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tv   Pesni ot vsei dushi  RUSSIA1  May 13, 2024 5:50pm-8:01pm MSK

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what do we have to do when we come out of the car and fall on the frame, the arrival, you see, has just arrived, we are now sitting in the bushes, because everything is whistling overhead, it’s impossible to even film normally.
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i will be on the front line, this is what you already fought for in 2022, the same thing again, you are angry, very angry, there was no first line of defense, we saw it, the russians just walked in, where there were minefields, they just walked in, ukraine says it is repelling the attack with reinforcements, but russia is probing the entire 1,200 kilometer front, in kharkov it i discovered a weak point. the russians have obviously advanced. for about a kilometer until
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the ukrainians managed to move reinforcements into the area to stop them. the real question, i think from an analytical perspective, is why? and i think that there are probably two key reasons, one of which is belgorod. we've talked a lot about belgorod, it's only about 20 km from the border and it's a key logistics center for most of their military activities. and ukrainian artillery regularly fires his. president putin has always said that he wants to create a buffer zone, but i am pushing back.
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another four british-made stormshadow aircraft cruise missiles and seven drones were shot down over the territory of the republic of crimea, four uavs were intercepted over the lipetsk region, 12 alha rockets were shot down over the belgorod region. this morning in belgorod, on shchorsa street , a search operation ended. 17 people were rescued from the rubble, and 15 more were rescued. found dead under the ruins. the day before,
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belgorod was subjected to a massive barbaric a strike by the ukrainian armed forces, a piece of debris from one of the downed tactical missile shells . a ten-story residential panel building was damaged, and as a result , an entire entrance completely collapsed. creepy footage. look, look, damn 155 - oh, horror! there is no home, the very first minutes after arrival, the third entrance of a ten-story panel building collapses, burying 40 apartments at once, heartbreaking screams are heard, a woman finds herself on the street in only a robe, a man in a tracksuit is holding a baby in his arms. the strike was carried out by rocket artillery and a tactical missile system dot y yet. production, such
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a weapon cannot be called high-precision, the missile has a circular, probable deflection of about 200 m. according to the tas agency, the launch was recorded in the area of ​​​​the village of kazachya lo. 5 km from the russian border, the distance to shchorsa street is 36 km; straight fragments of the ukrainian missile are scattered hundreds of meters around. that reference to a source in law enforcement agencies said that the missile was launched from the kharkov region. the preliminary launch was from the southwest, this is the cossack lopan area, the agency’s source said. the distance between this the village of shhortsa street in belgorod, where it collapsed. the house is less than 50 km, the range of destruction of point y is from 15 to 120 km. the moment of arrival is recorded by a video surveillance camera, at exactly 11 am 21 minutes, the epicenter of the explosion is on the third floor,
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explosions were flying in our entrance, they went out into the street, the kumar was very strong, the smoke was blowing away, that’s all, probably a few minutes passed, the wind cleared away the smoke, we saw that the neighboring entrance had collapsed. emergency situations ministry employees have been there for 4 minutes during search operations, when the ruins dozens of rescuers, the support plate of the roof is collapsing, there are no casualties, it’s a miracle, motherfucker,
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a minute of silence is announced at the scene of the tragedy to hear the voices of the survivors, can anyone hear us? a rescuer carries a man in serious condition through the window of the first floor of a neighboring entrance; they have been in contact with him for several hours; the emergency situations ministry employees crash into the concrete wall of an adjacent apartment using hydraulic tools. rescuers did not stop working all night, 17 survivors were pulled out from under the rubble, another 15
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people were found dead, the main part removal of the rubble from... a residential building on shchorsa street has been completed, of course, i wanted to say sincere words of gratitude to all those who, finding themselves near the scene of the tragedy, not for a second, without thinking about the risks to their own lives, rushed to save the people who were in the destroyed apartments , these were ordinary passers-by, men, women from neighboring houses, who rushed from the rubble and pulled them out. children, old people. putin listened to reports from acting minister of emergency situations kurenkov and governor of the belgogorod region golotkov since the situation around the destroyed entrance of a residential building in belgorod, as a result of the barbaric missile attack of the kiev regime, all necessary instructions have been given. over the past
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24 hours, ukrainian nationalists shelled belgorod three times, nine times the air raid siren roared in the city, as reported by the ministry of defense, a total of the ukrainian armed forces were released in belgorod. 36 tactical missiles and rockets from the al hai vampire missile system. the investigative committee of russia opened a criminal case. the main investigation department of the investigative committee of russia for in connection with the shelling of belgorod, a criminal case was opened for a terrorist act. on behalf of the chairman of the investigative committee , alexander ivanovich postrykin, criminologists and experts from the central apparatus of the department were sent to belgorod.
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the most powerful tactical operation was extremely successful without loss of personnel, and they managed to unhook the carriage. now it sadly stands on the territory of belarus. but nato continues its preparations for war with russia and is already suffering its first losses. the military maneuvers of the alliance, which began in sweden, called rapid response 24. the landing of a large landing in scandinavia, with a total number of 800 paratroopers and from different countries, ended for eleven of them. disastrously, they didn’t crash, but they broke quite a lot, as the tabloid afton bladet reports, soldiers from
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the usa, hungary and italy had to be evacuated by helicopter and taken to the hospital. in estonia, where nato members also learn to respond quickly in moscow. other curiosities. the times writes that british and estonian soldiers were forced to jump into a lake to make sure they did not have their phones with them. cause russian drones and rap systems, which can steal the personal data of nato soldiers, have already been stolen, no joke, independent reports that just two hours away in tanks from the russian border, the nato military is rehearsing close combat with the russian army , clearing trenches, that is, nato troops are learning from the experience of the war in ukraine, while the legend of the exercises also provides for a counterattack by the russian army for... attack helicopters of the us army apat, drones and rszzo hymers are involved.
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nato command officially exercises in estonia calls the first salvos of a future war on nato's eastern flank. at the same time, but already in the baltic sea and the north sea , the nato exercise “stoyan defender” continues. in these frames, the german ultra-small submarine u-36 with a length of 57 and a weight... the only french aircraft carrier, charles
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degaulle, in the event of a war in europe, will come under the command of nato, read the united states, and will be used by the alliance to create a no-fly zone.
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he returned from a multi-hour flight, he has been flying for 14 years and has been on hundreds of missions. he
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knows he might bump into others fighters, in particular russian ones, but nothing is impossible for this combat pilot. we are not showing aggression, we are simply showing that we, our presence , must be taken into account, that we are not afraid to fly here. however, we cross paths with them, but everything goes quite well. no one pronounces the word russia with some warships, especially such ones, the marines talk about certain rivals, everyone here thinks about them, behind the huge ones like...
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“we are in the mediterranean sea, i won’t show you exactly where we are, because i i simply cannot do this, it will not benefit our operation, the only thing i can say is that we are in international waters, since the aircraft carrier is the most sensitive and powerful target in the french mms, it needs to be protected, the guns are always loaded with ammunition and this allows start firing in any direction and at any time." this twenty-millimeter gun is the last line of defense of an aircraft carrier. today they are shooting at red balls. we must be prepared for new threats that may reach the ship. the situation in the red sea in ukraine has shown that threats are evolving. in particular, the threat from a drone. it is important to show the whole
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world that we know how to shoot, that our weapons work properly and destroy targets. muscles are a way of communicating and gaining respect. portuguese and italian frigates accompany the air naval group. this is the first time carzh dol has been under the control of nato forces, and there is a political message in this. we are collectively capable of fighting if necessary, this is essential for our allies, and also creates discomfort for our rivals. it is clear that they see that we have measures, that there are many of us, that we are capable of operational activities, this is also a possible message to those who have not yet decided.
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the american president was asked when a meeting would take place to debate his main rival, biden replied: organize it. fox news, at the same time, is confident in the victory of the republican candidate. donald's polling advantage is indeed becoming increasingly clear, according to a new pro-trump poll. 49% for biden 43. so on cnn decided that...
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according to official statistics, alienate all the main categories of their voters, including blacks, muslims and youth. in this regard, nerkpost calculated that in the last interview, in 17 minutes, joe biden lied 15 times at once, that is, he lied at intervals of 75 seconds. biden boasted that he created more than 15 million workers. places, although people simply returned to work after the lockdown, biden also believes that he was able to defeat inflation, which was at 9% at the start of his presidency, although in fact, the figure was at 1.5%, and according to the latest data, inflation in the united states right
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now is more than 3 percent. well, and probably the funniest thing, biden. said that 80% of world leaders are telling him, you have to win joe, democracy is on the rocks. it is absolutely impossible to believe this, but biden himself apparently believes it. after such nonsense, the daily coller analyzed the official white house transcripts. as it turned out, white house staff constantly correct biden’s public statements, that is, he says one thing and publishes something completely different on the website.
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joe biden doesn't look good, at first there were stories about his aides being forced to stand aside while he walked to the helicopter so that his stumbles would not be so noticeable. now it has become known that his handlers are trying to shorten his speech, but as biden’s supporters explain, this is a matter of business. president joe biden named north korean leader kim chang-eun president of south korea at
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a private fundraiser in california. eighty-one-year-old biden blames his 2024 rival former president donald trump for praising the north korean leader after several of their meetings during the republican administration. the president said that this concerns cnn. in the next interview, biden lied, lied, and lied again. this interview prompted journalists from the new york post to write an article saying that joe lied one
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time per minute during the conversation. if biden deviates from the script, it is either an outright lie or an easily verifiable exaggeration. in a word, history that has no sense. and thus, we have the current president of the united states, he is the leader, so he calls it. inflation, like ours, when i took office, inflation was 9%, 9%. yes, it was a lie that accounted for all three of the three jorathinas,
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but what's interesting is that in january 2020, when joe biden was sworn in, inflation was 1.4%, 1.4%. i personally checked this, inflation peaked a year and a half later, exactly in mid-june 2022, yes. it was then that inflation was 9%, but joy believes that he got the inflation in 9% when he became president. the next lie that joe nearly broke jorathin's meter with is if you look at it, people have money to spend. yes, this statement is an absolute lie, it is awarded because he said that people, americans have money that they can. spend, we are simply going crazy with joy that we have to pay more, no, we are suffering, inflation is simply tearing us apart, 60% of the population simply cannot
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close accounts for unplanned expenses, he lied about inflation, jobs, taxes, gas polls, iraq and much more, but according to joe biden, he is ready and willing to debate donald trump. the last thing the democratic party wants to do is put joe biden on public television. coach, i'm ready to play! we are returning to our main news; the new composition of the cabinet of ministers, including the law enforcement agencies, is now being approved.
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they also find their leaders, viktor zolotov has just arrived at the federation council, io is currently the head of the russian national guard troops, consultations with him, as with alexander bortnikov, the head of the fsb, and sergei naryshkin, the head of the svr, are held behind closed doors, that is, we probably won’t see, and maybe we will only partially know what the senators are talking about they say. with candidates for these posts, but we will move to the state duma, where today they approved and listened to all the deputy prime ministers, including the first deputy prime minister, dmitry petrov, our political observer in direct communication, how it was, were there any objections, what interesting, i welcome the studio, but
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now here in... the wall of the state duma is quiet, just an hour and a half ago, of course, there was a full house here, the confirmed deputy prime ministers came out and we tried to take comments from them to find out about first impressions about the plans for the next work, uh, i want to start with the fact that before the start of work, the speaker of the lower house, vyacheslav volodin, said that we know well, all the candidates, we went through all the difficulties with them, and now... last year the russian economy exploded 3.5% and that's saying that these people have worked well, so we are ready to approve them, this was the preamble, and now, according to the voting results, three deputy prime ministers were approved unanimously, this is the first deputy prime minister denis manturov, he has 431 votes, zero abstentions and zero against, patrushev - 433 in favor and chernyshenko 432 votes.
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but for the rest there are interesting statistics, there are only abstentions, and this is from 55 to 66 votes for the rest for the remaining seven deputy prime ministers, this coincides and correlates with the number of parliamentarians mandates from the communist party of the russian federation, and we called the party, and they confirmed to us that the other seven deputy prime ministers, candidates for the position of deputy prime minister, they abstained from them, well, that’s it...
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we could, of course, listen to understand how they plan work in new positions for themselves, then in old positions, all these candidates, and of course, the first deputy prime minister, denis manturov, aroused the greatest interest , you can listen to what he said. along with this , we will direct even more efforts to increase the defense capability of our state. today the russian defense industry is the most. powerful in the world in terms of production volumes of the main types of weapons and military equipment, at the same time, the geopolitical situation dictates the need to constantly improve the technical characteristics of products, meet the current needs of the army, which have increased significantly, and speed up work on promising models. apart from the ministry of defense, supplies have also
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increased. to the fsb, the russian guard, the ministry of internal affairs and the ministry of emergency situations, and even in conditions of a difficult budget, issues of logistics departments of the security bloc should remain the unconditional priority of the state. as in the previous government, there will be 10 deputy prime ministers, but it was possible to almost completely, yes, probably completely, yes, avoid combining posts, for example. dmitry patrushev, agro-industrial complex, and the candidate for leaving the ministers, deputy prime minister, will oversee agriculture and the post of minister of agriculture is oksana lut, this is a person from his team from the ministry, so she will be involved in agriculture, most likely, if tomorrow it will be approved, alexander novuk became deputy prime minister and will oversee the fuel and energy complex and the economic bloc, and sergei tsevelev,
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the governor of kusbas, will be the minister. energy, most likely again, if he is approved tomorrow, vitaly savelev, deputy prime minister for transport and logistics, and roman starovoyd, the current governor of kursk, perhaps. so a combination of posts is not expected, but denis manturov, the first deputy prime minister, instead of him the governor of kaliningrad will be the minister of industry, most likely anton alikhanov, today voting, discussion lasted almost 6.5 hours, yes, long, hard, intense work, but tomorrow there will be 16 candidates for ministers, and this work will be even longer, well... perhaps the studio, thank you very much, dima, our political commentator dmitry petrov, okhotny ryad, state duma are in direct contact, today
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the discussion lasted 6 hours, tomorrow they are talking even longer. alexandrich, have you given us a good government? well, you know, the event is actually completely extraordinary. for the first time in our history the state duma approves almost the entire composition of the government, with the exception of the security forces, and 10 deputy prime ministers, you know, when the president met with the government, this was his last meeting, said that the government worked well, in fact it did, because those conditions , in which the mishustin government worked, the pandemic.
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the pre said that they would definitely consider the result, well, i don’t know, maybe this was planned in advance, but nevertheless, in fact, the review procedure began not today, yesterday, all the deputy prime ministers went
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through committees, today they were asked one question each from the faction, yesterday it was a very, very difficult discussion, so andrei isaev and i... were at the committee on labor and social policy, where we considered the candidacy of golikova and katyakova as minister of labor. this conversation lasted for 4 hours, a huge number of questions, and difficult questions, well, in fact, like the very topic that was discussed, demography, health, and so on, that is, difficult questions exclusively from the communists, who are now will criticize the government.
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at least today it was stated at a meeting of the state duma that he will really oversee the economy. in the previous government, he showed himself as a person who oversaw the energy sector, conducted complex negotiations, including with arab countries, and indeed, if you remember, we had a critical situation with the export of our raw materials, oil, gas, and here, of course, nouk showed himself very well, i think that this and that is, of course, a person who does not understand economics, i wouldn’t be able to do this, he knows the fuel and energy
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complex brilliantly, he once worked in the ministry of finance, i think that this is a very serious figure, and most likely the economy will go to him, as for the candidacy, well, in agriculture , i think everyone is aware that we have had very serious harvests lately, in general it’s obvious.
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and in order to reverse this trend, and it will have to be reversed, because in the presidential decree 1.6, in my opinion, by the year thirty and 1.8, yes, if i’m not mistaken, by thirty sixth year, this is a huge leap forward that needs to be made, and for this we need to use all available mechanisms, issues related to the salaries of public sector employees are very difficult, we all understand perfectly well how much our doctors and teachers earn, and
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here an application for reform has been made , salaries in the public sector, a most difficult task, all these questions were asked, including to golikov and kotyakov, we need to look for an answer to them today, but what is very important here, what is wrong with the procedure we went through today, because the duma not only received the authority to appoint prime ministers, but also responsibility, that is, today we voted for this new composition of deputy prime ministers, but we will answer in the same way, it was absolutely right about this , but the communists did not take themselves such responsibility, but united russia and the ldpr in full force, new people voted on almost all the candidates, fair russia, there were some of them, apparently hesitations regarding... some ministers, as for others
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deputy prime ministers, they almost all remained in their places, khusnulin, who oversaw the construction of housing and communal services, by the way, i was also on the committee, hundreds of questions, well, the topic that worries people most, housing and communal services, housing, which in principle a lot is being built, this is certainly a merit of the past construction... the government of mishustin and khusnulin, who oversees this block, but housing prices are high, yes, that is, there is supply, in general it bites, mortgages are expensive, mortgages are expensive, yes, mortgages are expensive, very a lot of there were questions about mortgages, what will we do next, indeed khusnulin said that at such a central bank rate, taking out loans, generally 16%, bites, which i want to emphasize again, there was a very serious discussion
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in the committees, precisely because that deputies feel responsible for making decisions on the government, well, i caught myself thinking, but still, this government is mishustin’s team, mishustin’s team, which is going to carry out the president’s decrees and realize the goals set by the president, this. distinguishes it in many ways, well, for some reason i remembered the state duma from the same rostrum in 1994, i spoke then, in my opinion, after black tuesday, if you remember, there was such an event, the collapse of the ruble, and how can you forget it , but it’s impossible, everyone remembers, black tuesday, after that the government came to the state duma and everyone spoke out about this, i then said that the government’s work reminds me of the interaction of a swan, crayfish and pike, and so it was then, there everyone pulled into their own
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on the other hand, the result was extremely disastrous, so about this government i can say that this is a team, this is... which is aimed at fulfilling the tasks set by the president, will work in this direction, all people are absolutely qualified, have a detailed knowledge of their issues, and have managed to achieve significant results in many areas in recent years, the task is not to slow down the pace now, but secondly, to still reverse it...
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and we believe that this work must be continued in the future, growth in 4 years occurred by 27%, we have not fallen in a single year , either in the pandemic, or in the nea, or in a single year. the task before the thirtieth year is to increase the volume of construction, to build almost a billion square meters, this means that every
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fifth meter in the country will be new, our provision by the thirtieth year will be 33 m per person, but with... the most important thing is to get out, after getting out by 120 million square meters per year, then we must maintain this pace for another 6 years, then we will have a provision of 38 m2 per person, well, look, it’s already practical the embodiment of reshuffles, including in the security bloc, putin on monday held an operational meeting with permanent members of the security council, we have a new secretary of the security council since late yesterday evening and... his name is sergei kazhitovich shaigu. putin at an operational meeting with members of the security council: in the new political cycle , russia needs to pay more attention to relations with the cis countries. the new secretary of the russian security council, shaigu, takes part in putin’s meeting with members of the security council.
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of course, another interesting fact here is that usually in our security council. minister of defense, but the minister of defense underwent consultations and whether he participated in this meeting of the security council today and this does not follow from the message, nevertheless, it is clear that the security council will also be significantly updated, i ask, it’s just simpler, as if it is approved a little in comparison with the procedures, as it were, it’s just that, after all, this is advice, that’s why from this point of view, plus or minus, the situation is clear, that is, a well-known castling and rotation is taking place. by the way, it should be noted that in fact the new ministers are government, they are actually all governors, those who came, these are all four governors, in fact, from different federal districts, which is especially interesting in itself, and for a reason, that is, accordingly, the deputy prime minister, in fact belousov, is the same mantra is considered to be the main architects
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of what is now happening in the economy, in principle, one answered according to the russian economic miracle, well, we ’ll see how it will be a miracle this year, the most important thing is that it lasts for a long time, because we understand that the military-industrial complex is an important resource, it is needed, strictly speaking, so the question was asked to the atru, what kind of conversion would be, that is, how in the civilian component, all this will be processed, because the question is not just maintain the growth rate, and so that the real disposable income of the population grows accordingly, so that the purchasing power of the population increases accordingly, so from this point of view, of course, it is very important, as for belarus, you just need to understand the structure of the budget, it is very important, accordingly, we spend 1030 10 comma 38 trillion 10 trillion rubles on national defense. this is only for national defense, in total for national security, for security, plus three more, plus three more, together it turns out approximately, together it turns out exactly 1367, plus with all this some social expenses are also for...
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in rubles, in dollars a little less , 67, is considered 68, depending on the current exchange rate,
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but this is a lot, that is, this is the bulk, that is, only their control ensures a very serious increase in both efficiency of spending, so a person is sent there who is involved , plus or minus, respectively, in controlling the expenditure component, which in order to fight effectively, as practice has shown, modern technological solutions are necessary, now china, india, the usa are creating on their base, as if in their own platform. all modern technologies, that is, artificial intelligence, and, accordingly, unmanned vehicles, and cyberbess, that is, all this is embedded in the structure, in china, for example, now there are ministers there defense has changed, so we won’t talk about the old past, but there a whole segment was connected with the structure related to space, that is, all this is also dealt with by defense, we also partially dismantle it, that is, in fact, modern types of weapons, that’s it the worst thing is that after they were accused of corruption, and he disappeared somewhere, and now this committee is being repacked, but the question came from... this is a man from shanfu, his name was and he came from and he came from marine representatives , so to speak, by the way, they somehow
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speaking, everyone will now meet together in the next few days, by the way , because by the way, china is one of the few countries in the world where there is a military minister of defense, yes, there is a military minister of defense, but if you carefully look at their careers , they all have a lot of innovations within the ministry of defense the same goes for the usa, the same goes for darpa, that is, in fact , a big program, yes, we are talking about a visit to china, this is thursday, friday, beijing and harben. yes, that is, this story, how the timing is related to this, so from this point of view, with taking into account the large amount of money that is being sent there, this is a significant part of the budget of the russian federation, taking into account the fact that a serious increase in efficiency is needed there, as practice has shown, then from this point of view, of course, it is understandable why such changes are taking place, as for the cabinet of ministers as a whole, there are practically no structural changes there, that is, no new ministries have been created there, nothing has been merged, that’s all that was discussed before , probably, that is, apparently, the task it stands that until the end, accordingly, although you, as you say, vanged, i remind you that in fact the entire conflict component, that is... until the end of the conflict, accordingly, all changes that occur in the structure are, in principle, frozen , with a high degree of probability, this will already be for the elections directly, that is, the essence is continuity, which elections? and
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the parliamentary elections of the 20th to the elections of whom we have elections twice a year, well, different, when you don’t have elections twice a year in a presidential year, interestingly, we have a single voting day, that is, the problem is this, the problem is that now from this point of view , the main task is to maintain this continuity, so as not to sway, this not to do everything, especially now the budget will need to be prepared for next year. in which spending cuts are underway, therefore, from this point of view, the main task that now faces departments, the ministry and the deputy prime ministers is first of all, it will somehow ensure the passage of this whole thing, this is very important, why? because in addition to the fact that in the near future there will be negotiations with chinese partners, they receive a significant part of them, including the oil and gas revenues of the russian federation, as if they consume them, in addition, a number of other processes will be activated in the near future, since we here they mentioned biden, firstly, he has very large gaps in his ratings, tomorrow he will declare a second war on china, accordingly, a customs war during the day, if someone is not in the know, is everyone already aware? i’ll just explain, that is, he will accordingly announce customs duties in relation to china, still in the trump period, he will double the duties on electric vehicles,
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he will increase the duties on batteries, solar panels, that is , in fact, as if a very serious economic crisis is beginning there trade confrontation is in the future, this visit will take place in this trade economic confrontation, because from this point of view, of course, it is happening now a very serious division, as it were, of this component. biden is losing economically, he is losing economically because of the middle east, he now needs to shift his attention primarily to the domestic agenda, as it were, he will deal with it. only in rafah there is an operation for 6 weeks, at least, accordingly, the situation in the economy is also not stable, plus or minus, because the economy is slowing down there, right now, on friday there was the highest
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number of unemployed since november, that is, it the economy is slowing down, so... on wednesday on thursday the data is if it still doesn’t go down, then it will be very difficult for him, that is, the economy seems to be very seriously pushing him to the point that he has to conflict and decide how would aggravate the economic confrontation according to the trump scheme, that is, such a soft trump in principle, that is, he basically does the same thing biden soft trump, and that ’s the way it is, he naturally introduces restrictions old soft and stupid trump, just a question : why do you need soft trump if you can to be such a hard version of trump, so to speak, as if in an original way, poor americans, well, you. no, well, in fact, there are elections in which there is soft trump, hard trump, everything, and kennedy, who has a dead worm in his head , such a world, such such elections. by the way, it should be noted that there are still a few weeks left before the elections to the european parliament, here are the parallels, by the way, by the end of the beginning of june the elections will end in india, in the neighboring country, the second second in energy consumption, so from this point of view, of course well, how would it be there will be such an electorally intense period,
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so to speak, in the near future, and negotiations will take place with china against the backdrop of trade opposition.” that threaten our country, their numbers are actually increasing, an axis of authoritarian states such as russia, iran, north korea and china are working together to undermine our way of life, our values, the war has returned to europe, our nato allies are warning that if putin gets his way success in ukraine, they could be : putin's recklessness has failed us
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closer to dangerous nuclear escalation than at any time since the caribbean. investments in the security of ukraine are investments in our security, this is peace through force. we'll be back, premiere. when are you going to tell everyone about your monastery? when will you tell your people about us? have you already told your parents about
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surrogacy? are you starting to ask questions too late? have you gathered us all today? well, everyone is very interested. come on, tell me what changes you have there. do not want? okay, then i'll tell you. light in the window. today on rtr. cleaning floors is a tedious and messy process that turns into torture for you, your back and your arms. forget about exhausting cleaning on all fours. stop using a broom and dustpan, stop using a clunky vacuum cleaner that can't clean the hardest to reach places, it's all a thing of the past, now you can clean up dirt, dust, crumbs, hair, wet food debris and even broken glass quickly and easily with the help of the brand new livington electric broom dipper sweeper. dipper swipper is impressive
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baseboards and walls from scratches can be yours. it's 89.95, but if you call and order now, you'll get an incredible 20 euro discount, and livington dipper swipper will get it. you for an incredible 6995, but hurry, the offer is strictly limited. they say that perfect shoes do not exist, but we boldly say the opposite. we present to you palermo genuine leather sandals that perfectly combine style, comfort and care for your feet. this lightweight and elegant model is perfect for active and long walks in the warm season . palermo sandals are created using modern technologies from genuine leather to ensure perfect fit. fit on the leg and maximum comfort with every step. elegant sandals go with any style of clothing and are suitable for women of any age. reliable and comfortable velcro fasteners provide an ideal fit for
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any width and fullness of the foot. the high polyurethane sole creates the correct roll of the foot, which ensures a soft landing of the heel and reduces the impact load on the joints when walking. call quickly and get stylish and incredibly comfortable palermo sandals for a bathhouse or terrace, but repair or replacement will hit your budget hard, we bring to your attention you're bored with your old fence, you want to update a universal photo facade for a fence, bright life, with its help you can easily and quickly transform your suburban area beyond recognition, a fence, terrace, gazebo will be updated in an instant without expensive repairs and... four bright beautiful colors on choice. all you need to do is secure the photo façade in a way convenient for you. this is a ready-made solution. the bright life photo façade is suitable for any type of fence, wooden,
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bor, i don’t believe that you betrayed me, but i must know the truth, i understand you, so as not to lose love. lose memory, retrograde amnesia, this happens, she won’t forgive me, but you remembered something,
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it seems to me that it’s easy to fall in love with you, if only you could, i want to forget everything, but get out of this slush, let spring , spring into your heart belated, the premiere on saturday for... for the post of secretary of defense became the number one news in all the world media, financial times writes that belousov will bring economic rigor to russian defense spending, former us secretary of defense esper called the reshuffle an important decision at the time of the transfer russian economy for the military, how do they it seems like rails.
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the kharkov offensive is developing successfully, ukraine is experiencing difficulties with weapons and personnel and must consider new options. 12 years or so, i spoke with him many times when i was minister of defense, but interestingly, i think many would say that in his fifth term, putin finally decided to change, but the argument that we hear from moscow is that that russia is switching to a military economy, and it’s true, they spend about 7% of the gdp on defense, their economy has switched to military realities, they say what they want, for a new minister to run the military-industrial complex, they say this new guy understands more about innovation, i think... we
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will know more in the coming days, but this is an important and interesting decision, it will be interesting to hear their opinion on what the the role of the new defense minister in the war in ukraine. we now know who will take the post of russian minister of defense, and this is a former deputy prime minister and an expert on economic issues, this economist, belousov, is an extremely productive type, he, as they say, knows how to do military economics time, that is, he will deliberately do everything to further...
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their new offensive near kharkov, they are clearly moving forward, and ukraine continues to be under pressure, ukraine has a huge problem with weapons, we all know this, and yet we are still waiting, but as has been said many times, an even bigger problem is the personnel, ukraine is gradually bleeding out, they do not have enough soldiers to create appropriate reserves, and precisely one of the goals of the attack on kharkov is to force the transfer of soldiers in order gaps have appeared in defense in other places, i hope that at least behind the scenes they are not public.
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russia’s aggressiveness, that it intends to fight seriously for a long time, you will agree that this is a paradoxical formula, that is, russia has planned a war seriously for a long time, that’s what these same people, literally minutes before this statement, were saying that nato needs to increase defense budgets to all nato countries that it is necessary to conduct military exercises, prepare for war with russia, transfer their economy to a military footing, also all civilian tasks, by the way the appropriate ones have been set, this somehow in itself, here they appointed a strong economist and organizer belousov as minister of defense, which means russia has set its sights on a long-term war, it all sounds funny, just as you and i remember that in recent years, so to speak , for the last 4 years after the popular vote for amendments to the constitution in the twentieth year, we were told that then during the popular vote it happened...
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they are approved by parliament, they participate in this approval, and with preferential right position, because, for example, today at the plenary meeting a question was heard from each faction, these factions together are smaller in number than united russia, but nevertheless, they asked the same number of questions as united russia, which has the majority , that is , the court was skewed towards the opposition at the committee meetings on purpose, because... the state duma council decided not to limit the number of questions, why did we sit for 4 hours, until the moment when everyone said: that’s it, we found out everything thank you, goodbye, let's move on. they can tell us, what is this position, there are so few votes against, well, i will try to give some kind of explanation, firstly, after all, we have just witnessed the presidential elections, in which the president and the program he announced during the address received, well
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, an overwhelming majority of votes, which means that by any standards of a democratic country, he has carte blanche, 80% of the country’s population voted for him.
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us and the government, everyone admits this, dealt with this quite effectively, we what gloomy forecasts were made that we would have a 20% drop in gross domestic product, there would be 18-20, at the end of the twenty-second year there would be 20 million unemployed, we now have a deficit in the labor market, there are not enough workers, not unemployment, the government with this was accomplished, all factions admit this, but the second important side here, in my opinion, is that it is...
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for the elderly and disabled, this was also a pilot, from this year the long-term care system began operating throughout the country, that is tasks set in peacetime, the government continues to implement, despite all the onslaught of complexity, that is, it has shown its quality, it knows how
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to implement, on the one hand, in order to respond to the current very tough conclusions, and at the same time responding to these conclusions, challenges, challenges, yes, challenges, challenges. and at the same time, responding to these challenges, continues to solve problems that are related to the long-term development of the country, now this is exactly what the president needs to say about this, that is , we must respond to the attack on us, which continues and does not stop, but at the same time there is a decree on national development goals, very serious, very cool, i would say the tasks have been set, the government has proven over the previous 4 years that it can do this, so this...
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putin is holding a security council right now, if there are personnel, please show me , it is clear that a new one is present at the security council meetings. head, secretary of the security council, sergei shaigu, two windows
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are empty, we don’t see belousov at the security council meeting, today there was a consultation in the federation council, tomorrow voting, well, there is a high probability that tomorrow it will appear, as they discussed the candidacy, look. wearing a blue tie with a folder in his hands , the new candidate for the post of minister of defense of russia, andrei belousov, goes to consultations of the defense committee together with the chairman of the soffed, valentina matvienko, passes through the offices, long corridors, you can hear what they are saying. of course, i've been over it for now. economist belousov, who is to head the military department. in a warring state says that life has changed way, while he is already immersed in work,
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we still have something to work on here, this concerns payments to the despatch of svo participants with housing, i think it is absolutely a mess when svo participants who come on vacation are driven from civilian medical institutions and sent to hospitals , which are often simply remembered, this issue must be resolved, in all previous positions andrei rem always. achieved results, he is a strategist, he is very educated, smart, and knowledgeable not only in his field of activity, but a broad-minded person, it seems to me that he will not need much time to enter, putin’s proposal to appoint the first deputy chairman of the government belousov as the head of the amino defense, which became a sensation, is explained in the kremlin by the increase in expenses for the security bloc, from 3%, their share in the economy has grown to... 6, 7%.
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the president decided that the ministry of defense should be headed by a civilian. the ministry of defense must be absolutely open to innovation, to the introduction of all advanced ideas. it is very important to integrate the economy of the power bloc into the economy of the country. exactly therefore, the president chose andreč's candidacy. peskov said that today the one who is more open to innovation wins on the battlefield. technograd belousov is just such a person. a year ago, he honestly and clearly reported to putin about the problems with the creation of drones. to correct the situation , a national project for unmanned aircraft systems was launched. the production of finished drones is characterized by a low level of localization. essentially, this is a big knot. assembly: the level of localization for different types of drones ranges from 10 to 30%. enough
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to say that today almost 100% of power plants, electric motors and internal combustion engines are imported. about 90% of power supply systems and almost 95% of flight and navigation equipment are imported from other countries. andrey removich belousov, 65 years old. he graduated with honors from the faculty of economics of moscow state university with a degree in cybernetics economist, and was engaged in science until he became the minister of economic development in 2006. in the twelfth year. beloosov headed the department, having previously worked as director of the economics department and finance in government. in the thirteenth year, belausov went to work in the presidential administration, where he became putin’s assistant on economic issues. since the twentieth year, first vice. prime minister: we have a colossal crisis of confidence in the world,
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the most painful blow that sanctions dealt to all countries, without exception, is that they showed that there are no rules, no rules at all, whoever has colt is stronger. belousov consistently insists on the idea of ​​russian technological sovereignty, on working on he... reports on the bill at the last public meeting of tet otet with putin november last year, and this is the twentieth year, the president at a meeting with members of the government congratulates belousov on his birthday. today is his birthday, he is engaged in mountain tourism, rock climbing, i want to give you a book, we all want to give you a book, it’s called rock routes in the vicinity of the great sevastopol trail.
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a month after this meeting , mishustin, sitting between the birthday boy and putin, will fall ill with coronavirus. will go into self-isolation for 3 belousov will become acting prime minister of the country this week. last year. at the forum made in russia, belousov calls for creating a support system for future unicorns, startups that are rapidly reaching a billion- dollar value. in the nineties, such projects would have been impossible. for clarity, the deputy prime minister gives a classification, which everyone then quotes: ratting. there are three types of grunting and hoofing - this is ratting; this is when there is a trough and that means everyone drives away there and for a long time it means they fall down and drive away from it, hoofing - this is when a deer gets a piece of moss from under the ice
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, knocks for a long time, picking it out and so on, so this is the unicorn of such a word.
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years old goes to work on the security council. on may 3, he held his last conference call as defense minister. groups of russian troops continue to break into the system of enemy strongholds along the entire line of combat contact. the kremlin reported that shaigu has been appointed secretary of the security council instead of patrushev, who is leaving for another, as yet unannounced job. seventy-two-year-old ex-director of the fsb patrushev. served as post-secretary of the security council for 16 years. the kremlin also reported that shaigu will head the federal service for military-technical cooperation, since he is familiar with this area. as for shaigu, in his position as secretary of the security council, he will also be deputy
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president in the commission on the military-industrial complex, and he is deeply immersed in this work. he knows the production rates very well military-industrial products for specific enterprises, often visit these enterprises, military-technical ukraine is transferring reserve units to the kharkov direction, stated the strategic communications department of the armed forces of ukraine, reserves are being removed from the kiev-controlled areas of the dpr. it is also reported that about 600 people have been evacuated from some areas of the kharkov region. near volchansk, where our attack aircraft are. they took over a meat processing plant and are clearing out a shoe factory; they deployed forces that are prohibited in russia, not only, by the way, in russia, but also in usa, third azov assault brigade. this unit has already twice abandoned the containment of russian forces near avdeevka in the battles for the hour, both times the azovites refused to engage in battle. that is, victory is postponed for now. in four incomplete days, the
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russian army has already taken control of 12 settlements. the military also recognized these successes. propagandist bilk röbki, on twitter he publishes maps based, according to him, on numerous geolocations and the latest official and unofficial reports. the attack is coming from the north, on at least two directions: the north group of troops is expanding the buffer zone to protect belgorod from artillery fire in the ukrainian armed forces. at the same time , ukrainian officers themselves reveal a terrible secret. in the kharkov region there were no defensive lines or money for the construction of fortifications. all roads from volchansk are under artillery and missile attacks, the scars from shelling are visible
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in the forest plantations, and in the sky they bring back memories of how russian troops attacked the last time... the russians are advancing every day, they are taking this step step by step, but they are succeeding, says this ukrainian soldier. in these shots, the ukrainian one is burning down. the t-64 tank in the vicinity of the village of liptsy in the kharkov region, judging by the pixel camouflage, was sent to the frontline vehicle directly from tank training, that is, the ukrainian armed forces are throwing reserves into battle. in order to disrupt the supply of the enemy group in volchansk, the russian army destroyed two bridges across the volchie river, near the volchinsky khutars and zybin. in this footage, a precise strike from our military cuts off another important transport artery apu. a dam across the seversky river. the offensive is taking place in two sectors along ukraine's northern border with russia, one very close to the city of volchansk, northeast of kharkov,
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the second almost directly north of kharkov, where ukrainian military sources say the russians have resumed their attacks this morning and are moving further to south. in the footage, corrected artillery ammunition from krasnopol hits the dugout of the ukrainian armed forces in the kharkov direction, this is the enemy already filmed. video of one of the assaults of our north troops group. ukrainian militants in shocked that the russian infantry is advancing without any resistance. footage was filmed in the strelichiy area. the village has already been liberated by the russian army, as well as eight other settlements: borisovka, ogurtsova, pletenevka, dusty, gotishche, krasnoe, morakhovets and oleynikovo. this was officially reported to the ministry of defense. “i just returned a few weeks ago from the front line in the east, when you ask people, soldiers or local residents, if they are expecting some kind of big russian offensive, they answer, it has already
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begun, the russians are attacking much more intensely over the last few months, as ukraine began to receive less western aid, the russians saw this as their chance. american reports about the tactically significant successes of the russian army in the kharkov region. institute for the study of war, a think tank , believes that our units are seeking to quickly isolate the zone east of the seversky danets river and capture volchansk. in these frames, the artillery of the north group delivers a massive attack on the deployment points of the ukrainian armed forces warehouse in the city. and this is the interrogation of a ukrainian soldier who laid down his arms on northern outskirts of volchansk. in total , 34 vsushniks were captured in the kharkov region, the ministry of defense reported.
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the commander of the ninety-second separate mechanized brigade of the armed forces of ukraine, fendosenko, directly stated to the economist magazine: in ukraine, everyone from soldiers to generals understands perfectly well that kiev does not have the resources to return to the borders of the ninety-first year. we talked a lot about belgorod, it's only about 20 km inside russia. president putin has always said that he wants to create a buffer zone, pushing ukraine back, and he partly does this does. it is unlikely to be able to take kharkov, but by attacking on the second front, it forces ukraine, with its limited resources, to distribute them between two fronts. i 'm trying to be positive, but the harsh reality is that russia has the momentum
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, the initiative, they are really important in the war, it will almost certainly be a very difficult few weeks for the ukrainians. the security council, which was held by president putin, they said just a few minutes ago, has ended, the public part is as short as possible, literally. 30 seconds, talking about necessity cooperate with the cis countries, but it is noteworthy who is present on the security council, let us once again note the new secretary of the security council shaigu.
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terms about quality about the exact technical specifications, by the way, about military acceptance, too, so to speak, and since it is the ministry of defense that is the customer, yes, these, all these defense expenses, they are spent in this way, the ministry of defense orders various products from military-industrial complex enterprises, yes, in this sense, it seems to me that the belousov manturov team, the head of state has very serious hopes for him, and...
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in my opinion, from the main point, if we talk about the security council and other appointments, the secretary of the security council is an influential position, patrushev, we remember, is the most influential person, but this is patrushev as a person, well , look, what is a shaigu, but look, in -firstly, after all, of course, the old russian proverb makes a man look out of place, yes, it, it is applicable in... including in public administration, that’s true, but with all that, let’s not forget who heads the security council , yes, in this sense, and the significance of the influence of any organ depends on its head, the head of the security council is the president of the russian federation, yes, the secretary of the security council ensures the functioning of the security council and manages the apparatus, yes, therefore, in any case, if we talk about
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what is in the laws of the russian federation, in the regulations on security , what is written in the constitution, yes, this implies a very serious level of capabilities and powers, but again it all depends on the specific leader, what tools the secretary of the security council has and such applied, which means applied, the security council is not an executive body, yes, it is a body, it is an advisory body that... and military-industrial policy, that is, the range of issues is very wide, yes, but nevertheless it is still necessary understand that this is an advisory body, here the decision is made by the president, and the members
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of the security council and permanent members of the security council, the so-called small council, and accordingly the large council, for some time now we still have a deputy head of the security council, well, this deputy.
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a meeting from which we can understand the level of issues that are discussed there and how this discussion is happening, we’ll come back in a minute, you’ve been hoping for so many years that everyone will get together again, it looks like today it will be, you’re happy, of course you’re happy, premiere, you look good , looked younger, as if, yes, of course, he had forgotten how to be a child. "hello, what the hell are you doing there, nothing unites a large family like a big secret, what the police say, a classic accident,
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dmitry miller, from the outside everything always seems obvious, this is white and this is black, i prefer to call a spade a spade, maria kulyakova, you understand that this decision will change your whole life, alena yakovleva. rest is leaving yourself alone, rest is not thinking about anything when you are calm and completely switched off. rest is rest. we know
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monday to friday on rtr.
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look into your eyes, i will leave, remember, you are my property, if i want, i will slaughter you like a cow, and no one will save you. you have a choice, love or life. it’s my own fault, i provoked him. with such freaks, everyone is to blame, everyone except them. write an application addressed to the district police officer, not yours. we
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work in the interests of our country, our job is to tell the truth, our task is to achieve complete victory, for this we go on the air, every evening, evening with vladimir solovyov today on rtr. director of the federal service of the national guard troops viktor zolotov has just arrived at the federation council 19:30 now moscow time, but the federation council continues to coordinate the power bloc, while, judging by the footage from the security council meeting, the russian federation matvienko apparently took a break while participating in meeting, the power bloc has already been agreed upon, also on...
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every time the president touches on the ukrainian topic, it is confirmed by him personally at the highest level and explains on what basis we will be ready to do this, on the basis of recognition by all of the realities that have developed, including the reality of amendments to the russian constitution, in general, the best diplomat on the planet is on the spot, please, well, i would still record the triumph of the economy, first of all, because if. in the economy in the military sphere, including, but not only, but also not only, in general, a triumph for the economy, including including in the military sphere, because indeed, if a macroeconomist is appointed to the ministers of defense during the northern military district, of course, this is a fairly understandable move, because without the economy you will not
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win a modern war, including the war, and no matter how much the country earns everything equally, resources must be spent wisely and... in this regard, of course, without a prudent attitude to banknotes in the field of defense orders, in the field of spending on the army, on the northern military district, uh, we, in fact, will not achieve the desired results. at the same time, again well, we understand that on the one hand, of course, the russian economy is multifaceted, but on the other hand, there are industries that bring in the main money, uh. into our budget, and there is an industry that, on the one hand, spends this money, but on the other hand, without which success in the northern military district is naturally impossible, it is obvious that i am talking about the earning industry - this is about oil and gas, but about the industry
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that should ensuring military success is the defense-industrial complex, so well , that’s already significantly less than half oil and gas income from oil and gas, but not.
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it doesn’t exist, it doesn’t exist, no needle exists, it’s clear, there’s no spoon in the matrix, yes, remember that happened, a needle is some kind of narcotic concept that our enemies impose on us, i’ll remind you, evgeniy, that the united states of america today, oil is produced 30% more than in the russian federation and no one in america thinks that they are sitting on the oil and gas needle, and there is a certain diversity of the economy, but nevertheless today the united states is much more to a greater extent.
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yes, he was the minister of finance for several years, but then, let me remind you that from the twelfth year he was actually the minister of energy, and then the deputy prime minister who oversees this energy sector, so for 12 years he has been professionally involved in the fuel and energy complex, well, of course , that he was, among other things , responsible for negotiations, is still responsible for negotiations within opec plus, and for us this is actually an important story, the second quarter is coming soon, already at the beginning.
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stories, and really there are priorities here quite clearly defined, and also an important task, of course, so that we, as economists say, move from simple import substitution to complex import substitution, why? because we really have very decent results of economic growth for last year, for this year, by the way, also here are the latest data from the central bank, for example, for the first quarter there is more than 4% annual gdp growth.
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somatic story about nails, you rightly reminded, so, in fact, figuratively speaking, now, in addition to nails, it would be nice, of course, we need to make a serious breakthrough in the field of mechanical engineering, the construction of aircraft, cars, ships, by the way, because if we were producing, for example, the same oil tankers today, it would be much easier to solve the problems of redirecting oil flows to the required extent -
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vice- premiere, in order to move on to the production of complex, complex products, it is clear that this is probably the defense complex, it is slightly ahead of other industries, but probably the rest also need to catch up, we’ll be back in a minute, i decided with you get a divorce, who are you, i have no one, but that’s a lie. because no one gets divorced just like that. spring is late, premieres on saturday on rtr. they say that perfect shoes
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24.95. do you want twice as much yield? the best solution for you will be a mini-greenhouse-breadbasket. it will protect plants from frost and retain heat. it will accelerate the growth of fruit ripening and extend the gardening season; the presence of zippered windows will ensure quick access for watering care. we offer a choice of two sizes of mini-greenhouses: 120x60x60 cm and 120x90x90 cm. you can use it on the terrace for growing seedlings or exotic ornamental plants. thanks to. with its compact size , the mini-greenhouse-breadbasket will be successfully placed even in the most inaccessible places on your site or premises. the durable frame of the mini-greenhouse made of metal pipes is resistant to corrosion and protects plants from strong gusts of wind. thanks to the covering material made of pvc film , plants receive reliable protection from insect pests. choose your mini-greenhouse size and get a quality harvest. call to order a zhitnitsa mini-greenhouse at
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an amazing price from only 29.95. provocation is treacherous behavior, there is a difference between a man and a woman, i noticed, then it turns out that my husband and my cat are the most intelligent creatures in our family, orientalism, this is conditionally some kind of parallel agenda, why don’t you care, continuation conversation in new episodes of our podcasts, and so as not to miss anything, subscribe, listen watch on the media platform we are watching the substation: the first podcasts that we are watching: where is your homeland, my brother, and whose homeland are you, soldier, who do you serve, former friend, tear off everything that is ours, which was together, what will you have left, they went against god,
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we went on a tour through all the liberated territories, what impression does it make? russia comes and the city lives. boris korchevnikov's program, life and destiny. from monday to friday on rtr. losing your first patient is always very difficult. you have to come to terms with this. and i don't want to put up with this. from the capital. i will be a new traumatologist. in your hospital, she killed a patient in her capital, so she ran away here, he won’t be able to walk yet, oh, you crap, crooked, i ’ll write a statement to the police, i’ll tell everyone that you kill and injure people, i want to label andrei nana, no , get busy with your life, you are my life, love under a microscope, on saturday on
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rtr. so, ukraine is an instrument for implementing nato’s anti-russian course, zakharova commented on the head’s statement above stoltenberg that if the armed forces of ukraine lose on the battlefield, then the west will not restore ukraine, there will simply be nothing to establish there, not in the sense that all cities will be wiped off the face of the earth, the pro-european democratic country will disappear, so no military support.
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the parties agreed that the conflict would be long enough, that is, we would tighten our belts and support the west.
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but in general, it seems to me, the general strategy with this regrouping of both the government and the security council, and the ministries defense, it is connected with the fact that this is a big
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strategy, part one is to really reboot the army, in order to reboot the army, we need to reboot the military-industrial complex, which has obviously accumulated... ah, the task of which, the first thing is to mobilize now those resources that are available, to make a foundation that will ensure the stability of the system, a large
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defense system, for a long time, to create some advanced models, which will then not only be used in our country, but they will be exported, that is, how to make a new breakthrough in russia’s leadership on... putin, well, as you know, athletes have something like this, someone throws over the back, someone, so to speak, has a front sweep, vladimir putin has five basic techniques, and we called them like this:
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early victory, a forceful response to an external threat, and the alignment of elites, an endless race, and successors, something fifth, i forgot, well, i’ll remember along the way. and so, in fact, what has happened now is this alignment of elites, yes, alignment of elites, alignment of elites, didn’t get ahead much, yes, i’ll explain now, i’ll explain that everyone felt like successors, yes, no, but in fact, this story, about the race of successors, is a standard technology, well, like, guys, let somehow understand each other, and then we will explain that in general there will be no successors... there will be no, but this game allows, well , somehow to dilute the elite balance, the alignment of the elites, as soon as some group becomes too strong, they once weaken it, rearrange some people, so
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by the way, i really liked how it all happened, how the emotions of various elite groups changed, from sadness to joy, these fluctuations, they happened several times, that is... they introduced the composition of the government, and well , it’s like, so to speak, stability , yes, everything seems to be fine, then once, so to speak, yes, no, no, the main thing is that look, they didn’t just change the government, well, belousov left, then again, the entire defense industry bloc belongs to rostec, moreover, so to speak , there publicly, sergei viktorovich chemizov and denis manturov come before. ah, so to speak, by submitting candidates to vladimir vladimirovich putin, ah, the entire bloc - rustehovsky, ah, then leaves -
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tell the parents about surrogate motherhood, you started asking questions too late, what are you doing she gathered us all today, well, everyone is very interested, come on, tell me what changes you have, don’t you want it, oh well, then i’ll say, there’s a light in the window, today on rtr, if you want twice as much harvest, the best solution for you will be mini-greenhouse-granary. it will protect
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plants from frost, retain heat, speed up the growth of fruit ripening will extend the gardening season; the presence of zippered windows will provide quick access for watering and care. we offer a choice of two sizes of mini-greenhouses - 120x60x60 cm and 120x90x90 cm. you can use it on the terrace for growing seedlings or exotic ornamental plants. thanks to its compact size, the mini-greenhouse-breadbasket will be successfully located even in the most inaccessible places on the site or premises. the durable frame of the minigreenhouse made of metal pipes is resistant to corrosion and protects plants from strong gusts of wind. thanks to the covering material made of pvc film, plants receive reliable protection from insect pests. choose your mini-greenhouse size and get a quality harvest. call to order the zhitnitsa mini greenhouse at an amazing price from only 29.95. cleaning floors is a tedious and dirty process that turns into torture for... your back and
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arms, forget about exhausting cleaning on all fours, stop using a broom and dustpan, use a vacuum cleaner that is not capable of cleaning the most hard-to-reach places are a thing of the past when you can clean up dirt, dust, crumbs, hair, wet food debris and even broken glass quickly and easily with the all-new livington dipper sweeper dipper swipper. impresses with its original triangular design and innovative tribrush technology. three-separate high-speed rotating brushes on each side sweep everything inward, no matter which direction you point the cleaning head, even the smallest debris will be swept into the container. moreover, the durable corner brush located at the front gets into every corner, even where vacuum cleaners can't, when the cleaning is done, it can also be easily... cleaned with just
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one touch of a button, it's ideal for hard surfaces, all types of floors, be it tiles or laminate, the swivel head easily avoids any obstacle, and thanks to its ultra-flat design you can easily get under furniture, where it is usually very difficult to reach, only today the unique, ingenious cordless electric vacuum cleaner limington dipper the swipper, with clever built-in corner bumpers that... keep your furniture, baseboards and walls free from scratches, can be yours for just 89.95, but if you call to order now, you'll get an incredible €20 off, and the livington dipper you will get sweeper for an incredible 6995, but hurry up, the offer is strictly limited, you are bored with your old fence, you want to update your bathhouse or terrace, but repair or replacement is too much. will hit your budget, we bring to your
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attention a universal photo facade for a fence, bright life, with its help you can easily and quickly transform your suburban area beyond recognition, a fence, terrace, gazebo will be instantly updated without expensive repairs and painting, four bright beautiful colors to choose from, all you need to do is secure the photo facade in a way convenient for you, this is a ready-made solution, photo facade bright life suitable for... type of fence, wooden, stone or metal, if dirt appears, just rinse it with water, beautiful, fast, convenient and easy, call order a universal photo facade for a fence bright life by special price from only 995, just choose the appropriate design, create a unique look for your suburban area, we work in the interests of our country, our job is to tell the truth, our task is to achieve complete victory, for this
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we go on air every evening, evening with vladimir solovyov , today on rtr. well, our planet was covered by a magnetic storm of the highest level. the last time this happened was in october 2003, but the current ones say it’s much stronger back to normal, the magnetic field will come the day after tomorrow, so we’re stocking up medications for headaches and blood pressure, but also the pleasant consequences of the storm. for the second night, residents of several regions at once observed pink fields. news, look, it was 60 minutes, goodbye, bye,
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on the air of the russia tv channel big news, in the studio to ernest matskevich, hello, the main events of this monday in our issue. the first security council after taking office as head of state and personnel changes, what was discussed? the country's security bloc and the new minister of defense. well, there is still something to work on.


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