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tv   [untitled]    May 14, 2024 9:30am-10:00am MSK

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this is an absolute collaboration, this is the kind of movie in which the main character is constantly in the frame in close-ups, without her this movie, well, it would be a different movie. at the premiere , i said from the stage that anya is a great russian actress, and i wasn’t joking at all, i really think so. it sounds again, great actress, there is still a lot of things that have not been played in modern cinema, which means everything coincided. ekaterina fisenko, evgeny kostin, dmitry mishchersky, elena fenoshina, maria. larchenko, news, all news is always available on the media platform, look at app or on the website, take care of yourself and see you, can you explain to me why we are leaving st. petersburg and dragging ourselves to... choice, i have problems
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in business, and you remember tanka, vasilna, and she is still in love with you everything was, but she was not married, it would seem that we have been living together all our lives, we know everything about each other, but not everyone, well, you liked me at school 20 years ago, are you really still obsessed with this stupid childhood love, this is stupid, isn't it girls? loves to see their dreams come true. olya, your husband, your husband is cheating on you. olya, olya, let me be there with them, stop it! this never happened before, you don’t see me, you don’t even look in my direction, but i, i’m a woman, where we are not, on friday, on rtr, your favorite songs are played in our studio, let’s go!
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what occasion is there a holiday when it seems that don’t be jealous, things aren’t going so smoothly for them, there’s no way out, i’m the master of this house, look me in the eyes, i’ll leave, remember. my property, if i want, i will slaughter you like a cow, and no one will save you, you have a choice, love or life, it’s my own fault, it’s me who is his provoked, everyone is to blame for such freaks, everyone except them, write a statement addressed to the district police officer, it’s none of your business, sunday on rtr. we go to the doctor, we take up a lot of
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his time with empty complaints, and we don’t go to the doctor when we seriously need to go, forewarned is forearmed, any remedy has a downside with the most necessary knowledge about health, we dispel myths, we help to find out the truth, how to act in order to land well, you need to warm up before, what to pay attention to, each factor... there must be a pill, where to look for help? you only need five ingredients that will benefit your entire body. it takes two decades from the onset of the disease to its manifestation, so the whole family needs to be examined. the most important information from the most competent sources. take care of your body comprehensively, take care of yourself and be healthy. about the most important thing, from monday to friday at art.
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my father may not have participated in the storming of amin's palace in afghanistan, but he knew that it would not be easy there and remained with his students to the end, andrei boyarinov, the son of the legendary special forces soldier, hero of the soviet union, grigory boyarinov, once admitted. the assault on amin's palace in afghanistan was included in textbooks for intelligence services around the world as one of the most incredible. heroic power operations. in 1979 , a coup d'état took place in afghanistan, which brought hafizulu amin to power. the mood in the country became increasingly pro-american. moscow realized that
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an enemy military base could appear near our southern borders. it was decided to change power in afghanistan and storm amin's palace. special forces from the kgb and gru groups took the non-criminal area in 40 minutes. fortress, tajbek palace. among the attackers was colonel grigory boyarinov. he taught most of those involved in the operation. a veteran of the great patriotic war, developer of theory and special forces, could not leave his students the title of hero of the soviet union. grigory boyarinov received it posthumously. did he understand then that he might not return? how is he? died, how the news of his death was received by his family and how the assault took place, information about which was classified top secret for a long time. this is the life and fate of grigory boyarinov, in the memoirs of his son, about the american president of afghanistan, amin
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had to be eliminated, was the task immediately set to destroy him? well, i think that the direct task of destroying amin was not set, but... in the process of how everything happened, everything happened completely differently from the scenario that was written in the offices, with certain aggravations, difficulties, that is, it was incredibly complex , difficult, assault, unique, let’s talk about the details of this incredible operation, what was its complexity, amin, in fact, was worried about his safety, so the palace was removed, it was located on a hill in the suburbs of kabul, the only road leading to it was amin’s guard, actually, national, she, there were quite a lot of them there, the ratio was, well, at least 10 to one, yes, the number of stormers with the number of those defending this citadel, so to speak, that’s why it was such a tough
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nut to crack in order to storm in in principle, well, i think that the zenith, the intellectual special forces of grigory ivanovich, he most likely... was not prepared to initially storm the palace, probably, if they had not received this command, they would have been able to, well, some other a way to capture amin, to propose, yes, you said, he created, in fact, a developed partisan movement, a reconnaissance group for security forces, but not assault troops that should storm the fortress head-on, so this is evidence of the professionalism of his students says what... on this day they stormed not only the tajbek palace, they also stormed, captured, let’s say, occupied, yes, nine more objects on the territory of kabulul, and led all the subgroups, with the settlement, of course, in every assault there, graduates
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of zenith, graduates of the koos, called zenith , took part , several people, like the core and leaders, they were given forces there from the muslim battalion, somewhere paratroopers. but nevertheless, they solved all other problems, and these problems were solved in such a way that we have no evidence that they were somewhere some complications, somewhere there were heavy losses, but at the palace, since it was the toughest nut to crack, and it was clear that the battle would be difficult, and grigory ivanovich was the only participant in the war with real combat experience, then of course he his students he couldn’t leave, purely humanly, so he went on the assault as part of the zenit group, although no one ordered him to do this, he couldn’t order it, he did it himself. how did the events unfold further, how did everything happen? on december 27, when the assault took place, it was our mother’s birthday,
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valentina sergeevna, yes, on that day my family and i celebrated my mother’s birthday, and we didn’t know that my father was going to attack. there is a very interesting witness to these events. so i call this man my brother, in those years he was a young platoon commander of a muslim battalion, his name is rustam khadzhat ursunkulov, because... the muslim battalion was supposed to provide - well, cover for these assault groups: thunder and zenit. thunder is an alpha group, there were 30 people, and 20 -odd people and 30 people are a subgroup zenith, those who went directly to the amin palace or the touchbek palace. so, this rustam, uh, being a platoon commander in gru, yes, on the eve of the events, was instructed by grigorim ivanovich. his father made a very strong impression on him, although he did not introduce himself to him, well, it ended with
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him telling him: son, you must take us to the entrance to the palace along this serpentine, so your task, he says: well, there is more worthy, more experienced comrades who can complete this task, he says: listen, when i fought, i had there was no serious military school like yours behind you, accelerated courses, but you have a good education. gained experience, it characterizes you well, come on, son, do it right, and you will cope, i believe that you will solve this problem, and he remembered it, i’m telling you about it, because later this episode will play an important role during assault, and then they divided into armored personnel carriers and infantry fighting vehicles under the grom group, uh, that means, and under the zenit group and moved, each in their own way, they approached the assault from seemingly different sides. palace, here unfortunately, the first armored personnel carrier was hit, it
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caught fire, the people from there dismounted, so everything began to develop in a completely different scenario, we had to lie down, a strong fire began, because awls were brought in, these are four barrels with a huge, with a huge speed of firing shells, yes, they poured fire without sparing cartridges, and on the palace, plus there were several hundred fires from there. other entrances, in accordance with the plans, also broke out onto the first floor, but the first task
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was to destroy the communications center in order to prevent reinforcements from approaching the first floor floor, and the subgroup that was supposed to destroy, it actually didn’t break through there at the moment when grigor ivanovich was already there, so here he is, here is the most famous person who later became the leader of koos, his name is sergei aleksandrovich golov, and also... there is one fighter from zenit, so they met literally below, and grigorievich says: so, guys, we need to destroy the communication center, let's throw grenades, then, since there is nothing, in fact, the three of them burst into this wing , destroyed the communications center, then returned to the central flight, as it were, where there was a staircase to the second floor, amin was already alone there, then grigory ivanovich, who had combat experience, real and instant...
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the edge of the bulletproof vest, ricocheted off him and actually broke his heart, he was somehow was the only bullet that hit while he was still alive. yes, and they even began to transport him to the hospital in an armored personnel carrier after the assault was over, but unfortunately, his life was cut short at that moment. how did you find out about your dad's death? my brother at that time he was working in foreign intelligence, so his immediate
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superior called him and told him that a telegram had arrived, the news had arrived that dad had died, brother... my, i don’t know how he survived it , this, apparently, was difficult for him, as the subsequent days, years, months there showed, so he practically spent the whole night with this news himself, because somehow he had to convey all this to us, so, and in the morning he arrived to my institute, well, in general, i didn’t need to say anything anymore, i probably immediately realized that there was something behind this, this... appearance, well, after a few minutes, naturally i found out about it, well, it was a shock, because here we are reading letters, listening to stories to my father, yes, and he really was an amazing person, and for us, for the whole family, the world just collapsed, it ceased to exist,
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especially of course for my mother, and the task was somehow for my brother and me to get to her and somehow... yes, well so in april we got a call from the foreign intelligence secretariat at home, they told us that dad had been awarded the title of hero soviet union, and that antropov instructed kryuchkov to personally present awards to the family, he came to our home, brought a decree,
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brought a star, a medal, a star of the hero of the soviet union and an order. lenin, there is also one more document signed by andropov, this is a letter to his mother with his personal signature, this is where he expressed confidence that his father’s example of his feat will serve as an example for all generations of security officers, this is the situation, kryov came, entered our apartment, said warm words, presented the award, on this day and hour my life too changed dramatically.
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such a deep sorrowful moment, because his generation, they went through, well, terrible trials, it was, well, it’s amazing how they survived and persevered, he
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had such a life example, because he graduated from an artillery school, sverdlovsk, began... . the future victory of the forty-fifth year, most of them, a huge majority, they simply did not live to see that time, and on may 9 we children saw, yes, what it is, because when...
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so that the next war, if there is one. will fall, come to our land so that people will meet her properly prepared, people of the highest professionalism, all of these, this whole school, all of these, this whole state of mind, this attitude, professional skill, this of course does not disappear without a trace, i am sure that now that it has come again, unfortunately, this is the time when such people are needed. of course, i want to reassure everyone, that the country understands this, is engaged in this, of course this matter lives, will live,
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these busts that are now installed in smolensk, on the anniversary of its centenary twenty-two, in the city of melitopol, where they are next door to pavel anatolyevich sudoplatov, the successor of the business, which grigor ivanovich is in fact, now, especially since they are so similar. with the hero sudaplatov, of course, in the tasks that they performed, yes, and in fact , this is what my father did, it was a continuation of sudoplatov’s work, it’s just that sudoplatov also created the fourth directorate, these are these partisan detachments that made a huge contribution to the victory in time of war, thank you to your dad, to you, low bow for all the most wonderful professions that exist in the world, you chose the best, protect, this is the life and fate of grigory boyarin, thank you, thank you, thank you very much, thank you, thank you very much, thank you, thank you,
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we will reduce the price especially for you, and the dremalina sw pillow will be yours for an incredible 3995 and you will immediately save 20 euros. but hurry up, the offer is strictly limited and only valid for a short period of time. hello, dear friends, your favorite program is on air for 60 minutes. vladimir vladimirovich, let’s talk about all the issues. place nuclear weapon. i have already demanded that nuclear weapons be returned to me. how are things on the front? the weather is cloudy, hail in places. the guys act confidently, the commander acts confidently. technicians. we have domadin alyosa, the second tank flew to kaukropsky, the hero of russia will be in kind, we are all our own, including myself, i lost to the end.
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i understand you, in order not to lose love, you need to lose your memory. retrograde amnesia, it happens. she won't forgive me. did you
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remember something? i think. it’s easy to fall in love with you, if only you could, i want to forget everything, so you can get out of this slush, let spring into your heart, late spring, premiere on saturday on rtr. mancacher whiskey is a product of the stellar group.
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titanic luxury collection cognac monte shococa product stellar group here you will find people of different professions and animals of different breeds, but they have one thing in common - sincere, strong friendship. love the white fluffy one. i said, i want a white cat. here comes oh you are good. caress the obstinate one, he likes to grab there with his claws like that, tame the biter, voice, voice, give me your paw, give me your paw, well done, well done, welcome a stray, to my shoulder from the sky a parrot flies in, the stars are ready to do anything for their beloved pets, where are you flying after the performance in a hurry, guys,
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should i feed the hamster? you are among friends, among friends, a program for the whole family, on saturdays on rtr. good morning, says dr. vesnyakov, they ask me all the time, say in other words that you are starting a program about the most important thing, i can only say that when you watch our program, you definitely get a charge of vigor and health, because well, those who doesn't do this, they probably they don’t even watch our program, which means nothing will help, so watch, and we will be vigorous and healthy, we are starting.
10:00 am
today the program is about the most important thing, chronic pain in the elderly, what most often provokes it, why painkillers do not help and how to reduce this pain? the reason went away, the pain remained, the older you get, the more dangerous the painkillers, how does varicose veins affect the development of a heart attack and what to do to suspect early osteoporosis?


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