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tv   Svet v okne  RUSSIA1  May 15, 2024 9:20pm-10:21pm MSK

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the petals are collected exclusively by hand at dawn, it is at this time that the flower contains the maximum of valuable ether, freshly picked buds are almost immediately sent for processing, from 4 tons of petals only a liter of oil is obtained, which is called rose gold. the collection will last until the end of june; farmers plan to process almost 40 tons of rose petals. elma, thank you. so, we continue to have great news with the audience in moscow and the region. see you in a few seconds. the capital's metro celebrates its eighty-year anniversary, it all started with one line, now they have reached almost all areas of the city, the metro map has about 300 stops, and the underground construction does not stop, about how the new rublevo-arkhangelsk line is being built. anna. this is how the people's militia station
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of the future rublevo arkhangelsk line now looks from the outside, but the most interesting thing, of course, is underground, at a depth of 22 m. and here is the last preparation for the launch of the tunnels of tunneling shields, here they are, natalie and victoria, according to the long-standing metro construction tradition , they are named after women, but strength and they have a lot of stamina, each one has to lay more than a kilometer of tunnel, we are launching two more tunnels... in the brushes on the rublevo arkhangelsk line, a very important line, well, friends, let's get started, let's go, shields with a diameter of 6 m are laying tunnels in parallel in both side, from the future people's militia station to general karboshev boulevard, in the bow there is a rotary engine with cutters, they bite into the ground, cut it, the tows scoop out the rock and send it to the belt, at this time the car is assembled behind itself a giant concrete... rings that
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will hold the vault. we can watch with you how the soil is unloaded from the bottomhole chamber, then this car is handed out and rises from the pit. now active, complex, perhaps the dirtiest work has begun, the cameraman and i are at the epicenter, and we won’t leave here clean either, but without this, as we were told, there is no way here. but now we are counting, this is a real workshop where 28 people work... with their own task, for example, this is an operator, he controls this whole colossus, this whole system. alexander, an experienced driver, has been driving the abacus for 14 years and is already accustomed to spending 12 hours underground. is it more difficult to be a bus driver or a shield driver? well, i think, as a driver myself, i think the shield is a little more complicated. why? well, firstly, we don’t see where we’re going, only on the sensors. the shields move at a speed of 25 mm/minute. only 200 m per month, but it is much
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faster and safer than it was in the thirties, when the metro in the city just began to be built, workers then dug tunnels by hand shovels and jackhammers, it is symbolic that it was on this day, may 15, 1935 , that the first metro line, sokolnicheskaya, opened in moscow, and trains ran underground, for soviet people, it was a miracle, for 89 years moscow. the metro has grown to 15 lines with a total length of five thousand kilometers, now it is the most developed metro network in europe. new stations and new branches continue to be built. three more are coming soon. troitskaya, beryulevskaya and this rubleva-arkhangelskaya. it will stretch to the north-west of moscow from the business center beyond cat. in fact, the city will have the opportunity to transport 700,000 people from new microdistricts and from existing microdistricts where there is no metro. for the construction of these two tunnels. it will take at least six months,
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but they promise to fully launch the new metro line by 2030. anna balan, yuri zabolodnikov, mikhail yanusov and ksenia sokolova, lead. the long-awaited may warmth has returned to moscow, this night in the city it will not drop below +8, and tomorrow afternoon weather forecasters promise up to +20. the sun will periodically hide behind the clouds, slight rain, but you can leave your weekend umbrellas at home as warm weather returns on may 17th.
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concerned residents of yakhroma gathered near the memorial complex to the heroes who died for their homeland. the day before, information appeared on social networks that it would be demolished. of course, everyone is against the demolition of this monument. they want to remove our obelisk, which is dedicated to the heroes, the residents of yakhorom, who died on the 41-45 fronts, they say that in this place they want to install this installation called cracked ice, modernist symbolism with flat relief, but the residents are perplexed; in winter this structure will not be visible under the snow, and in general it is not clear what relation it has to the war. the memorial complex has been standing for almost 60 years, here is the eternal flame, behind me is stella with the order of the patriotic war, and behind her, a marble plaque with the names of 1,200 dead residents of yakhroma. a unique chronicle has been preserved: the battles of the soviet army in yakhram with the german invaders. the names of the victims are immortalized on the memorial. please tell me who has relatives buried here, who is listed as 90%. lift up
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hands, who have grandfathers, relatives here, raise your hands 90%. as the monument was erected, a video recording of this was also preserved in the local archive. then they specially filmed it with movie cameras, and this is already the ninety-seventh.
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the administration of the dmitrovsky district had to make excuses; they confirmed that work in this place was indeed planned, but we were only talking about the reconstruction of the facility. at the moment, the design of the park is underway and on may 16 , 2024, we will discuss this project with residents. the residents of yakhroma were reassured by the news, but they ask, just in case, to still assign the status of a protected area to the monument. an application has already been sent to the ministry of culture. treblinnikov, georgy mayurov, ilona agasieva, news. now about other events briefly. today, at 314 kilometers , the boom crane rammed a bridge support, causing the sign board to collapse onto the road. the structure hit a passing car. the driver was dressed with bruises. traffic
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was paralyzed for several hours. now it has been restored. bicycle patrol dd started working on the streets of moscow. this is their sixth season. employees monitor the condition of the road infrastructure, regulate traffic at intersections and are ready to help in emergency situations, for example, provide first aid or issue a european protocol in the event of a minor accident. the section of the m8 kholmogory federal highway, which runs through the pushkin urban district, will become wider. instead of four , there will be eight, and in some places 12 , lanes. the road has not been able to cope for a long time. load, and as a result, motorists were stuck in chronic traffic jams. maxim oparen, about a large road construction project and what will change now. the thirty-fifth kilometer of the yaroslavl highway, motorists know this place well; there is almost always a traffic jam, or at least heavy traffic. here , several exits from shopping centers
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run into a narrow section of the road, you have to stand for at least 40 minutes. you probably lose about half an hour on top of the time i set aside. if we go on friday, then... we know, in a traffic jam, summer residents, you can stand for half an hour somewhere. before pushkin now the journey takes an hour and a half, and to sergeev passad it’s only two and a half. it takes about 40 minutes there, it takes longer, sometimes an hour, and back, depending on the day, that is, if it’s on friday, it’s a total disaster. while cars gather dust in traffic jams, construction equipment is working hard on the side of the road, it is here to finally save drivers from this torment. the m8 federal highway will be expanded on the sides of the road. the filling has been completed, as the road pavement builders say, they will begin laying asphalt very soon. in crushed stone has already been laid in this place, so here you can clearly see how much wider the m8 highway will be, it will increase from four to eight lanes, in those places where acceleration lanes will be added, even up to twelve. construction
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is being carried out in cramped conditions; during the work it was necessary to redirect flows several times; in addition, the builders moved hundreds of meters of underground communications. the passenger flow on the highway is very large, the intensity is high... we have to take into account, let's say, the weekly migration citizens, everyone goes to the region for the weekend, in fact, after the weekend from the region, on some days we stop work so as not to create traffic difficulties, the m8 highway is the most important. the route was updated on the section from mkat to pushkin. a decision was made in 2013 to
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modernize the road network in the moscow transport hub. this is a presidential program that has been actively implemented for almost 10 years. the region is growing, the metropolis requires modern interchanges, roads, and communications. the quality of life and, of course, the economy depend on this. finish work they plan to work on this site in the twenty-sixth year, and will begin in the twenty-seventh. next stage of reconstruction. maxim aparin, boris agapov, alexey podstrelnov, host. they set up nets, but in the end they got caught themselves. in the moscow region, police detained a group of poachers who were organizing illegal fishing on the oka river. on motor boats, further from the shore, they set traps on the way of fish to the spawning site. they managed to catch about 300 individuals, including large pike, bream, crucian carp, almost 10 species in total. the preliminary amount of damage is more than half a million rubles. the loot was seized. a criminal case was opened under the article illegal fishing of aquatic biological resources. the investigative
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committee brought charges against the surgeons of timur khaidarov's clinic. the day before, operatives detained two doctors from the medical center where a patient died after an operation in february of this year. in addition, dozens of clients complained about the poor quality of work of the employees of the notorious institution. about where his owner is now. report by denis voskovsky. news number one is criminal. in the case of the death of a patient two surgeons from the iq plastic clinic were detained. ilya elagin and tamirlan kadzaev. the question naturally and involuntarily arises: where is the leader of the accused? timur khaidarov. he was last seen here at what is called his workplace. but first things first. in addition to the images of surgeons in handcuffs published by the investigative committee, their photos and even videos can still be found on the internet. during the operation of a plastic surgeon. often conducted streams, which were then turned into advertising. head of the surgical department, yalagin,
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personally visits the person undergoing surgery. how are you? wonderful, wonderful. when producer pyotr gavrilov died in february after gastric bypass surgery, the press was not allowed into the iq clinic. it turned out that before his death, plastic surgeons sent the patient to a regular hospital, but it was too late. this is not my patient, i am not the operating surgeon. when the head of the clinic realized what was going on. understands the serious turn of events, agreed to an interview, but did not provide any details of what happened, repeated that he personally he is not guilty of anything, but he sympathizes with the patient’s relatives, not from a medical point of view, from a universal human point of view, you know, he knew the man, surprisingly, despite the scandal that erupted, the clinic continued to work until its doors were sealed by inspectors of the federal service for surveillance in healthcare, violations , which were identified by roszdravnadzor in the city of moscow and the moscow region, were not eliminated. it turned out that at different times other showbi stars also suffered at the hands of a kulap in a clinic with a pretentious name. it means that my chest alone has become stone, millions a sentry was also brought into the street from the regions; not all
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victims were ready to face the camera after their experience. immediately after the operation, the breasts were asymmetrical, pus was released, but the defenders of the detainees, despite everything, call the detention premature. to detain highly qualified, certified specialists, surgeons, ilagina and kadzaev, without an autopsy, without a post-mortem forensic examination, it seems to us that this is well... just the height of some kind of groundlessness, the defenders of victims, numbering in the tens, if not hundreds, we are sure that the investigation will figure out who is the organizer, who is the perpetrator, who is the accomplice, the investigative authorities must figure this out and understand who should bear what responsibility. the forty-five-year-old head of the surgical department of iq plastic and the twenty-eight-year-old surgeon at the said clinic carried out investigative actions. and now the answer to the question that interests many: where? now the head physician of iq plastic is located. timur khaidarov, as far as i know, is both at home
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and at work, fulfilling his duties. his relationship with the investigation is not known to me for certain. he is completely immersed in the process of protecting his workers. in parallel with the criminal case regarding the death of the patient, timur khaidarov’s lawyers are participating in another trial, trying to appeal the decision of roszdravnadzor to suspend the work of the clinic and in conversations does not rule out that
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this is all inexplicable, i am convinced again. i can’t live my beloved for a second without you, there’s a cold line outside the window, but there’s warmth in my soul now, i’ll make you happy, my dear, believe me, in reality and in your dreams, believe me, believe me! believe
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in my waking life and in my dreams, believe me, believe me, my dear, forgive me, i acted selfishly, since my shadow asked my mother to do this, no, we didn’t tell anyone, in general, yulia has a problem with fertility. this is when i know what it is, well, we tried everything, eco, twice, my friend, i don’t know if you are aware of such procedures, but yes, it’s not a cheap pleasure, yeah, after my dismissal from work we no longer have the money to try again, you are our last hope, just don’t put pressure on my highly sensitive conscience, i mean, you
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i was ready to do this for complete strangers, but you will refuse your own brother, that’s the point, i gave it to strangers easier, i forgot, for you it will complicate everything, well, let it complicate it, when in general something was easy, yes, well, just imagine , just extend this situation a couple of years ahead, who will i be to this child, an aunt, and if my maternal instinct awakens, we will share it with yulia, so, of course, i’m sorry, but even for me it’s a wild idea, marus , hello, can i make an appointment for a repeat termination of pregnancy, huh? which do you need a number? so, no matter what you've done, i 'll always be by your side, okay? thank you, of course, but i haven’t committed a sin yet , are you serious, i’m still pregnant, thank god,
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mom, that’s it, that’s it, i’m sorry, okay, rest, karish, won’t you oversleep? hello, hello, fresh croissants to appease karinochka, and thank you, she’s not here, is she
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because of me? runs off to work so early, sash, i don’t want your relationship with your daughter, you have nothing to do with it, also tell me that it’s about you, well, to some extent yes, then it accidentally turned out that she is not her own father, but you he said that it was olga, and not her own mother, that’s true, wait, she’s not a mother, you’re not a father, how did karina even get into your family? an interesting question, yes, but now karina wants to know her biological father, i understand her perfectly well, what? i thought you would support me, say that you are an ideal father, that you raised her like your own daughter, gave her the best you were capable of, what else is needed, and you are an ideal father, i just
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thought that if - karina starts communicate with your new father, then you will be at my complete disposal, which means completely disposal, what are you against? i think not? i just wanted to say that you shouldn’t put pressure on karina, give her time to digest the information, because you don’t hear this every day, you’re right, she needs time, and i don’t want to waste any more time, i want to introduce you to my parents, go nuts, oh, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, i’ll go learn the rules of good manners.
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korish, i understand everything, but i’m ready to give you time, as much as you need. what is this nickname? this is a quote from o henry, the story of the road we choose, the horse so they called, dad joked, the boulevard can’t support two, but ours can handle six. in the early nineties
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, dad brought it from germany and started his own business, a logistics company, with this car. so let your dad fit you some newer model? but no, you don’t understand, this car is a member of our family. clearly, only this member of your family will fly in. i ’ve already told you a pretty penny amount, cash, you take it, we separately agreed on speed, yeah, that’s all here, oh, you’re our priority, are you upset? no, not really, exactly, i have a delay, that is, you mean, i’m fine
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i don’t want to say, we just had gushing sex, and i read so many cases on the internet, when people stop worrying about conceiving, everything works out, so maybe we won’t need musya’s help, yes, it would be great, i i can't promise anything, maybe it was just a delay. or maybe there’s a delay, i’m for the second option, so, well, who will feed the future father’s family, provided that the future father comes up with what to feed the future child, and aren’t they on mother’s milk for up to 6 months, i’m for i'll come up with it this time, the joke is on, i added pumpkin seeds, what do you think? sasha, you’re kind of absent-minded, something happened, i’m worried about karina, relax, karina is already a completely grown-up lady, she’ll sort herself out, and you
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’ll still remain a father, tea, you will, and then, len, i... i i’ll leave for a couple of hours, you need to wake up, what the hell, karina, why are you here, your shift is over, it’s over, a new one will start soon, yes, in a day, so i’m afraid, have you got into trouble with a guy? changed, one might say, i propose to take revenge, i mean, alexander sergeevich, why are you stunned? well, whatever you want,
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at least it would make you feel better, check, dogs, sleep, bogdanova, father, okay, what’s your missing last name?
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bogdanova, but she’s not there, her duty is over, yes, she’s already left, yeah, no problem, so, i’m not a dad, you don’t have to lie to me, this whole story with the test is dragging on, yes, but for... spending time in the hospital it’s also not a problem, you have somewhere to fit in for a while, it’s clear, hi, hi, sashul, what, i’m already scratching my head about what your parents don’t want to wear specially to dress up, but also as a little gray mouse,
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and... what happened, everything is cancelled, no, everything is in force, we’re going, then what should i wear, what should i wear, i’m sure you understand this, it’s better, i’ll pick you up, but what you’ll put them on, you just want to match each other, i ’ll adapt to you, i have shirts in all the colors of the rainbow, really, but i’ve only seen white and blue, that’s the answer. got it, marten, hello, karina disappeared, she just disappeared, no, not just, after i told her about her real father, clearly, yes, i didn’t listen to you, yes, well, let’s
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skip this part where it’s all my fault. and we’ll figure out where to look for karina, well, at work, i already called, they told me that she had left, i need to check, i didn’t call my people at all, it’s unlikely they have her, after i found out that she’s not my family, you you can call vera vladimirovna, you know very well that she and her mother have not had a very good relationship since childhood, on the other hand, if she wanted to be away from us, maybe she went to her, my mother didn’t answer the phone all day she takes it, that means she definitely has it. “let ’s split up, i’ll go to my mother, by train, no, come on, i’ll go to the village by car, and you’ll go to the hospital, it doesn’t matter, okay, we’ll keep in touch, don’t worry ahead of time, okay, who’s first finds karina, calls back, come on, yulia, yulia!”
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yul, what are you doing, it’s almost 12 o’clock, everything is fine with you, yes, everything is fine, first day, i took a pill, it will work soon, that is , there was a delay, there was just a delay, yul. i'm so sorry, you're sorry, musya refused us because you couldn't persuade her, i told her the truth, you think it was easy, you didn’t try, as always, i’m starting to understand your boss, why are you doing this, you want to say correctly that i was fired, i didn’t say that, legal, what do you want from me, i can’t put pressure your own sister, but you
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can’t, and now we won’t have a child. yes, mom, i mean she disappeared. of course, yul, i’ll leave for a while, but go wherever you want, karina disappeared there, well, yes, this is more important than me, sunday, our nadyha is like... she rides in a mask, and her husband is rich, all over the world, don’t be jealous, things aren’t going so smoothly for them, why? occasion is a holiday, when it seems that there is no way out, i am the master in this house, look me in the eye, i
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will leave, remember, you are my property, if i want, i will slaughter you like a cow, and no one will save you, you have a choice, love or life, it’s my fault, it’s me who provoked him, everyone is to blame for such freaks, everyone except them, write a statement addressed to the local police officer, not your body, sunday on rtr, elegant details, a celebration of refined tastes, a variety of entertainment, a golden beach and azure waves. lio rezards, we are here
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for you. veda vodka, a product of stellor group. rixas premium segate. family fun starts here, with every detail designed for your
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enjoyment. enjoy a water park for children, lush green gardens and the beauty of coral reefs and the sea. immerse yourself in a world of unforgettable experiences at riksos premium segate. rixas premium sea gate. rom. casttra is a product of stellar group. titanic delux hotel, golf belleg, where every moment is exclusive. wrap yourself in comfort by our swimming pools. relax in the salon and enjoy delicious dishes from the best restaurants. here, each room is a journey into coziness and comfort, your vacation, your rules, titanic deluxe, golf bellet, the best choice for an unforgettable vacation, a big musical
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premiere, but i have a question, please tell me how many will sing, how many will not sing, virtuoso singing or virtuoso facial expressions, i can’t imagine at all, this could be your trick and deception, you are capable of anything, master vocals. what, why did karina disappear? well, perhaps
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because she found out that she is not our family. well, yes, i’ve already heard this story 100 times, what’s it called brought to our doorstep. i wouldn’t refuse such a gift right now. yes, forget it, so skorino is there, i didn’t understand, it turns out it’s dad, sasha. not her biological father, well, not biological, uh-huh, denis, are you even listening to me, yes, not biological father, i mean, but karina, so it turns out that she abandoned us, because we are nobody to her, which means we are nobody to her, what are you even talking about?
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vera vladimirovna, there is no one, oh, groom, here. the one i wasn’t expecting was you,
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ulya is worried, you’re not answering the phone, well, tell me it’s too early to order a coffin. measure vladimirovna, karina didn’t show up at your place? she appeared, she appears every summer, then we quarrel with her, she leaves, i’m talking about now, something just happened here. karina found out that i am not her own father, well, i didn’t know about this either, no one knew, everyone has their own secrets, probably only you, vera vladimirovna there are no secrets, you like to cut the truth, i, yes, i yes. but if you are only because of
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karina, then she was not here, how do you feel, maybe some tea, well, tea in a red coffee can there, or maybe something more substantial, i know you always have something tasty in store. yeah, i guess i’ll go get some groceries, well, where is my grandma now, and whose grandma is it, not my dad’s or my mom’s, not my mom’s, i have a so-so relationship with her, so i don’t think i’ll look for me there. “if she doesn’t kick me out, well, yes, go, or you can come to me,
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we’re renting a two-room apartment in a house opposite the maternity hospital, it’s a minute’s walk, the sofa in the kitchen folds out, well, if you’re not afraid of a one-year-old child through the wall, the offer is certainly tempting, but maybe you i definitely won't mind, i'm ready split the rent, you're the perfect subtenant, this is my mom and brother, well, here she is, mom, safe and sound, this is your brother, handsome"? hello, corish, mom, well, thank god, hello, you remind me of someone , a tv star, it’s unlikely, i don’t have a tv, that’s right, okay, i ran, my little one, why are you scaring us so much, but come on, everything will be fine, i understand that close kinship is very important, but you should know that for us dads you... will forever remain our little favorite girl, our daughter, yes,
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mom, i can’t go back to dad now, i understand, but you have another home, where you are always welcome, where you are also loved very much, where things are yours, but i don’t have any things at all, well, that’s great, that means right away let's go, you 'll give us a lift, of course, get in, let's go, thank god, if you knew how nervous we were, get in front, get in, cool, darling! this is very cool, comrades, learn to envy, contacts link to the service that made us all this beauty in a short time, and this is not advertising, i was not paid for this, look for it under the video, in the next post, see the video with the location that we chose to park
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our cafe on wheels, on wheels, please check out the joke, but i agree, the joke is so -so, we... push only legal doping, caffeine, our everything, well, your boyfriend liked everything too, our stream already has 5,000 views, but we’ll just have a super business, he’s not my boyfriend, we’re friends with benefits, i don’t even want to know what it is, you’d better sign it like that at the reception, wait, wait, wait, wait, you can, and this is a historical moment, right... coming soon, friends my, there will be an opening of our cafe on wheels, which i will announce in a separate video, please come see and try our wonderful coffee, because i ordered it, and i will not recommend anything bad, thank you all for being in touch.
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yeah, well, the refrigerator is full, and these are your favorites, i’ve fallen out of love. vera vladimirovna, i don’t have much time, i can’t stay , i can’t still look for karina, am i holding you back or something, leave the girl alone, and with your care, let her realize what happened,
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there’s news, found, karina, thank god, we agreed that she will live with musya and me for now, you don’t mind, do you? no, of course , of course, well, like mom, she left, she was found, karina, yes, it’s unclear, yura vladimirov, where are you going, church service, church, and which now, uh, it’s already five, olya, i need to run, yes, yes, of course, today nina and i are having dinner at my parents’ place, huh? meeting my parents, well, let everything go well, yeah, thank you, that’s it, i ran, and tell karina, although no, i’ll tell you everything myself, that’s it, you’re already on your way, yes, yes, i’m running, dreams are coming true, damn it, tim, you are incredibly cool, thank you very much, tim took everything
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permits for street trading, and what does that mean, it means that we'll stay today, damn, finally i'll be doing something worthwhile. yes, you also said when you went to the psychology department. yes, but therapy helps people fight unhappiness, and the right coffee and the right muffins will make people happy. karina, mom, i told you everything, i sympathize, get comfortable, but the bed is mine. so, i ran. yes. can i go with you? well, actually, i didn’t plan to recruit staff; it’s not clear how it will all pay off. well, to be honest, i just wanted to be with you meet the boy. with a boy? mom, no one talks like that anymore. and what, it’s not palette correct, the old regime. clearly, i'm studying, well, is it possible or not, let's go, wow, what a cute one, like a toy, right, bulevar
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b, as i understand it, this is the name, b, what does it mean, what are you talking about, well b, this, well, i , you? dad, dan, karina, bogdanova, or what? bingo, what do i like? like it, right? yes. well then, just a second. oh, please. it’s so unusual to see you driving and dad. well, i'm a good driver, dad is really going to introduce his new woman, grandma, grandfather? it seems like yes, you are worried, but what are you? “i rather sympathize with her, they didn’t gesticulate you too much, mom, it hurts, be patient,
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i’m trying for you, look what kind of dress you got, valka’s husband brought it from bulgaria, huh? it’s a pity, but the shoes don’t match the color, get up, maybe then don’t, i ’ll put on a white blouse, the skirt that i wore on the steps, yeah, now, get up, come on, you’re not going to work for them as a chambermaid, look how beautiful it is, well, mom, go ahead, get dressed, that’s it , let's go, let's go.
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sorry i'm late, you're not dressed, i thought. we’re late, this is for you, i changed my mind, i won’t meet your parents, i’m not suitable, baby, what nonsense, if you want, i’ll tell you a secret, but no one is suitable for them. in principle, they are people who do not know how to enjoy life and be happy, and what
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should i do now, be myself, well, you got into trouble yourself. i really look, and i already like everything, that i like everything,
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you look great, yes, how do you like me? great, let's go, relax. it's leaving yourself alone. rest means not thinking about anything, when you are calm and
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completely turned off. rest is rest. we know everything about holidays. anex. mancacher whiskey is a stetellar product. groups. immerse yourself in a world of luxury and comfort. rixsas golf villas and suites are more charming than them. a stunning world class golf resort surrounded by lush green fields and endless horizons. enjoy contemporary design in rooms and luxury villas, ideal for couples and families. relax in comfort and style at rixos golf villas and suits sharma. cognac monte shococa, product of stellar group, hotel
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for an unforgettable experience at rixos sharma. for adults 18 plus, here you will find entertainment throughout the day, year-round performances of the best djs from around the world and comfortable rooms. rixsus sharmaelshey is not just a vacation, it is a holiday for the soul, where every detail is created to be admired. cognac old barrel, product of stellar group.
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favorite songs are played.
10:14 pm
grief, i don’t believe that you betrayed me, but i must know the truth, i understand you. in order not to lose love, you need to lose your memory. electrograde amnesia, such happens. she won't forgive me. did you remember something? i think it's easy to fall in love with you. but could you? i want to forget everything. yes, get out of this slush,
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let him go. spring into your heart. spring is late, premieres on saturday on rtr. and here, by the way, will be the main point of your good mood. hurry, the first buyers will go live. musyatka. who, then, mom, meet me, this is tim, tim is my mother, olga georgievna, i know my parents, this is a setup, olga, judging by the way you raised your daughter, you are very cool, thank you, we, we’ll take your mom first, and then for muffins, or vice versa, no, mom is with us, we’ve already gone for muffins, but it’s a family
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contract, great, what the... we’ll unpack, thank you, not at night, we survived, sorry for being late, my fault, hello, thank you, meet me, this is nina, these are my parents, boris nikolaevich nagorevna, so, well, of course, it’s in the corridor, nina, please come in. so what's your excuse? i went to see my ex-mother-in-law in the village. vera vladimirovna? yes, she is strange, the church has gathered for a service. faith? what for? yes, if i knew, mom, be gentler, please.
10:17 pm
well, why are you doing this, girl, maybe you don’t know, thank god, nina, run away from him, he’s a saint among us, that’s great, my type, why are we sitting, come on, spread out, please, help yourself, don’t be shy, now we will test muffins to make sure that we are selling the best, i remind all our subscribers that... i support you,
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we are waiting for you at this very place for meetings, look, nika, goddess of victory, yeah, exactly, we have everything is ready, yeah, now i'm making a coffee maker i'll charge, come on, come on, i... by the way, i took borist's courses, very good, so, tim, where are the napkins, damn, i forgot, let me run, but don't, well, just open up here, i'll quickly, thank you, thank you, mom, well, i came in handy for something, really, yes, i’ll have to hire you on staff, damn it, tim, how come, well, i forgot that i forgot, uh-huh, that. what's with the nuts, well, i'm glad you liked it, can i write down the recipe later, of course, of course, please, what beautiful dishes you have, it's mason, mason
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porcelain, mom is just obsessed with it, she washes everything in fact, manually and doesn’t even let the housekeeper near, damn it, take it from me quickly before something goes wrong. what a delight, forgive me, please, happiness, this is meissen porcelain, and military, but so what, happiness would not hurt this house. mom, i love her, i myself didn’t think that this
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was possible, well why, i understand you, olya is a good girl, pure, not spoiled, who cares, maybe not even stupid, besides her appearance. well, why get married? and what do you suggest? should i quit as a sailor? you sound like her now. first of all, she's not like that she says she is studying philology. dad, can you tell her? responsible step. don’t you think it would be good to finish your studies first and find a promising place like you, right? you are wildly responsible here. do you know? and olya, olya, we're leaving, sorry, everything was very tasty, thank you.


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