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tv   Utro Rossii  RUSSIA1  May 15, 2024 9:30am-9:55am MSK

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fundamentally reconsider relations with georgia. donald trump's private jet collided with another airliner at a florida airport. according to american publications , the ex-president's boeing hit a neighboring plane with its wing on the taxiway. the us federal aviation administration confirmed the incident and an investigation has been launched. trump's press service has not yet commented on what happened. it is not specified whether he was on board at the time of the collision. all news is always available on the media platform in the application or on the website can you explain to me why we are rushing out of st. petersburg and dragging ourselves into this choice? i have problems
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in business, and you remember tanka, vasil, and she was still in love with you, but she is not married, it would seem that we have been living together all our lives, we know everything about each other, but not everyone, well, you liked me at school 20 years ago, are you still obsessed with this stupid childish love, this is stupid, girls love their dreams... to happen, olya, your husband, your husband is cheating on you, olya, olya, let's take it off together, please, stop it, this didn’t happen before, you don’t see me, you don’t even look in my direction, but i, i’m a woman, where we are not, on friday on rtr, catch a fish, big or small, well, in general, the place i chose the right one, why
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do people count proteins, fats, carbohydrates? this is where my question begins: can delicious food be healthy? i try it, inflammation levels decrease, pain decreases, can healthy things be enjoyable, science fiction, can science be understandable, and you make a wish, right? once again yes, every person in every region of russia can make their diet not only tasty, but also healthy, and this lifts the mood, that’s for sure, the food formula on sunday on rtr. love is when
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you look in one direction, look, look, look, you want to look, look, let's look, look, well, look at the screen, look at me, carefully, look, look, agreement, sign, we sign at the same time, two, three, sign up , watch, watch, maybe we can go to my place, just watch a movie, my love.
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i only had 5 days to enter a huge role in the play instead of the legendary nikolai karachentsev. this was the director's decision. the famous actor viktor rakov once confessed. this year marks exactly 40 years since he served in the famous lenkom theater of mark zakharov. according to viktor rakov, when he entered linkom, he was incredibly happy and was ready to pay extra himself to go on stage.
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at five there is a need to watch youth in linkom, i don’t know why, i just love it very much since childhood, i’m 41 years old, which means, well, somewhere around the age of 15 i yo i see, in your life it began 40 years
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ago, almost as old as i am, you came to linkom 40 years ago, what was it like for you, a very young graduate of gites then, i honestly didn’t think that i would end up in this theater. i studied with andreev vladimir alekseevich and we mainly worked at the ermolova theater, well, well, we ran in the crowd in different performances, when it was time to show up in theaters, andreev told me, well, you will serve in the army, i ’ll take you, i say, vladimirevich, i can to show up somewhere else, of course, of course, but we also made a small group of 12 people, and a program where...
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i thought that dramatic artists also sing, we showed up, we sang, god knows what, excerpts were shown , at the end they announced to everyone: guys, you call tomorrow and we will tell you the results, my classmate naumkin and i went out to smoke, i was smoking at the time as an official, and suddenly he came running for the corpse. then aaron mikhailovich belikov says: “it’s good that you didn’t leave, let’s go to zakharov’s office.” we came there, there zakharov and pasha smeyan were sitting, and the first conversation took place. and that means mark anatolyevich gave the task, so he says that the theater will soon go
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on tour. here, he says, 5 days, you must record with a minus soundtrack, khaakin’s death. we recorded it in 3 days if i sang haakin. yurka sang death, i sang death, he khaakkina. smeyan took this tape, yes, during these 3 days we lost our voices, and naturally, because we were not trained at all, he went and showed it to zakharov, after which he came and congratulated us, saying that i’m haakin, yura, death. on june 19, we passed scientific communism and on the twentieth we were enrolled in the corpse and went to catch up.
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once at a rehearsal in the late eighties, yankovsky told me, i just watched this... i won’t say the name of the film, you know, if you make a couple more films like this, no one will make you anymore, that was important to me, well, the project is not about my work and specifically, it’s about the project that it’s not necessary to film everywhere and not always, i acted with a squad in guardsman 3, then a few years later. i found out that yankovsky was offered this role, the role of baron brockdorff, and he remembered me,
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in what connection, i don’t know, but, probably, he, i was not indifferent to him, and there is my destiny, so oleg ivanovich was mine, i don’t even know how to define it, not a guardian, but an older comrade, kind, a little sarcastic. with a wonderful sense of humor, this year oleg ivanovich would have turned 80 years old, and you are still a little similar in appearance, have you ever been related, compared, in general, one day yurka and i went down to the buffet, and yankovsky was sitting there from bruyev abdulov, yankovsky speaks to me, looks up at me, and after the summer i ’m burnt out, so light... so white, and he says: young man, no one told you that he looks like maris ileeppa, i’m
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stunned i say: no alekvanovich, they told me that i look like you, but the girls really say to me: listen, how are you like yankovsky? i say, how am i similar, but not at all similar, yankovsky listened to me, he said, it’s hot, i can’t answer, but it was funny. gradually tames, modest girl inspires confidence, yes, it’s bad that he has forgiveness with the girl, if he agreed to the guy, we have such a lumberjack, no flute is needed, and if i lose. all this is for another 300 years, so it’s better for me to disappear
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now before the battle, and let someone else come who is smarter, who will not fall in love with the first meeting, the young lady, what is he preaching to her, what can he say, the world is beautiful , love is immortal, a happy life is literally about to come. you can’t fit in there, you probably also have a huge number of their scenes in your memory from their
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relationships, i think there was some kind of incredible humor, playing tricks on each other, teasing, of course, they, they joked, in general it’s very difficult to live without humor, in principle, well, oleg ivanovich, something happened to him there at the end of the first act ... an optimistic braid, when they had already played there, they went out to the changing room, yankovsky sat down and abdula said: oleg, oleg, well, we need to do something with the speech, otherwise we’ll lose the last of the girls, you know, i’m now, well, i’m with i can hardly imagine how the linkom theater lives. when there are so many people ushlot can be there pelzer legonov evgeniy
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pavlovich yankovsky abdulov nikolai petrovich karashchintsev how you experienced it all the hardest , i think zakharov no , naturally we were also worried, but he had some other plans because he continued to build the theater. linkom, he announced the second generation of linkom, maybe there would be a third generation. well, you see, in the nineteenth year, mark. that he didn’t, but it seems to me that now we have existed without zakharov for 5 years, this banner has not fallen, but our director mark borisevich varshaver has picked up this banner and is trying to preserve zakharov’s performances, those that can be
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preserved, to preserve those performances that were staged under zakharov, not staged... and invites directors to update the repertoire, what do you think, if they had a chance to see all that , what is happening today, this battle of ours, which we are waging, this war, and what would they say, would they be today, if they were alive at the front there with the soldiers, would they help them, what do you think? because these people were individuals, i simply cannot imagine otherwise, and karachentsev, and abdulov and yankovsky, i think they would, of course, be with their country, i myself was brought up that way, i can’t imagine
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how it could be otherwise, so today you are not advertising why it’s simple, because otherwise not... with the soldiers, you help the front as much as you can, but what do you tell them when you go there to see the guys in the hospital? well, we don’t come just to talk, we bring performances, there will be concerts, and there were concerts, performances we played the first act there, because after all, it’s quite difficult to sit for an hour, but it turned out that the guys... want to know how it ended, and therefore the performances will be played in their entirety, what can you say to them, thank you and a deep bow, to your wife, how is she, how does she support you in this, yes, she is
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also well-mannered , we are people from the soviet era, the soviet order... with the soviet ideology, naturally she supports me, i support her, we have friends, there is yana poplavskaya with zhenya, with her husband, volunteers in avanteevka, volunteers in pushkino, moscow region, we have people in the theater who do volunteer work.
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but nevertheless, we are doing one common thing, remaining unconvinced, there was, however , a precedent for me, one very respected person, having learned that i had signed a letter in support of the president, wrote to me, we are on different sides forever, but god be with him, since then we haven’t communicated, for more than 20 years we were friends and created, and... this is how it will all end, well, god’s life is healed, i remember how we talked to you here about your son daniel, with him you are talking about the front, about the special operation, he asked something when everything it started, he silently observes, but he was a cadet for some time, as if he understands
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in principle what we are talking about, what is happening, the only thing is... you live from paycheck to paycheck. i say: danya, it’s impossible to live in society and be free from society, you have to go to the taiga. well, they also have their own survival system, alyusya, your wife, how is she going through adolescence? denmark, it’s hard,
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it’s hard for all of us, and it’s hard for danka too, she has her own kind of life, apparently it’s not sweet either, but since i said what an adult, let's do it somehow be responsible for your actions, today he’s thinking about his future profession, it’s time for 16 years, well, when we talked to him, but it’s not now, it’s some time ago, i say, you have some kind of dream, he said quite - it’s evasive to find a good job, what a good job is is not yet clear, but it seems to me that a turner is also a good job, a milling machine operator is a good job, and a plumber is a good job, because go find a good plumber. i’m sure for some reason that any transitional age ends, and danya, maybe maybe he doesn’t say, but he understands perfectly well how lucky it is that he can
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rely on such a dad, such a mother, such a sister, such an uncle, such a cousin, in general our whole family, all of our closest relatives, etc. ..
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will be yours for an incredible 39.95 and you will immediately save 20 euros. but hurry up, the offer is strictly limited and only valid for a short period of time. hello, dear friends, your favorite program is on air for 60 minutes. vladimir vladimirovich. let's talk about all the issues, in a hurry, place nuclear weapons, i already demanded, return nuclear weapons to me, how are things at the front, the weather cloudy, hail in places, the guys act confidently, the commanders act confidently, quickly, reliably, eight of them go to the vehicles, and we have one wheel there, the second tank flew in from vkropsky. the hero of russia will be on the tour, all of us, including me, will go to the end.


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