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tv   [untitled]    May 14, 2024 5:30am-6:01am MSK

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we eat from the same pot there, in general, such work is probably noble, that is , we need to create in this life, 5 o’clock i get up now.
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and what a day off it is, it’s all the time, monday, sunday, nowhere, it ’s not money, the more i work, the more i rest, there is no agriculture in the village, like in collective farms, it belongs to the forest industry in the village , there were four of us in the family, we worked at once, they drove me
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if i loved it, so i loved knitting, embroidering, but there’s a lot of dowry to prepare, wallpaper were embroidered, the pillowcases were embroidered, everything had to be embroidered, the five wipers were made by matchmakers, the groomsmen were on the icons of the wiper, the mirrors were on the walls, on the mirror.
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how young people scold me now, but they themselves were fools for abandoning me, my father scolded me for abandoning me, he came to roll logs at the sawmill, rolled logs at the sawmill, there was no other robot, so it’s obvious, so he turned around, what if if i hadn’t met vacha there , he wouldn’t have come to start visiting us, or maybe it’s still there, well, you see, he stopped by, this one probably ordered something, it was my, lord, my destiny to return back to the village, well, he seemed somehow unusual to me, well, he was smart, smart, as i say, not in praise, he probably died, here are
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the sawmills, what we sawed with him , and this is a machine, here we planed boards, here we planed lining with it, there ’s a pimaka, this is a wool beater, it’s already. they beat six, they rolled their felt boots, then in the village they mostly wore felt boots, and that’s at least two pairs, everyone had weekend boots, and such home-made felt boots, they rolled a lot, after work in the evenings, before work for two days they worked, they worked until one o’clock until two o’clock, and then at half past three they already had to get up at five to go racing.
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well, unfortunately, in 1985 , my wife died of diabetes, well, such a blow, of course, and i feel like there’s something tragic in my life, well, i got sick, in short, well, the doctors said, or you change your job and place of residence, or you will have a disability, well, so i had to step on my song’s throat, i came here to visit friends, they helped me buy a house.
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this is about neighbors, there are some rules, delicacy, the ability to listen, the ability to remain silent and the ability to simply build relationships, the people here are unique, tyulyuk is a very ancient village, maybe even an ancient village at one time, 300 years old tyulyuk, it says something, that is, it is isolation from the outside world , and here at one time... there was a closed zone, here, well, as if in the interests of the state, but then all this, when they began to open up a little, well , non-random people come here, artists live here, poets, writers live, such a creative village, i started working at school, in
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i worked at school, and after i retired, i worked with especially gifted children, the house of pioneers, please pass the lady, the house of pioneers, this is not an age category, this is... children's happiness in creativity, circles around her, around her, around her, and as tightly as possible, just like that, that’s right, as tightly as possible, you glue it right away, and now you start gluing it, take it all, and you’ll lose it all again, it’ll get tangled up, glue it right away, children so according to the list, about 20 people, let’s say, are adults people, their parents are walking, we welcome veterans, pioneers from 10 types of decorative arts, wood turning, flat-leaf carving, geometric carving, burning, interweaving ilyana is engaged in stone with melcher, there was a competition in mosaics in childhood , seven diplomas were taken from them two grand at, and i assume that ilya will also take it, suddenly i get diplomas, ilya takes second place, that is, he is engaged in aerobatics, so that
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the boy could make such jewelry, that is, he only began to do this level at about 30 years old, the evaluation commission either made a mistake or didn’t believe that this child couldn’t do such things. work for me is pleasure and religion is everything for me. sorry for such pathos, that the teacher, our house is full of things, construction is going on, no, i’m coming here, half the village says, vadik, you, why do you need this, and half the village says, vadik, no matter what, keep doing his own business, he has been playing for the pioneers for 70 years. hello, angela, as they say,
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i apologize to the people for the humor, not even a year has passed, but what a job, well, okay, thank you, i i started creating such a museum, precisely in tyulyuk, and vadim stepanovich, we have been friends for a long time, he is also involved in collecting antique objects and i decided. one day i came by and saw that he had an old icon frame hanging, i said, vadimir stepanovich, what do you have? i say, how long has it been, you have it hanging there, he yes, oh, for a long time, he says, 20-30 years already, you know, i have it, it looks like it’s on me, as if i looked at the malba with some, and it was as if she had turned to me, well... take me away somehow, finish me off, i said, let me take it, restore it, and i
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found out that we have it in yuryuzan man, he is engaged in the restoration of icons, i brought him this salary, he looked carefully, well , at first it was like i was charging a lot for the work, i told him that in tuluk we are trying to create a museum like this, and he somehow got into it and said, okay, i ’ll just draw...
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it’s working, she calls me and says: angela, he’s coming, this sunday, come running, just like i go to work in my overalls, like this in special pants, that is, in a jacket, with all my emblems, in my cap, i fly in, some people are coming out of the church , everyone in white headscarves, women, a lot of children, i think what’s going on, and i turn directly to the priest, i say: father peter... i’m putting together a museum, i’m telling the whole previous story, but he, this is not the case
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a simple icon to illuminate, well, let's see what kind of icon it is, just like that, let's see, he he says, as if a little like the old-fashioned way, i take this icon out of the bag here, hand it to him like this, and he put on his glasses, looks like that, and i see that something wrong is happening in his appearance, and he says, so this... this is the tikhvin mother of god. so today is the day of the tikhvin icon of the mother of god, a holiday. we don’t have it in our church. i said, i looked everywhere, so i wanted to write to order. and you, he says, are now bringing it in on this day. and the people all gathered here, and he told them: this is the icon for which we are celebrating the liturgy. they were serving, and now she comes in, that is, i bring her in. they simply regarded it as some kind of miracle, they began to venerate it,
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kiss this icon, so it turned out that many years ago, either in soviet times, or there was a fire, apparently someone took it for safekeeping, then, probably, someone, well, had already died, she ended up in a roadside puddle, where vadim stepanovich found her, when the patronal feast is celebrated, there is a pedestal, and it was empty. and the priest put her on this pedestal, with the sun on the side, and the frame, the sun was burning directly and there was light from her in all directions.
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i paint a picture of the world for myself, if the instrument is ethnic, acoustic, it connects with nature, when you go out into the forest, and let’s say the sound of the wind creates a certain tempo, birds are singing here, and you, when you join in with it all, you get harmony, i i am a freelance artist, i am always interested in discovering something new for myself and... at some certain moment i saw and felt the structure of a tree, a friend asked me to make a wooden button, i made it for me too i liked it so much, and i realized that before that i worked with stone, worked with metal, well , cold materials, wood still has some kind of warmth, i made
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a harp for myself, it was magic, it was my first experience , an instrument i made with my own hands, they were called dugouts, not like they do now from plywood on some machines that cut everything, i made my first harp with a tomeska, in the old fashioned way, i took a board, sawed it out with a hacksaw, selected it with a chisel, screwed it in there is a verbel, well, a verbel is like a peg, where the strings are wound, trynk playing, beauty, this is the feeling of some kind of birthright, somewhere in ancient times, the harp and the hurdy-gurdy, these are primordial... instruments, the harp was used for storytelling, that is, these are instruments of the spirit, an instrument of vibration, when i feel sick daughter to go to bed, i take the harp, play and after 10 minutes my child is sleeping sweetly, my music, it always changes, because i have been experimenting for about 20 years, that is
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, i had different projects, i made electronic music, i worked as a dj, there is a so -called gusla, but it’s already mine an invention, one might say, a symbiosis of different instruments, they sound very interesting and touch people to the depths of their souls, this already makes me happy. i had a great-grandfather, he was a noble carpenter in the village, and he asked me these skills, how to saw a piece of wood, how to process it with a plane, and some kind of energy always came from him, which, when he was gone , it remained somewhere inside me, in
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the end it led to ethnic music, if my... great-grandfather had now seen me playing the harp, i actually did it, he would say briefly, but like this, it’s worthy, the place is interesting, it’s somehow soulful here, or something, we live in the forest, we live from the forest, we’re all forest people, yes, yes, forest people, because for them this is a house. dear, in general here in the urals, especially those who are indigenous and closer to the north, there are generally people there, they are so more tolerant, more calm, more balanced, i have children, adults are already enough, and a son in his own time left, how to look at the world, well , back and forth, lived there, somewhere in
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kaliningrad somewhere else, in the south, in the south, well, we they thought he would settle somewhere there, in the end... he traveled all over the country, came to tyulyuk, now he lives, better, he says, there is no place on earth for tyulyuk. my tv channel! the planet represents. one of peter i's decrees ordered buttons to be sewn
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on the front side of the sleeve of a soldier's uniform. at first glance, they are useless there, but in fact the decree had a very clear purpose. to wean soldiers, most of whom were recruited from peasant backgrounds, from wiping their mouths with their sleeves after eating. but before passing the test of water, fire and smoke, the guests gathered in the house must taste the festive pie, almost all of them live in the city and for them this whole rural way of life has long become the only opportunity to touch. what do you have here?
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this is heiner's workshop, he makes kaneli here, you know what? well, what is our musical instrument called? leito. but the woman was mistaken, she called the estonian musical instrument, and this is the seto kan.
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this song was once sung by grandmother ie, whose generation did not know the division into russian and estonian seto, everyone lived under the same sky, on the same land, but with the advent of the so-called control line, the native village of iya metkovitsa was cut off from estonia by the real border. this border lay between iya and her sister helya. one of the last speakers of the seto language on the pechora land. and every summer, during the holidays, she came to
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her aunt, who lived across the street from us. and she and i were together all the time, we went to pick berries, we played together. both in winter and in summer. the seto land border stretches from north to south for 294 km. most of it ran along... the only thread that connects with her native pskov land, where iya returns year after year, as if remembering the words she once said as a joke to her sister. we often
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meet less often, of course, but it ’s usually always like this on holidays, she laughed that someone is at the holiday, but you and i are always, the kirmysh holiday takes place on pskov land for a reason, from time immemorial it was timed to coincide with the harvest, the patron saint which was the god peka, according to legend. the history of the baptism of their ancestors on the lands of the pskov-pechersk monastery, the main shrines of sethu. in the morning , descendants of the pskov miracle from all border
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villages and hamlets gather at the gates of the monastery. the king is distinguished by a special headdress of white clothing with traditional seto patterns. and arry hearne is the very best people's king of sethu on both sides of the border.
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well, we need to empty the barn somehow, yeah, well, or i can eat all this grain, you can.


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