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tv   Versiya  RUSSIA1  May 15, 2024 3:45am-4:36am MSK

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the exhibition project was prepared at the russian academy of arts in the year of the tercentenary of the academy of sciences. for centuries, scientists and artists have been united by an interest in man and the world around him. the results of this creative achievement were seen by anton nikolaev. it is no coincidence that the tricentenary of the russian academy of sciences is celebrated in the halls of the russian academy of arts. this anniversary is common to them. in 1724 , peter i founded the academy of sciences. works by zurab tsiritelli, pavel nikonov, victor kalinin and others were brought from public and private collections recognized masters, this exhibition is a gift to artists and scientists. we cannot make any priorities for fundamental research; we conduct fundamental research in all areas, and it is very difficult here. to highlight some, say,
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sculpture, to separate it separately from painting, a painting or some other work, so i like everything, i first of all appreciate the skill of trying to understand the author. the opening of the exhibition was attended by outstanding russian scientists, historians, archaeologists, inventors, doctors, among them the famous doctor. a leap forward, this is art, human life, of course not, i can say about art that i really love it, of course, i myself don’t know how to draw. i tried
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many times, nothing ever worked, but my youngest daughter draws beautifully, she is a professor, doctor of sciences. the exhibition contains works that, at first glance, are diametrically opposed, photographs of an honorary member of the academy of arts, pilot cosmonaut fyodor yurchikhin and paintings by cosmonaut vladimir dzhenibekov, and here are mosaics by nikolai mukhin for the church of st. sava in belgrade, but the opposite of these two views. the world is only imaginary, when you are dealing with the invisible world, this is one state, on the other another, another state, which, by the way, the artist often pursues, is to see something in the visible world that seems to be related to the absolutely invisible. in search of truth, answers to the question of how the world works, art and science go in different ways, but... it happens that in the same direction. anton
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nikolaev, vladimir stepanov, culture news. prophecy symbols. at the concert of the laboratory, music sacra nova sounded works of russian composers of five generations. the main event of the evening was the premiere of a new edition of the futurist opera, written in 1913. jeanette artl will continue. he will guide you through contemplation. sozertsebin is a passionate gathering of gloomy leaders. from tormenting and horrifying to cheerful and outlandish laughing and cheerful, this is not pure talk, but the first futuristic opera , a victory over the sun of the theater of the future, as it was conceived at the beginning of the 20th century by three friends of the avant-garde artist, composer mikhail matyushin, poet alexey kruchenykh and artist kazimir malevich, this is a victory over past beauty, the beauty of the world of the past, which is accordingly obscured by darkness, but in this darkness the art of the future aesthetician grows. the future and
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the world of the future in general. opera became one of the first examples of the synthesis of arts, words, music and form, but in a futuristic design. the prologue is written abstrusely, the music is dissonant, and the scenery was supposed to be caricatured and phantasmogorical. kazimir malevich, in fact, invented the black square while inventing decorations for the victory over the sun, and he had to come up with something to cover the circle of the sun. naturally, he came up with the idea of ​​a square, and then it grew from there. into his cosmogony. after the scandalous premiere in 1913, the opera was practically never performed; matyushin’s score was lost; some fragments were restored thanks to photocopies. a complete musical edition was obtained only last year after extensive research into the composer’s archive. more than 100 years later, victory over the sun is heard for the first time in a concert performance that is as close as possible to the author’s intention. managed to find it in the pushkin house, in the archives matyushin, two manuscripts
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of the world with its skyscrapers and technological wonders, or maybe it’s just a manifesto of futurists throwing the sun, including russian poetry from the ship of modernity, frame the opera with works of other representatives of the early avant-garde, including the russian premiere of one of the last works arthur lurie, mourning games in honor of chronos, which combines images of ancient paganism and christianity. " sacred and spiritual music in the composition of nikolai sesilnikov, the lament of king david for tenor and organ was written 4 years before the author’s death. the basis of the text is two psalms, a prayer at the limit of human capabilities, piercing and mystical, with
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the composer’s daughter at the organ. mysticism has always pursued nikolai nikolaevich throughout his life, and even today, today is radonitsa, an orthodox holiday. where people living today can pray to their relatives who have passed away, i am his daughter, today i am playing his composition addressed to god, and as if i am bringing him a tribute, yes, a tribute to music, and together we can embrace the soul of the stage, music sakranova about... look for new meanings. janette arlt, dmitry kotov, culture news. the exhibition proto-archive , a monument to the modern state, opened at
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the vadim sidur museum on the centenary of the artist’s birth. his work is permeated with tragedy, reflections on life and death. alya sharifulina got acquainted with the master’s works. not from thin layers of marble or monumental bronze, but from everything that can be found in garbage heaps, landfills, he carved human suffering, i feel like an instrument for measuring fear, on the right is our fear, someone else’s fear, on the left. vadim sidur survived the holodomor in childhood, was seriously injured in the war, the artist belonged to a generation whose share of many trials fell, to a generation in which there was a strict culture of silence, about all the shocks and pain, only the sculptures he created were able to tell about them, he helped them.
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to talk about the tragic events of the 20th century and the feeling of new tragedies in the future, it is impossible to use the language of eraden. sitor is looking for his own system of signs, a form that is most adequate to the content; he seems to create hieroglyphs from sculpture that placed in a row form a story about life and death, mythology. it was the myths and myth-making of vadim sidur that became the semantic frame of the exhibition, consisting of the artist’s works from different periods, archival photographs and excerpts from his literary work. we suggest soon. in this exhibition, a monument to the modern state , every viewer can see the important themes, firstly, yes, with which the sculptor sidur worked, and also feel this mood
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of his modernity, yes, what is this monument to the modern state, what is it like, this is a modern state, one way or another it rhymes with our time now. sidur was often accused and continues to be accused of excessive interest in violence and cruelty, but this is rather not interest, grief over the imperfection of the world and the irrationality of the people who inhabit it. the myth of sidur in this exhibition appears as a historical message from a man who has seen too much, can offer nothing to humanity for salvation, remains frozen, turned into a bronze sculpture and becomes forever silent and crying. alya sharifulina, vladimir stepanov, culture news. evil doesn't exist. a new film by resuka hamaguchi has been released in russia. the japanese director made a film about protecting nature, but not about ecology. stanislav onisimov watched a strange, fascinating parable about how the spread of urban civilization leads to a fatal tragedy. one should not expect from this
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film by hamaguchi, a meditative viscosity of the frame, a slow tempo-rhythm, peering into nature and human interaction with it, the viewer will only have an hour and a half. during this time, even the most skeptical a city dweller will inevitably think about the world around him. it’s not for nothing that critics dubbed this film eco-parables. we worked on the film for about 2 years.
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much more difficult. stanislav anisimov, maria andreeva, cultural news. preparations for the dragon boat festival have begun in china. the center of festival celebrations in the eastern jetjiang province will traditionally be the city of ruiyan. now work is in full swing in all the carpentry workshops there. some customers come to update old boats, others ask to make new ones. the process takes from three to five days, with 15 artisans working simultaneously. they work in compliance with ancient technologies. the model depends on the depth of the reservoir where the race will take place, and the design always corresponds to the artistic traditions
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of a particular region. we currently have 60 orders with less than a week left to complete, all of these boats should be ready for the first festival celebrations, which begin on may 20th. the main dragon boat races always take place on the fifth day of the fifth month according to the lunar calendar. the holiday is already celebrated more than two thousand years since its inception. there are many legends associated with it. according to the most common version, the festival originated as a day of remembrance for the statesman poet qiu yuan, who lived in the 2nd century bc . yuan, not wanting to see his country occupied by the qin dynasty, threw himself into the river. local peasants tried to find his body. it is believed that over time, the memory of this search took the form of rowing competitions. this concludes our release. all the best and see you soon.
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suren, suren, well, choirs press me, more gently it is necessary with the buyer, be more gentle, yes i am for you. he said, you’ll have the money before 3 o’clock, i ’m on my way to get it now, well, in about two hours i’ll be at your place, it’ll be around 12, you know, 12 is earlier than three we’ll pay. well , come on, come on, he’s nervous, he could have lowered the price tag even lower, oh well, and he’ll give it away for pennies, right here.
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will you check, yes, no, no, keep it, i have to write something, yes, no, well, there ’s a receipt here and there, you want to offend, dear,
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but no, that’s just me, just in case, but calm down, lesh, your word is enough for me, yes. you said it, i heard it, that’s it, if something is wrong, i won’t go to court, you understand, our judicial system is ineffective so far, it requires modernization, but it won’t come to that, really, well... i went, how is seryozha, he’s working, and sergey, great, a good driver, well, he’s not only a driver, but i know you’re behind him like behind a stone wall, yeah, really, i haven’t seen him in action yet, that’s good, god forbid, i don’t have to see it, god forbid, well,
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good luck, thank you. cheers, thank you, start it up, let's go, yeah.
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chief, what, i didn’t know anything, oh, now it’s 11, well, where is the champagne, i don’t know, there was no team, there is a team, go ahead, come on, hoba, both, oh, hoba, well, 11 years. what are you saying, oh,
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well done, well done, that’s what i’m saying, it should be noted, so, listen, well, i congratulate you, thank you, you understand, with the victory, you see what a tandem we make up, this is the result, you understand, it’s nice to see, well, today is your holiday, so today go for a walk, and tomorrow morning, like a bayonet, you know, you’re off to fight evil, yes, yes, yes, well that's it, i congratulate you, mash, congratulations, these are such great guys here. marya sergeevna, if i had such a boss, why, why, i can change. why
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don’t we go to the uprising, do you think it’s faster? definitely, the league line was blocked, all the news stories went haywire, but yeah. money is alive now.
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it's very good, very good that you didn't leave? no, no, i have a day off. guys, well, mash, well, we have a firearm, a firearm. oh, be careful.
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sorry, lesh, you should go to the hospital, but a gunshot wound is no joke. you can't get by with greenery here, to be honest, i have you yourself are already dizzy, by and large you need to call the ministry of tourism, you’re done, yes, great, lesh, they shot at you, they took 40 million from you, well, well, you don’t want to return the money, you don’t want to punish the scumbag, who , well, seryoga of this driver, he shot at you, the driver is the younger one creeping up, it’s marat who works, you know, marat, wait, but why does marat do this, then,
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to leave me in my underpants, you don’t care about him, that someone cheated me out of money, i owe him 40 million, i owe him 40 million return it, you understand, go and prove that he returned it 2 hours ago, it’s clear, now why did he put the earring on you, so what now? what now, we have to get out, what now? so, that means, come on, come on, go to the workshop, stop the line, turn off the switch, kick everyone out, yourself, come on , come on, get out, get out, so, listen, there’s no time, come on faster, faster, uh-huh. hello, vera, verochka, then immediately take all the documents, get into the car, we’ll meet in pulkovo alone, i’ll be waiting for you downstairs, in the
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waiting room, wait, wait, which airport, what, what waiting room, what happened, there, there, i’ll explain everything, quickly, what happened, i went out for a walk with the dog, what?
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do you have any documents? no, my god, no wallet, no keys, no documents, no phone. it’s clear, he probably came by car, the soles were clean, they shot him in the head, from behind, by the way, quite recently, an hour and a half ago, maybe less, but from what? well, you’re not the virgin mary, i’m not jesus christ, well, we’ll get the bullets, then we’ll see, there are traces, traces, traces.
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so, a car pulled up, well, yes, it braked, so resto, where were you at that time? and from there i walked from the gateway, well , right behind the grocery store, uh-huh, what’s there in the yard, a garbage dump, a store, they throw out expired food, almost never
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throw it away, now there’s a... crisis, they throw away boxes, and the reception center is there zhaeva, uh-huh, well, that means you were coming out of the gateway, uh-huh, and where the car stopped, right, so, right here , right, and what car, mercedes, black, huge, and here on the roof, antenna, no, trunk, yes no, what kind of trunk, hatch, how double-glazed window, huge, so, well, the mercedes stopped, well, that’s it, he braked so sharply and
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kobo that means pressed himself, you saw it from the arch, why did you see all this from the arch, and well, i, i... didn’t go any further i went, i had to come here, so i decided to wait away from the state art academy, he drove up too decisively, so what next, well, well, this one ran out of the car first, he had a briefcase in his hands, well, he looked like a diplomat. and the second one, which is the corpse, yes, they started shooting at him, yeah, from the car first, there were loud shots, but no,
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his pistol was like this, with a knob, with a silencer, and well, with a knob. “ at first i didn’t even understand that they were shooting, then i saw a gun, and there was blood on his hand, on his hand, uh-huh, he shot from a great distance, and well, yes, that’s it, yes, that’s how, how from me to the door, from about five meters, but, well, yeah, yeah, not closer, but then he came closer when he shot the second time, so he shot twice, and
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more, he shot in bursts, i don’t know, he hit there, no hit, well, that is, he probably fired from a machine gun, yeah, yeah, the second one, who shot, do you remember? well, he had his back turned, also in a jacket, when he ran back with the diplomat, i went into the yard out of sin, which means he took the diplomat, left, left, uh-huh, and... then he returned, who shot, mercedes, can i have a double express, of course, the premiere, he
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didn’t come for a cigarette to drink coffee, he’s the one who’s picking on you, don’t talk nonsense, it’s so good that we met, we’re now one family, we ’re waiting for a wedding invitation, you love us, let’s go warmly , we, too, were once warm together, until... we burned out, yes, yes, nothing burned out, light in the window, tomorrow on rtr, watching detective stories, allow yourself a first-class vacation with leo reorts! elegant details, a celebration of refined tastes, a variety of entertainment, a golden beach and azure waves. lio reorts,
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we are here for you. rixsas premium segate. family fun starts here. here every detail is created for your pleasure. enjoy a water park for children, lush green gardens and the beauty of coral reefs and the sea. immerse yourself in a world of unforgettable experiences at rixsos premium sea gate. rixas premium seagate.
4:21 am
hello, dear friends, your favorite program is on air for 60 minutes. vladimir vladimirovich, let's talk. on all issues they are in no hurry to deploy nuclear weapons, i have already demanded, return nuclear weapons to me, how are things at the front, is the weather cloudy? there are big dreamers in the west, but we
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are guided by the fact, watch twice a day, see you later, come on, let's hurry up guys, it feels like no one wants to go home, come on, come on, come on, let's go faster everyone, there's someone... something. that's all seryozh, bye, bye, man, put it away i need to get out of the car, uh, guys, why did you stop? what's the problem ? i realized,
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i looked out, i saw there was no car, well, i went about my business there, then this merc pulled up again, i barely made it in time. run into the front door, why did he come back? but i know, i left the front door only when he left again, well, the slackers, the loafers, the parasites, they left me alone with a corpse, and you’re afraid of corpses? of course i’m afraid, these are my employers, marya sergeevna is also my employer. ok, that's enough, anyone is interested the results of the examination, or am i at the wrong time? i got lost, did you find anything?
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airborne forces part 54-387. well, well done. have you already performed an autopsy? well now. this is what was found on the spot. that's just me, i came to please you. yes. it was just the sleeve he pulled up. how many interesting things still await you? when we roll up our pants. oh yeah, screw you. well, are you tired of waiting? out of breath, come on. well, not really, where?
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today, maybe your homeless man isn’t lying, maybe there really was more than one shot, yeah, well, yes, but it didn’t affect him in any way, on the contrary, the shot to the back of the head did, wait, wait, what do you mean he’s not lying, i missed something, yes, and the homeless man said something, uh-huh, never mind,
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i saw him yesterday, yesterday, he was supposed to go to the farmanyan today, i called him today at 11, he went to furmanyan. he was carrying money, he was going to the formanian, and where were you going, where, i was going with work, with work, and why were you leaving work so early? why is it early, i’m the director, i can do it at any time, and you’re the director, why did you let all the people go, what’s this, what’s this, your secretary had a nosebleed, but you haven’t had a nosebleed before, where is gusiv in
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airport, at the airport. well, should we go to the airport? yes, it seems. so, sergey pavlovich starozhenko retired to the reserves 3 years ago. there is a registration there. yes, there is, registered in the moskovsky district, in novoizmailovsky. hm. yes. well, let's fly. chief, listen. if you had been to the military registration and enlistment office, you would not speak like that now. you would say: “my dear kurochkin, let me go get you a beer, because after an hour of communication with our dead rats, you have lost faith in all of humanity, you have lost faith in our invincible arnia alone, you will have to return to the military registration and enlistment office, marya sergeevna, this is a cruel joke, this is at the moment when i exposed my mental wounds, well, okay, i have
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beer, but i need a list of his colleagues, he fought in chechnya, yeah, but these guys stick together for a long time, especially since 3 years have passed." sergeevna, when are you going to go get some beer? i told you, when there’s a list of colleagues, which one do you like, wheat, yeah, okay, please, go ahead, smartly, and you live with mine, marya sergeevna, by the way, the idea with wheat was brilliant. okay, long-liver, sit down, wait, we'll go for a while, and beer, at his age, beer is not just harmful, but dangerous, where are you going, for this purpose there is a kurochkin, marya sergeevna, so that by my return, wheat, uh-huh.
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the subscriber's device is turned off or is out of network coverage.
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vera, please open the door, vera, i'm talking about lyosha. i’ll come in anyway, you know me, i’ll open it now, i’m not dressed, but i’ll wait. who called? will you treat me to some tea? oh yes, take off your clothes and come in.
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"choose any apartment, my god, what a
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apartment? thirty-seventh, oh, it's about to start, yeah. in vain the old woman is waiting for her son to come home, they will tell her, she will burst into tears, who is the police, zanevskaya ruvd, and what happened, happened, we will talk through the door, i don’t know you, a suspicious old woman has been caught, girl, i showed you my id, yes i am 10 i'll show them for...
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is this him? oh, where was he supposed to go? to yekaterinburg, he has a flight at 30 o'clock. can we go through? yes.
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when was the last time he called? last time, but i don’t think he called today. wait, wait, i remembered, yes, i called from the office from work, what did you want? and the passport number so that i could dictate mine to him, he ordered the tickets, what kind of tickets? we ’re flying to france for the weekend, i don’t want to upset you. but it looks like you’re not flying. and what happened? will you
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explain? will explain. lyosha ditched me. what do you mean, he threw money away? for decent money. well, marat, what are you doing? today? at the beginning of ten, i gave him this money, at 12 he was supposed to give it to formanyan, but he never got to him, and an hour later in the center they found the body of his driver sergei, mine, by the way. a good friend, he doesn’t answer calls, his director said that your husband went to the airport, what is all this called together? the driver's trobe, i call it thrown.


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