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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  May 12, 2024 5:00pm-5:50pm MSK

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the removal of rubble in belgorod is carried out at great risk to life. repeatedly, rescuers interrupted their work and retreated to shelter due to the missile danger. today, as a result of a strong attack in kiev on residential areas of belgorod, the entire entrance of a ten-story residential building collapsed. by this time, 17 people had been rescued from the rubble. 80 years ago, crimea was completely liberated from the nazis. here in may of 1944 the seventeenth army of the wehrmacht capitulated. on this very shore, 20,000 germans surrendered. our soldiers, having liberated the peninsula, let's move on. towards odessa and western
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ukraine. and over the past 24 hours, our units liberated four more settlements in the kharkov region. these are gatishche, krasnoe, morkhovets and oleynikovo. today the entire state duma is literally seething, of course, there is special interest, special attention to the candidacy for first deputy prime minister. the relevant committees of the state duma spent the whole day today discussing and approving the deputy prime ministers and federal ministers proposed by prime minister nishustin to the new russian government. another terrorist attack by the ukrainian armed forces against civilians. today at 11:40 am , the kiev regime targeted a densely populated area of ​​belgorod with missiles. fragments of the downed point u damaged a residential building. an entire entrance to a ten-story building collapsed. they may still be under the rubble. people, rescuers are doing everything
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possible, only occasionally going to cover because of the sirens and missile danger. by this time , 17 people had been rescued from the rubble. from the scene . report by vesti correspondent, alexey kornev. on the mountains of broken glass stones, everyone works in one team: the ministry of emergency situations, firefighters, police and city residents. in the first most important minutes, the victims are pulled out from under the rubble. some of the apartments in the entrance have survived and the residents are being evacuated, carefully leading them through the ruins. during the shelling , elena bannikova was in the kitchen, hearing the first explosions, she began to hide. i had already jumped out into the hallway, where there was a toilet near the bathtub, where there were no windows or anything. and then an explosion was heard, that’s it, and then i screamed, three frames in the apartment were damaged, but i took out the front door and took the door out of the tambour. according to ministry of defense, the collapse of the house occurred during a massive attack by the ukrainian armed forces. russian air defenses shot down six shells from multiple launch rocket systems and the same number. tactical missiles.u. fragments
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of one of the downed missiles fell on a residential building near the third floor. at this moment, according to various sources, there could have been up to 20 people in the apartments. as a result of an unprecedented barbaric attack by the ukrainian armed forces on belgorod , this high-rise building was damaged. as you can see, a direct hit was recorded on this house and almost the entire floor was completely demolished. now emergency services are working on the spot and extracting people from under the rubble. several people have already been saved. now it turns out that they are. equipment needs to clear the areas in front of the house, cars parked near the entrance are immobilized, they are pulled away manually, the governor of the belgorod region, vyacheslav glodkov, together with the operational services , participated in eliminating the consequences. an hour after the tragedy, part of the destroyed structure. survived, the roof of the entrance
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collapsed on those who eliminated the consequences. literally just 2 seconds ago, roof, which was supported by literally some fittings. completely collapsed and even more people were trapped under the rubble, including rescue teams. during the second collapse, three rescuers were seriously injured; they are now hospitalized; volunteers needed help. after this, it was decided to remove civilians from the rubble site. the head of the region had to persuade people to leave.
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five teams from the capital's disaster medicine center also left. according to the latest data, 19 were injured of varying degrees of severity. human. this is the data of governor vyacheslav glatkov. temporary accommodation centers have been organized for residents of the damaged house. alexander korobov will continue. construction
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dust and smoke cloud the yard at the scene of the emergency; dozens of people, rescuers, defense fighters, and volunteers are participating in eliminating the consequences of the missile attack. this is the call of the heart. how do you help, well, they brought water, i don’t know, help, if there is rubble, if it is necessary, it’s impossible to turn around in a cramped yard, work on clearing the territory is in full swing, one after another , dump trucks arrive and leave, damaged cars are taken out on tow trucks, ambulances are on duty at the scene of the emergency, as soon as they manage to get one of the victims out of the basement, they are immediately loaded and taken to hospitals, the apartment building is seriously damaged, the reliability of the structure is with...
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the guardianship authority, the administration, we transferred administration staff and she was taken away, she was generally in a wheelchair, an information headquarters was set up not far from the scene of the emergency, here people in the damaged house can leave their information and record known damage to property. we came report the damage to the car to relatives, it’s good that my daughter was taken away yesterday the day before, you yourself, this is the most important thing, as soon as i left, after 5 minutes the woman was gone. that's all, some guy dragged me into the entrance, like we're sitting here, i'm still waiting, when i came out, i saw my house was on fire, it was 5 minutes later, where i came out from, i was at home, the shelling began, this terrible, last one ,
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they turned off the lights, in general, everything turned off, well , we sat and waited, and the guys came running, hurry up, hurry up, hurry up, hurry up, maybe they’ll knock down the house. the misfortune that befell one house united the whole city, public organizations, simply caring residents bring everything they need, drinking water, hot tea, coffee, sandwiches. volunteers constantly bring food, in these boxes, just brought here, you can see lavash, fresh baguette, loaves of bread, well, some kind of sweet pastries. the authorities have organized temporary accommodation centers for residents of the damaged house, and people are being taken there. centralized on buses, as soon as the situation clears up, they will be able to return to their homes. alexander korobov, vladislav pluzhnik, news, belgorod. the investigative committee opened a criminal case under the article of terrorism, and criminologists and experts from the central office of the department were sent to the city.
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the centros and leader squads are ready for departure. as a result of a massive attack by the ukrainian armed forces, various damages were recorded in 62 apartments of three residential high-rise buildings. original cylinder. we are monitoring all incoming information from belgorod and will return to this topic during our release. now to the state duma. today deputies are considering candidates for the posts of deputy prime ministers and federal ministers. the extended meeting is held by relevant committees. the list of candidates was sent to the lower house the day before by head of government mikhail mishustin. our colleague anna semyonova is following the discussions at the okhotny row. today, the entire state duma is literally seething in the committees where they gather to discuss
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candidates for ministers and deputy prime ministers, there is literally nowhere for an apple to fall, and of course, there is special interest, special attention to the candidacy of the first deputy prime minister and denis may become manturov. however, the committee has virtually no doubts that manturov’s candidacy will be supported; now it has already been given a package of documents that need to be considered, interaction with the deputy corps has long been established, and even more attention is needed. focus on achieving technological sovereignty, meaning the production of machine tools, industrial robots, as well as the formation of a full production cycle for chemical products. the transition of the economy to a new technological structure requires strengthening our positions in space. for this purpose, on behalf of the president is also preparing a specialized national project. there will be a focus of government support.
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the basis of the economy of the russian federation, this is how i will approach it. another governor of the kursk region, roman starovoyt, is a candidate for the post of head of the ministry of transport. the field is not new to him. starovoyt worked for 6 years at rosavtodor. among the key tasks is to increase traffic along international transport corridors and bring highways to standard conditions. and transport, you and i understand what determines the quality of life of our people throughout the country. acting head of the ministry of transport vitaly savelyev is leaving for the promotion of deputy prime minister, this is a landmark
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appointment, the mode of transport and logistics are a priority, namely the expansion of the bama and trans-siberian railways, the construction of the north-south corridor, the development of the northern sea route, we continue to work further, informing and i want to thank you personally and the entire committee for the support you provide us, it seems to me that we have no unsolvable issues, we discussed all the issues and brought everything to logical end. dmitry patrushev, candidate for deputy prime minister, who will oversee issues. agriculture, agro-industrial complex and ecology will replace victoria abramchenko in this post. the work front is very difficult, especially given the bad weather that hit the fields, farmers need help. current situation. in general, gives reason to believe that in the twenty -fourth year, even despite difficult weather conditions, despite frosts in some regions, we can get the harvest that we need to ensure our food security. deputy prime minister dmitry
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grigorenko will have new powers; he will not only oversee the financial and control and supervisory areas, but will also be responsible for digital development.
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the world's first innovative drug, they said that we are not capable of anything, but nevertheless our scientists have developed, approved, there are already industrial partners who will produce it, this is a drug for the treatment of ankylosing spondylitis, which, as you know, suffers quite a lot the number of our citizens. deputy prime minister dmitry chernyshenko, if the state duma approves, he will oversee several ministries related to science, higher education, enlightenment, sports and tourism. its task is to provide a comprehensive system of education and youth policy. the committee has already recommended that parliament take a positive decision. after 38 days , graduates will be able to submit an application through the state services portal for admission to more than
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1.80 universities in our country as part of the super service , apply to universities online until the age of thirty. just what the president said, the system the provision of services will not just be done electronically, but in real time. the deputies made specific proposals aimed at improving certain areas of implementation, which are under the jurisdiction of dmitry nikolaevich chernyshenko, i am confident that together we will be able to overcome the problems that arise. and mikhail dekterev, now the governor of the khabarovsk territory, could become the minister of sports.
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direct flights appeared on sovetskaya gavan, gavan, yuzhno-sakharinsk, magadan, petropavlovsk, kamchatsk and others. we still have the plane just needs to be built there. last year, thanks to the well-coordinated joint work of the government and the parliamentary corps, we
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managed to pass a historic law on northern imports, which the regions had been waiting for about 25 years thanks to. support, but there is still a parliamentary vote ahead. what is your assessment of the new government, what are your expectations? you probably know one word : hope. tomorrow and the day after tomorrow there will be plenary sessions at the willing row. on monday , nominations for deputy prime ministers are considered, and on tuesday – for ministers. anna semenova, maria radimova, yana streblyanska, viktor kazakov, nikita korniev, alexander dvornikov, news from the state. now news from the special operation zone: troops of the north group liberated four more settlements in the kharkov region, these are the villages of gatishche, krasnoye, morakhovets. and oleynikov, this is reported in the report of the ministry of defense. over the past 24 hours, air defense shot down a ukrainian mig-29 aircraft, intercepted 26 drones and 8
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missiles. in the kherson region, our military disrupted the transfer of reinforcements of the ukrainian armed forces infantry. the enemy positions were hit by rszz crews city of the guards unit. artillery destroyed strongholds on the right bank of the islands in the dnieper delta. and in the artyomovsk direction, flamethrowers from the southern group are practicing their shooting skills. military correspondent pavel prokopenko is observing the maneuvers. the bumblebee hits so hard that our equipment cannot withstand it. it’s very loud at the training ground, so the ears are never out of place here.
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and more than once we just returned from another successful mission, received a task, so we went and worked, everything turned out well for us, everything is fine, all the last four the enemy, period we worked successfully, returned back just as successfully, our attack aircraft need such fire support when taking enemy fortifications, suppressing the enemy so that he panicked, so that he could not get out of the trenches to provide some kind of resistance, building up inside. m it burns inside, in an open area of ​​50 km, that ’s how effective it is to use it, of course it is used against the enemy’s dugouts, along the support positions,
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the thermobaric charge burns everything around, without a chance for the enemy, a big gap occurs if the enemy is on the left, on the right five or six meters ahead and back, he is severely wounded, the opposite part of the training ground is a real battlefield, among the targets there are damaged enemy vehicles, there are many in the vicinity of this settlement, the brightest, most remarkable target is the turret of an enemy tank, now all rusted, many hits, once they say it was brand new, the sun shone, among the flamethrowers there are many mobilized, this fighter is from the krasnoyarsk territory, there i was a tractor driver, here i became a flamethrower support, nikolayech from sochi, a builder, directs the shooting, will give advice somewhere, and if something is wrong, he will reward with a strong... word, the homeland has called, well, let's go to war, leave the sea, you can lose in the sea, if you don't go, mom and dad like that brought up, when necessary, you need to take up
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arms and help, here you also need to learn, learn everything, learn everything again, delve into some issues, military and everyday, nikolaevich and his platoon mastered the science of winning perfectly, after training flamethrowers are resting in... another wave of floods has overtaken several regions of our countries. in yakutia, the lena river overflowed its banks. the water level has already exceeded a meter from the permissible values. as a result, all transport went under water in several settlements in the southwest of the region. the only way to get around is by boat. but this is footage from the tomsk region. situation in case of
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possible evacuation of residents. and in the north of the omsk region, due to the flood, a state of emergency was introduced in two more areas. there, the embankment that held back the water of the irtysh river failed. more than 300 houses and over 400 personal plots were flooded. from a number of settlements evacuation is in progress. a powerful storm with rain hit sochi today, wind gusts reached 20 m/sec, the dzhubga sochi federal highway was partially flooded, and the lining of the retaining wall was damaged. as a result, traffic in one of the areas is difficult. now a specialist is pumping out water, special equipment is being used. gennady zyuganov , today on a working trip to his native oryol region in the morning, the head of the communist party of the russian federation took part in the dedication ceremony... the communist leader is also closely following the news from the state duma, where today i will remind you, discussing candidacies for deputy prime ministers and
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ministers will continue the topic. oryol, tankers' park, today it is painted scarlet, with banners, the leader of the communist party of the russian federation, gennady zyuganov , came to his native land to honor the memory of those who defended his small homeland from the nazis in the forties, very young oryol residents laid flowers at the memorial, they this day they made their choice and joined the ranks of the pioneers. we are worthy citizens of our homeland, our homeland. very soon from oryol a group of still newbies will go to the very heart of the country on may 19 on red square among 500 guys they will also take an oath. oryol region is the only region where, since its creation , the pioneer organization has not stopped its work for a single day. and today it is the largest in the country. 30 thousand pioneers keep traditions. the main love for the homeland is hard work. these principles once united the youngest and
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the pioneers proved them. they are an example. courage about new formats of education, said gennady zyuganov, and also about the fact that the country is now at the peak of an important political event, a cabinet of ministers is being formed, the new government will have to take every effort is made to increase the pace of industry in the north-eastern military district. we wanted the government to act as a powerful, unified team to ensure our victory, but it will ensure victory if your pace is higher than the world’s, and for this you need to change the financial and economic system...
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that is, an abrams, which costs tens of millions of dollars, can be destroyed by the product for 70.00 rub. and what is effective at the front is confirmed. more than 4.0 tons of humanitarian cargo, amounting to about 3 billion rubles, have already been delivered from the oryol region to the front line. they were collected by residents of the region and business; the city of military glory, eagle, now works every day for our common victory. anova sergeyser, sergey dyakonov, lead by orel. in lugansk today they honored the memory of the victims of ukrainian aggression and the militias who died for the freedom of the lugansk republic. its head, leonid beekeeper, laid flowers at the memorial to the unhealed wounds of donbass. commemorative events are dedicated to the tenth anniversary of the formation of the lpr. festive rallies are taking place throughout the republic. they tried to tell us , to instill a basically new story, to distort her. they tried to force us to change.
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may 12 is the anniversary of the complete liberation of crimea from the nazis, the day of military glory of russia. 80 years have passed since the day when the remnants of the seventeenth army of the wehrmacht capitulated at the extreme point of the crimean peninsula at cape khersanez. wanted to lose crimea, because the peninsula is the key to the black sea, to the balkan ports and to chrome ore, which was so important for german industry, supplied by turkey. victory in the battle for crimea was not easy. report by yana cherbata. this is a partisan detachment, the fifth youth detachment. on the faded photograph is a rare, unique moment. april 1944, there were 3 weeks left before the complete liberation of crimea from the nazis. in the middle of the partisans
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is alexander lubentsov, a participant. by blowing up the railway, blowing up trains, with fuel, with the germans, they transported parts of airplanes, right here to kerch, and they tried, of course, the guys to undermine the feat of the heroes here... to say as an example of courage, honor, bravery, and i would like become like him, in the spring of 1944 , i am very proud of him, i can, for me , the red army launched an attack on the crimea, the operation to liberate the peninsula was carefully prepared, a simultaneous attack
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from two directions at once. the quality of a soviet warrior, his high combat skill. the last stronghold for the nazis was sevastopol. a white-stone impregnable fortress that the germans fortified. hitler ordered to hold the city at all costs, but the wehrmacht army did not last even 5 days. this is my father, hero of the soviet union, ivan karpovich yatsunenko. a young soldier in the very center of the diorama at the climax of the battle, the capture of sapun mountain. around the earth literally burning. there was an order. to hang the banner, the red banner on the ridge of sapunk mountain, bypassing everything by any means possible, when the standard bearer was killed, my father picked up the banner, when my father touched the banner, a shell exploded, he
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was shell-shocked, and he lost consciousness. sapun mountain was taken in a few hours, the city center was ahead, there were very intense street battles, and on may 8 the german defense on the mikenzievs was broken through. mountains on may 9, street battles on the south side, crossing of the sevastopol bay, the exit of the second guards army is already here to the center of the city, this actually was the moment of liberation, the crimean offensive operation continued after that, the germans, in the hope of evacuation , fled to the sea to khersanez and i, from here on may 12, 1944, from the cossacks of the thirty-fifth battery blown up in 1942 by ours...
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then, when many of us will no longer be, you will be, so remember that you are now
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already accepting the generation from elders, from grandparents, from fathers and mothers, from parents, from adult clergy, from bishops, from the patriarch, you take over that baton. faith that you will be obliged to carry through the coming decades. now the latest information from belgorod. as governor vyacheslav glodkov just announced, two dead people were pulled out from under the rubble and their identities are being established. according to the head of the region, there is information that people may remain under the rubble. rescuers are doing everything possible to save them. now with us. the tragedy unfolds with the installation of additional lighting for work in the evening and at night to clear the rubble, they will continue. now we let's take a break for a short advertisement, and then return to the news from belgorod, waiting for
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our correspondent igor pikhanov to join us directly from the spot. well, you brought us all together today. don’t be tormented, because your grandmother has already married you off in absentia. even i was intrigued. light in the window, premiere, from monday on rtr. indulge yourself in a first-class holiday at our
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swiss hotel operating on an all- inclusive system. treat yourself to a holiday where elegance and natural beauty merge in perfect harmony. create memories that will stay in your heart forever. swissotel charmel sheikh is your ideal place in the heart of the city. titanic deluxe golf hotel belek, where every moment is exclusive. wrap yourself in comfort by our swimming pools. relax in the salon and enjoy delicious dishes from the best restaurants. here every number is a journey into coziness and comfort. your holiday is your rules. titanic delux, golf bellet is the best choice for an unforgettable vacation.
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can you explain to me why we are rushing from st. petersburg to this sample, i have problems in business, and do you remember tanka, vasil? and she was still in love with you, but she’s not married, it would seem that we’ve been living together all our lives, we’re still each other. i know, but not everyone,
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well, you liked me at school 20 years ago, are you really still obsessed with this stupid childhood love, it’s stupid, girls? they love their dreams to come true, olya, your husband, your husband is cheating on you, olya, olya, let me go there together, pas, stop, this has never happened before, you don’t see me, you don’t even look in my direction, but i, i’m a woman, where we are not, on friday on rtr. the news is on the air and we continue the release. immediately news of the last minutes. vladimir putin heard reports from the head of the ministry of emergency situations, alexander kurenkov, and the governor of the belgorod region, vyacheslav glodkov, in connection with the collapse of the entrance to a residential building in belgorod, and gave everything necessary instructions.
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has now been taken to the republican regional
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hospital, regional hospital, they are receiving all the necessary help, the man has serious injuries, rescue after rescue operation, a huge number of people were observed here, it took place in very difficult conditions, there was heavy smoke, and in order for the man did not die, he managed to transfer an oxygen cylinder so that the person could breathe. and unfortunately, the bodies of two victims have been recovered, their identities are now being established, rescue work is in place does not stop for a minute, literally a few minutes ago we...
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who is based in moscow, colleagues, igor, tell me, have you already managed to deploy equipment on site, special equipment for working in the evening twilight, in order to continue clearing the rubble, this equipment is deployed here, an operational
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headquarters is deployed here, work is regularly interrupted due to shelling from ukrainian militants, presumably. services continue here. thank you, igor, thank you for this detailed, detailed story, be careful, be careful. our correspondent, igor pikhanov, was live with the latest information from belgorod. let's return again to the situation in the nwo zone. more than 600 dead, tanks and armored cars destroyed.
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these are the losses the enemy suffered over the past 24 hours in the donetsk republic. the defeat of manpower and equipment was inflicted by a unit of the southern group. troops, in addition, six militant ammunition depots were destroyed, this is footage of the work of s-34 fighter bombers, the crews struck a stronghold of the ukrainian armed forces, enemy positions were in the zone of responsibility of the vostok group, unguided fap-500 aerial bombs with a universal planning and correction module were dropped on them, it allows you to hit targets from a safe distance, having completed the combat mission, the crews safely...
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the first f-16 fighters will arrive in ukraine in a few weeks, the british newspaper standard reports. journalists have not yet specified who exactly from the western countries decided to send combat aircraft to kiev, they only confirm that the deliveries were approved united states. let me remind you that the netherlands, norway and denmark wanted to share american-made fighters, but not disinterestedly, in exchange for supplies of more modern f-35s. in the center of tbilisi, the opposition. hours are preparing to hold a new protest, opposition supporters intend to set up a tent camp and block the work of parliament, where tomorrow the bill on foreign agents will be considered. last evening , the largest rally took place in tbilisi, according to an opposition representative, up to 100,000 people took part in it. service
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state security of georgia previously warned of possible provocations. according to information from law enforcement agencies, the organizers of the protests from... about the main events of the last seven days in news of the week with dmitry kiselyov. watch today at 20:00. this is the news of the week and i am dmitry kiselev. watch on sunday. victory parade on red square through a snowstorm and gale force wind.
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lead the week, sunday, 20:00. the most powerful magnetic storm in 20 years, which reached its peak the day before, will subside only by monday evening, such forecasts give scientists. the solar wind speed remains unusually high, up to 1.00 km/sec. due to extreme solar activity , weather-dependent people may experience ailments such as headaches or even insomnia. there may also be an interruption in mobile navigation communications. equipment. still, the anomaly has its advantages. residents of russian regions can
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watch the northern lights for the second night in a row. colorful whirlwinds painted the sky in the kaluga, kaliningrad, ryazan, leningrad and moscow regions. it was a fascinating sight see in the urals and siberia. dozens of brides and grooms gathered today for the grand exhibition of russia at vdnkh. there, as part of the launch of the first all-russian wedding festival , a mass wedding took place with the participation of 150 couples from all over the country. today is red hill. it all started with a bright procession of future spouses, along with a marriage certificate. each couple will be presented with a unique lamp with the fire of the all-russian family hearth, the heart of russia. it was lit at the exhibition in january, when vladimir putin kicked off the year of the family. myself the festival will last a week, with each day dedicated to one of the stages.
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