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tv   [untitled]    May 14, 2024 9:30pm-10:01pm MSK

9:30 pm
and feels free in the courtyards of houses, not only in the region, but in the city. anna balan, about why forest inhabitants are drawn to people and how to behave if an animal is nearby, here you can see the footprint of a bear, large, claws, big, that is, for comparison, here is my hand, yes, look at the huge footprints coming from in the surrounding villages, the other day here in the bylychou area near volokolamsk, residents noticed someone rushing along with a kill. highway, it’s a big dog, i don’t know who it is, it’s actually some kind of chupacabra, it’s a bear, local jager they explain that in may it is wedding season for clubfooted animals, at this time they move from forest to forest in search of a bride, and it is better not to come across them on the way, however, like other wild animals, like this while walking with dogs on elk island for pensioners an enraged vixen attacked, reared up, kicked with her hoof, crippled one of them, before giving birth... she became aggressive,
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as they were looking for a place to calve. animals, zoologists explain, come out of the forest following the smell of food from nearby garbage cans. here in balashikha a well-fed boar is pacing yard, sweeping away everything in its path. well, bon appetit to you then, what can i wish for you? they also gave her the name larisa. i added the middle name kabanikhovna. she comes here, please, buffet, dump here, dump there. but many people forget that the boar is one of the most ferocious animals. well, literally.
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may be a carrier of rabies, we always remember that we do not approach these animals, yes, because even in the case of a slight scratch, you can catch something from it, for example, brucilosis - this is dangerous an infectious disease that affects all organs is transmitted by the hare, they also began to be noticed more and more often in the city, so when meeting with wild ones...
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the capital's prosecutor's office resumed the case of the theft of a car, which, after the mysterious death of moskvich, was passed not to relatives, but to nurses, she appropriated a multimillion-dollar inheritance, including an apartment. the family is defending its rights to property in the courts. denis voskovsky delved into the intricacies of the complicated case. currently in the apartment of my uncle, a very wealthy man, in the center of moscow lives: native of kyrgyzstan, nurse.
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was forced to hire a nurse, the family knew, they called each other periodically, and then only the nurse, zamarat shiralieva, began answering the calls. he was in the toilet, he called after 40 minutes, no one answered the phone, a couple of days later he called again, he was sleeping, and then the phone went completely silent, romanyukha’s relatives didn’t think anything bad, he was only 57 years old, the fracture began to heal, sudden deaths from stopping heart, about which vladimir romanyukha never complained, was discovered by chance when at a family burial at the danilovsky cemetery was discovered.
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sharalieva’s car was quickly re-registered in the name of her partner mairambek, almost all of the deceased’s money seemed to have disappeared, two foreign currency accounts in dollars, one foreign currency account in euros, three ruble accounts, only in foreign currency of about a million dollars. zamyrat kuchkorovna, mrs. shiralieva, after the sudden death of her employer, the neighbors regularly see the nurse and her friends, but she prefers not to enter into conversation... and that she is reporting to me, as they say, not for the camera, the neighbors say that outwardly shiralieva changed a lot, to me, when she was homeless with no fixed place of residence, she became a businesswoman, she registered an individual entrepreneur, and had about eight cars on her staff. here are the shots taken by the relatives of vladimir
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romanyukha several months ago, when they managed to get into the apartment for the only time, they found some third parties inside, obviously familiar with shiralieva, and two-tier bunks. that he came and came, it turned out that furniture, things, documents, photographs, english watches, all this time relatives were missing vladimir romanyukha is trying to achieve protection of his rights, but the court did not satisfy the claim for recognition of valid reasons for missing the statutory deadline for entering into inheritance; it ruled that the square meters should be accepted into the balance sheet by the city property department. although the property department missed the deadlines for inheritance in exactly the same way as we did, it went to court after. us a few months later, meanwhile, unidentified persons continue, as if nothing had happened, to live in an apartment worth over 20 million rubles. everyone these vicissitudes could have been avoided, but vladimir romanyukha, who was not old at all , did not leave a will, simply because he did not intend to die.
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the court and his relatives are trying to draw the attention of this and other details. the prosecutor's office has overturned the police decision to suspend proceedings in the car fraud case. prosecutors are instructed to carry out specific investigative actions. aimed at establishing all the circumstances of the crime and the person who committed it. at least this episode, a possible criminal multiple moves with the property of the deceased, now under control. denis voskovsky, vsela savichev, lika dzhevukhishvi, alexander ovsyanikov, lead. and with this our issue is completed, all news is always available on the media platform. we look in the application or on the website ernest mackavicius was with you, i say goodbye until tomorrow, right now we are watching the continuation of the film “light”.
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the light in the window in the previous episodes, so many years have passed, nothing helps, everyone coped with it except me, someone else’s soul-darkness, bogdanov’s family. shocked by the unexpected news, i urgently need to take you to the hospital, my grandson will be born soon, and you have a great-grandson, we must be happy, the youngest daughter is bearing a child for a childless couple, i think you should be aware of what, maria, our surrogate mother, i suggest unite and extract normal money from these bourgeoisie, are you serious, the intervention of relatives ends in tragedy, but what are you? so fucking dead, but this is not the first and not the last skeleton in the family closet, you understand that this decision will change your whole life, light in window, looking at rtr right now.
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this is all inexplicable, i’m convinced again, i can’t live my beloved, not a second without you, there’s a cold line outside the window, but it’s warm. in my soul now, i will make you happy, my dear, believe me, in reality and in a dream, believe me, believe me,
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in reality and in a dream, believe me. dan, denis, wake up, your alarm didn’t work, it’s ten o’clock, you’re late for the shoot, yes, yes, damn, damn, damn, damn.
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to submit documents for barracks registration, submit documents.
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you also received an sms, ning, i remember what you said yesterday, we have to do this, come on let's get married, no, what are you talking about, yes, let's do it. nina, i can’t keep up with you, i ’ve prepared a whole speech, come on, give me your speech, yeah, you know, i absolutely don’t care who knows about this, who doesn’t know, the main thing is that you and i want this and love each other friend.
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vadim, we're driving, sorry to bother you, i have a minute, just a minute. i have a meeting with partners in 10 minutes, i need to go urgently, are you sure you can handle it, i mean, well, if you’re talking about the contract, then everything is fine, no, i’m not talking about that, in general, i came to express condolences, thank you, in general, the contract is valid, polina wanted this child, he... continuation, yes, of course, vadim, how it all
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happened, we went to your midcenter, talked with the doctor, then i went to the office, polino she had to go home, so she got home, but she was arguing at some meeting, it’s clear that it’s clear to you, if nothing is clear to me, what am i saying to the police? a classic accident, she lost control, well, you see, what do i see, she didn’t even tell me anything, they found a lot of cash on her, maybe she, she’s talking about the nursery i dreamed, maybe she went to choose a nursery, but what the hell is a nursery, there was still so much time.
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well, you give me coffee, i just convinced you that you weren’t fired, and the first thing you do is be late, and no one will notice the loss of a fighter, that’s all. ran so as not to get fired again, for now.
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and good morning, karinochka, will you have coffee, good morning, thank you, i can handle it, dad, you can’t have coffee, i thought you were going to the office today, yes, i’ll leave before five, but at five, nena and i are submitting
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an application, an application for what? ? i see, does mom know? what does this have to do with mom, are we divorced? yes, when you were getting divorced, you said that no matter what happens, we will still remain a family, and so it is, but don’t you think that the family should be aware of such important changes in your personal life? i'll tell the family when i think it's necessary because ... this only concerns me and nina? who can argue? only you know when dad says when to say what is necessary, it could be tomorrow, in a year or in the next life, right? for example, i found out that my mother was not my own only when i was 8 years old, when i accidentally saw a birth certificate, and before that we
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we celebrated one birthday for three, with twins, like triplets. can you imagine, i haven’t had my birthday for 8 years, i was also tormented as to why i’m not like anyone else, bon appetit, sasha, it’s true, it was a long time ago and... everything is quite complicated, we didn’t want to traumatize her, musya then he threw something like this out, it’s terrible, and what does the husband say, he’s still interested in the contract, if so, then now is the best time to renegotiate it in favor of musi. nellie, the woman died, what
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a contract. look at it like that, you might think that we killed her, well, we didn’t kill her, but she died because of us, he is to blame for her death, how is that, well, she was driving towards us , and let’s say i was driving to you and crashed it would be that you would be... to blame, well, polina was just starting to live, she wanted to become a mother, and now she won’t even see her child, we didn’t force her to do anything, we didn’t threaten that you didn’t say anything , well, i put pressure on her, i
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said that i would go to the police now, vera, but what, well, she was delayed, i decided that... “she backs up, as denis says, but we both called, she was driving, it’s not your fault, it’s not our fault, what should we do now, keep silent, while only we know about the deal with polina, but can you imagine if everything is revealed, what will your daughter say to you, and what will my son say to me?” and what will musya think, i’m scared to even imagine, a nightmare, well, okay?
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we can’t have our own, but it’s empty, and i just want coffee, what kind, we have espresso, cappuccino, macchiata, cartadu, lats, any, okay, let it be espresso, tell me, but... do they serve lunch here or only coffee, food, great, that means if i hang out here for 2-3 hours, they won’t kick me out, we have a very friendly atmosphere for freelancers, and for the unemployed, wait a minute, what’s for history. yeah, come on, yeah, well, how are we going to celebrate, what are we going to celebrate,
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we just submitted the application, that’s how we ’ll sign, then i’ll bring the longest limousine home from work, wow, where did this come from, sasha, what’s up , sasha, congratulations. to celebrate, so to celebrate, hold, yes, ol, that, like musya, yes, of course, the woman for whom musya you... died, a child, lord, go, are you sure, i i don’t want to leave you alone here, your daughters need support, and i’m an adult, i’ll get
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home myself, i’m sorry, thank you, well, are you happy, yes, friends, we did it, maybe? call us headlights, and now the groom can kiss the bride, come here, hurray, this is for you, oh, thank you, thank you, wow, your husband added a statement of attempted murder, that he suspects me, we will figure out who dropped him, i now need to do a drug examination. how could you, little girl, i’m not going to make excuses, but you go step by step, everything is against you, i i promise that we will figure it out, spring
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is late, the premiere is on saturday on rtr, allow yourself a first-class vacation with leo reorts. elegant details, a celebration of refined tastes, a variety of entertainment, a golden beach and azure waves. lio reorts, we are here for you. bourboon stirsman, product of stellor group. callinan beel. a place where time stands still, immerse yourself in sophistication and luxury, forgetting about time on the shores of the mediterranean sea. discover
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true excellence by making your dreams come true. hotel kalinan beleg, where is life turns into a fairy tale. vodka. product of steller group. rixas premium seagate. family fun starts here. here every detail is created for your pleasure. enjoy a water park for children, lush green gardens and the beauty of coral reefs and the sea. immerse yourself in a world of unforgettable experiences at rixsos premium segate. rixos premium seagate. rom kastro product of stellar group hotel titanic deluxe golf beel, where every moment. this is
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exclusivity! wrap yourself in comfort by our pools, relax in the life salon and enjoy delicious dishes from the best restaurants. here, each room is a journey into coziness and comfort. your holiday is your rules. titanic deluxe golf bellet is the best choice for an unforgettable holiday. i've been waiting for you forever. i was in such a hurry. to meet you, it has finally come, spring, warm, sunny, bright, the russian exhibition has blossomed with all the colors of spring, you have been waiting for spring, now spring is waiting for you, at the russia exhibition. oh, corey,
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are you done? yes, a visit from you, but i have a patient on dialysis, and my daughter has a musical concert, can you imagine, my husband sent me there, he ’s not a broken person, but if you want, i’ll take your patient, seriously, no one is waiting at home anyway, karinochka, my savior, i owe you a favor, how good it is that you don’t have a personal life, oh, that’s it , i ran. hello, dad, hello, little mouse, what are you doing, well, how are you, i’m with you, come on, cry, cry, why is everything so unfair, if only i knew, honey, everything will be fine.
9:58 pm
wow, a great feast, who has an anniversary, ksyusha, ksyusha, she recently came out of maternity leave, if you want, stay, you’ll meet at the same time, with pleasure, i can chip in for the table or for a gift, but what? or maybe it’s a surprise, you’ll have some tea, thank you, thank you for coming so quickly, i didn’t even expect it, it was nearby, what are you, where is oh, i automatically asked, don’t you want not to talk, but that’s not the point, what’s wrong with the child, he needs him now, well, he says that everything is in force, since he lost his wife, he may be
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stormy, well, of course, you were storming us too. yes, what did all this lead to? oh, how she is getting ready for polina's funeral. what? for what? ta-dam. and oscar leaves. dna test. find out your family history. wow, i was hoping for a gift card, otherwise i had run out of cosmetics, whether we are doctors or not, we decided to give a gift with meaning, thank you, girls, but i already have an explosive mixture, you looked in my passport, not chuparenko, ksenia moiseevna, suddenly there is an intrigue, it turns out that you are a little italian, so that my grandfather finds out that his late mother cheated on his late father, peace in the family is more important to me, who
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should i give it to, no, no, who? ready to shake up the skeletons in the family closet? no, thank you, karina, thank you, i already know that my mother is for me not my mother, my mother, but my mother died, died in an accident after my birth, her name was also karina, karine, what a nightmare, i didn’t know that you were adopted, no, why is my father my own, but when my mother died, he was already i was married, they left me, almost on the threshold... wow, this is an indian movie, why are you looking at me, i can’t do this anymore, you know, i didn’t think that we would get a divorce, but of course, that we will continue to paint the ideal picture in your head, and if they divorce, they will divorce us too.


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