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tv   Pereriv v veshchanii  RUSSIA1  May 15, 2024 4:35am-5:01am MSK

4:35 am
what happened? will you explain? will explain. lyosha cheated me, i mean, cheated me out of money? for decent money, 1.5 million dollars. well, marat, what are you doing? today, at the beginning of ten, i gave him this money. at 12 he had them. to convey to formanyan, but he never got to him, and an hour later in the center they found the body of his driver sergei, by the way, a good friend of mine, he doesn’t answer calls, his director said that your husband went to the airport like everyone else this is collectively called the corpse of the driver, i call it... well, marat, but why
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you think so, but i could have robbed him, the driver could have been killed, but lesha is not, but i think so for various reasons, firstly, because he is alive, and secondly, he is trying to get away, but i believe you, you... are busy, there is no demand from you, but as you understand, i have to find lyosha, and i will do everything for this, i will find him, and then i will ask him what happened, why he disappeared with my money , so verochka, now listen to me very carefully. “live as you live, and if
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lyosha calls, and he will definitely call, do everything so that you meet him, your phone will be tapped, you will be followed. you start playing tricks, kicking yourself, thanks for the tea.
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our life was a fairy tale, grief, i always tried to do everything to make me happy. diana gurtskaya, for the first time about the main loss in her life. i will never forget this evening, how... yes, this happened, as
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you found out, i heard through the phone, a terrible exclamation, such a terrible cry, no, everything just turned upside down in my soul, sometimes the heart happens, as if it has a premonition of something , petya leaves, and he always joked somehow, i have this feeling, something will happen to the plane, or something, he comes into my room and says: you don’t want to say goodbye to me, i have that impression , what if... had been nearby, this wouldn’t have happened, they say that time heals, time heals nothing, time just teaches, but to live without it, the fate of a person with boris korchevnikov on friday on rtr, a hotel for unforgettable impressions rixas sharmelsheikh, adults only 18 plus, here you are. looking forward to entertainment throughout
4:40 am
all day: year-round performances of the best djs from around the world and comfortable rooms. riksas sharmelsheikh - just relaxation, this is a holiday for the soul, where every detail is created to be admired. discover a real gem on the bodrum coastline, titanic lakshery collection bodrum. exceptional service, incredible culinary delights and an atmosphere of complete relaxation. immerse yourself in a world of exciting adventures and exciting entertainment. welcome to the world of eternal elegance.
4:41 am
can't, you crap, crooked one, i'm in i’ll write a statement to the police, i’ll tell everyone that you kill and injure people, i want to make andrey nana, no, get on with your life, you are my life, love under a microscope, on saturday on rtr, but maybe it’s not him, maybe.. . to do this, you will have to go to the identification, now the experts will finish, tomorrow the day after tomorrow he will schedule an identification, why did he fly to yekaterinburg, for work,
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oh, he packed his things for a month, and i don’t know where he worked, as a bodyguard and personal driver. one businessman. what kind of businessman? they have on there's a production facility somewhere in parnassus, his name is alexey, i don't know his last name, but you don't have his worker's phone number? they should arrive in the evening, but maybe they should call there? so do you know his work phone number? no. husband, maybe his friends, colleagues, he served in the landing force, is now a chief, but there is one joy, what,
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i bought swiss beer, sent a text message, now wait for the text message that she didn’t drink it, there’s no notebook, here’s a photo. this is berito, it looks like yes, this is his friend, gluchov, sasha. glukhov is on this list, yes, they are together served, some departmental shooting range, you don’t recognize it, experts called, what’s with
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the tie, blood on a tie is not old-fashioned, that’s what needed to be proven, that means there was some other guy in a tie covered in blood, well, yes, either a murderer, or another victim. or a resident of the house whose nose began to bleed, experts say, the holotuk is dented as if it was used to bandage something, it looks like it was used as a bandage, they tied the wound, listen, maybe the owner of the tie was the same person who was shot several times from five meters, remember, homeless he said that they shot at the watchman, but for a homeless person all the people in jackets look the same, like the chinese, yes, and another bullet. in the head of the deceased, most likely fired from a heat gun or a beret at point-blank range, beretta, the homeless man said that they shot from a machine gun, and you want to say that of course, take this 93, in automatic
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mode, and with a silencer, a very popular modification to the late nineties, with all sorts of riot police and special forces, so no one heard the shots, good beer, yes... it’s just a pity that they shot at him, and not him, the picture would be wonderful. yes, manyunya! panov, yes, hello, there is news, sit down, already, look, traces of gunpowder were found on the deceased’s sleeves and arms, shortly before his death he fired a pistol, uh-huh, attention, judging by the analysis of gunpowder, on his hands at the site of the wound, he fired he was using exactly the same weapon with which he was killed, what do you want to say - everything i wanted to say, i already said, technically the possibility of suicide cannot be ruled out, thank you,
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please, good luck, there is a version that starozhenko shot himself, yes , in the arms of there were traces of gunpowder, identical to traces of gunpowder, on his skull around the wound, he shot from the pistol from which he was killed. “fedya, try it, you need it, you try it, i’m superstitious, but you don’t give a damn, boss, am i not superstitious, but people have been shooting themselves for several centuries, in three or four known ways, well, what kind of madman would need shoot yourself in the back of the head, why?" theoretically possible, uh-huh, convinced, attention,
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registration 711 st. petersburg, moscow is completed, attention, excuse me, young man, you are bleeding, you probably need the doctor needs it.
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that means we have an unknown person who was wounded
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or killed, more likely wounded, if the corpse had been dragged along the front door, there would have been traces there, there were no traces, there were no traces, that means he left on his own, let’s assume, that means we have a wounded person, well, he could have gotten out front door, but he could have died somewhere in 200 meters, okay, let’s assume we have a wounded or killed person to shoot at. takes a beret from an automatic pistol, right? well, let's say, according to the homeless man's interpretation. suppose, so, presumably, the unknown person was shot from an automatic beret pistol, after which the unknown person disappeared, and the old woman was killed from the beret he was holding in his hand. that is, having shot the victim, he shot himself, right? most likely, there was a second unknown person. oh, marya sergeevna, name ten more, just in case. no, i'm serious. presumably, starozhenko shot at an unknown person, a second unknown person eliminated
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him after an operation, after which operation, how do i know, that is, starozhenko in this scene was not a victim, an attacker, maybe, but what’s wrong with one unknown person, an old woman? shoots at an unknown person, he is wounded, the old woman approaches him, so that, in order to violate the corpse of the deceased, suppose the unknown person snatches... his gun shoots him in the back of the head, there is another option: the old woman, seeing the victim on the asphalt, approaches him and he thinks, let me scratch the back of my head with a pistol, it’s an accident, yeah, but now... it’s clear that there were two unknown people, so the old woman killed one unknown person, died at the hands of the second, or maybe the old woman with one unknown person was attacked second unknown, so so i want to look for the first one, at least he still has a tie left, i also want the first one, the second one somehow appeared unexpectedly, i’m not used to it yet, you found out where the old woman worked, well, oh, krion, what
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are you doing here then? to court, and then i need to go south, but why go south? you need to go to one place, fitness club flight, are you serious, flight? seriously, they know one, and maybe even a second unknown person. where does this information come from? from the traffic police officer, let's go, i need to close the door, huh?
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yes 629 takes off in 40 minutes, good, hurry up, we can do all this, energetic now, just a second, please.
4:54 am
hello, hello, investigative committee, please tell me, have you ever seen this man? no, that is , he was never here, no, he wasn’t, uh-huh, but can i talk to someone from the administration? let me find out whether the director is there or not, please wait , thank you, hello, please, first second, yes, please, which one do you need - and i have to go to the gym today, i probably won’t go to the pool today, hello, i’m still you know that today i’ll probably extend it to myself, so don’t shut me out today, trampoline, did you
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talk to everyone or just to... with yours, with everyone, of course, you separately gathered your own, separately the penguins, explained everything popularly to both of them, somehow they quickly found us, maybe they received gusev, gusev is at the airport. it was a fly and afanasy who slept together, where on klimovi, their spy or operatives there, well... in general, one of them spotted us, and, apparently, they found us using our numbers, and why were you silent, you thought it would be okay, marat, there's an investigator there, yes i see
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she wants to talk to you, tell me, i won’t be there today at all, yeah, well, look, everything is fine, you know, the director won’t be there today, come tomorrow, thank you, no problem, yeah, all the best, goodbye, thank you , that you helped me, it’s great, of course, here, i can put it there, okay, we’ll meet in the evening and talk. hello, hello, investigative committee, please tell me, have you ever seen
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this person in the club, this one, no, maybe outside the club, look carefully, yes i looked, no, i didn’t see no, no, uh-huh, in military unit 54-387, where you served with him, you also didn’t see who you served with, but with sergei storozhenko, that’s him, yeah, well, yes, exactly, seryoga, listen, alexander, you are alexander glukhov, yes, yes, listen, alexander. i must tell you one secret: our conversation is now being recorded, so it can be equated to an official interrogation. that's why i'm asking you officially,
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as an investigator of a witness. have you ever seen sergei storozhenko here at the club? no, you can turn it up, i'm just afraid it won't will sign up. so, i repeat the question: have you ever seen sergei storozhenko at the flight fitness club? no. thank you, yes, i wanted to warn you that i am now confiscating all video footage from surveillance cameras, and if i see sergei storozhenko, i will be forced to arrest you and charge you with perjury under article 307 of the criminal code of the russian federation, and if he was here , but i didn’t see him, listen, do i have evidence that he was? here and you saw him, i’m sure the camera recorded it, so, damn it, we need a wood grouse
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it was generally possible to send him on vacation, well, now he’ll start cackling, i saw him, so, good afternoon, i’m the director of this club. i was told that you were looking for me, and they told me that you would not be there all day, investigator shvetsova, it’s very nice, maybe then we can go into the office, but no, not necessarily, i have a small question, i’m listening to you, i need all the video recordings with surveillance cameras, i ’ll be happy to give you everything, yeah, well, if you have them. the corresponding court order is there, it’s possible, no problem, yeah, now
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they’ll bring you everything, they just have to give you let me warn you, this morning we were just reviewing the records and cleaning the disks, eh? there are only records left from 12:00 in the morning, our shift starts at 12, which means he was here until twelve.


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