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tv   Bolshie peremeni  RUSSIA1  May 12, 2024 11:40am-12:40pm MSK

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which residents of the far east previously often did not notice against the background of the abundance of other seafood. now the guys came from sakhalin, and sat down at the next table, at the next table, and said, this is the first time we’ve even tried it, well, it’s just a bomb there. during the may gastrofestival, residents and guests of vladivostok flocked to the ocean, the city’s main cinema, but not for the sake of cinema, to become a media personality by tasting tender meat in a shell. we just came straight to eat. but, but in general we are planning to walk some more, we can see, eat, listen to music and even learn the culinary arts, it’s a seasonal coincidence when at the same time shellfish are caught in the sea, bear garlic is caught in the forest, chef vladimir kozhevin noted, if a local product is seasonal, you need to take it and use it, in our case it was just a super good decision, the poelia is very delicious, but wild garlic, i really didn’t expect it, we listened to how they cooked it and most likely we’ll marinate it too, that’s how they cook fresh medina. sea ​​farm of sea culture in fire,
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oil, spices and garlic, right on the coast of the russian island. there are not only malyoskovs here they collect and grow, develop the population, and maintain the full cycle. having moved from the laboratory to their natural habitat, the mollusk larvae settle on special collectors in the ecologically clean bay of the island. it floats in the water for 20 days, our task is to find the place where to put the collector so that it settles. in the bay of the governor of the russian island. perhaps, ideal natural conditions have developed for growing far eastern mussels, these are the temperature and, most importantly, the purity of sea water. bidi production begins in mid-spring, when malyuts reaches this commercial size. here it is removed from the water and sorted directly on the surface of the sea garden. just decades ago, the bivalve mussel was popular except among fishermen as bait, but in recent years the mussel has become a common and affordable food.
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incoming information. you are watching the news. stay with us. kalinan belek is a place where time stops. immerse yourself in sophistication and luxury, forgetting about time on the shores of the mediterranean sea. discover
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true excellence by making your dreams come true reality. hotel calinan bellec, where life turns into a fairy tale. cognac monte chococa, a product of the stellar group. hotel for an unforgettable experience rix sharma sheikh, only for adults 18+. here you are. entertainment awaits throughout the day: year-round performances of the best djs from around the world and comfortable rooms. rixsus sharma is not just a vacation, it is a holiday for the soul, where every detail is created to be admired. old barrel cognac is a product of the steller group. discover a real gem at coast of bodrum. exceptional service,
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incredible culinary delights and an atmosphere of complete relaxation. immerse yourself in a world of exciting adventures and exciting entertainment. welcome to a world of timeless elegance and unsurpassed comfort. the secrets of paradise are revealed in titanic, luxury bodrum. cnop gin, a product of the stellar group. today there are big changes in the program, we don’t like to turn repairs into torture, so we decided to turn it into a competition for the whole country. will you save beauty? why? but because you are an experienced technologist. now i'll show off a little. this is gustav klimt. is this an air conditioner? home textiles are like clothes for a woman; they can create absolutely any mood. you're just chic,
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we're pouring sand in a thin layer and all the garbage should, in theory, fall into the bottle, absolutely , oops, all this and much more in today's episode! how to live together for many years and remain in love, as if on the first day of meeting, ask our heroes, inga alexander ochkasov, when we met gullya, i... was upset that her name was inga, inga for some reason i am associated with the dinga dog, but then a continuation was born, i think affectionately, how it will be ingulya, there is a ghoul left, my favorite bun, a ghoul, therefore a gula, my love gulenka, for me it
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’s like, but i’m so pathetic at this, you know, maybe this is wrong, well, in general, it’s something like this, and alexander also writes his favorite poems, i ’m leaving... but not for long, i’m not leaving forever, i’m sorry that i didn’t take you for a ride on the volga, i called you a carrot sometimes. the ochkasovs met at the theater, from the first meeting they realized that they were kindred spirits, ebullient energy, love for life and a common craft, making people laugh on stage. i started doing pantami while still at school, and after the army i came, looking for where to find a creative niche, so i went to work at a factory as a printer. such a print, in the evening i went to the studio theater, and inga came from st. petersburg, from leningrad then, and passing by our basement, she saw an advertisement for a recruitment of actors, she went in and that’s it, two solitudes met, and i i’ll tell you what struck me about him was the way he
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moved like a mime, now no one knows the word marcel marceau, then it was very popular, all these walls - when he came on stage, it was mesmerizing, it was impossible not to fall in love, she was amazed, it was i who worked in the forge, it was a very interesting experience, artistic forging, it was called templateplus, that is, glass plus metal. the ochkasovos traveled around the country a lot and once came with the troupe to moscow, where they took root. years passed, the son grew up and started a family, and inga and alexander were left alone in the apartment together with the labrador. barbarian, their credo remains the same: love each other, enjoy every day and try new things. alexander works at the roman viktyuk theater, creating new scenery. each new performance is a new project, these are some new constructive solutions, people coming to
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the performances say: “well, the performance is good, but the scenery.” and inga devotes all her time to working in a charitable foundation. the time has come, everything has been decided, the living room needs renovation, i’ve made up my mind, do it, and don’t trudge along with an ant’s tread, there’s a holiday in the kitchen, but why, everything is sad, we need to do everything well, but
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don’t change the awl for soap, for this you need a design project, a professional’s look, a thought somewhere else... carries you, now the construction is all at a standstill, the only hope is for you, friends, we are reaching out for help , let’s find out together, gentlemen creativity torment, torment of creativity - this is our usual state, change always, change everywhere, this is the slogan of our team, this time the changes will be special, but more on that later, varvara, alexander, hello, hello, we are so glad that we got through, finally you came to us, and now we want to get acquainted with the room, with which we have to work with, tell us what’s going on here, well , there’s nothing much to brag about, it’s been 10 years since there’s been a renovation, more, there haven’t been any renovations, in fact
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there’s such a room, we’re so stuck in this room, no one likes it it’s as if it doesn’t exist, but you live here, we live here, but we sleep here, it’s such a mink. here you have a closet here, not very remarkable, usually they put something pretty, actually a closet, because where else, there’s simply nowhere else, uh-huh, then let’s tell me what else is going on here, so you store things here, there’s a storage room, bits of books, an office, an office, yes, of course, after all this has been removed, now you have a house here, of course you want to cover it all the time when people come, because it’s a shame, you should do it like this with...
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so i don’t understand how people can get rid of paper books, although i understand that we’ve already read everything that’s been read, everything else is in the electronic mail, we’re not going back. raise, raise your hand to something so deep, real, to throw out maykovsky, this it’s impossible, if these books weren’t here, there wouldn’t be some kind of soul, yes, there wouldn’t be something , we’re an analog generation, yeah, you had a tv here, we had a tv, it broke, it broke, i understood, and how would break down, and i like to engage in some stupid gear. that it’s so good to fall asleep to it, this is right for me, and i watch programs about fishing,
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when we have the off-season, when there is no opportunity to go somewhere, you sit on the big screen and you participate, and he sits and watches how others they catch something there and you practically get the same pleasure, what a hurricane you are, so the sofa, what a load. and it’s a big load, you see how, firstly, it’s good to sleep on it, and secondly, guests come, even though we live together, like three of us, guests, relatives, unexpected friends left in moscow, who live there somewhere in pereslavl, oh, pereslavl is a good city, there are so many friends from pereslavl here, there were six of us, well, we are like this, if you remove these pillows, well, four of us are like that.
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is this a screen? screen - this shura made iron, all the iron was made by shura, all this was done by a seamstress, i did it, that is, it turns out that if someone there wants to watch a movie, then you arrange it all like this and make yourself a partitioned office, okay, i understand you, we’ll look for you have good designer hands, look for them, please, thank you, hand in hand, hand in hand, great, big changes in the ochkazov family are beginning, hurray.
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so, three functions in one room: living room, office and guest bedroom. not an easy project, we thought, and sent it to the moscow interior and design week competition. so, the bespectacled ones, without even suspecting it, have left designers from all over the country scratching their heads. 43 design projects reached the finals, the most. the work of second-year students polina ryazankina and marina naryshkina turned out to be thoughtful and extraordinary. the curator of the exhibition, experienced designer natalya preobrazhenskaya, suggested giving the girls a chance. the decision, frankly speaking, is risky, but without risk, miracles don’t happen, right? we believe in miracles, so we gladly agreed to this adventure. meanwhile, the achkasovs’ room is already preparing for change. well, let's begin
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transforming a faceless room into an almost poetic living room. nothing should distract our heroes from creativity, but the neutral color of the furniture does not suit their bright natures at all, so we take everything apart and take it out. remember, mayakovsky gives you work of the highest quality. here we have everything of high quality , including dismantling, design and repairs. we disassemble the furniture carefully, why break something that can still serve. in other interiors to friends of our heroes, because if the cabinet is not suitable for our project, this is nothing this means that soon everything here will be bright and stylish to suit our married couple, but that’s soon, huh... while ivanovich and i have to evaluate the scope of the work, and rom, what did you start breaking without me, i’m
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my favorite, started to break it, because the regiment is crooked, something still needs to be done with it, but you see it with an untrained eye. zhen, i’m walking, i feel it in my feet, you know, well, look, i’ve already measured the floor, in fact, yes, yes, here we have the highest point, now look at our situation, you see zero here, i i guess we have a difference of 9 centimeters, zhen, 8 cm, 8 cm, well, listen, on the other hand , it’s like, well, it’s clear that, well, we’ll fill the floor, raise the level, what problems and what not were filled, as they say, yes just there is a problem, we have a wife. if we raise the floor, it comes straight into the radiator, which means we’ll have to change the battery, install something narrower, more compact, and just smaller in size, man, well, there are two options, when we completely dismantle all this parquet, we’ll see what here is the foundation, maybe we'll go down, maybe we'll go down, we will need to remove its base, pour a new one here, so we will make a decision with the battery, when let's go, under
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the parquet we dug up a few more centimeters of bitumen with argolite. that i’ll definitely have to do some magic on the floor, oh, now i’m going to show off a little, and you know what this is, this is gustav klimt, zhenya, this is an air conditioner, oh, oh, this is an air conditioner, beautiful, zhenya, well, we won’t be able to leave it, we you need to do something with the walls, so it will need to be removed, and if you do something, you will need to hide it with this route it into the wall, at least, well, since you ’re talking about the walls, let’s just discuss the walls and the ceiling, there’s a problem with the ceiling, we have a deep crack that goes from beginning to end, and i see it’s coming, look at wall, yes, this is the structure of the house, everything is correct, it goes into the wall, and what is that sound, let’s break it, let’s see, come on, no, zhen, well, here we need a more serious tool, an ax at least, that’s it, yes ?
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and under the wallpaper there was drywall. in soviet houses, walls were often leveled, glued pieces of drywall onto the brick. over time, the house began to shrink, irregularities appeared, and cracks appeared. so, what do we do about it? zhen, we completely remove the drywall, get to the load-bearing wall, primer, plaster, our wall is ready for finishing. well, everything is clear, i am a designer. wait, i'm going to the designers. friends, finally beauty will save the world, because i am in the company of wonderful beautiful girls who are responsible for our design, actually the interior, and what is this if not beauty, oh, you embarrassed us, embarrassed us, you will save beauty you, why, and because you are an experienced technologist, that’s right, saving beauty, beauty and technology, but first, first, attention,
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natasha, and you worked with our beautiful girls, the girls became winners. among well, dozens of the most talented and venerable decorators and designers who have experience behind them, yeah, we decided that this particular project gives a clear reading of the topic, the project itself, accordingly , our viewers will see only at the end, we have already seen it, of course , but now we will actually discuss it, we started from the wishes of our heroes, and they wanted to divide the space into two zones, this is a zone. living room and work area, we also separated them visually using partitions and a multi-level ceiling. the use of a multi-level ceiling is not accidental; it is this technique that allows us to separate the office area, which is also highlighted due to the fact that the ceiling is painted green, and that is, we highlight it not only technically, but due to some kind of visual effect. in
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the office area we also have a comfortable table with its own storage system. the immediate proximity of the workplace and shelves makes it possible for the heroes to get all the necessary things while working, in addition, here we have a spacious bookcase, because our heroes have a very large home library, you know, this is better than a desk right next to entrance, it used to be located by the door, right here, and i think it looks really good by the window, yes , man, well, there is logic in this, on the other hand, i’ll turn to the mentor, well... for a cabinet 50 cm deep , that is, this is a defective closet, suppose we make a working area there, what is the width of the working surface, at least 60,
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yes, accordingly, this part, that’s it, it’s dead, we can’t use it, what comes to your mind, where should you put the table so that your vision does not deteriorate, so that you could open your work papers in such a way that it would be in some kind of coloir place, as you think, in the center of the room, right away? no, of course, a little further away, and there’s a window, but it’s generally magical, look at the deep rhythm of the air that penetrates inside, to me it seems like a great idea, girls, let's tell tv viewers what colors will be present in your interior and on what principle you combined them, our heroes are fans of mayakovsky's work, mayakovsky was a representative of the avant-garde movement, we traditionally have an association with this movement . bright red color, if you look at the color wheel, then the complementary color to red will be green, but so that our interior would not be so hiding, we decided to dilute these colors,
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such as white, and then black and golden elements. mostly when decorating walls, we use paint, and white is quite a color that is used on large surfaces, that is , color spots, bright green and red, they are used like that. based so that the interior doesn’t look tasteless , too bright, yeah, but we have one accent wall, which is located behind the sofa, where we use wallpaper with a pattern that reflects the concept of metallic lace. let me explain for our viewers that our main character alexander is engaged in forging metal structures, and for him this process is really a whole poetry. we really liked the phrase of the heroes, metal structures are lace, that’s why. we decided to include this in our interior, so we generally decided to reflect this in a metal lacy chandelier, some decorative elements, and we also have such a big emphasis - this is the wallpaper
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behind the sofa area, which also shows some kind of lace, and you know what i like most about this project is that there is about 2 km of wallpaper there, and i have there is a discount in the wallpaper store, because i often buy wallpaper, and what happens is that it’s beautiful, and i saved money, the perfect combination. beautiful and cheap, yes, the work was accepted, we planned to level the wall with plaster, but they turned out to be too crooked, so we decided to fix them by making a new plasterboard sheathing, they also corrected the window slopes, we are doing the same with the ceiling, we have already fixed the main one on it part of the plasterboard, along the window we have allocated a niche for curtains, we will not close it, and a section of the ceiling above the future working zone was lowered below the main level by 7 cm. we mount the remaining sheets of drywall and secure them with self-tapping screws. they also worked on the electrics, laid out a route for the air conditioner and made conclusions for the lamps.
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we prepare the holes for the rosettes and install them inside. now let's connect the new radiator under the window. we chose a vertical tubular model made from corrosion resistant steel. our radiator was manufactured at a modern plant in the orenburg region. its maximum working pressure is 16 atmospheres, it is safe and not afraid. changes pressure, we installed a second radiator of the same type near the adjacent wall, but we still have to build a partition for zoning the living room, so let’s not get distracted, under the flooring we had asphalt, well, of course , we cut off the especially protruding bumps, but on the whole we decided to leave it, why? firstly, there is a very thick layer of this asphalt, if... we removed it, it would be very time-consuming, very expensive, well , you could end up with your neighbors, and most importantly , imagine what layer of screed we would then have to fill in, so we leave the asphalt , but
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it needs to be naturally repaired, so we find cracks like these and fill them out, we fill the cracks so that the epoxy primer penetrates them better, we roll the entire surface of the floor with a roller with a primer, it fills in the unevenness and reduces the risk of further cracking. if anything, this sand is not pouring from me, this is a special additional layer, we will have a self-leveling floor on top, now we are pouring a thin layer of sand onto the ground to increase the adhesion between all layers and the floor will be even stronger and better. the most important, in order for the sand to evenly cover the primer, the adhesion must be the same everywhere. let's let our composition dry and move on to heavy artillery. and then there’s this one. reinforcing mesh with a cell of 5x5 cm, what is it for? and any house, especially an old one,
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shrinks and sinks, and accordingly. there are cracks, so to prevent these cracks from reaching your room and ruining your beautiful interior, you need to use such a mesh. now the so-called stuffing of the mesh takes place, we lay it down and fix it with self-tapping screws in increments of 10-15 cm. the mesh lies on top of the self-leveling floor, and then the floor covering. so, we have strengthened the floor, i’ll go and refresh myself. by the way, if you have sand left after construction and you don’t know what to do with it, plant flowers in it. in fact, many plants like sandy soil, such as many succulents and cacti, or even lavender. mix peat, perlite, sand, and you will get an excellent soil that is suitable for various indoor plants. i came to buy wallpaper for our heroes, now,
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in fact, we will find out how... first an unexpected question: what mistakes do buyers most often make when choosing wallpaper? the main thing is the incorrectly selected material, our wallpapers are made on a paper base and non-woven, then we can divide them according to their top layer, these are paper wallpapers, these are non-woven, vinyl, acrylic and textile, wallpapers that have a top layer made of vinyl, they are perfect for such rooms. such as a corridor, a bathroom, a kitchen, that is, a room with the most aggressive environment, that is, they can be wet cleaned, non-woven fabric, acrylic and paper, they are perfect for rooms such as a children's room, bedroom and living room, they are considered not to be washed, they cannot be washed, but they are considered environmentally friendly, dry cleaning only, yeah, if your room has a lot of light, south side, then you should choose wallpaper with high light resistance, they are marked with an icon like
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a sun, yes... here we apply glue only to the wall, there is no need to soak the wallpaper itself with additional glue, for example, like paper ones, and also if you have, for example, some friends, comrades who can help you with gluing, feel free to choose one meter wide - well, i always have ivanovich on hand, so it’s natural. this is not a problem for us, we can quickly deal with it. how can a buyer, an ordinary person in a store, understand that the wallpaper is of high quality? if we look at the samples, on the back we have special icons that can be used to determine the quality of the wallpaper itself. as we have already found out, the sun is light fastness, three waves - both are washable, a brush is on the wall - glue is applied to the wall, for example, a basin means that the wallpaper needs to be moistened before gluing. for our heroes, according to the specifications of our
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designers. we chose this fully non-woven wallpaper with this pattern. we erected a partition from gkl and began finishing work. roll out the backing to a thickness of 1.5 mm. it is specialized and suitable for laying quartz-vinyl and stone-polymer coatings. special pores in the substrate provide microventilation, preventing the appearance of bacteria. we put stone spc laminate from the collection on top. art parquet planks are connected using a locking system, the painted four-sided bevel enhances the resemblance of the coating to a real wooden floor. our spc laminate belongs to the forty -third wear resistance class, is resistant to abrasion, scratches and is not afraid of moisture. we have already started painting the ceiling and are already putting the finishing touches on it. in addition to the traditional white , we used a bright green color in the area near the window. we decided to use a decorative frame to decorate the partition. to
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create it we use polyurethane moldings. we apply special glue to each part, press it to the surface. the adjacent wall was decorated with the same moldings, only the frames on it were made double. let's get back to painting work. we use three shades for the walls. we cover the area near which the desktop will be placed dusty with gray paint. it will perfectly balance the rich color of the ceiling. in the entrance area we use a red tint, and a little later we will use it to cover the door leaf and the completed partition. the third white color has already been painted on the wall with frames made from moldings. home textiles are like clothes for a woman, they can create absolutely any mood, playful or calm, cozy or vice versa, so ceremonial, festive , lyubov aripova, a beautiful woman, designer, fashion designer, lyub, will tell us how to choose clothes for your home, lyubov, the choice of textiles depends on the season, of course, because that we ourselves live according to the season, we change clothes according to the season.
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winter is a gray sky, snow, so you want bright colors, and we add red to the interior, bright, emerald, malacht, we add. colors that warm the body, soul, mood, or, for example, we have summer, the first day of summer can be celebrated with all these napkins, yes, from a psychological point of view it is very useful to celebrate the seasonality, it gives us a feeling of stability and calm. when we put together a textile set for our home, probably some rules should also be included in our heads, the formula is the first thing - this is the base, that is, the foundation on which we build, yeah. the second we add color, it can be very rich, blue, sea, well, any color that matches
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the interior, green, the third is a drawing, because the drawing already creates a mood, the only thing is that when i look at all this variety of textiles, i immediately think, god, how much time needs to be spent. to take care of all this, but for this you need to have at least two sets, and this is very convenient during the season, that is, you take off one set and use the second in the interior. yep, winter has arrived, which means everything went straight into the washing machine. well, friends, i hope everyone understands how important it is to choose beautiful clothes in the form of textiles for your home, because this depends not only on your mood, but on the mood of all your household members. by the way, homemade. well, the same curtains lose light not only from the sun, but also from washing. in order for the colors to remain bright for as long as possible, you need to follow only two rules: first: wash the curtains, pillowcases and sofa cushions in cold water. modern laundry detergents work no worse in it than in hot laundry.
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well, second, add a glass of vinegar to the container or machine, it will not allow the colors to fade, and don’t worry, there will be no unpleasant smell. it's a cruel thing, especially if you don’t lie to yourself, call everything your own. names. light in the window. premiere on monday on rtr. treat yourself to a first-class holiday with liorets. elegant details. a celebration of exquisite tastes. a variety of entertainment, a golden beach and azure waves. lio reorts, we are here for you. rixsas premium segate. family fun starts here. here
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every detail is created for your pleasure. enjoy a water park for children, lush green gardens and the beauty of coral reefs and the sea. immerse yourself in a world of unforgettable experiences. experience at rixos premium seagate. rixas premium seagate. hotel titanic de lux golf belek, where every moment is exclusive. wrap yourself in comfort by our pools, relax in the life salon and enjoy delicious dishes from the best restaurants. here, each room is a journey into comfort and... sports, your relaxation, your rules. titanic deluxe, golf bellet is the best choice for an unforgettable holiday. who do you think sings and who doesn’t sing? big
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musical premiere. name knice, who among you doesn’t sing? i already realized that everything is confusing. who 's lying? who doesn't sing? who? i already have it. bykh, how nice it is for me to watch you fidget, worry, think, and you know what won’t work out of them, think, decide, say, listen, whoever doesn’t sing, catch me if you can, be stunned, soon on rtr, can you explain to me , why are we breaking out of st. petersburg and dragging ourselves to this sample? “i have problems in business, and you remember tanya, vasilna, and she was still in love with you, but she is not married, it would seem that
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we have been living together all our lives, we know everything about each other, but not everything, well, i liked you were in school 20 years ago, are you still obsessed with this stupid childish love, this is stupid, girls love their..." dreams come true, olya, your husband, your husband is cheating on you, olya, olya, let me go there together, pasha, stop it, this has never happened before, you you don’t see me, you don’t even look in my direction, but i, i’m a woman, where we are not, on friday on rtr, roman ivanovich, a leather worker, by the way, he is ready to share with us his repair secrets. , his motto is simple , reliable, gave us a lot of wonderful moments in this life, ivanovich, what will you please us with today? a plastic bottle. will help remove debris when drilling a main wall. so, when you want to drill a wall, you don’t have anyone to help you, you can
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use a plastic bottle, for this we just cut it like this into a skew, yeah, put it on the wall in the place where we need to drill, let’s draw where we need we need to drill, yes, as if we need to drill exactly there, here we need to make a hole, we will have a picture hanging here, given that the wall is improvised. after all, i will support her, and you will drill, i i put a bottle here and you go straight through it, well, a hole is made and all the garbage in theory should fall into the bottle, absolutely, let's go, come on, oops, why, you're alive back there, and you almost reached my hand , drilled a main wall, so, shook the drill, as... you see, all the debris fell into the bottle, and if you have
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drywall or a wooden wall, you can take a sticker, stick it under the intended hole, let's also draw instead, so that zhenya i didn't miss by chance, so what? it’s started, we bend the sticker up, everyone has a big change sticker at home, we ’ll give it as a gift, we’ll make a hole in the place we need and... it should fall on this shelf, absolutely right, we’ll try, we got all the garbage here in this sticker , we carefully press it and peel it off, we have everything right here, and the table remains absolutely clean, it’s certainly not difficult to reliably, our heroes will have a workplace in the living room, and the organization of the workplace is a very... important issue: we we have seen the evolution of the workplace, remember,
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before there were these typewriters, then huge thunderous computers, now everything is different, modern trends, modern technologies, today we have representatives of a new generation of designers, i’ll tell you, yes, now very few people have a separate office, people work right from the living room, from the bedroom, there from the sofas, from the bed, so now all sorts of side tables, laptop stands, and also they in general... can be on wheels and look very stylish, it turns out such a mobile workplace, i like i really like this option, but if someone wants to sit comfortably so that documents are somewhere at hand, if possible, it is better to organize a separate workplace with a table and chair, yeah, uh, because that’s what it’s healthier for the back and now in general the design is aimed at erconomics and comfort, in addition , there are special devices that help ensure that our position behind... the workspace is as competent and thoughtful as possible so that we don’t
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have lower back pain, for example, they are used special footrests. in addition, in order to maintain the correct tilt of the head, because this is also important so that the neck does not become stiff, we can also use a special stand for the laptop, for example, here we can also see that the laptop tilts, this tilt is not accidental, bulky furniture goes away in the past, now our workplace is a small frame table, where there are small neat shelves that do not clutter up the space and fit well into the interior. in addition, not so long ago tables appeared, the height of which can also be adjusted, that is, a person can sit at them, and when he gets tired, he can stand up, this is actually considered quite useful, and if you still want to work while sitting, you don’t have to buy now there are gromov office chairs, but because different styles are very relevant now. and chairs, which can also be comfortable, you should also not
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be afraid of some multifunctional devices, for example, there are magnetic boards, a perforated wall, as in our project, you can easily rearrange the shelves to create a space for yourself, now in general people’s jobs and hobbies can often change, and the space should adapt to them, i really like this, thank you very much for the information, now each of us can adjust our workplace to. and not adapt to this surrounding world. after the paint had dried, it was glued onto a free section of the wall. selected wallpaper with a laconic ornament, elegant metal cores were installed on top, and fixed to the ceiling at the entrance an overhead busbar with track lights and a spectacular chandelier, and we also installed small white spots near the window. zoning in the living room was completed by installing a glass partition in a black aluminum profile.
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an air conditioner with an accent transparent insert was connected nearby; it is very powerful and at the same time operates quieter than a whisper. multi-speed fan allows you to select a comfortable airflow intensity. a comprehensive purification system makes the air safe and clean. you can control the air flow using an ergonomic remote control or through the mobile application. the ifill function most accurately determines the place where the user is, maintaining the desired temperature there. now we are working on furniture. we set up a work area near the window, assembled a desk, added a narrow niche to the side, which was supplemented with open shelves. we slide a couple of drawers under the table, place four more in the side section, and insert a niche underneath. the cells serve as mounts for shelves, organizers and other useful parts, we insert the holders into the cells and place shelves on them, just beautiful, under plywood fixed a long shelf with lighting,
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we moved an open shelving for books and decor to the wall opposite, the shelves on each tier have recessed lighting. let's return to the work area for a long time. we glued corrugated 3d panels to the wall above and below the table and, of course, installed neat sockets and switches. we chose black models from the stockholm series. our heroes are energetic, bright, like this door. and they now have such a calm closet in their room that will help organize their creative chaos into impeccable order. and the curtain. and yours is given to your attention.
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they merge with the cabinet frame, which is also white, and thanks to this everything looks very light and does not visually overload the storage system. let's take a look at the next section, we have only shelves there. alexandra, for what? here we will place boxes for large items, hats, theater props, everything you need for creativity. well, i hope that when our heroes meet their closet, they will definitely applaud it, like i do to you now. thank you. friends, come to the platform and take a look and share yours with us secrets of repair and design. we will show the best of them on air. there, on the platform , we look, there is a participant form, fill it out, perhaps big changes will come to you next time. the decisive moment has come,
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we are preparing for the arrival of heroes, our space organizer alexandra tribunskaya. lovingly adds the finishing touches to the perfectly arranged order of our premises. each organizer has its own place that is most suitable for it. and every thing found its own cozy little home. and the designer is busy with decor. to new vases figurines from the owners' collection are added. to make this room even more cozy, we arrange family photos, candles and pillows on the sofa and hang a portrait of the heroine, of course.
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you see this, there’s not just one room here, almost two, but let’s look at everything carefully, let’s start with the part that... the breath of modernity, the vase with dried flowers adds romance, and rightly so, because our living room is almost poetic, lovers
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mayakovsky's creativity and write poetry themselves. by the way, did you notice that the black graphic lamp successfully echoes the handles of the cabinet, which seems to have disappeared into space. it seems light and does not interfere with the feeling of freedom, but in fact the closet is very spacious. in the same style... the tv stand is designed with it, the white and black island is enlivened by bright family photos, there is a riot of colors opposite, the red color of the entrance area, the deep green color of the sofa, the bright sunny pillow, oh, the mood from this rises to stratospheric heights , but we haven’t looked at the work area with the library yet, by the way, you see, the ceiling is painted in the color of the sofa, and the side of the bookcase is the color of the door, everything echoes and makes the room harmonious, well, look at the workplace, however, it calls for creativity, in a word, we
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are happy with our work, we hope the characters will like it too, i’ll give you arina, come now, we’ll look at the weekend, i’ll give you the address, you ’ll come and say that i really need a forgery, don’t rush, ladies, they’ve already come, from anywhere. traps have a way out, come on quickly, go, i promise they won’t look for you, well, girls, fuck it, valyusha, today on rtr. they say you need to prepare for a vacation,
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you need to be able to relax, you need to relax beautifully, but you need to relax where there is sun and sea, on the first coastline, where everything is included except your head. we know everything about relaxation, relax, anex. we invite you to the swiss hotel sharmel sheikh,
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the first swiss hotel in the world operating on an all-inclusive system. treat yourself to a holiday where elegance and natural beauty merge in perfect harmony. create memories that will remain in your heart forever. swissotel sharm el sheikh, yours and. an ideal location in the heart of the city.
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and nothing could interfere, and still unknown details, all this time putin and mishustin are talking face to face, about what is happening now at the highest echelons of power, the most complete picture of the historical events of this week, extremely interesting footage in the program that sees more than others, we will win together. moscow, the kremlin, putin, look at rtr today. i can’t live without
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thrills, hot passions, in short, she says to him like this, i want a child from you, and he’s like, what are you thinking about doing, and she ’s crazy to him, that you’re rushing back and forth, you interfere with watching, and we watch and hug, let's get together with the whole family, you know how to spend a romantic weekend, marry me, there are five new, beautiful, tender hug stories for you, but guys, advice to you, yes it's on the site and... look, our heroes today are unusual, the art is circus, so their things are such that you want to look at them and look at them, so i try on the role of an entertainer and announce a tour of the things of the ochkazov family, open, sasha, start, with pleasure, here with us all the belongings of our heroes were placed, namely
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concerning their creativity, a joy for... here they are placed on such a wonderful knitted ribbon, amazing, and now let's see how the spectacled artists look in everyday life, order first of all, there is a male part, there is a female part, at the top we placed things more rarely used, in the drawers we have hidden linen, sportswear and home clothes of our
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heroes, and here we have a household part... even without it, and bed linen, a towel, bath towels, below are games for the family evenings, a wonderful, laconic closet with order inside. well, alexandra, let's go to the library. yes, our library is rich, there are a lot of books, a lot of bright covers, and so that it doesn’t become too crowded, yes, we have compiled the books in blocks by color. look, we put it on the tabletop. organizer for papers and stationery, so all the little things that we use now can be placed here, but at the same time, things that are needed in the work area, but are not currently being used, we hid in drawers, here, yes, wow, and here we posted boxes that match the interior and we make sure to label them in order to remember where everything is, the clearest woman in the world,
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alexandra, thank you very much, by the way, the idol of our heroes... mayakovsky was obsessively clean, he touched door handles only with a handkerchief, never touched the railings, always carried soap with him, in his words he embodied the saying cleanliness is the guarantee of health. therefore, we will hand over the room with the poet’s portrait to our heroes, washed after renovation literally to a crisp, well, as they say, so that the idol will appreciate it. designers, hand to hand with the builder, they fought the project, and you saw it. our heroes are fans of early mayakovsky, i don’t know if i turned out a poem in the style of early mayakovsky, but the girls did it 100%. students for the first time on the country's central television channel in the program "big changes" made such a magical project. we wanted to create a combined space that would reflect the character of our heroes, they are bright and elegant individuals. we wanted
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to add a little to the white classic interior colors, that's why. bright green and red complementary colors appeared, we decided to use forged metal elements throughout the interior, that is, this can be seen on the lace wallpaper, on such a forged metal chandelier, and the chandelier is supported by all sorts of decorative elements, and inga’s husband alexander works in metal and this is natural inspires the whole family. we allocated a common area and a work area, as the heroes wanted, the heroes have a lot of books and... and we wanted to place them all, we made a deep table, which also housed there are many storage areas, and i also like that in the work area you found a place to rest, a window sill, you saw how magical we have, yes, in the window area we organized a separate rest area, since we are talking about rest, let's look at the living room area , in the living room area we have a very bright
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accent element, it’s a sofa, it folds out and turns into a full-fledged sleeping place, let’s now talk about your closet, the closet is amazing, almost invisible, but so much can fit in there due to its whiteness. ..makes the room wider, i also wanted to pay attention to the cabinet handles, which are supported by lamps and the space looks organic. you placed their things in the interior of the characters, family, decorative ones, which you simply fit in here perfectly. by what formula does this interweaving occur? the formula is very simple: the characters’ things should match our interior in terms of color scheme, for example, we see that there are photographs on the tv stand. the heroes themselves, but as we see, here red becomes a bright accent and is complemented by black, just reminds us of our interior. well, girls, i know that you were worried, but i want to tell you that you still did it,
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and if i were giving a grade in the record book, i would have already given you five with three pluses, but here we have the main examiner is the hero, so you wait there for now, and i will call you when they are ready to tell you theirs. thank you. inga, alexander, are you here? yes. finally we returned home. having grown up both in body and soul, it is impossible to convey. how difficult was it to wait, what to expect from the change? and while we could just dream, fantasize, guess. so, let's hurry up, don't wait at the door. we’ll surprise everyone we know and friends, but come in, vomora, just don’t fall right away, wait,
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wait, this, the color of the dress, red, yeah, that’s it, tadam, my god, i don’t, i don’t recognize this room at all, this. .. some other space, which is made wisely, which is made beautifully, well, to say that it is a shock is to say nothing, the first feeling was that there was more space, but i understood, i understood, i have a feeling , as if there are now two rooms, yes, not one, but two, can i hug you, and what chandeliers, look how much i love this, red, lord, curtains, finally we have, hurray, i like it so much, everything is here in harmony, and i
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can’t do anything, even here, what is called neither adding nor subtracting, i already want to work here, work, work, i don’t believe that this is possible, dear program, we are almost crying with happiness, we admire luck. we turned to you, no matter what they say, you accomplished this feat, and now at any time time, come visit us, oh, i feel good here, i’m happy here, i ’m proud here, i understood that zoning was needed, well , it will be done elegantly like that, we’ve done everything, look, here it’s yours .


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