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tv   [untitled]    May 14, 2024 3:00pm-3:30pm MSK

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they are at the front, and there was no point in leaving them at home, so it turned out that on social networks i found a group that deals with humanitarian aid, drove up to them when they announced a gathering and passed on these names, in fact, this is how i met them , and then the networks went on, everything else, here are the networks, but it’s true that you are st. petersburg’s champion in weaving these same networks, i don’t know what about the champion, but my weaving speed is very high, the speed. exactly yes, speed and endurance, probably because i can come and if i have a snack, then until i finish it, i won’t leave, and how many of them have you already made, well, i roughly counted about 40 networks in which i participated, i can’t say that i weaved all the networks alone, there were several networks, yes, that’s personal i slept, and the rest are a whole group, called the fighting weavers of leningrad, but that’s the name they chose, with the guys there are girls and young people, that is, there are a lot of us.
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who, when there is an opportunity, people come, we weave with them, whoever can, when there is time, sometimes it’s half an hour, sometimes it’s there for a whole day, we have a lot of work, maria, you are also a donor, yes, why did you decide to become a donor, i became a donor in 2015, this is some kind of rare blood type you have, no, the second is positive, it is in demand quite a lot, just there was an understanding that i always wanted to do this, but there was probably no physical opportunity, that is, i would be very thin, my blood pressure was quite low, well, with the advent of children, somehow the body began to work differently, everything returned to normal, i i just drove up to the transfusion department one day, the doctor examined me there, well i granted admission, everything went well from that moment on, for you this is a donation, i just understand that when we live and nothing happens to us, it seems like everyone else is also doing well, but here’s how...
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blood service beads russian, it has a slogan, it doesn’t concern you until it touches you, you understand that this is really true, that’s how it started, for many, suddenly, people realized that this concerns them too, it’s not just somewhere like that side passes, and you sit the picture on tv, you just see, that is, this physically and morally, it affects everyone, everyone must make their choice one way or another, and donation is probably one of those topics when you can help, tell me, were you taught this way since childhood? help everyone, but no, somehow this in itself, well , maybe, probably, somehow my mother raised me, so, probably, yes, we need to help, but i didn’t keep track, to be honest, i just help everything, let’s we’ll invite your mother to the studio, yes, yes, come on, tatyana, please come in, hello, hello, in our studio tatyana vladimirovna platonova, mother maria, hello, hello, who did you work as, a nurse, soviet. a sister of a wide
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profile, that is, different areas of experience, now, now an honored pensioner of our apartment, tatyana vladimirovna, maria helps everyone, yes, it’s because you raised her in a special way, i raised my children alone, worked two jobs at once one and a half times the rate, that is, it was difficult, but they brought them up well, somehow we got used to everything together in soviet times, that is, it was easy with them, because there were children. good obedient mashul, in general , i fulfilled the role of an adult aunt; i called her little one aunt masha, she believed that her younger brother was her personal upbringing, she was directly an indicator for her brother, for the younger one, and he was like a little monkey, everything she did, he kept repeating everything after her, that is, i worked calmly, as they say, the house was left for her very early, when i left for shifts, i worked in hospitals, that’s how many summers there were when the house was left for her,
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when alexey appeared, mashula was 3 years old, already at the age of 7, she already introduced him to kindergarten, as a future first-grader, yes, yes, from the age of four they already began to learn to cook, on all the holidays we did everything together, set the tables, how to cook, everything, all three of us, all family issues were also resolved at a general council, that is, they gathered, well, guys, that’s it, that’s it, in fact, you could only rely on yourself, yes, we had a good backbone, because many looked at us, as if they were equals, the door was always open in our apartment, people came to us all the time neighbors who are familiar with their problems, that is, they never refused anyone any help, so life was easy, i can’t say anything, the children all grew up before our eyes, alexey went into the army, this is the youngest son, everyone is asking all the time now , well, say hello, say everything, be sure, the support is very good, and by the way, you supported maria, you are her...
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46, a romantic at heart, a plumber by profession, and by vocation, says mother tatyana vladimirovna, a diplomat. he could calm down any conflict very easily, and almost until i was 18 i didn’t have a single black eye. alexey is of the old school,
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so the three commandments of folk wisdom are not an empty phrase for him. give birth to a son, plant a tree, build a house. i gave birth to a son, my mother and i have already planted trees, dear mother, now it’s home. we’re building, we’re building, we’ll build, there will be a balcony here, so it will be down, if anything happens, my wife will call me, here is my library, perhaps, perhaps, well, we’ll see later, i say, what will happen here, he always dreamed of being a military man, as a child wore a long coat and i imagined myself as an officer, we laughed all the time, that he walked around in the winter all the time because of his long coat, he kept stumbling, falling and all covered, but he said, but shake off my overcoat for me. that’s right, but alexey put on a military uniform only after forty, when he decided to repay his debt to his homeland, despite the fact that he had a reservation from mobilization, he volunteered for the northern military district, i am a patriot of my country, plus i have a son, i believe that i i have to go, he still
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has to build a family, get on with his life, now he’s a junior sergeant platonov is on vacation, but very soon he will return to duty, he collects his army backpack as quickly as his car, puts everything in it only the most necessary, when the generator is turned off and there is no gasoline, the best thing is a flashlight, because it is quite difficult to sit in the dark , i say, well, let me give you a fresh sweater, he says, let’s do it for morale, so i told him later, i sewed up a st. george’s ribbon for you there, so that when you open and close, you will always know that victory is ahead of you, in one and a half years of service in the northern military district. alexey understood he does everything right, he says in donbass, russian soldiers are always greeted warmly. people believe that very soon they will bring victory. people gave bags of food, canned food, and no money, even the granny is absolutely alone, i still go to visit her,
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when the opportunity arises all the time, she exchanges tea all the time, we will sit with her, talk, people are happy, people are happy, people want to see us, we have a participant in the studio. i’m not an evil person, i’m really kind, it’s just you , yes, but you have a mouse on your chevron, that’s belonging to the same troops, reconnaissance, now, as if just before leave , i transferred from reconnaissance to sappers, well , there are no former intelligence officers, where did they transfer, engineer-sapper company, as if in the same regiment, just a different company, well, in the plot it was said that since childhood you wanted to become a military man, that’s true, i liked it, that is, so that straight up... i didn’t want to be a military man at all, but well, an officer’s film for me was always like very much, i i watched with pleasure, we decided to go right away, when full-fledged hostilities began there, and over time, i sort of thought about what, apparently , i would have to do, well, when
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mobilization had already begun, then i just went myself, didn’t even bother to consult anyone, i went without my mother they began to consult, no, with my sister, with my sister, with my wife, i didn’t consult with anyone, well, let me confront you with a fact, prostoyana vladimirovna. your children are independent, how did you make this decision? but i didn’t have time to receive him in any way, they told me late in the evening, in the morning he was already leaving, that is, i the only thing that was offensive was that we always made decisions of this kind collectively, as they say at the family council, it turned out that both girls, as they say, daughter-in-law and daughter, they were nearby, they protected him, they already knew in advance, it turns out, they started it quietly cook, already buy something for him, well, but i actually stayed - everything went away, and now i decided that everything changes without anything, yes, that is, well, adults, if they make any decisions , this is their life, my job is only to support and so that they know that the bodies are in in safe hands. maria, did you help your brother get ready? how did you help? it so happened
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that, again, on social networks i tracked all the situations regarding donbass, the northern military district, and saw several times posts by various active fighters. let’s say, with recommendations on what was the right thing to take to the front, what was unnecessary, what shouldn’t be taken at all, and it so happened that for some reason it just came from above somewhere, i took screenshots for myself. the very next day, that is, i understood that since time is limited, not everything has been collected, so i simply suggested that, that is, is it necessary
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help? he says: well, yes, yes, it’s probably necessary. you know, it’s very interesting what you ended up taking with you and what was useful to you, and what, for example, you didn’t take with you, what you would definitely need there, i can say that 70% of what was originally you take it, you don’t need it, you don’t need it, for example, you don’t need it, the same knee pads, for example, but i don’t need them if i’m not conducting combat operations in the city. we don’t have stones, that is, well , they just get in the way on my feet, here was the clave, for example, the same one, well, not at all necessary, in our situation, because again, we don’t go on any assaults on anything, we have our own specific tasks, well , they are set, and what tasks, well, for example, we sit at the op, observation points, that is, in front of enemy, well, we detect their movement, well, right away we give the artillery a tip to our drone pilots, well, so that copters are sent to them, well, it happened that in the fall they raised the alarm there... in general, just before they got out at night, what kind of command set a task, carry it out like this, this is the most difficult thing for you
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it was, everything is complicated there, it’s war, well, when you were, for example, i don’t know, it’s very scary, all the time, i’m a normal person, everyone wants to live, that’s okay now, but what should i do, what if i’m scared, why not go now, tell me some warm story that touched your heart, unfortunately, i missed the moment, i had to take the filming, i have an amazing grandmother, it’s just... she’s already over 80, 90 years old there, she even leaves with difficulty, but she is such a kind person, what kind of grandmother is she, where is she, she is located in the svatovo area, here’s a local resident, as she says, i dream of getting to st. petersburg, we got together, as soon as he told us, i immediately went to the store there, started looking for postcards to send to her, i say, well, at least i would like to take it, then i ask, well, how did you take it, did you take it, why are you silent, i’m worried, did she see it, did she receive it? no, there was a moment when , also on new year’s day, the twenty-second year,
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it turns out, when we had just been brought there, that is, there was nothing of our own yet, there was somehow no statutory porridge there for the new year very much, and that is, there seems to be money, the salary is normal, well, i ’m saying, then we went to buy food for people, well , it was also funny with her, when she tells you to give a tsibul, what is a tsibul, maybe a tsibul, well, a tsibul, a tsibul, maybe some kind of tsibul, well, let’s say there are four things there, well... the tsibul takes out, but what about the onion? alexey, how many wounds did you have? one thing, the second time i was lucky, the fragment got stuck in my trouser leg and didn’t penetrate. it turned out that we were sitting, apparently in some kind of former granary, or something like that, and there was arrived near the entrance and it turned out that the fragments hit the ceiling, the wall, the floor and from the floor it already ricocheted towards my leg, due to which the fragment apparently lost its strength, well, it’s so healthy, about a centimeter and a half long, so centimeter by centimeter . i pierced one pant leg, but couldn’t get through the second. but after the first wound, you returned there again, right?
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yes, i have a wound, thank god i was lucky, it was recorded as a tangent, but in reality it was through, well, apparently it didn’t hurt, no nerves, no ligaments, nothing, i’ve been in i stayed in the hospital where i was wounded, my left shin, and why did they go from scouts to sappers, reconnaissance is still more for young people, it’s quite difficult physically, after all, i’m 46 years old, so you should already be in reconnaissance before. .. food is very difficult there, such an area 150 is already empty, the backpack is already empty, there is no water , you can pass the men for 5 seconds, everything goes again , well, well, these...
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call sign zarya, zarya. stormtrooper of the ministry of defense, contract soldier volunteer. hello, i wish you, yaroslav. hello. why you decided to go specifically to the assault squad? like initially? i was preparing for this for the assault detachment, i knew that the walk would not be easy, i already have two wounds, for six months of the contract, thank god, i am light, now i am on leave due to injury, in the second it was already extended for me, because the bones did not heal, what for the wound you received, this is a shrapnel through wound, fragments came from a mortar or from a drone
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, i can’t say for sure, and pierced my arm , before that i had... a shrapnel dull wound, but in the voronezh region i i was treated well, so i was able to return to duty fully immediately, after the first injury i met masha, under what circumstances? after treatment, i was sent to my unit to receive leave for the first wound, my unit is in the city of st. petersburg, in the leningrad region, it’s easier to say, and at that time i began to correspond with masha, who was still undergoing treatment, a few days later i ended up in st. petersburg, well... i asked masha for a date, did masha go? masha went with the first invitation, but i was very worried, that’s how we met, we corresponded somewhere on social networks, yes, i thought that masha was from belgorod, but she turned out to be from st. petersburg, so everything was along the way, now we are husband and wife. masha, when did you realize that yaroslav was your man? probably, at the first meeting, that is, one might say,
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love at first sight? no, not quite like that, because... all the photos on his account were of them in a balaclava and there was no open face, falling in love with a mask, well, that ’s a story, such a children’s theme, so i was naturally more interested in who there under the mask, very i wanted the mask to be taken off, what kind of face is there, in general, who is there, what is there, because since he wrote what he was doing in parallel while he was there due to injury, yes, he saw that there were nets being woven there, again, that is , even though... well, that is, as if there were wounds, he cut the fabric, at least, that is , he had such an opportunity, and somehow it touched a little somewhere, but when it already works out, i saw him for the first time when he invited me on a date, that is, i got out of the car, let’s talk about this and look at the story about vashila, i only saw photographs in balaclava, and i saw several photos he
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sent of how he looked a year before the svo, that’s all, i was curious how... he, what he looks like, and of course, i was worried when i was driving, i came here a lot earlier, i was choosing a table, this photo, it was with her that i fell in love, i waited for a very long time for masha to agree to a date, i drove up in a taxi, and i saw him coming down the stairs, when i saw masha, she was...
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what this is really very, very important for him, the next day he already crossed the ribbon on front line, my sunshine, i love you very much, i have the happiest best days with you, about mine, everything will be fine, i’ll be back, i understand that yaroslav has terrible anxiety, he very strictly and directly explained that an assault is one way or another killed or ranin, here is my wife. right before sending you a heart with your photo, there was a napkin, here with her perfume, here i am, well, in difficult moments, i have a cross in one hand in the other hand , i’m sitting there, i’ll be back, god help me, i ’ll be back, god help me, there, there, that’s how it is so, further in the program, how did
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maria’s family react to her marriage, did the twenty-year difference become an obstacle? aged, and we just met, just now, that’s how it is with us, so shake each other’s hands, after all, we’ve already shaken hands in public for the first time , we have such a thing that people, close relatives practically get to know each other on camera, can you explain to me why we we’re leaving st. petersburg and dragging ourselves to this sample, i’m having problems in business. do you remember tanya vasil, and she was still in love with you, but she’s not married, it would seem that we have been living together all our lives, we know everything about each other. however, not everyone? well, you liked me at school 20 years ago, are you really still obsessed with this stupid childhood love, it’s stupid? girls love to see their dreams come true. olya, your husband,
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your husband is cheating on you, olya, olya, come on, i’m there with them, stop it! this didn’t happen before, you don’t see me, you don’t even look in my direction, but i, i’m a woman, where we are not. on friday on rtr. cleaning floors is a tedious and messy process. turning into torture for you, your back and arms. forget about exhausting cleaning on all fours. stop using a broom and dustpan, stop using a clunky vacuum cleaner that is not capable of cleaning the most inaccessible places. all this is in the past. now you can. dirt, dust, crumbs, hair, wet food debris and even broken glass quickly and easily with the all-new livington dipper
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at the russia exhibition. 5 years ago story from chelyabinsk region shocked the whole country. dinazova kept her children locked up for 11 years. they did not go to school, did not receive medical care and never left the threshold of their own home. the mother dressed the girls like dolls and posted videos about their happy lives on the internet every day. but in fact, the children were starving, and for any righteousness their mother severely beat them. when the children escaped from home prison, the mother set the house on fire and committed suicide. captives of a doll's house 5 years later. malakhov, today on... earlier in the program, a volunteer of the combat weavers squad leningrad maria yamkova met her love at north military district. can we say love at first sight? no, not exactly like that, because all the photos on his account were of them in a balaclava and there was no open face. and falling in love with the mask, but such a story,
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i really wanted the mask to be taken off. what is the face there, what kind of person is there anyway, who is there, what is there? so this means yaroslav, you have love at first sight, from the first photograph, you can say, yes, yes, and someone like masha, i prayed, god hears my prayers, he heard them and sent me masha, yaroslav, well, many who you now they hear, they can ask a question, why so quickly, well, you have to take a closer look at the person, you have to live, because i think it’s right, firstly, and to be married to a beautiful woman... that’s fully married, well, and secondly, to be married, but how long passed between dating and marriage? it seems like exactly one month passed from the moment they met until they got married, it didn’t even seem like they met exactly on december 18th, they got married on january 18th, but why so hasty? did you have to go back? yes, first of all because of this, yes, yes, i don’t regret it at all, i took it by storm. try to refuse
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the attack aircraft, it was difficult, maybe i can, but i agreed, okay, look, yaroslav fell in love with your photo, so he saw it and that’s it, and you at what moment, i don’t know exactly when it’s right to record that everything, i’m in love, that is, no, i just watched him from the first day, and there were a lot of moments when i understood what was native, what took you, simple things, in the first situation there was this. in the restaurant where he invited him, he sat at table, when the waitress came up and asked what you would like, he chose a dish of spaghetti carbonara, he loves it very much, i smiled, i think, well, clearly, i love it too, yes, our man, i think it’s funny, and he was worried, he he sits there, kicking around the plate, it ’s like spaghetti, he can’t start eating because he’s worried, i see that he’s worried, yaroslav, he was worried, yes, he was worried, so continue, i’m just
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telling him, you start.. . eat, otherwise it will get cold, he says, okay, he starts eating, it was the first touching moment, then it worked out, that we went for a walk around the city, when we walked along nevsky prospekt, that is, i was wearing a white coat and my neck was open, that is , there was no scarf, it suddenly came out of nowhere, despite the fact that it was not very cold, and he suddenly just took his hand and covered my neck with my own coat, that is, covered it with the collar and just held it with his finger, that is, it was touching, unexpected, very gentle and somehow he kept on... and was worried that i was cold there, maybe maybe there i was suddenly not fed, well, i just had the thought that if a person is in the little things he cares so much there, and what he can be like at the macro level, that is, in general , i wasn’t mistaken, tatyana vladimirovna, how can you take it, but i don’t know him very well, you don’t know, here he is, well, he’s sitting here and the most important thing is good for her me, and you also found out about the wedding in a day, i actually found out about the wedding late in the evening, but somehow it all
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happened without me, she’s an adult and... but still like a woman, like a mother , is it offensive? no, it’s not offensive at all, we, you know, we live in different houses, i’m with my son, she’s separately lives with her grandchildren, therefore, that is, this is her life, this is good for her, you at least asked a question: masha, why didn’t she say, she didn’t explain, the thing is that it was somehow not possible to warn in advance, because that yaroslav flew to his hometown, to his parents. there on business, but he called me literally a day before and said: “that’s it, the wedding is tomorrow, although we seemed to have agreed on a different date, it was just in connection with the departure, that is , it happened that way, and i didn’t have time to warn anyone , and somehow it didn’t work out any other way, i i just called my mom, or rather, i went to my mom and just told her that..."


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