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tv   Taini sledstviya-9  RUSSIA1  May 15, 2024 2:55am-3:46am MSK

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nikolai petrovich went to the front with his two sons, he died, grigory died, the eldest, eldest son, well, in fact, this is how all of russia lived, there is nothing surprising, moreover, he went to the front, although he went to volunteers, why did he go volunteers, no one knows, and did not reach the front, the train, which... was heading to the front, was bombed, and it died before reaching the front. here's the story.
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very interesting, where was i born, what is korkino? korkino, this is the most characteristic feature of this small city, it is huge, large, deep, the largest in eurasia, the korkinsky section, the section is where coal, brown coal is mined, so i was born at the depth of this section, 500 m from the surface of the earth, well, it happened, and the most interesting thing is, i was born there and... and some time passed, quite a bit, just a little, from the year seventy-seven i sank back underground, began to design to this day, began to design the metro. good evening, good evening, nikolai ivanovich, it’s hard to call you an exclusive architect, because your the creation is known to a million people, this
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is the picturesque bridge, vnukovo airport, and the moscow metro, so tell me, when you walk or drive past your creations, what do you think about? i’m really not an exclusive architect, i’m a people’s architect, that is, a person who, a people’s architect is not someone who cross-stitches or stitches or paints dolls or some kind of cutting boards, a people’s architect is that architect. who designs just for the people, all my objects for all the years of active practice, and i am still actively practicing, these are primarily social facilities, objects, usually transport infrastructure, mostly 80-90 percent, more likely 90 percent - these are underground objects, these are metro objects, in addition to railway stations.
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a lot recently, because i was lucky enough to work on a large project called vsam2, high-speed railway line 2, this is moscow-kazan, we managed to pass the examination there, construction has not yet started, six stations along the moscow, kazan and interval, cheboksary, nizhny, and so on, plus several bridges, road bridges, including the picturesque bridge you mentioned, plus several bridges that were not implemented, but since they have passed the examination, it is likely that these bridges will happen sooner or later, that is, the answer is simple, i have all the objects they don’t...
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don’t visit the objects. nikolai ivanovich, as a boy from the outback, who had hardly seen not only world architectural masterpieces, but also russian ones, how the idea came to him to become an architect, maybe someone helped did someone direct you in choosing? so, it happened like this, it happened very simply, elementary, for many people this happens in life. the boy enters physics. math school is me, he entered, i, that is, entered this school, but i entered because my mother taught, she was a primary school teacher, so she took me and my sister under her thumb, so that we would not go to the left, no way, uh, i entered
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the physics and mathematics school literally from the first lesson, but it’s terrible, it’s it’s scary, it’s meaningless for my life, because you add numbers, you read them. i still can, everything else is completely beyond my control, neither physics, nor mathematics, especially chemistry is a terrible subject, so time passes, ninth grade, tenth, and before they studied with me for 10 years, unlike today, i’m at the beginning tenth grade i understand that all my friends, my friends are all smart, all undoubtedly smart, i am alone with reluctance. i studied, although i studied more or less decently, without c grades, with a b, with an a, but this is not because i loved to study, but because, well, it was somehow inconvenient to study poorly, and i understand that if i suddenly, together with my friends, hand in hand, go to the chelyabinsk polytechnic institute, i will go to
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moscow , at moscow state university, in festeh, uh, that’s it, life is over, and at this time i think painfully, and my mother suddenly says in the kitchen, the word mysterious architecture, why does he say this, because the daughter of the chief architect of chelyabinsk, glazyrin, she studied at her class, mom said, oh my god, what is this, come on, and mom contacts glazyrin, the chief architect of chelyabinsk, i, accordingly, inspired with admiration by this word, am going to work on the citizens of the project. there are courses for training architects for future architects, just imagine, i come to the first lesson, i had to prepare for drawing, i come, and at that time there are venerable architects, those who are already
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working, they are already established architects, they have already worked their shift 8 hours 15 minutes, let's go do some creative work, they went to draw nudes... profession, that's it, i got to where it’s necessary, i’ll look at these beautiful female naked bodies all my life, the issue was immediately resolved, right away, and i was forced, there were some other people getting ready, i thought, well, why
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stay in chelyabinsk, that’s where i already saw my aunt, it means we need to move on somewhere, well, i went to moscow, the story is simple. nikolai ivanovich, you come to moscow and become a student at markha. tell me please. what masterpieces of architecture begin to shape you on when you become a student, there are khrushchev-era buildings all over the country. by in the opinion of your teachers, what kind of architect you should have been molded into, to what extent your
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inner self expressed agreement with the goals for the future that your teachers set for themselves. where i started the story, the boy arrived. i knew absolutely nothing, i passed the exams, but the guys who took the exam with me said that passing the exam was nonsense, now there will be an interview, now it will be.
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in one interview you said that an irritated , dejected architect cannot create anything meaningful in his life, such a conclusion can only be drawn from personal experience, you created something in a state of irritation, i said that in an interview, right? well, what is irritation? irritation is, in fact, most likely, such a big push towards something, some kind of action, irritation or excitement or ambition, these are probably such close related words. you irritate yourself, in order to get some result, you need
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to keep yourself all your life - in tension, in good shape, to be properly irritated by the situation, by your work, by the customer, by the builders, by everything, the whole environment in order to get the very product that i first of all want and that i want. to give to you, consumers of architecture, well, in fact, we are all consumers of architecture, i don’t know for sure, but i probably put some kind of meaning into it. you often confess your love for subway rides, why such affection? that’s what the metro is, it’s an endless linear object, the more it is developing, in moscow it will develop without... endlessly, we’ll even go to mytesche soon, this endless linear object,
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it has the following metric system, very simple: a 1.5-2 km haul tunnel and a small platform, which is observed by the passenger, it is usually 162-163 m in moscow no more, that is, 1600 haul, an order of magnitude less, this well... the so-called station, popularly called the station, the platform section of the station, that is , the ratio is 1:10, that is, the metro is a continuous stretch, stage, stage, stage, so my favorite object in the metro is the stage, if only because , that i don’t touch him with my project at all, that’s why. so it is absolutely flawless, you see, it is flawless, proportions, relationships, color,
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light, everything about it is good, what feelings do you experience when passing your very first station, and what do you remember? fortunately, i don’t go through my first station, it’s a dead-end station, so even if i wanted to, it’s impossible to get through it, first thing. my independent station, that is, this is what happens, a young architect, before this system was distributed, i was assigned to metragiprotrans, i came to the group. to a wonderful woman irida georgievna peduhova, and as best he could, with all his weak and strong forces, helped her design the first stations. tulskaya, shabalovskaya, nagatinskaya, that’s how i could, i helped, drew something there, the fraction was basically
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able to add the devils, and the first object that i made on my own was already... a year ago , the red guard station, it’s a dead end, that is, pleasure , if you get there, the pleasure is complete, you can’t miss it, you still have to get off at this station, but it happened over time - what - to this station i brought another station called zyablikova, and between them there was a transition, zyablik i can get to krasnogvardeiskaya and accordingly. from the red guard i can get to zyablikovo, but i was lucky that suddenly, many years later, one station turned into such a rather interesting complex, transport, psychotic, unbridled and not tolerable, according to you, you
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were like that in childhood, and how exactly did this manifest itself? and which of these character traits have remained to this day, so... the worst thing is if you say something , you’ll say something today too, a couple of days pass until show: my god, who said this, why, why, was it really me? i probably said this about my childhood, i remember, i don’t remember practically anything from childhood, some kind of nervous atmosphere all the time, corkin, cuts, dungeons, moving to the cell.
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i’m kicking my legs like that, bitching, bitching, screaming like a knife, that’s what i remember, and my parents don’t even pay attention, i’m kicking my legs, i’m so unbridled, and at least they’re whining back and forth, and uh, well, since they’re me didn’t curb them, i didn’t curb them, then in life i’m like this remained, unbridled, these two more words, nikolai. look, architecture somehow developed, let’s take soviet architecture, only now we will talk about soviet architecture, the revolution, the twenties, thirties, constructivism, constructivism subsided
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in the early thirties, the so-called...
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somehow we began to win, we began gradually integrate into such a global architectural process, this happened rather already at the beginning of perestroika, even a little later in the early nineties, we turned our heads to west, almost breaking his neck, they absorbed , absorbed, absorbed, what was happening there in the world with this... in still lifes, i love the egg most of all, why? i already told you that i am
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poorly prepared for college, for the profession, because i did not graduate from art school, so i draw poorly, think poorly, draw poorly, and the egg, the theme of the egg is clear to me, so here is my top bar in painting in res... this is the same egg from which i get satisfaction, i’ll draw an egg, i’m happy, i look, my god, kolya, what are you, what are you talented, how good you are at eggs, but the most interesting thing is that i translated these eggs into architecture, there is a huge egg lying on a falcon, a picturesque bridge, such a red arch, maybe someone saw it, and there is also an egg hanging there, and the egg is huge. but 30 by 20 m, there were several eggs in the projects, in particular the bitelsky park station, which is located on the butovo line, there is also an egg in the plan, then
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there is a project that has passed the examination, a duplicate of kutunsky prospekt, a bridge over the moscow river, that is, the theme of the egg is me mercilessly pursues, well, in general, i don’t particularly mind.
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to achieve some kind of portrait likeness, sometimes it works out, sometimes the person being portrayed is surprised that it’s him, well, it happens in different ways, remember, i talked about my childhood, so portraits of naked women also appear in me, and a lot in huge quantities , and the women who want me to write them, they stand in line at my studio, me and me and me, and i’m a kind person, therefore, that’s why they lie down with a good wand, from me
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there are no superfluous people being portrayed, these are all people close to me, people i understand, and i want to convey their bright image to you all, like this... probably, this is the minimum super task i face. looking at your portraits, it’s immediately clear who your friends are: norshtein, zhvanetsky, rukavishnikov, please tell me, your energies immediately coincided, and what you gave to each other in life, well,
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it’s too loud to say that zhivanevsky and narnshtein are my friends, i i just collaborated with them at one time, with zhvanetsky, i went to chelyabinsk several times because... in chelyabinsk there is such an award from oleg mityaev, it’s called the bright past, in my opinion, that’s the name of the bright past and zhvanetsky went there with some performances, i wandered around with him, because i was constantly awarded something there, once or twice, i actually painted three portraits of zhvanetsky, i gave one of them to him, it was quite an event...
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the whole point is that he often comes, came, or rather to the architects’ house, where we met them, and i also painted narshtein, also, probably, three portraits, here i recently painted two portraits of him, and one was painted with a top, she has such a famous top in the cartoon, the second portrait was painted with a hedgehog who was wandering in the fog, and zhivanetsky and narshtein are actually very... likeable people, kindness, simplicity, energy, one of them is over the edge, just over the edge, they are both children, zhvanetsky remained the child northstein until his death, now he is like this, i went to his workshop, he gets so excited from the story from his story about his work, amazingly amazing,
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every piece of paper. he has his entire workshop in some papers, in needles, in sketches, he begins to tell, he understands that my god, how helpless i am, what a great narshtein, i came to him, why i came, it is unknown, of the three listed, of course, sasha rukavishnikov is close to me man, because he and i have been working on several objects for a long time, this is truly a value of the highest, highest order, if there are... some world stars, then this is sasha rukishnikov, he is an amazing sculptor, you are a better sculptor without even knowing you won't you know, sasha is number one, and his graphics and paintings simply kill anyone on the spot, we did the penultimate work with him, the
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largest painting ever. in the world, and i’m afraid, and not only in the metro, remember the length of the platform is 163 m by 7 m, this is such a battle painting at the elektrozavodskaya station, horses, people, animals, sobbing women, it’s all on the theme of russia’s endless battle for its happiness and freedom. that is, i was just lucky enough to know such outstanding people, well, it’s impossible to experience greater happiness in life, you you are a creative person, but at the same time you are also an official, you head the union of architects
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of russia and moscow. so how do you manage creative people who are just as creative, because creative people, they can be capricious, they can be contradictory, they can be jealous, but ultimately talented, how do you manage them? in fact, i don’t manage them, and the union of architects is a creative public organization where there is no boss, the boss can play this role, here i am the boss, here are 14,500 members throughout russia. union of architects, but i am not one of them i manage, because the tasks of the union of architects are different: not to release any products, design ones, not to build objects, not to go for designer supervision, not to undergo examination, uh, and above all, a creative community, united in one word, architecture, which is engaged in...
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supporting architecture and architects, the whole union holds itself in its arms, with love, the key word is love, carries itself through life, carries its profession, and we are precisely united in these in these unions, and we have a lot of unions , according to russia, socially unnecessary. unions, unions of architects, including the moscow union, we bring love to life, architecture is love, so the word boss or subordinate does not exist in the union of architects, it’s just by chance that i was elected, as you say, this boss, the president of the union, and i. .. i try with all my might
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to give this love to you, including architects. you came up with three principles in architecture for yourself, these are paradox, humor and wit, how do you embody them and what are the main colors in your life? well, that's probably how it should be, here a person comes to an object, any object, let it be a metro station, let it be a train station, he must always set some kind of task for himself. it is he who sets a task for himself, not the customer, not a stranger, but the author, the one who starts working on this project, he sets for himself, well, let’s say, a super task, he
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must do this, that, that... then, without these words that you pronounce, wit, some others, the object will not work, it will be lazy, sluggish, it will be brainless, the main thing is that no one will need it, it will be like this like the same one. the five-story building that you and i are so excited about, we simply haven’t already talked to you, so if you don’t get the project, you just have to do something, just to deliver the project on time, and you can’t work like that, you always have to work at the cutting edge , you must always produce some kind of maximum output.
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the agusta pere prize was awarded to you in sioula, we all know how the golden eagle, the oscar is presented, and how the most prestigious award in the field of architecture is presented, moreover, you are the only russian architect who received it the story is amazing. amazing, and i love him very much, it was a triumph, not receiving the prize was a triumph, the triumph of my life, there rensapiano, foster, kolotrava, rogers, received these prizes suddenly, around
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the seventeenth year, which means he announces in the press, not to me, directly , it was there somewhere that the russian architect received such a prize. the country is rejoicing, they call me to the airport to receive this award, i step off the plane, kodilak, i sit down, and the flight, you understand, it’s not small in moscow, it’s not small, so dejected, i sit down in this kodilak, they take you into the hall, a huge hall, it’s so dark, all sorts of foreign people, they call up the stage and hand it over to you. he hands over something else, they hand over something else, he hands over, i leave the stage with such a pile, a huge symphony orchestra is playing, for glory and so on, i’m sitting on a chair, suddenly unexpectedly, i fall from this
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chair because i’m falling asleep , there are no people sitting down , there are all these great rattles that help me out, they rolled all over the hall, the roar is incredible. the whole hall, the whole hall, no one needs the orchestra, the whole hall and applauds wildly for 10 minutes, this is a triumph, you understand, the presentation of the award, that's all, your brainchild is a picturesque bridge, it became a hit, it is used in films, it is a favorite backdrop for bloggers and tourists, but it’s interesting find out how you came up with this bridge? well, as you can guess, i work underground all the time and was born underground, and i work underground, i don’t see white light, we made a big tunnel, 14.2
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m, the serebrennoborsky tunnel, two levels, three cars at the top, a metro train at the bottom, two tunnel, this topic is clear to me, familiar, we come to the surface, water... barrier, moskvarika, we need to connect the tunnel with marshal zhukov avenue, we need to build a bridge, a competition is announced. i think five applications are being submitted for this competition, ours is the most interesting, ours, because the architect, especially i, i don’t know, is absolutely not familiar with this topic, well, a bridge and a hole underground are different things, so it appears this is a completely crazy proposal, an arch, it was not red then, but gray, and the span must have been very...
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the flesh in which he eventually grew up appeared, well, i’m not a designer, much less a bridge builder, so big, huge step by step this project is being acquired by that team of designers from omsk, including efimov, such a wonderful construct there. 36 into another huge main span, and on
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top of everything else , the same egg i’m talking about appears there, a glass egg, at the beginning it was just an observation deck, seemingly high, so i rose and looked at the surroundings, a silver forest, krylatsky sports facilities, wonderful residential development on marshal zhukov avenue, well then... the observation deck grows, suddenly it turns into a restaurant, we are making technology for the restaurant, you can’t cook at the top, so the kitchen is downstairs, at the right support, we cook there, load it into containers in two lifts, two elevators that move along such an interesting curve, products are unloaded at the top, people, that means there are two of them. level, everything is quite interesting, the customer, naturally,
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is trying to attach this restaurant somewhere, because it is clear, everyone understands that it is very expensive to operate, and no one takes this musk into operation. then the following thought appears: the wedding palace, one of the small components of sachs. we are redoing, redoing everything, a completely different technology, at the top there is a hall where that moment of happiness occurs when the newlyweds get married. a waiting room for the next victims, downstairs, downstairs there is also another hall for weddings, everything is going great, in general the equipment has been installed, the furniture has been brought in, all sorts of palm trees have been installed, the object needs to be handed over, rostekhnadzor comes and says: the elevators are not suitable, no, the elevators are not suitable, we cannot accept the object, that’s why nothing happened, well, for more than 10 years it... the bridge has been standing abandoned, i recently
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visited it, all metal naturally, it’s in excellent condition, even the paint hasn’t peeled off, because the paint was very good, so uh, a sad sight, the object is good, the object is wonderful, but it performs its main function, it lets traffic through, so the object works somehow.
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can you tell me how you met with your wife and in general, how do you think you can maintain love for life? oh, that means my wife tanya, she’s the same age as me, she’s just as young and perky, only she’s a million times better, she’s compact , she has a lot, but she’s still compact in her time, when she was still a child, just like that. .. from the table, she made a voyage from moscow throughout russia in search of a groom, which means she was young, i was young too, i have this... photograph, tanya and i , uh, about four years old, standing like this in a sandbox, so - since the late fifties i’ve been living with this woman, she, of course, suffers with me, i’m absolutely not tolerable and i also
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kick with my paws, but she endures, but i don’t know how to carry love, she’s also an architect, and i'm an architect, we studied in the same group. what is architecture? architecture is love, that is, it is a profession that has already predetermined everything. do you agree with the statement that existence determines consciousness and people deserve to live in beauty? well, we all graduated from school, studied at the institute, marxism, lenininism, ethics, aesthetics, but there was no ethics , there was aesthetics, marxist-leninist, by the way, aesthetics, naturally, there the first paragraph
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of being defines consciousness and architects, like naive people, with persistence, again with... with passion, with wild ambitions, absolutely, unlearned, went into the profession and so naively you think that being determines consciousness, all the time you are trying to make this being good, beautiful, high-quality, so that a person’s consciousness is formed fully, full-blooded, clear, tangible, and you are in this profession came to do good architecture, every architect is into this, despite the greatest difficulties in the profession, why difficulties, because there are too many restrictions, because the construction complex,
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since 55, has dominated the entire architectural and construction industry. nothing changes, absolutely nothing, even if we demolish five-story buildings, we put a thirty-story building in place of a five-story building, well, in essence , the architecture does not change, it may become even worse to live in this, because the density is increasing insanely, and what’s up with the thirtieth floor in a twenty-meter apartment, what happens to a person, i don’t understand how he can reproduce in this apartment, it’s cramped for him alone, and bringing a girl with a child is... simply incomprehensible and unbearable and cannot be done, there is some kind of record, in my opinion, an eight-meter apartment, i’m not talking about a room, about an apartment, twenty meters, this has become the norm here, i recently saw these apartments, it means there are no beds on the right or left, you have to fish
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there like that, there’s a kitchen right there, right there, so you ate and jumped there like a fish, go out to the toilet impossible, because god doesn’t... the union of architects, this is one of the missions of the union of architects, we have been trying for many years to write and pass a law on architectural activity, where all this beauty, this is spelled out, by what law society should live , not just an architect, not just builders, but the whole society. architecture doesn't have to be great, of course it has to be. nikolai ivanovich, in your opinion, artist, architect, what is the most beautiful thing on earth? of course, a woman, only a woman, anyone, as
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you choose, small, large, round, thin, well, all beautiful. the only thing i love is you, thank you for enduring all these crazy questions with the same answers, i hope that i, if the first architect on the line of life, then uh. not the least, we have great architects in russia, it’s a pleasure to talk with them and you will get this pleasure if you are on their lifeline... thank you very much, thank you,
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3:44 am
hello, it’s time for news on our channel, in the lada starkhov studio, briefly about some of the topics of the issue. riot of colors from. we present a new, most complete academic scientific version, namely a musical version. the ensemble of the new music studio returned the stage to the opera victory over the sun. prophet from another planet. it is not entirely clear what is fact and what is fiction here. the vadim sidur museum celebrates the centenary of the artist’s birth with an exhibition. fight for survival.
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science and art of the path of knowledge, an exhibition project was prepared at the russian academy of arts in the year of the tercentenary of the academy of sciences. for centuries, scientists and artists have been united by an interest in man and the world around him. the results of this creative achievement were seen by anton nikolaev. it is no coincidence that this is celebrated in the halls of the russian academy of arts, the anniversary is common to them: in 1724, peter i founded the academy of sciences and arts, only later, under empress elizabeth petrovna, the imperial academy of arts became a separate institution. works by zurab tsiritelli, pavel nikonov, victor kalenin and other recognized masters were brought from public and private collections. this exhibition is a gift from the artist. scientists, we cannot make any priorities for fundamental research, we conduct fundamental research in all
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areas, and it is very difficult here.


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