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tv   [untitled]    May 14, 2024 7:30am-8:01am MSK

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during the season, about 2 tons of petals are collected on the farm; cosmetics, soaps, creams and balms are produced based on hydrosol and essential oil; in addition , marmalade is made from damask roses and tea is prepared. and then, farming didn’t go according to plan, well, they raised chickens, well, i don’t understand how this happened, so i immediately said that the eggs were suspiciously large, but what are we going to say with the aggregator now? well, let’s say that we will supply crocodile skin instead of poultry meat, they will agree, we’ll ask a specialist about this completely soon, what will we feed them? i don’t know whether to get used to the grain, you have to empty the barn somehow, yeah, well, or should i eat all this grain, you can, you’re watching the news on the russia channel, nikolay zuksik is with you, hello, we’ll tell you about the main thing today.
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the forward detachments of the western district carried out a successful assault on the shelter of the ukrainian armed forces. the captured nationalists gathered in the forest belt were recorded by a drone. another reconnaissance drone provided safe passage to militant positions and then suggested possible pockets of resistance. advance group entered the battle and cleared the fortification. group. led, cleared everything, took one flin, destroyed the rest of the enemy, thereby the group entered, cleared, and came out without losses. in the vremev direction, the hurricane system crews disrupted their rotation and destroyed the militants’ armored vehicles. the coordinates of the targets were provided by drone operators and rockets. they opened
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an area the size of five football fields, in addition to military missiles they use propaganda missiles, they are equipped with leaflets calling for surrender to save their lives, with which ukrainian soldiers go to russian positions. in principle, the shells are the same in size, but the difference between these shells is propaganda, it is designed to agitate the people, it turns out to transmit information, it probably takes about 20 minutes to equip, tighten and... take it. a wave of fire was unleashed by the ivanovo paratroopers on the strongholds and infantry of the ukrainian armed forces on the outskirts of chas yar. for safety and to create the effect of surprise, the calculations of the santsepek systems worked in the dark. the successful use of thermomboric ammunition allowed airborne assault groups to take positions with minimal losses enemy and clear them out.
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leading western media are paying attention to the successes of the russian military. cnn states that the situation for kiev is not just bad, it is getting worse day by day. the ukrainian armed forces are retreating in all directions, especially in the kharkov region. against this background, the white house is lobbying its allies to transfer additional weapons to ukraine, in particular patriot systems. according to the wall street journal, kiev's denizers are intercepting fewer and fewer air targets, which leads to large losses. the statement from the ocean was supported by german chancellor. olaf scholz called on europe to produce more weapons and more actively help kiev. his words have already been reacted to in spain. they promised 10 tanks and other arsenals. denmark said that the first f-16 will appear in ukrainian skies within a month. but according to the french limont, new supplies of military aid will not be enough for ukraine to shift the balance of power. a ban on russian uranium supplies to the united states would hit the united states itself. russia is implementing its nuclear projects in other countries. this was stated by the russian ambassador to
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washington anatoly antonov. he commented on joe biden's decree banning the us import of low-enriched uranium from russia. the diplomat emphasized that with such sanctions washington only damages its economy. however, for local politicians the main thing is to try to harm our country. a fire safety regime with the highest hazard class has been introduced in the tomsk region. a fifth natural fire occurs every day. the situation is aggravated by abnormally hot weather. the weapons came close to the regional center. ground forces are involved in the fight against the elements formations and units of the aviation forest security. employees of this department have to make 50-60 flights every day to hard-to-reach areas of the urals, siberia and the far east to monitor the fire situation. during the may holidays alone , 850 forest fires were extinguished in 35 regions of the country. 150 people died in floods in southern brazil. more than 120 more are listed. missing,
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a record rise in river levels over the past century and a half was provoked by extreme precipitation, more than half a million people fled their homes. significant damage was caused to agricultural infrastructure. region, the arrival of big water was felt by residents of neighboring argentina, more than 500 residents of the city of concordia were evacuated due to the flood of the uruguay river, the remaining ones move along the streets in boats helping their pets to escape. in the united states , a steel span of the baltimore bridge was dismantled using a directed explosion. now the structure will begin to be dismantled. the container ship will be removed from the ship, and other debris will be removed from the ship. his accident happened in at the end of march, the ship crashed into an overpass support and demolished an entire span. the busy port of baltimore was closed to shipping traffic. next, regional news, do not switch with residents of moscow and the region,
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see you in a few seconds. now news from the capital region: may warmth will come to moscow at the end of the week, the temperature is already rising, today +10-12, wednesday afternoon it will rise to 18, at night it will also become warmer to +10, on thursday-friday the air will warm up to 20°, precipitation is possible , the rest of the week will be sunny. the results were summed up in moscow raid among users of personal mobility devices, traffic inspectors drew up more than 9,000 reports on scooters and cyclists. there are many couriers among them. the main violations were driving through a pedestrian crossing and speeding. inspectors remind you to ride scooters on sidewalks slowly and allow pedestrians to pass. cyclists must ride on special paths or along the edge of the roadway. the traffic management center
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now estimates the congestion of moscow highways at one point on the streets free due to repairs, difficulties on mkat from lipetskaya street to the south-eastern chord, and 69. to 62 km, as well as from 10 km to lermontovsky prospekt. moscow schools will be renovated under a major overhaul program. as sergei sobyanin said, this year work will begin in fifty buildings, then 100 objects will be repaired annually. the facades, roofing and interior decoration will be put in order, and windows and utility networks will also be replaced. classes will be equipped with modern equipment and classrooms will be created for practical classes. also mayor noted this year by september 1 in moscow. over thirty new educational institutions will open. in the capital , the renovation of the facades of apartment buildings has begun in full. this is one of the most significant housing modernization projects not only in russia, but in the world. it included almost 29,500 houses.
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alexander sandzheev found out how the work will proceed. this year, utility workers plan to renovate 900 façades of residential buildings, most of them in the southwestern, troitsky and central administrative districts. for each. a special design has been developed at the façade technology that allows you to restore the appearance of a building. at the first stage , the geometry of the panels will be corrected, at the second , the interpanel seams will be filled with sealant, after which the facade will be painted in two layers. all materials are used in accordance with all technical standards, high standards, everything is carried out in accordance with design and estimate documentation, so that in sub-zero temperatures and cold weather, the facade of the house retains its appearance for as long as possible. he comes to us periodically. we listen to their wishes and, if possible, meet them halfway, that is, if it suits the government, then we do it the way they asked. as part of the overhaul, brick facades undergo mandatory hydrofabization; this is a modern processing method that protects against the effects
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of precipitation. during the implementation of the program since 2015, repair work has been completed in almost 1,400 apartment buildings, this is almost half of the plan calculated until 2040. the fourth year. alexander sanzhiev, mikhail sidorov and alena felatova. news. about 150 thousand muscovites received new apartments following the implementation of the renovation program. citizens became owners of comfortable housing of more than 900 old houses. they were offered accommodation in almost 300 new buildings. most of the contracts were concluded in the southeast, east and west of the city. in losiny ostrov park . a young moose chased people and was caught on video. the animal was standing on the road when ...
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titanic luxury collection bothrum. welcome to rixsas premium magavish sudes & villas in hurghada. where luxury rooms and villas combine with a 1 km long golden sandy beach. impeccable service and exquisite cuisine will make your holiday unforgettable. rixas premium magavish udess and villas is the vacation you've been dreaming about. i'm getting married. i'm very happy for you. premiere. i want a termination agreement, and it’s up to you to decide. there will be no child. i just want you to think carefully. stop putting pressure on me, you are about to lose sasha and you can’t come to terms with it. and now there is a great opportunity. grandson, we can reunite. light in the window today on rtr.
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good morning. hello, we continue to wake you up in the mornings this week. svetlana avramova, denis stoykov, tuesday morning, may, fourteenth. it’s interesting that russian products are winning. on chinese plates. russian food is becoming popular among residents of the middle kingdom. they tried the sausage, and now they are sure that the best meat products are made only in russia. unlike local ones, they have a lot of meat and the texture is close to ideal. so sometimes there are queues in shops that sell russian products. however, milk, including powdered milk, ice cream and chocolate, is also in demand. domestic tiles, familiar to russians since childhood, have become. a real delicacy, dark chocolate with a high content of cocoa beans is especially appreciated, but there is no arguing here, let’s
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continue the food theme: agro-aggregators have appeared in russia, they should help farm goods get onto the shelves of domestic stores. as practice shows, many agricultural producers have problems with sales. oksana sirova found out whether the path for farm products will become shorter and prices lower. you already need to tie it up, well, look already. maybe the sessions will start soon. farmer's experience fire department igor kuznetsov grows along with cucumbers. this is his first season as a farmer. the khabarovsk resident has sowed two large greenhouses with vegetables and is counting on a decent harvest; there are already contenders for it. everyone knows here in the area, everyone knows that there are two greenhouses like this, no one else has them. but in the future, as the harvest increases , neighbors will no longer be enough buyers. it will be necessary to look for other sales options, which igor understands very well; this is not at all easy to do, he says farm colleague dinara. despite the fact that the cheese is hers. a couple of years ago he won a gold medal at a prestigious international salon in
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france, dinara still has to almost organize dances with tambourines in order to realize it. i either give a treat, or i have an exchange, for example, i give cheese to a farmer, he gives me back the milk, or somewhere i make presentations at cheese parties, tastings. as practice shows, most russian small- medium-sized farms experience problems with selling their products , stand on markets means losing. time, which agricultural producers usually lack anyway, and such sites are not available everywhere, and it is almost impossible for small farmers to get into retail chains with their products on their own, they do not have electronic document management, they do not have their own warehouses for processing products and storing them temporarily , there is no transport, no accounting department, and ultimately there is no sufficient staff, but agro-aggregators that have begun to appear in russian regions have all this, they should become farmers are a real salvation, they are agricultural aggregators... they will work, let’s say, according to the system of offices there for the year, when there are local,
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let’s say, reference points that collect products from local producers, and then prepare and process them and send them to the seller , one of the first regions where such an aggregator began to work was the lipetsk region, here farm vegetables, fruits and berries are purchased, sorted, packaged, calibrated and sold by some farms whose products... reach the non-network level quality, but of a network type, it is already sent for social nutrition for those farms that still have the opportunity.
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well, so that the aggregator does not become a reseller, this forms the market, and the market conditions develop from season to season, well, depending on the time of year, it is a little different, and here the agroaggregator, in our understanding, if it is a cooperative, these are just farmers who gathered, created their own cooperative, and these farmers who supply to this agro-aggregator are a member
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meth cooperative, they form the agenda and, one might say, the policy for the development of this itself.
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who will hold this competition, because if you said that it is the farmers themselves who are organizing a cooperative among themselves, then what is stopping you from having several cooperatives in one region without any competitions and agreeing, this cooperative with one network, that one with another network, well, just the regional government plus retail chains, they will choose which agricultural aggregator will supply an example to this or that retail chain, when farmers throughout the country breathe a little more freely, well, i think that it is actually possible to introduce this after... after the already signed law on goregregators comes out, then we can already introduce it everywhere, then build up the work, but by the end of the year, i think this will already work in other regions, we already have a lot of regions ready to join this project, we understand you, thank you very much, our questions were answered by a popular front expert, analyst, executive director of the association
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people's farmer stanislav san kiev, good day, thank you, i wanted to give birth to this child to polina, polina. no more, vadim, he is not needed, and even more so, seriously, light in the window, premiere, today at 21:20, amazing people, amazing finale, you know, the most important thing is that you are alive, we were very worried on friday at 21:30, road repairs are possible and... a mobile bridge developed in switzerland will help block traffic, the structure is 240 long and weighs more than a thousand, it is collapsible, it is transported in parts and is already in place. in two directions at once: cars are traveling from that at the same speed as before, drivers
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do not experience any inconvenience, traffic safety does not suffer either, and road workers are calmly working under the bridge at this time, but in order to calmly go on a family trip, it is better to buy a minivan instead of a bridge, for business trips it is also ideal, everything is new in this class. more reminiscent of comfortable rest rooms, rather than minibuses on wheels, as ivan zinkevich was convinced of? the miniveno class has been experiencing a real renaissance in recent years, and of course new items are arriving our market. let’s compare three such models that officially appeared in russia quite recently. let's start with the forting m7. under the hood is a two-liter turbo engine with a capacity of 224 horsepower, an eight-speed automatic transmission. rear-wheel drive is included in the equipment list , automatic parking system, keyless entry, parking sensors all round plus a camera, double sunroof, climate control, recommended price from 5.5
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million rubles. and this is the gac m8, it is driven by a two-liter turbocharged engine with 231 horsepower, front-wheel drive, eight-speed automatic transmission, led base with sectional panoramic light. roof, rear view camera, adaptive cruise control, heated windshield and steering wheel, second-row seats with ventilation and massage, three-zone climate control, price starts from 5,500 rubles. well, the third today is hunchi hq9, under the hood is a two-liter inflatable engine with a mild hybrid system, power 245 horsepower, drive, front gearbox, eight-speed automatic. on the list.
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and are similar in characteristics, but the m8 has a more modern exterior, and it also has several configurations, but in the case of forting you don’t have to choose. hunchi is positioned as a premium brand, which is evident from the finishing materials and more technological equipment, but not everyone will like the price difference of almost 2.5 million. yes, those with large families, as a rule, prefer crossovers; they are maneuverable and take up little space in the parking lot. but, if you don’t face such a problem, minivans are definitely worth taking a closer look at. can you explain to me why we
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are leaving st. petersburg and dragging ourselves to this sample? u i have problems in business. do you remember tanka, vasil? and she was in love with you, she was still there. oh, she's not married. “it would seem that we’ve been living together all our lives, we know everything about each other, but not everything, well, you liked me at school 20 years ago, are you really still obsessed with this stupid childish love, this is stupid, girls love to their dreams came true, ol your husband, your husband is cheating on you, olya, let me go there together, pash, stop, this has never happened before, you don’t see me, you don’t even look in my direction, but i, i’m a woman”? where we are not, on friday on rtr, please, introduction and roll call,
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without any built-in, i’m very glad that you came to visit me, how much tea was drunk, how many stories were told, i was daring in white smoting. i foresaw my fate, now everything is coming true, i surrender everything with joy, let’s all wave our hands when everyone is at home with timur kizikov on sunday at rtr, the loss of the first patient is always very difficult, you
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have to... come to terms with it. and i don’t want to put up with this, from the capital, i’ll be new traumatologist in your hospital, she killed a patient in her capital, that’s why she fled here, he won’t be able to walk yet, you crooked piece of crap, i ’ll write a statement to the police, i’ll tell everyone that you kill and injure people, i want to put andrei on the spot, no, get busy with your life, you are my life, love under a microscope. on saturday on rtr. we work in the interests of our country. our job is to tell the truth. our task is to achieve complete victory. this is why we go on air. every evening. evening with vladimir solovyov today on rtr. incendiary
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rhythms and salsas on the streets of old havanna. 3,000 people came to dance, and at the same time break the old world record and set a new one. for this purpose , students from more than a hundred dance schools united on the embankment. usually they compete with each other, but not this time. here everyone acted together, and , characteristically, nothing interfered with any dancer. you can have a good time in zaryadiya park, where the russian garden exhibition is taking place, in the exposition of paintings by people's artist of russia ivan glazunov. at the exhibition unique museum rarities are also presented, some of them were bought at foreign auctions and have now returned home. here, right from the entrance, you feel
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surrounded by magic and beauty. in the underground museum of zaryadye park , the evergreen russian garden is blooming and fragrant until may 26. its author is ivan glazunov, a famous artist and passionate collector, whose new exhibition is dedicated to the main thing in everyone’s life. the garden is about this, it is about the family, it is about its little paradise around the family, about how it was all refracted into art, into creativity, and how this is important for us today. but the russian garden is not only about painting. in any garden there is a place for a secret gazebo or bench for... contemplation of flowering, the symbols of this secluded place were unique objects of russian antiquity from the collection of the artist himself, glazunov began searching for them while traveling around the russian north, finding something in abandoned villages, like, for example, this 16th- century window, part of the house of a rich estate, and with his own hands he turned these works of art into one-piece, exhibition samples. genuine, ancient folk costumes, interior details, paintings, much of which the artist lovingly
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collected, bought and... literally saved from destruction, costumes, furniture, boxes, chests inside of which the heroes of russian folk tales literally come to life, among the incredible acquisitions is this bone bureau, created by kholmogory craftsmen, a gift from merchants to tsarina catherine herself, a rare thing that recently finally returned to its homeland, thanks to glazunov, there is some satisfaction when you buy something abroad and return it to homeland, dear, dear, fight. i had to pay for this beauty at the auction, this costume is also from the end of the 18th century, maybe the beginning of the 19th century, but most likely before napoleonic, the kokoshnik was also bought by me at the christie’s auction, while there were still russian auctions, by the way, they were closed, no longer available from hatred towards us, but once upon a time it was possible to get it, and apparently the things were taken out by russian emigrants, along with this outfit they returned home with other festive costumes, sundresses,
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richly decorated... earrings with gold embroidery, rings, something that previously could only be seen in paintings by golzunov, today is easy to appreciate in person, to see that the artist is truly immersed in russian culture, as an expert and as a connoisseur, and his russian garden exhibition is not just an exhibition of unique and rare finds, it is a bridge between our past and present, the opportunity to see the beauty and greatness of russian culture, which blooms forever, then anger management, with your brains... he needs to drive, maybe turn on some music for him, they say it calms him down, first they’ll buy a car, then you’re right, but the fact that you have to know how to drive, you can’t keep your anger to yourself, don’t pay attention, let him let a couple out, well, denis, well, not in a public place, you know, especially while driving, especially when passengers, well, where he should go to the forest, shout, he can go to the forest, he can go to a special stress room, in general, how to tame anger, we will tell you very soon, who?


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