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tv   Vopreki sudbe  RUSSIA1  May 13, 2024 6:15am-8:00am MSK

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good morning, good morning, well, on legal issues, as i understand it, different nuances arise when the person who wrote the software or the dispatcher who controls it remotely appears between the owner of the drone and the owner of the car, these are the nuances that may appear here, it seems to me that when there are so many directions of those who are responsible, then in fact it is almost impossible to find a specific person responsible, and a draft law has just been prepared for this purpose. about highly automated vehicles, the level of responsibility is delimited by law, yeah, between whom? between the owner, dealerships , dispatchers and manufacturers. at what level is the development of unmanned vehicles in general now, and what needs to be improved? all other things being equal, a driverless car is the safest car on the road, yes, it always follows traffic rules, it does.
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and an accident may happen, this certainly worked for those vehicles that were produced in previous years, which are even produced now, if a person with experience, he can foresee some kind of emergency situation, yes, well, figuratively, if we compare, say, how artificial intelligence plays chess, it is clear that they play according to the rules of chess, we know that on the roads many people follow the same rules most violate, that's how - drones can quickly... respond to emergency
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situations that occur due to the fact that other traffic participants, not drones, do not behave according to the rules, an emergency situation is one that is not in the library of solutions , that is, i don’t know, meteorite fall on a car, well, probably, in the list of standard situations to be worked out, this will be the very last thing there, but i don’t know, maybe the initial emergency situation is that someone attached to a car to ride a skateboard. yes, but as soon as a person still has such a thing as intuition, yes, it is unlikely that technology can have intuition, and any emergency situation can be written into the program, but it is impossible, some new emergency situation will always appear? from the point of view of mathematics, intuition is the ability to quickly analyze possible situations in consequences, and therefore an unmanned vehicle, like a certain, conventionally supercomputer, can calculate this. faster than
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any person and choose the most optimal option, when can driverless taxis really appear? well, unmanned taxis may appear in the very near future, by and large they already exist even now in certain closed territories, as pilot modes, at the same time, of course, the first thing that is starting to work now is... municipal equipment , this is public transport, so moreover, taking into account the huge shortage of drivers, both in public transport and in municipal vehicles, when at least the legal basis for the appearance of unmanned vehicles on the roads of our country is ready, here i can probably answer for the question of preparing a draft law, because further it’s up to the legislators this year, i think that the law will already be included in the state duma. thank you, our questions were answered by member
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of the presidium of the coordinating council for the organization of traffic evgeniy litvin, have a nice day, thank you, thank you, premiere on the russia channel, when are you going to tell everyone about your monastery, when are you going to tell your mansions, and you’ve already told your parents about surrogacy, well, why did you gather us all today, let’s tell you what’s locked up there, don’t you want to, well ok, then i 'll say, the light is in the window. today at 21:20 on the russia channel. sports shoes need more, even more. this is the life motto of the ecuadorian collector who lays claim to the world record. it took estebano del yero 45 years to acquire almost 6,000 pairs sneaker. this is double the current record in the same category set in the united states. most of the models presented have long been discontinued, sometimes even by the company that produced them. have disappeared, which means that the price of such shoes
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has increased many times, but stban is not going to sell the rarities; after registering the record, he will donate it to a charity fund for supporting young people. ecuador. well done! well, many russians are not hoarding collections, but only debts. according to the credit history bureau, almost 30% of borrowers have three loans, about 9% have more than five. what measures is being adopted by the state to reduce the number of debt-ridden citizens, daria tiunova will tell you. i took out a mortgage of 2.5 million at 9.1 percent. and i had a car loan of 7000. 25%, consumer 54,000, which i took, it was at 33%. with such a number of loans , the total amount of olesya’s monthly payments from zalugovskaya bank is 35,000 rubles, and this is more than half of the girl’s income, olesya is in no hurry to apply for another loan, because the debt burden is already high,
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thousands of russians are in a similar situation citizens, when applying for loans for loans, many borrowers cannot sensibly assess their financial situation, and end up in real monetary bondage, but to prevent this from happening, it is worth clearly calculating your debt... after all, banks are ready to issue loans even to those who have this the indicator, or in other words pdn, is quite high. the debt burden indicator is calculated as the ratio of the average monthly income of an individual to the total monthly loan payments. if you spend more than 50% of your monthly income on paying payments for banks, this indicator is considered very risky. in other words, before you run to the bank for another loan, you should see how much you have left to live on. for example, if the clients’ salary is 100,000 rubles. banks can issue a mortgage with... a monthly payment of 40,000, if you add a car loan with a payment of 15,000, a consumer loan, then the total financial burden can reach 80% of earnings. and even such colossal amounts sometimes cannot stop citizens from taking out new loans. fortunately, since twenty-three the central bank for banks imposes quantitative restrictions on issuing unsecured consumer loans
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to citizens with a high personal income tax; in the near future , the bank of russia plans to introduce a similar practice in relation to mortgage loans. banks will continue to issue loans to people with a debt load of 50% and to people with a debt load. 70%, but in the total volume of issuing such loans, the number of these loans will be reduced, no more than 25% of the total issuance of loans should be loans to people with a high debt load. it turns out that with such a partial limitation there is still a risk that some borrowers will find themselves in a difficult financial situation, and therefore the measures, experts advise , should be tightened. those restrictions that the central bank imposes on the number of loans issued in relation to one. a person due to the fact that he has a debt load, from my point of view, it is necessary to transfer from a recommendation to a law; if a credit institution nevertheless issues this loan, then certain punitive measures should be applied to it. perhaps such a step will not only reduce the number of risks for client banks, but most importantly, will help the citizens themselves not to find themselves
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in a difficult financial situation. and then, a design technique that will change the atmosphere and style in your home. about interesting interior details with your own hands. we'll tell you soon, you 've been hoping for so many years that everyone will get together again, it looks like today it will be, you're happy, of course you're happy, premiere, you look good, you're looking younger, as if, yes, of course, you've forgotten how to give compliments, hello, what's wrong with you there's that noise, what's that? unites big family, like a big secret. what are the police saying? a classic accident. dmitry miller. from the outside, everything always seems obvious, this is white and this is black. i prefer to call things by their proper names. maria kulyakova. you understand that this decision
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will change your whole life. alena yakovleva, elena tsyplakova. it's not our fault. so what's now? be silent. light in the window. today on rtr. our life was a fairy tale, grief. peter always tried to do everything to make me happy. diana gurtskaya, for the first time about the main thing loss in your life. i will never forget this evening when this happened. how did you find out? i heard through the phone a terrible exclamation, such a terrible scream. petya is not there. that's it, it's simple. i turned over in my soul, sometimes my heart feels like it has a presentiment of something, petya is leaving, and he always joked somehow, i have this feeling, something is going to happen to the plane, or what? he comes into my room and says: you don’t want to say goodbye to me, i have the impression that if i were there, this
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wouldn’t have happened, they say that time heals, time does not heal anything, time simply teaches you to live without it, the fate of a person - with boris korchevnikov on friday on rtr. can you explain it to me? why are we leaving st. petersburg and dragging ourselves to this sample? i have problems in business. do you remember tanya vasil? and she was still in love with you. oh, and she's not married. it would seem that we have been living together all our lives, we know everything about each other. however, not everything, well, you liked me at school 20 years ago. are you still obsessed with this stupid nursery? love, this is stupid, girls love their dreams to come true, olya, yours
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husband, your husband is cheating on you, olya, olya, let me blow everyone there, stop, this has never happened before, you don’t see me, you don’t even look in my direction, but i, i’m a woman, where we are no, on friday on rtr, catch a big fish, why do people count proteins, fats, carbohydrates, this is where my question begins, can something tasty be healthy, we try it, the level of inflammation decreases, the pain decreases, can healthy things be pleasant, fantastic , can science be understandable, and you make a wish? yes, yes, yes, yes, one more time
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yes, every person in any region of russia can make their diet not only tasty, but also healthy, and this lifts the mood, that’s for sure, a food formula, on sunday on rtr. print yourself a new home, modern, eco-friendly and inexpensive. the world's largest construction 3d printer has been launched in the united states. in fact, this is a small robotic factory that could change the future of construction. the 55 m2 house with floors, walls and roof was printed in just a few days. waste from woodworking was used as ink. industry in combination with bioresins. on cardboard. it’s not for nothing that the megaprinter was called the factory of the future. thus, engineers plan
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to once and for all solve the problem of housing shortages for low-income families. but first, a test copy of the printed house will be tested in practice, checked in the conditions of the northern state of maine, where winters are quite cold and very snowy. but to create a cozy home atmosphere, it’s better not to print or knit decorations. how about a teapot sweater? maybe? furniture urgently needed dress up, let's look through our online selection, listen, are you sure that you and i are dressing up our chair, otherwise it seems as if we just threw things on it, but let me add more, oh, nothing i i don’t understand your fashion trends, clothing items for interior furniture were literally flooded with internet videos, at first it was perceived as an opportunity to update the upholstery of a boring chair. or even create a new decor item using old clothes.
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this guy found this chair in a trash heap and turned it into a true work of modern art. anyone can do this again. and this option is for the lazy, let’s say you have an old zweeter and a not very favorite chair. we wrap the seat, fasten everything with glue or a stapler, and you're done! well, these items of clothing are created specifically for your favorite things. clothing for the kettle performs a double function; it allows you to maintain the temperature of the water longer, plus they will give the kitchen incredible comfort. with the help of knitted items you can quickly update your interior, and also get creative, i wonder what color my ficus has a favorite: purple, red, or maybe green? i think this is very... cute and practical, this video even turned out kind of sad, the pan clearly doesn’t
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have enough hot food inside, since you have to insulate it from the outside, that’s it, stop, the washing machine says it’s freezing, so that jacket is new, i still need it myself, and then knowledge, strength, algebra, naked, physics, down with it, to hell with everything, freedom, what is this, a riot on a ship, are you going on a rampage, they have a test again tomorrow, those are the nerves publish. o overabundance of tests, the expert and i will talk very soon, let’s take all the textbooks out of the trash can, you are watching
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the news on the russia channel, nikolay zuksik is with you, hello, we’ll tell you about the main thing today. the death toll in the collapse of a ten-story building in belgorod increased to 15. today all shopping centers and markets in the city will be closed to the public. the likelihood of shelling from ukraine remains high. that night, a missile threat was declared once again. according to governor vyacheslav glodkov, the funds air defense forces shot down several targets on approach to the regional center. despite the threat, rescue teams continue to work. on sunday, belgorod experienced one of the most brutal blows from the ukrainian armed forces. extremists used a tactical missile system.u, alha vampire multiple launch rocket systems. as a result of a terrorist attack , the entrance to a ten-story building in a residential area collapsed. in the midst of rescue work , a fragment of the roof collapsed and three employees of the ministry of emergency situations were trapped under the rubble. help for local doctors provided by doctors from moscow. a fundraiser has been announced in the ryazan region. the stronghold and
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manpower of the ukrainian armed forces in the kherson direction were destroyed by the crew of the gun. the self-propelled gun crew marched to firing positions in the dark. the shooting was carried out from a distance of more than 20 km. the destruction of the object was recorded by a drone. the artillerymen of the western group of forces also struck enemy personnel and weapons. the nationalists took refuge in the dugout. they were literally destroyed by sniper shots from a d-30 howitzer. in the south donetsk section special operations tankers ensured the advancement of assault troops. armored vehicles use cannon strikes to destroy enemy fortifications and pave the way for other vehicles through minefields. the main threat to the t-80 is enemy attack drones. therefore, the tanks are equipped with electronic warfare systems, dynamic protection and anti-drone nets. the camouflaged
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positions of the ukrainian armed forces unit were eliminated by the kamikaze drone operators of the north group. air. reconnaissance of targets was carried out from the border area of ​​the belgorod region, in the sky above the settlement of chasov yar , transbaikal paratroopers shot down the baba ega copter, and they shot him with a machine gun and machine guns. vladimir putin appointed sergei shaiga as secretary of the russian security council. the corresponding presidential decree was published on the kremlin website on sunday evening and has already entered into force. at the same time, it became known that shaigu would cease to head the ministry of defense, in which he had worked since... in 2012 , andrei belousov was offered to head the military department; he was the first deputy prime minister and oversaw the economic bloc. government. presidential press secretary dmitry peskov explained that the decision to appoint belousov as head of the ministry of defense was due to the need, quote: to integrate the economy of the security bloc into the economy of the country. in addition, the department must be open to innovation and advanced ideas. well, i’ll add
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that after the appointment of sergei shaigush as secretary of the security council, nikolai patrushev was relieved of this position. according to dmitry peskov, his new place of work will be announced in the coming days. work on forming a new government will take place today in state duma and federation council. candidates for the posts of deputy prime ministers will be readily considered. as the chairman of the lower house of parliament vyacheslav volodin said. the plenary session, where candidates for deputy prime ministers will be discussed, will last more than 60 hours. it is known that the post of first deputy prime minister has been proposed to denis manturov. and in the federation council today consultations begin on candidates for the ministers of the security bloc and the foreign ministry. vladimir putin proposed reappointing vladimir klakoltsev to the post of head of the ministry of internal affairs, alexander kurenkov, head of the ministry of emergency situations, sergei lavrov - head of the ministry of foreign affairs. andrei belousov has been nominated as minister of defense. the second round
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of presidential elections will take place in lithuania. it will go away in 2 weeks. on sunday, none of the eight contenders managed to score more. votes, now the current head of state, getanas nausėda and prime minister ingrid simonita, will compete for the right to lead the republic for the next 5 years. experts assess her chances of being elected as low. at the same time, residents of the republic participated in a referendum on permission for second citizenship. turnout exceeded the required 50%, but a proposal to allow one more country's passport was rejected. flooding in turkey under the influence of bad weather. turned out to be hatay province. heavy downpours caused large-scale flooding. on the streets, stormy streams destroy everything in their path. shop operations and traffic were disrupted . according to meteorologists' forecasts. the water will remain, and the precipitation will end only by tuesday. owners of small shops are trying to resist the elements to protect their outlets using improvised means.
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don’t switch further regional news, we’ll see you residents of the moscow region in a few seconds. now. news from the capital region, last night may be the last one this month with frosts, the abnormal cold is gradually receding, already today it’s +10 this afternoon. on wednesday and thursday the air temperature will reach +20. friday is expected to be the most stormy, with a new cyclone bringing heavy rains. the weather will improve over the weekend. the federal air transport agency is investigating the incident with the plane in the moscow region. dangerous piloting occurred over the yaroslavl highway. the incident was caught on eyewitness cameras and was posted on social networks. according to preliminary data , the czechoslovak-made zlin z-142 single-engine, double-seat training aircraft in
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the north of the moscow region passed at an extremely low altitude over the m8 kholmogory federal highway. a risky maneuver could lead to negative consequences. one of the cars had to urgently move to the side of the road. traffic patterns will temporarily change in five districts of the capital, connected. with construction work and installation of utility networks. from today until july 7, one of the five lanes of the warsaw highway at the intersection with 33 km. from may 14 to june 6 , the lane will be closed on the section of the third obydinsky lane; from may 15, one lane will be unavailable on the seventh park and kubinka street. the results of a large-scale raid among scooter riders and cyclists are being summed up in the capital. last weekend, inspectors stopped users and escorted them out. preventive conversations, and also checked the availability of protective equipment. the main violations were traveling together, driving through a pedestrian crossing and non-compliance with traffic rules.
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since the beginning of the year , 26 road accidents involving mobility aids have already occurred in the eastern district, 25 people were injured. mostly, it is grandmothers and children who are injured, who are not particularly attentive initially on the sidewalks, and a person is rushing along it, accelerating at a speed of 30-40 km/h. on a bicycle or mobility aid, of course, they don't see them. electric scooters can be used to move along the sidewalk, maintaining a minimum speed and without interfering with pedestrians. it is now possible to find violators simpler, from this year scooters are equipped with license plates. the capital's prosecutor's office took control of the investigation into the incident on davidkovskaya street, where a group of teenagers came to an unfinished building to take a photo. a fifteen-year-old girl fell into a mine from the height of the eleventh floor. died, in order to find the body, rescuers had to break through the wall and the ventilation box. a criminal case has been opened under the article of causing death by negligence.
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the old dolgovoy house on mira avenue is being prepared for restoration. late 16th century building belonged to several owners, including merchants and professors of medicine. the work will affect both the facades and the interior of the two-story mansion. particular attention will be paid to artistic decor. specialists will restore the natural bas-relief, izrostsovo. parquet and stucco, the walls will be restored to their historical color and blocked windows and doors will be opened. may museum week opens. today guests are greeted by the battle of borodino panorama museum. there they will talk about the battle of 1812. the show will feature the chambers of an old english court and talk about the origins of the relationship between countries. on wednesday there is free entry to the tsaritsina nature reserve, where they are celebrating the 295th anniversary of the birth of catherine ii. viola seedlings decorated the capital's flower beds; it is traditionally the first planted and, due to its ability to withstand light frosts, the flowers decorated the streets, parks, courtyards and areas
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along the roads. specialists continue to prepare seedlings, using automatic sowing and drip irrigation systems. thanks to phased planting, the plants will delight muscovites until late autumn. all news is always available on media platform. we look in the app or look on the website. ru see you, let's see, love is when you look in one direction, look, look, look, you want to look, look, let's see, look, well , look at the screen, look at me, smell , look, look, sign the agreement, we we sign at the same time for 1 2 3, we sign up. look, look, maybe we can go to my place, just watch a movie, we
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gathered about. i decided that i needed to take the guys in, i came across such people who were not indifferent, support in word, hello, dear soldier, and in deed, without your help you would not have survived, only ours can, honor and praise to you, what you do is simply amazing, from monday to thursday on rtr. good morning,
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hello, well, we are starting the first full working week of may, today is the thirteenth, monday, svetlana abramova, denis stoykov, we are with you, this cannot but rejoice. fortune telling using coffee grounds, tarot cards and stars, to what lengths personnel officers will go to in order to select a suitable investigator for a vacancy. according to popular internet portal. when searching for employees, every seventh company pays attention to the candidate’s zodiac sign when hiring. entire hr departments, departments of astrologers, numerologists and fortune tellers are working on drawing up a compatibility chart between the employee and the company. such exotic methods are most often resorted to when appointing management positions, especially those related to finance. fortunately, most employers, the old-fashioned way, prefer people with a good track record and
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education. on the third school day go to schools for tests and examinations . because of this redundancy, teachers do not have time to explain and practice new material, but leave huge assignments for homework. oksana sirova was looking into whether rosobronadzor is ready to reduce the volume of tests in the nuances of the educational process. look, your answer was wrong, did you make a mistake somewhere? alice needs her mother’s help with her homework not only very often, but sometimes she needs to figure it out on her own. a seventh grader doesn't succeed, as a rule, this happens when in class, instead of explanation of the topic, they are given a test. the teacher is not in the mood, the teacher has a headache, he just gives tests so that the children study on their own and don’t bother him. it turns out that they give you a little table, go and mom and dad explain it to you. and it’s good if the process of doing homework together happens as calmly as with the labanovs, but in many families it turns into real battles. judging by surveys,
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one in five russian parents lose their nerve when faced with voluminous, complex tasks. on him, it is not surprising that schoolchildren sometimes they begin to sabotage tests, as gleb sometimes does. the ninth-grader admits that he simply skips some tests, and his parents, by the way, treat this with understanding. if i’ve already written three or four independent ones in a week, then i think i don’t have to go to the fifth, because well, what’s the point, i already have enough grades, when he’s already looking at me like that, with a slightly naughty look, i say: don’t go, he’s so ugh, he’s relaxing, yes, that is, i’m trying to balance between his psycho-emotional state and some inconsistencies
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well, mandatory... things, but , as a rule, there are not so many mandatory tests sent to schools from higher organizations, the bulk of testing activities are the initiative of the teacher and the school administration, this is due to the diagnostic works that the children write already in each grade, starting from the first, at the end of the year, the teacher believes that his children are preparing for these works in this way, this diagnosis affects the rating of the school on the rating of each teacher, and this is the pursuit of ratings. turns tests from a useful feedback tool on how children understand the material into a source of stress for all participants in the learning process. you just need to not be too attached to the ratings, work on coordinating out-of-school tests, and take care of the psyche, health, students and teachers, and not about formal positions;
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schools may be able to do this soon. is carried out without fail. rosobronadzor began checking the validity of tests in educational institutions, as a result of which excessive verification activities may be prohibited by law. there is something. use this tool in order to carry out diagnostics, mastering this or that material, a mark is not given, therefore, of course, the all-russian test is not a test, maybe then it can be done that the students themselves
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can also take part, but are not obliged, that is , do it like participating in olympiads, even if you participate there and show good knowledge, then this is some kind of an additional bonus will be for the student and will somehow motivate, but not force everyone in a row and additionally. stress at the end of the school year. absolutely true, each school can choose whether or not to participate in the all-russian testing work. but year after year we see that more and more schools choose such testing work, since it is very costly, difficult, and not every teaching staff can develop an adequate, scientifically based system for assessing knowledge in order to give students the opportunity to choose from their should parents participate in such work or not? and here. of course, the educational organization must consult with parents and students. this is written in our law, there are three main subjects of educational legal relations: children, parents, teachers. work to reduce control work has begun at the highest
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level. there is an official letter, an order from the ministry of education of rosobrnadzor, which is jointly carried out today by rosobrnadzor locally, each region has its own representative office, federal supervision service, just...
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teachers will have assessment materials attached to their personal accounts on the platform of unified content of general education, how do you feel about the western assessment system, traffic lights, when red still needs work, yellow, try to sing better, green that's it ok, in our opinion , the classic four-point system, well, two somewhere is really bad, but you can fix it, five, where you’re doing great, it’s still the most adequate today, yeah. that painting in traffic light colors is important with from the teacher’s point of view, what else needs to be done, how to update your methodology, how to find an individual approach to this child who gets this red traffic light, the child may,
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of course, develop an alarming feeling about the color schemes that, so to speak, are offered to them , thank you, thank you, our guest was the director of the institute for educational development strategy maxim kostenko. thank you very much, thank you. the collection of green tea reflects both tenderness and subtlety, bright flavors and aromas. classic jasmine, thyme and ginger, get started a positive day, morning time to brew azer tea. robbery attack, gas, you escaped from the orphanage five times, six who got away from the hands, all hope, completely wild guys, we need those repulsed for... a hole, they simulated it on a supercomputer and made a visualization that you can
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plunge into like a vom head on: astrophysicists have found a way to get into the black hole; they found the supermassive black hole, which is located in the center of our galaxy, the milky way, suitable for digitalization. in reality, of course, look beyond... the horizon events, the lot of science fiction cinema, because, unlike a computer black hole, ways to get out of the real one have not yet been invented, although science does not stand still, this is true, because if the stars light up, then someone needs it, for example, ours scientists know how to turn the night sky into a huge screen. andrey alekseenko will tell you more about the project: the descent, the command sounded and the giant angara rocket took off from the launch pad of the vostochny cosmodrome, so the launch took place in mid-april of this year new launch vehicle, the news went almost unnoticed about what exactly... the rocket carried on board, and this is also a new project
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of our engineers, the gagarinitsa nanosatellite, it’s like these three cubes, in this case it’s one unit, from such units large ones are assembled , well, larger satellites, up to 16 units, we launched three units, installed a laser on the satellite, it should be visible from the ground like a star, in the first flight the engineers’ task was to establish communication, record radiation on the surface of the earth, there was communication, everything was successful, the device had already passed flight tests, we were receiving... a signal over novosibirsk, over saransk, over moscow, over crimea. in the future, a whole swarm of cupsats will be sent into orbit. in this case , new constellations and even images will appear in the sky. true, to recognize symbols from the ground, dozens of spacecraft will be required, where each cube is one pixel, so next time the launch vehicle will be loaded to the maximum. this iron box is correctly called a transport and launch container and designed for two cupsats of three units each. this is where they are loaded. and so that the devices can take the desired position,
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line up in orbit, they will be equipped with engines; what kind of power plants they will be is still a question. engineers are also testing vibration motors and ion power plants. the selection of space content is also not yet complete. initially , they planned to broadcast advertising from space. we show an image, it could be a small text, it could be a word, it could be a declaration of love, a heart. it may be, news under the heading news for... the whole world. today, developers see several options for space broadcasts, from pictures and text to special tags. in this case, you will need to point your phone at the sky in the evening and simply scan the code. and then new products enter the russian automobile market. pickup trucks are becoming more popular among drivers. we’ll find out very soon what to look for when choosing. kalinon belek is a place where
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time stops. immerse yourself in sophistication and luxury, forgetting about time shores of the mediterranean sea. discover true excellence by making your dreams come true. hotel kalinan belek, where life turns into a fairy tale. hotel for an unforgettable experience rixas sharma is only for adults 18+. here you will find entertainment throughout the day. year-round performances by the best djs from around the world and comfortable rooms. rixsas sharmelshey is not just a vacation, it is a holiday for the soul, where every detail is created to be admired. hello, dear friends, yours is on the air
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favorite program 60 minutes. vladimir vladimirovich, we’ll talk about all the issues. place nuclear weapons. i have already demanded verified nuclear weapons. how are things on the front? the weather is cloudy, hail in places. the guys act confidently, the commander acts confidently.
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grief, i don’t believe that you betrayed me, but i must know the truth, i understand you, in order not to lose love, you need to lose your memory. retrograde amnesia, this happens, she won’t forgive me, but you remembered something, it seems to me, in you. it's easy to fall in love, you could do it, i want everything forget, but get out of this slush, let spring into your heart, belated spring, premiere on saturday on rtr, an unusual museum on
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the seabed attracts lovers of underwater excursions, there was aqaba off the coast of the jordanian resort. decommissioned military equipment was deliberately sunk; over the course of several years, the scrap metal became overgrown with shells, corals and other marine life, and began to look colorful and even mysterious. hundreds of divers dive every day to a depth of 15 m to see the underwater collection with their own eyes, touch take original selfies. the underwater museum was created to divert the attention of numerous divers from fragile coral reefs. what actually succeeded? the four-wheeled equipment that ended up in the hands of ivan zenkevich will still serve, because it is completely new. review of the latest pickup truck models right now. pickup trucks are in stable demand in many regions of the world, in some places they prefer expensive fashion models, and in others they prefer modest but hardy work options. today we
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will take a closer look at some new products. hyundai carried out a planned santa cruz model update. this is a compact pickup truck with a monocoque body, created on the basis of the tusan crossover, the car received a different radiator grille and the optics in general began to look more aggressive, especially in the special xrt off-road version. in the cabin , the dashboard and multimedia screen were combined, but there were no changes in technology. there are still two engines to choose from: a 2.5-liter naturally aspirated engine with 194 horsepower, or a turbocharged version of the same volume with 285 horsepower. the first gets an eight-speed automatic, the second a robot. start. sales are expected in the summer. last year , the full-size power king cong pickup truck from great wall came to our market, but so far it only has a manual transmission. but in the homeland of the model , a two-pedal modification recently appeared. the pickup truck is equipped with a classic eight-speed automatic transmission. the drive can be either rear-wheel drive or all-wheel drive. otherwise
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there are no changes. two engines are available in the line, either a two-liter diesel engine with a capacity of 163 horsepower, or a gasoline unit of that same. at 190 horsepower. they promise to soon bring an automated version of the power king cong to the russian market. fiat, meanwhile, introduced its new pickup truck called titan. this is my second attempt at this course after a bad experience with the fullback model. the current debutant is also not an original development, but a restyled copy of the peugeot lantre pickup truck, which the french created together with the chinese company chinggan, but titano has a different radiator grille and wheel design. base. the version will be offered with a single-row cab, rear-wheel drive and a chinese turbodiesel with 150 horsepower with a manual transmission; a two-row all-wheel drive version will also be available. there is already a 2.2-liter french diesel engine under the hood with a capacity of 180 horsepower with a six-speed automatic transmission. there is a reduction gear and a rear
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differential lock. first of all, titan will appear on the latin american market. our pickup truck segment is quite narrow, but still not.
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collapse of a multi-storey building in belgorod, rescue teams continue to search for survivors due to ukrainian shelling in the city markets and shopping centers will be closed. sergei shaigul, now secretary of the security council , signed the decree of vladimir putin. the ministry of defense has been proposed to be headed by andrei belousov. in the government, he oversaw the economic bloc. protesters outside the georgian parliament blocked traffic in the center of tbilisi and today intend to disrupt the final vote on the customary law. russia, the corresponding presidential decree was published on the kremlin website on sunday evening and has already entered into force. at the same time, it became known
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that shaigu would cease to lead the ministry defense, in which he worked since 2012. andrei belousov was proposed to head the military department; he was the first deputy prime minister and oversaw the economic block of the government. presidential press secretary dmitry peskov explained the reasons for the personnel changes. it is very important to enter. the ministry of defense must be absolutely open to innovation, to introduce all advanced ideas, to create conditions for
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economic competitiveness, this appointment will in no way change the current system of coordinates, the military component has always been the prerogative of the chief of the general staff, he will continue his activities, no changes are envisaged in this regard yet, and i will add that after the appointment of sergei shaigus as secretary of the security council, nikolai patrushev was relieved of this position. according to dmitry peskov, his new place of work will be announced in the coming days. work on forming a new government will take place today in the state duma and the federation council. candidates for the posts of deputy prime ministers will be readily considered. as the chairman said the lower house of parliament, vyacheslav volodin, plenary session, where the candidacies of deputy prime ministers will be discussed , will last more than 6 hours. it is known that denis manturov has been proposed to take the post of first deputy prime minister; consultations on candidates for ministers of the security bloc and foreign affairs begin today in the federation council. vladimir putin
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proposed reappointing vladimir kolokoltsev to the post of head of the ministry of internal affairs, alexander kurenkov, head of the ministry of emergency situations, sergei lavov, head of the ministry of internal affairs. andrei has been nominated as minister of defense belausova. in belgorod , search and rescue work has been completed at the site of the collapse of a ten-story residential building. 17 people were saved. 15 died under the rubble, the ministry of emergency situations reports. today all shopping centers and markets in the city will be closed to the public. the likelihood of shelling from ukraine remains high. that night, a missile threat was declared once again. as governor vyacheslav glodkov reported, air defense systems shot down several targets on approach to the regional center. despite the threat, they continue rescue teams work. on sunday , belgorod experienced one of the most brutal blows from the ukrainian armed forces. extremists used tactics. as a result of a terrorist attack, the entrance to
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a ten-story building in a residential area collapsed. in the midst of rescue work, a fragment of the roof collapsed, trapping three emergency situations ministry employees under the rubble. doctors from moscow provide assistance to local doctors. a fundraiser has been announced in the ryazan region. russian anti-aircraft gunners repulsed an air attack by the ukrainian armed forces in the donetsk direction of the special operation. calculations thor complexes provide reliable cover for ground forces. one such installation is capable of destroying several targets at once, from an airplane to a drone. thor goes from a traveling position to a combat position in a few minutes. guaranteed protection against air strikes allows forward troops to operate confidently. motorized riflemen completely liberated the settlement of berdychi on the territory of the donetsk people's republic from units of the ukrainian armed forces. the enemy clung to every meter of their fortifications. the stormtroopers had to break through with small groups of two or three people.
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nationalist dugout strong points were bombarded with grenades and then cleared with small arms fire. party, let's go, go, go, go. the senseless persistence of ukrainian militants also affected them. in the end we had to retreat with heavy losses. the enemy believed that he... we didn’t have enough strength and so on, he stood, stood, that is, when they started concretely, he already understands that he is being crushed, understands that he has nowhere to go, she began to weaken her resistance and in parts withdraw their troops entered the forest belt, the attack of ground forces was supported by helicopter pilots, the crew and k-52 combat vehicles hit the fortifications of the armed forces of ukraine with unguided missiles, all targets were destroyed, the pilots returned without losses. at the airfields in tbilisi, special forces police cleared the square in front of the georgian parliament building from protesters all night
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, a demonstration against the adoption of the law on foreign agents by the majority took place here all night. dissatisfied students, they blocked traffic along rostavelli avenue, erected a stage from a metal structure, on which, in addition to speakers, they performed variety performers. according to the organizers of the action, this morning it was planned to block the entrances to the parliament building and disrupt the final vote of deputies on the bill on transparency of foreign influence. a gigantic fire in warsaw destroyed one of the shopping centers; the flames raged throughout the entire area of ​​the building and the roof collapsed. it took more to localize the disaster. 50 crews and a dozen powerful water cannons. the fire-fighting team was reinforced by teams of chemical and environmental services. causal the origin of the fire is unknown. it is also unclear why the internal extinguishing systems did not work in time. there were 1,500 shops inside the burned complex. further regional news. do not switch with residents of moscow and the region. see you in a few seconds. now
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there is news from the capital region, last night may be the last frost this month, the abnormal cold, which lasted throughout the may holidays, will continue until the middle of the coming week, then the temperature will return to the climate limits, already today it will be +10 this afternoon, on wednesday-thursday the air will warm up to +20. the federal air transport agency is investigating an incident in the north of the moscow region, a two-seat training aircraft flew at the limit. low altitude above the federal highway m-8. dangerous piloting could lead to negative consequences. one of the cars had to urgently move to the side of the road. the capital is summing up the results of a preventive raid among electric scooter users. the main violations were traveling together, driving through a pedestrian crossing and incorrect choice of lanes. for movement. more than 16 thousand jobs will be created in the capital as part of the city
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program. investors will build technology and industrial parks. we'll tell you more about what's happening in the capital region in less than half an hour. all news is always available on the media platform, look in the application or on the website, see you. immerse yourself in a world of luxury and comfort at rixsas golf villas and sudes sharma shei. a stunning world class golf resort surrounded by lush green fields and endless horizons. enjoy modern design rooms and luxury villas ideal for couples and families. relax in comfort and
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style at rixsas golf villas and suits sharmasha. welcome to the newest rixas hotel in sharmelsheikh. riksas radomis sharmelsheikh is an ideal place for a family holiday, where everything is created for the happiness and comfort of the children of their parents. escape from everyday life into a world of endless entertainment. enjoy themed rooms, the largest children's playground in the region and an unforgettable holiday. riksas radomis sharmel sheikh.
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good morning, hello, well, we've been waiting for a while to work, now, finally, all the may holidays are over, we're starting a full-fledged working week, may 13th on the calendar, svetlana abramova, denis stoiko are with you. scientific research has shattered the stereotypes of freezing. it turned out that men are more chilly than women, as has long been believed; representatives of the stronger sex tolerate cold worse and generally like it hot. american scientists recruited 28 people into the group for the experiment. every day they spent 5 hours in room where the temperature varied from 17 to 31°. there is no arguing that men like it hot. so +23° became comfortable for men. women also felt great at lower temperatures.
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however, at 17° none of them got tooth on tooth. no one else, at this temperature , no one began to refuse warm tea sweaters, when we give up sweaters, and who else definitely could use a warm jacket this spring, we’ll find out from maria borisova, she will tell you what weather awaits us in the coming days, maria, good morning, good morning, well , this time our main news is a magnetic storm, cold and high atmospheric pressure, and all of them, and all at once, and all of different scales, if there is a magnetic storm, then it has covered all over the planet , bright flashes of the aurora can be observed every night, and in the south, even usually this happens in the north, even the aurora is named, usually in the north, but here everything is unusual this time, well, it seems like it’s already in decline somehow , and the cold has covered. the entire european territory, which is also for may - it is a rarity. for you and i, this week will pass under the sign of coolness, only on friday the temperature in the center will return to normal, but there is good news, the anticyclone is
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protecting the sun, the sun will shine for you and me, and in general it’s a sin to complain, because in the north it’s only... only spring comes with a delay of 2 months, people there will only have +10 in murmansk, so you and i are still lucky, now i’ll tell you in detail. the sky over the southern regions of russia will be covered with fields of frontal clouds, so that thunderstorms will occur in the region from time to time. in such situation, the influx of solar heat to the earth's surface will be reduced, and daytime temperatures will not exceed 16-21°. local showers are also possible on the middle volga, but now warmer air masses will begin to enter the region by the end of the working week, the thermometer columns will reach +14-19. in the north-west of russia they are small. are expected only in the first days, but they will be associated with a warm atmospheric front, as a result, in the second half of the period, even in the north it will warm up to +12 +17, in the southern part until 17:22. in central russia,
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short-term thunderstorms, most likely at the end of the working week, in the first days the thermometers will show +8 -13, then the temperature will return to the climate in the afternoon up to +17 +22. in the urals , the warming will not be so noticeable; at the beginning of the work week it will be +lu during the day. +11 in the second half of the period to +12 +17. in southern siberia , on the contrary, the beginning of the working week will be summery, sunny and hot, during the day +22-27, then an atmospheric front will break into the region, bringing short-term rains and cooling until +13-18. in the south of the far east , light rain is possible in places in the first days, so it will be relatively cool. by wednesday the weather will improve and daytime temperatures will rise to +18-23 on the coast.
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amazing people, amazing ending! there is only one place, the first is the grand finale on friday at 21:30, you can’t live like this, you don’t even cry, and you want me to cry, it’s better, light bakni, premiere, tonight at 21:20. a real japanese fisherman doesn’t even need a fishing rod, five cormorants are enough for an excellent catch, traditions it has been used by waterfowl instead of ordinary gear for more than 13 centuries; it is carefully
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stored. the new trout season, which just started on the nagara river, was no exception. we went fishing at night, the light of the lanterns installed on the bow of the boat attracts trout, and agile cormorants dive for fish. then it’s a matter of fishing skill. we need to tighten it up. the bird by the rope tied to its legs and take the fish from it. however, not a single cormorant will remain hungry in the end; it will receive a reward for its work in any case. in fresh greens, just like in fresh fish also contains a lot of useful vitamins and microelements. ramson is considered one of these unique plants. its young shoots are collected immediately after the snow melts. in siberia, for example, it’s high season. do you eat wild garlic? wild garlic? yes, what is it? weed hang? very pleasant after winter, especially for the younger generation, this spring herb, which looks more like the leaves of a lily of the valley, may indeed be unfamiliar, but experienced housewives know that as soon as the snow melts, the wild garlic season begins, i buy wild garlic in season, well, somewhere in
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at the end of february, i peel, wash, simmer for about 5-7 minutes and i usually freeze, i’m khakaeva from the chechen republic who literally buys the first sprouts of wild garlic before the stems grow into leaves, in her family this is the favorite filling in dumplings. for the filling , i chopped wild garlic, i always add cottage cheese to it, it tastes better, the lambs with such a filling turn out, of course, special with a garlic aroma, vecheremsha, just like garlic actually relates to onions. plants, and there are several types of wild garlic: in siberia it is onion victorious with small leaves, slightly reddish at the stem, in the european part the bear's onion, the leaves themselves have a more light green color, smooth texture, we saw in the victorious onion, such a clear, clear pattern of veins, there is no such thing here, the characteristic garlicky aroma of wild garlic imparts aline, which under the influence of enzymes turns into alesin, so there is an opinion that the victory onion, that is, the siberian onion, has a more characteristic... smell than
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the european bear onion, i suggest checking it out. siberian bows, however, have more there is a bright garlic aroma, and there is clearly more licin here, and this substance is bactericidal, kills germs and fungi. but the main value of wild garlic, of course, is vitamins, vitamin a, it protects the immune system, our vision, vitamin k is important for blood clotting, all b vitamins and a powerful antioxidant, vitamin c. fresh wild garlic leaves contain more of these substances, but many housewives try to pickle wild garlic, nutritionists they say this is a mistake, it’s better to salt it or... bacteria for our intestinal microbiota, this will also be an excellent preventive measure for colds, and even diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. moreover, the latter should not be confused with pickled garlic arrows, which in many markets are often passed off as wild garlic. and the salted wild garlic is real... salted
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garlic arrows have a similar taste, and we can say that, in principle, from a culinary point of view, this is the same product, but of course, scientists will not agree with this. if it is important for you to eat wild garlic, you can plant it yourself; it also reproduces vegetatively, that is, from bulbs and grows from a seed, loves the shade when there is leaf litter on top and does not like unnecessary disturbance, so there is no need to till the soil around it once again, in general, nothing complicated, you can try and grow it to eat. in the stavropol territory , the winners of the second national smart city award, which is held thanks to the national project housing and urban environment, have been announced. its developments are used in more than 200 cities in 52 regions of the country; digitalization of the implementation of modern technological services helps create a comfortable and safe living environment. this is where the rodina cinema itself was located.
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a popular place in the city since soviet times. tofik mirzakhanov knows firsthand how the historical center of derbent has changed , he has lived here for more than half a century , watches with interest the changes in the city, remembers how some establishments were replaced by others, buildings were erected, trees grew, but some things remained unchanged, he was always a bad witness to any transformations asphalt. the road was broken, even dump trucks drove here. these dump trucks occupied without that narrow road on which there was no longer room for pedestrians, says tofik. fishing between cars, people did not notice anything around, but arbend is a real open-air museum. the story here is in detail, they are literally at every step. there are over 300 objects of global, republican, federal and local significance. and in order to be able to admire this beauty in comfort, large-scale transformations have begun in derbent. thanks to the implementation of the national project, housing and the urban environment, mahals, ancient historical the neighborhoods changed their appearance and became the main pedestrian attraction. the residents called it
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the street of happy people, you can really feel the kindness and warmth, right from those around you, because everyone smiles and says hello to each other, it’s really, really touching. the friendly atmosphere attracts tourists, last year there were more than a million of them, local residents are only happy about this, they admit that derbend seemed to come to life, who knew that just one street would change the life of the whole city. the second wind opened at stavropol zheleznovodsk, the resort town, famous for its mineral springs, acquired another place of worship and the territory of an abandoned lake was built here, they did it on a grand scale, here is the largest solarium 60 m long, there is a sports embankment, there is a large children's embankment, there are piers in in the form of leaves that grow on our trees, there was also a place for fans of fishing, a special area was equipped for them, away from the noise and bustle, order is now monitored by smart cameras and they see every visitor, in good weather here there are more than 5,000 people, pyotr gavrilov rests in a sanatorium nearby, every evening he comes to the lake, he speaks in
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only 19 cities, today his developments are being implemented in more than 200 settlements in 52 regions of the country. this year the competition received more than 650 applications from 56 regions. the most active participants. steel moscow - 23 applications, tyumen region - 18 applications, st. petersburg, krasnoyarsk and stavropol territories submitted 17 applications each. can you explain to me why we are leaving st. petersburg and dragging ourselves to this sample? u
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i have problems in business. do you remember vasya’s timepiece? and she was still in love with you, but she’s not married, it would seem that we’ve been living together all our lives, we know everything about each other, but not everyone, well, you liked me at school 20 years ago, are you really still obsessed with this? stupid children's love, this is stupid, girls love their dreams to come true, olya, your husband, your husband is cheating on you, olya, let's get away together, pash, stop, this has never happened before... you don't see me, you you don’t even look in my direction, but i, i woman, where we are not, on friday on rtr, there are places that fascinate, because they are part of the cultural code, because they have
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power, beauty and history, conquer, the return is ready, explore, nature, mother, dear, just ...incredible beauty, you already understand what the vietnamese’s favorite means of transportation is, there are 10 million moped drivers here, try it, oh, your eyes wide open, how delicious everything is, as my mother says, it’s mind blowing, this world is worth it see him, snake charmers are the most ancient profession in india, they say: a correctly made bukhara knife became a real amulet for its owner, in secret to the whole world, on sunday on rtr.
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here you will find people of different professions and animals of different breeds, but they have one thing in common - sincere, strong friendship. to fall in love. white fluffy, i said, i want a white cat, here he comes, oh you’re good, pet the stubborn one, he loves to grab there with his claws, tame the biting one, voice, voice, give me a paw, give me a paw, well done, well done, warm up a stray, come to my key a parrot flies from the sky, stars ready to do anything for their own... you are among friends, among friends, a program for the whole family, on saturdays on rtr. today
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is the birthday of the russian state television and radio company, exactly. 3 years ago the first episode of the vesti program was released, the rtr tv channel began broadcasting, which since 2001 began to be called russia. congratulations to all our colleagues and of course the audience. in addition to russia-1, on which you watch our morning, vgtrk includes channels russia-24, culture, carousel and more than 80 regional branches. and also vgtrk is radio, vesti fm, mayak, radio russia and radio culture. well, for those who want all the information for entertainment. on our channel, this is a multi-part melodrama “light in the window”. a captivating story about love and bonds that
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cannot be broken. what is family, value or burden? reply at 21:20, don't miss it. hello bogdanova. i understand that today is the twins' birthday, which everyone ignores, but i really need to see my whole family. it would seem that a common grief should unite, but alas, as often happens in real life, the bogdanov family. is collapsing, the death of one of the children, a once close-knit happy family separates their loved ones, perhaps they will never become truly family again, but it seems that fate is giving them a second chance that cannot be missed. the light in the window is a story that simply cannot leave anyone indifferent, says the leading actor dmitry miller, because everyone is able to recognize themselves in the characters in the film. this is all, in general, close to us. we all encounter these stories in life. loss of loved ones, meeting new
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relationships, children, these stories with children, everything interconnected, it turns out that the past is closer than it seems, the actions of several generations of a family can influence today, old grievances, misfortunes, mistakes often prevent one from finding happiness now, maria kulikova is sure, the role of the mother of a large family that has lost its spiritual closeness, the actress admits, personally, it made her think about a lot. in particular, about those cause-and-effect relationships that ultimately decide our destinies. ol' doctor said this is the only chance. how can you say that, these are our children. leave me alone. to me i really like the move that will be used in this picture. we see the ruined destinies of people, divorce, tragedies, and then for the audience we rewind back how it all began, how it all happened, why. and most importantly. is there any hope of becoming one again, one family, even if thanks to new tests, because it’s easier for everyone to go through them together,
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i had a miscarriage, why miscarriage, are you, are you pregnant, each of the heroes of the tv series will have a chance to realize the value of family mustache, the creators promise, but we’ll find out if it works soon, starring maria kulikova, dmitry miller, alena yakovleva, elena tsyplakova, valery afanasyev and many others, audiences are waiting. meeting with your favorite actors, it is impossible to predict the twist in the plot, however, as in life, the bogdanov family will gather at one table today at 21:20. and then, a soulless robot is driving. in what critical situations the autopilot can help out, in which it can fail, who should be responsible for this, we will find out after the news. you are watching the news on the russia channel, nikolay zuksik is with you. hello, let's talk about the main thing today.
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vladimir putin nominated andrei belousov for the post of minister of defense. until recently, he was the first deputy prime minister and oversaw the economic block of the government. at the same time, the president appointed sergei shaigura secretary of the russian security council. the corresponding presidential decree was published on the kremlin website on sunday evening and has already entered into force. shaigu will cease to lead the ministry of defense, in which he worked since... presidential press secretary dmitry peskov explained that the decision to appoint belousov as head of the ministry of defense connected with the need to quote: integrate the economy of the power bloc into the economy of the country. in addition, the department must be open to innovation and advanced ideas. well, i’ll add that after the appointment of sergei shaigush as secretary of the security council, nikolai patrushev was relieved of this position. according to dmitry peskov, his new place of work will be announced in the coming days. work to create something new. composition of the government will be held today in the state duma and the federation council. candidates for the posts of
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deputy prime ministers will be readily considered. as the chairman said lower house of parliament vyacheslav volodin. the plenary session, where candidates for deputy prime ministers will be discussed, will last more than six hours. it is known that the post of first deputy prime minister has been proposed to denis mantorova. and in the federation council today consultations begin on candidates for the ministers of the security bloc and the foreign ministry. vladimir putin proposed reassigning vladimir. kolokoltsev for the post of head of the ministry of internal affairs, alexander kurenkov, head of the ministry of emergency situations, sergei lavrov, head of the ministry of foreign affairs. andrei has been nominated as minister of defense belousova. in belgorod , search and rescue work has been completed at the site of the collapse of a ten-story residential building. 17 people were rescued from the rubble, 15 died, the ministry of emergency situations reports. today all shopping centers and markets in the city will be closed to the public. the likelihood of shelling from ukraine remains high. that night , a missile threat was once again declared; as governor vyacheslav glotkov reported,
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several targets were shot down by air defense systems on approach to the regional center. despite the threat, they continue work. on sunday, belgorod experienced one of the most brutal blows from the ukrainian armed forces. the extremists used a tactical missile system.u, alha vampire volley fire rocket systems. as a result of a terrorist attack, the entrance to a ten-story building in a residential area collapsed. in the midst of rescue work, a fragment of the roof collapsed, trapping three emergency situations ministry employees under the rubble. doctors from moscow are providing assistance to local doctors. a fundraiser has been announced in the ryazan region. stronghold and manpower of the ukrainian armed forces in the kherson direction destroyed the crew of the msta as gun. the crew of the self-propelled gun marched to the firing positions in the dark, firing at a distance of more than 20 km. the destruction of the object was recorded by a drone.
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artillerymen from the western group of forces also struck enemy personnel and weapons. the nationalists took refuge in the dugout. they were destroyed by sniper shots from the d-30 galbits. in the southern donetsk section of the special operation, tankers ensured the advancement of assault troops. armored vehicles smash with cannon strikes strengthening the enemy and paving the way for other vehicles through minefields. the main threat to the t-80 is enemy attack drones. therefore, the tanks are equipped with electronic warfare systems, dynamic protection and anti-drone nets. disguised positions of the unit. aerial reconnaissance of targets was carried out from the border area of ​​the belgorod region. and in the sky above the settlement of chasov yar, transbaikal paratroopers shot down the baba-ega copter. he was shot with a machine gun and machine guns. the second round of presidential elections will take place in lithuania. he will pass in 2 weeks. on sunday, none of
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the eight contenders managed to get more than 50% of the vote. now for the right to lead the republic. turnout exceeded the required 50%, but a proposal to allow one more country's passport was rejected. the hatay province was hit by flooding in turkey. heavy downpours caused large-scale flooding. on the streets, stormy streams destroy everything in their path, disrupting the work of shops and traffic. according to meteorologists, the water will remain and the precipitation will end only by tuesday. next, regional news, do not switch residents of moscow and the region, see you in a few seconds. now there is news from the capital
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region: the abnormal cold is gradually receding, warm weather is returning to the capital, last night may be the last one this month with frosts. our correspondent artyom kuznetsov already knows the detailed forecast; he communicates directly with the studio. artyom, hello, when will moscow be comfortable like may? nikolay, good morning, but it will be comfortable very soon, for now, of course, we need to wait, now here we are working on the street.
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this sounds pleasant to the ears of muscovites, from friday until the end of the week the initial temperatures are about 10, in the daytime about twenty. let me remind you that over the past 10 days the weather has taken a dizzying turn, if at the beginning of may we wore t-shirts and it was a comfortable +20, then last week the city was literally covered in snow, we all remember the snow on our cars and it was even possible to actually build a small snowman , of course, such vagaries of bad weather affected... the feeling of weather-dependent people, dizziness, drowsiness, headache, but by the end of the week the weather will return to its climatic norms, +20°c, it will be warm like may, and we will all enjoy this sun. nikolay, thank you, our correspondent artyom kuznetsov told us about the weather for the coming days.
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the construction of the three-station new troitskaya metro line is entering the home stretch. as sergei sobyanin reported, the innovative one is ready for... at the bachurinskaya station, installation of lighting for the platform of engineering systems and interior decoration are underway. the work is 71% complete. at the same time, excavation work is underway in nazila. on systems and architectural finishes. the station is more than half ready. the traffic management center rates the busy capital's highways at zero points on svobodna streets, due to road work there are difficulties on the mkat from 29 km to the south-eastern roundabout. difficulties were recorded from the second to the seventh kilometer. slow traffic on the tula overpass. the federal air transport agency is investigating the incident with the plane in the moscow region. dangerous piloting occurred over yaroslavl.
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z142 in the north of moscow region passed on extremely low altitude above the federal highway m8, kholmogory. the risky maneuver could have led to negative consequences; one of the vehicles had to be urgently sent to training. the traffic pattern will temporarily change in five districts of the capital, this is due to construction work and the laying of utility networks. today, until july 7, one of the five lanes of the warsaw highway will be closed at the intersection with 33 km of mkat. from may 14 to june 6 , the lane will be closed on the section of third obydensky lane, from may 15, one lane will not be available at 7th park and kubenki streets. over 4.5 million viola seedlings were decorated. capital flowerbeds, it is traditionally planted first because of its ability to withstand light frosts, the flowers decorated the streets, parks, courtyards, areas along the roads, specialists continue to prepare the seedlings.
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all news is always available on the media platform, look in the application or on the website, see you. titanic luxury collection, welcome. in rixa with premium magavish suites and villas in hurghada, where luxury rooms and villas combined with a golden sandy beach,
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1 km long. impeccable service and exquisite cuisine will make your vacation unforgettable. rixas premium magavish sudes end villas, the holiday you've been dreaming of. hello, dear friends, your favorite program is on air 60 minutes, 60 minutes, today on rtf, life, a trick, a cruel thing, especially if you don’t lie to yourself, call everything by its proper name, light in the window, premiere, today on rtr. good morning, it's time
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to return to everyday work for both you and us. denis toikov and svetlana abramova today with you. and today is monday, a new work week, may, the thirteenth on the calendar. neural networks surround us everywhere. now they are even in a flower pot. the new home assistant looks so funny and technologically advanced. which will not allow any flower to wither. the subtleties of caring for each plant are now his headache. and the user just needs to look at the display and act according to the prompts of the neural networks. and no boring instructions for you, all information is given in the format of emoticons that everyone can understand. if the plant lacks moisture, a sad birth sign immediately appears on the display. and the flower rejoices just when the owner strokes it, although this is unlikely with a cactus. it will work out, well, somehow he can and will be happy, here’s the owner, cars are also becoming amazingly smart, with the approaching era of autopilot, the legislative discussion about the rights of
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artificial intelligence on the road is becoming more and more active. sergei egorov was looking into whether it is worth rushing to transfer control of the robot. when you see how clever a dozen drones are combines cope with field work, it seems that the era of unmanned vehicles is very close, robots perfectly keep their distance and are ready to turn the steering wheel for days without... corrections for fatigue russian autopilots are now used in more than thirty regions of the country and it is clear that smart technology, it in demand by farmers, but when from deserted fields it is artificial. intelligence moves on a public road, the picture becomes less rosy, this is what, for example, a traffic jam of robot couriers who have not shared the road looks like, and this is footage from china, where a car with an autopilot lost control and hit a cyclist ; the recent incident with a st. petersburg tram with a smart driver assistance system, which, due to faulty brakes, flew into a crowd at a stop, did not add confidence to robots. i wouldn’t take a driverless taxi, the technology is still crude, it still needs to be improved, people don’t drive such cars very well, what kind
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of driverless car could there be, how... yes, it’s impossible to test driverless delivery, citizens’ fears are not groundless, mistakes are possible even the ardent ones complain about robots supporters of cars with the so-called driverless mode, despite the fact that mikhail’s car is equipped with the latest generation autopilot, he repeatedly had to urgently take control into his own hands, it cannot completely replace the person behind the wheel, it does not recognize arrows, if the markings are bad, it starts get lost, on the previous version, for example, in a traffic jam i had that she tried to turn sharply to the right a few times... in addition to technical failures, the problem is that the logic of digital perception is different from human one. on in practice, this leads to the fact that smart cars often read the moon above the road as a yellow traffic light or can respond to a road sign printed on a pedestrian’s t-shirt. there have been cases when a highly automated algorithm detected markings in macaroons left on the road and reacted to them. there are problems with this, that is, how to avoid this,
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testing is necessary both... in a virtual environment, at the test site, and at experimental sites. at the same time, not only the smart cars themselves need improvement, but also the legal a framework regulating liability for errors made by a robot. if someone is hit or killed or seriously injured, then the question arises: who should go to prison? the one who owns the machine, the one who produced it, the one who wrote the software, maybe the director of a programming company, or maybe the programmer himself, or maybe a tester who should not be used. let's continue this topic. with us today is a member of the presidium of the coordination council for the organization of driverless cars on public roads traffic evgeniy litvin. evgeny vladimirovich, good morning. good morning. good morning. well, on a legal issue. as i understand it, different nuances appear when between the drone and... the owner
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of the car there is also someone who wrote the software or a dispatcher who controls it remotely, so what nuances can appear here? it seems to me that when there are so many directions of those who are responsible, then in fact it is almost impossible to find a specific person responsible, i am prepared for this just now a draft law on highly automated vehicles, the level of responsibility is delimited by law, yeah, between whom, between the owner. centers, dispatchers and producers. at what level is the development of unmanned vehicles in general now, what needs to be improved, all other things being equal, a self-driving car is the safest car on the road, yes, it always follows traffic rules, it maintains a safe distance, in case of an emergency it will make the most correct decision, there out of a billion, yes, any basic driver, he
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so... unprepared for work, for managing emergency situations, well , listen, even if there are perfect markings, there will be correct traffic signs everywhere, again , people will not go out in t-shirts, because we heard in the story , that all these nuances, they can disorient an unmanned vehicle and an accident can happen, this certainly worked for those vehicles that were produced in previous years, which are even missed... now even if a person with experience, he can foresee some kind of situation, the same emergency, yes, well , figuratively, if we compare, say, how artificial intelligence plays chess, it is clear that they play according to the rules of chess, we know that on the roads many people break the same rules, that’s how drones can quickly respond to emergency situations that occur due to the fact that other participants in the movement are unmanned and do not behave according to the rules; an emergency situation is
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a situation that does not exist... from the point of view of mathematics, intuition is the ability to quickly analyze possible situations into consequences. therefore, an unmanned car, like a certain, conditionally supercomputer, can calculate faster than any person and choose the most optimal option, when can unmanned taxis really appear? well, unmanned
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taxis may appear in the very near future; by and large, they even now already exist in certain closed territories, as pilot modes, yeah. at the same time, of course, first of all, it is already starting to work, this is municipal equipment, this is public transport, especially moreover, taking into account the huge shortage of drivers, both in public transport and in municipal vehicles, when at least the legal basis for the appearance of unmanned vehicles on the roads of our country is ready, here i can probably answer for the issue of preparation. the draft law, because then it’s up to the legislators, this year i think that the law will already be included in the state duma, thank you very much, our questions were answered by a member of the presidium of the coordinating council for the organization of traffic evgeniy litvin, have a nice day, thank you, thank you, new deceived victims of alfons
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velanchilista from colombia, he lay down next to me, began to pester me, he began to threaten me, who is angela torres, our film crew went to colombia, what we had to endure. with a correspondent on the streets of one of the most dangerous cities in latin america, and how angel toros managed to deceive the migration service. malakhov, today at 16:30. we need more sports shoes, even more, this is the life motto of an ecuadorian collector who is laying claim to a world record. estobano del hiero took 45 years to purchase almost 6,000 pairs of sneakers. this is double the current record in the same category. installed in the usa. most of the models presented have long been discontinued , and sometimes the companies that produced them have disappeared. this means that the price of such shoes has increased many times over. but stban is not going to sell rarities. after registering the record, he
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will donate it to the charity fund for supporting young athletes of ecuador. well done! but many russians are not hoarding collections, but only debts. according to credit bureaus stories, almost 30% of borrowers have. three loans each, about 9% more than five. daria tivanova will tell you what measures the state is taking to reduce the number of debt-ridden citizens. i took out a mortgage of 2.5 million at 9.1 percent, and i had a car loan of 700,000 at 25%. the consumer 54,000 that i took was at 33%. with such a number of loans, the total amount of monthly payments to alesya for lugovskoy bank. is 35,000 rubles, and this is more than half of the girl’s income. olesya is in no hurry to apply for another loan, after all, the debt burden is already high. and thousands of russian citizens are in a similar situation. when applying for loans, many borrowers cannot sensibly assess their financial situation. as a result, he ends up in
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real money bondage. but to prevent this from happening, you should clearly calculate your debt load, because banks are ready to issue loans even to those who have this indicator or, in other words, their personal income tax is quite high. the debt burden indicator is calculated as the ratio of average monthly income. individual's total monthly loan payments, if you spend more than 50% of your monthly income on paying payments to banks, then this indicator is considered very risky, in other words, before running to the bank for another loan, it is worth seeing how much will be left for living, for example, with a salary clients for 100,000 rubles, banks can take out a mortgage with a monthly payment of 40,000, if you add a car loan with a payment of 15,000 , a consumer loan, then the total financial burden can reach 80% of earnings, and even such colossal... amounts are sometimes not can stop citizens from taking out new loans; fortunately, since the twenty-third year , the central bank has had quantitative restrictions for banks on issuing unsecured consumer loans to citizens with a high personal income tax; in the near future , the bank of russia plans to introduce a similar practice in relation to mortgage loans. banks will continue to issue loans, including to people with
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a debt load of 50% and people with a debt load of 80%. but in the total volume of issuing such loans, and the number of these loans, it will be reduced to no more than 25% of the total. issuing loans should borrow loans exactly here people with high debt loads. it turns out that with such a partial restriction , there is still a risk that some borrowers will find themselves in a difficult financial situation, and therefore the rules, experts advise , should be tightened. the restrictions that the central bank imposes on the number of loans issued to one person, due to the fact that he has a debt load, from my point of view, must be translated from recommendations into law, if the credit institution still issues this... loan , then it should be applied certain punitive measures. perhaps such a step will not only reduce the number of risky clients for banks, but most importantly will help the citizens themselves not to find themselves in a difficult financial situation. and then. a design technique that will change the atmosphere
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and style in your home. we'll soon tell you about interesting interior details with our own hands. your husband has filed a complaint for attempted murder. what? he suspects me. we'll figure out who poisoned him. i need to do an examination of the drug. how could you, little joke, i'm not going to make excuses. you go through the stage, everything is against you. i promise we 'll figure it out. spring is late, premieres on saturday on rtr. i thought that here everything is more serious, you sit and think, there’s no need to think about it, here it’s all about it, to play or not to play, yes, yes, that’s it, there can’t be two opinions, because we have five of them, this dangerous. but when it comes to fleas, i am beyond
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competition, there are questions here about how everything is running, wow, i really want to check, seriously, this is flirting, obviously, only let's go have a look, it must be edible , i had in mind, of course, a bear, when such a stinking little one spoke, a hint in general, the most gambling team, if there is not 1000, zhenya will add his own, then what many people use, the strongest love for the game, this is a five -on-one program, i, oops, five-on-one, on saturdays on rtr, watch, love is when you look in one direction, look, look, look, you want to watch, look, let's see , look, well... look at the screen, look at me, carefully, look, look,
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sign the agreement, we sign at the same time, for two, three, we sign , we look, we look, maybe we’ll go to my place, just watch a movie, you’re watching 100 to one, what’s our task to open the whole board, we can handle it, if you ask, then with the underside, last name what character? from pushkin's works, everyone knows how much it will be 7,8, 7,8,8, whatever, whoever is at work, speaks a lot and loudly, if you mark, then with humor, i am an oak tree, chop, not, pinch, problems with water and light , housing and communal services, i don’t know what else, geometry, algebra, physics, chemistry. this is a headache kit god forbid, now beep, if you win, then
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hurray, 100 to one, every saturday and sunday on rtr, print yourself a new house, modern, environmentally friendly and inexpensive, the world's largest... construction 3d printer was launched in the usa. in fact, this is a small robotic factory that could change the future of construction. the 55 m2 house with floors, walls and roof was printed in just a few days. waste from the wood processing industry in combination with bioresins was used as ink. looks like cardboard. it’s not for nothing that the megaprinter was called the factory of the future. thus, engineers plan to once and for all solve the problem of housing shortage for small people. families, but first a test copy
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of the printed house will still be tested in practice, checked in the conditions of the northern state of maine, where winters are quite cold and quite snowy, so it is better not to print decorations to create a cozy home atmosphere, but to knit them. how about a teapot sweater? or maybe your furniture urgently needs to be spruced up? let's look at our online selection. listen, are you sure that you and i are dressing our chair? otherwise it seems as if we just threw things on it, but let me add more, oh, i don’t understand anything about your fashion trends, clothing items for interior furniture literally filled internet videos, at first it was perceived as the opportunity to update the upholstery of a boring chair, or even create a new piece of decor using old clothes; this guy found this chair in a trash heap with the help of unnecessary shirts into a real work of modern art,
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anyone can repeat this, and this option is for... and also to fantasize, i wonder what the favorite color of my ficus is, purple, red, or maybe green, i think it’s very cute and practical, this video is even ... then it turned out sad, the pan clearly doesn’t have enough hot food inside, since you have to insulate it from the outside, that’s it, stop,
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the washing machine says it’s freezing, that jacket is new, i have more to myself... and then knowledge and power, algebra, whole, physics, down, to hell with everything, freedom, what is this, rebellion on ship, are you freaking out, they have a test again tomorrow , the child’s nerves are showing, well, at the end of the year the school sums up the results, the school sums up the results all year, every week they test their knowledge, but they don’t have time to explain, this is the result. there is no reason not to do your homework, and the expert and i will talk about the overabundance of tests very soon. go ahead, take all the textbooks out of the trash can.


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