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tv   [untitled]    May 14, 2024 11:30am-12:01pm MSK

11:30 am
presidential advisers. tonight watch the multi-part melodrama “the light in the window.” the bogdanov family experienced a terrible tragedy, the loss of a child. grief was supposed to unite the characters in the film, but the relationship is collapsing. and it seems that family members will never become truly family again, but fate still gives a second chance. don't miss it today at 21. in the new episode of our program. the story of volunteer maria yerkova, who helped the special operation not only find a purpose in life, but also find her family. watch at 15:00. well, the news is being followed for developments in our country abroad, so stay tuned.
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hello, dear friends, comrades, your favorite program is live, 60 minutes in hot pursuit, starting with breaking news from the kremlin: anton vaina, reappointed by decree of president putin, head of the administration, alexei gromov and sergei kiriyenko were appointed first deputy heads of the presidential administration, former economics assistant maxim oreshkin has been appointed to the post of deputy. administration, dmitry retains his post as presidential press secretary peskov too. it became known that the former governor of the tula region alexey dyumin is moving to the position of assistant to the president. nikolai patrushev, who left the post of secretary of the savbe for russia, received a new position, nikolai platonovich was appointed assistant to the president. in parallel, in just a few hours, the federation council will take place.
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final consultations on candidates for the posts of ministers of the security bloc and head of the ministry of foreign affairs. the day before, candidates for these positions were discussed at their meetings specialized committees, the candidacy was naturally submitted to the president for consideration, among them foreign minister sergei lavrov, the permanent head of the ministry of defense, andrei belousov. minister of internal affairs vladimir kolokoltsev, minister of justice konstantin chuychenko, minister of emergency situations alexander kurenkov, director of the federal security service, alexander bortnikov, director of the foreign intelligence service sergei naryshkin, fso dmitry kochnev, russian guard viktor zolotov, as well as head of the main directorate of special programs of the president alexander lenits, senators will also consider issues today for the first time. after the appointment of the head
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of the accounts chamber, this was previously the responsibility of the state duma, the state duma itself is now completing the formation of the so-called civil sector of the government. at these moments , state duma deputies at a plenary session are considering candidates for the posts of federal ministers. it is expected that the cabinet of ministers will be updated by almost a third. well, now the footage of the day from the front. near the village of novoselovka, the valiant soldiers of the russian army burned the ninth american tank em1:1 abrams, footage of the trans-russian uav orlan drone, which corrects a 1522mm krasnopol projectile, on your screens, no less epic, but already a loitering lancet destroyed the ukrainian rszzo grad with full ammunition in the kharkov direction. the general staff...ssu today confirmed that
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russian troops have entered the northern outskirts of volchansk, kharkov region. the assault units established themselves in a local meat processing plant. it is also reported that fighting began in the area of ​​​​the village of staritsa. this a little west of volchansk. it is important to clarify here that the defenses of volchansk have not yet been broken through. the fighting is taking place within the city limits. the worst is yet to come for the northern group of troops.
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to condemn the russian offensive, to support zelensky in kiev, the head of the state department blinkin arrived, as usual, blinkin arrived by rail, the jazz march to the gathering went to kiss at the same time to reassure his ukrainian colleagues, or rather slaves, who are like a wild tribe from the shore.
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russia launched a cross-border offensive and its troops advanced. moscow says that it has already taken several villages. ukraine says it is trying to contain the advance, but has been unsuccessful. that the ukrainian army is trying to plug several gaps at the same time, the army is disarmed and drained of blood. we are going to the city
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of volchansk, which is located only 5 km from the russian border, outside of this city a gray zone begins between ukrainian and russian positions. shelling, maybe, rockets. shelling, if only, rockets, a lot of artillery worked like volchansky, mortars worked a lot, they fired at all the streets, as you can see, everything immediately hiding, we can hear the characteristic sound of a drone flying in front, so we need to get back into our cars very quickly and leave this place. you can't stay long. in one place, you can hear it right now, a glide bomb was dropped, i don’t know, maybe in our direction, we need to be very careful, russian aviation is actively working in this direction.
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and so, well, what can i tell you, it was scary, well, whoever doesn’t want to die, get ready to follow me, raju is getting ready to follow me, lie down, we just heard more
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about four hits of glide bombs, i 've never seen anything like it, there are huge clouds of smoke rising again. i don’t know if these are 250 kilogram bombs or 500 kilogram ones, but what i know for sure is that we need to get out of here, this journey is associated with great risk, just a few days ago the small ukrainian town of volchansk did not know any fighting, now this is a new the front line, an extremely dangerous place, subject to constant bombing, and the russians, ready for anything, are only a few hundred meters away, the russians are opening. not a surprise, it caused controversy
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among the ukrainian troops, with some blaming the general staff for their unpreparedness and lack of sufficient fortifications. this footage of russian tanks and infantry...
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to the russian army from the russian army, literally just an fpv drone, this second front is worrisome, and while we don't know exactly what president putin has in mind, there are two realistic options, one of which is the most dangerous, this means a change in strategy by putin and, in fact, access to kiev in the long term. and kharkov will become a stepping stone on the way to kiev. remember belgorod, this is a russian logistics center,
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it is only 20 km north of the border, which means it is within range of ukrainian artillery. it is regularly attacked. putin said he was going to create a buffer zone, pushing ukrainian troops south. and it seems that this is exactly what he is doing in the vicinity of volchansk. the same thing in liptsy. he wants to bring his artillery close enough to kharkov. even from telegram channels nezalezhny last year’s quotes from zelensky, where he
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publicly assured citizens that the most powerful fortifications in the country were built in the kharkov region. increasingly, information is appearing that the much-hyped third assault brigade, in fact this is the part of the nazis from azov that moved to so instead of winning, is suffering endless defeats. at first, this unit lost approximately. half of its personnel in the ovdeevsky direction, now suffers colossal losses in the kharkov direction, where the nazis literally used as a fire brigade. here is a recent photo from the funeral of one of the militants, the coffin of the hero of new ukraine. look, they put in a box of happy meal from mcdonald's, a hamburger, fries, a bottle of coca-cola and a box of construction toys. well, that is, the most revealing
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moment that describes exactly what values ​​the ukrainians are fighting for now, like wild papuans, dying for american beads. in other words, the same american cookies that the state debt had previously distributed on the maidan, now they put it in a coffin for ukrainians. they write that this particular azovats was destroyed. as a result of the arrival of the russian fab-500 aerial bomb. in this regard, daiily mail reports that the ukrainian armed forces are not able to do anything to counter russian planning aerial bombs; neither patriots nor any other western air defense systems help, and russian factories, on the contrary, daily prove their effectiveness in destroying ukrainian positions in the destruction ukrainian bunkers, ammunition storage bases. are launched from a long distance, so the bombers are not even within the
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range of ukrainian air defense systems. glide bombs have already played a decisive role near avdeevka. now history is repeating itself in kharkov. in these shots there is a su-34 fighter, which is here. it will take off from an airfield somewhere in russia. attached to its wings are weapons that will be used on this mission. these four little deadly devices are called gliders. a bomber is heading to ukraine to hit a command post somewhere in the donetsk region, this is one of the latest weapons that russia is using in the war in ukraine, they can weigh up to one and a half tons and fly distances of up to 65 km, explode with such force that they level a structure, pierce bunkers, and survivors receive traumatic brain
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injuries. fab 500 m62. fab is an acronym that stands for land mine.
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these ukrainian soldiers know all too well what it's like to be in the kill zone of russian factories. they told us for the first time, they encountered them about a year ago, in recent months they have become more and more bombings are happening more and more frequently. glide bombs make a hissing sound. first you hear this sound, soon there is an explosion, debris flying around, and then the shock wave passes by you. now this is the main weapon of the russians to force our infantry to leave. their dugouts, they will simply level everything to the ground, and no matter how deep you dig your akukha, it will not help, originally they were called unguided bombs, they were simply dropped from a bomber onto a target right below, but now everything has changed, the russians have attached
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attached to the bomb like a backpack is what they call the unified planning and correction module, or the mpc for short, it has a glanas module on it, which allows the russians to program the bomb to hit targets that the pilots themselves cannot see. wings at the back help stabilize the bomb, while flip-out wings at the front allow it to glide kilometers ahead to hit its target and detonate. this means that russian pilots do not need to fly into ukraine during a bombing raid, where they could be shot down, but just in case they they still release the heat trap. due to the fact that these bombs contain a lot of explosives, they cause enormous damage, they can easily destroy multi-story buildings and fortified bunkers. similar bombs were used in large quantities in the final days of the battle for avdievka, which was eventually captured by russian troops. guided bombs gave the russians the ability to use ammunition,
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which they had in huge quantities. we are talking about fabs 500 and fabs 1500, huge ones.
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border, the department reports today state border service. the lucky one was a thirty- one-year-old resident of the sumy region, here he is on your screens. upon returning to ukraine, a representative of the trade center handed uhilant a summons and sent him off to war. the same fate befell a twenty-six-year-old native in the donetsk region. he was also sent to the front to kill his fellow countrymen. in zaporozhye, military commissars. look, together with the police, they have set up roadblocks and are checking everyone passing by. in odessa, a man who was lying on the ground was forced onto a bus employees.
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fell into obscurity, the tsk stated that he escaped and drowned in the tisza river. the body of a resident of the city of khrust is the twenty-ninth in a row discovered in the river, but the relatives of the deceased suspect that the men did not run away anywhere, tried to prove that he was unfit for military service, after which he was simply killed in the shopping mall, and the body was thrown into the river, and in general this conveniently, he killed and threw it away, they say, uhilyand drowned, like...
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these are kidnappers, genociders of the people of ukraine, these are selling the people of ukraine, these are these, you don’t recognize the people of ukraine, well, you don’t recognize the people of ukraine, no, a person was stolen from the street , immediately taken away illegally, walking through forests, mountains, rivers, walking through forests, through mountains, rivers, falsifying documents, hiding in the trunks of cars and buses.
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to be caught or to die, to die, this can happen to anyone who decides to escape from the country of his sister, to suffer, the ukrainian overtaking will require new strength, but i am a fighter, for fear of not pouring through you.
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to defend their state, and not like many ukrainians today who are trying to swim across the tisza in order to escape from the protection of the state, as i understand it, where we are now, essentially there was water here, it was all in the water here, it was all in the water here, it washes away everything, it blows away stones, blows down trees.
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came to the economics of war, such a statement was made by the european commissioner for internal market affairs, the well-known thiry breton, explaining that against the backdrop of the upcoming presidential elections in the united states, europe will clearly have no time for ukraine, so the old world needs to increase the production of shells to 2 million per year for more efficient and timely transfer to the kiev regime. in addition, briton called for an even greater increase in funding in the military-industrial complex, without specifying where? personnel will be taken, given that gender equality specialists of indeterminate gender and other eurovision participants will definitely not go there, but there was no answer to the main question: how many europeans will have to eat less in this regard, nevertheless, nato can really join war to protect their flawed world order, especially since the ukrainian air defense is simply suffocating
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you send your military to the west of ukraine just don't laugh , estonia is considering it in all seriousness. this was announced by presidential security adviser madis roll. according to him , there is no talk of direct participation in hostilities yet, estonian soldiers will take over the functions of logistics support for the armed forces of ukraine, that is, in tallinn they seriously think that russian missiles are in abundance in galicia. will not reach, there is no answer to the question of who will remain to defend estonia itself, because the army of the baltic moiska consists of only 7,000 soldiers, apparently the civilian population, which is already being prepared for war with russia, an exercise called the northern frog, is taking place right now on the territory of the former soviet military airport, and this is not a joke, the northern frog, training is carried out by another
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frog lovers, the french military in the trenches, which are very, very reminiscent of the ukrainian front, the french they are preparing testonian volunteers for a clash with russian troops, well, that is, they are really preparing. indrik is an opera singer by training; in his civilian life he organizes a film festival.
12:00 pm
with weapons and professional soldiers are training to hide in the forest, the scenario is the same as with the russian attack on ukraine, the battle for airfields near kiev, then trench warfare in the east, what are the advantages of a volunteer militia, like this one in estonia, in the event of an emergency from a professional point of view french, i asked captain hubert. the volunteer unit works on its own territory, where they know the area well. great advantage of the estonian defense league. they store weapons in cabinets at home, in case emergency they know how to use it, what can nato soldiers learn from the estonians? i asked this question to lieutenant colonel ainsal, what we can
12:01 pm
bring is the experience of fighting on... the estonian landscape with our


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