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tv   [untitled]    May 14, 2024 9:00am-9:31am MSK

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during the season, about 2 tons of petals are collected on the farm; cosmetics, soaps, creams and balms are produced based on hydrosol and essential oil; in addition , marmalade is made from damask roses and tea is prepared. well, we have already prepared tea for a long time, it’s time to say goodbye to you, wish you a good day and , of course, remind all those who have not yet subscribed to the telegram channel of our program to urgently do so, have a good mood today, see you later, bye. you are watching the news on the russia channel, nikolay zuksik is with you, hello, let’s talk about the main thing today. plans and dreams of the northern countries
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of europe. the partners promise ukraine 45 fighters, but the question is who will fly them. symbolism without much meaning. the west is trying to help ukraine, but it turns out badly and it’s not particularly clear why. the rapid offensive of the russian army is a catastrophic situation for kiev at the front. the american media are talking about this. strike the enemy in unexpected places. the place of salvation in hail strikes is in the combat crew. from belgorod , drives the enemy away from the border. in the nwo zone, our military liberated a dozen settlements in a week. the federation council is today completing consultations on the power bloc in the government, and the state duma has already begun discussing candidates for civilian ministers. vigorous kamchatka speck. the inhabitants of the deep sea can be found off the coast of britain, and you can catch them. and here in the barintsevo sea,
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crab safari is popular among tourists. and the magic of anna mikhalkova's cinema. if only i could stop grief at your doorstep. diverse, most importantly, sincere roles , the actress has an anniversary, how she transforms into screen. 12 settlements. liberated by our military over the past week in the special operation zone, the ministry of defense reported this today: factories, railway junctions, and facilities of the fuel and energy complex were hit by high-precision weapons. in the kherson region, intelligence officers identified the location of drone operators and mobile launchers. as a result of the missile strike, 25 drones and two cars were destroyed. on the right bank of the dnieper , the pier used by the ukrainian armed forces marines was eliminated. in the kharkov region the goal lancets steel nato rocket system.
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as well as an american infantry fighting vehicle with infantry. the ukrainian defenses in the vicinity of chasoy yar are destroyed by ivanovo paratroopers. they attack strong points with santsepek heavy flamethrowers. in the ovdeevsky direction, the way for the advancing motorized rifles is cleared by the crews of nona self-propelled guns. and about the situation in the south of the dpr, report by eduard poningov. before each departure for a combat mission, the commander personally checks the technical condition of the hurricane. you can leave one trip normally, even 100 times, but 101, something could happen, so we try to exclude such moments. usually hurricanes are in shelter in an open area , the car is extremely vulnerable, therefore.
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the driver always drives at the highest possible speed. the hurricane is a fairly old car, but in fact it performs well in combat conditions , it is maneuverable, unpretentious, and can accelerate to 70 km/h. the car is moving towards the border of the dpr and zaporozhye. along the way, the fighter talks about himself. i am from buryatia myself, from the city of und. i'm already under contract with fifteenth year. i like the work, the people are good. svazhin’s team, this rocket launcher is now working on targets that are hidden behind enemy lines, they also often shoot at hurricanes in response, but the main danger is posed by kamikaze drones. there is an anti-drone operator who stands there, if he sees a bird or something, he jams it, takes it to the side, shoots it down, at this moment we do it, we immediately fold up, maneuver, leave. the rszzo hurricane can cover an area of ​​several football fields, artillerymen from buryatia are constantly maneuvering. work and
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day and night, as a rule, the first shot is a sighting shot, the rest are to kill, this missile would seem to be no different from a regular one, in fact, it is not a weapon-eating weapon inside. this is what the leaflets that are dropped on enemy positions look like, they are stylized as banknotes, dollars, euros, but the most important thing is that the telegram channel is indicated here, i want to live, where you can write from here. ukrainian serviceman yevgeniy pogrebnyak found one of these leaflets, surrendered at the first opportunity, we are suffering such normal losses, as if the officers were with us on positions don’t move at all, we don’t have armored vehicles, we don’t have salaries, we chip in on cars so we can get there. to the landing site, artillerymen from buryatia work along the entire line of the southern donetsk front, consistently pushing the enemy out of fortified positions. let’s believe, even during the second world war, when soldiers went to war, according to the buryad tradition, they took a pot of earth with them, this means that the spirit
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of the land where you took it from, well, that is, your native spirit, it will protect you . eduard punigov, alexander botkin, lead south donetsk direction. in belgorod. today shells are exploding again. ukrainian armed forces attack residential areas with the nato vampire multiple launch rocket system. nine houses, a school and six cars were hit by rocket debris. one ammunition fell near the children's playground. rescuers are now dealing with the consequences of the impact. the russian military is working around the clock to eliminate the threat to our border. today they identified it and destroyed it. new firing positions of the ukrainian armed forces in the kharkov region. report by igor pikhanov. combat the crew of the grad multiple launch rocket system moves to the firing line. a signal was received from scouts that an enemy position had been detected in the kharkov region. equipped with
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high-explosive fragmentation shells, the vehicle enters the firing line. now the hail works in pumping mortar mode. this means that the combat vehicle can arrive at any given time. command the point to strike the enemy in places unexpected for him. a truck with a powerful engine easily makes its way through a dense forest. off-road, black soil for hail not an obstacle. it takes only a few minutes to aim at the target; the crew works in a well-coordinated manner. rocket artillery fire helps the assault units of the northern group of troops move forward. large caliber projectile.
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medals for courage, the soldiers say, the armed forces did not come for orders, their main task is a peaceful sky. igor pikhanov, mikhail vitkin, vesti belgorod region. against the backdrop of the successes of the russian army, the us secretary of state urgently arrived in kiev this morning. the washington post notes that the visit was is intended as a demonstration of solidarity and military support, but even in washington they admit that despite the resumption of supplies of american weapons, the ukrainian armed forces will not be able to stabilize the front before next year. blinken is expected to tell zelensky about how washington envisions the future of ukraine. previously, the secretary of state said that by providing assistance, the states want kiev to eventually confront russia on its own. a plenary
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session has just opened in the state duma, which will complete the process of forming a new government. deputies candidates for federal ministers will be discussed, there are 16 of them in total, and the cabinet will be renewed by almost a third. they get promoted right away. regional ministry of sports. update in the ministry of agriculture. here, oksana lut will change the portfolio of the first deputy to a ministerial one, in another eleven departments without personnel changes. and in the federation council today consultations on the security bloc and the ministry of foreign affairs are ending. the day before, they were held behind closed doors in relevant committees. at 2:00 p.m. a plenary session will open, at which half a third of the president in the upper house artur muravyov will present ministerial candidates to the senators. senators will also today for the first time consider the issue of appointing the head of the accounts chamber; previously this was dealt with by the state duma. russian
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farmers are counting losses after the may frosts. in the oryol region, bad weather destroyed about 2 beets. in bashkiria , 13 winter crops were injured. in the volgograd region, due to the destruction of crops, a high alert regime has been introduced. the cold front remains active in the urals and siberia. wet snow. took place in the tomsk and tyumen regions in the khantemansiysk district winter precipitation on the wing of nizhne-vartovsk. in chelyabinsk, which was at the epicenter of the cyclone, they began to turn on the heating again in social institutions. some streets were flooded after the snow began to melt. dry grass is burning in the novosibirsk region. eyewitnesses filmed the flames approaching one of the regional highways, apparently very limited due to thick smoke. the region is in the penultimate fourth class of fire danger. the new season of the crab safari began in the arctic,
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this is a new thing for the murmansk region, 3 years ago, such entertainment for tourists was available only in the far east. this sea hunt has its own strict rules regarding the amount of prey, the size of the crab, and even its gender. oleg posobin understood the intricacies. since the day of the barintse sea, all the attention of the crew and guests of the tourist ship has been raised to the bow. on the deck, the crabs are divided into males and females, the latter are immediately thrown back into the sea, everyone with a diameter of less than 15 cm is sent, the females are smaller and rounder than the males, it is necessary to understand such subtleties, in order to comply with the rules of the license for pouring crustaceans, a tourist can pull out seven crabs, paying a thousand rubles for each, they are here... there are very large ones, i just tell everyone that the largest crab i caught here, i may not know , who
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else, well, his paw was longer than my arm, this year tourists will be able to catch 160 tons of crab in the north of the kola peninsula, this is the quota for amateur fishing, we went on safari from the pier of the whale shore, licenses are sold through travel companies, who are responsible for registration and reporting, there is a second part to this license, it says the number of the trap, the participant of lova. in the polar waters of the north-west of the country, the kamchatka crab appeared at the turn of the sixties-70s. it was brought by scientists and the crustaceans adapted here for many years. in the nineties, the crab, taking advantage of the warmth of the gulf stream, began to multiply rapidly. it has no natural enemies in the barints sea. and crab accumulations in the depths now sometimes resemble hordes that eat everything that is at the bottom. beyond the arctic circle the kamchatka crab is quite cheerful, looks good, but... does not feel great, and so much so that over several decades, while breeding, it circled
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the scandinavian peninsula, and now, according to scientists, inhabitants of the deep sea can be found off the coast of britain. norwegian scientists are confident that the kamchatka speck threatens the biological diversity of their fjords. uninvited guests use their claws to destroy sea urchins and displace starfish. however, the extraction of these crustaceans abroad has become a highly profitable industry. it's obvious that crab safaris in the murmansk region were conducted to attract tourists, comfortable hotels appear here in the most amazing places where you can enjoy the silence and meet whales not far from the shore, it’s not only possible to catch a crab there to taste it, but it’s also a seaside vacation, we we tell the guests, so what grows here, what animals are found? on sushi in the sea. for catching even one crab without a license, a fine of 15,000 rubles is imposed.
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confiscation of low's tools. and experienced poachers are fined hundreds of thousands. behind the border service, along with other departments, maintains order along the northern coast of the kola peninsula. oleg posobin, pavel trettyakov, dmitry kvastnyuk, news. murmansk region. this is the news, this is what will happen next. in our program there is symbolism without much meaning, the west is trying. help ukraine, but the situation for kiev on the battlefield is catastrophic, american media write. and the magic of anna mikhalkova’s cinema, a diverse, most importantly sincere role, is the actress’s anniversary. not only about this. wait after the advertisement. stearsman bourbon is a product of the stellar group. they say you need to prepare for vacation. you need to be able to rest. you need to have a nice rest. but
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we need to rest. where there is sun and sea. on the first coast, where everything is inclusive, except the head, we know everything about relaxation, relax, anex, vodka veda, a product of the stellar group. rom castro is a product of the stellar group, a hotel for
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unforgettable experiences at rix sharma. only for adults 18+. here you will find entertainment throughout the day. year-round performances by the best djs from around the world and comfortable rooms. rixsus sharma. this is not just a vacation. this is a holiday for the soul, where every detail is created to be admired. cnop gin, a product of the stellar group. i decided to divorce you, who is he? i don’t have anyone, but that’s a lie, because no one gets divorced just like that, spring is late, the premiere is on saturday on rtr. our life was a fairy tale, a storm, i always tried to do everything
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to make me happy. with me, i have the impression that if i had been there, this would not have happened, they say that time heals, time heals nothing, time simply teaches you to live without it, the fate of a person with boris korchevnikov in friday on rtr, the light in the window in the previous episodes, so many years have passed, nothing
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helps, everyone coped with it except me, someone else’s soul is in the dark, the bogdanov family is shocked by the unexpected news, i urgently need to be taken to the hospital, i will soon have a grandson, and you great-grandson, we must be happy, the youngest daughter is bearing a child for a childless couple, i think you should be aware of what, maria, our surrogate mother, i propose to unite and extract normal money from these bourgeoisie, this is serious, the interference of relatives is ending tragedy, why are you like this, polina died? but this is not the first and not the last skeleton in the family closet, do you understand that this decision will change your whole life? light in the window, continuation, look at rtr today.
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we're on the air, we're continuing the show. a ban on the supply of russian uranium to the united states will hit the united states itself. this is how our ambassador in washington anatoly antonov commented on the decree signed today by president biden banning the import of nuclear fuel from russia. the diplomat stressed: in washington they want to harm our country with all their might, but sanctions will fail just as they did with the old ones. russian companies will only speed up the implementation of numerous nuclear projects in other countries. as a result, according to antonov, washington strategists will have to bite their elbows. ukraine will not have enough military aid. in order to turn the tide of the conflict, collapse for kiev could occur at any moment, lemon writes about this, citing diplomatic sources in paris. the scandinavian countries are trying to save the kiev regime; their leaders have gathered at...
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the scandinavians. norway, denmark, together with belgium and the netherlands are promising air support; they are preparing a batch of f16s for the ukrainian armed forces. ukraine will receive the first fighters from denmark in the next month; it is very important for ukraine to see these planes in the sky. there is more symbolism in this gesture than meaning: neither the airfields nor the people are really ready to receive american fighters in ukraine. western partners promise ukraine 45 fighters, but the question is who will fly them? now, with great grief , 12 pilots are undergoing retraining from soviet to american aircraft. the main difficulty is to master english language. the situation is even worse with the technicians who must maintain the f-16. one fighter requires from eight to 14 specialists on the ground. cnn journalists in their material about ukraine use the phrase bad news several times, noting the rapid advance of the russian army and the catastrophic situation at the front.
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in general, the news is bad on all fronts, the disaster is growing. the news isn't just bad, it's getting worse every day. the ground on the front line is drying up and we are entering the offensive season. russia is gaining momentum which have not happened since march of twenty-two. ukraine is forced to admit how bad its affairs are. the pentagon discussed the situation on the fronts by telephone for an hour and a half; washington promised military assistance in the coming days, but warned that deliveries would not be weekly. we are really trying to speed up the pace of deliveries, knowing full well that the congressional funding delay has put ukraine in a difficult situation. we are trying to help them get out of this hole as soon as possible. and then estonia said its weighty word, according to the adviser president. they are seriously discussing the possibility of sending troops to the west of ukraine, the soldiers that talin will send will be ready to cover the rear so that the ukrainian military
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goes to the front line in the heat. denis davidov, ilya bernadsky and daniil gabdulin, lead. in the usa and european countries there are new student protests in support of palestine. unknown, a record for the last century and a half brazil more than 120 more are listed as missing rising river levels provoked extreme rainfall, over half a million people fled their homes, significant
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the damage caused to the agricultural infrastructure of the region, the arrival of high water was felt by the residents of neighboring argentina, more than 500 residents of the city of concordia were evacuated from the flood of the uruguay river, the remaining ones move along the streets on boats helping their pets to escape. on the eve of the tourist season in st. petersburg, not only the streets are cleaned, but also the rivers and canals. last year, almost 3.00 cubic meters of a wide variety of garbage, from bottles to motorcycles, were taken out of reservoirs. report by elena volozhanina. the environmental protection fleet operates in the water area fontanka. floating garbage, as environmentalists call it, is removed from two boats at once. plastic, bottles, cellophane film. with a special net. the rivers and canals of st. petersburg are being prepared for the tourist season. with the start of navigation, the city switched to cleaning water areas according to the summer schedule. now
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we go on raids every day. five ships, maximum attention to the historical center, the same fontanka and lazyna are planned to be cleaned up to eight times a month, on average twice a week, but if the fontanka can be passed in a couple of hours, then the main water artery of the city takes up to 3 days. niva is divided into areas, removed by several boats, the left bank removes some boats, the right bank removes other boats, we have areas on the niva river, and where, due to the turns of the neva, garbage accumulates in large quantities, just in the area of ​​​​our bridge alexander nevsky are like that. last year in st. petersburg, about 3.0 cubic meters of floating garbage were caught, this is almost 300 dump trucks, mostly household waste that was washed away from the shore, carried by the wind, but more often than not thrown out by people themselves. this season the number may become even higher, we have to clean it up a record number of reservoirs, over 300. this season, not only floating garbage will be removed, but also that which has sunk to the bottom. careless
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townspeople are sent to freedom. specialized equipment, in the near future the eco-flotilla will go out to clean rivers and canals in the admiralteysky, vasileostrovsky, nevsky districts on the petrograd side. according to the summer schedule, with the help of boats and boats, the reservoirs will be put in order until the end of navigation. elena volozhanina, alexander loginov, alexander belyakov, yuri smirnov, vesti petersburg. the actress celebrates her anniversary today, producer and tv presenter anna mikhalkova. the honored artist of russia has already performed about 100 film roles, and her first filming
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took place back in...
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the film, she looks at the script, at the team, at the director, but there is also a very important criterion, sometimes it happens that you take a job there because you haven’t done this yet, and you’re interested in trying something new, i guess i see the potential or i see my interest there from the point of view of the fact that because mm, i’ve been doing this for a long time from the point of view of generally exploring myself, my own human reactions in general possibilities. she answers questions so disconcertingly truthfully and she is also disconcertingly truthful in each of her roles, my advantage is that the viewer associates me with themselves and...
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this, probably, is part of this, this magic, let’s say, cinematic role, whatever, here anna mikhalkova and anna melikyan, seemingly drawn to the comedy genre, are filming a complex drama, the feeling of anna, where a gigantic transformation of the heroine takes place, this is an absolute co-authorship, this is such a movie, in which the main character is constantly in the frame in close-ups, without her it’s a movie, well, it would be a different movie, at the premiere i said from the stage... that anya is a great russian actress, and i wasn’t joking at all, i really think so . it sounds again again, great actress. in modern cinema there is still a lot of things that have not been played, which means that everything coincided. ekaterina fisenko, evgeny kostin, dmitry mishchersky, elena fenoshina, maria larchenkova, news. all news is always available on the media platform. we look in the applications or on the website, take care of yourself and see you soon.


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