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tv   Donbass  RUSSIA1  May 14, 2024 1:05am-1:56am MSK

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and he will go to silicon valley and develop his startup in the field of artificial intelligence there, because when he doesn’t have his own , he needs an artificial one, well, in the case of suna, of course, that is, for the sake of this, he is now conducting all these, artificial intelligence in the world on artificial intelligence, so even this speech, that is, it is clear that for us , of course, the most important thing was what he said about the third world war and so on, but most of his speech was connected with the fact that you see, new technology poses a threat we need to respond to this. challenge and there is some kind of large-scale international program to regulate artificial intelligence, it’s as if he ’s not just talking about this, because in the future he will work in this very area, especially since he has a green card, he’s there he doesn’t even need to get any visas, he goes back to his native america , in fact, where he worked there even more than in britain he will do all this there, that’s why for him this is such the last final part of his example, which was, of course, the most disastrous, now the laborites come to power in october, they will have... including being
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one of the prosecutors in the letvinenko case in the sixth year, so here i think there is no need to explain anything, what do we need from him wait, by the way, he constantly goes to the baltic states and poses there in military uniform, that is , everything is clear here too, but the head of the foren office instead of david cameron will be david lamia, by the way, a representative of the british guyana, we have one more posedon, but we have two , well fine. that is, here in britain, well , we shouldn’t expect any changes at all, yes, that is, the foren office, as it formulated its strategy back in the tens of years on the confrontation with russia in eastern europe, he will not abandon it, of course david cameron now is trying to create certain problems for us, it was rightly noted here that, well, even in the cis, he goes to the countries of central asia as his home, distributes grants, albeit small, but nevertheless, 50 million pounds, it seems to us that this is not very much, but it is not very little either, there are of course many questions here. causes and indeed david
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cameron has personal connections, personal contacts with the leaders of many countries in the world, so he is trying to be effective, yes, i think that the next liberal government will immediately break, well, break a lot of wood, so to some extent, in to some extent, a change of power may be beneficial, but it will not change the general course, there may be nuances with trump, but with the europeans there may be there will be nuances, there will be no nuances with the british, the war will last for a long time, this must be understood, no one will come to an agreement, therefore... there is no need to be modest, trump is the only person, we must destroy, andrey, no, these are all, this is all the hope for that that they themselves, no, let me remind you, we will achieve liberation with our own hand, those were very wise words, mikhail mikhailovich, oh, when i hear when some hopes are associated with a change in the political course in the united states, the united kingdom, personally i'm mine i pin my hopes only on the revival of domestic industry. more,
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nothing more, with regard to the recent reshuffles in the leadership of the ministry of defense, what needs to be said about this, among the broadest masses of the people, the minister of defense is usually presented as a stern and formidable general, an exclusively military man, and often even discussions begin , how many defense ministers we had during the years of the existence of the soviet union, the russian federation, which of them was a military man. who is not a military man, what consequences did this have, in fact, such discussions and disputes are not always substantive in the sense that if the functions of administrative operational management are clearly distributed in the military department, then, in principle, the appointment to the post of minister of defense of a purely civilian person who has neither service experience nor military education, it should come as no surprise if distributed.
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operational and administrative management, well, it’s not always easy, since there are pain points, sometimes it’s difficult to say where administrative ends and begins operational, but nevertheless, movement in this direction is the only correct movement, therefore the appointment of a purely civilian person to the post of minister of defense, well, provided that all those conditions are met, personally, it doesn’t cause me any negative emotions, but so so. is done in most countries
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of the world, where these functions are differentiated, therefore , there the minister of defense is, as a rule, a civilian, and operational functions are confined purely to... a number of such very sensitive blows in the period 2008-2012 and so far it has not recovered to, let’s say, the requirements of the time, what needs to be done first is, of course, to sharply raise the official categories of military
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scientists, the salaries of civilian personnel who are involved in scientific organizations, and, by and large, that we don’t have everything with military science, thank god. i would like to say, and there is an urgent need for a sharp increase in staffing categories in leading departments, strategy of operational art, and command and control of troops, why? because well, the fate of the country will be decided precisely on the battlefields and is decided,
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and its people decide, namely those who have received the appropriate education, the appropriate service experience, the appropriate training. and if you do not pay attention to this, then the consequences may not be the most positive. of course, the minister of defense will certainly have a lot of priorities, but still, on these issues, i would pay attention to their solutions, because a lot depends on military science, military education, well in this plan. and as for a few words about the situation on the line of combat contact. what needs to be said here is that the assessments, especially from the opposite side, are the most contradictory, some representatives of the ukrainian expert community say that they don’t have the strength there to, for example, take kharkov by storm, but they don’t have such capabilities, i don’t care in this regard i just want
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to ask them, basically these experts are located either on the territory of lithuania, the czech republic or the united states, where can you see whether these forces are there or not? some have already rushed to announce, again the same representatives of the ukrainian expert community, that all attacks have been repulsed, the offensive has stalled, in general, in short, the ukrainian army is triumphant on the battlefields, but the ukrainian army itself, the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine, that- then adheres to diametrically opposed assessments, believes that the situation is very serious, prepared reserves at the operational level. no, the enemy is pressing, i mean in this case, the armed forces of the russian federation and the situation in in general, on the line of combat contact is developing critically, we are of course not familiar with the plans of our general staff, but we can only say that, in principle, the general staff
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is planning military operations, but for a fairly long period of time, in other words, planning is carried out by companies that is, it is still necessary to distribute the personnel. between all associations, formations, and weapons, military equipment, reserves of material forces, material resources, and estimate and estimate in what sequence this will be carried out a series of operations in order to achieve the desired result, so it is quite possible that these actions, the successful actions of our troops near kharkov, are not even the direction of the main attack, perhaps the armed forces, our military leadership will still surprise us in this regard, that we from...
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the meeting of the security council, the question that comes up is priorities, and the fact that russia , as a foreign policy priority , to rely on the post-soviet space is fundamentally important, and there such a word was heard: and organizational decisions. to me it seems that the ministry of foreign affairs of the russian federation is now so busy resolving various issues, and the post-soviet space is of such importance for russia that it is possible. well, not to create some kind of ministry, but some kind of structure, i don’t know if it’s an agency
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or something else, needs to be created headed by a very authoritative person, i think that there are such people now in the russian federation, because everything -after all, the logic of russia’s relations with its neighbors differs, as they emphasized here, from relations there with foreign countries, it is very important here who... represents russia, what his status is, how close he is to the leader of the russian federation, there are a lot of nuances, believe me, not only in central asia, but in principle throughout this entire space , and i would generally include the soviet space even in a broader sense of the word, because some neighbors, those who strive to be close to russia, do not need to be excluded from this, for example, relations with the same serbia, require.
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there won’t be any formulas other than zelensky’s formula maybe, against the backdrop of these events, this is just zilch, not a statement, and i think the west now, i don’t know if they have any such completed plan for relations. from the russian federation, but it is impossible to underestimate the enemy, however, it is impossible not to state the obvious, such confusion that exists is also impossible, here they talked about building up the european military-industrial complex, they don’t know how, in may, at the beginning of may, a conference was held in warsaw , and the minister of defense, there vladislav kasinya kamysh and many
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others, they seemed to talk about it, but they don’t know how to do it, and watch how to line it up. the poles say: we are ready, but we don’t have money, who will give us money, give us the europeans, the europeans say: we don’t have much money either, who will? americans, americans, we already gave it to the ukrainians, there is no money for you, in the end, well, it seems that business should be interested in this, new orders, but nothing like that, over the years they have dispersed all business to the service sector, to the consumer market , it's bloated, that means it will be necessary to narrow the consumer market, this means it is necessary to worsen the quality of life, what is it?
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destroys the myth of the consolidated west, you see, we made this formulation for ourselves: collective west, there is no collective west, there is the usa and satellites, within these satellites there is now disagreement, contradiction, uncertainty, internal struggle, which, of course, , blurs their political position, greatly,
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complete, i will start from the words of our beloved belarusian colleague, vadim gikin, from...
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move on, this is the first, second, after all , ideological sovereignty, uh, everything is technological, but where is our ideological sovereignty, a separate topic, it always arises through this upbringing, education , everything else, and the last thing, the president has changed the same thing, great, the government has changed, but in general not much, but it feels like now everything will immediately become much better, simply because it has changed. accordingly, we trust the president, mishustin too, and that went, but the bosses in in russia, these are not 35 members of the government headed by the president as a political leader, there are 30,000 or 300,000 of them, this impulse will reach these, which, i will tell you this, give me the right to reappoint 20
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artistic directors of russian theaters. i will turn this country in any direction, this is a good reason to arrest you, vitalitorevich, why, well, why, because i don’t know who you are talking to, but you are proposing a coup d’etat, and not an ideological one, since you immediately say, that in any direction, that is, if you have a unique technology that is so dangerous for our country, then the competent authorities should take a closer look at you, now advertising, after which we will continue with a new composition. mary, i don’t believe that you betrayed me, but i must know the truth. i understand you,
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in order not to lose love, you need to lose your memory, electric fence nazia, this happens, she won’t forgive me, but what about you? “ it seems to me that it’s easy to fall in love with you, if only you could, i want to forget everything, get out of this slush, let spring into your heart, belated spring, premiere on saturday on rtr, we gathered about ten people into the first group." there were short calls, we are going to donetsk, you are with us, yes, when my fighters came running, they carried me, another shelling began, they laid me down, lay on
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top of me, alone the bullet is still in me, this is, let's say, my trophy, we were hungry then, here comes my grandmother, hungry herself, but she carries this chicken to the drive and says: baby, feed the dogs, lend a helping hand, we olga and i decided that we needed to take the guys in, i came across such people, they were not indifferent, they supported me with a word, hello, dear soldier, and in fact, without your help you would not have survived, only ours can, honor and praise to you, what you do is simply amazing, from monday to thursday on rtr.
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don’t be jealous, not everything is so smooth for them, what is the occasion for a holiday when it seems that there is no way out, i am the master in this house, look into your eyes, i will leave, remember, you are my property, if i want, i will slaughter you like a cow , and no one will save you, you have a choice, love or life, it’s my fault, i provoked him, such freaks have everything everyone is to blame except them, write a statement addressed to the district police officer, it’s none of your business, sunday on
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rtr. the day before, the kiev regime killed only in the belgorod region. according to the latest data, 19 civilians, 19 civilians, the world did not flinch, did not pay any attention, nothing was said in all the statements of officials, the russian genocide is ridiculous, as formulated by the nazi scumbag scholz, but one of the american idiots. says: what 's wrong? well, they dropped nuclear bombs on kheroshima on the government, we need to give it to the israelis now, so that they too would drop nuclear bombs.
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you know, every time i see what happened, the ukrainian nazis killed 19 residents of belgorod, before that, over the course of 8 years , they killed several hundred children and several thousand civilians in donbass, they burned them in odessa and came up with the idea that the number was about 50, although in reality there is much more to it. for 8 years they tried to investigate the crimes committed on the maidan, inventing the heavenly hundred, and were never able to prove who killed. that's how you died. then the ukronazis appeared, who happily said that they did it they. you shouldn’t expect that the west will pay attention to this, don’t. today, new terrorist attacks are being pursued in the kursk region in the lugansk people's republic. in
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piwi , civilians are killed by drones behind civilian vehicles, there is no need to look for brothers in them, and there is no need to tell us that we should feel sympathy, i have all sympathy for our citizens, and not for the nazis, yes, we are ready to show mercy to those who surrender ?
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the world will applaud the murder, the world no longer talks about democracy, about choice people, the world doesn’t speak, but the residents of donbass have been fighting for their choice for 8 years, and the residents of crimea immediately made their choice, and kherson and zaporozhye voted in democratic elections, unlike the systems, say, existing in germany and britain, where in general there are no direct elections of leadership.
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democracy, ugh, don’t tell fairy tales, what kind of democracy, there is no democracy for the west, the territory must return, but these people don’t want to, moreover, these are the same people who told us during the war against international terrorism in the caucasus, as how we should do, how we should listen to everyone, how we should give everything to everyone, now suddenly they say: no, no, the land is important. gur is trying to convince everyone that the defense of kharkov is going according to plan, well, yes, for sure, the plan is just sorry, crap, but according to the plan, apparently, everything is going according to the plan, yes, the plan is to surrender kharkov, only this time we will not repeat this kindness 'twenty-two and i think there is no point in going into kharkov, we will go around and put it under siege, then let the civilians decide for themselves.
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what should they do with the nazi bastard who occupied kharkov? budanov arrived there, his mother’s pie, who leaves people to die over and over again now, near volchansk and other places, and it turns out that his fighters are rather weak, they are good at chatting, ours are sorted out, by the way, they surrender, the pederostic krakins and so on surrender, well and budanov begins to blame for all the failures.
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the negotiators are corrupt, what happened? and what not? but what, maybe western politicians will finally say, how much money is not yours, are you along? so that the situation improves, because the same people will make the same decisions within the same strategy, until they lead to a complete crisis, western arms assistance will help hold the front, but internal affairs
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will not get better from this, so yes, we are rushing to crisis, somewhere by the fall, i think there will be enough safety margin, by the fall it should break out in earnest, will this coincide with the russian offensive? whether it will be successful or not is a big question, but in winter we will go through a severe crisis, much more worse than now, because the consequences of decisions not taken and made will now show their catastrophic face by that time, it is catastrophic now, then it will be very difficult, if only you knew how much they steal, it’s just a disaster, it’s just a disaster, and how much soldier’s blood is there before... a weak deal, this is some kind of transparency international data you mean, which is this data, which is the data that is shared here, shared by knowledgeable people, they are terrified, europeans, americans are holding their heads , when it will be
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the report will be published after the world summit, i don’t know for sure, but everything will be written there, well, not only there, they will be written in many places, yeah. so not only do they steal, they still don’t manage effectively, it would be nice if they managed effectively, they stole, as this one said from a profit, they stole, but didn’t even do that, it’s a disaster, and why is richichi so nervous, is it something from the feeding trough? pushed back, well , of course, so he was one of the armed ones, well , yes, so he knows for sure, of course, we can ask vasily dmitrovich about this, vasily dmitrivich, there are so many friends among thieves that vasiliyvich is already himself, don’t confuse him,
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yes, in russia they steal, but, but in russia they imprison a deputy minister, they imprison that one, in ukraine, who steal, they stole in ukraine, you simply cannot find those who clean, but the people are generally very smart, the ukrainians are just so smart, i would say, the deputy of the verkhovna rada, anna skorokhod, is just so worried, because the ukrainians have found the easiest way to avoid burial.
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no, there are now a large number of prisoners, and they surrender near kharkov and are like, well it is already clear who can be rushed to the front without any preparation, nothing, that is, of course, there are
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nazis highly motivated and trained by the west, but there are not enough of them, this does not mean that the enemy is fleeing, that they have wavered, that no, no, the battles are still heavy . “listen, there is no need to relax, i want to remind you that even after the signing of the act of surrender, they continued to fight with the germans, and individual garrisons were still fighting, it’s okay.” “let’s finish off everyone, everyone, and by the way, i’ll repeat once again that if suddenly someone forgot, and i’ll give the floor to radion, i’m macron now, he i was already afraid to send troops, but now the tribaltic people in the emirates want to somehow organize themselves and send troops, i want you to have no illusions, i will repeat to you the phrase of state duma deputy pyotr tolsov, we will kill you all, no matter where you send them , no matter what point in ukraine they will be, they will be..." goal number one, it will be simply fundamentally important, to kill
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them all. do you think that you have a large population, the balts? well, what will your voters think when will coffins fall on your home? please, it seems to me that the mercenaries here have a very unenviable fate. and once upon a time, when they planned to create a tribunal for mercenaries in mariupol, yes, well, certain castlings took place, after which somehow there were fewer mercenaries. there are fewer foreign troops, fewer instructors are being captured, yes, because well, the attitude towards them has been formed in the ranks of our guys, who clearly understand, as it were, that these are not defenders, these are not patriots, this is not a family, they have there i wasn't hungry, nothing there was nothing, they didn’t drive him into a trench, he voluntarily took up arms and went to earn money by killing our fighters, those who killed civilians , doing basically whatever came his way and... when is it now it’s about responsibility, yes, that is, of course, there are two options left,
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the first option is that he won’t live, yes, the second option is that he will sit in the dock, how he will sit on which bench, i think it will be clear very soon, for now there is only a bench that follows the russian criminal code, and is already there somewhere, now i’ll say, well, somewhere around 400 people have already received their sentences, what does it have to do with them giving from 12 to life, it’s important to scatter them among different... colonies and strictly control them so that their ability to communicate is limited? well, you know, among ukrainians there shouldn’t necessarily be sugar, sugar? the wooden conclusion should not be sugar, and among the three ukrainians there will definitely be a traitor, so he will work for those who will be told, well, the ukrainian government, it gives, makes itself felt, you know, there is still something to kill for, something to punish for, something to judge for, you named the numbers. 19 people, and i’ll tell you the figure for the week, 237, 237 people were injured,
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of which 50 people died, including these 19 that we are talking about in belgorod, because during these days we had days, we it was may 9, we had 10 years of the dpr, 10 years of the lpr, there were 10 years of the referendum, the ukrainians did not miss any of these holidays, that is, all these holidays are obligatory, that is, there were attacks on the center of donetsk paradise, there were strikes on a residential building in... an area in belgorod, there were shellings of rovenki, today, today it arrived in krasnodon, that is, all this happened, it was all strikes everywhere, today about 30 percent compared over the past week the number of shellings has increased, and all for one simple reason, because volchansk appeared in everyday life, krasnohorivka appeared, a chasovyar loomed somewhere on the horizon, and the ukrainians were already talking about what you know, a chasovyar.
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the name was quite human, so their value there is overwhelmingly becoming less, less, cheaper, of course there are no throws, of course there are none of these, he also knows how on november 7 it is urgent to take this city, there is none of this, that’s why what’s happening in ukrainian publics now like this, you know, like this glug-glug-glug glug-glug, everyone began to actively discuss together, he said, how is this possible, we didn’t expect it, we didn’t agree that it was from kharkov, this wasn’t in kharkov, but they said it would be there from there. yes, they said what will happen in the south means that it will happen there, and we
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are here, here they are simulating as if no one will go anywhere, so we will not react, here they went, listen, we didn’t agree, well, something like that, then it turned out , that there is no fortification there, it’s welded together, here’s vasil, vasil, he ’s a great fellow, yes, he says, it means that the russians are stealing everything, yes, the russians were stealing, stealing, stealing, and then on a counter-attack, boom, well everything is standing here, yes, what they stole, where they stole it, here’s how the ukrainians stole everything, it’s normal, they came, there’s nothing, if he steals, he will steal. there , it’s now less than 30 km to kharkov, less than 30 km from the positions where our troops are now, so everything is very close, really, if for them, for them, what ’s scary is when our cannon artillery reaches the direct line, everything goes to everything goes well with this, so now and where
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the positions are, so you know, here in kharkov, yes, that is, guys, where you see the ukrainian positions you will see, get out of there, just get out of there, because to your homes, to your hospitals . they won't shoot, but if this hospital is equipped with a pillbox, if this hospital has an ammunition depot in the basement, if you have some kind of position set up on the tenth floor of your house, get the hell out of there, while we have so many birds hanging there now, we see everything, the situation has changed, in reality we have already moved on, now everyone is there, those who are closely following the events, they say: listen, but it went, went, went, went step by step, went and came to really today a qualitative change has happened, and a qualitative change not that...
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but here we need to compare, but the point is that there are more days, probably, that now against this background against this background what happened there budanov hates syrsky already accuses, zelensky is looking for the last resort, and the entire ukrainian public is looking for where the money was stolen , why the fortification was not built, by this time everyone suddenly begins to understand, but the little one comes out and tells, says: “listen, some 3 billion are hundreds, hundreds of hundreds, that’s where, listen, a week ago there was a bylaska - his real name, malyusko, yes, yes, yes, it is the man who speaks."
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in the carpathians, and how many drowned in this yew, and how many did not make it, and how many froze, and how many others simply went
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there in transit, so when the europeans see this, they say: listen, wait, how many brigades are there? passed here, yes, that is, how could it be, why, we all knew, we gave them money because they are like that... therefore , no one knows how effective this law on mobilization will be, so smoothly this is the beginning of action, the beginning the promotion of russian posts is only the beginning, the beginning of this crash, from which it is now falling apart.
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i haven’t seen any photographs in western newspapers , of course, of a house destroyed in belgorod, but nowhere, in fact, somewhere in an article in the basement they mention that it fell, who shot, it’s not clear, yes, and that’s how they will always treat it, so that no one really has any illusions, now this admiral bauer, who was relatively recently appointed commander of the nato armed forces in europe, he is still apparently didn’t come in, it’s herbaur, we found out yesterday. now he says a lot of things like this, he said it frankly, and he also referred to stolteng, it’s beneficial for us, yes, that is
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, he says that while the russians are fighting with the ukrainians, yes, they definitely won’t attack nato, that’s all, that’s it ukrainians, draw a further conclusion, yes, that nato is more profitable, the end of the war or vice versa, let russia fight forever with you, with the ukrainians, how many of you will die in this case, and waste away, because for us you are just as russian, that’s all, that’s it this point the population you are talking about, yes, i watched a story on sky news today and i can’t understand, but the presenter repeats several times, here is the inclusion, here is a report from a kharkov village near kharkov, somewhere rishki-tishki, rishki-tishki , i think what kind of rishki-tishki is, and i even started looking at the map, then it dawns on me, rishki-tishki is, so you don’t understand, the name of a village, and an old one, a moscow village.
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complete misunderstanding, complete panic, but you know, a bunch of experts suddenly began to pronounce this complex word kharkiv, yes there they also ukrainized it, and you know, i clearly remember, i studied the period of the civil war, just on this piece of land, it’s as if i read all these reports from the british press in 1919, remember, this is not an anecdote , that is, it really... it was so, that is, the british western press praised general kharkov for a long time, that is, general denikin, general krasnov, general kharkov,
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there the exploits of this general fighting the bolshevik were simply everywhere on the front pages, the king of britain awarded the general kharkov with an order, so when we arrived, that means in kharkov , the capital of the south of russia, which was occupied by a volunteer army, and the british came to present the order from the king, it suddenly became clear:
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ukrainian guards are screaming, and where, where are all the fortifications, nothing at all, an open field under this volchansky, moreover, soldiers were locked there who could neither retreat nor evacuate, they were simply thrown to slaughter, it is very significant that today general dropatov was appointed commander of the kharkov group of the armed forces of ukraine, shabby, from the word scurry, well, the word scurry, well, this is the executioner of mariupol, yes, yes, no, well, they are all there in this regard, but what i mean is that i would... immediately advise appointing the chief of the general staff - general kapitulyanenko, probably, since he already has last names.


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