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tv   Mestnoe vremya  RUSSIA1  May 13, 2024 8:00am-8:36am MSK

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freedom, what is this, a riot on a ship, are you going on a rampage? they have a test again tomorrow, and the child’s nerves are getting the better of him. well , at the end of the year the school sums up the results, the school sums up the results all year long, every week the knowledge is tested, but they don’t have time to explain, this is the result. this is not a reason not to do your homework, and the expert and i will talk about the overabundance of tests very soon, let’s take all the textbooks out of the trash can. you
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are watching the news on the russia channel, nikolay zursik is with you, hello, let's talk about the main thing today. already 15 people have died as a result of the collapse of a multi-storey building in belgorod. rescue teams continue to search for survivors; markets and shopping centers in the city will be closed due to ukrainian shelling. sergei shaigu, now secretary of the security council , the decree was signed by vladimir putin. the ministry of defense has been proposed to head it. protesters outside the georgian parliament blocked traffic in the center of tbilisi and today intend to disrupt the final vote on the law on the oblast agent. vladimir putin nominated andrei belousov for the post of minister defense until recently, he was the first deputy prime minister and oversaw the economic block of the government. at the same time, the president
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appointed sergei shaigush as secretary of the russian security council. the corresponding decree was published on the kremlin website on sunday evening and has already entered into force. shaigu will cease to lead the ministry of defense, where he has worked since 2012. presidential press secretary dmitry peskov explained the reasons for the personnel changes. it is very important to integrate the economy of the power bloc into the economy of the country. write off so that she corresponded. decided that the ministry of defense would naturally have a civilian head the president at this stage. the ministry of defense must be absolutely open to innovation and implementation. all advanced ideas
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for creating conditions for economic competitiveness, this appointment will in no way change the current system of coordinates, the military component has always been the prerogative of the chief of the general staff, he will continue his activities, no changes are envisaged in this regard yet. well i will add that after the appointment of sergei shaigur as secretary of the security council , nikolai patrushev was relieved of this position, according to dmitry peskov. the new location will be announced in the coming days. work on forming a new government will take place today in the state duma and the federation council. candidates for the posts of deputy prime ministers will be readily considered. as the chairman of the lower house of parliament vyacheslav volodin said. the plenary session, where the candidacies of the deputy and prime minister will be discussed, will last more than 6 hours. it is known that the post denis manturova was proposed to take over as first deputy prime minister. and in the federation council it starts today.
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in belgorod, search and rescue work has been completed at the site of the collapse of a ten-story residential building. 17 people were rescued from the rubble, 15 died, the ministry of emergency situations reports. today in the city. all shopping centers and markets will be closed to the public; the likelihood of shelling from ukraine is still high. that night, a missile threat was once again declared. according to governor vyacheslav glatkov, air defense systems several targets were shot down on approach to the regional center. despite the threat, rescue teams continue to work. on sunday, belgorod experienced one of the most brutal blows from the ukrainian armed forces. the extremists used the tochka tactical missile system and multiple launch rocket systems.
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there is a vampire in the setup. as a result of a terrorist attack, the entrance to a ten-story building in a residential area collapsed. in the midst of rescue work, a fragment of the roof collapsed, trapping three emergency situations ministry employees under the rubble. help for local doctors provided by doctors from moscow. a fundraiser has been announced in the ryazan region. russian anti-aircraft gunners repulsed an air attack by the ukrainian armed forces in the donetsk direction of the special operation. the crews of the torus complexes provide reliable cover for ground forces. one such installation is capable of destroying several targets at once, from an airplane to a drone. and from a traveling position. thor goes into combat mode in a few minutes; guaranteed protection against air strikes allows forward troops to operate confidently. motorized rifles were completely freed from the ukrainian armed forces unit the settlement of berdychi on the territory of the donetsk people's republic. the enemy clung to every meter of their fortifications.
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the stormtroopers had to break through in small groups of two or three people. nationalist dugouts were bombarded with grenades and then cleared with small arms fire.
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in tbilisi, special forces police cleared the square in front of the georgian parliament building from protesters, and a demonstration against the adoption of the law on foreign agents took place here all night. most of the dissatisfied are students. traffic on rostavelli avenue they erected a stage from a metal structure, on which, in addition to speakers, pop performers performed. according to the organizers of the action this morning, it was planned to block the entrances to the parliament building and disrupt the final vote of deputies on the bill on transparency of foreign influence. a giant fire in warsaw destroyed one of the shopping centers. the flames raged throughout the building and the roof collapsed. it took more than fifty calculations to localize the disaster. and a dozen powerful water cannons. the fire-fighting group was reinforced with brigades chemical and environmental services. further regional news. do not switch with residents of moscow and the region. see you in a few seconds. now news from the capital
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region. last night could be the last frosty night this month. the cold, which lasted throughout the may holidays, will continue until the middle of the coming week, then the temperature will return to the climate. already today it will be +10 during the day, on wednesday-thursday the air will warm up to +20. the federal air transport agency is investigating an incident in the north of the moscow region; a two-seat training aircraft flew extremely low altitude above the federal highway m-8. dangerous piloting could lead to negative consequences. one of the cars had to urgently move to the side of the road. the capital is failing. the results of a preventive raid among users of electric scooters, the main violations were traveling together, driving through a pedestrian crossing and incorrect choice of lanes. the may museum week starts, today guests are greeted by the battle of borodino panorama museum, where they will tell about the battle in 1812. on wednesday
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you can visit the reserve for free tsaritsina, they celebrate the 295th anniversary of the birth of catherine ii. the exact schedule of events is on the mayor's website. more details about events in the capital region in less than half an hour, all news is always available on the media platform, look in the application or on the website, see you.
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we invite you to the swiss hotel sharmelsheikh, the world's first all-inclusive swiss hotel, treat yourself to a holiday where... and natural beauty merge into perfect harmony. create memories that will stay in your heart forever. swissotel sharmel sheikh, yours. an ideal location in the heart of the city. new deceived victims of alfonso velanchilista from colombia. he lay down next to me and started pestering me. he started threatening me. who it? angela torres, give me three children. i really believed it. our film crew went to colombia, what the correspondent had to endure on the streets of one of the most dangerous cities in latin america, and how angel toros... managed to deceive the migration service. malakhov, today on rtr. good morning. hello. well
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well, we are starting the first full working week of may. today is the 13th, monday. svetlana abramova, denis stoykov, we are with you, this cannot but rejoice. fortune telling using coffee grounds, tarot cards and stars... what kind of tricks do personnel officers go to in order to choose a suitable investigator for a vacancy. according to a popular online portal for searching for employees , every seventh company pays attention to the candidate’s zodiac sign when hiring. entire hr departments of astrologers, numerologists and fortune tellers are working on drawing up a map compatibility between employee and company. such exotic methods are most often resorted to when appointing management positions, especially those related to finance. fortunately, most employers, the old-fashioned way, prefer people with a good track record and
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education. during the third period of school time , schools spend tests and examinations . because of this redundancy, teachers do not have time to explain and practice new material, but leave huge assignments for homework. is rossobrnadzor ready to reduce volumes? tests in the nuances of the educational process, oksana sirova understood. look, you have the answer. it turned out wrong, you made a mistake somewhere, and alice doesn’t need her mother’s help with her homework very often, but sometimes a seventh-grader can’t figure it out on her own; as a rule, this happens when in class, instead of explaining the topic, they are given a test, the teacher is not in the mood, the teacher has a headache, he just gives tests so that the children study themselves and don’t touch him, it turns out that they give mom and dad explain this table to the children, and it’s good if the process of doing homework together happens as calmly as with the lobanovs. but in many families it turns into real battles, judging by surveys,
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every fifth russian parent’s nerves can’t stand the voluminous complex tasks, it’s hard to blame them for this, because moms and dads have to take on teaching functions unwillingly, because teachers themselves are now everything more often in lessons they do not so much teach knowledge as test it; according to statistics, today there are tests take up to 30% of teaching time, this tool can be effective if the teacher uses it correctly, but as often happens... i say, don’t go, he’s so ugh, he’s relaxing, yes, that is, i’m trying to balance between his psycho-emotional state and some not
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-so-mandatory things, but mandatory tests, as a rule, are not sent down to the school from higher organizations , the main volume of testing activities is the initiative of the teacher and the school administration, this is due to those diagnostic works that are written by the children of each grade, starting from the first, at the end of the year, the teacher believes that his children are in this way... and prepares for these works, these diagnostics affect the rating of the school on the rating of each teacher, and this pursuit of ratings transform tests from a useful feedback tool on how children understand the material into a source of tension for all participants in the learning process. you just need to not be too attached to the rating, work on agreeing on control tests work outside of school and within school to take care of.
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the mark is not given, so of course, the all-russian test work is not a test work, maybe then it can be done that the students themselves can also take part,
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but are not obliged, that is, do it like participating in olympiads, let them show it if you participate there. good knowledge there, then this will be some kind of additional bonus for the student and will somehow motivate, but not force everyone in a row and create additional stress at the end of the school year. absolutely that’s right, each school can choose to participate or not to participate in the all-russian testing work. but year after year we see that more and more schools choose such testing work, because it is very costly, difficult, and not every teaching staff can develop an adequate, scientifically based system. it is imperative with schoolchildren, we must consult with parents, the law states that there are three main subjects of educational legal relations: children, parents, teachers. reduction work control work has been started at the highest
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level, there is an official letter, an order from the ministry of education of the russian social education supervision.
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general education will be attached to classrooms on a single content platform , assessment materials, how do you feel about the western traffic light assessment system, when red still needs work, yellow, try to sing better, green everything is fine, in our opinion, the classic four-point system. coloring traffic lights - this is important from the teacher’s point of view, what else needs to be done, how to update your method of how to find an individual approach to this child who finds himself at this red traffic light, the child may
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, of course, develop an anxious feeling about the color schemes that, so to speak, are offered to them. we understand you, thank you, thank you, our guest was the director of the institute for educational development strategy, maxim kostenko, thank you very much, thank you, the collection of green tea reflects the tenderness and subtlety of the bright flavors of the aromas, classic jasmine, thyme and ginger, start the day with a positive, morning time to brew aizer tea, premiere on the russia channel, when are you going to tell everyone about your monastery, when... are you also going to tell your friends about us? have you already told your parents about surrogacy? well, why did you gather us all today? come on, tell me what changes you have there? do not want? ok, then i'll tell you. light in the window. today at 21:20 on the russia channel. astrophysicists have found a way to get into a black hole, they simulated it
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on a supercomputer and made a visualization that you can plunge into like crazy . they didn’t go far, they were suitable for digitalization, we considered the supermassive black hole that is located in the center of our galaxy, the milky way. in reality, of course, looking beyond the event horizon is the destiny of science fiction cinema, because, unlike a computer black hole , no way to get out of a real one has yet been invented, although science does not stand still. this is true, because if the stars light up, it means someone needs it, for example, our scientists, they know how to turn the night sky into... a screen, andrey alekseenko will tell you more about the project. descent. the command sounded. giant rocket the hangar lifts off from the launch pad of the vostochny cosmodrome, so in mid-april of this year the launch of a new launch vehicle took place, almost unnoticed the news went about what exactly the rocket was carrying on
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board, and this is also a new project of our engineers, the gagarinets nanosatellite, it’s like these three cubes , in this case, this is one unit, large, well , larger satellites up to 16 units are assembled from such units, we launched three units, the satellite installed a laser, it should be visible. like a star. on the first flight, the engineers' task was establish communication and detect radiation on the surface of the earth. there was communication, everything was successful, the device had already passed flight tests. we received the signal over novosibirsk, over saransk, over moscow, over crimea. in the future, a whole swarm of cupsats will be sent into orbit. in this case , new constellations and even images will appear in the sky. true, to recognize earth symbols, you will need dozens of spacecraft, where each cluster is one pixel. so i'll follow. transport and launch container and is designed for two cupsats of three units each, this is right here this iron box is correctly called , they are loaded, and so that the devices can
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take the desired position, line up in orbit, they will be equipped with engines, there will be some kind of power plants, while the question is, engineers are testing vibration motors and ion power plants, the choice of space content is also not yet completed, initially they planned to broadcast advertising from space, we are showing an image, this... today, developers see several options for space broadcasts from pictures and text to special marks, in which case you will need to point your phone at the sky in the evening and simply scan the code. and then new products enter the russian automobile market. drivers are becoming more popular. apm what to look for when choosing, we’ll find out very soon, you ’ve been hoping for so many years that everyone will get together again,
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it looks like today it will happen, you’re happy , well, of course you’re happy, the premiere, you look good, you look younger, as if, yes, of course, i forgot how to give compliments, hello, what? for the roar, nothing brings a large family together like a big a mystery, what the police say, a classic accident, dmitry miller, from the outside everything always seems obvious, this is white and this is black, i prefer to call a spade a spade, maria kulikova, you understand that this decision will change your whole life, alena yakovleva , elena tsyplakova, we are not to blame, what should we do now, remain silent. light in the window, today on rtr. our life was a fairy tale, a storm. peter always tried to do everything to
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make me happy. for the first time, and the main loss in my life. i never i will forget this evening, when this happened, as you found out, i heard, through the phone, a terrible exclamation, such a terrible cry. no, everything, it just turned upside down in my soul, sometimes my heart happens, as if it has a presentiment, petya is leaving, and he always joked somehow, i have such a presentiment, something, well, will happen to the plane, or something, he comes into my room and says: you don’t want to say goodbye to me, i have the impression that if i were there, this wouldn’t have happened, they say that time heals, time heals nothing heals, time simply teaches you to live without... for him the fate of a person with boris korchevnikov on friday on rtr, sunday, nadyuha with us
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is like a cheese in a mask, and her husband is rich, all the world, don’t envy, not everything is like that for them smoothly, on what occasion is the holiday, how can you prove it? it's none of your business, sunday on rtr, we...
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where to look for help? you only need five ingredients that will benefit the entire body: two decades pass from the onset of the disease to its manifestation, so the whole family needs to be examined. the most important information from the most competent sources: take care of your complex body, take care of yourself and be healthy, and most importantly, from monday to friday on rtr.
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an unusual museum on the seabed attracts lovers of underwater excursions. off the coast of the jordanian resort of aqaba , decommissioned military equipment was deliberately scuttled. over the course of several years, the scrap metal, overgrown with shells, corals and other marine life, began to look colorful and even mysterious. hundreds of divers dive to a depth of 15 m every day to see the underwater collection for themselves. eyes. touch and take original selfies. the underwater museum was created to divert the attention of numerous divers from fragile coral reefs. what actually succeeded? the four-wheeled equipment that ended up in the hands of ivan zenkevich will still serve because it is completely new. review of the latest pickup truck models right now. pickup trucks are in stable demand in many regions of the world. somewhere they prefer expensive fashion models, and somewhere they prefer modest,
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but... working options. today we will take a closer look at some new products. hyundai carried out a planned update of the santa cruz model. this is a compact pickup truck with a monocoque body, created on the basis of the tusan crossover. the car received a different radiator grille and the optics in general began to look more aggressive, especially in the special xrt off-road version. the interior combines a dashboard and a multimedia screen. but there were no changes in technology. there are still two motors to choose from. a 2.5-liter naturally aspirated engine with 194 horsepower or a turbocharged version of the same volume with 285 horsepower. the first one is equipped with an eight-speed automatic, the second robot, the start of sales is expected in the summer. last year , a full-size powerking pickup truck from grerewall came to our market, but so far it only has a manual transmission. but in the homeland of the model, a two-pedal modification recently appeared. the pickup truck is equipped with a classic
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eight-speed automatic transmission. the drive can be either rear-wheel drive or all-wheel drive, otherwise there are no changes. two engines are available in the line, either a two-liter diesel with a capacity of 163 horsepower, or a gasoline unit of the same volume with 190 horsepower. they promise to soon bring an automated version of power king kong to the russian market. fiat, meanwhile, introduced its new pickup truck called titan. this is my second attempt at this course after a bad experience with the fullback model. the current debutant is also not an original development. and a converted copy of the peugeot lantreck pickup truck, which the french created together with the chinese company chiing, but the titano has a different radiator grille and wheel design. the basic version will be offered with single-row cab, rear-wheel drive and a chinese turbodiesel with 150 horsepower and a manual transmission. a two-row all-wheel drive option will also be available. there is already a french diesel engine under the hood with a volume of 2.2 liters, a power of 180 horsepower, and
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a six-speed gearbox. automatic, there is a reduction gear and a locking rear differential, first of all the titan will appear on the latin american market. our pickup truck segment is quite narrow, however , there are several models, and this list will only expand. for example, jak is coming soon plans to introduce its flagship t9 pickup truck. will wait. and then, a miracle cure. and wow, well done, our doctor, i wonder what he mixed in there, but nothing special, ordinary wild garlic, hush, denis, it seems to me that they’re actually eavesdropping on us here, we’ll tell you in secret about the benefits of wild garlic very soon. you are watching the news on the russia channel,
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nikolay zuksik is with you. hello, let's talk about the main thing today. vladimir putin nominated andrei belousov for the post of minister of defense. until recently he was the first deputy prime minister and oversaw the economic block of the government. at the same time, the president appointed sergei shaigur as secretary of the russian security council. the corresponding presidential decree was published on the kremlin website on sunday evening and has already entered into force. shaigu will cease to lead the ministry of defense, where he has worked since 2012. presidential press secretary dmitry peskov explained that the decision to appoint belousov as head of the ministry of defense was due to the need - quote: to fit the economy of the security bloc into economy. nikolai patrushev was relieved of this position. according to dmitry peskov, his new place of work will be announced in the coming days. work on forming a new
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government will take place today in the state duma and the federation council. candidates for the posts of deputy prime ministers will be readily considered. as the chairman of the lower house of parliament vyacheslav volodin said, a plenary session will be held to discuss. nominations for deputy prime ministers will last more than 6 hours. it is known that the post of first deputy prime minister has been proposed to be filled denis manturov. and in the federation council today consultations begin on candidates for the ministers of the security bloc and the foreign ministry. vladimir putin proposed reappointing vladimir kolokultsev as head of the ministry of internal affairs, alexander kurenkov, and the head of the ministry of emergency situations, sergei lavrov, as head of the ministry of internal affairs. andrei belousov has been nominated as minister of defense. in belgorod , search and rescue work has been completed at the site of the collapse of a ten-story residential building. 17 people were rescued from the rubble, 15 died, the ministry of emergency situations reports. today the city will be closed to visit all shopping centers and markets. the likelihood of shelling from ukraine
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remains high. that night, a missile threat was once again declared. as governor vyacheslav glodkov reported, air defense systems shot down several targets on approach to the regional center. despite the threat. rescue teams work. on sunday, belgorod experienced one of the most brutal blows from the ukrainian armed forces. the extremists used a tactical missile system.u, multiple launch rocket systems alha installations a vampire. as a result of a terrorist attack , the entrance to a ten-story building in a residential area collapsed. in the midst of rescue work , a fragment of the roof collapsed. three employees of the ministry of emergency situations were trapped under the rubble. doctors from moscow are providing assistance to local doctors. a fundraiser has been announced in ryazan. the mirgorod military airfield in the poltava region was attacked by the russian armed forces, the airbase was used for attacks in belgorod and donbass. a series of explosions were heard in the kharkov region;
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an air raid alert has now been declared in the region. general staff the afso recognizes the success of our military and calls the current operational environment complex and dynamically changing. the crew of the self-propelled gun marched to the firing positions in the dark, the shooting was carried out at a distance of more than 20 km, the destruction of the target was recorded by a drone, and the artillerymen of the western group of troops also struck enemy personnel and weapons, the nationalists took refuge in a dugout, literally with sniper shots from a d3 howitzer.
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the main threat to the t-80 is enemy attack drones, so tanks equipped with electronic warfare systems, dynamic protection and anti-drone nets, trans-baikal paratroopers shot down in the sky over the village of chasov. he was shot with a machine gun and machine guns. the urals and siberia of russia are still in the grip of winter. snowfalls have resumed in the chelyabinsk region. temperatures dropped below zero in some areas. it will only get warmer by the end of the week. the snow cyclone continues to destroy the khabarovsk territory. up to half of the monthly rainfall fell. wet snow, rain, strong winds with gusts up to 14 m/s. this is the next few today. days there will be weather in yakutia, in the tyumen region , storms are also raging, but sandy ones, a rare phenomenon for siberia, were captured by eyewitnesses. next, regional news, do not switch residents of moscow and the region, see you in a few seconds. now the news of the capital region
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is abnormally cold. is receding, last night could be the last one this month with frosts and the pomaysk warm weather returning to the capital. our correspondent, artyom, will tell you a detailed forecast for the coming days. kuznetsov. comfortable may warmth will return to the city very soon, but for now the weather...


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