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tv   Taini sledstviya-9  RUSSIA1  May 15, 2024 2:05am-2:55am MSK

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this is stupid childish love, this is stupid. girls love to see their dreams come true. olya, your husband, your husband, is cheating on you. olya, olya, let's have a family together. pash, stop it. this didn't happen before. you don’t see me, you don’t even look in my direction, but i, i’m a woman. where we are not. on friday, on rtr.
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blinken, we understand that he is an old artillery expert who served for many years, so to speak, as a gunner, i would say, so the old expert blinkten was forced, of course, to explain that we can only give what we can give, and for everything else, a bang. so for ukraine it is really
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coming, well, what is called the hour of judgment, why did budanov suddenly give such an interview? i think that one of the reasons, certainly not the main one, but one of the reasons is that he is also trying to hedge his bets, because someone will have to be responsible for the time when the front begins to collapse, whether it will collapse completely or they will not be able to hold it back at some stage, time will of course tell, as we know, war depends on so many factors. but the fact that there will be very serious failures ahead, this is already clear to everyone, and budanov is insuring himself so that later he can say, i warned, i said, everything was taken from me, i gave my last, one might say, sons from the rdk, well, sons of bitches, i mean from rdk, and i did everything i could, whoever can do it better, but it’s time for me to go to london, if anything happens, well, at this level, of course, today the situation for kiev looks extremely, extremely... well,
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let’s say so linear, that is, everyone understands that step by step it will get worse, while they they really don’t understand where russia will strike its main blow, when today. some of our very optimistic comrades, bloggers and not only journalists, say that we have launched a big offensive in the kharkov region, but guys, this is not so, we just, well, what is called, how to say, pushed back the enemy, pressed, but it’s not a blow, and at the same time , again for me, as a military man, it’s absolutely gratifying to see that we went through last year’s school, the hard school of defense, and then, one might say, learning again... to advance in completely new conditions, when there are hundreds of drones above you, when you are going into a completely, how to say, situation that no one has ever taught before according to the regulations, we first learned how to make, sharpened such a wonderful tool, which again is here they talked a lot about assaults,
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but now these assaults have become a system, now we see that they are already united into battalions, brigades, and act as one big whole, that is, the kharkov pressure showed that we can no longer fight only...
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the western leader didn’t ask, why are we giving money for the country, a population that doesn’t want to fight for it, of course, of course, because the message that was originally, you are brave ukrainians, brave sons of ukraine, you are ready, one and all , to give your life to the last drop of blood, that’s what boris johnson told them , and they tell you dida, yes, we’d better go to london with you, bye, what are you shouting here, here’s a clay one for you...
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i’m sure that freedom and democracy are synonymous words, so, since he was an honest researcher, he’s like -he said that you know, freedom and democracy are related approximately like a round red one, that is, to find a tyrannical person spent his whole life for this, yes, yes, that is, to find, to find irony, which...
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in history this has always been very often, returning to the visit of blinkin, yes, that is, blinkin there are actually a lot of tasks, that is, in addition to hiding his tails, he needs...
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yes, of course, there is something there, there are someone to imprison from the heroes of the nineties, in large numbers,
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they were like blown up in the 2000s, of course, here, well, the latter and the money returned to their homeland, it’s true, but it’s a simple choice, either you get 25 years, or you return all the stolen money, and you get nothing, why nothing, 24, but a similar story happened with the bolsheviks in the early thirties, when it turned out that... in general, all the processes had a very bright economic overtones, well, who, who, what, well, if they screwed the people first, then return it to the people, of course, of course, by the way, they returned it for the most part, that’s the last thing, the shooting or everything was returned, then 25, 24, 24, the last thing i wanted i would say this is an absolutely wonderful report by el pais, they rode along with tetskashniks, we drove around the region, we saw how they were running away from...
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in other forms, except as a mass flight abroad, well, in the case of ukraine, the answers are obvious, now you have shown an excerpt from an interview with the ex-adviser to the minister. internal affairs, where he humiliates the gypsies, yes, and you know that the worst thing in this story is that he will never understand what he is criticizing him for, even if he hears his address now, he will still not understand what i i said something like that, i didn’t say anything like that, everything is fine, i don’t know, in general, i haven’t studied this biography man, but i get the impression that he started somewhere in the cavalry army, he didn’t get along with either the horse or the gypsies, i don’t know where he got such hatred for
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the gypsies, i honestly don’t quite understand , i want to continue vlad’s thought regarding... the importance of money, yes, for the outcome of the war, if everything were so simple and linear, yes, and the amount of money determined the outcome of the war, then all the countries of the world, probably, without exception, would have to capitulate in front of the united states of america against the backdrop of a printing press, but that doesn't happen, the taliban, the houthis, they can’t even cope with them, but at the same time they claim world leadership and are trying to somehow butt heads with the russian federation, realizing that in fact it is a nuclear power, but...
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the main line of defense, it it does not pass along the borders of the ninety-first year, not through kharkov, it passes through kiev, there is nothing to be surprised here, because they are in the government quarter, they will be ready to defend every building, just to sit one more day in that chair. remember, remember the scandal with the minister defense by reznikov, remember, he was accused of
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corruption there, eggs cost 17 hryvnia there, all that stuff, and do you know who coordinated these? contracts, his first deputy, and this did not stop this first deputy from being appointed ambassador extraordinary on special assignments of the ministry of foreign affairs of ukraine at the present time, well, how does this happen, yes, well, it’s like an accusation of the ambassador where, well, i don’t know where he is, but he works, he works in the ministry, he works nevertheless in the ministry of defense for all law enforcement agencies anti-corruption authorities of ukraine. there was not a single one who asked him the question: wait, dear friend, come on, tell me, how did you coordinate these contracts, how did you maraud the army, but no one asked him, yes , i ’m talking about whether they are really afraid of this or not, you said about blinkin’s arrival, you know who surprised me the most today, i was surprised by petro poroshenko, who announced
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that it was necessary to stop payments, all payments to ukrainians who fled the country, that ’s where...
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just like that, just like that and off we go, that’s it it now turns out that truck drivers have begun to be thrown there, there is no one to carry fuel, but what to do now? and now, without a qr code, from the eighteenth, without going through the shopping center and updating their data accordingly, they do not receive a qr code, without this qr code they cannot travel outside of ukraine, and there is no fuel inside ukraine, it must be transported, but who carry around, and now they say: well... you will now carefully ruin our brilliant operation, we must have come up with this, well, i don’t know, but now, and now who will drive? well, yes, probably polish transport companies will carry it, i wonder who will get it? i’m cheap from this whole thing, the ukrainians are probably the ukrainian economy, well, i don’t know, i somehow, i very, very much doubt it, the only achievement, well
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, every year they come up with something there , then they lay out a trident with lard, then they lay out three teeth with watermelons, today i just almost fell out of my chair, they knitted the largest broom in the world, you won’t believe it, the largest broom in the world, well, it’s tall 6 m, i just have a question, why, how?
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here are the people of ukraine, yes, whatever they are, we will not help you, so who are you with, for whom, for what? well, it seems to me that the question or answer is obvious. in 2020, when biden had already become president, created an administration, one of the first trips of blinkin’s team, blinkin’s team came to kiev, it was may of 2020, then they wrote in ukraine, well, the hope was that blinking was just now everything is in order, he started... “here you have corruption, here you have you have corruption, you need to change it here, you need to change it here, further. there was criticism, how could this be? it’s only zelensky, only this year there has been so much corruption, that is, blinkon from
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the very beginning began to strangle, relatively speaking, zelensky, these were still peaceful times, why did blinkon come today, to strangle him, yes, this is 100%, you know, i i’ll explain to you why, he came and said: “volodya, the last week of your power has just begun, in a week you’re no longer a nobody, now you’re still the president.” and so on, a week later, if i consider you the president and then the entire civilized world, then you will be someone, or rather, whoever we consider you to be is what you will be, a pumpkin, yes, well, you can pumpkin means a capital t with a small t and so on further, arm-twisting is already a long-standing story, that let’s put this prime minister, let’s put this on corporations, let’s put on these, that is, this is the last one, you know, it’s like pressure, but i don’t think it’s pressure, they will simply add more pressure to it. that's when the pressure comes, you know, leader property fund, it’s always like this in ukraine, when they put pressure and we see, it’s clear that soon there will be a cracker, the head of the property fund says
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to the poles: listen, poles, we have distilleries here , we have a grain processing plant here, buy, that is, go out property, tell the poles to buy all our enterprises that we have, what is the answer, or else, well, i, volodya, you know, the alignment, the alignment is exactly. the poles look at him and say: what are you doing, what are you doing, this is already ours, we ’ll take it anyway, why, why buy, well, this, this is like this, let’s say, and you saw that today blinky abolished the constitution of ukraine, which, well, but ukraine will have elections when citizens agree that the conditions allow, as blinky said at a meeting with students of the polystynic institute in kiev, all ukrainians will be able to exercise their right to vote as soon as ukrainians agree.
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so you showed this pizza, which this man of no fixed abode, calling himself the minister of foreign affairs, last time he sat in mcdonald's, and this kuleba told blinkin, how he drank in his youth, and after drinking he came and got drunk just at mcdonald's and coca-cola, so it helped him right away, he drank, snorted everything helped him, i wonder what they will talk about now, about the fact that pizza helps too, yes, well then there was coca-cola.
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no, vasilivich, we don’t believe you, we won’t talk to anyone, this chancellor said, and we in general, remember how the elder ordered it, he didn’t order it to be released, so i, vich, don’t have them for us, vladimirovich, i don’t know what there is for russia, i’m the only one for russia in 6 days, no, 7 days, yes, today is our date, the fourteenth, fourteenth, twenty-first will end, in a week, yes, but i.
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fathers and grandfathers will begin to respect their history, they will return to the graves of their relatives, they will say to didu, i’m sorry, they realized everything, didu, you were my hero, then if this happens, then i can only say hallelujah, but you have already done it, vasilyevich, you are we've already done it, that's all, see you tomorrow.
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good evening, igor strakhov is broadcasting from st. petersburg, in the news studio, briefly about the main thing. the obligation was fulfilled, despite global challenges. alexander beglov reported on the work of the government for 5 years. the batteries will begin to cool down in st. petersburg, ending the heating season. the convoy's management suspects document falsification. new details of the bus investigation. to cure the heart threshold, little abdul needs a costly operation that will save him.
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commitments have been fulfilled despite global challenges. governor alexander beglov reported on the work of the city government for 5 years, reporting by anastasia laryonova. governor's annual report - important event in the life of st. petersburg. as a rule, the meeting room of the myriinsky palace does not accommodate everyone who wants to personally hear what the city has achieved over the past period, and most importantly , understand how it will develop further. therefore, this time the legislative assembly decided to hold an off-site meeting in the oktyabrsky concert hall. among the guests are teachers, doctors, employees of city enterprises, researchers, businessmen, everyone who lives and works in st. petersburg. the report contains figures not only for 2023, the governor’s speech is the results of the work of the city government for 5 years. this is the result of our common joint work, including all residents of our city of st. petersburg. together we
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have achieved a lot, but... we still have a lot to do. i would like to note that, of course, not all the issues that we outlined have been completely resolved, but we are solving them. it seems that there is no area that i would not touch upon in my speech. industry is again the driver of the st. petersburg economy. currently, about 40% of all budget revenues are taxes from large enterprises, which resulted in the removal of sanctions develop even more actively. the biggest growth in the farming cluster. over 5 years, 14
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new factories were opened. and the potential of the pharmaceutical cluster is far from exhausted. we signed the first offset contract for the production of medicines . the city will release. the development of our city in precisely these directions, so that our city is more comfortable, as i already said, modern, just like the serious metropolises of the 21st century, big plans for the development of the transport framework, smolny intends to completely remove the cargo flow from the city, build two
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railway bypasses in the southwest and northeast, the metro will go towards pushkin, it will appear in kudrovo. with the construction of the metro, which always has so many questions, the main thing is that we managed to preserve the backbone of the organization, namely... labor resources, we know how difficult it is now with people of different professions, several tunneling accounts have already gone into work, including me separately the good news is that these tunneling bills were ordered from us in altea, the rules of the field meeting have not changed, the deputies after the governor’s report they asked him their questions, so they asked alexander beglov, will the city continue to work with scooter rental companies, they don’t pay taxes?
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and st. petersburg is ready to become, well, the first pilot project in the russian federation. the deputies also asked to increase annual payments to blockade survivors and veterans, where. 100,000 from august 1, upon the birth of a child, everyone
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will receive a gift set from the city. anastasia lurionova, mikhail dubkov, vyacheslav rakov and olga potapenko. news petersburg. it's finally warming up in st. petersburg, energy workers are beginning to end the heating season. the process is gradual. the first stage starts tomorrow, at noon, the systems will be switched to periodic heating mode. the batteries in the homes of st. petersburg residents will still work, but their temperature will be noticeably reduced. in schools, kindergartens, hospitals, no changes yet. the energy committee notes that the decision to completely end the heating season will be made in the near future. a group of alleged business partners has been revealed for accepting cash in st. petersburg and the leningrad region, telephone scammers. operational footage shows an apartment in a building on stroiteley avenue in kudorovo. a 26-year-old man and his twenty-two-year-old partner were detained there. another person involved in the investigation was found in a house on oktyabrskaya embankment in st. petersburg. according to the police, the detainees received money from gullible victims of deception and transferred it into cryptocurrency. the suspects were found with 42
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bank cards, seven mobile phones, seven sim cards, and three laptops. the investigators came up with the legacy after a resident of the volkhov district contacted the law enforcement authorities. leningrad region. last year she transferred 15 million rubles to unknown people. the criminal investigation continues; the remaining members of the group are being sought. but new details have emerged in the investigation of the bus tragedy in st. petersburg. ceo. column became a defendant in a criminal case under the article falsification of the unified state register of legal entities. he has already been interrogated. the investigation believes that the forty-nine-year-old man was listed as the head of the carrier company only on paper. form yourself into an enterprise agreed for the money, after which he reported to the tax office secret information about himself as the founder of the company. according to the investigation, no later than january 16, 2023, to
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the state register of legal entities for a monthly monetary reward in the amount of about 13 thousand rubles. now the suspect faces up to 2 years in prison under recognizance not to leave the place. the tragedy on the kissing bridge, we remind you, happened last friday, as a result of a regular bus falling into a car wash , seven passengers were killed. according to investigators the driver worked behind the wheel for several days in a row without normal rest; according to preliminary data, he lost control, the driver is in custody, the head of the convoy was also arrested, he was responsible for observing the work and rest regime of drivers. in st. petersburg, they are looking for a man who started shooting in front of the pionerskaya metro station. the incident occurred on kolomyarsky avenue in the parking lot in front of the shopping center. according to the preliminary version, the two did not share a parking space. a conflict ensued, which an eyewitness managed to film
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video. in the footage, one of the men stands in front of the car, tries to block the path of the other, a fire truck enters the parking lot, but the presence of rescuers cannot extinguish the flaring conflict, flood it! please, at least four shots were fired at the scene, emergency services were called, the wounded man was taken by ambulance to the hospital, the scene was cleared to collect evidence, they are looking for the shooter, a criminal case was opened, an article of attempted murder. the joint project of our television company, the largest charity, continues organization of the country rusfond. now a two-month-old boy needs help. he has a congenital heart defect. artyom potter
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will continue. come in, please. hello. hello. get along. abdulo is a calm child. the doctor's manipulations do not interfere with his sleep. the boy is not yet two months old, but as soon as the light appeared, he became a patient of cardiologists. on march 25 , twenty-four of this year, he was born , it was immediately discovered that he had a congenital heart threshold, that is, a. he had a complete defect, they said that he needed to operate. at abdulloni's the bottom of the interatrial septum and the top of the interventricular septum have formed. the defects create one huge hole between all four chambers of the heart. they work under enormous overload due to the constantly increasing volume of blood. when there are defects, our blood, which enters the left part due to the fact that the pressure in the left ventricle is higher than in the right, is saturated red. and
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it turns out that two, sometimes three times more blood flows into the pulmonary artery into the lungs than it should be, which causes shortness of breath, pulmonary edema, and wheezing. such defects are corrected complex open-heart surgery, it is done as soon as the child gets a little stronger and gains weight, at 4-5 months, so surgery not only saves the baby’s life, but also prevents the development of complications. during the operation. there is a defect of the interventricular septum, a defect of the interventricular septum with a patch, these patches do not require further intervention, replacement of their alteration, and the most, probably, the main stage is done, the most important surgical stage is the plastic surgery of this common valve, that is, from one a common valve, which has many components, it is necessary to form two separate fibrous rings, two separate valves, abdulo’s parents are from uzbekistan. they have been living in st. petersburg for 9 years, for foreigners all
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medical care is paid, especially since they have such complex operations in their homeland they don't do it at all. in russia, the procedure costs 1,699,500 rubles. this family doesn’t have that kind of money, and besides , the child’s father is an orphan, so you can’t really gather much money from relatives. now the man works at a construction site, the boy’s mother was a janitor, but i quit my job due to pregnancy. we do not have such an expensive operation. i can save so much money, a very large amount, that’s why we turned to you, we... hope that there are good people, kind people, who will help, and people have already started helping, someone anonymously contributed 1 million rubles, to save the baby, only 700 thousand remains to be collected. artyom potor, mikhail markov, maxim lapin, lead st. petersburg. to help the baby, you need to send an sms with the word children to number 5542,
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the cost of the message is 75 rubles. all collected the money will be used to pay for complex surgeries and medications for children. on the website of our television company, on the website. rosfond addresses on your screens you can find out how much money they managed to raise and which of the children they saved the life of. let's find out the weather forecast for tomorrow and continue. hello, with the weather forecast in the studio leonid petrov. forecasters promise a warm sunny day in the st. petersburg region on wednesday. according to the hydra data of the center of st. petersburg, on may 15 in the leningrad region clear and... no precipitation during the day in the property field, about 18° above zero is expected, up to +20 the thermometer may rise in tikhin, boksyatogorsk and volkhov, also no cooler than +17 in kirishi and gadchin, 16° plus in vyborg. in st. petersburg during the day it is dry,
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almost windless and +19 on the thermometers. on thursday night in the city it is also warm without rain + 12:14. have a good day in the mood. a legendary water race took place in st. petersburg. the may regatta is one of the oldest competitions, it has been held since 1967. among the participants are students of city sailing schools and experienced racers. for most of them - this is the first outing on the water of the season and, perhaps, one of the most difficult. due to strong winds, the start had to be postponed several times. this year , more than two hundred racing yachts of different classes set sail in ustinevy near petrovskaya spit. before the big start, the sailing racing season in st. petersburg will last until the fall. these were the st. petersburg news. all the best.
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hello my dear friends, some women look at me with such loving eyes, i have a feeling that they know me, but something in my memory is all erased, but i hope that this is mutual. ira, one of the program managers, asked what is your favorite background, backdrop, how to highlight it? i asked for gray, but looking at the red lining of my jacket, the background turned out to be red. well, that's probably how it should be. it turned out that i myself am from a distant, small provincial town. a city near chelyabinsk called korkino, korkino, at one time during the stalypin reform,
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remember, there was one, pyotr nestorovich, my great-grandfather from the kursk region, moved voluntarily to the chelyabinsk region, accordingly children appeared there who became my grandfather and my grandmother, respectively, this is nikolai petrovich. he was exiled to the urals in magnitka, so his grandmother, vera ivanovna, left with him, and so gradually these two families somehow coincided and merged.
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everyone returned back - to the urals, from the magnetic field they moved to korkino, but then one day in 1954 i was born, this is the background of my life: about nikolai petrovich, it must be said that he had six children, alexandra vasilyevich also had six children, nikolai petrovich went to the front with two. his sons, he died, grigory died, the eldest, eldest son,
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well, in fact, this is how all of russia lived, there is nothing surprising, moreover, he went to the front, although he went as a volunteer, no one knows why he went as a volunteer, and until did not reach the front, the train that was heading to the front was bombed, and he died before... reaching the front. here's the story.


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