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tv   Pereriv v veshchanii  RUSSIA1  May 13, 2024 5:53am-6:16am MSK

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like hitting a stone wall, i’m to blame, well, tell me, well, i know, i’m to blame, i’m to blame, may, i ’m to blame, dear, i can’t live without you. nothing cute, it's not scary, a little bleeding is all, we'll stop it now.
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don't you see? i see, so why are you standing? congratulate.
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only for her, only for her, call skuratov, he has twins, when did this happen, what a stupid way to object, call him! everything will be fine, you hear me, everything will be fine, everything will end well, believe me, you and i have such strength.
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who should be responsible for this? let's find out after the news. you are watching the news on the russia channel, nikolai zubsik is with you. hello, let's talk about the main thing today. already 15 people have died
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as a result of the collapse of a multi-storey building in belgorod. rescue teams continue to search for ukrainian survivors. shelling in the city will close markets and shopping centers. sergei shaigu, now secretary of the security council, the decree was signed by vladimir putin. the ministry of barona was proposed to be headed by andrei belousov. in the government, he oversaw the economic bloc. protests at the georgian parliament. participants blocked movement in the center of tbilisi, today they intend to disrupt the final vote on the law on agents. the death toll in the collapse of a ten-story building in belgorod has increased to 15 people. the search and rescue operation continued throughout the night with short breaks when a missile threat was declared. today all shopping centers and markets in the city will be closed to the public. the likelihood of shelling from ukraine
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remains high. chronology of tragic events of alexey kornev. on the mountains of broken stone and glass, everyone works in one team, the ministry of emergency situations, firefighters and police and... the city in the first most important minutes, the victims are pulled out from under the rubble, some of the apartments in the entrance survived and the residents were evacuated. i had already jumped out into the hallway, where there was a lounge with a toilet, where there were no windows or anything. and then there was an explosion, that was it. and then i screamed. according to the ministry of defense, the collapse of the house occurred during a massive attack by the ukrainian armed forces. russian air defenses shot down six shells from multiple launch rocket systems and the same number of tactical missiles.u. fragments of one beaten rockets fell on... a residential building in the area of ​​the third floor, for the passage of heavy equipment it is necessary to clear the areas in front of the house, an hour after the tragedy, part of the destroyed structure could not stand it, the roof of the entrance collapsed on those who eliminated the consequences. literally
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just 2 seconds ago, the roof, which was supported by literally some fittings , completely collapsed and even more people were under the rubble, including the rescue team. crews at the time of the second collapse seriously injured three rescuers. after therefore, it was decided to remove civilians from the rubble site. the head of the region had to persuade people to leave. to fire at the scene of the tragedy, this time aiming at a cluster of emergency services, a missile threat was again declared. the remaining residents of the house were evacuated to temporary accommodation centers. investigative committee after the collapse. conducted a criminal case under the article terrorism. alexey kornev, vyacheslav podzolkov. news belgorod region.
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russian anti-aircraft gunners repulsed an air attack by the uvsu in the donetsk direction of the special operation. the crews of the thor complexes provide reliable cover for ground forces. one such installation is capable of destroying several targets at once, from an airplane to a drone. from a camping trip. the tor position turns into a combat position in a few minutes; guaranteed protection from air strikes allows forward troops to operate confidently. motorized riflemen completely liberated the settlement of berdyche on the territory of the donetsk people's republic from the ukrainian armed forces unit. the enemy clung to every meter of their fortifications. the stormtroopers had to break through with small groups of two or three people. nationalist dugout strong points were bombarded with grenades and then cleared with small arms fire.
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the senseless stubbornness of the ukrainian militants affected them; in the end they had to retreat with heavy losses, the enemy believed that he did not have enough strength and so on, he stood there, that is, when he started specifically , he already understands that he is being crushed, understands that he that’s it, there’s nowhere to go, she began to weaken her resistance and withdraw in parts. their troops are in the forest belt. helicopter pilots also supported the ground attack. the crews of k-52 combat vehicles hit the fortifications of the ukrainian armed forces with unguided missiles. all targets were destroyed, the pilots returned to the airfield without losses. vladimir putin appointed sergei shaiga as secretary of the russian security council. the corresponding presidential decree was published on the kremlin website on sunday evening and has already entered into force. at the same time, it became known that shaigu would cease to lead. ministry of defense, where he worked since 2012.
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andrei belousov was proposed to head the military department; he was the first deputy prime minister and oversaw the economic bloc. government. presidential press secretary dmitry peskov explained that the decision to appoint belousov as head of the ministry of defense was due to the need to quote: “integrate the economy of the security bloc into the economy of the country.” in addition, the department must be open to innovation and advanced ideas. well, i’ll add that after the appointment of sergei shaigush as secretary of the security council from this position. driven by nikolai patrushev. according to dmitry peskov, his new place of work will be announced in the coming days. work on forming a new government will take place today in state duma and federation council. candidates for the posts of deputy prime ministers will be readily considered. as the chairman of the lower house of parliament vyacheslav volodin said, the plenary session to discuss the candidacies of deputy prime ministers will last more than 6 hours. it is known that the post of first deputy prime minister has been proposed. and in the federation council today consultations begin on candidates for the ministers
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of the security bloc and the foreign ministry. vladimir putin proposed reappointing vladimir kolokultsev to the post of head of the ministry of internal affairs, alexander kurenkov, head of the ministry of emergency situations, sergei lavrov, head of the ministry of foreign affairs. andrei belousov has been nominated as minister of defense. the police in tbilisi began to push back the protesters near the georgian parliament. protests against the adoption took place outside the building throughout the night. law on foreign agents, the vast majority of participants are students. they blocked traffic on rostovel avenue and erected a stage from a metal structure, on which, in addition to speakers, pop performers performed. according to the organizers, in the morning they plan to prevent deputies from entering parliament building and disrupt the final vote on the foreign influence transparency bill. further regional news, do not switch with residents of moscow and the region. see you in a few seconds.
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now there is news from the capital region: last night may be the last one this month with frosts, the abnormal cold, which lasted throughout the may holidays, will continue until the middle of the coming week, then the temperature will return to within the climate limits, already today it will be +10 this afternoon, wednesday, thursday the air will warm up up to +20. the federal air transport agency is investigating. negative consequences, one of the cars had to urgently move to... the side of the road. the capital is summing up the results of a preventive raid among electric scooter users. the main violations were traveling together, driving through a pedestrian crossing and incorrectly choosing lanes. may museum week starts. today guests are greeted by the battle of borodino panorama museum. there they will talk about the battle in 1812. on wednesday
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you can visit the tsaritsyn nature reserve for free. the 295th anniversary of the birth of catherine ii is celebrated there. exact schedule. the event is on the mayor's website. read more about events in the capital region in less than half an hour. all news is always available on the media platform. we look in the application or on the website see you. treat yourself to a first-class holiday with liorets. elegant details. a celebration of exquisite tastes, a variety of entertainment, a golden beach and azure waves. lio reorts, we are here for you. rixas premium cgate. family fun
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starts here, with every detail designed for your enjoyment. enjoy a water park for children, lush green gardens the beauty of coral reefs and the sea. immerse yourself in a world of unforgettable experiences at rixos premium seagate. rixos premium seagate. your husband has filed a complaint for attempted murder. what? does he suspect me? we'll figure out who poisoned him. i need to do an examination. medicine, how could you, joke, i’m not going to make excuses, you’re going through a stage, everything is against you, i promise that we’ll figure it out, spring is late, premiere on saturday on rtr.
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it's time to return to everyday work for both you and us. denis toikov and svetlana abramova today with you. today is monday, a new working week, may is the thirteenth on the calendar. neural networks surround us everywhere. now they are even in a flower pot. the new home helper looks so funny and technologically advanced and will not let a single flower wither. subtleties of caring for each plant. from now on it's his headache. and the user just needs to look at... and act according to the prompts of the neural networks, and no boring instructions for you, all information is given in the format of emoticons that everyone understands, if the plant is experiencing lack of moisture, a sad face immediately appears on the display, and the flower rejoices just when the owner strokes it, although this is unlikely to happen with a cactus, well, the cactus can and will rejoice, here is the owner,
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cars also become parasitically smart, as they get closer the era of autopilot is increasingly moving towards... artificial intelligence on the road, is it worth rushing to transfer control to robots? sergey egorov figured it out. when you see how cleverly a dozen unmanned harvesters cope with field work, it seems that the era of driverless cars is very close, robots perfectly keep their distance and are ready to turn the steering wheel for days without adjusting for fatigue. russian autopilots are now used in more than thirty regions of the country, and it is clear that smart technology is in demand. but when artificial intelligence moves from deserted fields onto public roads, the picture becomes less rosy. this is, for example, what a traffic jam of robot couriers who do not share the road looks like. and this is footage from china, where a car with autopilot lost control hit a cyclist. the recent incident with the st. petersburg tram with a smart driver assistance system, which, due to faulty brakes, flew into the crowd at stops, did not add confidence to the robots. i would
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n't take a taxi without a driver. the technology is still crude and still needs to be improved. people don't do this very well in these cars. what could a driverless car be like when it is impossible to test driverless delivery? citizens’ fears are not unfounded; even ardent supporters of cars with the so -called driverless mode are complaining about mistakes made by the robot, despite the fact that mikhail’s car is equipped with an autopilot of the latest generation, he repeatedly had to urgently take control into his own hands, it cannot completely replace the person behind the wheel, it does not recognize the arrows, if the markings are bad, it begins to get lost, on the previous version, for example, in a traffic jam i was... she tried to turn sharply to the right several times. in addition to technical failures, the problem is that the logic of digital perception is different from human one. in practice, this leads to the fact that smart machines often read the moon over expensive. not only do we need
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this, there are problems, that is, how to avoid this, it is necessary to test both in a virtual environment, at the test site, and at experimental sites, while the smart cars themselves need to be improved, but also the legal framework. then prison, the one who owns the machine, the one who owns it , here the question arises, who should go into production, the one who wrote the software, maybe the director of a programming company, or maybe the programmer himself, or maybe a tester who is not i noticed a mistake, that is, there are so many different questions here arises, according to experts, until unambiguous answers are found to all these questions, autopilot systems undergo repeated testing at testing sites, driverless cars should not be on public roads. let's continue this topic. with us today
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is evgeniy litvin, a member of the presidium of the coordination council for traffic management. evny vladimirovich, good morning. good morning. good morning. well, regarding legal issues, as i understand it, different nuances arise when a drone is between a car owner there is also someone who wrote the software or a dispatcher who controls it remotely. what nuances might appear here? it seems to me that when there is a lot. directions of those who are responsible, then in fact it is almost impossible to find a specific person responsible. for this purpose , a draft law on highly automated vehicles has just now been prepared ; the level of responsibility is delimited by law. yes. between whom? between owners, dealerships, dispatchers and manufacturers. which the current level of development of unmanned vehicles in general, what needs to be improved? all other things being equal , a driverless car is the safest car on the road, yes, it always follows traffic rules, it follows...


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