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tv   Vopreki sudbe  RUSSIA1  May 12, 2024 6:15am-8:01am MSK

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the title should offend people and it should offend some people, everything else, the final answer in the evening during intermission, damn, i’m worried, we’ll worry later, now the most important thing is to think through the plan of attack, a systematic attack, 90% success, we’ll meet an hour before the appearance and we’ll discuss everything down to the smallest detail, okay, allow me, okay. please, nikolaevich, we have no secrets, the worst thing is that my wife doesn’t believe that i’m dating you, well, if you want, i ’ll come to you today, she’ll see me and calm down, you think, other than that, today i’m not i can, such a day, arkasha, alena is in the hospital, giving birth, what are you saying, congratulations, thank you, and i congratulate you, thank you.
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mikhalevich has completely lost face, he’s taking him into retirement, it can’t be, but that’s the way it is, in his position, why are we all silent, and what to say, if according to the law, everything is correct, according to what law, my god, how insulting , you think what you are saying, what a stupid word, why are you angry again, were there strong medications? the newest, at least even newer, if his heart is almost torn, he was still running, two trams at a stop, ran as hard as he could to get home, fell almost right next to the house, what stupidity, but you did everything you could, for whom it’s easier.
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hello, maya, maya, why don’t you answer the phone, what kind of games are they? in the end, we are not children, we haven’t seen each other for 2 months, if you don’t want me to call, just tell me. yes, mom, when i forgot what time it is, you know, i don’t promise, dad’s wife.
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just understandable. ignatius stepanovich, forgive me for taking up your time, but the matter is urgent. i'm hearing you. mikhaleevich completely lost face. operations,
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as they say, trouble has come, open the gates, if the rumors are true and he is sent to retire, this threatens trouble. sergey yurievich, what is your profession? artist, here you are minding your own business. sweet! i'm not a mystcom member, but i am a trade union member. a person is in critical condition if no hand is given to him. “i, too , am in a critical condition, give me your hand, sergei yuryevich. obviously, i couldn’t find the words, you didn’t understand, i need young edwin, and where is the vacant position, will you give it up? try to weigh everything for and against, someone should think." about the benefits of the matter,
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what we lose and what we find. the backdrop is ready, maestro, you have it ready, it's been ready for a long time. "hello, good evening, good evening, hello, our business is a clown named
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pepa , it creeps me out to think that she’s there alone in that position, maybe you’d like to lie down next to her? today i can’t, now i have a general meeting, there’s a performance in the evening, dad, i ask you, don’t go crazy, still call roman, because he is an excellent doctor, because he was involved in all the major events in our family, and rituals, my friend, you yourself know, i know, but he may not be on duty, you still call, let’s meet at...
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i’m already giving birth, honest labor, six letters, i don’t understand why he’s yelling like that, what promiscuity, nothing, you float and you, oh, for god’s sake, wash her, why is she constantly eating, will you think as if i came here to dance? i raise the hemoglobin, greek dance, seven letters.
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i watch your number every evening, it gets better and better, thank you, please. won't you be late for leaving? i still have time, don’t drive me away, why are you be sad, i’m not sad, i’m always like this, have you ever seen a cat sneeze, but smile more often, it prolongs life.
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i'm strong enough.
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“i’ll go, my beauties are waiting for me, stop it, what is this really, let’s meet today, we’ll talk about everything, we’ll discuss all our lives, how it goes, we’ll talk until we’re disgusted, you know, like before, okay, bye, old man, bye , it will disappear, oh'. hello, darlings, hello, my beauties, oh, dear,
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why are you screaming like that, don't, your throat will hurt, you scream quieter, here we are. met, are you happy? and i’m so glad, i love my actor friends, but they create too much noise around every event, and beauty should be majestic, yes, you know, the specificity of the genre, for me the most amazing creatures in the world, i’m always
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amazed when i watch elephants and actors, nothing, but in my opinion, this is not witty, actors are the most ordinary people, you are wrong, dear, and even if they are amazing, like elephants, there is nothing offensive in this, for you? bride, i'll make some coffee, yeah, well, well, hush, hush, what can they blow? they they don’t like me, you thought he was talking about
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actors in general, but about whom, you didn’t understand anything, about me, about the cornbaret, you heard him say, bride, silly, who are you? well , put yourself in order, calm down, i make a bad impression, i don’t like myself, remember, the year before last, i think i won’t survive it, it seemed to me that life was over, but now everything is fine, right? yes, i know you, i’m your sister, then, take into account
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my experience, i, of course, don’t graduate from choreography, but at least 7 years next to a man, so to speak, and the university, well, yours, what can i say, he, of course, has age and character, to put it mildly, but he will not run around on the table, he will carry you in his arms. try your best, of course, oh, then, the bride shouldn’t run around making coffee, yes. but i’m afraid of losing it, i love it, evil would disappear because it would be defeated, supplanted in healthy competition, imagine yourself, they, that is, joy and beauty, reign
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in the world, and evil is destroyed forever, dreams of manilov, seryozha, you're absolutely right. i'm all for it, but we need a program, seryozha, the chaotic advance of good is unproductive. and who will understand that good is good if there is no evil? why are you bothering him? today is his day. i don't want him to look funny, it's unpleasant for me. how curious, father son, why is there such incompatibility? coffee, thank you, don’t sleep, behave yourself, coffee, thank you, please, thank you, thank you, you’re angry with me, don’t, we’re friends, really, change my word, you
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’ll give birth to me again. nikolai, this is borya petrov, do you remember, i’ve been looking for you for a whole week, i have business with you, set a time, thank you, bye. maya, can you hear me, maya, i recognized you, why are you silent, maya? well, let's talk like
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adults, you hear, i don't understand what happened in the end. well, maybe it’s better then, right? oh, sergey yurievich, my dear, i’m waiting for you like manna from heaven, how can you help me? me to you? yes, it's a paradox. have a seat. thank you. sergevich, i will work. and you blink. yes. one time, right? twice, no, nothing bothers me since last time, as long as you can talk, here, yeah, right, yeah, well, now we ’ll deal with them, open your mouth, so, i have drama at home, i have a son mikhail, genetics,
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harsh science. nothing will come of nothing, the boy, to put it mildly, is not handsome and even really wants to become an artist, i can’t live, i don’t want to, all that stuff, i tell him, misha, you, you stutter, so, so, well, well, now we’ll fix it, we have it, well, we have it, well, he, i want, i tell him: misha, you’ll pull out
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your leg a little, this is of course not a tragedy, okay, let’s rest. moreover, judging by him, he more inclined towards exact sciences. misha, where are you going, it’s not just like that, you went out for a walk, let’s be patient, let’s be patient, this is work, god forbid, i see the actors in this chair, i see them without makeup, i see tired people, but is this ... argument, when you are 16 years old, sergeevich, i ask you to dissuade him. tell him what it is, the theater,
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you’ve been waiting for me for a long time, but no, i just arrived, she hasn’t given birth yet, no, what about roman? “everything’s okay, dad, yeah, well, let’s go to the maternity hospital, and then i’ll go to the film studio, no, you, yes, borya, i saw maya today, i think she i was upset about something, yes, i asked for the books back, then i cried, yes, i didn’t understand.” i didn’t understand, i said, my wife is giving birth, i’m having a hard time figuring out who asked you to talk about this, i didn’t understand that you’re on all corners screaming, giving birth, giving birth,
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what kind of holiday is this, i don’t understand, borya, when did you understand anything, she should have had a child, and now nothing will happen, you decided so, she decided so, and so i decided, a terrible decision, the right decision, when it’s unclear, when nothing is clear, boris, this is incredible, a disaster, really, couldn’t you, she should have moved in with us, are you kidding me, it would be even more fun for them together, how could i see, oh dad, be quiet, otherwise i don’t know whether to cry or laugh, if anything can be changed, if she can forgive you, then tomorrow she will come to us. no, today i can’t find the words, and this is the second time, god knows what it
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might cost, oh, stop, wait, you’re free, wait, son, it’s busy, hello! ignatiy stepanovich, this is petrov, forgive me for disturbing you at home, but this is an extraordinary case, i i weighed everything in the case of mikhalevich and on any scale we lose more than we find. edwin is at the door, but who will teach him to love. rejoice at every successful number, as mikhalevich does. the question is, what is most valuable for an artist?
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what does he want? role? oh, if only i’m not here, but where are you? i died, don't be stupid? yes, ignatius stepanovich, excuse me, it’s petrov again, i wanted to clarify, i should come to you in the evening during intermission, come in, don’t let go of the car, i still need a film studio, i ’ve agreed on everything.
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soon, of course, soon, we have today beautiful day, such beauties, such handsome men will be born, just a diva, who does sergei yuryevich want, a boy or a girl? well, if the girl is probably going to be a ballerina like you, she dreamed of dancing with giselle all her life, but ended up in apireta, you don’t like apireta, i do, i even sing a little, i... i’m sure that you sing beautifully, believe me, maybe this is your destiny, it’s not at all by chance that you ended up in this theater, and you know, i’m writing?
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if you are interested, i will tell you more. i'm interested. stop, turn everything on, very good. yes, everything is fine. everything is fine, thank you everyone, the shooting is over. goodbye, thank you. oh, how glad i am to see you.
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tramp, gray wolf, are you looking or talking? we agreed, i called you. oh, yes, yes, yes, yes, well, come on, come to me. wait, what? are you wearing makeup? oh, you, are you crazy? i was in spain for 2 months, but do i look like a spaniard? undoubtedly. listen, spain, spain, prado, bulls, carida. oh, tired, how are you doing? can you imagine, 2 months of a riot of colors, well, a riot of colors, and what kind of women, listen, my god, what kind of women, by the way, like your new young one, and the charming one, well done, well done, you are young at heart, you are a spaniard, i actually came to you on business, but you remember what we talked about before your departure, they said, remember, everything will be
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fine, in what sense? well, i promised you, i’m a man of my word, you believe me, i believe, everything, everything will be fine, but i still don’t understand, you trust me and wait, okay? listen, in spain they taught me to play one game, it’s amazing, let’s go, take matches, ordinary matches, lay them out on these little things, and you take everything, help me clean up this museum thing, yeah, and then the table, guys? hurry up, we’ll have time, otherwise, don’t worry, everything will be fine, in a month i’ll start shooting large objects, and everything will be there, i recently got married, you might think that i’m interested in the material side, but believe me, i’ve never seen it , but i trust your taste, i don’t want you to beg a word, put in a word, and who should beg, no one, the work
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should speak for itself. "well, i'm not going to advertise our acquaintance, then there is our friendship, you are a good actor, in this case, forget that i am an actor, yes, well, well, and now she is thinking about something else, she is giving birth, giving birth, i just wanted to know your opinion, you know, but there is at least something in this - something, because this is part of my life, you know, you understand, i’m just starting to film.” i can’t tell you right now exactly what it will be, don’t attach such colossal importance to it, it will be, it will be a good episode, but the episode , and as for her, i’m happy to, but you see, in my script there are only three female roles, igor, you i read that i'm sorry, please, right? yes, yes
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, yes, yes, i understand, i understand, yes, yes, yes, well, okay, okay, yes, yes, yes, yes, call me in an hour, well, in 2 hours, listen, i remembered. “i remembered, where are you going, it’s time, i have a performance, i remembered, you gave me the script to read even before spain, i remembered, well, now one second, the script, no, it was here somewhere , well now, well , somewhere here, well, where am i going to take him, well , that’s where, here, here, here it is, here it is, your script, here, you see?” igor, this is not
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scenario, like, yes, yes, don't be offended, old man. i’m tired, i’m not offended , you see, everything is confused in my head, there’s a lot of things to do, you understand me, i understand you, you understand, well, this is damned vanity, it’s to blame for all our sins, wait, well, i have a lot of things to do, dozens people, where are you going, well , wait, for 5 minutes, i beg you, i can’t, you know, well, i’ll read it today, but honestly, this is not at all in a hurry, you’ll read it when you have time, well, whatever , be, well be. seryozha, it’s my fault, forgive me.
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mommy, this is for you, have you really never you can't come on time, mommy, hello! hello, take off your clothes. did you want to go in there with a bottle? why don't they come with a bottle? behave yourself. well,
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if you want, i'll kiss his hand. “hello, congratulations, i wish you everything, everything, thank you, thank you, boy, thank you, when you are over 50, a person should only wish for health, well, sit down, make yourself at home, because that’s how it is, hello, hello, hello , borya, yes, this is borya, oh, how have you grown?" "look how great he is, and yet i carried you in my arms, do you remember, thank you, that is, no, what are you going to eat, thank you, comrades,
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there were a lot of toasts here in my honor, it’s a common thing, i want to break it. we won’t give each other compliments, we’re not worth our anniversaries, our lavish toasts. vanya, let 's face it, are we really giving people what they expect from us, well, ivan sergeevich, well, that's enough of you complaining. compliments, we need to be tougher, more demanding in art in our everyday communication. eyebrows, lips, nose, this is not yet a face, legs, arms, this is not yet a person.
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at best, we are trying to capture only a detail, do not connect it with the whole, do not know how, do not want to. see the diversity, strength and unity of our life, let's open our eyes and see it, let's be worthy of it, bravo, bravo! please raise your glasses, a wonderful toast, a worthy dish, trout, comrades, make room, i hope no one
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doubts that i personally caught this trout. please, please.
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how overgrown you are, your father doesn’t watch you at all, i knew it would end like this. are you really better off with him, i don’t understand, he he's watching, go to the hairdresser today, ask your father to come with you, hello. and it’s you, and i didn’t expect it, why so late, you’re late, what lovely
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flowers, borya, why don’t you say hello, hello, boy, hello, borya, don’t be a beech, this is your home for you, and ivan sergeevich - a close person, almost like dad, premiere, when are you getting together with everyone? should i tell you about your monastery, when will you tell me about your monastery? have you already told your parents about surrogacy? you're late started asking questions? well, why did you gather us all today? well, everyone is very interested, come on, tell me, what kind of changes are you having? do not want? ok, then i'll say, the light in the window is from monday on rtr.
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hurghada, where luxury villa accommodation combines with 1 km of golden sandy beach. impeccable service and exquisite cuisine will make your vacation unforgettable. rixs premium magavish suds & villas, the vacation you 've been dreaming of. pshi, tell me, listen, who doesn’t sing, catch
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me if you can, be stunned, soon on rtr, i decided to divorce you, who is he, i have no one, but this is a lie, because just like that... nobody gets divorced , spring is late, premiere on saturday on rtr, why did you get up from the table, did you have a phone in the hallway? yes, but now he's in the bedroom in the office. lord, your hair is so bad, go to the hairdresser tomorrow. i have to leave. sit for an hour and go away. alena is giving birth today. who is this? dad's wife. well, congratulate her from
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me. and what do you have to do with it? he’s at a performance, at a performance, he’s still jumping, he’s still running, all plans, illusions, but with his second child he should settle down, amazing man, how will the four of you live there? let's settle down, i feel sorry for her, poor girl, what i have to go through it in order to get out of dad’s illusions, i would like to talk to her and advise her on something, no need, mom! i want everything to be fine with you, everything is fine with us, why don’t you get married? however, your father put you in such conditions, he should have waited for his grandson first, his nephew
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would have been older than his uncle. well, everything in his life is not like that of other people. “mom, you love him, i love him, god, this is funny, why did this occur to you , i’m not talking about dad, you’re the hero of the day, you love him, of course, and why are you happy?” "bori, i'm so i’m happy that i’m even uncomfortable in front of you, you’re unsettled, father, i’m so sorry, there’s no need to feel sorry, borya, you have to respect your father, he had a very difficult life, and he’s an artist, and
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this is the most important thing, our years lived together , you can’t take it out of life with us. you are such a big boy, i want you to congratulate dad and his wife, i would like to give her something, so i bought it in prague, but it needs to be washed, and vanya, what are you doing ? , we need to put it somewhere, come on, come here, come here, like that, everything should be clear and thought out, first
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you come in, no, let’s go together, point two, you give me a sign, i come in, i start talking about musical numbers. i beg you very much, don’t do anything outside of the plan, today you didn’t calculate a little, you understand that right away to him with our business and then to him with mikhailevich, too much at once, this is how a person asking for alms can reason, and not that , who has a just cause, do you agree, yes, well, in general, yes. is this a maternity hospital? hello, good evening, petrova aleftina was brought to you this night mikhailovna. tell me, she hasn’t yet... yeah,
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go to skuratov, tell him that i ask him to come in for a minute. fine. just try, everything will be fine, think only about the good, meadow, flowers, beauties, beauties. the beauties of the cabaret of heights knew only for placement, the graceful carefree colorful parret is dishonest for you.
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you can’t buy, this is a bad omen, we didn’t buy anything, you know, we should joke about you today, this is such an omen, and not only to joke, but to be late, then providence will take pity on you and stand on your side. you can’t wait with concentration, it means tempting fate, we didn’t know any of this, it’s okay, dear, everything will be fine, sylvia, you go, it will be better, edwin, yes, yes, you can. "hello, i congratulate you, on what? i 'm watching the play, it's wonderful,
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sit down, thank you, please take it, thank you, you want to be an actor, yes, you feel talented, very much, let me read." , you are comfortable here, thank you, yes, uh-huh, alexander blok, sergei gorodetsky, solvijk, you came running on skis to me, smiling at the coming spring. i lived in my dark and poor hut, for many days without stones, without lights, but your green, cheerful eye
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flashed at me, i swung my ax widely, i laugh, i destroy a century-old pine tree, i meet the bride, spring, let there be a blue vault over the new hut, full of pine trees to hide the blue, this sky is yours, this sky is mine, may it not be for nothing that i am proud to be reputed to be swayed under my ax, singing praises. trunks in the azure, your voice, it is ringing, the songs of an old pine tree, solvik, the song of green spring, okay, i i’m stuttering, haven’t i noticed, they’re trying to dissuade me, but i’ll go, go, go, and as they say, go, live and die in the theater if you can, but what if he throws you away? no, does he have the right to do this? no, this is a capricious god, you read well, misha, i
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couldn’t do that, thank you for allowing me, open, i don’t understand anything, open the doors, open immediately, what kind of stupid jokes, who is there, open, open, open ! hush, what a stupid joke, well, open it, and leave it, mish, that’s how it should be, it’s a joke, okay, open it, well they joked and it was enough, well, open up, who is there, open up, what happened, immediately, open up, i can’t, it’s petrov, yes, what happened, they closed me. comrades, please bring the key to the forty-fifth dressing room, please, some implausible
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incident, very much in the spirit of our theater, i just intended to come to you and now, if the mountain does not go to mohammed, i assure you, no one is to blame , who is next to you in the dressing room, grenko and mikhalevich are sitting with me, but for some reason mikhalevich has not been called to today’s performance, i am strenuously i recommend... you are worried about your own stay in the theater, and others will think of mikhalevich, who are these others? i don't understand, is this a conspiracy? what kind of conspiracy is this, will someone finally bring the key? now, ignatius stepanovich, i strongly advise you not to make any final decisions in this state. phenomenal. comrades, go to your makeup rooms and get ready for the start of the second act. play stepanovich, i hope that my words have reached your heart. listen, i'm listening, i'm listening, animals, you see, animals, any animals, any kind, they kill their weak brothers, if
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a deer is lame, it will not survive. if a wolf has lost his strength, he is doomed, weak and a burden in the pack. are you listening, ignatius stepanovich? well, i'm listening, i'm listening, what? nothing, but we are people. ignatius stepanovich, do you understand? we are people. is it true? so, lord, forgive me, arkasha, everything is not according to plan, i’m
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dead tired. and it’s still a long way from vacation, in fact, just recently from vacation, yeah, hello, hello, who actually came up with the idea for peter’s first concert ilvichakovsky, music by arkasha grinko, the idea of ​​the first concert woven, so to speak, into the fabric of a modern theme, this is our common idea, forget it like a bad dream, mikhalevich remains in the theater, you heard what he said, he understood something, hang your head , i’m saying that this is not a victory, but another step towards it.
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well, my young colleague, do you want to see how this ends? yes, i ask everyone to stage at the beginning of the second act. in my opinion, he somehow did not formulate his conclusion specifically. will speed up twins he can’t help.
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well, even if they have twins, and we have one, but but what, son, go and tell the young man in the corridor that he is already a brother, okay. well, young man, do you like it?
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will you allow me to call? no more than a minute. please, just be careful, inform petrov, he is now on stage that he has a son, yes, a son, it is better to be a matchmaker than a newlywed, it is better to be rich than to be deprived of everything, it is better to drink wine with a hand
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and fall in love for... i don’t understand that you have a son, you understand, a son was born, will pass, pass, the battle passes, the might pass, but not just anyone, it’s stupid to try he took the beauty from us, let him put it on.
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allow me a couple more minutes, my, yeah. maya, my dear, why don’t you answer? i’ll hit myself like
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a stone wall, i’m to blame, well, tell me, well, i know, i’m to blame, i’m to blame, may. named dear, i can’t live without you. it’s okay, honey, it’s not scary, there’s only a little bleeding, we’ll stop it now,
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can’t you see, i see, so why are you standing there? of course, congratulations, congratulations, please, triumphant, all the flowers today, only for her,
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only for her! call skuratov, he has twins, when did this happen, what a stupid way to object, call, everything will be fine, you hear me, everything will be fine. everything will end well, believe me, you and i have such strength,
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he was born into a royal family in a world of luxury and prosperity, and then faced with the suffering of people, he left home in the hope of finding answers to the questions that tormented him so much. he wandered, led the life of an ascetic, and years later achieved enlightenment and became a buddha. many believe this is the ideal country to get to know yourself and the world around you. we will do the same. good morning kandy city. good morning, sri lanka. kandy is far from the largest city country, but from a cultural and religious point of view extremely significant. it was once the capital of the last kingdom of sri lanka, and its historical center is today part of a unesco world heritage site. kandy is also often called mahanuwara, which means great city. and great, primarily for
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buddhists all over the world. another buddhist shrine, the zubba buddha temple. but here the name speaks for itself. as is commonly believed, during the buddha's climation, one of his disciples managed to snatch a tooth from the flame. this is where the monks keep it today. the tooth lies right here behind the golden door. well, this is lake kandy with a small island in the middle, the last king of that very kingdom used it, what do you think for what, as a place for grief, the name of the king, so now i’d like to pronounce it the first time, you’ll forgive me, i’m in this business newbie, but now i’ll try very hard, well, with god, the name of the king, the zhriviy of the temple, brother sinha, oh, in one breath, by the way, this... the king built
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this building on the northern shore of the lake, kulpanga, that is, the queen’s bathing pavilion, place, where royal persons, numerous wives of the king, took baths, it’s good to be a king, and now a few words about the persons we are about to meet: first, their mouths can open 150°, second, about 15%.
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years old, yes, they started in 1915, you have a very brave family, yes, yes, yes, tell me, what is the goal of this farm? people in sri lanka have always been afraid of snakes, often, for example, trying to defend themselves, they injure them, cause harm, we take such snakes, nurse them, and then release them back into the jungle, oh, of course it’s scary pronounce, but come on, introduce your beauties, okay, this is a python, so, ah, non-poisonous, then okay. he’s friendly, yeah, we started right away, and he doesn’t bite, i understand, he’s very friendly, he can squeeze me, no, he’s not hungry now.
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woman, this is understandable, don’t say so, i heard that the brighter the snakes, the more poisonous they are, this is not a poisonous tree snake, it’s called a red rat snake, very rare for sri lanka,
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look, yeah, bye, partner, generally very beautiful, what does she eat? chinese, as you understand, is the main one the question that interests me is small insects, it matches my eye color, well, okay, that’s it, it’s fashionable in sri lanka, and walking, well, it’s beautiful, well, he left again,
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left me alone again, here’s a ceylonese stripes, so, well, you know my first question, this is a sand viper, after a bite, death in 5-6 hours, 2 weeks ago it came to me with a wound on the abdomen, now it’s getting better, by the way, those snakes had smooth skin , and this is lumpy, touch it, phew, oh,
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ridged skin, you forgot to warn that need to leave. i was already thinking that all the tests of fortitude and courage were behind me, no matter how it was, vikman decided, cobra, yes, it’s a very unusual feeling, looking at a predator that can kill you for a water party, it’s actually really beautiful, there is it feels like he’s hypnotizing you, yes, yes, she’s angry now, a little, not the friendliest. but she is nervous, oh, you have a reaction like a mongoose, there have been many cases when such snakes have bitten people, yes, for example, it happened to me 5 years ago, a difficult
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story, in fact, a cobra bit me later after half an hour a fever began, then necrosis, it became clear that the only option was to amputate part of the finger, this is generally a big problem. 800-900 people, 900 people from snake bites? yes, farmers who work on the land without gloves or protection especially suffer from this. listen, i ’m surprised that after being bitten by such a snake, you were not afraid to continue doing this business. how did you overcome your fear? thanks to my grandfather and father, i grew up next to snakes, so i was not afraid of them, and i am not afraid of them. well, friends, i’m a simple guy, i think
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how, for every fatal number there is a worthy reward, dessert, vattalapan is a traditional sinhala dessert, it’s hard to say when it was invented, just 2.0 years ago, and what about 2000 years, the recipe has not changed at all, yes, the way the ancestors prepared it, exactly the same way same. and we, we will need coconut, eggs, nutmeg and cardamom, brown sugar syrup and jagri, what is jagri? it’s such a sweet mass, it’s made from the sap of a coconut palm, let’s try it, it’s sweet, it’s somewhat reminiscent of honey, very sweet, but maybe we won’t cook it anymore dessert, you can just eat it, it’s very tasty,
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well, now we make coconut milk, for starters, with the help of such a simple unit, we grind the coconut pulp, well, i can do it in my opinion, and in fact, in our country women usually do it, you ’re settled in add water. i understand, stronger, yes, don’t be lazy, i understand, i understand, i understand, i ate little porridge, squeeze out the pulp and get the milk itself, all that remains is to strain it, beat the eggs thoroughly with a whisk, and finely chop the jagri, mix with coconut milk until complete dissolution, well, almost complete, again , yes, i did something wrong, i have to redo it, eat, nothing can be done about it, my grandfather told me. that there was no place in the hands in a bowl with eggs, jagri and milk, we add nutmeg and cardamom, i realized that nalanka
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just has everything with spices, even dessert, otherwise we then add syrup and pour the mixture into the mold through a sieve, in the usual way for me manner, but it seems to me that i’m passing by, no, okay, we’ll survive, well, soon we’ll be eating, soon, we just have to wait two hours, 2 hours wait, maybe we’ll drink right away, i can’t wait. where to go? in general, we cover our form with paper and tie it with thread, the most natural one possible, from the nearest palm tree, put the form in something like a water bath and wait impatiently. yeah, so, everything is already, i would say, very impatient. and now? almost, only one and a half left. whether it took a long time or a short time, the dessert was still prepared, cooled and moved onto my plate. well, dessert made from coconut milk, we eat under a coconut tree, everything is as it should be, mm,
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it turned out delicious, it looks like our caramel cockerel, well, it’s just a sugar puff, only not hard, but soft, mm, beauty, i think i won’t be mistaken if they call it shilan. one of the greenest countries in the world, just look at how it looks from a bird's eye view, some kind of riot of lush greenery, into which man with his buildings and roads simply skillfully fits in. about a quarter of the island's plants are endemic, and the region itself is considered one of the most biologically diverse in the world. for some , plants are a subject of scientific interest, for secondly, well, take, for example, landscape painters - this is a source of inspiration, and thirdly, he builds an entire system of healing on them, well... what, let's go learn the basics of ayurveda?
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please tell me, first of all, what is airveda in general? ayurveda literally translates as the science of longevity, and this has been its main task for many millennia. i would call it home medicine, which uses only natural ingredients, plants, flowers, herbs. our garden contains just such, well , for starters, for example, the king of spices, pepper. it's simple. it turns out that this is black pepper, but it is extremely useful, it is very hot in sri lanka, and pepper helps to cope with the heat, it increases body temperature, a person sweats more actively and cools down, yes, this is turmeric, pay attention to how it grows, there is a large bush on top, but the most necessary part is the root, like a carrot, these roots are crushed into powder, in cooking it is used in a square, in ayurveda... it is a good antiseptic, in general it’s amazing that it’s not a seasoning, but it turns out to be a very
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useful thing, now i’ll show you another one like this well, nutmeg, this is a tree with yellow fruits, like this. well, now let’s open the seed, look, there’s a nut inside, i hope it’s not teeth, yeah, in ayurveda nutmeg is used as a remedy for diarrhea, mixed with water, lemon, salt and pepper, okay, i won’t eat anymore, that ’s enough, let’s go, let's find something edible, well, we have cloves, try the leaf,
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what does it look like, by the way, do you think it's a good remedy for toothache, leaf?
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and clearly had no intention of getting out of it, we continued with a back massage, first a basic one,
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i feel like i’m getting healthier, i hope, and then on the pillows... these pillows are filled with plants popular in ayurveda, we shouldn’t have collected them with nalin, in fact, it’s really an incredible feeling, the pillows are soft and a little hot, oh good , i don’t want this to end, fortunately there are still areas on my body that they didn’t have time to massage, wow, it seems like it got into the liver, the thing is that... in massage they say that on the foot, there are some -points, each point is responsible for some specific organ. this is the heart. sri lanka is a storehouse of wisdom and knowledge. here you can see unique relics and try treats with a thousand-year history. here, through plants, they comprehend the science of longevity and consolidate the result, finding
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a special approach to the body. here you are not afraid to look your fear in the eye, at least with peripheral vision. i’m taking this with me, oh , no, no, no, don’t, ah-ah-ah, come on, ah, she just kisses me, yes, i understand, phew, i ’m saying so that the boy doesn’t get jealous, i’ll give it back you arina, come now, we’ll look at the weekend, i’ll give you the address, you’ll come and say that i really need a forgery, don’t rush, ladies, they’ve already come, from anywhere. guns are the way out, come quickly, come, come, i promise they won’t look for you, so, girls, give it to valyusha, today on rtr.
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violated the order of comrade stalin, especially for victory day, all episodes of the admiral kuznetsov series are free, on the website in the application . where is your homeland, my brother, and whose homeland are you, soldier, who do you serve, former friend, tear away everything that is ours, which was together, what will be left with you, they went against god, went on a tour through all the liberated territories, what an impression happens, russia comes and the city lives, boris korchevnikov’s program, life and fate. from monday to friday on rtr. all you will find our releases on the media platform, watch, download the application or go
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to the website, guys, anyone, where are you? seryozha, think about it in the center of arkhangelsk. there is a telephone booth, it’s working, i ’m calling you now, why am i calling you, because i want to cook lasagna in the evening, so you need to buy everything, you need to buy a special
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pasta for lasagna, minced meat, or meat, and onions, that’s okay , i love pepper, salt, and olive oil is a must, it seems to me that everything seems to be everything, yes, yes, hello, come out, i’m done bought, good morning, this is a food formula program and you didn’t buy anything. listen, well, there will be dumplings and not your lasagna, that there is such and such dough, there is meat, but in general you can add it in the end, i don’t know, i really don’t like the idea, firstly, i don’t trust dumplings too much , it happens that there is too much dough, sometimes there is too little meat, in general there are a lot of questions, and i have about zero confidence in the dumplings, but you just need to be able to check, okay, okay, and how to do it, hello, hello,
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nothing is clear, well listen, the beginning as it should be, i propose to go to the production facility where they make real dumplings according to gost, i think that by the end of the program you and i will understand dumplings better than anyone... the plan is a trap, go ahead, that’s what we have to figure out, how buy dumplings in a store, where there will be really a lot of meat, and not just meat, tasty meat. which dumplings should you never buy and how long should you actually cook the dumplings? in addition, we will learn how dumplings strengthen the immune system and can help us cope with any cold. necessary same. and at the end of the program we will prepare a special
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dish. dumplings, which relieves anxiety, it’s unexpectedly very tasty, we’ll check everything, we’ll recommend the best, we’ll start exporting the food formula, right now we’ll go to a factory that produces up to 10 tons of dumplings a month. yulia, good morning, hello, i am glad to welcome you, yulia beloglazova, head of the quality control department, we have come the right dumplings, make it, make it, that’s where your meat comes from, we work with... chilled raw meat from reliable suppliers, from large meat processing plants , our veterinarians control the safety of each batch, all our meat has already been checked and we can start making minced meat for dumplings, super, well, let's start making dumplings, let's go, so, this will be deboning, yes, yes, deboning meat, if we talk about pork, then...
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we use ham and shoulder, what should we do? first we separate the rib, yeah, here they are, i can see that, oh, and while you are busy with your work, now i’ll show off my mind a little, come on, come on, that means, suenina, red meat, red meat, iron, iron is good for you for blood, well now you flashed, of course, let's just say, with generally accepted information, many people know that iron is useful for hematopoiesis, but few people know that it is also useful... and cobalt, cobalt? yes, which, by the way, is contained in pork in quite large quantities, 80% of the daily requirement is contained in 100 g, cobalt is also necessary for normal hematopoiesis, improve your blood, eat dumplings with pork, by the way, taking care of proper nutrition is one one of the main priorities of the national project is demography, listen, you really skillfully faked it, you have a very works well, next we need
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to separate the forearms of the forearms. tell me, yuli, will there only be pork dumplings? no, we add beef, it is cut on the next line, it’s clear, but what next? minced meat is not only meat, but also spices, let's go prepare them, let's, yeah, here are the spices, graveyard dumplings, we add sugar, sugar, salt, salt, ground black pepper and dried onions, let's start sprinkling them and i 'll be there for you ask a bunch, put 600 g of sugar, how much? minced meat it will be 50 kg, which means it’s not much, how much onion? 800 g. 800 g. yulia, when dumplings are not according to the standard regulations, what else do they add? when a manufacturer makes dumplings according to specifications, for example, he can add more onions to enhance the taste, add vegetable fiber to increase the juiciness of the product, then antioxidants are added to prevent oxidation, oxidation of raw meat
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in the product at the expiration date, phosphates are also added , to preserve the juiciness of the filling, i have 800 g, so pepper, we will add 240 g of pepper, that is , it turns out that all these things make it so that there is less meat, yes, yes, of course, in total according to the recipe there will be less meat, yeah, accordingly, if you want your dumplings to have more meat, buy dumplings from the churchyard, everything is very simple, we add a mixture of spices to the chopped meat while the minced meat is mixed, we go: to make the dough, we add premium wheat flour, salt, water and sunflower oil, that’s all, and the dough is ready, then we go to make dumplings using a special apparatus, and you know why dumplings are the best student food, because it’s cheap, cheerful and fast, not only, the fact is that students study a lot, their brains need to work well, and for this they need. so that the body
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receives a sufficient amount of vitamin b12. dumplings, thanks to pork and beef, allow you not to have a deficiency of this vitamin, which means they allow your brain to work well. wow, i see, take care of your brain, eat dumplings. different dumplings have different amounts of meat. how to understand which dumplings have more meat, let's ask an expert rospotrebnadzor. if you want to buy dumplings that contain a lot of meat, pay attention to their category: according to gost, dumplings are divided into five categories from a to d, depending on the mass fraction of meat in them. the filling contains dumplings. category a meat is more than 80%. in category b - from 60 to 80%. in category b dumplings, the meat content is from 40 to 60%. if this is category g, then the meat content is from
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20 to 40%. and finally, in category d dumplings, there is less than 20% meat. it turns out that if there is more meat in category a, then the best category a. dumplings of category a, which contains. more than 80% of the muscle tissue turns out to be leaner, yes, the filling will be harder and drier, a small amount of fatty tissue can be added to the pogostka so that the dumplings are more tender and juicy, these are category b and c dumplings. so, if you want to ensure that the dumplings have a lot of meat and that they are juicy, choose categories b and c. let's go catch ready-made dumplings. let's go. oh, here's the dumpling. or you can take the thin dough from dumplings, but the thickness of the dough should not be exceed 2 mm, excluding the pintuck places, but in the pintuck places, you see, the layer is very thin, great, the dumplings go into quick shock freezing at a temperature of -25°, after which
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we can pack them. you can - take two things with you, of course, yes, seriously, you can take two things with you, great, we’ll take it, you tell it so interestingly that i want to ask you to come with us to the store, even when you come to the store, your eyes widen, no you know how to choose the right one, and it seems to me that you know how to choose the right one better everyone, yes, of course, i’ll be happy to help you after the end of my shift, then see you later, we’ll take this with us. let's go, let's go! if you haven’t been watching our program from the very beginning and don’t know how dumplings are good for our blood, i remind you that all episodes can be watched on the online media platform let’s watch. download the application, install it on your phone or tablet, or
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simply go to the website but dumplings are a big help in winter in the north. i also want to know how they used to live in the north, what kind of traditions there were, yeah, what fast? well, listen, there's a place where we can do that.
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names, grouse is a bird, grouse is a bird, well, black grouse, black grouse, black grouse, yes, the simplest dough is used for these ritual cookies, rye flour, salt and water, by the way, speaking of dough, the dough is very similar to dumplings, well, yes, it passed, of course, yes, and my flight of thought towards dumplings rushed towards spring, because spring is a time when immunity decreases, it’s warm during the day, cold at night, a person tries to dress lighter, and as a result freezes. these are still puddles, feet constantly wet, yes, all this has a bad effect on the immune system, dumplings have a good effect on the immune system, and you know why, because in addition to protein, which has a positive effect on the production of immune cells in the body, minced meat is also rich in zinc, zinc, and
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zinc - this is a microelement that our immune cells need in order to attack various harmful bacteria, this makes them more active immune cells and can help us cope with any cold. eat dumplings and don’t get sick, and we’ll bake them now let's go out into the street to invite warmth for all of us, chibili, chibili, stings! they swirl the rock, they move the whip, they move it, why are you warm?
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side of the screen, we tried this, if you watch the program not first, but sporsih, how can we choose dumplings so that there is meat in them, you can see the episode on the platform, you look, there all the programs are collected on the video platform, we have an application on the phone , on your tablet, or just go to, okay. right here, but it ’s time for us to go to the store, where julia is waiting for us, to discuss the rules for choosing quality dumplings. so, we have collected a lot of different packages, hello again, yulia, tell us how to knock out dumplings correctly? first of all, let's pay attention to the packaging, it is best that the packaging is transparent or has a window on it, so we can evaluate the appearance of the product.
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purchase, the first rule: always keep
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the cash register receipt; if there are noticeably fewer dumplings in the package than stated, you need to come to the store with this receipt and ask to weigh a couple more packages of dumplings from this manufacturer on check scales, if there is also an underweight, you can return the money and additionally file a complaint with the rospotrebnadzor department or call the hotline, we will definitely inspect the enterprise that produces dumplings so that such situations do not arise in the future. size matters? dumplings come in standard medium and small sizes. the thickness of these dumplings, the thickness of the dough is the same, but the meat in small dumplings is correspondingly less. yeah, m. it turns out that the larger the dumpling, the more meat in relation to dough. but we have dumplings that we made together, so we will cook with them. by the way, what are we going to cook? well, this is what you wanted to do, here, here, here. i have a lot of
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anxiety now in relation to your idea. julia, thank you very much, i was very glad to help you, we're off, goodbye, all the best, goodbye, you've been hoping for so many years that everyone will get together again, it looks like it will be today. are you glad? well, of course, i'm glad. premiere. you look good, you look young example, hello, what's that noise you have there, it's like nothing, yes, of course, a child who has forgotten how to unite a large family like a big secret, what the police say, a classic accident, dmitry miller, from the outside everything always seems obvious, this white and this is black, i prefer to call things mine. names, maria kulyakova, you understand that
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this decision will change your whole life, alena yakovleva, elena tsyplakova, we are not to blame, what to do now, be silent, light in the window, from monday on rtr, kalinon belek is the place, where time stops. immerse yourself in sophistication and luxury, forgetting about time on the shores of the mediterranean sea. discover true excellence by making your dreams come true. hotel calinan bellec, where life turns into a fairy tale. a hotel for unforgettable rix experiences. sheikh is for adults 18+ only. here you will find entertainment throughout
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the day. year-round performances by the best djs from around the world. this is not just a vacation, it is a holiday for the soul, where every detail is created to be admired. hotel titanic deluxe golf belek, where every moment is exclusive. wrap yourself in comfort by our pools, relax in the life salon and enjoy delicious dishes from the best restaurants. every number is here. this is a journey into coziness and comfort, your rest, your rules. titanic deluxe, golf bellet is the best choice for an unforgettable holiday. hello, dear friends, your favorite program is on air for 60 minutes. 60 minutes, tomorrow on рrt.
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the loss of the first patient is always very difficult, you have to come to terms with it, but i don’t want to put up with it, from the capital, i’ll be new traumatologist at your hospital, she killed a patient in her capital, that’s why she fled here, he won’t be able to walk yet, oh , you crooked crap, i ’ll write a statement to the police, i’ll tell everyone that you’re human. i want to put andrei on his feet, no, get busy with your life, you are my life, love under a microscope, on saturday on rtr, today milova,


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