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tv   Kogda vse doma s Timurom Kizyakovim  RUSSIA1  May 12, 2024 8:35am-9:26am MSK

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listen to the festive bell ringing, enchanting, majestic, divine, and anyone can try themselves as a bell ringer, this is a tradition, this can be done , including at the venues of the easter music festival, which is now taking place in moscow, our maria simply could not help but take advantage of this opportunity temnikova. up the narrow steep stairs, dozens of believers climb to the bell tower of the holy trinity sergeev lavra, on the last fifth tier it awaits them.
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easter is probably the most important holiday for orthodox christians, the joy is so great that it is impossible to fit it into one day; bright week is the week after the resurrection of christ. every day we have holiday services, a solemn procession of the cross takes place, as on the first day of easter. during lent, we don’t have holiday ringings, only one bell rings, everyday, so slowly, rarely, at easter all the bells ring. in the old days, bell ringers looked after their students on these days. today, he comes to serve in the bell tower and most often comes after training in special courses, already prepared guys and girls. yes, yes, the weaker sex also has a place in this matter. despite the heaviness of the bell, uh, it's not that hard to ring. seraphim has been ringing the bells of the lavra for a year and a half, but he speaks now and continues to study. these four bells, they are called ringing bells, they contain all the beauty of ringing, one might say. the lavorsky ringing is a really complex ringing, it... needs to
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be studied for quite a long time, the ringing begins with the strikes of a blagovist, a large bell, the sound of which carries for many kilometers, several times a year on special holidays here in the st. sergei lavra of st. troitsk the tsar’s bell is activated, its weight together with the tongue is 74 tons, the current giant appeared on this bell tower in 2004, but today its smaller brother rings, when the first sounds subside, the trio begins . supported by a swan, it got its name for the beauty of its sound, in general, every bell here is unique. we can say that one of our first bells in the belfry was made in the time of st. nikon, radonishsky disciple of st. sergei radonichsky in 1420. bell ringing inspired many; it was used by musarksky, rimsky korsakov, rachmaninov, prokofiev, and the first was glinka. in the final scene of the opera "a life for the tsar", the red ringing of bells sounds. during
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easter week until may 16, this tradition will be supported by the moscow easter festival. in the program of the symphonic choral ringing part , the first bell concert has already taken place in the ianachinsky convent. you can enjoy the ringing of bells at 23 venues in moscow and the region. lead. the circus left, the dogs remained. in moscow one and a half dozen four-legged artists can immediately find themselves on the street without care, without attention, without a well-deserved pension. for many years they delighted the audience with their funny tricks, but suddenly their act was removed from the repertoire. and now, it seems, no one needs trained dogs. what awaits them now? is there a chance that the life of the former manege stars will not become truly dog-like? a way to help. our alexey
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knor was looking for furry circus performers. boy, boy, how old is he? well, about five or six. a dog named cat, an experienced artist. spent most of my life in the arena, and now risks ending up on the street. the team was reduced. and, well, as they say, there was no room for my number. the dog act, invented by taisei’s mother, is over 60 years old, but recently the administration of the chapeto rainbow circus decided to remove the production from the repertoire. now i have 15.
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i don’t know 15 elderly dogs, while the four-legged performers are kept here in the circus pavilion, but how long they can stay there is unknown, their owner is worried that in a couple of months all the animals may end up on the street, though... in the russian state circus they assure that they will not leave animals in trouble. providing maintenance, food costs, and medical care for animals is currently financed from the russian state circus's own funds. however, stories when circus animals turn out to be of no use to anyone are not uncommon. the bear asya has been living in a private shelter for 20 years, but she was once also an arena star. previously, she walked a tightrope in the durovs’ corner, that is, she was a former artist, that is, she showed aggression, she was written off. at the yuri cats theater. kuklacheva cares to the last about artists whose careers are long over. one of them is styopa, this is bechon frize, he just recently turned 18 years old. here, by the way, taisya and obrucheshnikova know about the problem and offer their colleagues help. i’ll probably take it, they have three more cats, two animals are already quite old,
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they’ll probably keep them, but we ’ll take the young cat to the theater. meanwhile, the trainer is urgently looking for owners for her dogs. call defenders joined the search, and a new home has already been found for two labradors. and once again happy great victory day, it was a week in city, we will return in exactly 7 days to tell the stories that happened near us, see you later. treat yourself to a first-class holiday with leo resorts. elegant details, a celebration
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of refined tastes, a variety of entertainment, a golden beach and azure waves. lio reorts, we are here for you! we invite you to the swiss hotel sharmel sheikh, the first swiss hotel in the world operating on an all- inclusive system. treat yourself to a holiday where elegance and natural beauty merge in perfect harmony. create memories which will remain forever in the heart. the charmel sheikh hotel is your ideal place in the heart of the city. when everyone stays at home, forgetting about business. there will be a feeling of such
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familiar warmth that everyone has been familiar with our world since childhood. good morning, a vital program is on the air when everyone is at home, and today, to our great pleasure , nika sofronov is hosting us, good morning, good morning, i ’m glad that we met today, i’m glad that i... finally then i slept for 3 hours, i’m glad that i have brothers alive, here are my friends and so on further, i always rejoice internally, so i enjoy it, and i tremble every minute, it has always been like this or i learned it, no, i have always rejoiced, of course, it is better to be rich and
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healthy than to be poor and sick, but i enjoy everything that i have there is an opportunity to live, to live through this period and leave something behind, so i am grateful... to god, i pray for everyone, for friends, for enemies, for brothers, sister, and i ask him to give me further - these are the movements in the future, but it’s easier to be like this when there is success and prosperity, remember the time when there was minimal the amount of money was in my pocket, well, yes, i lived many periods of my life at school , a graduate of our school came, so i studied fourth in ulyanovsk, he had such a naval... uniform was beautiful, and i thought, i still want to be, and before that i read the operas of captain blood and so on, that is , there are such pirate morgans there, i really wanted to become a pirate, i actually went
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to odessa at the age of 15, then i realized that it was not really my thing to fish, i left to rostov to visit his aunt, and didn’t finish his studies there in rostov, went into the army, served, returned, then... finished, well, i changed like this many times, when i was studying in rostov, in order to survive, i understood that my parents could not help, we had six children, i worked... as a loader, a watchman, a janitor and so on, unloaded carriages, and worked in the theater in chu, i remember you told me about your dream, when in those days you dreamed that you were walking through your exhibition, this was later, it was i who left after the army, went to ponevezhes, i saw me walking in the gallery where my paintings hang, which i didn’t actually paint, yes, my grandfather is walking with me there, that’s all time they give me advice, i argue, i agree, at one moment i needed advice, i turn around, my grandfather is gone, i raise my head, it’s leonardo, he’s flying away, probably internally you
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’re maturing, maturing, something comes to something - such a prophetic story, but this does not mean that i began to sell out and that i began to earn money, by the way, i dreamed about the army for about 20 years, i was called up all the time in my dreams, i say, i already served, nothing, listen again, why is that? i was tortured, those who served are going to remember it out of nostalgia, but if you dreamed about it, in you wake up in a cold sweat, they just mocked me, i force you to fill out demobilization albums, you were a respected, necessary person, yes, but me, and i had to get up like everyone else, get dressed in 40 there 5 seconds, everything seemed to fulfill all the duties, and at night , when people were sleeping or writing letters there in the evening, i was drawing at that time, it was for me.
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hunger strike, but one person convinced me that it was wrong, and i even received two certificates, i don’t regret that i served, i’m even glad, i think that everyone should serve, it’s useful, she useful for life, it would seem useless then, that it would have been better for me to finish college and so on, but today i understand that this is a very important stage in my life - the army, were there any troops? missile forces, valga, estonia, and specialty? telephone operator, you still feel that you live in a society, and you need to survive in this society, to live in a team, it’s also very important, the situation is such that you want to ask, what room are we in? this is a fireplace, here the 14th century floors came from an italian castle, this is a french portal, according to documents...
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in the pushkin museum, everyone went to see the sexin madonna to see raphael, and this story
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is true, i don’t know, but there was a huge line and ranevskaya also stood in line, and in front of her some people, young people, said, what we stood there, a woman like a woman, there was nothing special about her, there was nothing special about her, she turned to them young people, she said, she admired so many people that she herself has the right to choose who likes it, who doesn’t, that is, in the book... than me, but i am also puzzled by this thought, how after we go to reserve, not to quarrel with descendants, well, firstly, distribution of everything, and what does distribution mean, equally or fairly, leaving everything to whom, a mill, to whom a donkey, to whom?
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uncle yasha and so on, everything was clearly defined, i have it almost in half, on the one hand i wrote a will, on the other hand i want the apartment to stay. this is a matter of preserving the legacy, on the contrary, because i remember the gunpowder makers, he was friends with me for many years, and how he cared about what his ancestors did in the 19th century, predecessors, he restored everything to its original state, it was all squandered,
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relatives, heirs, he did not leave it, did not have time to leave it to the city, he did it to the city so that someone should... it was also not important for the city to keep track, in general, it was necessary that someone held it, contained it and supported the light so that it carried out this story, it is logical enough that the city, having taken it, does not destroy it, does not take it away, so that every thing is taken into account, i am gone or you do, then continue, i have completed paid off his debt, if you compare the work of the composer it’s hardly music it’s being written to... a loudspeaker with some kind of music from somewhere, it’s disturbing, to what extent is such a picturesque environment not distracting? no, first of all, it’s a habit, you already get used to what you have, and this did not come by chance, i spent more than 11 years renovating, i bought four times more furniture than i
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need, there is no such crazy saturation here , everything is very laconic, but if it’s like... a little like elf and petrov, one doesn’t agree, they threw it out of the plot, i also, if it annoys me, i remove it, like you do you think why this craving arose in you, i know that in 1668 a certain artemy safronov left moscow with some monks to a certain area at the invitation of bogdan khitrov, and there they called the area sim, seven hills, simbirsk, before my grandfather all were priests. maybe it’s from there, maybe it’s reading books, at school i found balzac’s mischievous stories in the design of gustav dara, these crusades, castles, this mystery is also such a wonderful drawing, it’s with such works that i i entered the grekovsky school in rostov, so somehow i always liked gothic, so i don’t have such a dependence on
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anything at all, i somehow learned how to... painting, i have several small workshops there, in one i do there , let’s say, in the style of the impressionists, a certain style, i called it dream vision, i created it myself, then in another there are landscapes, in a third there are portraits and so on, i move like in school from class to class, this is the way i don’t i get tired, i can drive through the tremasters overnight and get on at 12:00 at night, and finish there at 10 morning. nikos, if the composer has it, for example, he will rearrange it.
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not even a copy, an author’s repetition, copies, when i draw from other artists, there are works that are banal, churmord, there are some flowers and so on, but the work of a psychological portrait is impossible, if you work with a person, you only catch at that moment , or some kind of expression, or something random, i
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had one job there, i did one layer of foxing, the so -called second layer of foxing. the varnish layers are so transparent and multi-colored, as if but you can still see the face through them, how the old masters worked, and on the third layer i realized that this was just the wrong layer, i put the third layer, not the right one, and i was sure that it was still wet, paint, but i could already see more of the varnish, it had time to dry, but not completely, and i start wiping it off with a rag, and this layer appears so blurry, as if... which is
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a sign that this is a work when you feel that this is art , this is truly art, not just a work of art, a work of art. well you you feel it, it is felt, even it seemed to me, you always feel it right away, if you understand, the deeper you comprehend it, the more, as they say, if you look into the abyss for a long time, then it begins to look at you, when everyone is at home, premiere , when are you going to tell everyone about your monastery, when are you going to tell yours? past us, and you already told your parents about surrogacy, you started asking questions too late, why did you gather us all today, we’re all very interested,
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let’s tell us what’s going on with you change, if you don’t want to, oh well, then i’ll say, the light is in the window from monday on rtr.
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impeccable service and exquisite cuisine will make your vacation unforgettable. rixas premium magavish sudes & villas. the holiday you 've been dreaming about. good morning, my loved ones, my voice only sounds.
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morning mail with nikolai baskov, today on rtr. i’ll give you arina, she’s coming now, we’ll look at the weekend, i’ll give her the address, you’ll come
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and say that i really need a forgery, don’t rush, ladies, they’ve already arrived, there’s a way out of any trap, come quickly, i promise they won’t look for you, well, girls, let ’s jump, valyusha, today on rtr, when everyone is at home, and do you know what else i noted when we arrived? they were arranging the equipment, after all, this is a camera with legs, you don’t have a cult of these old things, you didn’t run here with binoculars, don’t breathe in there, don’t step in here. i
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take everything lightly, not as if, i appreciate what i have, but - i have very valuable things, i have monitors everywhere , i have cameras, but i rarely look through it, only when there is an extraordinary case like this , i i can see what's going on there. uh, well , there was a story, i trusted one of my friends, he said, well, three or four people would come, he was filming some of his work, about 80 people came, they ate herring, they ruined my oak floors, stains appeared there, then they polished it, it cost me 550.00 and i turned on the monitor, i was horrified, someone was putting books in, i didn’t
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bother looking, what books? what, but i quarreled with him for a year and a half, i didn’t communicate with her, it’s called theft, it’s not just taken, it’s theft, it’s theft, yes, but don’t to soften the wording, once i had a man here, he was the builder of my apartment, i hired him as a security guard, to guard the apartment, and about a year later his partner said something was going on there, he changed him, month this, month that , and i only saw in 2 days what was happening, they gave me drinks there for 400,000, they invited girls from train stations, from somewhere, they lie there on the bed of the sea, in general you don’t understand people, or something, i don’t understand , is this naivety, what is this, no, well, simple guys, i served, not cheese you laugh and invite such assistants, with
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is it true, but most likely yes, a talented person that not all of his works are works of art? well, first of all, leonardo davinci painted only 12 paintings, they are not all perfect, and someone has michelangelo, there is a short arm, then a healthy torso, a small head, and so on, but there are works, david there, the sexin chapel or there is a pieta, it still gives... everything else is already going to the trailers under this great one like giacondo, i agree, but not all the masterpieces, you understand that there is ongoing work, like films, like stories, novels, there are serious ones that you spend your entire life, like war and peace, but for this there is a huge preparation, we have a conversation in such a modern, multi-digital format, that is
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such... who named the numbers, so much there, here for so much, in general, it turned out that paintings by old masters are not so expensive, which means paintings by our masters cost so much that you can buy paintings by those masters, that’s how it was, by the way , tell me how you got to this point such a life, because it is easier for a composer to show his art to people, they will hear, because it spreads, it spreads like a melody through other musicians, and there are one, two or three paintings, well, they need to be shown somehow, and if... you no one knows yet, then you need to somehow place them like this, somewhere, somewhere somehow, this is a very difficult task, about 20 years ago, you came to me, after this program everything went uphill mountain, so i'm in your debt, we take everything in pies, we work for food, i once met peter max, who made the yellow submarine for the beatles, he said, nikos,
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what is important for an artist, the hall? how the invitation looks, and the people who come there, and there may be empty frames, will still buy it, it’s very important where, with whom you work, with which gallery, i can say this is a very important aspect, when i sold the first my exhibition, i studied in vilnius, i earned money, and i realized how many more years i need to work to get the same money again, i sold it right at the exhibition, well, many paintings were bought, it’s like in the sultan joke harem says, i have unpleasant news, i fell in love with another harem, straight up. this is the first time i’ve heard a good joke, an anecdote, and i was also offered to do folding, i bought some things, so i resold them from someone there, then i went to poland, i was very
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involved in folding, i don’t know, it was speculation , and the first exhibition gave you start-up capital for blackmail, it turns out, yes, the paintings were sold, but i invested them, say, in some kind of risky business, dangerous and... the kgb then came, they wanted me to work with them, otherwise, they got me off, but i somehow got away with paintings, and they left me behind, but the ability to sell jeans, say, a jacket, it doesn’t matter what, sneakers, it’s the same as selling a painting, it’s also a product, but you can sell a manuscript, inspiration is not for sale, you are learning, the main thing is...
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you can say that this is a mentally ill person, when in some state a person begins to create something, then this state is generally understandable even, beware of your fears, drip , i had a lot of different periods, this surrealism, it
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it can be difficult, you must be self-sufficient, you can refuse an order, you are not afraid that after this... collapse, here it is very important not to be afraid, in work it is always very important, when i wrote to aliyev, the gedars ordered me portraits, you know, he painted 350 artists, he didn’t like a single portrait, everything was in the storage room, so i came to moscow with excitement, but i thought, what am i worried about, he’s not even my president, i’ll draw it as is, i’m in trouble to the point, everyone was just trying to please the eyes.
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compound fingers are from mom, but this is speaks of nervousness, long fingers are, as it were, creative, and also compound ones are nervous, before you start painting a portrait of a person, how much you need to look at him and in general what degree of communication should there be so that it is not
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only an external portrait, it can be it catches you right away, even if it’s gone, you ’ve restored it completely, it’s so characteristic, memorable, and yet elusive. the artist painted his daughter, but she floated away from zabolodsky’s canvas like a moonlit night and sometimes several sessions are needed, sometimes you need one session, it depends, but you need to work for three hours for 2 hours. but in principle the easiest thing, if i were working with you now, communication would be enough for me, firstly, i don’t like for someone to be present during the work process, and the person must open up, relax, you start telling him and you quietly approach some things, there’s an anecdote, a tricky one, how a person reacts, anyone, and then you move on to another part, about a movie, or something else? there about the politics of science and the person reveals himself
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, it’s not in vain that the special services wanted you to get acquainted and make friends, you begin to recognize a person, he shows some invisible emotions that are characteristic only of him, but not at all times, a person can be like that and i say, ivan vasilyevich, yes, what was your name in childhood, kitty, like me they called me, i said, they called me korean there, he said, in childhood, why? yes, i was the only one of the brothers, they are blond and blue, as it were, but i’m oriental, like that, he says, and this is the most important thing, you start, when wrinkles appear on him, very important for you, you leave them, and a person seems to awaken, you begin to have confidential communication, then you sketch, and this is the most important thing for work, it’s easy to draw, by the way, you know, in moscow there are 275,000 artists according to statistics,
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kalinan belek is a place where time stops, immerse yourself in sophistication and luxury, forgetting about time, on the shores of the mediterranean sea. discover true excellence by making your dreams come true. hotel kalinan beleg, where life turns into a fairy tale. welcome to the newest rixas hotel in sharmelsheikh. rixas radomis sharmelsheikh. an ideal place for a family holiday, where everything is created for the happiness and comfort of the children of their parents. escape from everyday life into a world of endless entertainment. enjoy themed rooms. a large children's town in the region and an unforgettable
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vacation. rixas, radomis sharmel sheikh. can you explain to me why we are leaving st. petersburg and dragging ourselves to this sample? i have problems in business. do you remember tanka, vasil? and she was still in love with you. oh, and she's not married. it would seem that's it. together all our lives we live, we know everything about each other, but not everyone, well, you liked me at school 20 years ago, are you really still obsessed with this stupid childhood love, this is stupid, girls love their dreams to come true, olya, your husband , your husband is cheating on you, olya, olya, let’s get out of this together, pash, stop, this has never happened before, you don’t see me, you don’t even look in my direction, but i, i’m a woman. where we are not, on friday on rtr, guys, we always
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show more, but this time we will surprise you even more with what happened in the kremlin during inauguration, only we found the author, no, i didn’t know this picture, the parade. eye to eye, and what is happening now in the highest echelons of power, the most complete picture of the historical events of this week, extremely interesting footage in a program that sees more than others, together we will win. moscow, the kremlin, putin, look
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at rtr today. she raised so many excellent students, they are like children to me, but life itself turned out to be... teach your students a c grade, but i don’t need to be told what to do, mom, i have three children of my own, and i’m still strangers i was studying, i don’t want to see you anymore, i’m crazy, i missed my daughters, irina razanova is working on mistakes, i have to go, save my family, melodrama is an a+, and our mother is the best, adult daughters, turn on hug stories on the website in the app we look when everyone is at home, when...
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you know about this, here’s the story, and he says: well listen, he says, you’re doing everything wrong, you know how to abstract, well, every fool can, well, do abstraction , make an exhibition, take away the costumes, put on what kind of sweater you have what are you like, he says, i have my floors there, so put it on, let go of the beard, the pipe, it’s definitely measles and says, make an exhibition, you’ll see the result, but what should i say? at these paintings, and you don’t say anything, just look at the man, smoke a pipe, and you saw, and you saw how the river runs, but anyone asks a question, answer like this, he says, okay, there’s an exhibition in a year, everything was sold out, all this, meets him a couple of years later, this is a journalist, and you
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remember, i told you then, and you saw how he runs the river fit into the role, is it possible to spoil the picture with a title? reader on the internet, and hundreds come to me, i then reward them with albums, calendars, books, and they often give me a name, it’s like how to win a million there, and it doesn’t happen that the initial name is one, and over time another is grafted and that’s already
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changing, of course, it’s changing, i’m changing it, erasing old names, writing new names, i can add something, the same thing is found, right? the view changes, and the work can negatively affect the viewer if he recognizes the title, munch's scream, you know, or how the river flows, or how the river flows, yes, he wouldn't have called it a scream, yeah, everything would be different if a person with a distorted face, let's say, well, it doesn't work like that anymore, a scream, you immediately remember, shouting that this is, yeah, horror, something like that, you can also see it visually, the title is very important, and it’s like...
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it’s so easy to happen, the actor starred in the film, that’s it, one role is enough, the director, the whole team worked to create his image, and this film will be loved, they will play it and they will know that in art you wrote one a painting is impossible for an actor, for a young person who has passed the incubation period, he has no destiny, he is alive, has not seen events, has not seen people, he has to invent, invent, pretend, but... for the artist this incubation period , morihotka, army, denim jackets, jeans for jackets, getting to know different organs. yes, this is all an incubation period, this is all maturation, of course, it can happen, it’s annoying to happen right away, you were promoted, i had one
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wife, there was only one, two, two, an italian and french, it was convenient for me, and not there, i ’m here, yes, officially, yes, i hope, someday i will be alone, wife, french, her dad was very rich, and he didn’t want to at the beginning, it hurt me, i began to intensively manifest something. attention to her, and he agreed, when he saw me, he said: “yes, i ’ll do better, more famous, more famous, i ’ll invest money in him, he’s a talented guy, this is the year eighty-five, well, in relation to his loved ones , somehow everything didn’t go well.” so, after 20 days i filed for divorce, but i had the opportunity to travel abroad, well, there was career, please, i could establish myself, gain a foothold, as people sometimes do, but i wanted to live, create on my own, and so on, so everything went without this on its own, if you are destined, then it will always happen regardless, if you believe in your goal,
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you set your guiding star ahead, and i say: my guardian angel, always be with me, you are ahead, behind you, it’s difficult to succeed, indeed, i started saying that we need to do exhibitions every time, hold a huge number of events , people sit on the stove and think that when he dies, everyone will know about him, never, if - there are children, yes, i correspond, call each other, they know that i am in their lives, but i didn’t
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raise them, as if, i would like to do this, i put it there a church, holy in honor of my mother, there is a chapel where they lie in the cemetery, i will make a tribute to my parents, now i want to build st. nicholas the wonderworker, st. stephen in honor of my dad, to do everything so that during my lifetime i can leave such a spiritual mark as well. now i’m painting a church, an iconostasis, i’ll paint the ceilings of a saint in ulyanovsk, that is i try to do everything during my life so that i can have inner peace that i didn’t have time to do something, get as much done as possible, according to the family tradition of everyone who is at home, so that everyone has a home, and everyone has a home, the most important words are spoken by parental heart. you will have a child, and this is happiness, you will have
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a child, you will have a child, you will have a child who will have you, we hasten to share the good news for pasha and his brother leva from the nursery. kemerovo and we are going to one of the orphanages in the kemerovo region. hello, meet everyone when everyone is home. this is lenya. hello. lenechka, how old are you? 10. here on the table are lenin’s letters. everything, but i will read some. winner in the category best student. winner in the most hardworking category, winner in
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the sports premier category. you are a great fellow, lenechka. thank you. it's very difficult to be a winner. a...


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