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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  May 16, 2024 9:00am-9:31am MSK

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and love affairs will lift the veil of secrets and make you empathize with the heroes of the great era, and the amazing architecture, luxury of interiors , and the pomp of fashion of that time, exactly recreated by decorative designers, will take viewers back 200 years. expect the premiere of the exciting story of the rise of the most mysterious emperor of the russian empire on our tv channel. well, we have very, very little time left, just to tell you that everything is fine with you today, because i forgive you. yes, may you have a wonderful day today, a great mood, we are looking forward to seeing you tomorrow, see you, bye, watch the news on the russia channel, nikolay zubsik is with you, hello, we’ll tell you about the main thing today. vladimir putin is greeted
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by beijing, beijing generally receives the russian president at the highest level. negotiations between our president and sidzenping. we have a good tradition of making our first foreign visits to each other. the main topics are economics and trade. in china, the russian leader has a busy schedule. the work is dusty and partly important. the routes to kharkov are cleared. the successes of our military in the special operation zone are being thwarted, and the enemy is being cut off from access to ammunition. there is a hit. the wounded prime minister of slovakia robert fica spent almost 4 hours on the operating table. what is his condition now and what motivated the criminals who shot him? unrest among our own. batan! macron led
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troops to new caledonia, arson, fights and disabled tiktok, which is what the indigenous population of the transmur territory wants, organizing pogroms. between the west and east of the country. now 16 aircraft can be serviced here at the same time. new peron of krasnoyarsk airport and large-scale modernization. there will be more routes, and passenger traffic promises to soar. and the battle with american turtles, reptiles in crimea , scientists share a place in the sun for ours. moscow and beijing have formed a portfolio of eighty large projects. mutual settlements are already 90% in rubles and yuan. and trade turnover increased by another quarter. these figures were announced today by vladimir putin. the president is on a state visit to china. first after
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re-election, putin has been hosted in china for the eighteenth time in total. the number of pin encounters approached fifty. from beijing, reporting by alexander baletsky. with a flash of motorcyclists and a gun salute, past the guard of honor with the flags of china and russia lined up along the main avenue of beijing changan, they are everywhere here today, the presidential aurus drives up to the house of the people. the head of the people's republic of china greets vladimir putin as a friend over the main square. and the people's republic of china tianyang the anthems of the two countries are played. official the ceremony of meeting leaders during a state visit is described step by step, second by second , every detail is important, the chinese protocol has many of them. so the cannons in tianyang square will fire at least a hundred bursts. beijing generally receives the russian president at... the highest level, comparable to the relations
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between our countries, which, as the leaders have emphasized more than once today, are also at their highest point. together, putin and xi walk past the parade formation, there is a surprise, russians, chinese schoolchildren and evenings near moscow. together with putin in almost the entire new cabinet of ministers is in beijing, and to introduce everyone, i’ve actually known almost everyone here for a long time, but there is a protocol. i had to walk for a long time and shake hands often, especially since here it is not only ministers, but also all big business, which is working more and more closely with china; the foundation for strengthening economic and production ties has been laid by the leaders. it is of fundamental importance that relations between russia and china are not opportunistic and are not directed against anyone. our cooperation in the world affairs today is one of the main stabilizing factors in international affairs.
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together we defend the principles of justice and a democratic world order that reflects multipolar realities and is based on international law. a couple of days ago, you took the oath and officially entered into your fifth presidential term. once again i want to congratulate you, in your person, the entire russian people. i am convinced that you will certainly lead russia to great achievements in national development and revival. officially, the main topics of the visit are economics and trade for the last.
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they will rejoice in rubles and yuan, as it turned out, the head of the people's republic of china had something to boast about, it was clearly heard in the corridor. our harvests have already begun. a large package of agreements, including investment ones, was signed in beijing today, and this despite the fact that the visit program has only just begun. tomorrow putin has a forum in harbin, and this evening the official start of the cross year of cultures in the grand national theater of beijing. alexander baalsky, nikolai petrov, nikolai zakharov, lead china. sergey shaigu just spoke about his tasks in his new position as secretary of the security council. he gave a comment to my colleague pavel zarubin in beijing. what is the main task for you in your new position? highlight some, but the main task
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remains a special military operation. military equipment is being put into service, and i believe that today for all of us this is the main main task, then now, as the supreme leader said, and it can be seen, obviously, an offensive is underway in all directions, it is going quite well, then i hope so , as further there will be the same movement ; a certain reserve has been created for this.
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these footage shows how the gunner jumped out of the armored vehicle literally a second before the attack. a reconnaissance group of ukrainian forces was liquidated in the vicinity of urozhainy. about what is happening now in the south of the dpr, an editorial report by eduard puningov. these
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shots were taken on the border of the dpr and zaporozhye. the dor m2 anti-aircraft missile system of the eastern group intercepts an enemy drone that was conducting reconnaissance over the positions. change regularly so that they are not detected enemy reconnaissance. the most difficult targets are the rszz, they fly quite quickly, but we successfully detect them, report them, and destroy
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the target at the command of the operational duty officer. storm shadow is a rather complex target, it is launched from enemy aircraft, the problem of this target, the complexity, more precisely, this target is that it flies low, but this complex, it copes well with full combat readiness, a standard shift lasts 3 hours, after this, the crew goes on vacation for 3 hours, during which another crew takes over from the skies above the donbass and is protected around the clock. it takes only 3.5 minutes to fully deploy the complex. the commander operator begins to monitor the air situation around. all data on potential targets is always checked using a thermal imaging screen. the tor m2 is a short-range anti-aircraft missile system. its main task is to cover the army... squad on the front line, the combat module contains 16 missiles, the vehicle is capable of detecting targets on
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distance over 30 km. the enemy is always hunting due to traffic jams, there are a lot of traces on the body of this installation from shell fragments, so the crews are sure to install additional protection, an antidone mesh, they welded it themselves, they welded it themselves, it’s already useful, not yet, i think it won’t be useful, the ukrainian armed forces unit is trying around the clock to break through the air defenses, they launch. missiles and drones not only against military targets, but also against peaceful cities, so our anti-aircraft gunners , even on vacation, are ready to go out at any moment duty. eduard punigov, alexander botkin, lead the south donetsk direction. 3,500 plots and 700 houses were flooded in the tyumen region due to flooding, and the irtysh river in the tobolsk region added another 10 cm per day. an increase in water level is recorded at other gauging stations. the operational situation on the spot is controlled by the head of the ministry of emergency situations of the ministry of construction, alexander kurenkov. and irek fayzulin, who arrived in the region this morning. they were informed about the progress of work to strengthen the dam near the city of ishim to protect
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the federal highway, which fell into the flood zone. afterwards the ministers by helicopter went to the neighboring omsk region. the most difficult situation is now in the ustemsky district, where a rescuer is urgently evacuating residents. from there is a report by elena belyaeva. defense of electrical substation. this is what they secretly called the rescue operation of one of the key structures in ustishim, if. water will break through here, the entire area will be left without electricity. dozens of people, local residents, rescuers and volunteers, are building a dam from bags of earth to prevent water from reaching communications. the entire area around the power substation is flooded with water, so the only way to get there is to swim, the employees of the electrical substation help with this, and dmitry is doing this now. dmitry, hello, hello, tell me how many people are crossing? well, people come up, as people receive them, i translate them. i see that people have gathered, i’m moving, we’re trying , we’re holding on, we’re fighting, they’ve been working here
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around the clock and in shifts, for several days in a row, in the last 24 hours alone they’ve laid 50 tons of soil, they raise morale with music and even dancing, but it’s better with good mood, than to get up and cry, well, all the more so the music, as if everything is fine, everything is wonderful, i think we will defend everything, everything will work out for us, and the morale is also boosted by delicious music. hot meals are delivered by boat directly to the substation. the men carry very heavy raw clay, they need strength. the water can be contained quite successfully, this can be seen even with the naked eye. here on the outside the depth reaches about one and a half meters, on the inside, just from the side of the water substation, well, about ankle-deep. substantial part about five thousand houses are already flooded in the ustishimsky district. the water is coming, but not so fast. overnight it went up by four. centimeter, however, the peak of the flood, as they say, has not yet been passed, on the instructions of the governor,
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the heads of several regional departments are also here. this allows local decisions to be made more quickly. meanwhile, the evacuation continues and residents are advised to leave the area. it is recommended to leave the locality. the threat of complete washout of roads is growing. she arrived from novosibirsk, which means a highly capable floating all-terrain vehicle, which means that it takes itself up to. 10-12 tons, we have all the methods provided, there is always a plan b and c, a case, that means, of building up, complicating the operational situation. about 2.0 people have already been evacuated to neighboring areas of the region, this is slightly less than half of the residents of usteshim, someone else remains out of principle, extra workers are now definitely not an obstacle to defense against high water. elena belyaeva, egor kireev, lead omsk. a new scientific experiment has begun on the iss. personnel preparing for it showed the commander of the russian crew oleg kononenko. the task of astronauts in
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microgravity conditions is to grow unique crystals from the gas phase. they are only a few millimeters in size and are stronger than diamonds. their properties are superior to their terrestrial counterparts and will represent a new class of semiconductors. the all-russian tourist rally opened in the stavropol territory. more than a thousand beginning and experienced travelers came to pyatigorsk. task. learn how to organize mass hikes and develop uniform rules so that your vacation is safe, interesting and memorable. the forum will also discuss the development of pedestrian tourism infrastructure in the regions. for the participant. for the rally , we prepared a special program with an ascent to the mashuk and beshtau mountains, this is what will happen next in our program: the wounded prime minister of slovakia robert fica underwent a multi-hour operation, we will talk about his condition, between the west and east of the country, a new platform of the krasnoyarsk airport and large-scale modernization, there will be
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more routes, one of the fastest goals in the history of football was scored in the russian second league. about this is not only after advertising. wait. you sleeplessly toss and turn all night with your old pillows, and wake up completely groggy and stressed. it 's over now. introducing the dremaliina swan pillow. a comfortable lounging pillow that hugs your entire body to optimally align it so you experience the best sleep of your life. the unique shape of the dreamalina sleep pillow offers seven comfort zones that support your back, shoulders, head and neck, arms, hips, knees, ankles and feet. you stay in the most convenient sleeping position without tossing and turning. unlike conventional pillows, dremalinost one keeps the spine in an ideal position and the neck at an optimal height. your shoulders and arms will be
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call right now, we will reduce the price especially for you, the dremaliina swan pillow will be yours. probable 3995 and you will immediately save 20 euros, but hurry up, the offer is strictly limited and valid for a short period of time, we work in the interests of our country, our job is to tell the truth, our task is to achieve complete victory, for this we go on air every evening, evening with vladimir solovyov, today on rtr. look, love is when you look in one direction, look, look, look, if you want to look, look, let's look, look, look at the screen, look at me, take it out, look, look, sign the agreement, we sign at the same time for one, two, three, sign
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, look, look, maybe we'll go to my place, just watch a movie, in our life was a fairy tale, a storm. peter always tried to do everything to make me happy. diana gurtskaya for the first time talks about the main loss in her life. i will never forget this evening, when it happened, as you found out, i heard through the phone, a terrible exclamation, terrible there is such a cry, there is no singing. everything just turned upside down in my soul, sometimes my heart happens, it’s like it has a premonition of something, petya is leaving, and he always joked somehow, i have this premonition that something is going to happen to the plane, or something, he’s coming to me comes into the room and says: don’t you want to say goodbye to me? i have the impression that if i had been there, this would not have happened, they say that time heals, time
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heals nothing, time just teaches you how to live without it. slovakia is not in danger, his deputy reported this morning. chapter government underwent a complex multi-hour operation, the day before, dissatisfied with the actions of the government, an opposition supporter fired. from a pistol. report by daria grigorova. after the assassination attempt, robert fica continues to be here at the bansko bystrica university hospital. the politician underwent
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a serious operation that lasted almost 4 hours and is now in an induced coma, but the main thing is that the doctors managed to stabilize the prime minister’s condition. robert fitza is no longer in a life-threatening situation, the country's deputy prime minister said. vital the victim's important arteries are not damaged. this is the first good one. news from the moment of the assassination attempt. the fifty-nine-year-old politician underwent a complex operation lasting 3 hours and 40 minutes. the whole time the prime minister was in the operating room, the country was waiting for official information. the minister of defense of slovakia is the first to announce the details. according to the information we have, he received several gunshot wounds. his condition is extremely serious. we all pray for his health. according to the latest reports, the prime minister of slovakia received two gunshot wounds. police is investigating an attempted murder,
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during which new details emerge. for example, this video shows that the shooter opened fire from a very close range. robert fitz, who came out to greet his supporters, immediately fell to the ground. the shooter, who was detained on the spot, turned out to be seventy-one years old. juraj chintula, slovak poet and writer. in addition to his main activities, chintula is an activist of the liberal party progressive slovakia, which adheres to the euro-atlantic course. in 2016, chintula worked as a security guard at a shopping center, meaning he knew how to use a weapon and most likely retained his license to carry. the motive for the crime was precisely political, and chintula confirmed this in the first interrogation, which was caught on video. we do not agree with vlada’s policies. “i do not agree with the government’s policy; it is the political situation, the polarization of slovak society , that is now called the reasons for the assassination attempt. robert fica took over as prime minister of slovakia
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after the elections in september 2023. then the victory of the smer party, that is, the course, turned out to be an unpleasant surprise for brussels. this is all due to the program of robert fitz, who opposes blindly following the policies of the eec and nato. even during the election campaign, he openly promised more than once not to let ukraine.
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the republic has asked to convene the security council in connection with the assassination attempt on robert fitz, it should take place today. police have already beefed up security for other cabinet ministers. daria grigorova and vladislav chernov, news from banska bystrica, slovakia. and again we return to beijing. just now the leaders of russia and china completed negotiations; they lasted almost 2 and a half hours. following their results, vladimir putin and sidzenping signed a joint statement on deepening a comprehensive partnership and strategic interaction. beijing, and also notes
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the leading role of russia and china in the formation of a fair and democratic world order. the leaders also signed 10 more documents. france sent troops into new caledonia, an overseas territory where widespread unrest broke out. they began on the largest island of the archipelago, which located 1600 km from paris, near the coast of australia. the rallies were organized by supporters of independence, representatives of the indigenous population of the island. the region was plagued by arson, mass brawls and shootouts with police. hundreds of people were injured and at least four died. local authorities requested reinforcements. emmanuel macron declared a state of emergency in new caledonia and services were shut down. which rioters use for coordination. today the french president will convene the security council to assess situations. mayor. tbilisi announced an attempt
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by external forces to stage a coup in georgia, evidence of which, according to the official, was the attendance of opposition rallies by the foreign ministers of lithuania, estonia and iceland. in a normal world, it is impossible to imagine that the head of the ministry of foreign affairs of one country would fly to another and go there to a rally of opponents of the authorities,” the mayor emphasized. the fact that the protests in tbilisi are reminiscent of the ukrainian maidan was also noted by the first deputy head of russia at the un, dmitry polyansky. both there and there, among the protesters were. high- ranking representatives of the west. in texas , a ship rammed the only bridge connecting pilican island to the mainland. the tugboat captain could not cope with the strong current and as a result the barge collided with the supports. the automobile part stood, but one of the spans of the railway condiment collapsed into the water. fuel is now leaking from the damaged vessel. this is the second such ppf in the us this spring. in march, a container ship demolished a bridge in baltimore. the process of building an ice
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arena pool in the village of sokolova the saratov region was controlled by vyacheslav volodin. the chairman of the state duma took patronage over this settlement, located in his electoral district. mostly military families live there. the goal is to complete the improvement of sokolovoye. sledovaya, a swimming pool, there is already a clinic, we are settling in, an overpass, it will be a completely different village. sokol, heroic people live here, dynasties, yes, all those who work for the country, protect it. the next stage of large-scale reconstruction has been completed at the krasnoyarsk airport; a new platform for aircraft, this will increase the number of flights and expand the route network. according to forecasts, this year the flood of passengers in the capital of eastern siberia will exceed 4 million people. report by alexander usatenko.
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this is the first aircraft that was installed on the new peron of the krasnoyarsk airport. anti-icing treatment zones appeared on 111 thousand square meters. the parking lot has also been increased by four spaces. now 16 aircraft can be serviced here at the same time. the large-scale reconstruction lasted 2 years, during which time specialists completely renovated the airfield surface and modernized the engineering infrastructure. this is a typical project, but not without. the peculiarities of the local soils are not very simple, yes, they are difficult to work with, we encountered this on our first contract on the main horn track, having work experience we understand how to do this work, of course it was much easier for us to work on this site, it’s clear . krasnoyarsk airport is a large air hub that connects the west and east of the country. reconstruction of the platform is the most important stage project to create an international transport and logistics hub in the capital of siberia. this is such a new direction,
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really. uh, as part of a new national project , it is being formed, it is important that this burden does not significantly burden the airport’s fees and is not translated into the passenger’s ticket. here , of course, we need such a healthy balance between the need for reconstruction and airport fees and revenues. now you can fly from krasnoyarsk to more than 70 cities, with the opening of a new platform the speed of flight service has increased, thanks to this the increase cargo and passenger flow. we started with 2,500 passengers, and this year we ended with a record passenger flow, that’s 3.74 thousand passengers. accordingly, for this year we set ourselves quite ambitious, achievable goals, this is to exceed the passenger flow of over 4 million. in the near future , the second stage of large-scale modernization will begin at the airport , the plans include another upgrade of the platform and the development of
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a design estimate document. there are so many red-eared animals that scientists already have to think about where to move them. one of the fastest goals in football history scored in the russian second league. are you kidding. player of the pyatigorsk club mashuk from minvod, nikolai ivanov hit the goal from the zerzhinsky chemist from the center of the field immediately after the whistle. and we have everything by this time,
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see you later.


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