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tv   [untitled]    May 14, 2024 8:00am-8:31am MSK

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exported by russian emigrants, together with this outfit they returned home with other festive costumes, sundresses, richly decorated with gold embroidery, earrings, rings, what previously could only be seen in paintings by glazunov, today it is easy to appreciate in person to see that the artist is really immersed in russian culture, as a connoisseur and as a connoisseur, and his russian garden exhibition is not just an exposition of unique and rare finds, it is a bridge between our past and present, an opportunity to see the beauty and greatness of russian culture, which...
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in general, we will tell you how to tame anger very soon, you are watching the news on the russia channel, nikolay zuksik is with you, hello, we will tell you about the main thing today: victories by a large margin, russian artillery is continuously destroying enemy positions, successes are being celebrated in europe and overseas. hazard class. the highest fire safety regime in the tomsk region. flames near the city, hot may holidays in the country eliminated more than eight hundred fires. the magic of cinema, diverse and most importantly successful roles , anna mikhalkova’s anniversary, how she transforms into screen. the state duma today is expected to consider the approval of the candidacies of sixteen federal ministers, all applicants for portfolios have already been nominated. have been
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agreed upon in the relevant committees, thus, the lower house of parliament, within the framework of its powers, can today complete the process of forming a new government, while the federation council will continue consultations on candidates for the positions of ministers of the security bloc and the foreign ministry, and today for the first time will consider the issue of appointing the head of the accounts chamber , them boris kovalchuk may become deputy head of the control department of the presidential administration. military facilities of the ukrainian armed forces were destroyed this night in different parts of ukraine. cherkasy region and dnepropetrovsk; before that, loud bangs were heard in the kiev region. the air defense system obviously failed to cope with its task and did not protect the protected objects. russian artillery is winning the counter-battery fight by a large margin during a special operation in the zaporozhye and kherson regions. the heavy gaub-hezent brings out the calculations one after another from building art installations.
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there was definitely a hailstorm, i remember that for sure. in the ovdeevsky direction, the way for the advancing motorized rifles is cleared by crews of self-propelled guns. during the next raid , an enemy stronghold was destroyed. sinona's distinctive feature is that she is capable of firing any type of mine. 100% target coverage. first of all, we work on other enemy firing points on the front line. these are mortars, these are enemy strongholds. modes are
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sniper or machine gun points. does not give respite for enemy ground forces and russian aviation. front-line supersonic fighters and su-34 bombers attacked enemy infantry concentrations and rear communications. a rain of guided high-explosive bombs fell over the positions in the ssu. all targets destroyed. us secretary of state antony blinken arrived in kiev this morning on an unannounced visit. the main goal is to discuss american assistance to ukraine. it is known that the trip is timed. for 2 days. a few hours before the visit of the head of the state department, advisor to the president of the united states for national security jake salevan said that the white house is trying to get its allies to transfer additional weapons to ukraine, in particular patriot systems. according to the wall street journal, kiev anti-aircraft gunners are intercepting fewer and fewer air targets, which leads to large losses. the statement from the ocean was also supported by the german chancellor. olaf scholz called on europe to produce more weapons and more actively help kiev; spain has already responded to his words. promised 10 tanks and other
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arsenals. denmark said that the first one will appear in the ukrainian sky within a month. f-16. well, leading western media pay attention to the successes of the russian military. cnn states that the situation for kiev is not just bad, it is getting worse day by day. the vdf are retreating in all directions, especially in the kharkov area. according to the french lemon, new supplies of military aid will not be enough for ukraine to shift the balance of power. at least 20 people were killed in an israeli airstrike on a refugee camp in the central gaza strip. tas reports this with reference to the lebanese tv channel almaedin. now in this parts of the enclave with a large number of refugees from rafah concentrated, people are fleeing from there in anticipation of a full-scale idf operation. according to cnn, israel has now massed enough troops on the outskirts of rafah to launch a massive invasion in the coming days. washington opposes such actions, but at the same
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time, the white house continues to supply weapons to israel. a fire safety regime has been introduced in the tomsk region, the hazard class is the highest. fifth, natural fires occur every day. makes it worse. the situation is abnormally hot, fires have already reached the regional center, and ground formations and air forest security units are involved in the fight against the elements. employees of this department have to make 50-60 flights every day to hard-to-reach areas of the urals, siberia and the far east to monitor the fire situation. during the may holidays alone , 850 forest fires were extinguished in 35 regions of the country. 14 people were killed by the crash. could not withstand the gust of wind when a dust storm hit the city, the shield pulled out of its mount, it fell onto a gas station filled with people and cars, the heavy structure crushed about 100 people, those rescued were taken to the hospital with injuries, the police had already established that the billboard was
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installed illegally, sacrifice, sincerity, purity, intentions, derogatory intonations, these epithets from colleagues in the shop are addressed to anna mikhalkova, at home, today is the actress’s anniversary, the viewer and if i could stop the grief on the threshold of your professional community is impressed by her truthfulness in any image, be it comedy or complex drama. anna began appearing on camera at an early age; in total, the actress’s filmography includes about 100 works. in parallel with her acting career, the honored artist of russia, six-time winner of the golden eagle award, is engaged in producing. next, regional news, do not switch with residents of moscow and the region, see you in a few seconds.
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now there is news from the capital region: may warmth will come to moscow at the end of the week, the temperature is already rising, today it will be +10-12, on wednesday it will rise to 18 during the day, the nights will also become warmer up to +100. on thursday-friday the air will warm up to +20, precipitation is possible, the rest of the week will be sunny. in the capital , major repairs of facades and apartment buildings have begun; work will take place on nine hundred objects, most of all in the southwestern and central districts, as well as in new moscow. for each type of facade , a special technology has been developed that allows us to fully restore the appearance of the building. more than 1,800 cases of tick bites have been recorded in the moscow region since the beginning of the season. among those who applied. medical with the help of more than 500 children, as reported by the regional rospotrebnadzor, during the may holidays alone, the number of bites doubled . in the losiny ostrov national park, a young moose ran after dogs walking near people, either for the sake of play, or for protection, the forest dweller tried to hit
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the women with his hoof, behind whom the frightened dogs began to hide, but then the moose ran away. more details about the event in the capital region, in less than half an hour. all news is always available on the media. look at the platform in the app or on the website until we meet. we invite you to the swiss hotel sharmel sheikh, the first swissotel in the world operating on
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an all-inclusive system. treat yourself to a holiday where elegance and natural beauty merge in perfect harmony. create memories! which will remain forever in the heart. swissotel charmel sheikh is your ideal place in the heart of the city. statement of attempted murder, that he suspects me, we will figure out who poisoned him, i need to do an examination of the drug, how could you, noise, i’m not going to make excuses, you you are going through the stage, everything is against you, i promise that we will figure it out, spring is late, the premiere is on saturday on rtr,
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hello, good morning, tuesday, may 14, denis stoykov and svetlana abraova are in front of you, join our broadcast. yes, it’s already tuesday, the beginning of the work week, you may already be stressed, so you should look for salvation from stress in the nearest forest. it turns out that all the negativity from the soul can be knocked out with a stick, like... a dusty carpet on social networks , the so -called rituals of rage are rapidly gaining popularity, women that typically, they go to the bosom of nature and spend hours beating the ground with sticks, screaming at the top of their lungs, in this way, as they say, they let off steam, imagining that they are punishing their offenders and those responsible for the problems, well, they also pay money for this, and a lot of it, a one-time procedure for removing stress under the guidance of a specially trained instructor was rated at 20... well, for those who want to cleanse themselves of negativity 100%,
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a whole course of rituals of rage is offered for which they ask, you won’t believe it, 400,000 rubles. also, don’t waste your reaction on annoying ones. they recommend recording events on paper and then getting rid of it. alexander blinnikov studied the most effective way to manage anger. when you turn on your favorite music , your mood changes. mas, when you have a lot to do, you don’t have time for stress at all, you inspire yourself, you tune in that everything will pass, everyone extinguishes the boiling fire of emotions in their own way, but they all ignite it in the same way, anger is a basic protective mechanism of the psyche that helps fight external stimuli, experts say when we 're angry, the lights in our brains literally sparkle lightning, some unevenness in the flow of electrons in the head through the nervous tissues, a discharge... and a person experiences an emotion, holding back such a state inside is harmful to health, suppressed anger
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is the cause of many illnesses, but showering others with rage is also not a solution, so you need to splash out the energy wisely. anger is an emotion that is born in our head, but according to experts, you can fight it with the help of physical actions. the effect is instantaneous; throwing dishes at the wall like this is only allowed in special establishments. this, for example, a rage room, here you are allowed to destroy everything that catches your eye, while helping yourself with your hands, a sledgehammer or a bat, there are those who come to us from time to time, that is, it has accumulated, something is wrong with work, colleagues have bothered us, the boss got it, comes again, destroyed it, thank you very much, you can move on with your life, dancing is like that from all sides, that is, it’s not just a gym, here you listen to music, your body is synchronized with this music, ksenia has her own method, she works with communications in such a way that annoying events haunt her all day, but she
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turns the accumulated negativity into dance. doctors say that any physical activity can remove adrenaline from the body, the main thing is to find your optimal form of unloading. if we take an analogy with medicines, those medicines that work quickly here now will quickly cope with anger, and those that work for a longer period so that it does not arise. so-called letters of anger include the actual fight against emotions. psychologists advise turning anger into words and writing them down on paper, and that’s not only a way to vent rage. having found the trigger of the problem, you can learn to manage your feelings in the future. why is it important by hand, because the hand is an extension of the brain, so it is very important when we prescribe. then there are indeed a number of experts who recommend tearing, crushing, and trampling. another eco-friendly way to express anger. this is vocalization, you can express boiling emotions to your voice recorder or shout in
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the forest, the main thing is to do it alone so as not to run into another anger from the outside surrounding people. and in order not to run into deception from others, there is already a solution on social networks. separate punishments for bloggers, coaches and lecturers may appear in the criminal and administrative codes. state duma deputies are preparing a bill on the responsibility of info. businessmen, while the very concept of a blogger in the legal field still does not exist, how to regulate the activities of those who in fact exist, but according to the law do not, we learn from our guest, in the morning studio, the chairman of the union of lawyers blog. university named after kutafin with the support of the russian lawyers association, elena grini, elena, good morning, good morning, good morning, elena, so, the activities of bloggers are not regulated in any way, despite the fact that their number of subscribers is often measured in the millions, more than some media, at the same time, the media are responsible, but bloggers are not, don’t you think that before introducing administrative, let alone criminal, liability there, they need to be somehow spelled out in these laws, as the profession of a blogger, and
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they have a very large influence on public the blogger actually has quite a problem... because amendments to the law have already been discussed, to equate bloggers with the media, for example, so that they have a criterion of 4,000 subscribers, for example, but it didn’t work out, for example, our neighbors in kazakhstan have a special law, not so long ago it was introduced about influencers, including the concept of a blogger, that is, this is a person or entrepreneur, first of all, who disseminates information on internet platforms for an indefinite circle of people, if we start from the experience of our neighbors, then the blogger is counted from how many subscribers, and maybe some other number is already larger, this is already like the media. first of all, of course, we focus on the criteria of activity, that this is entrepreneurial activity, because indeed the coverage can be different, the bloggers can be different, and how will all this be tracked, well, firstly, will there be a division by bloggers, there can a person without a medical education conduct courses on weight loss, of course, so that, for example,
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teaching, when we talk to you, for example, in the field of jurisprudence or about the health care sector, it is necessary to receive...
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a very good idea, because even now it has been proposed to introduce a special avet and for the blogosphere, we have thought a lot about whether a special cv is needed at all for bloggers or not, it is now actively being developed, in my opinion , we will soon be using it, this area still needs to be regulated, probably not only punishment should be followed, but at the same time a positive way to help this area self-regulate, including from the point of view of participation in the state, is also necessary.
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with the support of the russian lawyers association, elena grin. amazing people, amazing ending. there is only one place, the first is the grand final on friday at 9:30 pm. water is provided to elephants in zoos in india and pakistan, and water procedures are now performed daily to the delight of the inhabitants. and for visitors this is a real circus show. well, where? you will also see how elephants and bears take a shower, ostriches and other furry animals, all this is not only and not so much for the sake of cleanliness. yes, the weather in may became hot like summer, during the day the thermometers strive to overcome the forty-degree mark, air humidity remains alarmingly low, elephants cannot do without water, not to mention hippos, these avid swimmers
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cannot be pulled out of the cool swamp, even with a construction crane. we live in the middle zone. in the spring, we often suffer not from heat, but from allergies. scientists around the world are working on solving the problem. recently, our researchers have created special filters to combat allergies. andrey alekseenko has all the details. for some, spring is the best time of the year, when flowers bloom, leaves appear on trees, others sit at home all the time. the reason is allergies. these are allergens, the most common type being dandelion pollen. plants, a special shell, sporopolyin, it is able to withstand concentrated alkalis, concentrated acids,
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for a sufficient period of time, new air filters are capable of destroying this shell, by the way, this was the first time in history that it was possible to do this using a nanocomposite coating. our nanocomposite material has an amazing property: it doesn’t just hold them back, it begins to destroy them, it’s a porous material. which allows air particles to pass through, it absorbs and destroys the structure of allergens like a sponge, the material can be installed in various devices for air purification in the home, office, car, we install this filter in a regular air purification system and breathe clean air, i’ll tell you a secret, i myself i am an allergy sufferer, so maxim carried out the tests literally...
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scientists plan to improve their development so that the filters retain not only pollen particles, but also pathogenic bacteria. and then, an exciting cruise by rail. why more and more travelers prefer tourist trains, all the advantages of this type of vacation will be discussed in a few minutes. i am getting married. i'm very happy for you. premiere.
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light in the window today on rtr. our life was a fairy tale, grief. always tried to do everything in order for me to be happy. diana gurtskaya for the first time about the main loss in her life: i will never forget this evening, when it happened, as you found out, i heard through the phone, a terrible exclamation, such a terrible cry, petya is gone, everything just turned upside down in my soul, sometimes the heart happens , as if he had a premonition of something, petya was leaving, and he always joked somehow, i had this premonition that something was going to happen to... the plane, or what? he comes into my room and says: don’t you want to say goodbye to me? i have the impression that if if i had been there, this wouldn't have happened.
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they say that time heals, time heals nothing, time just teaches you how to live without it. the fate of a man with boris korchevnikov on friday on rtr. love is when you look in one direction, look, look, look, you want to look, look, let's look, look, well, look at the screen, look at me, carefully, look, look, agreement, sign, we sign at the same time , two, three, sign up , look, look, maybe we’ll go to my place, just let's watch a movie, we gathered in the first group.
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made the decision that we needed to take the guys in, i came across such people who care, to support me in word, hello, dear soldier, and in deed, without your help you would not have survived, only ours can, honor and praise to you, what you do , it’s just amazing, from monday to thursday on rtr, sunday, nadyukha rolls around like cheese in a mask, and her husband is rich and all over the world. don't be jealous, things aren't going so
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smoothly for them. on what occasion is there a holiday, when it seems that there is no way out, i am the master in this house, in your eyes, look, i will leave, remember, you are my property, if i want, i will slaughter you like a cow, and no one will save you, you have a choice, love or life, it’s my own fault, it was i who provoked him, such freaks are all to blame. everyone except them. write a statement addressed to the district officer. none of your business. on sunday on rtr. an american pensioner lived to be 106 years old, but he doesn’t take care of himself at all and
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risks his life by jumping with a parachute. and all this in order to regain the title of the oldest person in the world to have committed tandem parachute jump. alfred blaschki first set this record in 2020 at the age of 103, congratulating his twin grandchildren on graduating from college. when , 2 years later, a pensioner from sweden passed ella, he decided to get ahead of her. said and done, how else can you get a dose of adrenaline? it was shown by younger paratroopers who flew to vinksyu.
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sorokina. muscovite olga zamyatina has long dreamed of visiting karelia. the may weekend is an ideal time to explore protected areas and local attractions with friends. when faced with a choice of how to get there, we decided to take a tourist train. first. it turned out to be convenient; in just 3 days you can visit petrozavodsk, sortovale in iborg and return to moscow. the ticket, including breakfast and excursions, cost olga 42,000. we travel between locations at night by train, and don’t waste time moving during the day.
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north of central russia along the volga, we plan to increase the purity of flights, well , on average we are growing from 10 to 15% per year in long-distance transportation in tourist trains. in total , there are 55 long -distance tourist routes and 28 suburban routes across the country, all of different lengths. you can go on a mini-tour for a day, for example, on a trip to yesenin’s homeland from moscow to ryazan and back for 11,500 rubles. along the sovereign road through tver torzhok for 7,000, or go on a week-long cruise, but this is much more expensive. tickets to the russian north cost from 199.00, you can go around the urals for 66,000, and the south of the country from 96,000 rubles. of course, prices depend on the popularity of the destination, duration travel and ticket completeness. the basic option usually includes accommodation in the carriage of the selected class and breakfast. additionally , the package may include full meals and excursion programs.
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about 75% choose such turnkey tours. tourists have the opportunity to purchase only tickets along the route and then follow on their own, or purchase a full tourist package along the route of the tourist train, or choose excursion programs of interest in a particular city, but you need to take into account that a separate excursion program in the city following usually costs from 4 to 9.00 rubles, so to begin with, experts advise searching on the internet for the attractions you are interested in, and then decide whether to include an excursion in the ticket or explore the local beauty on your own. and then, why pay twice? we’ll tell you very soon why you receive repeated utility bills, where to complain about it, and how to avoid double charges. you are watching the news on the russia channel, nikolay zuksik is with you. hello,
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let's tell you about the main thing.


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