair is in place, the bed is moved towards the wall,
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it will be interesting for him to sit on the chair and look out the window. mommy, what are you doing, lord, what? pavel vladimirovich, can i? yes, well, everything, we do as agreed, yeah. well, did you find it? yes sir. it hasn't changed at all. who's that next to you? daughter tatyana, 20 years old, student. yeah, i see. elena olegovna, leading specialist of the cardiocenter. she was always smart. who is the husband? no husband.
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divorced for a long time? no, i never have. uh-huh, is there anyone? i don’t know, we didn’t notice anyone, but we will continue to monitor. no, don't. thank you. i hope there is no need to say that the information is confidential. of course, there will be no leaks, i guarantee that. that's it, danya, thank you. paval vladimirovich. hmm, do you want to talk to her? well, let’s steal her somewhere on the street and bring her wherever you say, but you’re crazy, don’t do anything, that’s it, you’re free, yes, it’s here, let’s go. “mom, i still don’t
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understand why we have to take him away, what ’s unclear here, he needs help, everything is unclear, mom!” is he my father? no, but this is a man whom my mother loved very much, i loved, loved, fell out of love, mom, i’ll run after you for a long time, how are larisa and alexey? they meet, everything is fine with them, it turned out cool then, you remember everything, of course, what is this about? well, you and i, well, in the car, well
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, in the back seat, well... “we kissed, it wasn’t like that, what are you, yes, yes, it didn’t happen, well , you kissed me, wait, that’s definitely me was, yes, it was you, don’t you remember, sonya was still sitting there, yes, it was definitely you, “i’m kidding, i almost went crazy, yes, no, just like that,
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yes, brother, you hit the jackpot, it turns out maybe meet your girlfriend, this is gosha, my brother, this is sasha, very nice. mutual, i have to go, i’ll write to you what it is, you couldn’t just pass by, such a sensation has never happened, girl, by the way, it’s really nothing, you have good taste, you’re not afraid that i’ll beat you off, fuck you. hello, hello, hello, oh, oh,
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mom, dad, are you late? mash, mom, pashka, uh-huh, anna konstantinovna, what are you doing again, without a shoe cover on the bed, how he left, he left normally, with his feet like everyone else, wait, so he’s alive, well, quite well, with his diagnosis, for a few more years he can live, mom, i was scared, because where is he? his wife came and took him, his ex-wife, violetta davydovna, however, i think that the latter, as they say now, i wonder how many of them he had, we breathe,
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six, as far as i remember, shuss, as i understand it, uncle, sorry , sunday, rom kastro product of stellar group. rixas premium seagate. family fun starts here. here every detail is created for your
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pleasure. enjoy a water park for children, lush green gardens, and the beauty of coral reefs and the sea. immerse yourself in the world unforgettable experiences at rixsos premium. segate rixos premium seagate whiskey mankatcher is a product of the steller group. titanic deluxe golf hotel belek, where every moment is exclusive. wrap yourself in comfort by our swimming pools. relax in the salon and enjoy delicious dishes from the best restaurants. here, each room is a journey into coziness and comfort. your holiday is your rules. titanic deluxe golf bellet is the best choice for an unforgettable holiday. cognac monte shoca, a product of the stellar group. treat
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yourself to a first-class holiday with liorets. elegant details, a celebration of refined tastes, a variety of entertainment, a golden beach and azure waves. lio reorts, we are here for you, old barrel cognac, a product of the stellar group, mom, okay, that’s enough, please, mom, well, it’s still good, really, everything is not good,
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not good at all, listen, why does he have so many ass, po- in my opinion, he is generally some kind of frivolous person, no, he is responsible, simple. when he fell in love, he immediately married, he is honest, why didn’t he marry you then, i don’t know, i still don’t understand why? mamol, well that's enough, do you hear, can't you imagine how he sang? the best tenor in the country, well, this is one of
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the best, mom, okay, let's get together, mom, oh, great, oh, that's it, good, did you cry a little? that's enough, laris, please give me the key for 13, uh-huh, sashka, why are you here, you haven't come out, can we just have 5 minutes, well, let's go. well, tell me what happened to you, you
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’re some kind of person, i think i’ve gone crazy and that’s it, no, i met gosha, this is an athlete, a basketball player, timokhin’s brother, well, well, i felt something like that, well you felt be more specific. i don’t know, well, what else do i like about him, what the hell, what about timokha, well , timokha too, well, not like that, timokha really has no questions at all, but gosha, well, you understand, you understand, listen, i once decided to test myself , about a year ago, i thought that i would never have anything to do with lyoshka, then i was with someone else
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just once, well, that same one, well, he kissed me, and he basically did nothing, if i didn’t love lyoshka, it would have been possible so what? i then clarified it a week later, as soon as i remember, in general, they don’t look for good from good, i think so, yeah, well it’s just that he’s timokhin’s brother, i’ll have to see him. somehow everything is stupid, well, as it always is with me, okay, let's do it!
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denis, hello, how are you, can you talk? i can't talk right now, i'm at a meeting. clear. something? unpleasant, why did you decide, well, it’s just that you have such a face now, it seemed to you,
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asshole, why aren’t you eating at all, you have no appetite. “don’t be depressed, and that too, what ’s wrong with you, it seems to me, it’s time, it’s time, to put me in a nursing home, that’s great, let’s all run like rats from a ship, what’s wrong with you, what are you doing, i that's it, i don't want anything “my battery is dead”?
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well, girls, my dears, my dear ones, let’s come up with the meaning of life, well, but not, not for everyone, you know, but for everyone at once, yeah, oh, let’s go to taiba, take some matches and an ax with us and we’ll burn a fire there, we’ll succeed , we’ll survive, it won’t work, we’ll try, even skis, yes, we’ll make skis out of birch, yes, i have a better idea, come on, let’s... create a company, why and most importantly, what we can, what we have already done twice, we will help people get to know each other, yeah, great, they think they will use it in demand, let it be, maman, baban, look at how many single people there are in our city, they themselves won’t go for a rapprochement, is this something like a marriage agency, or what? no, it’s already without us, well, we’ll just
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create the conditions for them to meet, look into their eyes, like we did with... close alexey, and with me and timokha, there’s something in this, it’s distracting , and you think they will pay us money for this, well, i don’t think it’s a lot, but we have to try, and i came up with a name, three fools on brooms, brilliant, we are not fools on brooms, we are angels, but i’m definitely not an angel, but i’ll try, yes, a society with... borderline responsibility, angels, no, better, cupids, she’ll send me, i’ll find out for her, well, maybe it’s not
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worth it then, let clarity come, i’ll take a risk and come what may, lord, len, len, wait, well, please, listen to me, no, listen to me, i don’t want to see you, i don’t want to talk to you, i explained it clearly, listen, well, i’m asking you, don’t appear to me anymore, i don’t like ghosts from the other world.
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well, where is he, he's already half an hour late, he has a difficult job, he is the assistant of a cool businessman, tribute, tribute, we are here, hello, hello. danila, this is alexey, lyosha is my brother danilo, cousin, but closest to all my relatives, it’s very nice to meet you,
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mutually, well, tell me how you met, oh, listen, such a story from childhood, you can distract me, distract me, what do you have, me i need... somehow, i don’t know how this will happen to you there, mom, please speak directly, i need to find out the address of the woman that aristarka yulivich was carrying, violeta, his last wife. lord, something for you it’s not clear to me, yes, yes, it’s not clear to me, you know, somehow it’s not clear to me, i want to dot all the points. you know, i want to know what happened in general, what, what happened then 20 years ago, you know, because it makes me courageous, that’s all
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he can do, it’s clear, but sometimes it’s better not to know anything, think about it, i open the door , and there, lyoshka, imagine how stunned i was, wait, so your friend arranged all this and didn’t tell you anything about it? well, yes, she is with her mother and grandmother, of course they are crazy, but very nice, we saw each other every day, but we never dared to admit that , in general, somehow everything turned out this way, i’m very happy for you, listen, tell me, your friend can still arrange something similar, i don’t know if you ’re dating someone or not, so that blonde, no, i’m not dating, we broke up, but it’s not for me, i’m now working for one very big, serious man, he’s very cool, but he doesn’t have a family and a wife, actually, too, although it seems, yes, that girls should stand in line, but alas, there is no woman either, and he doesn’t
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need anyone, he’s so picky, but no, that’s not the point, he had love at the institute, but somehow it didn’t work out, can your friend make sure they meet, she i didn’t drive him away, so i’ll try, hello? "hello, lariska, i'm walking, i can meet you, yeah, let's go to the embankment, come on , hello, well, hello, i'm standing there, i think, you, not you, not me, but you're nothing, so cool, okay, i have to go , and you, why do you always break down so abruptly, and i’m in a hurry, well, maybe we’ll cross paths somehow, i damaged my miniscule, i’m struggling without..." training, no, you know, there’s a lot to do, for now, okay, let’s wait, yes, it’s a cool idea,
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and this man of yours, a businessman, he knows about this idea, while no one knows anything, danila wants to help his... you’ll take over the boss, well, i can’t decide myself, let me ask my people, okay, will you, no, i don’t drink at all, me too, did you sit here with her once? many years ago, almost nothing has changed here, we ate two sausages and green peas, it was
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gorgeous then. for us, but you can’t understand it, she’s right that she doesn’t want to see me, she’s right, that he doesn’t want to listen to me, i’m like that myself, i never forgive betrayal, not to myself, not to anyone, not in life, not in business. because i know that betrayal is the most vile sin, well, maybe something else can be done, to fix it, no, this is the greatest vileness, you don’t answer the phone, why, maybe because i don’t want to, you’re all wrong
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i understand, i... i understood everything correctly, i just don’t understand why this meaningless conversation? listen, that's enough already, i love you, you love me, what a pleasure it is to torment each other, listen, you're not late dates with this one, her name is natasha, she’s from the police department’s press service, you want to interview me, i refuse, she persuades everything else to be your fantasies, that’s great, i’ll stay with my fantasies, get out of the way, fool. well, what do you say? fat guy is mad, what can i say? well, he is also human and the rich cry too. what difference does it make whether he is rich or not? do we take it or not? i propose to vote, i am for it. i'm for it too. persuaded. unanimously. here is our object. petrova elena olegovna. leading specialist
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cordeyo. strict, smart, apparently you won’t fool her with mikina, but her character is, let’s say, complex, we need to find his weak points, then we can come up with something, so, okay, daniil, we’ll take on this matter, but how you understand, we cannot guarantee anything, i understand everything, these are the associated costs. i really hope for you, goodbye, goodbye, it’s nice to do business with a business person, well, what is our plan, wait, plan, we must first understand what kind of person ilyana olegovna is, and how we can lure her into trap. tell me, san,
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i’m a very bad mother, yes, why, i don’t know , i’ve been thinking lately that somehow i did everything wrong, like this pavel vladimirovich, i should have gone to a lawyer rather than running. life behind classes in the area, sitting in the office in a suit with a haircut, going with you on weekends to the cinema, to the theater, i don’t know, to the circus, to the zoo, where else, normal mothers go with their little girl, but not bother yourself, you are a wonderful crazy mother, yes , we were at the zoo, have you forgotten, we are going there let's go, you saw some scumbag and ran
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after him? was wanted, but i got lost, almost ended up with the wolves, for sure, i could have become a muggle, that’s it, by the way, where is our olegova, well, i see them, everything is under control, that’s where our queen chanticleer is the question, so here she is, the crazy beauty. oh, citizens, help, a person with a bad heart, so unfasten the collar, breathe calmly and deeply, please take it, put it under your tongue, why, it seems like you have a bad heart, but my brooch pin has opened i got an injection, you can’t wait, are you sure that you
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need help, and what’s nice that you reacted like that? well, what a great aerobatics, huh? our olegovna broke up, this is reassuring to the hippocrates, you are always like that, yes, generous, my teacher died on the street, everyone was passing by, but she could have been saved, you just had to call an ambulance, yes, please take the pills just in case, yes and how long ago you did ec, i don’t even remember, but i absolutely...
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you’ve been hoping for so many years that everyone will get together again, it looks like it will be today. are you glad? well, of course, i'm glad. premiere. you look good, you look younger, as if, yes, of course, you’ve forgotten how to give compliments. hello, what's that noise you're making there? nothing brings a large family together like a big secret. what do the police say? a classic accident. dmitry milyar. from the outside, everything always seems obvious, this is white and this is black. i
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prefer to call things by their proper names. maria kulyakova. you understand that this decision will change your whole life. alena yakovleva, elena tsyplakova. it's not our fault. so what's now? light in the window. from monday on rtr. we invite you to the swiss hotel sharmel sheikh. the world's first swiss hotel operating on an all-inclusive system. treat yourself to a holiday where elegance and natural beauty merge in perfect harmony. create! memories that will remain forever in your heart. swissotel charmel sheikh is your ideal place in the heart of the city.
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titanic luxury collection. welcome to rixsas premium magavish suds and villas in
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hurghada. where luxury rooms and villas meet golden sandy beaches 1 km long. impeccable service from. fine cuisine will make your holiday unforgettable. rixsa with premium magavish with uts and villas - the vacation you've been dreaming of. good afternoon, pavel vladimirovich, what do you want? i was just thinking. maybe it’s not necessary, fuck off, wait, bring another bottle, and then fuck off,
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okay, i’ll do everything. yeah, well, i understand about your mother, and your father, what is he like with you, well, in the sense of what he is like with everyone else, well, i don’t know what you do with him, what do you talk about? nothing special, well, he
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works, watches tv in the evening, i study okay, what else to talk about, i don’t know, i would talk, yours got divorced, mine didn’t get married, i don’t know who my father is, sorry, yeah, forget it, i’m already used to it. well, more precisely, before, yes, it was a little sour, but you have a woman, and such a cool one, i don’t have one, it’s too cool.
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elena legovna, in agreement with the plan, must go onto the yacht, how to lure her, we understand, she will rush to help, she will do it automatically, such a character, that’s how to lure her to the pier, that’s the question, what are the options, but you can’t just call her , call the clinic, say, oh, the person feels bad, and mommy, you can say it’s bad, but she doesn’t work quickly, but what if you persuade her daughter? so that she could bring her to the slaughter? no, we
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can’t take that risk, we don’t know how tatyana will react to this proposal, i agree, there is only one option left, a dog, her dog will lead her there, that is, we need the same dog, the same breed, as a reason for getting to know each other, that remains just find it, my classmate has one, yorick, clara. i'll rent it, poor yorkie, so daniil, you they said that pavel is now on the yacht, yes, and you can make sure that he doesn’t leave from there, i take myself, shining, hello, oh no, again, you’ll treat me to tea, well, come along to the businessman.
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a little crazy they knew, here it is, yes, hold it, no, well, you hold it, hold it until you order, until it arrives, time will pass, and now you can use it, then you’ll return it, and i’ll help you install the program, marin, well, it’s kind of awkward, but we practically don’t know each other, but we already know each other, look how our dogs are having fun hanging out, and in general it’s okay to help, people should help each other, thank you very much, you’re
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amazing, it’s very simple, look, yeah. danila, i’ve been waiting for the car for 20 minutes, what ’s going on, i haven’t been in the office for 3 days, everything is already going to hell, okay, i’m waiting. voila, now your baby is under control all the time, let go, well, it’s just beautiful, uh-huh, well, yes, it’s time to steal, daughter, mom won’t teach you anything bad, because the baby, let’s see,
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oh, you see, a flashing red dot, that’s.. . your boy, clara, clara, come to me, clara, mine good girl, come here, great, now let’s move our feet, what, oh, where did he run, and my clara too, there’s the exit from the park, there, uh huh. road, cars, run, run, i'm after you, catch up, yes, come on, come on, come on, come on, everything is according to plan, i'm acting, woman, come on,
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come on, come on, what's going on? a series of unpleasant coincidences. first, your car has broken down. bullshit, these cars don't break down. all cars break down, unfortunately. okay, let's go to the office on yours. we can't go to the office, that's the second thing. i have an important meeting in half an hour with potential investor. cockroaches are dying in the office. what? cockroaches are dying. that is, i was away for 3 days and there were already cockroaches in the office. you were gone for 4 days, two cockroaches were found.
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the decision was made to poison them. no for two cockroaches. today there are two cockroaches. in a week - that’s 2 million. you yourself understand perfectly well what kind of creature this is. okay, call vo. cancel the meeting, the meeting will take place, i said that you are waiting on the yacht, this is impossible, anything is possible, we have 10 minutes to restore order, in wartime, you would have been shot for sabotage. have you seen two dogs? i saw them get into
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the car and drive off, where? in the car? you, yes, huh? and you, what are you doing here? and i came from there to the promenade. the dogs were in the hands of two bulls, they got into the car and drove off? well, this is mine, you are my dog, his friend clara, what can they do, they stole them, you are still surprised at something in our cruel world, my dear, god, what can we do, but pay attention, here there's a taxi there, take a taxi there? no thanks for that.
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let's hurry, she will be there soon, everything is according to plan, calm, everything is fine, everything is according to plan. today i’ll finish some more work, otherwise who’s going to make coffee for you? black without sugar, if you haven't forgotten, yes, undoubtedly, you better stay here, otherwise it will look like a weak
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position, but you didn't go to the king to meet him at the door, sit down, sit down, open your laptop, laptop, your eyes are tired , put on your glasses, that’s great. danila, what’s going on, i’m just a little nervous, now excuse me, i won’t leave you for long, you haven’t seen people here, but no, motya, motya, clara! motya, come to me, help me,
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the person has a bad heart, there is a doctor, where is he, there, you, doctor, i beg you, help, please, give me your hand, so, don’t create panic, what happened, there, it’s hard for him to breathe, untie the other one. yes, where are you from ? can you explain to me what's going on? and why do you have my dog? come here, my dear, it seems i can’t explain anything at all. danilo, danilo, do you hear? it turned out, danila, your mother, what are you
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doing, lord, how stupid, and what is stupid? it's stupid you 're playing this out, listen, i'm not playing anything, first of all, don't worry if you have really have heart problems, let's first figure this out, what happened, well , i was supposed to have a meeting in the office, and for some reason they suddenly started poisoning cockroaches, the meeting was moved here to the yacht, then danil appeared and arranged something here, then you, and before that the dog, okay, but why then did your man lock us here? but it seems to me that he went crazy, this, but this is the only reasonable explanation, and how did you
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end up here, well, moti and klara and they were stolen by some bullies, and then this one screamed girl, someone on the yacht has a bad heart, that’s all, i don’t understand anything. listen, i don’t understand anything either, so what should i do? well, call the police or the ministry of emergency situations or somewhere else? what will i tell them? that they started poisoning cockroaches in my office, and moti and clara ran away and that’s why my assistant went crazy? well, what are the options? danila! listen, maybe we’ll just wait, he can’t keep us here forever, and if he can, well, i don’t know. do you want
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coffee or tea? we always show more, but this time we will surprise you even more that happened in the kremlin during the inauguration, only we found the author of this picture. a parade that no one and nothing could stop. and still unknown details, all this time putin and mishustin are talking face to face. about what is happening now. in the highest echelons of power. the most complete picture of the historical events of this week. extremely interesting
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footage in a program that sees more than others. together. moscow, the kremlin, putin, we watch on sunday on rtr. treat yourself to a first-class holiday at sle reorts. elegant details, a celebration of exquisite tastes. a variety of entertainment is golden! beach and azure waves. lio reorts, we are here for you! welcome to rixsas premium magavish sudes end villas in hurghada, where luxury rooms and villas combine with
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1 km of golden sandy beach. impeccable service from. exquisite cuisine will make your holiday unforgettable. rixa with premium magavish svilos - the vacation you've been dreaming about. immerse yourself in a world of luxury and comfort. at rixsas golf villas and suites sharma. a magnificent world class golf resort, surrounded by lush green fields and endless horizons. enjoy modern design. rooms and luxury villas, ideal for couples and families. relax in comfort and style at rixcos golf villas and sudes sharma. welcome to the newest rixos hotel in sharma sheikh. rixas radomis sharmel sheikh. an ideal place for a family holiday, where everything is created for the happiness and comfort of the children of their parents.
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escape the everyday into a world without. ultimate entertainment, enjoy themed rooms, the largest children's a town in the region and an unforgettable vacation. rixas radomis sharmel sheikh. can you explain to me why we are leaving st. petersburg to go to this sample? i have problems in business. do you remember tanka, vasil? and she was still in love with you. and she’s not married, it would seem, we’ve been living together all our lives, we know everything about each other, but not everything, well , you liked me at school 20 years ago, are you still obsessed with this stupid childhood love, this is stupid, girls they love their dreams to come true, olya, your husband, husband yours is cheating on you, ol, let's get away from you, pash, stop, this has never happened before, you don't
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see me, you don't even look in my direction? but i, i’m a woman, where we are not, on friday on rtr, and then i began to deal with real estate, moved out communal apartments, worked around the clock , made my starting capital from this, you love money very much, yes, well, not quite like that, i love ... zard. what about family? yes, somehow it didn’t work out. there were two attempts, but i also ran away before the wedding, right? no, i didn’t run away. i just realized that we are strangers . you're kind of crazy, sir. well and you? what about me? well, why didn't you get married?
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somehow it didn't work out. but you gave birth to a daughter. so there was someone who, someone, what did i say, something funny, did you? you can’t even imagine how funny it is, wait, she was born, why didn’t you tell me, well, i didn’t know then that i was pregnant, when i disappeared, i was only in my second month. i want to fix everything, i never loved anyone the way i love you, i
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only know how to love you, i want to be with you and taniya, i ask you, believe me, i don’t know, i have dreams very often, well, often before dreamed about it. “now it’s less often, i get up all happy in a white dress near the clerk, waiting for you, but you’re still not there and not, not there and not, and then i suddenly realize that you’re dead, that you don’t exist anymore, i start in my sleep howl and scream, and then i wake up, tanka cries from my screams, i calm her down." because you really died, and i have to live, for her sake, like
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this, will you let me? to meet with denmark, yes, well, well, that’s all, yes, by the way, i wrote a letter of resignation, but just wait with your letter, bring elena olegovna home. goodbye len, wait well, well, i can’t live without you at all, stay,
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we both know that we need each other, we can’t make this mistake again, how stupid you are. well, how could i love you, and for the rest of my life, what should i do with you, i’m a fool, you won’t regret it. mom, you haven’t changed your mind about what exactly, look for your aristarch, no, hold on, try without
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scandals, okay? oh, what are you talking about, he’s in such a state, mom, i’m talking about your state, take care of yourself, please, okay, thank you, unexpectedly, a moment of weakness, it will pass now. what do you know, mom, i’m always there, and i’m for you i’ll tear everyone apart, understand?
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good afternoon. would you like a cappuccino to go as always and an eclair? from you 190 rubles. have a nice day, huh?
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i'm tired, let's rest. on a bench, well, let’s walk around the house, then rest, it turns out here.
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i forgot, you know how old i am, i have every right to be insanity, but i remembered, i remembered, i’m running, here’s pavel vladimirovich, ladies, hello, i apologize. for being late,
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let me introduce anna konstantinovna, this is for you, maria leonidovna, and please, alexander romanovna, it’s me, here you go, pavel vladimirovich, well, you already know him, closer to business, what you did with me and lena is simply amazing, i am eternally grateful to you, we tried, danilo said that you want to make something more thorough out of this hobby of yours, i would like to support you both morally and financially, in in general, i am ready to become your sponsor and if you... infect, we infect him, and i have a free room, small and quite good, this will be your office, there is even some office equipment and furniture, and some what kind of furniture is available, plus i will give out you get money for your, well, operations, grants, let’s call it that, no bureaucracy, you ’ll just issue me an invoice, and excuse me, but what will you demand in return for this? nothing, i just want you to continue helping people, this is very important, then i’ll take my leave. “i’m in a hurry, danilo is bringing
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you further up to date, once again, ladies, thank you, my god, he’s taking revenge for all our antics, here are the keys and the address, the office building belongs to pavel vladimirovich, if any questions arise, contact me, i am available to you 24 hours a day, now, i beg your pardon, i also need to run, “crazy people attract crazy people, oh, yes, i somehow imagined everything differently, i don’t look like someone in a prosperous company, well, of course, i don’t look a gift horse in the mouth, that’s a seam.” okay, let's put things in order here,
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otherwise it's disgusting, okay, there are options, again you, what do you need, you're bored, well, go give an interview, maybe it will make you feel better, rude. yes, i don’t care, i can be rude too, but get in the car, quickly, come on, come on, come on, come on. it doesn’t mean anything, nothing at all, you hear, come on, step on the gas, you’ll freeze, already
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pressed so where is she? she has a life not connected with us. how about calling? she thinks it doesn't matter. we can't do anything. we are not a family, we are all separate. and we don’t know anything about each other. maybe this is for the best, it torments me, i don’t know who my father is, i don’t know who my grandfather is, it’s all complicated,
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maybe you’ll understand someday, maybe if i turn into you. good night, if you want to eat, let me fry some potatoes and meat, and let’s sit, i try not to eat at night, let’s go somewhere, by the sea, just you and me, so that you don’t rush home right away. what is this for? to become before returning? now we'll quarrel again. i didn’t start this, i’m nothing to you at all, right? that's how it all began. ok, i 'm leaving. come on, get out. i
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once left my wife for you. yes, by the way, no one ever asked you to do this. you got pregnant. what are you doing? what do you have to do with it? nothing to do with it at all? absolutely. what if i tell sashka who her father is? where did you get the idea that you, her father, and i have such applicants, well, you’re rubbish, and you didn’t know that, and a fool, that’s not true. wait, beautiful, let me tell your fortune, it’s useless, excuse me, why are you saying that,
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have you forgotten, you already told me fortune, i’m rita from the cafeteria, you come to me for coffee, and what, it didn’t work out, it didn’t work, no, before dates, wait, wait, wait, wait, let me tell you fortunes without money, pure female solidarity, i’ll tell you the whole truth, i swear, it’s not worth it, give me, give me, so, you’re doing things according to the zodiac, yes, how do you know, from there, and so everything is clear, oh, everything is hopeless, bad things, beautiful ones, he is there, following you, looking at you, spinning around. around you he likes you, that’s how he is, a little timid, never admits it, you know him, you like him too, only you have strong pride, oh, you got your pride from your grandmother, your grandmother was a gypsy, you know, i’m from my grandfather’s house, and so you don’t trust anyone, yes,
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i don’t know, but this is how it turns out, wait, listen to what i tell you, no one will help you, and not even me, only you yourself, of course, make up your mind, take it into circulation and it will be yours, i i answer you, i won’t impose myself, okay, goodbye, i have to go to work, oh, well, a couple, ram milk here is one, second, third, look again, this is a long, long one. and tell me your fortune, oops, everything is mine, golden, i
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’ve been taken out of celibacy, bye-bye, happiness in my personal life, so what was it, nothing, psychological help, and what so-and-so, i’m tired of hanging around at home, look how nice the weather is, i agree, he’ll catch competitors from the camp, you’re not afraid, but my father was a son, what should i be afraid of, i wish i could take you for a monkey, come on, come on, right away... i’m not, you’ll pay me a mortgage, get a normal job i haven’t tried, who will take me with such a biography, i’ll take you, phone, get it, get it, get it, i’ll unblock the address, i’ll write it down, you’ll drive up here in three hours, just change clothes, it’s clear, it’s real, but what kind of office is it if it’s a crime? you know me, i’m passing by, we’ll talk there,
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i’ll give you arina, come now, we’ll look at the weekend, i’ll give you the address, you’ll come, you’ll say that i really need a boost, don’t rush, make money, they’ve already arrived, there’s a way out of any trap choice, come quickly, leave, i promise... you won’t be, so, girls, let’s check, valyusha, tomorrow, nerter, welcome to the newest rixoc hotel in sharmalsheikh, riksac. ramis charmel sheikh is an ideal place for a family holiday, where everything is created for
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the happiness and comfort of the children of their parents, escape from everyday life into a world of endless entertainment, enjoy themed rooms, the largest children's playground in the region and an unforgettable vacation. riksas, radomis sharmel sheikh. hotel for unforgettable experiences rix. sharmelsheikh is only for adults 18+. here you will find entertainment throughout the day.
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year-round performances by the best djs from around the world and comfortable rooms. rixsus sharma is not just a vacation, it is a holiday for the soul, where every detail is created to be admired. hi, i don’t understand, well, hi, where is timokha? but timokha can’t, he got sick, i mean got sick, he sent me an sms, hmm, you stole timozh’s phone, why did you steal it right away? by the way, i gave it to him, but he simply forgot it. and you sent me a text message from his phone, well, you’re a scoundrel, wait, wait,
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wait, why right away you’re a scoundrel, wait, just i liked you very much, that’s all, and i decided to get to know each other better, what ’s wrong with that, he’s your brother, so what happens in life differently, let’s talk, maybe, maybe you’ll understand that you like me more, and you still an idiot.
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well, are you staring? be careful, yeah, i think, what else can we expect from you, well, this is clearly dangerous for others, yes, on the contrary, i decided to disguise myself as an ordinary one, i decided that the form would change the content, something like that, the delusion of amateurs, it’s like a maniac who dresses up as a clown and thinks that... hides the essence behind the image, in fact it becomes even scarier, smart, i see, it has become, yes, evening in the hut, tramp, sleepyhead, damn it, what, what did she say, what’s wrong with her, sleepyhead, baby, filter the market, we are now not a gang, we are now a serious company, it’s clear, so i agree,
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but what kind of salary should you put, minimal, sleepyhead, we haven’t earned anything yet, i doubt what kind of... work and where we will look for clients, for example, we need to make a website, i need to let out a spike, what should i let in? we need to tell our friends about our project, and they will already they’ll tell their friends, it’s a great idea, let’s just let it whisper for now, but i suggest we finish for today, there are too many events for one day, and i’d like to drink coffee, by the way, there’s a cool cafe here with very good coffee, but... it suits you, hello, how do you like the office, it’s gorgeous, we just lost it when we saw it, you know, moscow wasn’t built right away, young man, and you know that someone put a spell on you, that’s why all your problems with girls , i'm stealing, well, i'm just doing it for friendly reasons,
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danil, don’t pay attention, it’s okay, goodbye, see you, i ’m leaving you, i have things to do, yes, i have to go too, i ’ll kill you someday. pay attention to the girl. what's wrong with him, a good girl, he's suffering, that's just our case, and the guy she likes is generally bad, not at all, he likes her too, but he's weak-willed, and how will they look at each other from a distance until retirement, and then they will die, well, who will benefit from this, but
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what are you proposing to meddle in their lives, maybe it’s all your fantasies, well, we can try to infiltrate. check, come on, come on, you stole my phone, by accident, why, i met your girl, i mean, my phone made an appointment with you, absolutely, but would you like to check? for your sake, well, you’re my brother, you’re the first girl, so i checked you, listen, you freak, come on, in general, i don’t recommend it, she’s a so-so girl, weak, you ’re not there, she didn’t mind hooking up with me, i i didn’t, of course, but in general it’s not advice, you fool, i tried my best for you.
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what did you want? well, am i ahead of you? is this a predator, violetta? it's none of our business, but she’s renting out his apartment, and soon she’s completely in ruins, and she’ll throw him out onto the street, or something worse, you want something from me, but listen, well, you’ve always been smart, you ’ve been desperate. save him, i’m nobody to him, nobody, yes, he left me for you, he loved you, he would love you, he would marry you, well, it’s your own fault, i mean, well, he doesn’t tolerate cheating, it was i who cheated on him, no, what’s wrong who, what kind of
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nonsense is this anyway, it’s you yourself, ask him, do you need to find out what her name is? where she lives, maybe she’s waiting for her fiancé to return from the army, and you’re here on we thought of not being sick, her name is margarita sushina, how do you know her, badge, and now, yeah, it’s her, she, she, so, well, there are two friends, two girls, well, i’ll try to get in touch. itka, well, i know what the question is, how do you know her, and you, excuse me, who, we are volunteers, we help people, help me,
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girls, with money, first the orits, tell me, we were in the orphanage together, what she did, i i see that she’s from the cops, she has a guy, urits, a guy, she’s devastated, she doesn’t have anyone, and probably never will again. v i mean, well, there was one boyfriend, he offered to go for a walk, be friends, all that, but he went to kiss her, so she was in an iron that she didn’t hit, she’s afraid of men, she spoke from her childhood, why she had a drink that beat her, and since then she hasn’t had anyone come to her i’m letting you in, uh-huh, uh-huh, anna konstantinovna, you’ll be like a berry, you also have such a face, well , you’ll just be jealous, i... i mean the shape and skin are like that, it’s just a miracle, i’d like one like that, uh-huh, you’ll feel good lead, i will bequeath it to you after death, you want it, as you want,
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then i won’t be interested either, you’re kidding, and what do you think, oh, oh, well, come on, so original, be careful, class is not right, otherwise i will be completely original, you have a new novel, i have a new war, a general battle, but i feel there will be casualties, or i i don't know myself well.
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good afternoon, cappuccino for you, as always, yeah. takeaway, as always, and an eclair, yeah, 190 rubles from you.
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hello. i’ll sit down, rest, sit down, there’s enough space, some strange young people have gone, to say the least, some frostbitten people, they don’t drink vodka, they don’t look after girls. sticking out in their what’s their name, that’s such a nasty word, well in gadgets, all idiotic, here’s a guy
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just walking in, some kind of weird bear, a dunce, the same designer just like him, sitting all day long at his monitor staring, my neighbor, not having a drink, not talking, motherfucker comes to him, cleans up... she complained so much, the apartment is cluttered, there are these coffee cups all around, like theirs, but he doesn’t tell me to clean up, are you crazy, getting married? he needs it, but what do i? i’m saying the same thing, bear , you ’re wasting your best years on all sorts of nonsense, kids are running around all around, their heads are crawling all over your forehead, you don’t have bras in these shorts they wear it, sometimes i see one like that, so forget where i’m going, it’s a disgrace, just like that, and he ’s answering you, and he’s silent like an idol, blushing like a lobster and silent, so tell me, how can we
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defeat america with people like that? , a? “oh, don’t say, well, okay, i’ve rested, now i’ll move on, well, come on, otherwise come, i almost always sit here, let’s chat, yeah, what else is there to do in retirement, grandma, the fool died, that’s it .” and i’m sitting, i’m bored, well, goodbye, bye.
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” have you already told your parents about us?" " to your parents about surrogacy, you started asking questions too late, why did you gather us all today, well, everyone is very interested, let’s tell you what changes you have, don’t you want , oh well, then i ’ll say, light in the window, from monday on rtr, a hotel for an unforgettable experience rixas
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sharmelshi. only for adults 18 plus. here you will find entertainment throughout the day. year-round performances by the best djs from around the world and comfortable rooms. rixsas sharmelsheikh is not just a vacation, it is a holiday for the soul, where every detail is created to be admired. rixas premium segate. family fun begins. here, here every detail is created for your pleasure. enjoy a water park for children, lush green gardens and the beauty of coral reefs and the sea. immerse yourself in a world of unforgettable experiences at rixsos premium sea gate. rixas premium seagate. we invite you to the swiss hotel sharmelsheikh. the world's first
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swissotel. operating on an all- inclusive system. treat yourself to a vacation where elegance and natural beauty merge into perfect harmony. create memories that will stay in your heart forever. swissotel charmel sheikh is your ideal place in the heart of the city. discover a real gem on the bodrum coastline. titanic, luxury. exceptional service, incredible culinary delights and an atmosphere of complete relaxation. immerse yourself in a world of exciting adventures and exciting entertainment. welcome to a world of timeless elegance and unsurpassed comfort. the secrets of paradise are revealed at titanic luxery collection bodrum. my daughter sasha has a unique voice, but it was lost in
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an accident, only you can return it. goodbye, you are stubborn, like my beloved cow zolka, she first dumped me in the flood waters, and now we are best friends, she is not fit to bask in bed when the teachers are waiting for her, it’s still 6 in the morning, there’s no need to stand any longer, i won’t tolerate it, cleanliness, the music sounds louder, maybe we’ll run away, why do you need it? well, apparently, rita needs our help, she certainly likes the guy, she didn’t look at him, her hands were shaking, her voice became below. oh, well, this is all your speculation, well
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, the guy also has a crush on her, my neighbor told me that his whole house is littered with coffee cups, so what? well, it’s somehow not serious, you know? so, let's vote, i'm for it, i'm for it too, and i'm for it, but you don't have the right to vote at all. ah well? well then, don’t come to me and don’t call me ever again. mom, what's wrong with you? do you hate and despise everyone? it's horrible. i still don’t understand, are you for or against? is this not clear? no. i am, of course, against it. well, screw yourself. we are closing the office. "mash, you're wrong, mom, you're right, and you all we're crazy, we can't get involved in a person's life without his permission, without the request of some of his relatives, at least we
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'll go that far, no, well, you're right, of course, that's how it is, yes, but it turns out, that rita has no chance, yes, she is doomed, this is none of our business at all, sasha, you’re right, fuck off, hello, good afternoon, americans, please, please, you’ve been working here for a long time, for a long time, you’ll have something else, water, if possible without gas, yes. you're bored, get away from me, she's not worth you,
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seriously, listen, i have two cool ones girls, freshmen, they are twins, i still can’t choose, do you want to hang out with them? well, just like that, have fun, they are so easy, without tension, you will be distracted, otherwise i have a guilt complex, i’m not sure, listen, well, everyone has unhappy love, i had it, the faster you get over it, the better, go ahead, stop it suffer, it’s easier, take life easier, believe your older brother. thank you, come again. reid, can i ask you a question? yes, are you happy? what? just, are you dreaming about something?
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nothing. are you lying, dreaming about love? where you know? does everyone dream of love? and you too. me too, just imagine. and she’s still not there. yes, well, yes, no, and no, and what are we going to do about it? is it okay, what can you do here? for example, i have a person who likes me, i know for sure, but he cannot admit it to me, due to his character, circumstances, i also have, well, something like this, one client, he comes strangely, he, he is an interesting person , i see, even handsome. in your own way, so what? that's it, he's been walking for a long time and often watches me, when i return home, i pretend that i'm not
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i notice him, well, so that he doesn’t get scared, but i, i’m pleased that he’s somewhere nearby, clearly. you are as stupid as i am, okay, i’m sorry for sharing my problems with you, see you, have a nice day, danila, i just need you, how can i help you, we can talk, sit down. again, so what this time? i don’t know, he
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blocked my social networks, doesn’t respond in messenger, waited for me at the house, but ran away, his face looked as if i stole something from him, well, you didn’t steal, you’re kidding. i also recently broke up with someone important to me. i became a human being, forever, in the worst way possible , the company was covered, everything else was covered too, nothing was covered. i suggest working without masha, how is that? here you go, thank you, and what
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does this mean? nothing worked out for us, everything fell apart, mine are no longer cupids, hold on, in any case, i will not accept this money, consider this a fee for the work done for helping pavel, and don’t rush. why don't you want to be cupids? well, we have different ideas about work, i can’t take risks, the girl can identify everyone and report it to the police, but what about you? tell me in more detail, maybe i can help with something? hello, please, hello! confidential,
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well, that’s all, yeah, but if it weren’t for your fear, how would you do it, there is a plan, there is a plan, but i can’t. after all, you are alone, that is, you are not afraid to take risks with yourself, i am used to taking risks with myself, so there are two of us, i need proven people, 10 years will do for you, well, how do you propose to do this, just, well, he will come into the cafeteria, we will support him the door with a stick, they will be inside...
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somehow it’s too simple, no, why fence in difficulties when everything needs to be solved with elegant simplicity, what are your plans, maman? i do not even know. somehow the car is acting up, i’ll move, i’ll check the regulator, but you don’t know, maybe i’ll go to the cinema, come with me, why not go, hmm, well done, bye-bye, smack-smack, let’s go, i’m already a taxi called a long time ago.
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just be careful, boy. you can attach the clips by accident, but i won’t touch him with a finger, we’ll fart with a toy, we’ll fasten each other and run away. did you take the handcuffs? of course, my dear blackout, i bought this yesterday so as not to to injure with the present, you can injure. have you prepared the balaclava? eat. yeah, what? let's go? let's go. get ready. he's coming, uh-huh, ready, right?
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let's go, don't move anyone, this is a robbery, stand, put your hands up, raise your hands, go to her, hold her, are you crazy? i don't understand, what the hell is this? what are you doing,
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notice how cleverly we managed without mamann. yes because we are a gang, yes, how long are we waiting? 40 minutes, he definitely needs it, we didn’t kill them? yes, i think not, by the way, my name is rita, i know, mikhail, it’s very nice, and i’m very pleased. what to do now i understand, and i don’t understand, you want coffee, yes , you can, what kind, i recognized you, why did your
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henchmen block the door, we don’t have henchmen, i’ll explain everything to you, it’s not what you thought, i’ll call the the police and we will explain. the thief should be in prison, that's right, reed, exactly, exactly, yes, call me soon, you crippled a man, he has a concussion, well, at least i didn't mean to, it was an accident, i just didn't calculate it, come quickly,
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this is what's happening , something went wrong, but that’s it, we have to move on, so what should i do? to do with you, start a business, should i teach you, or what? what i didn’t expect was from you, oh well, it’s just boring to retire. it’s who was with you, what do you care, you’re serious with him, very, okay, go, you did it, don’t forget, keep it as a souvenir, thank you.
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hello, hello, hello, well, hello, how are you, yes, it’s nonsense, now it’s digging, i’ll leave, uh-huh, you’ll leave, i just saw a doctor, he said you’ll have to lie here for at least a week, nonsense, all this. i promised him, you will behave badly, i’ll handcuff you, the first damn thing is that you and i are coman, well why, not really, daniil, i have such a strange request for you,
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it’s just my mother’s anniversary the other day, could you - well, keep me company for one evening , to portray my gentleman, it is possible, yes of course. well, that is, in principle it is possible. mash, he’s fine, the new fools, maman, you’re also out of your mind, as it turned out, this always happens when you get into trouble in a gang, i wrote wings about it once, once, a swan, a crayfish and a pike, that’s enough, we'll leave the debriefing for later, that's it, let's go, well, we'll go, okay, okay. but we will see each other again, we will definitely come to you, your coffee is good, real, honest,
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mom, is it your anniversary the day after tomorrow? i’m a little worried, strange, but i’m worried that you want a gift, a branded fur coat, but seriously, i don’t want anything, you’re lying, i’m lying, tell me, it’s possible, tell me. “i want a prisoner to be at my birthday party, maybe then
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a mink coat would be better, well, that’s what i’m talking about,


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