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tv   Utrennyaya pochta s Nikolaem Baskovim  RUSSIA1  May 13, 2024 9:25am-10:10am MSK

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not all of those who protest are ready to openly state their position. al jazeera reports that britain canceled the visa of palestinian student dani abukamar after she spoke at a protest last year. the uk home office has decided to revoke my student visa following my public statements about the right of palestinians to resist oppression and lift the illegal blockade of gaza, which has been going on for over 16 years.
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we need to boycott israel, we need to stop sending people there in the first place. weapon. the most notable demonstrations over the weekend took place in italy and germany. in britain, the government is due to submit a report this week on how to tighten legislation to curb pro-palestine protests. alexander khabarov, ilya murdyukov, vesti, uk. french president macron has been accused of social cleansing after he ordered riot police to evict homeless people from paris ahead of the olympics. social workers claim that people are put on buses and taken hundreds of kilometers away. from the french capital. in this way, macron is trying to hide from the guests of the sports festival the scale of poverty in the french capital. human rights activists say that for now the largest transnational corporations and manufacturers. luxury goods share
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future profits, thousands of homeless parisians live in fear. the second round of presidential elections will take place in lithuania, it will take place in 2 weeks. on sunday, none of the eight contenders managed to get more than 50% of the vote. now two people will compete for the right to lead the republic in the next 5 years ideological russophobes, the current head of state gitannes nausėda and prime minister ingrida simonyta. her chances for...
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alexander sergeevich, this is the star to which we strive and will never reach it, but the rays of this star accompany us all our lives. he is not a mystery, but speaks to us like a good parent who does not preach, but does good. today on our channel there is the premiere of “drama light in the window”. an attempt to gather all members of a large family at one table turns out to be revealing. secrets of each invitee, but shocking the news will also help loved ones unite and solve problems together. starring maria kulikova, masha koshina, dmitry miller and alena yakovleva. read more about what awaits viewers immediately after the evening news. ekaterina frolova. i have been hoping for so many years that everyone will get together again, it looks like it will be today. are you glad? of course i'm glad. rare meetings of the bogdanovs at the same table are not only joy.
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the whole family is trying to start life again, but olga’s mother can’t survive it after one of the twins passed away, grief. so many years have passed, nothing helps, everyone coped with it except me, what do you know about others, someone else’s soul is in darkness, she gave up on herself, she couldn’t... cope with this pain, she destroyed the family with the banner of this pain, the more interesting it is to watch watching how she will still try to get out, because circumstances will develop in such a way that she cannot give up everything to go to a monastery, now her youngest daughter needs her more than ever, musya is stubbornly trying to build a life in her own way alone makes a decision that will change not only her fate, excuse me, but who are you? that means she never told you that. what didn't you say? maria, our
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surrogate mother. the light in the window is a poignant story of several generations of one big family, where there is everything, secrets, misunderstandings, love twists and turns... of course, hope for future happiness, which sometimes seems impossible, that you look younger, as if the look is different, yes of course, i’ve forgotten how to give compliments, yes, but one day they will still have to remember that they are one family, starring maria kulikova, dmitry miller, valery afanasyev, alena yakovleva and elena tseplakova. it's not our fault, what should we do now, remain silent, the premiere of the dramatic saga is light in the window. u... today, immediately after the evening news, don’t miss, ekaterina fralova, aleftina degala and kirill stogov, news. all news is always available on the media platform, look in the application or on the website, take care of yourself and see you.
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call right now, we will reduce the price especially for you, the dremalinost swan pillow will be yours for an incredible 39.95, and you will immediately save 20 euros. but hurry up, the offer is strictly limited and is valid for a short period of time, provocation is treacherous behavior, there is a difference between a man and a woman, i noticed, then it turns out that my husband and my cat, the most intelligent creature in our family, orientalism, this is conditional some kind of parallel agenda, why not a reef for you,
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the side with the most necessary knowledge about health, we dispel myths, we help you find out the truth, how to act in order to land well, you need to warm up before that, on what to pay attention to, each risk factor should have its own pill, where to look for help, you will need only five ingredients that will benefit the whole body, two decades pass from the onset of the disease to its manifestation, so you need to be examined: the whole family. the most important information from the most competent sources. take comprehensive care of your body, take care of yourself and be healthy. about the most important things - from monday to friday on rtr. life is a cruel
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thing, especially if you don’t lie to yourself everything is yours. the light in the window, premiere, today on rtr. if a film were made about my father, it would eclipse the glory of agent 007, andrei boyarinov, the son of the legendary special forces soldier and hero of the soviet union, grigory boyarinov, once dreamed. grigory ivanovich's whole life consisted of dangerous and incredible adventures under the vulture. secret. already at the age of 32, having gone through the great
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patriotic war, he received the rank of kgb colonel. it was grigory boyarinov who created the so-called smart special forces. one day he himself pursued the enemy, sitting on the wings plane, by his own decision he went with his students to storm amin’s impenetrable palace in afghanistan. the impossible mission was accomplished. but it became the last for the boyar, today in our studio his son andrei, for whom he was both a father and a superhero, this is the life and fate of grigory boyarinov, in the memoirs of his son andrei grigorich, good morning, i sincerely take this medal in my hands with such reverence hero of the soviet union, there is nothing higher than this award.
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at the same time courage and heroism, and behind this a phrase, a rather routine one, in general, a phrase stands for a huge feat, but what did dad do? this does not have a simple answer, grigory ivanovich died during the storming of the tajbek palace, when he, being 57 years old, participated in this operation directly together with his students, because this was the task, it was necessary to solve it, this is the legendary storming
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of the palace of the then president of afghanistan amina, absolutely right, yes, this is of course an incredible operation in the history of our special services, we need to rewind a little, in principle, tell why this is the most complex the operation was entrusted to dad, and then we will find out what all these incredible pennants are. cascades and other power groups of our special services. at the very beginning, when it all began, it was called by the complex name kuos, advanced training courses for officers. am i not mistaken here and do i understand correctly that at the beginning, at the source of all this, at the beginning of the creation of this invincible special forces, was your father? absolutely right. on march 19, 1969, the council
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of ministers of the ussr created this structure by its decree, and appointed head of the courses grigory ivanovich bayarinov. well, behind this name there was, well, a double bottom, at least yes, that is, in fact , a unit was officially created, which in wartime turned into a special -purpose brigade. north-western front, he began to fight as an eighteen-year-old boy in simple units, yes, as a platoon commander and quickly went
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from commander of a mortar platoon to company commander, at the age of 19 he received the order of the red banner for the way he spent the battles of 1941, in fact a boy commanding company, and after the end of the war, having first ended up in... the border troops, after that grigory ivanovich begins to study, here his mother, who was his combat companion since forty-three, had a strong influence on him, your mother, my mother, yes.. well, then dad comes, it was their joint decision, he is sent to study, he graduates from a military institute, it was called a military institute, in fact, then
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a kgb higher school was formed on his basis, he remains to teach. at this military institute, in the year fifty-nine, for due to the fact that he met a very interesting person on his life’s path, nikolai grigorevich starinov, such a saboteur of the century, and he is also called, he influenced him in a certain sense in terms of the need to write a dissertation, taking into account the experience of grigory ivanovich himself and grigory ivanovich worked for 4 years in-depth work on the dissertation, which...
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there was a dense period of training, that is, people were actually immersed in a combat situation , loaded with a variety of tasks, and the goal was not only to activate some physical capabilities, but also moral, psychological, intellectual capabilities, there are examples, for example, when people there are sent on a day march. they actually move for 24 hours at night with a lay out around the territory, the task is so that no one can notice them, then they build a cache where they stay there for 24 hours, and then, when they leave, they are suddenly given the task that they need to in the nearest village there is a small object, which was also guarded by the kgb, yes, to conduct reconnaissance
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to find out in general what he is doing, on him it’s better to penetrate, describe everything and report to the center, and after these... physical tests, people strain their intellectual energy, go there, talk at the market with sellers, with people in a beer stall, drink beer, discuss everything , within a day they understand how to get there, the next day in the morning several people on a train or freight truck enter the territory of this plant, stay there all day and find out everything they need, yes, they return in the same way.
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night march and they are given an uncle to weigh them down vanya, such an eighty-kilogram dummy and a man, they have to drag him to the point where the task will end, well, the young people are cunning and decide, they say they are very tired, exhausted, behind on time, and they say: let’s bury uncle vanya, well, they uncle vanya was buried calmly in the forest, in the snow in winter. they came and reported to grigory ivanovich, they said, uncle vanya died here, we buried him as a hero, so grigory ivanovich, realizing that this is humor, yes, that people are in this way, yes, here, well, after all, they weren’t late, they arrived on time, but the problem had to be solved, no one had canceled it, he immediately finds a solution, takes a sheet of paper out of his pocket and reads out to them an order that
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their comrade, whom they buried in the forest, awarded the title. the other understood what was behind these, this is something that you are telling, this is a movie, in fact, no movie can compare with this, but some kind of glossy one. bond is sleek, these are all cartoons compared to what grigory ivanovich actually did in life, about james bond, if we talk about it, this is probably
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closer to james bond, this is when he served in the border units, because after the end of the war he was sent to the border units, transferred to serve, so he served in estonia and there was such an episode when he was moving along the coast in a house with a soldier. not just one person, there are quite a lot of them, there, then it turned out that there were six or seven of them in this group, here he is, chasing them across the ice, the fighter runs up,
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he ran on the ice for a long time, threw off his sheepskin coat, the fighter reached communication point, called for help, while the squad was moving out there, they sent the plane to help to grigory ivanovich, the plane arrived, i showed grigory ivanovich a sign, fly, look what’s ahead, he flew away, understood, did it. the circle discovered the intruder, returned, sat down on the ice, stopped next to him, said: yes, there are 6-7 people walking there, what should we do? so grigory ivanovich says to him: take me there, we ’ll set up an ambush, he says: i have a single-seater plane, i can’t do anything, he says: i don’t know anything, do as you wish, they tied him to the wing of the plane, so they took off, flew over this line where they were violators, grigory ivanovich calculated the place there approximately. when he returned, yes, he ambushed them in toros, they came straight, right at him, the plane flew back, the intruders came towards him, and he, using the effect
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of surprise, disarmed them, removed the bolts from their weapons, they were armed, that’s all hung it on them, that’s how grigor ivanovich was already escorting them when the outfit arrived, it’s amazing, it’s not surprising that he, your father, was entrusted with leading this...
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well, such general words about the work: the flight went well, yes, although they crossed the border, immediately we felt a different world and arrived in kabul
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in the morning. the work there is going well, yes, but so , well, basically there are some small, small details that are important for the family, yes, it ends with asking your mother how you feel, yes, is everything okay, yes, they listen to you, igoryosha and andryusha, yes, and that means igoryosha was already 79, probably 30-something years old, and i’m 23, yes, and we had to obey our mother, yes, that’s why. this was definitely indicated in the letter, the question about his granddaughter, yes, whom he loved madly, but in this time there was a granddaughter, well, this letter is conveyed by grigory ivanovich, as if a person, yes, who was meticulous, attentive to little things and in relation to loved ones, and a completely unique person when he wrote this, and he already knew with what the real problem is, what he will do there, at that
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moment in the summer it had not yet happened... this storming of the palace, the storming of the palace arose at the end of the year in december, and in the summer this group, of course, was preparing some actions, so conducted reconnaissance, but it even seemed like some special actions were being prepared, that is, this there was a trip to prepare for this operation, but of course he already received the task, it turned out to be in the highest offices of the soviet union, and finally he received the task of the 23rd
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intelligence chief personally, about this andrei grigorievich, we will continue tomorrow, in the life and fate of grigory boyarin , thank you, your husband filed a report of attempted murder, what does he suspect of me? we ’ll figure out who poisoned him, i need to do an examination of the medicine, so you’re a magician, i’m not going to make excuses, you’re going through a stage, everything is against you, i promise that we will figure it out, spring is late, premiere on saturday on rtr.
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“we gathered about ten people into the first group, there were short calls, we are going to donetsk, you are with us, yes, when my fighters came running, they carried me, another shelling began, they laid me down, lay on top of me, alone the bullet is still in me, this is, let’s say, my trophy, someone was hungry, here comes my grandmother, hungry herself, but she’s carrying this kurba, priyuvody, she says, baby, feed the dogs, lend a helping hand. olga and i decided that i need to take the guys in, i came across such people, they are not indifferent, to support me in word, hello, dear soldier and in deed, without your help you would not have survived, only ours can, honor and praise to you, what you do is simply amazing , from monday to thursday
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on rtr, can you explain to me why we are rushing from st. petersburg to this selection? i have problems in business. do you remember tanka vasil, and she was still in love with you. and she is not married. it would seem that we have been living together all our lives, we know everything about each other. however not everyone. well, you liked me at school 20 years ago. are you still obsessed with this stupid childhood love, it’s stupid. girls love to see their dreams come true. olya, your husband, your husband is cheating on you. olya, olya, let's have sex together. pash, stop it. this didn't happen before. you don’t see me, you don’t even look in my direction, but i, i’m a woman. where we are not. on friday,
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on rtr. the floor is shaking, the walls are shaking, big ones have arrived. into the new season with a new renovation, with a slight movement of the hand, we are from this room absolutely faceless we are making three different functional zones, ideas are overflowing, we want to turn the radiator into an art object, there will be plenty of surprises and a lot of work, plans are turning into projects before our eyes, i adore plants, i am generally a plant maniac, from the living room of our heroes will bloom soon... real stone flowers, after dismantling, a lot will become clear, and dreams become reality, as you look, let them into your home, big changes, every
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sunday on rtr, hello, maybe the years haven’t changed, sunday, never lie to me , you like to fuck women, yes, i agreed to stay with my friend at the dacha, don’t worry, the earring will always protect me, hello, my love, it’s none of your business, sunday on rtr. mancacher whiskey, a product of the steller group.
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titanic luxury collection, monte shocha cognac, product of steller group. good morning, says dr. besyakov, we are starting the program, well, you know,
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from the most important thing, that is, about our health, it will be informative, it will be interesting, stay with us, we are starting, today in the program about the most important thing, tetanus. why it’s called a disease of summer residents and gardeners, that’s it? what plants can you get it from and what to do to protect yourself from it, a person bends over, the worst pains, oops, that’s how they lie, how allergies affect the incidence of viral infections, how useful is it to sleep for more than 8 hours, questions from the doctor, alexander myasnikov asks you you answer, i don’t know what it is, a home first aid kit, who should have parcetamol in it, and who should have acetylsalicylic acid, in what cases should drugs from the first aid kit be thrown away, that i
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i’ll say, it’s not rich, we’re trying to get sick less , 4 grams a day, you may well go to the other world. the topic of our column is tetanus, a deadly disease that has not disappeared anywhere from our planet, but the highlight here is different, a candidate of biological sciences will talk about the problems of tetanus, that is, not a doctor, a botanist, one might say, ekaterina baranova, katya, come here, kat , what a strange choice of topic, are you a nerd or what ? the nettle has not grown, in fact, angry people write to me, why are you looking for nat, even if you are friends there, we are generally relatives, not only friends, we talk as we want, tell me, one of the names of this disease is gardeners’ disease, why, because with
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earth, glass, flowers and stones, rusty nails and various systems for protecting the site from animals, we are with... and people will live after us, and the most important thing about this bacterium is that if you eat soil with colostridium, you will not die, imagine, and moreover, the spores of this clastridium are spores live in everyone's intestines mammals, and we are also mammals and we all have them, but when this spore germinates, or how to say it, and the injury cuts out from there, it must be a very dangerous microorganism, such a cunning one. the rod is very small, with two curves,
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like this, has up to twenty flagella, which indicates that, like most parasites, it can move, you know, and what does this brat do, if it gets into the blood, it calmly moves around this blood, but it does the biggest nasty thing by producing a toxin, but this toxin becomes dangerous because it damages axons, this is not... the nervous system is caused by the most severe muscle spasms, the face, a sarcastic smile will look, the person bends, terrible pain, convulsions, the disease is very common, it’s good that in russia no more die from it 40%, sick about thirty patients per year, it is believed that the greatest risk is boys under 15 years of age, due to... activity, high traumatism,
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pensioners, because they may not notice wounds and forget about them, and children , the main reason death - this disease was when pregnant women cut their umbilical cord, which was not hit with a sterile instrument, but this bacterium, it dies only after a very harsh temperature treatment, that is , just stick it in the fire, it doesn’t work like that if it ends up on ... countries, in india a very large number of babies and women still die, which is why , just like for whooping cough and other diseases, prevention and vaccinations for pregnant women, which many ignore, just in fear, they should be done before pregnancy, we should do everything once every 10 years, as a pregnant woman.
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he’s there, well, such a baby, i diagnosed him , it’s obvious from the sardanic smile, because my mother brought it and put it in front of me, and i ’ve never seen such children in my life, little ones, i didn’t have any of my own, that’s how she looks like , but she pokes at him, i took a closer look and really he can’t let go of this, i saw an adult when he did this, you think it’s like this, i tell you what’s in the chair, you know, when i’m not in school, well, medical school i looked at the symptoms, this apisa stonus, when you bend over like this, that you can
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only stand on your heels on your head, i repeated this, without any hornworm, katya, yes, i’m here, i’ll show you now how people with hornworm lie, well that i’m taking it out from under my butt, yes, yes, don’t be afraid, no, bye, oops, they ’re lying there like that, they can’t do anything at all, i don’t have an accomplice. well, this is so, for beauty, in fact, we have the number one means, this is vaccination, but we are already saying, yes, and in up to 20% of cases there is tetanus and there is no obvious we simply don’t find the reasons why, why we say that tetanus can be contracted by an injected rose bug, last year’s practice, which is accessible to doctors, it, for example, demonstrates such a case, a boy, he was just going for a swim, well, he came out of there
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into a puddle, glass has stepped on, glass is dangerous, it would seem, well, there shouldn’t be any on it, that is, on a rusty nail there is no flat surface, there could easily be bacilli on it, yes, well, on such a surface there could also easily be bacilli, on glass it seems like there isn’t maybe many believe that this is safe, the fact is that it is very difficult to completely remove glass from a wound, especially a thin fragment, so he ended up with three fragments, and what’s more, he also managed to do it. infect his brother, because his brother decided to pester him so that his parents, you know, there’s another game, we won’t tell the parents, so in short, he got hurt too, it’s very... lucky that it was in russia, because they still had the vaccine, they just had convulsions, but they were also painful, you know, and most importantly, that the restoration of axons, even if it can be done, saves people, it takes quite a long time, and thus people with many similar
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diseases can lose various properties, abilities and other things, so that it must be said, of course, for...
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2 3 4 5 6 six per group, and which ones they gave you, they gave you tetanus, tetanus, smallpox, well, in general, look, six people got tetanus, six people for 60 people in the studio, well, 10%, but already not bad, no, i thought worse, yes, but here you go, if it is possible to do it, now there are good vaccinations, where a complex ... is done against those diseases that people need to get, these vaccinations, well, they can really save your life, but i can tell you that there is hope for those who who is not vaccinated, german doctors, in my opinion, made an antitoxin in 1930, you know, well, this is how a snake
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eats you, there is the same vaccination, it does not give one hundred percent protection, but if you apply you will have an installation... and bottles break in this place very often and so on, this tool is necessary, here, if the glass crashes, yes, of course, you will ruin your boots, but your feet will remain intact, as for various very strange things, which we just don’t meet, so if people come and tell, that they let
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the dog lick the wound, well, this is a way of sterilization, others absolutely fantastically think that... you need to pour iodine on the wound, this is an absolutely meaningless action, they treat the wound with iodine, of course, but it has a completely different function, yes, that is treat the edges of the wound, as well as with the so -called brilliant green, rinsing with the so -called oxygen, water, water , running water, what do you think, running water is always safe, so you must definitely understand that if you have a wound, this is necessary to process, but if you are a risky person, yes, well, taking risks with yourself is one thing, but even then you are sure that you want to suffer like this, the pain is simply terrible, yes, that is, the most terrible toxin is a bottle of that...

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