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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  May 15, 2024 2:30pm-2:56pm MSK

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all this time, the plant was debugging, launching the assembly line, recruiting and training employees. nastya, thank you, good news for you. and we are transported to buryatia, where the buryat sakura, as wild apricot is called here, bloomed in the mirkit fortress. and my colleague yulia alzaboya joins us live from ulanu. julia, hello, how long will the flowering last? hello, evgeniy, this phenomenon will be shortened. only about 2 weeks, but the more valuable it is, to admire the flowers, thousands of tourists come here every year, this type of tree is endemic, then it grows only in these places, and although its fruits are not edible, people are sure that thanks to the flowering, the area emits powerful energy that charges everyone who happens to be here. julia, thank you, have a good broadcast. well, then we continue with the residents of moscow and the moscow region.
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plastic surgeons from the scandalous khaidarov clinic have been charged. the investigation intends to request that the accused be given preventive measures related to imprisonment. the clinic itself believes that there was no reason to detain them. on it was a success, but the entire catch was confiscated, just like the inspectors did, and who should be afraid of them? fishing on bicycles, who will be helped by mobile poachers who used nets to drag bream going to spawn. the bulgakov house celebrates 20 years on the birthday of the great writer, there is a reader behind me, performances, excursions, exhibitions, and what unusual is happening now at the patriarch’s house? a serious accident occurred at
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km 314 of tskada. the boom crane rammed the information board with signs with cameras. the structure simply collapsed roadway. one car was blocked. the driver escaped with minor bruises. traffic was blocked for several hours in the area of ​​the exit to volokolamskoye highway near dedovsk. now one of the lanes on the inside of tskada has opened for... cars. the investigative committee brought charges against the doctors of the scandalous clinic of timur khaidarov. the day before, two plastic surgeons were detained in a criminal case for providing services that do not meet life and health safety requirements. with a forty-five-year-old manager surgical department iq plastic.
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let me remind you that in april the work of khaidarov’s clinic was suspended for 3 months. a criminal case was opened after the death of the patient. work has begun in the capital. in the school overhaul program, first of all , fifty obsolete buildings will be put in order, they will be turned into modern spaces for creative activities. anastasia makhina already knows how everything will change. very beautiful school and russian flag. so, with the help of a computer and a mouse, you can go on an excursion to a renovated moscow school, walk through new classrooms and even chat with teachers. we did this according to the brand book that was given to us.
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ministry of renovation of moscow, and tried as much as possible to bring everything that was there. for now, the educational institution consists of pixels, but very soon all this will appear in the real world, thanks to the program for the overhaul of moscow schools. a typical school does not mean it is so unified, simple, boring, and the same. each school has certain requirements that we place on the organization of the educational space, these are, first of all, transparency, openness, accessibility, that is, glass partitions will allow. to visually expand the space of old, and even our soviet buildings, those schools that need it most will be renovated, work has already begun in the first fifty, it took the developers about 70 hours to create the virtual model, the builders need more, so in the updated buildings, schoolchildren will return to september 2025, the roof is being replaced, partitions are being erected, structures are being strengthened, that is, this is a real major overhaul, students will be working for the duration of the work together with... the teachers are moving to neighboring
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schools, everyone is wondering what kind of school it will be, because our school is already old, everything was broken, here is a new school, it will be something new, subject classes at... there will also be spacious places for relax. new schools are also being built according to modern standards; this year more than thirty new educational facilities will welcome their first students. there was an old kindergarten here, an unknown year of construction a long time ago, it was demolished and in its place this beautiful building was erected, which is a complex, primary school, kindergarten . an educational institution for 350 children in khovrino. or in 2 years. it is here that very soon the youngest students will receive their first knowledge. by the way, many children find it difficult to adapt after moving from kindergarten to a more serious educational institution. and that’s why there is a childhood extension room here, a place where the baby can go for his usual quiet hour after lunch.
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the new schools have a single design - a soft loft. the decoration includes modern environmental materials, in the classrooms - everything for comfortable, productive learning. there are tennis tables and mini-football goals. and basketball hoops. according to the program for the overhaul of moscow schools, every year, starting next year, 100 educational institutions will be renovated in the capital. anastasia makhina, alexey yaldin and lika dzhevakhishvili, host. a series of free lectures by psychologists for school graduates has been launched in moscow. the deputy manager, anastasia rakova, spoke about this today. meetings are held both online and in person. on them experts tell students.
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they will help the children and tell them how to deal with stress and tension, how to learn to concentrate and manage their time correctly, and train their memory. you can attend lectures until the end. the taxis have been checked by employees of the moscow road inspectorate since the beginning of this year, with special attention to the technical condition and correct execution of documents. pavel marchukov also went on the raid together with the madi inspectors. i noticed not only by the bright yellow stripe and the special educational sign traffic police inspector this taxi car. the left headlight does not work, and this is already a problem.
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checks the oil, checks that the brake system is all correct, well, electronics are also needed, and well, he probably doesn’t look at the light bulbs. now, because of such a superficial check, the driver will pay a fine. it would seem that the violation is insignificant, but even it can cause an accident. ordinary traffic police inspectors issue a decision on violation of traffic rules and release the driver, in some cases the car is confiscated and sent to an impound lot, for example, if a motorist never obtained a driver's license, he would be disqualified. inspectors are now paying close attention to taxi service cars, checking documents not only of drivers, but of passengers. and you say, no, everything is fine, everything is fine. there are a lot of passengers, in fact, there are a lot of violators, just like the migration regime, there are, in fact, a lot of different violations.
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during the taxi inspection, the most common violation was electronic malfunctions, for example, the driver of this car after the inspection the inspectors were planning to release the documents, but at the last moment the employee glanced. the mountains that pass through the pushkin urban district will become twice as wide. as governor andrei vorobyov said, instead of four lanes there will be eight. the road has not been able to cope with the load for a long time; more than 140,000 cars pass along it every day, and as a result, there are constant traffic jams. the reconstruction will help solve this problem and
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give drivers tangible time savings. the region is growing, the metropolis requires modern interchanges, roads, communications, the quality of life depends on this and... of course it saves, now we are on yaroslavka, here out of four lanes we will soon get eight lanes to pushkin, the city of pushkino, from the moscow ring road, and to... on this week, all allergy sufferers who react to the flowering of trees will have a hard time, due to the sharp warming in the capital region, experts predict a massive start of birch dusting, not in favor of allergy sufferers and the lack of rain. tatyana antonova will continue the weather theme. well, any weather apparently has its pros and cons. evgenia, that’s right. we now have anticyclonic weather, dry, sunny, weak wind, but this is the kind of weather that contributes to accumulation.
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and even higher, we expect refreshing light to moderate rains only on friday. in moscow next night it will be about five degrees above zero, and tomorrow in the afternoon. 17:20 partly cloudy , mostly no precipitation, on friday, as i said, light to moderate rain, then at the weekend the sun will come out again, the weather will clear up, next week the warmth will remain. evgeniy, the warmth seems to have returned for a long time, finally, in the middle of may, it was tatyana antonova, thank you. immersive performances, mystical excursions, online premieres. in moscow , the birthday of mikhail afanasyevich bulgakov is widely celebrated today at the patriarchs. on this day , the bulgakovsky don museum celebrates its twentieth anniversary. oksana maksimova
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walked through the master’s favorite places. the arch of house number 10 on the large garden street, like a portal along the ancient paving stones, leads to another dimension; two people meet in a quiet gateway. here it is, the famous bronze couple. koroviev cat hippopotamus. in some places areas on the sculptures are already rubbed to a shine. for example, it is believed that you can rub the hand of a hippopotamus on... the walls are painted black, the entrance has been completely painted over several times, as you can see, the folk trail here is not overgrown at all, under a thick layer of illustrations and quotes they found this woland. they began to supply woland with material values. sadovaya 302 bis began to live its own life in the seventies, then it had just come out...
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a night at the museum will enhance the effect. new formats will attract an audience that is accustomed to the rhythm of the city when the city does not sleep. hippo cat, the mascot of the bulgakov house, he lives here and can enter the stage right during the performance. now the premiere of heart of a dog is here. why take without platforms? on this may day, while walking along the green linden trees on the patriarch's ponds, the play of the imagination is enhanced by the guide's story. here. dies and berlios is at this place, the intersection of the malaya armored lane and rymalaevsky lane,
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an unsafe place, i look around here to see if there is a tram here, however, experts do not see anything mystical in mikhail afanasyevich’s texts, on the contrary, it’s all documentary, he loved moscow like a woman, she was different, capricious, amazing, pretty, nervous, she was different, and he showed her like that, the capital was and remains the main character of bulgakov, addresses at... olympiad participants can improve their skills i'm professional. students will get acquainted with the bank's corporate culture and learn about professional opportunities for young professionals. classes will last until may 17. talking to young people, with their
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energy, with their interest, it’s always good, and of course, they are active, they want to do something, they are interested in everything, and interest is actually what determines their future life. students will be able to attend lectures and master classes from leading employees of vtb bank and teachers from the higher school of economics. this year the forum will be held in the format of a competition. participants must develop a concept for applying innovation at their university. between the metro stations narodnaya opolchenie and general karbyshev boulevard , two passersby were launched today. they are considered, we are not talking about this we’ll just tell you after a short advertisement, they say you need to prepare for a vacation, you need to be able to relax, you need to relax beautifully, but
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you need to relax, where there is sun and sea, on the first shore, where everything is included, except for your head. we know everything about holidays. relax. annex. kalinon belek is a place where time stops. immerse yourself in sophistication and luxury, forgetting about time on the shores of the mediterranean sea. discover true excellence by embodying. dreams come true, hotel calinan bellec, where life turns into a fairy tale. a hotel for unforgettable experiences rixos sharmelsheikh, only for adults 18+. here you will find entertainment throughout
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the day. year-round performances by the best djs from around the world and comfortable rooms. this is not just a vacation, it is a holiday for the soul, where every detail is created for admiration, provocation is treacherous behavior, there is a difference between a man and a woman, i noticed, then it turns out that my husband and my cat are the most intelligent creatures in our family, orientalism, this is conditionally some kind of parallel agenda. why don't you reef, continuation of the conversation in new issues our podcasts, and in order not to miss anything, subscribe, listen, watch on the media platform, watch, substation are the first podcasts we watch, i don’t believe that you
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betrayed me, but i need to know the truth. i understand you, in order not to lose love, you need to lose your memory, retrograde amnesia, this happens, it me. excuse me, but did you remember something? it seems to me that it’s easy to fall in love with you, if only you could, i want to forget everything, get out of this slush, let spring into your heart, belated spring, premiere on saturday on rtr, we have collected the first group of about ten people, there were
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short calls, we are going to donetsk, you are with us, yes, when, my soldiers come running. they carried me, another shelling began, they laid me down, lay on top of me, one bullet is still in me, this is, let's say, my trophy, we were hungry then, here comes my grandmother, hungry herself, but she brings this kurba to the shelter, says, baby, feed the dog, lend a helping hand, olga and i decided that we need to take the guys in, i came across such people who care. keep it in word, hello, dear soldier and in deed, without your help you would not have survived, only ours can, honor and praise to you, what you do is simply amazing, from monday to thursday on rtr, you watch
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the news, we continue , the police detained. four residents of the moscow region who are suspected of poaching. according to the investigation, they were engaged in illegal fishing on the oka river. poachers with nets caught bream and pike perch going to spawn. the entire catch was confiscated. a criminal case has been initiated under the article illegal extraction of aquatic biological resources. the moscow metro celebrates its birthday today. exactly 89 years ago the first ones opened in the capital.
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we will be going down for a long time, so there is a special elevator, a lift, there is active preparation below, a few minutes remain before the start of the tunnels of the prokochev shields, here they are, natalie and victoria, according to the long-standing metro construction tradition, they are named after women, they have a lot of endurance, now they have taken up construction new rublevo-arkhangelskaya metro line, a historic event, let's go, we're launching two more tunnels counting on... the arkhangelsk line, a very important line, better transport accessibility for 800 thousand muscovites, and by going out onto
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the novorizhskoe highway, they will remove part of the load from this very, very intense and congested direction. brushes with a diameter of 6 m bite into concrete and slowly move forward, their speed is imperceptible to the human eye, some 25 mm per minute. these are the jacks that... i move, and with this we change the direction, that is, left or right. alexander, an experienced driver, has been managing accounts for 14 years in a row and is already accustomed to the fact that they spend 12 hours underground. is it more difficult to be a bus driver or a shield driver? well, i think, as a driver myself, i think the shield is a little more complicated. why? well, firstly, we don’t see where we’re going, only on the sensors. now the shields are being laid in parallel tunnels in both directions, from the future people's militia station to general karbashev boulevard, that's all. a little more than 2 km, the ruble arkhangelsk metro line will become the seventeenth in a row, it will stretch to the north-west of moscow from the business center and will go beyond mkad. and accordingly, 700,000 people
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who live in microdistricts, yes, you and i will pass through four administrative districts, in fact, today this is a fact, and it will take about 700,000 passengers to the city center, or for transfers, essentially throughout moscow. it will take at least six months to build these two tunnels, and to fully launch the new metro line. due by the age of thirty. anna balan, yuri zabolodnikov, mikhail yunusov, news. a data center bicycle patrol came out on the capital's street. its employees regulate the movement of complex intersections, monitor the condition of signs and traffic lights, and help with the preparation of a european protocol in case of a minor accident. and if necessary, the bike patrol can provide first aid. now the footage we have just received shows vladimir putin has begun a series of meetings with his exes.
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feels proud, happy and inspired because the new presidential decree on national development goals names environmental well-being as an independent national goal.
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sergey bogorev, a fighter with the call sign chukotka, will come to the studio of the nasha program today. after after retirement, he worked as a hunting leader, but at first during the special operation he could not stay in the country, and he achieved that he was taken to the front. watch at 15:00. the next episode of federal news will be aired at 16:00, all news can always be viewed on the media platform, watch in the application or on the website. that's all for now, see you soon. a big musical premiere, and i have a question, please tell me how many will sing, how many will not sing, virtuoso singing or virtuoso facial expressions. this may be your
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trick and deception, you are capable of anything. master vocals


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