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tv   [untitled]    May 14, 2024 11:00am-11:31am MSK

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you came to us, i hope that we answered all the questions, the program was useful for you, and you will no longer worry so much, you will have a clear algorithm of actions, thanks to the doctors, ekaterina nikolaevna thank you, my friends, indeed the human papillomavirus is now a fairly common occurrence, what to do about it when vaccination is needed, we answered all these questions today, and i really hope you have been reassured, and we wish you a good day and a great mood, be healthy, there was a program with you: in the most important thing , on the russia channel, in the studio evgeniy roshkov, hello, the main thing for this hour.
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government marathon in the state duma. deputies are considering the candidacies of sixteen ministers of the civil sector, four of them are governors, discussing each separately. grads and a german cheetah and an american humvee were destroyed. our fighters are advancing in the kharkov region, aviation is striking the ukrainian rear, airfields and military equipment factories. the west is preparing for the defeat of ukraine, europeans are sure of this. media how this manifested itself at the scandinavian summit, and what kind of news from biden did blinky bring to zelensky this morning? a sharp rise in water in omsk, a record for 160 years, rescuers are trying to defend the power plant, a fire is raging in transbaikalia, forests are burning, novosibirs, kokutan pungent smoke. charming, sincere actress, producer and tv presenter anna mikhalkova celebrates her anniversary today. so, the state duma
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today is completing the formation of the civil sector of the government, at these moments the deputies at the plenary session are considering candidates for the posts of federal ministers, 16 in total, it is expected that the cabinet of ministers will be renewed by almost a third. we will find out who has been announced for the new cabinet from our correspondent anna semyonova, she is...
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minister of finance anton selaan, he passed separately, and first of all, let's talk about those who receive the ministerial portfolio for the first time, there are five of them, anton alikhanov , governor of the kaliningrad region, candidate for the post of minister of industry and trade, before becoming governor, he worked in the ministry of industry and trade, so he understands well specifics, and also, as anton alekhanov said from the podium, speaking in the state duma, work in the kaliningrad region, an enclave surrounded by the sea and nato countries, will of course be very useful, since it was very difficult there. the industrial development fund is in great demand now, our border regions receive quite a lot of significant support of about 20 billion rubles to these regions, but undoubtedly, together with you, we are ready to consider specific cases, well , we will also debug this work systematically, just like the work now. established relationships with our regions
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novorossiya. behind alekhanov , another newcomer appeared on the podium, mikhail dekterev, a candidate for the post of minister of sports, governor of the khabarovsk territory. today, in fact, he is within his own walls. dekterev worked in the state duma for a long time and said that the offer to become a minister came as a surprise to him, and state duma speaker vyacheslav volodin gave his instructions on what to pay special attention to. this vicious thing has developed. practice, clubs where all the money is sent, including by large companies, this is a system of priorities that has been built over many years, it needs to be broken, it is necessary that the funds of major sponsors begin to be directed to the development of children's sports, and of course, that the practice of selecting the most talented ones and then sending them abroad should stop. what it is? in the plenary
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session hall, we managed to stop mikhail dikterev for a minute to ask him our question, i suggest you listen. you know that not everyone in the state duma supports you, so we just talked with... by the way, from the governors the minister has just come acting head of the ministry of natural resources and ecology alexander kozlov, he was the governor of the amur region, still a newcomer, the governor of the kursk region, roman storovoyed, is applying for the post of head of the ministry of transport, he understands the topic of transport, worked for 6 years in rosavtodor, sergei tsevelev, governor of the kemerovo region, candidate for the post of minister of energy and oksana lut, currently acting first deputy minister of agriculture, candidate for the post of head of the department. before the meeting, we managed to ask sergei mironov and gennady zyuganov , other factions also spoke out about their attitude to the candidates proposed by mishustin. i suggest you listen. alekhanov is a young, successful
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governor in my opinion, but he went through a good school at the forefront. he is an energy engineer, he has an excellent command of everything related to the coal industry, i think that he can cope with other areas of the energy industry. parliament today takes a significant share of responsibility for the quality of those officials who will become
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ministers and deputy chairmen government, for the quality of work of the russian government. today we are responsible, each to our own bloc, for... the person for whom we voted, during the period of the creation of the ministry of eastern development a huge leap forward has been made, qualitative changes, i, as a resident of the far east, as a far easterner, i confirm this, this is the only thing that of course, we must understand that the macro-region is huge, the difficulties are great, all this poses very serious tasks for the leadership of the ministry, for the first time in many years ... a member will appear in the government supreme council of the ldpr, mikhail vladimirovich dektelev, we will interact, developing physical culture and sports, both in the russian federation and in the space of the countries of the commonwealth of independent states. mikhail vladimirovich is a very serious area of ​​​​work,
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where he will certainly need the support of deputies. before today's plenary meeting, each candidate was discussed at the relevant committee, on sunday, our film crew also worked here, it was. very intense dialogue and part of it was closed to the press in order to deputies could ask the most pressing questions so that there would be no misunderstandings, there were some closed topics related to defense, with the northern military district, naturally, they were closed to the press, the discussion is now ongoing, and i propose to listen to how the candidate for the post of minister labor minister anton katyakov was asked what would happen to pensions for working pensioners. the question of staffing industrial enterprises with qualified personnel, both engineers and workers, has become very acute; first of all, this affected the defense enterprises, since in connection with the svo, the volume of output has increased significantly, and there is a need to increase it further.
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enterprise managers are trying to resolve this issue, including through the return of pensioners, but they refuse, even despite high wages, due to the lack of indexation of pensions. based on the forecast of socio-economic development, we are now starting the procedure for forming the budget for 2005, 2025-27, issues of additional pension provision for working citizens will also be considered during the budget process. mikhail mishusin proposed maintaining ministerial posts in the new government 11.
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dmitry peskov retained the press secretary. vladislav kitaev also remains the head of the presidential protocol. among the new appointments. alexey dyumin and nikolai became assistants to the president. patrishev with release from previous positions. and just now, according to the decree , authorized representatives of the president were appointed in all districts in departments, as well as presidential advisers. we are still on this topic during the release. we'll be back. in the federation council, in a few hours, final consultations will take place on candidates for the posts of ministers of the power bloc, as well as the head of the foreign ministry. the day before, candidates for these positions were discussed at their meetings.
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also today, for the first time, senators will consider the issue of appointing the head of the accounts chamber, previously this was dealt with by the state duma. now to the news, a special operation: the russian army launched new attacks on the military infrastructure of the kiev regime in kharkov. the target was the temporary deployment point of the military police, where they were forming new battalions of the armed forces of ukraine to be sent to the front line, as well as in uman, this is cherkassy. region, a military airfield and a factory where military equipment was being repaired were hit. in
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the kharkov region, our units with the bays are moving towards the village of leptsy. to the west of the settlement, lancet operators destroyed a ukrainian city. and another rszzo, this time croatian based on the american humvee suv. in the sumy region, between the cities of glukhov and putivl, reconnaissance discovered a trail, which was transporting military equipment. by purpose.
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residential areas from the nato vampire multiple launch rocket system. nine houses and a school were hit by rocket fragments and six , one of which fell near a children's playground. according to the ministry of defense, air defense forces destroyed 25 ukrainian missiles in the sky overnight. in russia , 54
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things were extinguished in 24 hours, in some areas of the region it started snowing today, the situation is similar in the tomsk region, ulyanovsk and khantemansiysk autonomous okrug, in chelyabinsk everything is melting after the precipitation, there are huge puddles on the roads, storm drains simply can’t cope with large flows of water, but this weather does not bother the local residents at all, they sculpt... and even roll around in the garden. well, next in the release is news from the investigative committee. the head of the personnel department of the ministry of defense was detained. why american? and secretary of state antony blinken visited kiev early this morning for the anniversary of actress and producer anna mikhalkova. we'll be back right after a short commercial. hello, dear friends. your favorite program is on air for 60 minutes. 60 minutes today on rt.
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rest is leaving yourself alone. rest - it's not thinking about anything when you're calm and completely switched off. rest is rest. we know everything about holidays. annex kalinan belek is a place where time stops. immerse yourself in sophistication and luxury, forgetting about time, on the shores of the mediterranean sea. discover true excellence by making your dreams come true. kalinanbelek hotel, where life
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becomes... welcome to the newest pixos hotel in sharmel sheikh. riksas radomis sharmel sheikh - an ideal place for a family holiday, where everything is created for happiness and the comfort of children of their parents. escape from everyday life into a world of endless entertainment. enjoy themed rooms, the largest children's playground in the region and an unforgettable holiday. miss charmle sheikh. i've been waiting for you forever. i was in such a hurry to meet you. finally she came. spring. warm, sunny, bright. the russia exhibition blossomed
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with all the colors of spring. you've been waiting. spring, now spring is waiting for you at the exhibition russia, gor, i don’t believe that you betrayed me, but i must know the truth, i understand you, what? in order not to lose love, you need to lose memory, retrograde amnesia, this happens, she won’t forgive me, but you remembered something, it seems to me that it’s easy to fall in love with you, if only you could, i want
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to forget everything, but get out of this slush, let spring into your heart . spring is late, premieres on saturday on rtr. the floor is shaking, the walls are shaking, big changes have come, a new season with a new renovation. with a slight movement of the hand, we make three different functional zones from this absolutely faceless room. ideas are overflowing. we want to turn the radiator into an art object. there will be plenty of surprises and a lot of work, plans are turning into projects before our eyes, i adore plants, i’m generally a plant maniac, real stone flowers will soon bloom in the living room of our heroes, after dismantling a lot will become clear, and dreams become reality, look, let them
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in your home, big changes, every sunday on rtr. we're on the air, we're continuing the show. the collapse of ukraine is possible at any moment, and europe must prepare for it. the limont newspaper writes about this development of events today, with reference to french diplomatic source. the publication notes that new military supplies from the united states, even if they are fast and significant, will not be enough for kiev; the eu is worried. at the scandinavian summit, the nordic countries discussed the action plan for a long time, but in the end they agreed to increase only their own competitiveness.
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weapons drivers are going to make machine guns and machine guns for ukraine, which would be suitable for soviet-caliber 7.62 mm cartridges. the scandinavians are promising air support.
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norway, denmark, together with belgium and the netherlands is preparing a batch of f16 for the ukrainian armed forces. ukraine will receive the first fighters from denmark in the next month. it is very important for ukraine to see these planes in the sky. but there is more symbolism in this gesture than meaning. 12 pilots are undergoing half-and-half retraining from soviet to american aircraft, the main difficulty is to master the english language, the situation is even worse with the technicians who must maintain the f-16. one fighter requires eight to 14 specialists on the ground. cnn journalists in the material. use the phrase bad news several times, note the rapid advance of the russian army and the catastrophic situation at the front. in general, the news is bad on all fronts,
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the disaster is growing, the news is not just bad, it is getting worse every day. the ground on the front line is drying up and we are entering the offensive season. russia is gaining momentum, the likes of which have not been seen since march of '22. ukraine is forced to admit how bad its affairs are. the day before, the top of the armed forces of ukraine and the pentagon command discussed it for an hour and a half.
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large size. according to the investigation, in the previous position of the head of the eighth directorate of the general staff, kuznetsov received a bribe from representatives of commercial structures.
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during the searches , more than 100 million rubles were found and confiscated from the suspect. gold coins, collectible watches, luxury items. the court ordered arrest as a preventive measure for kuznetsov. the development and security of russia and central asia will be discussed in ufa. the conference started there today. in 2 days, experts from russia, india, kazakhstan, china, kyrgyzstan, tajikistan and uzbekistan will consider the prospects for cooperation in countering extremist threats, we will talk about trade, migration, ecology and climate. living based on your own interests is very, very important, so the most important question is how we can cooperate so that all participants cooperate. achieved what they want, lived according to their own plan, this is the most important challenge, sacrifice, the sincerity of the piercing intonation, these epithets from
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colleagues in the shop are addressed... how are you, success, all the best, thank you, birthday, stress, let down results, it’s too early, it’s impossible to make plans, the work will decide otherwise, but the directors who once worked with her, anna mikhalkova, wish for themselves on her holiday to meet on the set more than once, there is sacrifice in her, there is sincerity in her, there is purity of intention in her, if i could. ..
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this sincerity takes your breath away, the words of a great actress of our time are heard from literally every director, when choosing a film, she looks at the script, at the team, at the director, but there is also a very important criterion, sometimes it happens that you take the job there because that you haven't done this yet, and you’re interested in trying something new, i guess i see the potential or i see my interest there from the point of view of the fact that because... i’ve been doing this for a long time from the point of view of generally exploring myself, my own kind of human reactions in general, possibilities, first it was filmed by father nikita mikhalkov, even then without making any concessions, i have a few questions for you, here you are, tell me what you are most afraid of, look at me, she answers
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questions so discouragingly truthfully and also... the heroine constantly in the frame in close-ups, without her this is a movie, well, it would be a different movie, at the premiere i said from the stage that anya is a great russian actress, and i wasn’t joking at all, i really think so, it sounds again again, a great actress, in modern cinema still there’s a lot of stuff that hasn’t been played, which means it all came together. ekaterina fesenko, evgeny kostin, dmitry mishchersky, elena fenoshina, maria larchenkova. news. and
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we return. one of the main topics of the issue , vladimir putin today signed decrees on appointments in the leadership of the presidential administration. so, the post of head of administration saved by anton vaino. his first deputies remained sergei kiriyenko and alexey gromov. the appointed deputy heads of the presidential administration are dmitry kazak, magomed salam magomedov, vladimir ostrovenko and maxim oreshkin, who was previously an assistant to the head of state. also deputy head of the presidential administration. dmitry peskov remained, who also retained the position of presidential press secretary. among the new appointments, alexey dyumin and nikolai patrushev became assistants to the president, with their release from previous positions, respectively, the governor of the tula region , secretary of the security council. among the presidential aides are also vladimir midinsky, dmitry mironov, yuri ushakov and andrei fursenko. and today, according to the decree , presidential plenipotentiary representatives have been appointed in all
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districts. in departments, as well as presidential advisers. tonight watch the multi-part melodrama “the light in the window.” the bogdanov family experienced a terrible tragedy, the loss of a child. grief should have united the characters in the film, but the relationship is collapsing. and it seems that family members will never again truly family, but fate still gives a second chance. don't miss it today at 21:20.


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