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tv   [untitled]    May 14, 2024 8:30pm-9:01pm MSK

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news from the state duma. a subdivision of the northern group of troops liberated the village of bugrovadka, kharkov region, and advanced into the depths of the enemy’s defense. the ministry of defense reports this. this village is located 7 km southwest of the volchansk railway station. ukrainian media personnel speak about the situation in the city itself. aviation and artillery strikes at the locations of ukrainian militants. russian assault troops have been spotted in the northern part of volchansk. vso reserves are being destroyed as they approach. the video shows the defeat of the ukrainian saocation near gantarovka, 25 km from volchansk. there are also reports that part of the kharkov-liptsy highway has been taken under fire control. this makes it possible to prevent the transfer of columns with ammunition and reserves. military equipment of the ukrainian armed forces in the area.
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years, the truth is behind us, god is with us, we did not betray our ancestors, we did not betray the memory of our fathers and grandfathers who fought, and are you wasting the painted dollar paper, all of europe, the donetsk front - the direction of chacha yar, ukrainian prisoners here take almost every day, most recently mobilized, what did you see in the positions? swamp, mud, the position is not staffed, how many people did you have in the position, at first two people, then, then a third one came to us, how did you not have combat coordination or what, there was practically none there, already at the position we are already there , well, we got to know each other thoroughly, who was with you, this?
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they stormed us, i wanted to run to a neighboring position, i just jumped out of the trench, they were throwing grenades, i was a little shell-shocked, fell into the grass, they came up to me, he said, i’m still alive, they took me off my armor, my jacket was dragged, you’re glad you came here, i’m glad i’m alive, what’s the attitude here anyway? normal relations,
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food, there is water, why do you think the svo started, well, i think it started with this, that... something needs to be changed, the top needs to be changed, the verkhovna rada, everyone wants to go home, frankly, they’re already sick of it , well, where, where will you already run away, run away, you know, they put you in prison,
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you don’t want to go to prison, you don’t want to go to prison, but you want to die here, you don’t want to die, you don’t want to go to prison, we have such a situation as do you even think why? this is alexander sladkov, pavel vydrin, galim vergasov, leading donbass. the number of civilian deaths after the collapse of an entrance in belgorod after an attack by the ukrainian armed forces increased to 17 people. today, emergency workers found the bodies of two more residents under the rubble.
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ukrainian militants are not giving up attempts to attack civilian targets again. the missile threat in the city and region was sounded 11 times during the day. the situation in belgorod in the report. sandbox, swing, slide, as decided, a ukrainian shell hit the children's room site, fragments scattered around the area, glass and mosquito nets on the ground, carried out by a blast wave, here nearby, another hit near the voronka gymnasium, from the rszzo vampire near the shopping center, all these are the consequences of another attack by the ukrainian armed forces on the residential areas of belgorod, crazy people, crazy, because people have no regard for civilians, how to say, you are at war with... with people, where you are at war, that you are at war with civilians, the deafening wail of sirens, messages about the missile danger come one after another, on the streets empty, citizens try not to stray far from their houses, cannonade sounds in the sky, the air defense system is working, according to the ministry of defense, today 25
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missiles fired from ukraine were shot down over belgrade. despite the constant threat, emergency situations ministry employees continue to manually dismantle the remaining fragments of the destroyed entrance to the house on... now, with the help of an aerial platform, rescuers are trying to get into the apartments adjacent to the site of the collapsed entrance in order to pick up people's belongings. the surviving residents of the high-rise building are asking them to do this, to at least get documentation. people still cannot forget the horror they experienced. all our windows, all frames, from the kitchen, from the bedrooms, from the living room fell off, that is, we found ourselves confined in a small corridor, there was no access for a car. thank you, again there is a missile danger, we are entering the same house, the damaged one, where there have already been flights, this is the third time this morning, the perimeter of the building is under police protection, many apartments remained open, people left their homes in panic, you can get inside
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by showing your passport . this apartment is in the fourth at the entrance to nashchors' house, people have been evacuated from here, but this week the restoration of destroyed communications will begin, hot water will be provided.
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news belgorod region. spring floods persist in 28 russian regions. siberia suffered the most. at the epicenter of the disaster, orenburg, kurgan, tyumen, omsk regions. houses in the affected areas will have to be rebuilt. a regional emergency situation is in effect in the omsk region. rains provoke a new rise in water. almost 400 houses were sunk, more than 700 personal plots. emergency situations ministry employees evacuate people from flooded areas, help remove things, deliver food and medicine, and rescue pets . in the area, local power substations are strengthening the protective embankment. in the kurgan region, about 300 residential buildings, more than 500 summer cottages,
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bridges, roads remain flooded; where the situation is improving, water has begun to be pumped out from courtyards and buildings, and units of the ministry of emergency situations are disinfecting houses and territories. in the tomsk region, khantamansiysk district on yamal, may snowdrifts. netizens don’t even immediately believe that these images were not taken in january. and in the mountains of sochi, rescuers had to rescue a group of tourists from a trap when they were returning from a hike in the ogur gorge. the water that rose during the downpour cut off the path; the current was so strong that it was necessary to organize a canopy crossing. yakutia is currently experiencing an active phase of ice drift. a report by vitaly prokopyev about how the region resists the elements. the water reached the village of kyllakh deep. at night people had to leave their homes on boats, with they took with them only the essentials. the floods
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damaged power line supports and the lights went out. the picture is the same in five other surrounding villages; more than 150 households were flooded. operational groups of the ministry of emergency situations evacuated residents by air; 27 people, including five children, were transported from one settlement alone to a safe place. to combat the disaster , an emergency situation was declared in the area. the cause of the sharp rise in water was a jam downstream , during the day it collapsed and the water gradually began to subside, but in the meantime the lena managed to another traffic jam has formed, several powerful explosive charges have weakened the ice field, active ice drift has begun in alekmensk, the water is gradually decreasing, a decline is observed near the settlement of solyanka, near populated areas.
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reported to the moscow military court. earlier , the investigative committee said that the lieutenant general was suspected of receiving a bribe on an especially large scale from representatives of commercial structures. this happened in his previous position, when kuznetsov headed the eighth directorate of the general staff, the service for protecting state secrets. during during the searches, investigators found 100 million rubles. gold coins, collectible watches and luxury items. now kuznetsov is in pre-trial detention. and today the moscow basmanny court arrested the one who gave the bribe to the general. leo. terasyan was given a preventive measure in the form of detention until july 12. at these minutes, hundreds of protesters
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remain on rustavelli avenue in the center of tbilisi, from the building of the georgian parliament, into which they tried to break into a few hours earlier, the protesters were pushed back by police and special forces. troubles with the new flared up in the city immediately after deputies adopted the law on foreign agents in the third final reading. against the backdrop of a storm. the highest red alert level was introduced in parliament, 13 people were detained, and those who coordinated them in georgia and beyond, vitaly kormazin. passions around the law on foreign agents in georgia grew along with parliamentary readings, and by the third meeting they led to a mass brawl. while deputies were figuring out who would vote and how, the walls of parliament were besieged by the opposition. coordinators protests, just those same potential and... agents receiving funding from abroad, they tried to organize
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their own maidan on the streets of tbilisi, first broke the fence, then moved to the walls of parliament, and then began throwing explosive packages at the journalists and the police, in the end they broke the fence and tried to enter the building, all according to a well-known pattern, into a direct confrontation with the police, they also dragged teenagers, even children, into action, the opposition calls such actions a legitimate protest. georgia is not ukraine, speaking about the maidan, it is necessary remember what was its continuation: war and loss of territory, these are the most severe consequences that maidan brought to ukraine, we will not allow this in our country. the norm on the transparency of foreign funding, it is supported by 60% of the population, a copy
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of the american farah law of 1938, only softer, where washington has 200 for failure to comply with the law . diplomatic envoys of lithuania, latvia, estonia, iceland, germany and the usa came to tbilisi, who in the georgian parliament are called representatives of the war party. we know that
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the main goals of the statements they have made to the georgian authorities over the past 2 years are. a short video of how a delegation is met by just one person in a small office. the georgian government refused to talk to us; we were received only by the chairman of the foreign affairs committee , nikolas kharadze. he received us not in parliament, at the headquarters of the georgian dream party. assistant secretary of state for europe and asia james o-bryan came to tbilisi from washington. in the same position in 2014 , she flew to...
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rioters demand the recall a bill approved a month ago by the french senate. it allows everyone who has lived in new caledonia for more than 10 years to vote. previously , only those who lived in the region before 1998 and their children had the right to vote. the law is opposed by local separatists who demand the separation of new caledonia from france.
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they believe that paris is trying to bribe the population with concessions. now the separatists are blocking. the french government is taking tough measures in response, more than 100 people have already been detained, and from this day on, any meetings, you cannot sell alcohol or carry weapons, all schools are closed, and a large-scale police operation will begin in the region in the coming hours. this is great news, this is what will happen next in our program.
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will not open why the democracy summit was held, they were preparing on the territory of the zhytomyr region, sensational data from the ex-member of the rada, who carried out the operation to cover up the explosions of the northern streams and how president biden’s family is connected with the financing of terrorist attacks. ex-trump lawyer cohen braved that he was ready to take a bullet for boss, is now testifying against the former president, how does trump respond? here. the first ballet school in china appeared here. at the expo in harbin they are waiting for the president of russia to find out how this northern city of china is connected to our country. hiding or dirtying your numbers will become dangerous, which changes for violators, i’m getting married, i’m very happy for you,
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prime minister, i want to terminate the contract, and let you decide, there won’t be a child, i just want you to think well, that’s enough for push me, you're about to lose yourself. you need to rest, where there is sun and sea, on the first coastal, where everything is inclusive, except for
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the head, we know everything about vacation, relax, anex, we invite you to the swiss hotel sharmelsheikh, the first swiss hotel in the world operating on the system, all inclusive, give yourself a vacation where... elegance and natural beauty merge into perfect harmony. create memories that will stay in your heart forever. swissotel charmel sheikh is your ideal place in the heart of the city. discover a real gem on the bodrum coastline. titanic luxury collection bodrum. exceptional service, incredible culinary masterpieces. an atmosphere of complete relaxation. immerse yourself in a world of exciting adventures and exciting entertainment. welcome to a world of timeless elegance and
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unsurpassed comfort. the secrets of paradise are revealed in titanic lakshary collection bodrum. provocation is treacherous behavior. there is a difference between a man and a woman. i noticed. then it turns out that my husband and my cat are the most intelligent creatures in our family. continuation of the conversation in new episodes of our podcasts, and in order not to miss anything, subscribe, listen, watch on the media platform we are watching, the first podcasts we are watching, please, introductions and roll call can be done without construction, i am very glad that you came to visit me, how much tea has been drunk, how many stories have been told, i would
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let’s all wave our hands when everyone is at home with timur kizikov, on sunday on rtr, sunday, our lady rolls around like a cheese in a mask, and her husband is rich, don’t be jealous, everything is not so smooth for them, what is the occasion for a holiday when it seems that there is no way out , i'm the owner. in this house, look me in the eyes i’ll leave, remember, you’re my property, if i want, i’ll slaughter you like a cow, and
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no one will save you, you have a choice, love or life, it’s my own fault, it’s me who provoked him, with such freaks everyone is to blame, everyone, besides them, write a statement addressed to the district police officer. it's none of your business, sunday on rtr. big news live, we continue broadcasting. the identities of all ukrainians involved in blowing up the gas pipeline to nord stream have been established. saboteurs were trained in the zhitomir region, as well as on the territory of romania. sensational data in an interview belarusian agency belta. cited by former verkhovna rada deputy andrei derkach. he also spoke in detail about the financing scheme for these terrorist attacks and many other high-profile crimes, including the murder of
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daria dugina. about how washington. uses the kiev regime for terrorist attacks, and europe helps cover up all traces, report by the chief of the european news bureau, mikhail antonov. biden's business partners are the cia, ukrainian divers. new data makes it possible to link these entities into a single criminal chain behind the terrorist attacks. on the northern streams. the corresponding statement was sent to the investigative committee of russia, as well as to the justice authorities of the usa, germany, france and cyprus. one of the co-authors of the investigation, a former deputy of the verkhovna rada.
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her husband is also engaged in techno-diving, a techno-diving instructor, in fact, they performed the function of a cover operation, a dive, perhaps a fake installation of initialization means. the new investigation does not contradict the information previously presented by american journalist seymour hirsch, that the mining of gas pipelines was carried out in the summer of twenty-two during the nato baltops exercises, and the detonation was carried out on september 26 of the same year via a radio signal from a norwegian aircraft. the ukrainians were needed solely to divert attention from the real customers and perpetrators of the terrorist attack. when a cover legend is made, it is done quite well, we do not take away the experience of the cia or the experience of mishest, preparing a cover operation, they have quite a wealth of experience in using proxies in using legends for formation of a certain position, withdrawal from
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responsibility. former head of the ukrainian enterprise radon, engaged in the disposal of radioactive waste. by the way, it is possible that he was involved in attempts to create a dirty bomb. colonel of the ukrainian special services roman chervinsky, apparently the coordinator of the operation from kiev, was under investigation for abuse of power, but mysteriously disappeared from the pre-trial detention center at the end of april. sergey kuznetsov, officer.
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there was already a smaller yacht andromeda, well, about which, in fact, was written by western publications, romanian passports were made for them, all this happened under the supervision of christopher smith, this is the second person in the embassy of the united states in ukraine for that period of time, such a well-known trickster, today he holds the post of assistant secretary of state for europe and asia. events such as terrorist attacks against strategic infrastructure cannot have transparent sources of funding. just in this part of the investigation. the well-known gas company burisma, owned by ukrainian oligarch zlachevsky is affiliated with the family of american president biden, which is why republicans in congress have been trying for a long time, but unsuccessfully , to get the ball rolling on influence trading. the president's son, hunter biden, served on the holding's board of directors from 2014 to 1919. receiving an incomprehensible monthly bill of $166,000.
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