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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  May 15, 2024 8:00pm-9:06pm MSK

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in his own words, he intends to find a peaceful solution to the ukrainian conflict, which involves compromises with russia. robert fitz's attacker, a slovakian writer, had just said during interrogation that he did it because he didn't agree. with the political - actions of the current government, the interrogation continues, watch the news right now, it was 60 minutes, all the best, goodbye, bye.
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on the air of the russia tv channel big news in the studio of ernest motskavich. hello, the main event of this wednesday in our issue. the relationship between guns, the so-called guns and butter, must be organically integrated into the overall development strategy of the russian state. why was andrei belousov appointed head of the ministry of defense? introduced the minister to the commanders of the military districts; there are no changes in the structure of the general staff and are not planned. what tasks did the head of state set for the new cabinet of ministers, which met for its first meeting today? attempt on the life of slovak prime minister robert fitz, he was wounded, who shot at one of the main opponents of the military assistance to ukraine in europe? our lancets
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are hitting enemy hail already on the kharkov district, the first shots of the use of the scorpion combat robot, two more villages in the kharkov region and rabotina have been completely cleared of nazis, an important bridge across the volshcha river for the ukrainian armed forces has been blown up, we are waiting for reports from evgeniy podubny and alexander sladkov. the king of spain and postpone it altogether.
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the party welcomes erdogan after the events of the night, how did they manage to foil the coup attempt? first visit abroad after re-election, what issues vladimir putin is preparing to discuss in china with the head of the prc, what in the program which of the new ministers will fly to beijing along with the head of state. electric cars, battery chips. america has sharply increased duties on... products from china, who will suffer the most? nurafen, spasmalgon, coldrex, cough syrup and aspirin. will these drugs in the driver’s body be equivalent to alcohol in the blood? let's try to figure it out. and we start with the breaking news that comes from slovakia. done. assassination attempt on prime minister
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robert fitz. the politician was taken to the hospital in serious condition. doctors are now fighting for his life, but so far they cannot stop the bleeding that has opened. the criminal was waiting for the prime minister in the city of gandlovo after a government meeting. the politician fired, three bullets reached the target. the attacker was detained. vladimir putin, who sent a telegram to the president, called the attempted murder a monstrous crime for which there can be no justification. slovakia, zuzanna caputova. the russian leader asked to convey wishes for a speedy recovery to fitz. we are monitoring the situation and will definitely return to this topic a little later in our issue. the more effectively the russian armed forces work on the line of combat contact in the northern military district zone, the greater the chances of resolving the conflict around ukraine peacefully. vladimir putin announced this today at a meeting with the commanders of military districts.
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the president noted: combat work is going according to plan; all assigned tasks are being fulfilled. at the same time, the ministry of defense needs to be made as open as possible to innovation so that fighters have the most modern weapons and... technology, this was already discussed during the meeting dedicated to the development of the defense-industrial complex, about the tasks set by the head of state and what role new personnel should play in their implementation, our observer andrei grigoriev. at a meeting with the supreme commander-in-chief in the kremlin, the entire leadership of the russian army, the new head of the ministry of defense belousov and his predecessor, now secretary of the security council shaigu, chief of the general staff general gerasimov, commander of the moscow military districts.
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appearance, i think that no one has there is no doubt that this image is being consistently created, including in relation to the requirements of today, to the requirements of modern methods of conducting armed struggle. shaigu will now oversee the military-industrial complex and its
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connections abroad and will do this in close conjunction with the new head of the ministry of defense andrei belousov. he is on the left hand of the president. belousov was appointed as the new minister of defense. andrei removich, please, this is due not least to the fact that expenditures on the military component are growing, let me remind you that in in the mid-eighties, the soviet union's total spending on defense and security was approximately 13%. in 2024 . this year our total spending on defense and security will be approximately 8.7%. the professional economist belousov, according to the president, will be able to find the optimal balance between military and civilian spending, so that the army receives all
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the best, and other sectors of russian industry receive an additional impetus for development due to the military-industrial complex. we see and understand that growing defense spending and safety. one way or another organically connected with civilian branches of production, which in turn gives impetus to the development of industry as a whole, preserves and increases jobs in the country, our unemployment is at a historically minimal level today, but - this is the relationship between guns, so-called guns and oil, it must be organic.
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kharkov region, where the advance of our troops should protect the russian belgorod from the incessant shelling of the ukrainian armed forces. we see, what the neo-nazi regime is doing in the border zone, and... during all the years, starting from 2014, when we tried to peacefully resolve this conflict, nothing, unfortunately, worked out, and we were forced to start protecting our people on these territories with the help
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of the armed forces, but the more effectively you work on the line of combat contact, the more chances we have to resolve this issue in peace. we have always strived for this, i have always talked about it. actions of combat units in the special military zone the operations, the president emphasizes, are effective and timely.
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he has been appointed assistant to the president, one of the most important areas that he will be involved in is precisely the provision of government assistance to our companies, including the company.
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ideas and technologies, it is necessary to open the ministry of defense, as much as possible, bearing in mind the specifics of the ministry of defense, however, to open the ministry of defense to the maximum in order to absorb all the best, all the most modern, everything that is possible and necessary use for success work on the battlefield, on our guys, our fighters, our heroes of a special military operation. we know that the more effective the weapons, the more accurate they are, the more powerful they are, the less
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loss we have, and this is a key issue when conducting an armed struggle, for us, in any case, i really hope that this everything will be used, uh, now we have already said this many times, whoever masters the latest means of armed struggle faster will win. any technological breakthrough in this area will certainly lead to breakthroughs of enemy defenses on the battlefield in the zone of a special military operation. andrey grigoriev, natalya lundovskaya, andrey netreba, lead. the ministry of defense immediately reported three villages liberated in the special operation zone. in the kharkov region, units of the north group took control of glubokoe and lukyantse. and in zaporozhye the enemy was completely driven out of rabotin. another one was destroyed near krasnogorovka in the dpr. german leopard. the kaoubitsamstab crew successfully used the krasnopol guided projectile. the footage was filmed there
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using the scorpion m combat robot. with its help, our fighters destroyed a ukrainian stronghold. russian air defense forces shot down a ukrainian mig-29 fighter. a series of powerful explosions occurred during the day in dnepropetrovsk and nikolaev. despite the words of representatives of the kiev regime about damaged civilian objects. the photographs from the arrival site show military armored vehicles. army aviation struck a road bridge across the volchye river. the ukrainian armed forces used this road to transport heavy equipment. in the affected area lancets already kharkov ring road, loitering supplies caught up with the rushing ukrainian hail. and now my colleague vaenkor, evgeniy podubny, is in direct contact with us from the kharkov direction. zhenya, hello, what is the current situation in the volchansk area and where else have our units managed to advance? ernest, hello, but the situation is best characterized by
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the enemy’s actions now, and the enemy, apparently , assesses his own situation in the kharkov region as critical due to that it is withdrawing units and subunits from other sections of the line of combat contact continues to transfer forces to the kharkov region in order to slow down the advance of our troops, which are already conducting active operations within the city of volchansk, as well as in the area... leptsov, let me remind you that two the kiev regime actively used these settlements to launch attacks on belgorod using a multiple launch rocket system, a czech vampire.
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molgorod region and push back the enemy to the distance where the formation of the kiev regime will not be able to use multiple launch rocket systems to strike the regional center, well , here it is worth noting that the enemy is also transferring additional fire weapons to the combat area, that is , doing everything possible to stop our
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units and units that are now actively operating in... the kharkov region, the enemy is transferring not only the personnel of motorized rifle formations, but also transferring special forces of the main intelligence department of ukraine, to first of all, which uses long-range afpv drones, this now complicates the situation not only in the combat area , but in rear areas, which , strictly speaking, are under enemy fire, in particular under enemy fire.
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military personnel. during six months of fierce fighting in the rabotina area in zaporozhye , a group of 35-40 thousand soldiers of the ukrainian armed forces was destroyed. these were militants well trained by western specialists and armed with german american armored vehicles. about how our fighters thwarted all attempts of the kiev regime hold the only village captured during last year's counteroffensive, military correspondent of the news, alexander sladkov. zaporozhye section of the front, the town of rabotino. today was liberated, the ukrainian military retreated, this is how the infantry of the forty-second division fought here, this is an assault group of the seventieth regiment, consisting of two soldiers, rushed into the attack on a motorcycle, one reached on foot and captured the basement indicated to him, every minute pursued by kamikaze copters. and this is a soldier
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of the seventy-first regiment of the forty-second division, fighting in rabotino itself for several days, his change and he goes to the rear, pursued by copters, sitting in the pits until darkness, he films himself, oh, russian countryside, it’s early morning, now it’s already light, you can’t move anymore, now... there you still have to run or even walk crawl, damn it, but you still have to stretch this kilometer to the kmp, oh, he’s fighting again, and these are prisoners captured by the fifth brigade on the donetsk sector of the front in krasnogorovka, a border guard officer, there are no longer enough ordinary military personnel in ukraine, where were
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the border guards, on what border , chernigovskaya. there is a piece of the belarusian border, a piece of russian, and why were you sent in this particular direction, there weren’t enough people or the feeling that maybe there is not enough here, the number of outposts in this 105th border detachment, the company is divided into three outposts, so the company is divided into three outposts, of which the outpost is the size of the same as your outpost arrived, 28 on the list, all the rest are some kind. related units, right? a prisoner of war, he is also a person, of course, and is fed, watered, and, as they say, surrounded by care, affection, to the best, so to speak, of our capabilities, and... in battle he received the wound, accordingly, will now be sent to a medical facility for examination and, accordingly , medical care. at the beginning of this year,
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during the fighting in krasnogorovka, the fifth brigade captured the ukrainian soldier morozov. they came up to us and pointed the gun, they said, well, throw away the guns, like, look, we threw away the guns, and then they said, come out one by one. then morozov was exchanged and he again ended up in... in the army and in krasnogorovka, where he died, here are his documents, confiscated during the search of the body, well, here is ours position, our gun, damn it, it's been thirty days, here we are, 200 meters away, there are dill, both, there was an outbreak from there, and fighting is going on on all sectors of the front, this is the krasnohorivka area, near donetsk, the work is dust-free, like in a mine, we are only sitting under the tank, take off
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the mask, hold it, let him look, this is already the zaporozhye direction, rabotino, a group of our soldiers, storming, took cover under a damaged enemy tank, and not a single ukrainian will take us here, remember this, tell us how you got caught, i when... our group, one escaped, the second was killed, i climbed onto the roof and stayed there on the roof, and where was it when, krasnogorka, on the territory of the plant, let's go to the right, that's there, we won't go past them, i wanted to go around here on the left, fucking go around. cool eagles, alexander sladkov,
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victoria shinkarenko, denis vedyaev, lead donbass. now the latest information about the assassination attempts on the prime minister of slovakia robert fitz was shot today in the city of gandlovo, 200 km from the capital of the country. in the ukrainian conflict. in the report of our special correspondent daria grigorova.
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five shots at close range, right in front of the prime minister's guards, were fired at the moment when robert fitz was leaving a government meeting, the prime minister fell to the ground. in the first seconds after the assassination attempt, the guards literally drag prime minister fitz, who cannot stand on his own, into an armored car. traces of blood on... are not visible in this video, but it is known that the wounds occurred in the chest, head and abdomen. the shooter tried to escape from the scene, but was detained by both law enforcement officers and ordinary local residents who did not let him leave. thanks to this footage, the attacker was identified quite quickly. previously, the attempt on robert fitz's life was made by the slovak writer juraj chintula, he is 71 years old. in addition to his main activities, he is an activist of the liberal party. slovakia, which supports ukraine and the euro-atlantic course. in 2016, chintula worked as a security guard at a shopping center, meaning he knew how to use a weapon and may
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have been licensed. the ministry of internal affairs of the republic has already confirmed that it is the attempted murder that is being investigated. prime minister. robert fitze is in the banská bystrica hospital. this is a city 200 km from bratislava. the politician’s condition has not yet been officially reported, but the party of prime minister fitz smer said that in the coming hours. decisive for his health. shots were fired in front of the cultural center in the town of gandlov, where the government was holding a meeting. ladies and gentlemen, the session has been suspended indefinitely because the prime minister has been injured. robert fica took over as prime minister of slovakia after the elections in september 2023. then the victory of the smer party, that is, the course, turned out to be an unpleasant surprise for brussels. it's all because of the program.
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but maybe this is his conviction, just like orban in hungary, he gritted his teeth when it came to european sanctions, he was against universal demands. leaders of neighboring states have already sent their words of support to the prime minister; viktor orban was one of the first to wish him well. i was deeply shocked by the disgusting attack on my friend, prime minister robert fitz. we pray for his health and speedy recovery. god willing health to him and his country. among those who expressed support was the current prime minister of poland donald tusk, who called robert fitz a friend, ukrainian social media users reacted positively to the news of the assassination attempt on the prime minister of slovakia, and one of the commentators even hinted that the prime minister of hungary would be the next : whoever you hang out with, you'll gain from him. orban is next. orbán should be worried. after the assassination attempt, robert fitz was taken by helicopter to a hospital in banska bystrica. by
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the last one. according to him, the politician is still in the operating room after several hours. daria grigorova, vladislav chernov, european news bureau. make the necessary personnel decisions in a short time, take into account the proposal of state duma deputies to begin work as a single and effective team. vladimir putin expects all this from the government, whose members he appointed by decrees the night before. the president held a meeting with the new cabinet of ministers after completing all constitutional procedures in the federal meeting. i remembered the goals that ministers will face in the near future, as well as the importance of financial support for the plans, including those related to supporting russian families, citizens and businesses. we have many tasks ahead, it is important for the long-term, sustainable, confident development of our country to act together, in a single system, as they say, in military terms, together with the state duma deputies,
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together with... the regions of the russian federation, by the way, the government has been renewed, at we have six new ministers, four of them came from the regions of the russian federation, these are people well known to us with good experience, some of them had experience working in the federal government earlier, now having worked in the territory, they have acquired even more experience, knowledge, feelings. this territory where they worked and the territory in general, i really hope that they will use all their best skills, all their achievements in the regions of the russian federation, in order to solve the problems facing them at the level of the federal government, with maximum effect, we have many tasks, and you and i have worked out almost everything that we need to do in the next 3 years, but not only, we also agreed that we will build our work over a six-year period,
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and i ask... let’s not forget this either, first of all, i want to thank you for your support, all the candidacies for deputy prime ministers and ministers that we discussed with you were approved by parliamentarians, for the first time in accordance with the constitution, they went through, as you said, all the relevant procedures, the main task for our government is to implement, first of all, the decree on national goals, the new decree, and of course, all the tasks that you set in your message to the federal assembly: the government of the russian federation is your team, and we are ready to begin solving all the tasks tasks. well, the first meeting of the updated government took place today, and when opening it, prime minister mikhail mishustin immediately outlined the tasks facing the cabinet. this is work to achieve the country's development goals until 2030 and the implementation of the provisions of the president’s address to the federal assembly. everyday issues require solutions, such as
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supporting regions affected by peahens. about the first day of the new cabinet of ministers. anna semyonova. the new government meets for the first time at a meeting next to the prime minister, according to the protocol of the deputy prime minister. on the right hand. effectively, as the president emphasized, in the current difficult conditions it is necessary to act in a single formation and organize all the work without any pauses. colleagues, i ask you most carefully consider the achievement of the updated development goals of our country until 2030 and for the future until 2036, as well as the implementation of all provisions of the president’s message to the federal assembly. in
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the near future, the government needs to determine mechanisms for financial support for families, businesses and citizens in each region. four now former governors who became ministers are expected to strengthen the cabinet by bringing their own into it. experience in the regions, and today at the first government meeting, here in the white house, it is being discussed how the federal center should help those areas that suffered from floods. we were talking about the kurgan and orenburg regions, where houses in dozens of villages were flooded under the roof. the government is allocating an additional 9 billion rubles, which will be used to restore housing and communal services facilities, damaged schools, hospitals, payments to residents of the regions, for temporary rental of apartments and priority needs. the president especially noted. that it is extremely important to provide the victims with everything necessary, to respond to every request, on behalf of the head the state will send 4 billion rubles to the kurgan region. in the orenburg region, previously the government promptly allocated
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about half a billion rubles to help people affected by floods; now, on instructions from the president, we will allocate an additional 5 billion rubles. special support for entrepreneurs in regions affected by disasters. according to government decree, which will be prepared. in the near future they will be given a one-year deferment for the payment of a number of taxes and insurance premiums. this measure will help businesses retain staff. for the last at the time, the income of, for example, entrepreneurs in the orenburg region decreased by more than a third. after a meeting in the white house, now first deputy prime minister denis manturov , together with the new head of the ministry of industry and trade anton alikhanov, went to the ministry. i want to thank each of... you, the team as a whole, for the work that we implemented together, i can say that it was very pleasant and comfortable for me to work in
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the ministry team for many years, i want to wish you success on a good journey with god. 9 years ago in september 15, i left moscow, during which time i became a kaliningrader, frankly speaking, yes, that is... it is very interesting, although difficult from the point of view of logistics, isolation from the main territory of the region, but now it is clear that the scale is completely different. the president instructed the cabinet of ministers to resolve the remaining personnel issues in connection with the reshuffle as quickly as possible and begin work in the usual intensive mode. anna semyonova, igor belogorov, yana streblyanskaya, anastasia serikova and vsevatsychev, news from home government. today , the names of the heads of five russian regions became known, the former leaders of which moved to... work in the government and the presidential administration. vladimir putin signed decrees on the appointment of acting governors. the kaliningrad region will be headed by alexey, unnamed. previously, he served as deputy head of the ministry of industry and trade. kuzbass will be led by ilya seredyuk.
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previously, he was the mayor of kemerovo, and then worked as first deputy governor and headed the regional government. kursk vladimir putin entrusted the region to alexei smirnov, who had also previously been deputy governor. and the tula region to dmitry milyaev, a native of this region, who previously worked in a variety of positions, from the head of the regional ministry of agriculture to the first deputy governor, well , dmitry demeshin, until this day the deputy prosecutor general of russia, is going to the khabarovsk territory. almost all appointees have undergone or are undergoing training at the so -called school of governors under the personnel reserve training program, launched on the initiative of the president. and to the counting team chambers today.
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priorities, use new tools, engage in serious analytical work, which also falls within the competence of the accounts chamber, so when a person knows... how this happens on earth, how it happens inside the government, inside state-owned companies, he feels these are the places that are needed adjust, tweak, we need to strengthen control, the implementation of national goals that the president has set, these are issues of technological sovereignty, issues of supporting our military personnel and their families, issues of implementation state...
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was responsible for ecology, agro-industrial complex, forestry, subsoil use, the result of the work was the elimination of dozens of dangerous landfill sites within cities, a new national project was launched...
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feels proud, joyful and inspired, because in the new presidential decree on national development goals, environmental well-being is named as an independent national issue. ex-head
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of the ministry of energy nikolai shulginov has been in the industry all his life, knows it thoroughly, has done a lot to ensure that the domestic energy sector survived a difficult period for the entire country. today, the president not only thanked the former minister, but also proposed to build further joint work in a different capacity. at a meeting with oleg matytsin , vladimir putin noted his colossal work as minister of sports, and this in the most difficult conditions of external pressure on russian sports. the prime minister noted that " opened in vladivostok on the thirtieth anniversary of the great writer's return to russia. after the way home, that is the name of the exhibition, which 20 years of exile of the solzhenitsyn family, alexander isaevich and natalya dmitrievna, through vladivostok, and then the whole country, traveled their way to their homeland, it was this city that became for them a city of hope, dreams, love for their country and... its people. our correspondent andrei kolesnikov attended the opening of the exhibition.
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unique manuscripts, documents, photographs, memorial exhibits from the state literary museum, the house of russian abroad, and private collections. the exhibition alexander solzhenitsyn the way home is dedicated to the thirtieth anniversary of the writer’s return to his homeland after many years of exile. we became generous and sent many genuine things from the solzhenitsky archive, both manuscripts and documents, in fact. about graduating from the faculty of physics and mathematics of rostov university with honors, a military tablet, photographs of solzhenitsyn as a front-line soldier, an artillery reconnaissance officer, diaries covered in the smallest calligraphic handwriting in labor camps, here is the famous coat in which he was sent from lefortovo in 1974 straight to sheremetyevo and from there to germany for archipelago publication. after 20 years in
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ninety, it’s here in vladivostok nobel laureate solzhenitsyn returned and began his famous journey across the country through the far east. the square is filled to the brim with people, the first impression of primorye. all the years of my publication, i closely followed life in our country. how can we organize russia with a question mark, then it remained unclaimed, and today, re-reading this work, many are finally beginning to reflect on the questions that he posed in it. solzhenitsyn will stay in vladivostok for 3 days; he is interested in literally everything, how people live on the eastern edge of a huge country. he
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visits the central fair, the regional hospital, and constantly meets with people. the path home of alexander solzhenitsyn, after many years of exile, began without a trace. 30 years ago, first by air from anrij via magadan to vladivostok, and from here to moscow by train, this became an excellent opportunity for writers to welcome and explore their native country after a long separation. this journey by rail took a month and a half. the way home project will work for several more months, here several generations of russian readers meet and exchange impressions, both those who are just beginning to recognize solzhenitsyn’s books, and those who met the writer in person 30 years ago.
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zelensky decided not to fly to the king of spain and to postpone all trips altogether due to the situation in the kharkov region.
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will these drugs in the driver’s body be equivalent to alcohol in the blood? let's try to figure it out. can i double express? certainly. premiere. he clearly didn't come here to drink coffee. he's the one pecking you. don’t say it’s so good that we met, we are now one family, we are waiting for a wedding invitation, you love her, it’s warm, we also once felt warm together, until everything burned out, yes, nothing burned out, light in the window, today on rtr, they say, to rest need to cook.
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episodes of our podcasts. and so as not to miss anything, subscribe, listen and watch on the media platform let's watch. substation, the first podcasts we watch. the floor is shaking, the stages are shaking, big changes have come, a new season with a new renovation, a slight movement of the hand, we are making three different functional zones from this room, absolutely without any glamor, the ideas are overflowing, we want to turn the radiator into an art object, there will be plenty of surprises and there is a lot of work... plans are turning into reality before our eyes into projects, i adore plants, i’m generally a plant
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maniac, real stone flowers will soon bloom in the living room of our heroes, after dismantling a lot will become clear, and dreams become reality, look, let them into your home, big changes, on saturday on rtr. big news
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live, we continue the broadcast and return to the events in slovakia. a few minutes ago, doctors finished operating on prime minister robert fitz, who had been assassinated. his condition is assessed as serious. as a result of several gunshot wounds, the politician suffered abdominal bleeding, it has not yet been stopped... the attacker, a slovak oppositionist with extreme liberal views, was detained at the scene of the crime and immediately confirmed that he had committed an assassination attempt for political reasons. i did this because i did not agree with the government's policy, i did not want the government to remain prime minister. slovak president zuzana caputova addressed citizens, calling the attack on fitz an attack on democracy. the slovak parliament has canceled all meetings until may 21. special security measures have been introduced in government institutions across the country. the republic's ministry of internal affairs promised
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to investigate the assassination attempt on the prime minister as soon as possible, saying that today was the worst day in the recent history of slovakia. and so i literally just received a message from the bratislava clinic that the operation was successful. the condition of the prime minister of slovakia was stabilized. vladimir putin is currently preparing to fly to china. the president will hold talks with chinese leader sidinping. this will be their forty-third meeting. it will be held both in the tetat format and in an expanded format. putin is accompanied by assistant yuri ushakov, foreign minister sergei lavrov, as well as the new minister of defense andrei belousov and secretary of the security council sergei shaigu. judging by the composition of the delegation there will be raise serious questions. about how they are waiting for the russian president in china, a report from our own.
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russian-chinese ties, regardless of ideology, political situation, their multifaceted development, conscious strategic choice based on a broad coincidence of fundamental national interests, deep mutual trust, strong public support and sincere friendship of the peoples of the two countries. all this, putin will say, would have been impossible without the personal participation of the leaders, calls chairman xi wise and far-sighted, and every meeting with him is a conversation between long-time friends, as a result , trade turnover has doubled over the last 5 years, and china and russia are actively investing in joint innovations: space, artificial intelligence, energy, the russian direct
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investment fund, which with the help of chinese i have already attracted partners. almost 800 billion rubles into the russian economy. just today we agreed in beijing on new projects, this is the construction of the first liquefied gas transshipment terminal in the far east, and also pharmaceuticals. will be produced in china russian vaccines, the best chinese drugs in russia. interaction through technology parks, through venture investments, through support for the interaction of russian and chinese technology companies. that is , our countries have immunity to external challenges, but... putin will once again emphasize to chinese readers that all global turbulence, including in today’s economy, is due to the west’s reluctance to follow a multipolar course. the us-led western elites refuse to respect civilizational and cultural diversity and reject traditional values ​​formed over centuries. in an attempt to maintain their global dominance, they arrogated to themselves the right to tell other nations with whom they can
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cooperate and with whom they cannot. share in the same ukrainian conflict, they understand the root cause, but putin once again spells everything out: moscow is open to negotiations against the west. unfortunately, these initiatives do not find support either in ukraine or its western patrons. they are not ready for an equal, honest and open dialogue based on mutual respect and consideration of each other's interests. instead , western elites are persistently trying to punish russia and isolate it.
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the capital of the northern chinese province has traditionally maintained the closest economic relations with russia since the russians built the chinese eastern railway here. the first railway bridge across the songhua, binju, is often simply called russian here, and it is in many ways a bridge of friendship, connected at the very beginning. centuries, not just two shores, but also two countries, and it’s not a matter of geography, it’s here that china and russia are connected spiritually. bells cast in the moscow region, pine was transported from irkutsk, specifically to recreate an exact copy of the wooden st. nicholas church, once the first in harbin, but destroyed during the cultural revolution. i was little when my father was sent from shanghai to harbin to build
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a metallurgical plant together with soviet engineers. and st. nicholas church was still standing then. ancient chinese traditions, according to putin , are treated with no less respect in russia. they always discover something new about unique and original traditions with great interest. china, especially during visits to the prc. i know a lot about your martial arts, including. wushu, which is very popular in our country, has respect for chinese philosophy, my family members are also interested in china, and some of them are studying chinese. just tomorrow the leader will announce the official start of the cross year of cultures, but today in front of the russian embassy in beijing they unveiled a truly symbolic monument to two bitter ones, our maxim and the chinese luxin, who for their similar style and theme
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just called the chinese bitter ceremony. the western press, on the eve of the russian president's visit to china, is forced to admit the obvious. vladimir putin's decision to make beijing the site of his first foreign visit after his inauguration shows that china is without a doubt russia's main partner, writes bloomberg. the new york times recalls that vladimir putin and sidin pin call themselves. close and long-time friends, but more importantly, they see each other as strategic partners in a great geopolitical struggle, they declare themselves leaders of an alternative global system directed against american domination. the financial times notes a record increase in trade turnover between moscow and beijing, which reached $240 billion. it is difficult to find a chinese businessman who
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has not visited moscow over the past 2 years, the publication writes. relations between russia and china under the pressure of western sanctions go beyond economic pragmatism, the economist continues. a white house spokesman called the relationship between china and russia a marriage of convenience. than for love, today's picture refutes this derogatory statement. end of quote. over the past two years, russia and china have demonstrated an outstanding ability to adapt to and circumvent american restrictions, but now bloomberg writes that china, which supported russia during the period of sanctions, faces new economic threats from the united states. we are talking about the next round of the trade war between the united states. the white house is radically increasing import duties on a number of chinese goods, the total volume of imports that will be subject to the new tariffs is 18 billion dollars. the biggest increase will affect electric vehicles. now, when imported into
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the united states, their price will double. europe is preparing to follow the example of the united states. they hope to punish china for, as joe biden put it, unfair competition. will it work? from london, report by our european correspondent alexander khabarov. the development of china and its close relations with russia haunt western capitals. in london they only talk about the growing chinese threat. anti-chinese sentiment is fueled by spy trials. at the beginning of the week three people accused of working for one of the hong kong intelligence services. the head of the administration of this region, john lee, said that the case was fabricated. the chinese side resolutely rejects and categorically condemns the uk's fabrications in the so-called case and its baseless ones.
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that when he himself held the post of prime minister, on the contrary, he actively developed the so-called golden era in relations with china. the friendly course changed following the tightening of us policy, which saw the celestial empire as no longer an economic, but a geopolitical enemy. donald trump launched a tariff war against china, his successor joe biden went even further in artificially limiting chinese imports. on may 14, after reviewing the policy, the white house decided to increase.
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now there are other considerations. there are now fewer and fewer true believers in free trade, especially with china, in washington, not to mention other world capitals. the european commission is currently conducting an anti
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-subsidy investigation that could also lead to higher tariffs on chinese electric cars. in europe the picture is completely different. addiction from chinese products is high here. tariffs are not needed by germany and sweden, which themselves produce cars in china and sell them to europe. exporters such as germany and sweden. it is estimated that of the electric vehicles sold in europe this year, every fourth will be produced in china. what do you want to say? regarding the dominance of chinese electric vehicles in the market, i would not say that this is market dominance, i would say that they simply bring more variety to the life of the local consumer, this is natural competition.
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european leaders do not want to participate in fair competition, which was confirmed by sizenpina and the head of the european commission, ursula vonderlein, during a trip to europe. chinese products have flooded the european market. beijing continues to actively support its industrial sector, but the world cannot accept excess chinese products, so i called on the chinese government to respond to this structural overproduction. china, without europe, has somewhere to supply its products, especially when in front of it... is a huge russian market, where european manufacturers left, and now, gritting their teeth, they are counting other people’s profits from the rapidly developing russian-chinese trade relations. for this cooperation, washington threatens china with new sanctions, but beijing does not bind itself to other people’s geopolitical interests; as practice shows, any restrictions are ineffective if they bring losses. the search for how to circumvent them immediately begins, and loud political statements are at odds with action. the story of
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britain’s demonstrative refusal to import russian oil, but it it still continues to arrive here, albeit in processed form, and from countries such as india and china. alexander khabarov, ilya murdyukov and evgeny samsonov, lead london. turkish prosecutors are investigating the coup plot. president erdogan’s ally, leader of the nationalist party devlet bahçeli, warned about it when speaking in parliament. according to him, the rioters want to repeat the failures.
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the name of the operation of the special services is pincers, 544 people were squeezed into them, they were escorted in chains in a paddy wagon, laid face down on the asphalt, in their homes are being searched. in order to seize digital materials, searches were carried out in the homes of officials, members of the ankara provincial police, who were mentioned in the charges against the criminal organization ayhan bara kaplan, and were suspended from service in the ministry of internal affairs. president erdogan summoned the heads of intelligence eminust to his office for an emergency at night.
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erdogan was warned about a new conspiracy by the leader of the turkish nationalist party, devlet bahçeli, the main suspect, apparently, police officers, after a series of arrests in law enforcement agencies. mass layoffs. bakhchali considers this not enough, since we are talking about an armed uprising, behind which, according to the ministry of internal affairs of the republic, are the same forces as 8 years ago. we will continue to carry out our security forces' operations with determination. in the name of peace,
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unity and solidarity of our beloved nation.


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