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tv   Vopreki sudbe  RUSSIA1  May 13, 2024 1:55am-3:35am MSK

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the most important task was to inspect the scene of the incident in accordance with the criminal code of the russian federation, in order to prevent violations, so that in the future there would be no problems in criminal cases if possible. and the second task, probably the most important thing, is to preserve the life and health of the personnel who are examining the scene of the incident, that is , a sufficient inspection must be carried out on the one hand efficiently, on the other hand quickly, in order to prevent the death of injured personnel, it makes sense to take those who previously served. whether to the ministry of internal affairs and have special knowledge, that’s right, yes, not even something that makes sense, but it’s better to take people who have already actually gone through this kind of thing, yes there are such people, they come, yes, but why are the classes held, so that all this specificity is oriented specifically for carrying out, you recently became a lieutenant, i recently, that is, i previously served as an expert, a criminologist in the ministry of internal affairs, what was your special rank? senior lieutenant, that is
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, a little more and you’ll catch up, yes, i joined the ministry of internal affairs again for how many years, five, as a volunteer or mobilized, here here, under a contract, under a contract, i decided, yes, yes, well done, worthy, but you, without the ministry of internal affairs, with the ministry of internal affairs, also graduated from the ministry of internal affairs college at the age of 7, served in the ministry of internal affairs and decided on a contract, in the ministry of internal affairs, what did you do, district police officer authority, there was a district police officer, right? you were also a lieutenant, yes, that’s for sure, that is , here you have practically recovered, recovered, so all the work is familiar, that’s true, so for you it’s all easy, well, the specifics, of course, have their own specifics, well, just like in the region military operations, but otherwise not like in civilian life, the place we call it a checkpoint, where vehicles approach.
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it’s not boring in the police, yes, it’s normal, normal, but the eye is already trained, if a person is driving, who was with a weapon, you feel immediately, practically, yes, they give themselves away, due to which, psychologically, that is, we can get out of the car take him out and inspect him, that is, in any case , we won’t pass, well, that is, you can already feel him, in the eyes and in the eyes too, or is it already like this... the sense of smell is already starting to work, and
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he’s already stopped many, that is that’s enough, your invention, yes, i’ve been working on development for the second year, that is, i moved here as a specialist. having direct knowledge in order to help, this is the second year i’ve been working, well, as a volunteer, that is, all the equipment is made for the task directly, what kind of product is this, and this is directly more for the suppression machine, that is, a pkkt machine gun is installed on it, this not so much for aimed shooting, but for covering the assault group, that is, they practiced in twos, in threes, when you need to go through a long open like a platform, but here it is as convenient as possible, that is... what are the restrictions, that
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is, the fire mode, only single or automatic, no, you can single, you can aim in bursts, how is the cart itself carried out, and aiming along the horizon is carried out due to the wheelbase, the tank can turn vertically due to two linear drives, install a stabilizer or this will greatly increase the cost of the design, and a stabilizer under the pkkt, which will withstand recoil, is almost impossible, that is, it is almost impossible to deliver it here already heavy. that is, we installed stabilizers but for other weapons, after testing it on the vbs we came to a turning point, yes, but i’m just looking at what you have here, here you have four, well, three single bases, then the linkage goes on, we are trying to simplify, that is, yes my main task is to simplify, to do it as cheaply as possible, yes, because we also proceed from what we have, what we can find, as it were, from components, and...
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as efficiently as possible, this is directly this so-called komikaze, it opens any fortification, dugout, working, well there is practically no equipment that can work, this is with... what is directly needed is a tow truck, a tow truck and the delivery of a bull, well, here, by the way, these ones i can say 100%, here he needs to duplicate the manual control, yes , well, again, it all comes down to the budget, you need some kind of base, that is , who makes the base, everything with your head, everything with your head, everything yourself, and the components, and in different ways, strong dependence on foreign goods, well, how to say, in principle everything can be localized in russia.
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synchronized descent, as if there is no single descent, and it works like this, but there is no single trigger, due to this you have to work with both hands, synchronously, yes, but the installation, it holds the machine guns tightly, in principle they do not play, the shot. for more than a year now , the battalion lich has been performing tasks in the area of ​​responsibility, and has shown courage and heroism, fulfilling all the tasks assigned by the command, including both combat and special units, including
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military police. the military commandant's office and military police departments are ahead of all other law enforcement agencies, and naturally, peaceful the population, when they see a member of the military police, they immediately seek...
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medical assistance, help, apply for paperwork, we show where we tell, that is, one of the tasks that we solve is working with the local population in without fail, hello, hello, head of the akimov municipal district, hello, an athlete, well, a former biathlete, has been promoted to such a big position. yes, well, uh, i’ve been running and shooting, well, yes i can, since the twenty-second year i was in the territory, so i formed the government of the zaporozhye region, i headed it from moscow, balakov’s small homeland of the saraton region, and from moscow, i headed two, created two
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ministries, you had a report about me, when our konstantinovsky bridge was blown up, on your the channel i was looking for, that is, within the framework of the ministry of construction and the ministry of transport on me.
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gift from friends? a gift from a friend. d2, good knife. nice knife. i just see
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that it’s just friendship between peoples. yes, a knife from dagestan, a medal for courage. yes of course. a real russian warrior. he received the medal for courageous actions and courage when performing special combat missions to maintain law and order and military discipline in the liberated territories. well, this is what you have written, but you yourself know and really what happened? yes. what was it like to save the dead, the wounded, the killed, probably with civilians it’s hardest of all, somehow yes, with civilians it’s hardest of all, because these fates, these deaths, children, on the twelfth there were four children, 4 years old, 9, 11:14, it's very hard to watch. and of course, especially it’s somehow a pity, you’ve been fighting for a long time, since february 24
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, 2024, the twenty-second year, you came, yes , exactly, where did you start, with what searches? i entered, graduated from the novosibirsk higher military command school, and upon graduation i was assigned to the military police, which means you are a police officer almost immediately after graduation, that’s right, syria, syria. nineteen- twenty, children are more difficult here or in syria, of course here, when you have to communicate with military personnel who, well, everything happens , offenses and other things, they understand that everything the jokes are over, military police, so behave decently, yes he understands, that is, he has to. speak quietly, guys, you are wrong, calm down, before there was no understanding,
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now there is understanding, i don’t understand that there is no need to violate military discipline, you are proficient in hand-to-hand combat, but you freely practiced freestyle wrestling at school, in the school you are already in the army, a candidate for master sports, unfortunately. but a policeman needs to be able to do everything, definitely, in the liberated territory, we maintain law and order, discipline, regardless of whether they are military personnel, civilians, grandfathers, grandma, yes, i have a moral code, that is, everything must be done according to conscience, according to the code of honor, a buddhist himself, a buddhist himself. but the teachings of the buddha prohibit violence, clearly, and you are in
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the army, i prevent violence, i prevent violation of military discipline, violation of the legislation of the russian federation, violation of general military regulations, as i understand, no one will ever be able to come to an agreement with you for money, even better he’s not trying, definitely not, then why such a call? well done, 2 minutes, i’ll come to you at takmak, i’m waiting for you to show me the city, of course, it’s a great honor, morality, i have the honor, that’s all. see you tomorrow,
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on a cold sunday afternoon on april 6 , 1914, a rally of thousands gathered in the center of donetsk on lenin square. this was not the first anti-maidan performance, but it became a turning point in the history of donbass, russia and, perhaps, the whole
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world. russia, russia, russia.
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i also like this in english, in my opinion, yes, yes, look how interesting it is, they wanted to appeal to the world community, this is the will of the people. v in worn-out sandals she ran to lenin square. every day more and more people came. the barricades, reinforced with tires and sandbags, resembled winding labyrinths. there were improvised guard posts at every turn. the city was seething.
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gradually, from 1991, a squeeze began, this is the squeezing out of everything russian. forced. build an exhibition center dedicated to the holodomor, which did not exist in donetsk. then they forced us to build a bandera hall, our people were already indignant at the museum, and said that we would not build a bandera hall. there were already battles on the approaches to donetsk. podruzsky, march, farewell, slav women, women with tears greeted the volunteers from the vostok battalion and baptized them after them. suddenly someone from the crowd suggested marching to visit the oligarch. let's go to rinat akhma, why did we go there? well, let's go, suddenly we stop, and i was walking there almost in the front rows, and this machine gunner is standing there, pointing the machine gun at us like that, and... naturally, we all stopped, he says, that's it, we won't go any further, then i still didn’t even believe that they could kill you, i didn’t even think about it
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it was understood that ukrainians could kill civilians, just like that. the young donetsk republic was gradually gaining strength and preparing for a referendum; leaflets were printed on printers calling for a historic choice to be made. may 11, 2014. donbass lined up in long lines for freedom, everyone was crawling, both lame and sideways, people were crawling, a lot of people were walking, dropping everything and everyone went to the referendum, it was like a straw for us, i guess i don’t know, we grabbed for it that’s it, the queues lasted for three to four hours, but i somehow thought that that’s it, here it is that's it, we will be like everyone else together, but unfortunately, bendery, they came already 3 km from here, we, the people, the donetsk people's republic, based on the results of the referendum
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held on may 11, 2014, declare that from now on the donetsk people's republic is a sovereign by the state. if we had not then gone out to rallies and started resistance, we would not have been able to remain ourselves, we would not have been able to simply look our children in the eyes, well, what could you say that we were scared, we would not have been able to look our veterans, our grandparents in the eyes, they defended our country, they passed the country on to the next generations, and we... by that time ukraine had already announced the start of a punitive operation in the southeast, radicals flocked to the cities, to the junction station of sinovat trains of
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tanks and armored personnel carriers arrived 10 km from donetsk. the line of contact then ran along the fence of the yasinovsky machine plant. on one side stood the ninety-third ukrainian brigade kholodny yar, on the other - the first militia detachments. we're walking under fire the planes are flying, it was scary at first when they just started flying. constantly, in the summer of 1914 in the donbass , well, we are coming, we know, we are coming, the plant was still operating, there was no army of our own, it was just emerging, metallurgists and miners, armed with sawed-off shotguns, joined the militia, we didn’t come to you, you came to us, you set your boot on our land, believe me, we know how to beat boots in a mine, believe me, and remember this, we won’t just give up our land, these are not people, these are naked people.
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took the call sign give, rather out of self-deprecation. he was not a georgian at all, he just looked so dark, with a pointed nose and big black eyes. he fought bravely and selflessly. for the lives of people, wives, grandmothers, small children. we answer, people in uniform answer. and that’s it, no one will answer for them more than us. givi is the armor of the donetsk people's republic, where there are givi there are tanks. when a lot of captured equipment appeared in the republic. i had to remember my military service, back in the ukrainian army he served as a tank commander, in the militia he formed a strike unit, the somali battalion, like a motorola
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i didn’t say, the somalis, how here in ilovaisk people stood up, in flip-flops, in flip-flops, in sweatpants, they began to defend, as they say with axes, with these shovels, it’s true, and they held ilovaisk, they held, in ilovaisk the samalis really reminded african pirates. but that was at the very beginning, he raced his battalion from morning to evening at the training ground in the gym according to the training programs for russian special forces, and today i begged the flag from the battalion commander, my only car so far was without a flag, the flag is good, i always like it he liked it, everyone had it, but i didn’t, today he gave the last one to me, for his stern disposition and emphasized isolation , they were even afraid of their own people, the give were often accused of cruelty, remembering the scene with the prisoner...
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he went to kiev, there he decided everything for himself . first i watched on tv, then myself . the main motive is to protect the people, to protect the civilian population, which is being destroyed in every possible way, if some people call it revolution, some people call it war, i call it genocide.
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i always said that there are russians here, so arrived, he stood up for the defense of the russian people, and donbass, i believe, has always been a russian city, despite the fact that for quite a long time it was part of ukraine. in semyonovka, where motorolo took his first serious fight on may 5 , 1914, he met his future wife and proposed on the second day of their acquaintance.
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4 months after the death of arsen pavlov , his best friend mikhail tolstykh will be blown up at the samali battalion. a shell fired from a shmel grenade hit the office window. at 7 pm misha called me, they talked, they laughed, he told me that... mommy, i love you very much, i say, i love you son, we wished good night to each other, in the morning my son was not there, i knew, and he knew that after the motorola he would not be there, when they were burying the bear, when they were already remembering the bear, zakharchenko came, hugged me and said, mother, i’m next, it just so happened. the next
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one is from a mining family, but there are many of them in donetsk, he himself worked in a mine, then went into business and politics, and headed the donetsk branches of the oplod organization. it was random twist of fate. zakharchenko saw a video on the internet from euromaidan, where a greek catholic priest called for hanging communists and muscovites. then the fight against those who wanted to destroy donbass began for him. this is what infuriated me, because grandfathers and great-grandfathers.
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i would also like to appeal to all the servicemen of ukraine, guys, my proposal is to lay down your arms, leave, you are fighting the wrong people, you have, you have a chance, you have the only chance in life to save your life to remain intact, give up, you you will live, i promise that you will all return home later,
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he says: i came home, he says, i didn’t know what to do, he says, well, i succeeded, he says, i gave you up, they will look for you there, well, that’s how it happened, they started looking, the details of that special operation are still classified, we left in a hurry, we didn’t have time to pack our things, there was an exchange going on, an exchange of our prisoners who were captured in ukraine, there was a wounded boy, well... he was in prison in artyomovsk, and we, like parents there , made documents that we were taking him, they left for this same place and never returned to donetsk. he got the republic with infrastructure destroyed by the war, under
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constant shelling, shutdown enterprises, thousands of unemployed. the scattered militia units were more reminiscent of partisan detachments. speculators raised prices; the economic blockade did not allow development. i speak. the only thing i ask you, son, is that bread does not become more expensive, that pensioners are not offended, yes, my mother says, this is the main thing, this is the main thing, i say, i know the war, my parents told me how they got this bread, a piece of bread shared, the crumbs speak from the table they cleaned it up, there was bread, even after. heavy shelling, broken lines were quickly restored and production started, when bombs were tearing up the sky over donetsk, hot bread was being delivered under shelling, we want peace, besides bread, peace, so that we can calmly raise our children, rejoice with them, go
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for walks with them, walk to the theater, to the circus, to exhibitions, to concerts, in order to live in peace. alexander zakharchenko also wanted peace, he fought for peace. on august 31, 1818 , the head of the republic arrived at the sepor cafe, he often dined here, the room worked an explosive device disguised as a lighting device. many did not even immediately believe that the legendary father was dead, but my mother’s heart ached that day. sasha thought all the time about russia, and he thought from the first second, from the first minute, and he even told me, we will soon be with russia, we must be together, when we recognized it. approached the portrait of us, i say: son, we were recognized, you wanted this so much, you strove for this, with a gray cloud of smoke, oh, what a pity that you left, you are my son young, oh, what a pity, i sing,
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on heart, melancholy and sadness, oh, what a pity! at the foot of the saur grave there is a burnt forest. in august of the fourteenth, ukrainian nationalists rained hail on it. the height was held by 40 soldiers of the vostok battalion. in the morning there were 40, by evening seven remained alive. the guys were buried at the very top of the hill. calm people look out from the wounded bas-reliefs, which were used to protect themselves from heavy fire.
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armed battalions of radicals and neo-nazis began to gather in mariupol shortly before the referendum. on victory day , city residents saw what nazism looks like in ukrainian. you have come to kill my child. may 9, 2014 at in mariupol, militants from the right sector opened fire on a local building.
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shouted, intimidated, who on the way we were also met by people who commented that if these lists were known, they would persecute us, but we were not afraid, we were walking.
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civil war began in donbass. the father
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and mother remained in the city, living in the petrovsky district, the hottest one, which has been mercilessly shelled by ukrainian militants for 10 years, but the son continued to fight on the side of azov for 20 thousand hryvnia a month. mother always asks for lyubov's son. are people and neighbors asking? if i stay, i will be a disgrace, a stigma for my parents. it’s better for me to kind of, well, not show up at all, so that they think what’s there. everything is bad with me there, they forgot everything about me and i’m sorry, it’s not just like that.
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having knocked the mud off their american boots, the soldiers of the azov punitive battalion are slurping camp gruel, on the parade ground of the colony for prisoners of war , ukrainian navy seals are marching to the soviet katyusha, kotyusha, i was born on may 9, we all know that this is victory day, and that’s what they called me, miroslav, glorifies the world, since 2015 he glorified the war, a lawyer from kiev joined azov battalion, when there were fierce battles in the south-east of ukraine, in 7 years he rose to the rank
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of sergeant, he imprinted his devotion to the ideas of nazism on his body. his hero is roman shukhevych, his banner is a trident in blood. there is also a tattoo of a wolf, i just liked the design, it means a certain individuality for me. lieutenant azov dutov killed civilians in mariupol when the city was trembling from the war. a young man ran to one of our positions during the shelling. that it is quite likely some kind of intelligence officer or something like that, i gave the order to kill him. he is not from mariupol, but he is also almost his own. in dnepropetrovsk, he sold candies from the red october factory. by the beginning of the twenty -second year, the azov punitive battalion consisted mainly of those who
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grew up in the southeast, but already with reformatted brains. it was they who shot at a peaceful city when the russian army was just approaching the outskirts. how many will there be? came with bottles, the problem, for example, was water, when we were under fire, that is, we knew that the stennis was huge the area where people come for water, we all
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lay down on the ground, fell, because shelling began, exits were blocked, cars were shot. knocking out apartment after apartment until the entrance collapsed, people were hiding in basements, cooking over fires, these memories do not leave his head, always with an accelerated pulse, frozen tears in his eyes, oh dear mother, oh-oh-oh, oh-oh- oh, there’s a toilet here, yes, and there was a kitchen, thanks to it we survived, he remembers,
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let there be peace, we waited, the guys from the dpr came, and we exhaled, yes already, i remember how i was on may 4, while we cleaned up the apartment, we came home, took a bath, i lay down, and i thought, lord, it’s all over, thank god, now there is peace, silence and peace, but again, peace was in mariupol, but the war moved on, the industrial city has now turned into... a construction city, the facades of burnt houses were restored, entire neighborhoods were restored , entire neighborhoods were rebuilt, st. petersburg builders occupied the stage of the drama theater, it was blown up on march 16... classical style. round staircases rush upward, light-painted walls smoked and burnt. the explosion that collapsed
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the central part of the building occurred on march 16 , 2022. by this time, the theater was being used as a bomb shelter. there have always been many residents here. they hid from shelling in the basement of the theater. next to the building , “children” was written in large letters on the asphalt. the roof of... i saw that in front of me everything was very, very white, the wall was just lying there and the majority of people died there when
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the wall fell on them while they were preparing food, but already in september of the twenty-second the drama theater performed. a kind of crucible in which it was necessary to cleanse ourselves, for our city, which in the fourteenth remained in ukraine, this is probably
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how everything should have happened. mariupol has returned to peaceful life, explosions and shots are not heard here, no one is hiding in basements, the city is being restored, the avenues are full of elegant facades of rebuilt houses, schools, clinics, but stop the largest factories.
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throw bombs, in general they fulfilled this promise, they also tried to fulfill the promise that petro poroshenko gave that our children would live in basements, there will be no school, there will be no training for them, in general, they also fulfilled this promise quite seriously, but we did not want to live with that ukraine, but to get away from a direct conflict, a military clash of a direct war, of course we wanted to. well, but, unfortunately, we were not given such an opportunity, nastya, further, cotangent, in february 22
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, gorlovka schools switched to distance learning, the city began to be shelled with such force... that it was scary to leave the house, the children were no longer studying, the teachers were leaving on duty when the polish mine production flew into the assembly hall, the geographer was discussing something by rote, a blow to the heart, instant death, elena ivanova did not have time to wish her ten-year-old son good morning, he was still sleeping when she left for work, one of these shells hit our school specifically, the second shell hit the football field of our school, the third shell hit an unfinished house near... the school is located, that is, it turns out that the radius of fire was actually our school. for 10 years they have been living in anticipation of peace, they promise to open new classrooms in physics, chemistry, computer science, the laboratory equipment is already outdated, the eighty-third year of the last century, it will be written off to museums after the old potyphon. dear, kind adults, go away, i’ll go, and i’ll
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go out of the light. they will sing this song several times: children who do not need to be told about the war. we went to kindergarten, but sometimes, when the shelling started, they let us into the basement and we sat there, and then they immediately sent us home. i'm afraid of very loud noises now after this. when i arrived in taganrok, a plane started flying there and i was so i became scared that i fell to the ground, laying there and everyone looked at me with misunderstanding. schoolchildren live in the yenakievo boarding school, come on monday by school bus, return home on friday, again under fire. april, april, outside, caprey is wild. bogdan only learned to read here, he is seven, he is finishing first grade and already dreams of space. i want to grow up and fly to the rune and study it. well, because
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i'm there. i've never been, i want to go there. in donetsk, the first hail shells that ukraine struck a peaceful village and hit a school early in the morning, when the students were just getting ready for classes. lessons were canceled that day, and peaceful life began to collapse in the mining village. in 1914, the war began and the ukrainian army set up a kindergarten for us. to school, and now our children go to kirovsk, my daughter calls and says: mom, she says, there are red missiles across the bus, well, rockets are flying, and we are parents, nothing, but here there is rustling and flying everywhere overhead, and i can’t even do anything do, i can’t leave the house to pick up the child, and even where should i go take it if there is shelling, the position of the ukrainian army was only 300 m, there was a line of combat contact,
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people lived under constant shelling for 8 years. i called at the beginning of the svo, but you don’t call us anymore, well, why the hell papunagan, so i’m not calling. the approach of peace was felt in the village of donetsk in the winter of twenty-two. at that time , the war was just beginning in northern donetsk. they waited out the shelling in the basement, 26 people side by side, and then went out into the courtyard. they made a fire near the garage and cooked dinner together.
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there was no bread, fried pancakes from the humanitarian aid stewed borscht was cooked. here are canned goods, two jars for such a cauldron, two jars, such small jars, i throw them in, these are potatoes, and green borscht was cooked, borscht was cooked with cabbage. valentina couldn’t leave, she has a son, a wheelchair user, you can’t even go down to the basement with him, so they sat, hostages of the war, in their fortress built back in the days of khrushchev. he remembers how the ukrainian military discussed a retreat plan when there was already a stand on the outskirts of the city. they were shocked that they couldn’t get through to the management, they said they abandoned us here, as it were, and we, well, what should we do, well, they suggested to each other, let’s surrender, and one said: if you surrender, i will shoot you in the back. the walls of houses burned by the flames of the fire are washed and restored, holes from tank shells are filled with bricks.
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local grandmothers gather at the entrances, as before. remember the war, a journalist from the city bulletin of severo-donetsk writes down these memories, not for the newspaper, for a future book, the biggest thing that shocked me was the situation that people found themselves... without water, with a minimum of food some kind of food, those who were grouped into some kind of communes, let's call it that, it was easier to survive, to work for work, lyudmila rides a bicycle in severodonetsk , there is no connection, no internet, too, you can arrange an interview only in person , the next issue will contain a note about donors who donate blood for wounded soldiers, and will devote a few lines to the victory memorial cleanup event. ukraine could not destroy the eternal flame. in the lugansk printing house, printing presses are launched into the night. 29 regional newspapers are included in
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readers' homes with a new agenda. they are distributed free of charge, and although in lugansk an air raid warning can be announced up to ten times a day, the city is increasingly immersed in peaceful life. and we need to write about this. we have stability, we have it. jobs, we have good income, we have a lot of exhibitions, we have a lot of events for children, we have so many educational programs, factories are opening, jobs are being created, lugansk parks are by moscow standards with bike paths, cozy lawns that spread carpets, street musicians play on weekends, creative evenings by the fountain, not a single bench is free and the sky is above...
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during this time many retired, young people left or went to fight. we recently monitored conscripts for military service, of those working 980, i have under this age, you know, how many people end up, five, five people work at the enterprise until they are 27 years old. blacksmith viktor mikhalev decided to train welders and turners himself. at the makeyevka technical school i recruited a group of guys, as an elective. to what he himself mastered well during the war years, turn weapons of death into flowers of life, that's what you can do with zelze, that's what, now we'll see what can be done,
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now wait, let it cool, that's what came out of this cartridge case. ilichovets stadium, i never thought about whether i love my city or not, when i was walking along the alley and these huge craters, the trees
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are all broken, the houses are broken, i cry, i walk, i say how much i love, i am in that moment i just realized that i love my city, our victory, in my understanding, is to make sure that ukraine can never again boast that... the strongest army in europe, so that it can never be considered by the west and europe as an instrument against russia, we must knock all this exaggerated, pumped-up militarism away from them. the war still burns with the withering fire of death, but with each victory of our army the front moves away from peaceful cities. donbass won its right to return to russia. it was a long and terrible journey, for some life-long, for others - at the cost of life.
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green gardens and the beauty of coral reefs and the sea, immerse yourself in a world of unforgettable experiences at rixos premium seagate. rixos premium seagate.
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murka, come to me, come, now let's go have breakfast, yes. dashenka, good morning, good
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morning, you’ve already woken up and got dressed, well done, whoever gets up early, god willing, let’s go tomorrow, i’m going, it’s giving, it’s giving, i get up there every morning with the little guys, your god has given me a lot, because others get up before you, good morning, denis andreevich, oh, good morning, dashenka, join us, now we’ll have breakfast, thank you , all the girls envy me, they ask where such good owners are... oh, i’ll take it away, no, no, you ’ll cut it, i won’t cut myself, i myself, that’s it, nothing, dashenka, it’s fortunate that you wanted to tell you, oh yes, it’s cold today, dress warmly, it’s so cold, i was watching the weather forecast on tv for today warming, and you watch your tv more, dashenka, murka is curled up in a ball, this. i’ll give it to you - but don’t bother
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the girl’s head with these crazy superstitions, this is not a superstition, but this is a folk sign, well, let’s not quarrel, i’ll just take a scarf and put it on if it’s cold, that’s it, well done, well, that’s what you’re looking at, and what are you looking at, since you don’t understand and curse, let’s go have breakfast, let’s go, dashenka, sit down, sit down, well, isn’t the captain beating? unsuccessful!
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zoya, hello, i've been looking for you everywhere, hello, friend, why are you standing, sit down, yes, with happy birthday, thank you. a gift in the evening, dash, why are you so confused, something happened, but i can’t decide on the topic for the coursework, i’ve gone through so many things and that’s it. something ’s not right, so i thought, oh, you’ll have time with your coursework, better look at what a gift i bought for myself, a book of changes, and what is this, chinese fortune-telling, fortune-telling again, hmm, let me, so, so , so, so, so, i don’t understand anything, but
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what is it, understand, i had a dream, things, and... i woke up and don’t remember anything, so i bought this book, there’s nothing in it either i see, dash, it seems to me that klep is not going to propose, today is your birthday, and you’re sure it’s not, but he hinted, so what’s the problem, don’t you want to marry him, i probably want to, but why probably, you love him? i love him, so marry him and live happily, and if it doesn’t work out happily, well, what if our family life doesn’t work out, what then? zoyka, well then check and find out, but i don’t have time to check to find out, but in this book nothing is clear at all, i found a way out, look,
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i found it on the internet, so, from old, hereditary. according to izoya’s reviews, she has a 100% guarantee of predictions, so mrs. isolde will tell you whether we will be happy or not, zoya, stop this with these fortune-telling, and i’ll predict the future for you myself, come on, if we don’t hurry up now, we’ll be late for the lecture, come on, get ready and give up the mess altogether, otherwise you’ll be left without a boyfriend, why all of a sudden, because gleb gets tired of it, and he’s talking about you... humanity in all centuries has tried to look beyond the edge of the future. modern forecasting technologies are primarily based on extrapolation and statistics.
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the delphi method, developed in the usa, allows one to predict with great accuracy the optimal development of events in a predetermined situation. each fortune teller has its own set of tricks, techniques, in this way they influence
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a person, manipulate makes him perform further actions, and the person , unwittingly performing them, believes... their predictions, fortune tellers cleverly manipulate the consciousness of a superstitious person, you must also understand that part of superstitions earlier signs, its relevance, who, for example, can give me an example of a sign that has become a superstition, a woman with an empty bucket, it’s true that in the middle ages, a woman went to the ear of corn for water, and if she returned with empty buckets, then this means... that either the water froze or the well dried up, so an example of pure superstition, a black cat, it’s absolutely true, once a black cat was an integral attribute of a witch, so people were very afraid of these poor animals, i still
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need to prepare for the test, round ram, you have decided on the topics of your coursework, i still... hmm, more details? well i want to explore behavior of the person who received the prediction. well, some special cases have an impact. superstitious signs for our lives, but do you yourself believe in predictions and omens? no, of course,
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that’s great, then a most exciting job awaits you, well, all the best , good luck, good-bye, go for it, honey, and girls, excuse me, let’s go to your fortune teller, why did you change your mind, do you really want her to tell your fortune, no, of course, i just want to collect material for... a coursework, well, let's go, i think it's here, over there in the basement, i'm worried about something, joyka, well, keep in mind that all these predictions are simple deception, well, she won’t deceive us, we are psychologists after all, yeah, you’re a psychologist and you believe in all this nonsense, it’s not nonsense, i’m somehow not ready , zoya, well, they decided and decided, but it’s easy for you to say, you
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are interested in this from a scientific point of view, but my fate is being decided, wow, wow, what happiness, he loves me, this is a good sign, let’s go, zoya. that, hello, i made an appointment with the fortune teller isolde, i’m zoya, isolde is me, come in, hello, and you can tell your fortune too, no, i’m for scientific purposes for... scientific purposes, this is my friend, she’s for company, okay,
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sit over there, but i warn you, not a word during the session, why? i am establishing a connection with the subtle world, it does not tolerate outside interference, yeah, okay. tell me what do you want? but it seems to me that you should know this yourself. who has a connection with space, you or me? you? then sit down and don't disturb me. sorry. so what do you want to know? i want to know, will i be happy? with my beloved, will we have children, will he cheat on me, and i want to know how we are
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we will live in marriage, not all at once, look at the candle, you see, the flame is oscillating, this is a simple law of physics, i asked. sorry, that’s it, the connection has been made, now i can answer your questions, there, i’m ready to hear you, “i see your chosen one, average height,
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blond hair, gray eyes, that’s right, it’s him, name, name, gleb, exactly. he loves you, but your happiness will depend only on you. what, what should i do for us to live happily? you must believe, the subtle world does not tolerate doubts and vanity. your happiness is next to you, but you must make the decision yourself, your fate will depend on it. no, i can’t do it anymore, i’m sorry, please, this is complete nonsense, this trick with the descriptions of gleb. nonsense: zoya filled out her profile for you and you found her on a social network, she has a lot of photos with gleb, and from there you
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found out his name, then this is a prediction, it all depends on you, it doesn’t mean anything at all and stop it, then do you not believe in my strength? well, no, of course i don’t believe it, if you want, i ’ll tell you what awaits you, let’s hope it’s it will be better than what i heard, well... i see black, something like dirt, i see the deception of an elephant, oh, there is a curse on you. “your
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loved one will die because of you, but that’s complete nonsense, remember, your loved one will die, nonsense, goodbye, sorry, yes, wait, are you upset, yes, i’m in…” and why should i be upset over some empty chatter? what if this is true, what if your loved one dies because of you? which one is your favorite? i don’t have a loved one, and by the way, i don’t have an unloved one either, so because of me there’s simply no one to die behind. what if he appears soon? yes, right
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today he will appear with a dirty elephant on a leash, well, for this, understand that all these predictions, well, i made isolde angry, so she... took revenge on me, well, i don’t know, oh well, let’s go faster, i still have hairdresser, put on makeup, change clothes. girls, what are you doing, keep your eyes on the road, it’s my fault, you actually almost hit me, i wouldn’t hit you, advice for the future, watch the road,
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take your hands off, don’t touch me, what are you like? nervous, i want to help you, you have already helped, look what you've done. it was my favorite coat, well, it didn’t work out, excuse me, let me give you a ride, where were you going, no, thank you, me, you know, my life, dear, with this i know what you are like, you ’ll kill us both, actually i drive a car very well, yeah, i can’t believe it, i drive very carefully with passengers, of course, it’s pointless to rub it, these are reagents, you need dry cleaning, but yes , i know, girl, well, let me take you, i generally don’t go anywhere with strangers . name, i'm not a murderer, not a maniac, not a thief, i swear to you, okay, take me home, please, what are you doing now, i want to send your number to my friend, just in case, wow, what forethought, we will also photograph your passport, i’ll get by, by the way, what’s your name, i’m usually with unfamiliar girls,
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too i don’t drive in one car, daria, it’s very nice, daria, let’s go where you were so stared at that you almost got run over by the wheels, but nothing special, it’s just that there was a woman crossing the road towards me with an empty bucket, that’s a sign, like a black cat, well, for me it was more obvious. nothing yourself, how come, you don’t believe it, at the same time you’re staring, well, we just had a lecture on this topic today, and i finally decided on the coursework, well, the topic for the coursework, you ’re studying, well, it’s your last year, but are you a racer rushing along the roads like that, i really love
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speed, well, when you drive at high speed, then with concentration all sorts of stupid thoughts do not enter your head. well, as far as i know, racers are superstitious people, but i have been very pragmatic since childhood, i don’t believe in all this, of course, well, students seem to be superstitious too, but you don’t believe me, i’ve also been pragmatic since childhood, i have a lot in common. here, look, and pragmatically from childhood, we don’t believe in omens, it’s starting to seem to me that this is fate, that we don’t believe in omens, we believe in fate, no, but i look at you and, well, it feels like this is fate, oh, vadim, let's go, the green light is already on, and i need to buy a gift for my friend. our life was a fairy tale, a storm. peter always tried to do everything to make me happy. for the first time about the main
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loss in my life. i will never forget this evening, when this happened. as you found out, i heard, through the phone, a terrible exclamation, such a terrible cry. petya is gone, that’s it, she just turned over. sometimes my heart seems to have a presentiment of something, petya leaves, and he always joked somehow, i have such a presentiment, something is going to happen to the plane, or something, he comes into my room and says: you’re not do you want to say goodbye to me, i have the impression that if i had been there, this would not have happened, they say that time heals, time heals nothing heals, time simply teaches you to live without him, the fate of a person is with boris korchevnik. on friday on rtr. treat yourself to a first-class
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holiday with leo resorts. elegant details, a celebration of refined tastes, a variety of entertainment, a golden beach and azure waves. lioresor we are here for you. we invite you to the swiss hotel sharmelsheikh, the first swiss hotel in the world operating on an all- inclusive system. treat yourself to a holiday where elegance and natural beauty merge in perfect harmony. create memories that will stay in your heart forever. sawtelle sharmelshe is your ideal place in the heart of the city. discover a real gem on the bodrum coastline. titanic
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luxury collection bodrum. exceptional service, incredible culinary delights and an atmosphere of complete relaxation. immerse yourself in world-exciting adventures of incendiary entertainment. welcome to the world of eternal elegance. me, me, gali. jackdaw. turn on hug stories on the website in the app. i've been waiting for you forever. i was in such a hurry to meet
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you. finally she came. spring. warm, sunny, bright. the russian exhibition blossomed with all the colors of spring. you were waiting for spring, now spring is waiting for you, at the russia exhibition. grief, i don’t believe that you betrayed me, but i must know the truth. i understand you. in order not to lose love, you need to lose your memory. retrograde amnesia, it
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happens. she won't forgive me. did you remember something? i think it's easy to fall in love with you. would you be able to? i want to forget everything. yes, get out of this slush. let him in. where did you take me? don't worry, this is the best dry cleaning in town, let's go,
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hello, please help us, we have a problem here. you see, here, here, no problem, we’ll clean it, you’ll pick it up tomorrow, no, we can’t do it tomorrow, we need it today, we can do it today, but it will cost more, no, then there’s no need to spend money, i ’ll clean everything at home myself, i it's my fault, i'll fix it , well, undress, girl, take off your coat, let's hand it over, uh-huh, check your pockets, in your pockets... uh-huh, it will be ready in an hour and a half, okay, ok, thank you very much, i 'll look for the gift in the meantime, uh-huh, uh-huh , ok thank you very much, yeah, and this phone number, yeah, please, you're not in such a hurry, yeah, whatever you say, how old is your girlfriend? - we are the same age, so what? well, i just want to understand what gift is best to give her, maybe cosmetics or a book, the best gift? no, you just don’t
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know, mom. friend, oh, a toy store, i think we should go there, a toy store, yeah, it seems to me that if your friend is like you, then she obviously won’t like all this, well, yes, she and i are not alike, what makes you think that i don’t like toys, well, it seems to me that if you are given a teddy bear, then you will not sleep in an embrace with it, and i won’t let you follow me, look from the other side. okay, what exactly? yes , i have no idea, well, you forced yourself on a guy as an assistant, as i understand it, you have no idea why you got it, because you really like to command, well, there is a feeling that you spend all your time on studying, guessed right? don't be distracted, i found it, it seems to me. no,
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oh, okay, it's an elephant, yes, an elephant, cute, so she was talking about an elephant, friend, no, that's strange, no, light strange, of course, but on the other hand, it ’s a toy, it’s quite possible what it is, you know, and you’re right, we need to look for another gift, we’re not taking the elephant, no, you liked this elephant so much that you bought it for yourself, why to yourself, this is for you, well, this is as compensation for moral damage, okay, thank you. dasha, i’m looking at you, and
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it seems to me more and more that our meeting was not an accident, really, but in my opinion, you already said this in the car, yes, well, that means it’s true, tell me what can i do to you i was forgiven, well, what do you want, the only thing i want now is to quickly pick up my coat from the dry cleaner in time for my friend’s birthday. don't worry, i'll take you, i can take you very quickly, no, no, i 'll take a taxi myself, no need, please, i really want to stay with you longer, forgive me, hello, yes, already, yes, okay, we're here now let's come, that's it, your coat is ready, we can go, great, oh, uh-huh, please,
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thank you very much, dasha, look, but not a single spot, like new, well, yes, i would it really didn’t work out that way, that’s it, thank you very much, here you go, thank you, thank you, daria, don’t you think that after the heroic rescue of your coat i deserved a kiss from a beautiful lady, here’s another. now i’ll help you, thank you, well,
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thank you for giving me a lift, but you’re welcome, sorry again that this happened, goodbye, now i catch you in your words, let’s meet tomorrow, maybe have dinner, go somewhere . like this? it’s unlikely, write down my phone number, no, you don’t need a phone, let me call you, no, you know, if our meeting was not accidental, then fate will bring us together again, and if it doesn’t, well , if we don’t meet, then it’s not fate, sorry, i’m in a hurry, dash, well, we don’t believe in fate, dash, where have you gone, i almost went crazy, something happened, no, sorry, zoya, nothing special, dasha, dasha, you forgot your moral compensation, thank you, and
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you are dasha’s friend, whose birthday is today, yes, this is my friend, zoya, name is vadim, here's a happy birthday to you saints, thank you, yeah. well, let's go, listen, this one is nothing of yours. he's for you did you like it? it's okay, i didn't like him. well wait, where did he even come from? nothing special, it’s just because of him that i got my coat dirty, and he took it to the dry cleaner, and then we chose a gift for you. dasha, everything fits together. you met a guy, got your coat dirty, well,
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remember, the burner talked about dirt. elephant, have you met an elephant? yes, nonsense, it's just a coincidence. it's not a coincidence. and now all that remains is the deception of death. beloved, what beloved, zoya, vadim, yes, this is the first and last time i see him, and in general closed the topic, today is your birthday, let's go, that's it, well, let's go, we're here, and i have a surprise for you, what, gleb came with a friend, cute, zayta, this is on purpose, don't be angry, i just can't watch you suffer alone, but i don’t suffer, i’m alone, you can’t understand... i just have to write my thesis first, and then get a good job, and then i can think about love, and in general , i have a gift for you, thank you, so, you know,
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love, it’s like that, you’ll never guess, dash, hello, meet me, this is oleg, my classmate, oleg, this is dasha, very nice. “this is for you, thank you, and this is for you, thank you, zoy, for you, happiness, health, love, always remain as beautiful, thank you, cheers, guys, maybe we can dance now.” zoya, i can't. zoya, can you at least do without fortune telling today? i won't get by. dash, shall we go, or will you toss a coin too? no, dash, go, go. ok.
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you know, when gleb invited me here, i thought it would be boring, but it turned out not at all, really, yes, i’m very glad that you’re here, i’m glad, but we don’t even know each other, well , gleb knows you and that’s enough for me, and what gleb told about me was almost nothing, he always talks about his zoya, you know, he doesn’t understand her when everything goes well , she pushes him away when it’s bad, on the contrary, she sticks like a bath leaf, it seems to me that she’s with a shift, no, well, we’re all... with a shift, that’s for you, oh, the bunny is just a little crazy about us.
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you know, i would like to continue our acquaintance with you after the holiday, excuse me, oh, zoya, what are you doing, look what he gave me, i thought of it, that’s very nice, what are you doing? look at the stone, it doesn’t suit me at all, it’s turquoise, and i need obsidian,
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why did you get it, because i’m a sagittarius, that’s why, and he should know about it, today is my birthday, and you tell him so she said, yes, but he said that he would fix everything, oh, you’re a fool, zoya, you ’ll end up without a boyfriend, it’s very beautiful, girls, and i don’t know where gleb is, he’s probably gone for a new one.. . a gift, so maybe i’ll go look for it? well go look, but i can stay if they’ll ask me, and if they don’t ask, then i might be left without an invitation, oh go already, we’ll figure it out ourselves somehow, okay, i’ll go, okay, go, dash, come on, maybe we ’ll go too, the holiday is ruined anyway, zoya, come on, let's go!


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