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tv   [untitled]    May 14, 2024 4:30am-5:01am MSK

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this is a holiday for the soul, where every detail is created to be admired. discover a real gem on the bodrum coastline. titanic lakshery collection bodrum. exceptional service, incredible culinary delights and an atmosphere of complete relaxation. immerse yourself in a world of exciting adventures and exciting entertainment. welcome to the world of timeless elegance and...
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let's sit down, look, look, maybe we'll go to my place, just watch a movie, i've been waiting for you forever, i was in such a hurry to meet you, it's finally come, spring, warm, sunny, bright, the russian exhibition has blossomed with all the colors of spring, you have been waiting for spring, now spring is waiting for you, at the russia exhibition.
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yes, alexander ivanovich, libodev called and asked you to turn on channel forty. thank you. and so i appeal to all residents of our city, and maybe even the whole party. arkadin needs to be found, the man was taken away in an ambulance, and no one does anything, no one knows what hospital he is in, where he is? it was semyon lebedev, a representative of the everest company, his company is an investor. arkadina show, in the organs internal affairs refused to give us confirmation of lebedev’s words, but no one began to refute them. let me remind you that the famous showman arkadin was injured live while hosting his show institute of divorce. until today, it was believed that arkadin was in hospital, an address that was not disclosed at the request of the victim. we will monitor the development. slick.
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this means that arkadin lost a lot in the casino, well why, and won, sometimes, well, it doesn’t matter, he visited you often, almost every day, practically, and you were with him, well, on good terms relationships, of course, well, first of all, a celebrity, his portraits hung in our casino, yeah. went to see arkadin, no, he definitely brought benefits, and money, probably, money, well, he lost, but he never had money, and it turns out that he played on credit, well, what am i talking about, for the time being until then, well , he brought certain benefits, there was no point in arguing with him, but lately he... how can i tell you this, began
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to bury himself. yes, i got impudent every minute. he decided that he had unlimited credit and began make crazy bets when the debt has grown to $100 thousand? yeah, dollars, i decided to talk to him. i told him that i didn’t earn enough to continue lending to him. and he? in tears? no, he began to bend his fingers. he said that i should kiss his ass because... he honored our casino with his presence, well, i got wound up and sent him on all fours, he went to another casino, and they gave him a loan there? no, i called the owners of large casinos, explained the situation, but they cooperated, and he returned a week later, he was a bastard to go to a small casino, he came, promised to repay the debt, but i told him that he would not play without money anymore, and
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he offered an option, which caught me like a fool. “honestly, he offered to participate in his program, well, i agreed, i dreamed about it for a long time, like a complete idiot, you understand, and you forgave him the debt, yes, he wrote a receipt, and this bastard, hmm, threw me and my ex out husband as complete cretins in her program, olga was hysterical after that, shouting that she would sue this bastard for insulting honor and dignity, and after that you hung arkadien’s photograph in a black frame, yes, this is a joke we have with debtors, but i was ready to kill him myself, really, no, what are you, yes
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, he later asked for forgiveness and brought the money, when? recently, a week ago, or maybe less, i haven’t had time to take off the frame yet, the mourning one, but maybe i won’t have to take it off, yeah, you think so, although mr. lebedev, a person vitally interested in alexey arkadin being found, nevertheless, the fact remains a fact until a single refutation has been received, and the saddest thing is that the whereabouts of the famous presenter have not yet been established, they called, let me... come in, mr. investigator, it’s especially important, have a seat, what have we got there, we’re preparing a refutation, i can help, but no, there ’s nothing to refute yet, ok, so let’s write down the statements of the competent authorities,
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there will be no refutation for now, for now, okay, anton, really, i need help, i need information, i don’t understand anything, but what do you want to understand, read the newspapers? everything is written there about arkadin, everyone, in fact, his step, for example, how many approaches to the body of a famous actress did arkadin make in just one night, what an amazing man he is, and so on and so forth, listen, people work, people write newspapers for what, so that you read, but you don’t read, this it’s a shame, because i need the truth in a certain direction, marya sergeevna, the truth in our business does not exist at all, there is information that is more or less reliable, that’s all, well, good. in the direction? i'm interested in producer arkadina, producer arkadina, and the institute divorce, uh-huh, kopanovsky, uh-huh, well, what about the producer, successful, he has several projects on the channel, because he knows who, how much,
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when to give a kickback, this is very important, but besides the divorce, there are several more projects, but not so popular , well, what else, well, does it work? i don't know, what exactly? well, what is his relationship with arkazin? maryageevna, he and arkadin have exactly the same relationship as all people on the planet, disgusting, everything, but, but there is one more information, but i don’t know how true it is, oh well, come on, speak. mash, in general, there are rumors, these are just rumors, that perhaps arkadin wanted to change kopanovsky to another producer, wait, is this possible, but theoretically possible, no, you understand, these are just rumors, because maybe this is arkadin’s specific desire, maybe
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it’s just information that came from arkadin’s lips, i don’t know, well, i just thought that the producer was providing arkadina with work, well, formally yes, but you understand, there is a program? there is a well-known program called the institute of divorce, it would not exist without producer kopanovsky maybe, but without the presenter arkadin, no, you know, but what about all this talk that kopanovsky wants to replace arkadyen, oh, mash, don’t make me laugh, really, i’m asking you, but this, well, as an example, is counter -disinformation from uskanovsky addressed to arkadin, which for some reason the criminal believed in, masha, i told you, i told you everything i knew, and you tell me what, well, shoot, shoot, shoot, well, but who shot at arkadin, you can tell me, me, well , how do i know, i don’t suspect anyone yet, yes, yeah, no one, no one at all, great, then
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there is, as always, i do everything from the bottom of my heart, she doesn’t matter to me, thank you, maria sergeevna, this is lebedev, arkadin called me. what are you saying, and where is he? at a private clinic, i ’m on my way there now, can i pick you up? yes, come on, cafe. yes , this is a different matter, the swindler was caught, so okay, anton, thank you very much, if i find out something, i will definitely tell you, yeah, i very much doubt it, come on, that is , the conversation is over, i can go, yes bye, bye, thank you free, bye, thank you, be healthy. yeah, yeah, man,
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you're not simple, just because the directors of the casino doesn’t become, ah, it’s clear, yes, he would have killed this arkadin if he wanted, but in a different way, not so demonstratively. here somehow everything was organized like a woman’s, too hysterical, like a woman, like boss, listen, but this brothel owner has an ex-wife, but it doesn’t matter, remember how he said that she was in convulsions after the broadcast? you think, well, why not talk,
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well, how his voice was, quite cheerful, lyokha, he’s a tenacious guy, yes, everything heals on him like on a dog, and how do you know, but he’s not much better than me... knows, yes, yes, we are we know each other, about 15 years old, really, yes, we studied together at the theater academy, hmm, he once jumped into a fountain while drunk, basically, he tore his shoulder, there are piles sticking out of the bottom, he caught some nerve, the doctors said that his arm won’t work at all, and after 2 weeks he was already playing tennis, of course, and you accidentally met him on the program, but no, of course, i ’ve been involved in advertising since college, so i took him in so that give me the opportunity to earn extra money, well, when i became
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a marketer for everest, he came to me and suggested an option with this program, at first i i didn’t believe it, but the effect was amazing, they started buying coffee, but it was the wrong word, we guessed right with the audience, the viewers of the divorce institute turned out to be our potential clients, our slogan was absolutely perfect for the show. choice, in general it worked out, the show helped the product, and advertising helped the show, great, great, great, only 2 weeks ago we launched a new package, arcadia coffee, i already said, well, in general it’s a lot of money, switching to a new format, very big, well, this is what happened here.
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hello, hello, who are you going to see, arkadin, he’s in this building, please come in. so, i wonder how he ended up here, why he was soon taken to this hospital, i don’t know, you ask him yourself, but you know which ward is, uh, the seventeenth. can we call someone? no need, come on in,
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lyokha, i don’t understand, lyokha, throw on something, there ’s a lady here, who are you, actually we’re looking for alexei arkadin, he said he’s in the seventeenth. and who are you? what's the difference? well, he called me today, asked me to come, i told him employee, he was discharged today, how is it, when?
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i don’t know anything else, we can meet somehow, no, why? because i told you, i have nothing to tell you, let me decide what you will decide, i ’m telling you, i have nothing to tell you, i won’t meet, and you understand that i have the right to send an outfit, don’t scare me , they already scared me, it’s clear, you have the right, i also have the right to call the osb to say that you are threatening me, i understand perfectly well who you work for, if you dare so much as a finger, even lift a finger in my direction, i will put you all in prison, do you understand me? yes, i , well, in my opinion, it’s hot, we need to take it, and what surprises you, he is on the mend, we did everything we could, he no longer needs
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a hospitalist, yesterday we filled out all the documents, today they came for him. that's it, nothing supernatural. he didn’t tell me that he was being discharged. and who came for him? i don’t know, we arrived by taxi, he got into the car and drove off. that is, you haven’t seen these people? no. what for? strictly speaking, he himself could have left without any escort. why did you decide why did they come for him? because the patient said so. of course, he could have deceived me, but why did he need it, i don’t... i don’t understand how he got to you, i mean, the ambulances brought you, but do you accept all patients from the ambulance? no, only those who pay for our treatment or who have our insurance policy, and who does it apply to? he had a policy. yeah, when was it issued? may i know?
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maybe a week ago. i remembered it because it seemed strange to me, a person draws it up. the policy includes trauma medicine, and a week later he gets injured, and he definitely drew it up himself, i can’t say that, the policy was issued in his name. and she’s definitely at work, well, i talked to the secretary, but you didn’t scare her off, and what kind of car she has, you don’t know, no, she didn’t tell me such intimate details.
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yes, we shipped the fittings on the fourth, no, there were 5 tons, here are my documents, serdyukov confirmed receipt, yes, hello, hello, major vinokurov, osb captain, filimonov. i have a minute, actually, no, but you know, i have a statement against you, we’ll talk, we actually here on business, it can be postponed, postponed, it is possible, and even necessary, your business, you are here in search of olga grigorievna pekhtereva, olga grigorievna pekhtereva is suspected of
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organizing a murder, yes, you have evidence, we have an operational one. great, tell me more about this, why are you scared? in my office, follow me, is this a journalist or what? looks like they got wind of it? i think i know because i have a mirror.
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i appeal to everyone who has seen him in the last few hours to please report this immediately, we are talking about alexei’s life, we don’t know who is behind the attack on him, who is behind his kidnapping, but he is in danger, and do you at least suspect who i said everything, leave the doctors alone, i’m okay they don’t know, please, your husband filed a statement of attempted murder, that he suspects me, we ’ll figure out who poisoned him, i need to do an examination of the medicine, how could you, joke, i’m not going to make excuses, you’re going through a stage, everything is against you, i promise that we will figure it out, late spring, premiere on saturday on rtr
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welcome to the newest rixas hotel in sharmelsheikh rixas radomis sharmelsheikh is an ideal place for a family holiday, where everything is created for the happiness and comfort of the children of their parents. escape from everyday life into a world of endless entertainment. enjoy themed rooms, the largest for children. in the region and an unforgettable vacation. riksas radomis sharmel-sheikh. hotel titaanik dellux golf belek, where every moment is
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exclusive. wrap yourself in comfort by our swimming pools. relax in the salon and enjoy delicious dishes from the best restaurants. here, each room is a journey into coziness and comfort. your holiday is your rules. titanic deluxe golf bellet is the best choice for an unforgettable holiday. every time i cry. it's very hard to remember. i went into my house, sat down on the floor and said: i’ll stay here. the military had to be made aware that animals were simply dying there. danets was heavily shelled, but we decided to be at the wedding out of spite. the main thing is that we are together. our! our! they don’t leave their own people at rtr from monday to thursday, can you explain to me why we are leaving st. petersburg and dragging ourselves to this sample? i have problems
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in business, and do you remember tanka, vasil? and she was still in love with you, but she’s not married, it would seem that we’ve been living together all our lives? we know everything about each other, but not everything, well, you liked me at school 20 years ago, are you still obsessed with this stupid childish love, it’s stupid, girls love their dreams to come true, olya, your husband, husband your cheating on you, olya, olya, let me all be there together, pash, stop it earlier this didn’t happen, you don’t see me, you don’t even look in my direction, but i, i’m a woman, where on... filmed on friday on rtr, that is, we are charged with
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several crimes at once: excess official authority, receiving a bribe, and repeated threats against olga grigorievna pekhtreva. yeah, in short, use. when they are found, sit down and listen, captain, do you
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have any idea what this is? well, well, i had to soak the bastard, that’s right, you don’t want to be dismembered, there are organs here and there, yeah, there’s only one organ there stomach, and arkadin told me this at the very moment when i was holding the microphone, i couldn’t stand it right on the air, i fell out of
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my chair so that. please note that arkadin was involved in financing the project yakov mikhailovich, you constantly touch on this topic, you don’t understand what you’re talking about at all, arkadien was never involved in financing, his people did it, excuse me, you always switch to personal relationships, but we came here discuss the personality of arkadin. don't you think that this tragedy has nothing to do with his personal life is connected with his professional activities. arkadin during our last meeting, hello. when will you find that superstar? whom? well arkadina? are you even looking for him? since when are you interested in my work? a? and since it became impossible to turn on any household appliances in the house. out of the iron i hear about the disappearance of genius and television. not to mention tv channels. outrageous, charismatic, extraordinary. alexey arkadin could grace the air of any channel with his presence, and i want to.
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goat, i can tell you for sure, this woman hired some a goat who knows how to shoot well, uh-huh, well, yes, and disappears into thin air at the first need, and this is no longer a goat, this is batman, should you have heard how she talks?
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i didn’t have time to say: hello, how did i end up in the osb, she was ready for an attack, she was sitting in ambush and waiting for any attack in her direction, and this gave herself away. the very first attempt at simple contact causes a completely inadequate reaction, the first, boss, and if not the first, i mean, i called for the first time, but it was you for the first time, and how many times could they have called before you? the osb officer said that she threatened repeatedly. listen, you're funny, but he's just stupid. worked off the money, boss, it seems to me that her man is also very complicated, he probably at least advised her, but this does not explain why arkadin does not show any signs of life, and if he does, he sounds completely serene when he called lebedev , he had no doubt that arkadin was safe, oh, chief, you know, they could
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intimidate him in any way they wanted, they could keep him on a short leash, in the end they could have blackmailed him. you know as well as i do that the worse a person is, the more vulnerable he is to blackmail. do you know how many weak points this clown has? of course, but if he was blackmailed, he would insist on something, ask for money, information, confuse the investigation, and if he called in spite of them, he would ask for help. it didn't sound. another, a man completely satisfied with life, reported his whereabouts, i agree, but, but he nevertheless deceived lebedev, not in the main thing, he really was there, boss, you see, everything was somehow more or less clear until the moment he left the hospital without waiting for lebedev, not entirely.


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