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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  May 16, 2024 8:00pm-9:05pm MSK

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we lead the creation, look, it was 60 minutes, all the best to you and goodbye, on the air of the russia tv channel big news, in the studio of ernest matskyavich, hello, the main events of this thursday.
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moscow evenings in beijing. comprehensive partnership and strategic interaction, a new grandiose gas pipeline, chinese automakers in russia and a joint one. iskander destroyed the command post of the ukrainian armed forces in the kharkov region. what's happening in volchansk.
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why did the ministry of internal affairs say that the country is on the verge of civil war, and what became known about the views of the attacker's masterminds? the romanian prime minister abolished moldova's moldovan language. there are no moldovans, there is no moldovan language.
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this is the romanian language and these are the romanians. how does chisinau react? new caledonia is on fire. macron leads the troops. members of the archipelago parliament refused to talk to the french president. well, let's pick a date, donald. i heard you're free on wednesdays. biden challenges trump to debate. trump agrees, but debates, demands while standing. determine the date. biker violators will no longer be able to escape responsibility, for them launch special cameras. russia and china will increase bilateral trade, deepen cooperation in the military sphere and defend their legitimate interests, countering attempts to limit them economically. foreign policy potential.
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they also advocate stopping any steps that prolong the fighting in ukraine. all this is stated in a joint statement that the leaders of both countries , vladimir putin and sidin pin, adopted during the state visit of the russian president to the prc. a visit that is full of not only important events, but also deep symbolism. about what news his first day brought and what happened on the sidelines of official events from beijing, our columnist alexey golovko, as well as the author and presenter of the moscow kremlin putin program pavel zarubin. on the main square of china, tenian men, a company of honor guards prepared from the very morning to greet the russian leader in terms of the scale of the military incidents involved. it was more like preparing for a parade in the flags of two states, the crew commander straightened it with an elegant movement of his hand. one of the most area of ​​iconic places in china. this is where the house of people's assembly is located, this is where the maozedun mausalee and others are located.
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significant places for cenr. it was on this square that on october 1, 1949, maojutong proclaimed the creation of the chinese people's republic. already on october 2, this country was recognized by the soviet union. moscow was the first in the world to do this. the line of chinese journalists eager to see and show everything stretched for several meters; a special group arrived with a camera recording on film. on the steps of the people's house meetings, the russian delegation was approved by the government in almost its entire composition. the new minister of defense andrei belousov and the new secretary of the security council sergei shaigu also arrived. finally , vladimir putin’s car appeared, the leaders of the two countries greeted each other. russia and china are in constant working contact; many ministers know each other personally. vladimir putin came to beijing on a state- level visit, so the ceremony was written down to the second. the leaders take their place on the podium and the anthems sound as the cannons fire. next
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a traditional tour of the honor guard company and a musical surprise from a military man. shout loudly welcome, children trained, students of local schools, among whom there were many russian children who were waiting for the president, we are stealing, it’s very cool that we see the president and the chairman and the children did it at the right moment. china country ceremonies marking the path to the ovres, the leaders again come out to the center. soldiers representing various branches of the military march in front of them in perfect synchrony. at this time, the last specks of dust were collected from the carpets. in
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the house of the people's assembly in this building all the employees walk in step and formation. the house of the people is simply a gigantic structure. there are incredibly high ceilings, a huge hall, the total area of ​​the entire house is 171 meters, one could get lost here, but the leaders know exactly where to go, to where the russian and chinese flags are. the president and chairman begin their conversation on the way to photographing, apparently discussing successes in agriculture. our harvests have already begun. and here is a photograph that will become a symbol of friendship between the two countries. russia and china are celebrating 75 years of diplomatic relations. it is no coincidence that vladimir putin makes his first international visit after being elected president and taking office in my name. to china, and this is a reciprocal gesture. in march last year, immediately after your election to the post of chairman of the people's republic of china, you also visited moscow; we have a good tradition of making our first foreign visits to each other.
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it is of fundamental importance that relations between russia and china are not opportunistic and are not aimed against all comers. our cooperation in world affairs. today factors in the international arena. sino-russian relations have withstood one of the main stabilizing tests. changeable international situations have become the standard for relations between major powers and neighboring countries. these relationships are characterized by friendship and mutual benefit. over the past years, we have met at least 40 times. these tight connections allow us to chart strategic directions for conservation. the growth is truly impressive, the leaders talk about it they are already speaking during negotiations with expanded delegations. the trade turnover between the two countries is already approaching a quarter of a trillion dollars, and the name of the american currency in this case is used conditionally.
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our timely joint decision to ensure the transfer of bilateral payments into national currencies gave a powerful impetus to the expansion of trade flows. today, 90% of all payments are made in rubles and yuan, this is our national currency, we are 100% confident in them, and no third country can interfere with these calculations. large russian businesses are watching the leaders’ conversation; in the context of sanctions , the position of chinese financial systems is important for industrialists and bankers. i don't think it can be said that they refuse to cooperate with russia, but of course they are under enormous pressure, especially the large banks that have a lot. business in the west, that’s it, but as for our bank, we don’t feel pressure here, and we’re just working quietly here, planning to increase our activities several times over. large international visits are also an opportunity to get to know members of the government in new positions behind the scenes. we have a traditional agenda,
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it is only supplemented with those projects that our countries are interested in, for the sake of. development of the economies of the two countries, in the name of growing trade turnover, energy plays a large role in this growth, we also plan in the near future to complete the review and sign a contract for the construction of a gas pipeline with a capacity of 50 billion meters of gas through the territory of mongolia. there are others new projects. chinese goods have a place in the russian consumer market. we welcome the active expansion of the presence of chinese automakers and household appliance manufacturers on the russian market. we know that the chairman just spoke during our negotiations. negative impact of any illegal actions, sanctions, restrictions, we welcome cooperation with chinese
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friends, and in the field of automobile production, where chinese friends are achieving clear, completely obvious successes and advantages in competition, fair competition. russia and china are cooperating at the space level and are preparing for the development of the earth’s satellite. the first stages are research. it is important now to talk about how we will satisfy the growing demand in friendly
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countries. in the presence of the president and chairman, a dozen documents were signed today, including information cooperation. the russia media holding today together with the xinhua agency will hold the brix expert forum in st. petersburg, and the tas agency with its colleagues from china will now will cooperate in the field of economic information, but they talked behind closed doors not only about the economy, they found a common language with the head of state. discussed economics and politics. in the international arena, the positions of russia and china are also largely similar. moscow values ​​beijing's opinion on the situation around ukraine. we agreed with chairman xidinping to discuss in detail the entire complex of foreign policy agenda at an informal meeting this evening. of course, i, for my part, will inform the chairman of the people's republic of china about the situation that is emerging around the ukrainian crisis. we are grateful to the chinese.
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and business relations with the chairman of the government of the russian federation, mr. mishustin, we hope that your close and truly working, professional interaction will continue. a little later, vladimir putin is again in the central square of beijing, here is a monument to people's heroes. the shape is the hilt of a sword stuck into the ground, which the colonialists tried to take away for several centuries. the russian president laid a memorial here wreath.
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friends sing these famous and popular melodies with inspiration, please forgive me for speaking for a long time, i didn’t provide a translator, i just feel at home, so i decided that everything here lives in russian. on the eve of the visit, in an interview with chinese journalists, the russian president admitted that his family is interested in chinese culture, and some are even learning the language. vladimir putin himself is interested in the original traditions of china. in a famous song from that time 75 years ago - it is often performed, in ours there is a phrase that has become a catchphrase, russian with chinese, brothers
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forever. folk instrumental music is one of china’s favorite genres; it was precisely such works that the academic orchestra of folk instruments named after osipov and the central orchestra of folk instruments of the people’s republic of china performed for the leaders and guests. well, after the leader’s concert. the countries continued to communicate, xidin pin invited vladimir putin to an informal dinner at his junhai residence, the heads of state were talking in the fresh air on the tables , the tea ceremony service was visible, as reported by the presidential press service. in among them, the leaders discussed international affairs and the situation in ukraine, and this conversation lasted more than 4 hours; the president of russia and the president of the people's republic of china said goodbye after dark. alexey glovko, alexander bystritskaya, natalya lundovskaya, evgeny kirilenko and andrey boroukhin. news from beijing, people's republic of china. well, now we have a unique moment, we know that it is here in this
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hall that a large russian delegation has gathered, now we will try to communicate with you and anyone. from the ministers, hello, look, there really is a delegation here extremely extensive, we see here the head of the largest companies, here is sergei shaiga, and in the distance i see, look, the new minister of defense is communicating with the head of the web, igor shvalov, and now we will try to find out some details. he immediately gave me an interesting detail for the plot. yastreb had a lot of questions, but now here in beijing i wanted to know how china greets putin, some informal moments have been prepared, have tea, maybe, yes, you can tell me something informal, you know, a guest, as they say , in the east, the guest and the host's step, therefore, all programs depend, of course, on the
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kind proposals that the chinese president and his team made to our president. he has big tasks here too, in russia there are even more of them, he is the first deputy prime minister in the new government, that there is even more work, well, little by little, the new minister
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of defense belousov, andrei arinovich, hello, after. dozens of reporters began to hunt for him at once, but it didn’t work out either, so sergei shaigu’s words in an interview with our program spread across all internet feeds. what are the main tasks for you in your new position? well, you know, it’s difficult to single out any of them, but the main task still remains a special military operation, this is , of course, the production of ammunition, this is , of course, weapons, military equipment, what we have now. as the supreme commander said, and this is clear, obviously, an offensive is underway in all directions, and it is going quite well, then i hope that it will continue - the same movement has been created for this, certain reserves, necessary reserves, and in terms of people,
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in terms of technology, in terms of ammunition, so this is it, probably the main task for today. and so we are entering a new profession, and the artists of the chinese theater today definitely have their professional dream come true, there are such spectators in the hall. of course, i want to listen to and watch this concert, but of course the broadcast shows the president’s stage. in the hall, and look how the hall is decorated, this is also certainly worthy of your attention, here is the minister of selan, who traveled to the concert with adventures, many different summits, saw many different visits and a lot happens there, what happens, that’s how you feel about situations like this, like just now you found yourself on a bus with journalists, it’s great, the main thing is the end
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result, it doesn’t matter what i’m on, but i could have walked there, i just don’t know, there are just in case situations, you always have to go out, find a way out of different situations, although not immediately, a way out was found, but it was worth the concert to practically break through to it, i was a little late, late, yes, well , anything can happen, yes, we had time for the president’s speech, i had time , of course, the most important thing, the most important thing, therefore, our efforts were crowned with success, this is great, and the efforts of our film crew will be crowned with special success on sunday evening in the moscow program. the press is closely following the state visit of the russian president, trying with all their might to discern signs of cooling in relations between russia and china, and
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finding none. the new york times voices the general vector of western political thought, to scare beijing with sanctions in order to limit its rapprochement with russia. however, the newspaper columnist admits that putin considers himself architects of the new world order, acting without regard to the united states. clear disregard for washington's opinion from the outside. russian president vladimir putin arrived on a state visit to china. a rather colorful ceremony is expected to mark his arrival. as you can see,
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the red carpet has been rolled out for him, meanwhile russian troops are waging new offensives in ukraine. a unit of the north group of forces advanced into the depths of the enemy’s defense and defeated units of the national battalion kraken of the foreign legion in the areas dergachi, leptsov and... kharkov region. our fighters publish footage from the entrance to volchansk. fighting continues for the city itself. zsu, surrender, victory will be ours. several ukrainian soldiers retreated from volchansk so hastily that they lost control of an american humvee and flew into a ditch. the ministry of defense published footage of the destruction of the command post of the anti-aircraft missile brigade of the ukrainian armed forces in the kharkov region. the attack was carried out by two of the... kanders, after the attack a warehouse with ammunition detonated, 50 were eliminated nationalists. during the day, naval aviation destroyed 12 ukrainian unmanned
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boats in the black sea, all of them heading towards crimea. the naval drones were hit with standard weapons. in nikolaev, iskander flew to the warehouse where surface drones were stored. 40 boats from the fuel and lubricants warehouse were destroyed. russian air defense forces shot down three ukrainian mig-29 fighters. in just one day, the ukrainian armed forces lost more than 1,300 military personnel. the situation on the front line in the kherson region. in the report of voenkor news from leonid muravyov. the adnepr delta is the entire zakatiya. therefore, it is necessary to find a more open place to work. through thickets of flowering acacia, you can reach the very edge of the water unnoticed by the enemy. will monitor the rear areas of the ukrainian armed forces. his quadcopter will fly to the maximum possible distance. the drone quickly gains altitude within a few minutes
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and flies over the dnieper delta. the distance between the banks is eight, and sometimes even 12 km. there are dozens of shoals, most of which are controlled by the marines of the northern fleet. on nistrig, the largest island, the garrison planted a russian flag. in this buffer zone with the help of electronic warfare...
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the historian's hands are more developed, so the reaction is better, there is no hiding from our drones, here is a boat with ukrainian troops rushing along the channel, this video was filmed by one of the ukrainian soldiers, attack aircraft of the ukrainian armed forces do not yet know that they are seen and the artillery was just waiting for the order, they come from here from the headquarters, where a picture from each drone is displayed, the entire dnieper delta is in full view, even at night, another boat was discovered on the right bank, the command of the armed forces of ukraine is preparing another landing the operation was accepted. the planned target is 5:25, the target is planned, because the marine artillery has already targeted everything, both on the islands and on the right bank, a minute is spent on aiming, the same amount of time is spent on loading the howitzer,
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find out. the drone records the hit in its thermal imager, and shrapnel flies after the high-explosive projectile. there, all their movements are just at night, in order to hide from our eyes, but they don’t always succeed. in the morning this pier and camp site, which the ukrainian armed forces used for landing operations, are destroyed by our aviation, three high-explosive bombs completely destroy the stronghold, our superiority in the sky. this is also a merit of air defense crews. over the dnieper, the ukrainian command is constantly losing its drones. there are such bright stars on board this arrow. there are nine of them so far. this is how the crew records downed targets. this little star is a ukrainian fury reconnaissance drone. well, the last target shot down was the american bepla puma, capable of directing high-precision ammunition at a target using a laser. only by slowing down the video several times can you see where it is flying
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rocket. black. in custody until at least august 22. the decision regarding each of them was made separately. all the accused were brought into the courthouse with their hands and feet shackled, accompanied by service dogs. the petition to extend the arrest of the alleged accomplices of the terrorist attack was combined into one proceeding. all of them will also remain in pre-trial detention. the court will determine the fate of the remaining defendants in the case tomorrow. let me remind you that on march 22 ,
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four armed people burst into crocus city hall before a concert. and opened fire on to the spectators. the shooting and subsequent fire killed more than 140 people. hot on the heels, the alleged terrorists were detained in the bryansk region when they were heading to the ukrainian border. effective management of state property and revenues to the federal budget were the main topics of today’s meeting between mikhail mishustin and the head of the federal property management agency vladim yakovenko. at the end of last year, the agency ensured the profitability of the state treasury by 400 billion rubles. this figure has been growing for the third year in a row. what is it about does it say what it affects? my colleague tatyana remizova. the assets of federal and regional authorities, state, unitary and municipal enterprises are under the management of the federal property management agency, but state enterprises should in no case be unprofitable; on the contrary, they should bring profit to the state treasury. your agency is responsible for significant material resources, including
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land. buildings, structures, objects related to land, the quality of use of these assets directly affects budget revenues, which is important for the implementation of all obligations of the state, primarily in the social sphere, in medicine, how are things going in the agencies? last year, the agency ensured the receipt of about 400 billion rubles into the federal budget, of course , the majority were dividends that were paid by state companies, this is about 330.9 billion, but it should be noted that the agency itself, as a result of managing existing assets, ensured the receipt of 59 billion rub. inefficiently used state property is increasingly involved in circulation through public private partnership. there are many examples around the country; one of them was the head of government who personally initiated the fishing port industrial park in magadan. when i visited the far east, remember with
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the fishermen? the private shipping company entered into an agreement to create a new logistics center and comprehensive vessel maintenance, and the smagadan association of fishing industry agreed to provide work for local fishermen. another example is an agricultural complex in the moscow region, more than 600 hectares of land were leased for construction open to visitors eco-farms, yakov, buyvalov, here you can pet the deer, feed them and take pictures.
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we are planning a farm. for 3,200 head of cattle, we were allocated 632 hectares of land, thanks to russian wealth, we rent these lands at a preferential interest rate. for the development of the all-season mountain eco-resort laganaki, the expected attendance of at least 500 thousand tourists per year. 18 hectares of capital land were leased at a preferential rate for the construction of a new campus of the moscow state university of civil engineering. in projects for integrated development of the territory 73 regions of the country are already involved.
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tomorrow in the omsk region they will begin to pay compensation to residents of flood-affected areas, this became known following the results of an operational meeting, which was held on site by the heads of the ministry of emergency situations and the ministry of construction, alexander kurenkov and rek faizulin. today they talked with people at the temporary accommodation center and monitored the work of rescuers. in the vicinity of steshim, the water is rising, more than half a thousand houses are flooded . in villages cut off from the mainland, rescuers deliver food, water, medicines and food for... pets. a storm warning has been declared in the stavropol region. the bad weather reached mikhailovsk and the chipayevka area in stavropol in a matter of minutes. the airport of the regional capital was closed
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for arrival and departure of planes. and network users generously shared with subscribers footage of courtyards and streets covered in hail and drenched in rain. black clouds gathered over irkutsk today, which later turned into a dust storm. reached 25 m/s. and according to weather forecasters, rain and sleet are ahead. to krasnoyarsk there is a short-term cooling, but for now residents are enjoying the warmth and have even opened the swimming season. residents of the northern capital are also waiting for warmth. the changeable climate of the city has taught st. petersburg residents to take advantage of every sunny day. the niva embankments are crowded. and in the arctic there is an active phase of the flood. the water level on rivers rises, and the ice becomes thinner and moves. downstream, about what problems it creates along the way, from yakutia, report by vitaly prokopyev. a dense ice mass moves forward with noise and crackling, the mighty siberian river lena
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wakes up after a long yakut winter. ice drift is not only a very beautiful and fascinating sight, but also very dangerous. sometimes the general flow collides with blocks that are closer to the shore, pushing them forward, and then ice like this is formed. the lower edge reached the kangalassky cape near yakutsk in a short time, and the upper edge is still far away in the khangalassky region, while the part near alekminsk, water levels in the flooded villages remain high. the village of neryuktyaynsk was held captive by the water for almost a week, but administration officials were able to make your way to the village along the forest road and deliver.
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hovercraft have difficulty overcoming the powerful flow of ice drift, so passenger transportation is temporarily suspended. in the morning, the water in yakutsk began to rise and flooded cars standing on the shore. now the owners have to pull them out using an excavator. due to the fact that water levels in the yakutsk region are rapidly rising, it was decided to strengthen the coastline, which a team of workers is now doing, using heavy special equipment, they are filling it with stones dam, and the main task is to prevent it from breaking. in the area, demolition workers worked until late at night, time after time, trying to clear the congestion on the vilyuy river. the thick flow of water near yakutsk is slowly but surely going downstream . the rescue service and the ministry of emergency situations warn that high water will rise and ask you to refrain from traveling to dangerous areas.
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vitaly prokopyev ilarion fedorov, leading yakutia. former governor of the tula region alexey dyumin was awarded the title of honorary citizen of the tula region today. he was awarded the insignia at a ceremony in tula before... the meeting of the nobility. 2 days ago, vladimir putin appointed the former head of the region as his assistant. alexey dyumin led the region for 8 years. during his farewell speech, he sincerely thanked the tuli. for all these years, the tula region, tula will forever remain in my heart, thank you, allergies in the hall.
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glory to the tula land of success, new victories. thank you very much. also at the ceremony , the acting governor of the tula region, dmitry milyaev, was introduced. previously, he served as first deputy governor in dyumin's team. the new leader was introduced today to the staff of the ministry of agriculture. it is now headed by oksana lut. meeting of the department's operational headquarters. was opened by deputy prime minister dmitry patrushev, and one of the main topics was the sowing of spring crops, it has already been carried out on 25 million hectares, this is almost half of the entire predicted area, however, due to the may frosts that occurred in a number of regions, approximately 1% of the crops were lost. colleagues, in the regions, most importantly, do not waste a single day, organize promptly reseeding it must be started now in order to... meet the agrotechnological deadlines and fulfill the planned
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structure of the areas as much as possible, there are stocks of seeds and other resources, but in case of any difficulties, i ask you to contact us immediately, as oksana lut noted, in addition crops, in some regions perennial plantings have also been damaged; now specialists from the ministry of agriculture are conducting an assessment to obtain more accurate data in large regions. 11 thousand participants, 125 thematic sessions and contracts for dozens million dollars. the annual economic forum russia-islamic world is being held in kazan for the fifteenth time. the agenda is to strengthen cooperation in a variety of areas from science and technology to sports tourism. stanislav nazarov reports from kazan about what agreements have already been reached at the forum. to the sounds of azan and the ringing of bells, forum participants get acquainted with the capital. russia is an integral
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part of the islamic world. these days , representatives of 70 countries are working on the sidelines of the kazan economic forum. electronics structures, dozens of agreements have already been signed here since 2005 , russia has observer status in the organization of islamic cooperation. russia and the countries of the organization of islamic cooperation interact on the basis of...
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islam is traditionally practiced, about 20 million muslims live in russia, and it is no coincidence that this forum is held in kazan. the close proximity of mosques and christian orthodox churches, synagogues, old believer, catholic and protestant churches on the streets of kazan is striking. this creates a special interfaith atmosphere.
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tests in the middle east, is at risk of the existence of fundamental norms of international interaction, which the west is actively trying to replace with a certain order, supposedly based on democratic principles; for russia, these processes are unacceptable. in these conditions, it is especially important to convey what the russian people are, who have always been on the side of truth and justice, have always stood for unity between nations, for peaceful coexistence. islam is the original faith
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for millions of russians. on the days forum, delegations from the countries of the organization of islamic cooperation will visit the muslim shrines of tatarstan and the ancient bulgar, where islam was adopted more than... 100 years ago. the kazan economic forum is not only business projects, but political meetings, discussions, and representatives of the countries of the islamic world. stanislav nazarov, alexey urazakin, al khazibov, vyacheslav olinov, lead kazan. a photo exhibition dedicated to the great french ballerina and choreographer roland has opened in the russian spiritual-cultural-orthodox center of paris. five. he always said that russia is his special love. his teachers. he looks at the artists, they inspire him,
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judging by his pose, he is inspired, the exhibition is beautiful, it’s a pleasure to see him as thoughtful as i remember him, have you noticed?
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current conditions, although previously from russia , the little that can be organized in europe was bringing paintings and theatrical performances, the local audience has not seen anything of this for 2 years now, due to sanctions, due to the lack of direct communication between the capitals, the way out is - photo printing, in the largest the bakhrushinsky theater museum of the world contains more than 3,000 photographs; exhibitions were held in venice, brussels, belgrade and sofia and, of course, paris. we are twice at the request of paris.
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religion, russians are the most inclined people to dance, they have dancing in their blood, they are the first in this. roland pyati was the first foreign choreographer to receive a state prize in russia, an award of which he was very proud. denis davidov, ilya bernatsky, polina fedorova, news from paris. an ice arena and a swimming pool will appear in the village of sokolovy near saratov. sports objects are being built as part of a parliamentary project. construction progress today. chairman of the state duma vyacheslav volodin watched. previously, he took patronage over the settlement where military families live. nearby there is an airfield where saratov higher military cadets are trained. aviation school for pilots. at a meeting with residents , vyacheslav volodin noted the historical significance of the village and the merits of the military personnel
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for whom it became a home. sledovaya, swimming pool, there is already a clinic, we are settling in, an overpass, it will be completely different the village, but it has completely changed , of course, of course, it has the name sokol. heroic people live here, dynasties, yes.
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new caledonia is burning, macron is leading troops, members of the archipelago parliament are talking with the president of france,
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they refused, and bikers, violators will no longer be able to escape responsibility, special cameras are being launched for them. i'm really sorry, how much will you give me, prime minister. "let's go somewhere to india, or zaporoga, and we're so short, and i want to lie in a gomag and eat kebabs, so i i don’t see any obstacles, i’m planning to have a baby here, i’m not ready to become a father again, that is, we’re not getting married, the light is in the window, today on rtr. they say you need to prepare for a vacation, you need to be able to relax, you need to relax beautifully,
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but you need to relax, where there is sun and sea, on the first coast, where everything is included, except for your head, we know everything about vacation, relax, anex. immerse yourself in a world of luxury and comfort at rixsus golf villas and suites sharma. a stunning world class golf resort surrounded by lush green fields and endless horizons. enjoy contemporary design of rooms and luxury villas, ideal for couples and families. relax in comfort and style at rixos golf villas and suits sharma. good. welcome to the newest rixas hotel in sharmelsheikh. rixas radomis sharmelsheikh is an ideal place for a family holiday, where everything is created for
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the happiness and comfort of the children of their parents. escape from everyday life into a world of endless entertainment. enjoy themed rooms, the largest children's playground in the region and an unforgettable holiday. riksas, radomis sharmel sheikh. where is everyone moment is exclusivity. wrap yourself in comfort by our swimming pools. relax in the salon and enjoy delicious dishes from the best restaurants. here, each room is a journey into coziness and comfort. your holiday is your rules. titanic deluxe, golf bellet is the best choice for an unforgettable holiday. treat yourself to a first-class holiday with leo resorts. elegant details. a celebration
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of exquisite tastes. a variety of entertainment, a golden beach and azure waves. lio reorts, we are here for you. big musical premiere. i have a question, tell me please, how many will be singing, how many non-singing, virtuoso singing or virtuoso facial expressions? i have no idea at all. this could be your trick and deception, you are capable of anything, a master of vocals or a master of deception, they want to deceive us again, but this will not buy us, choose correctly or you will lose, you're fine, yes, catch me if you can, what should i do, tell me, the head sings, may 24th. on
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rtr, your husband filed a statement of attempted murder, that he suspects me, we will figure out who poisoned him, i need to do an examination of the medicine, how could you, little joke, i’m not going to make excuses, you’re going through a stage, everything is against you, i promise that we’ll figure it out. spring is late, premieres on saturday on rtr. big news live, we continue to broadcast, we have just received new footage from the ministry of defense of how naval aviation destroys three more ukrainian unmanned boats in the black sea. eat. the video was filmed in the western part
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of the black sea. the drones were heading towards the crimean peninsula, but were sunk by standard naval weapons aviation on the high seas. the armed forces of ukraine tried to use similar devices to attack targets of the black sea fleet. in total, during the day , the helicopter crews destroyed 15 surface drones. the slovak government held an emergency meeting today following the assassination attempt on prime minister robert fitz. the police are considering only one version: they tried to kill the head of government for political reasons. it is already known that the shooter, juraj tsintula, expressed dissatisfaction with the fact that the fitz had stopped supplying weapons to the kiev regime. in the country decided to strengthen the security of all famous politicians, officials and journalists. however , our special correspondent grigorova was able to get into the clinic where the prime minister is lying, and was convinced that so far
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there were no signs of strengthening security measures. about the state... the head of the slovak government is now and what new details have become known to the investigation from slovakia, her report. the prime minister of slovakia continues to be treated at the bansko bystrice hospital; due to his serious condition, transportation is impossible. robert vitsa is now in this part of roosevelt university hospital. this should be the safest place in the country right now. there are police on duty outside, but there are no signs of increased security inside yet. other patients know well who their neighbor in the building is and are worried. for the health of the prime minister, one of those who is undergoing treatment with fitz, a patient at the vera hospital. she told us that she was shocked by the attack on the politician. we are very worried about him, i literally feel the pain here, deep in my soul, we are all our department, we wish him good health, we all keep our fingers crossed for him, because he is a good politician. after a five-hour operation, fitz was in a medically induced coma, but
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the doctors still allowed one visitor to come. president-elect. one more intervention is needed: in the abdominal cavity, but the politician will now have surgery on the hip joint in the near future; in total, the prime minister has three gunshot wounds, two in the abdominal cavity and one in the shoulder. the assassination attempt on robert fitz
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took place right here, and judging by... according to traces of the work of forensic scientists, one of the five bullets hit a tree. the attacker was armed with a 9 mm pistol and the detainee has now been charged. one of the eyewitnesses to the attack was a local television cameraman. activist of the liberal party progressive slovakia, which adheres to the euro-atlantic course and ardently supports ukraine. the motive for the crime was precisely political, this was confirmed by centula in
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his first interrogation. i did this because i don't agree with the government's policies. in addition, it became known that the shooter prime minister less than a month ago, on april 24 he participated in an anti-government protest in another city, where also.
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the way you presented information about the decisions to liquidate the department of the special prosecutor's office, to stop the supply of aid to ukraine, i want to say to everyone, especially those masters of the world who are now sitting at their keyboards, we will act quickly and decisively, think about how correct it is to publicly call for assassination of the prime minister of slovakia? the split in slovak society began after robert fica won the elections in september 2023. the victory of the death party, that is, the course, turned out to be an unpleasant surprise for brussels. even during the election campaign, he openly promised more than once not to give ukraine a single bullet and to completely stop military support for kiev. they also believe that the conflict between ukraine and russia
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can only be resolved peacefully and oppose ukraine’s membership in nato. therefore, the western media have already blamed the attack on the injured politician himself. for example, on the website of the german magazine der spiegel, yesterday immediately after the assassination attempt. with with a headline that fica himself turns out to be poisoning the climate in slovakia. after some time, the title was changed to a more neutral one, but the original version remained on the page. and the british from the daily mail completely saw a russian trace in the assassination attempt, and are now scaring their readers with theories that putin could allegedly regard the attack of the slovak prime minister as a pretext for starting world war iii. what could such attempts to sow panic and anger lead to a month ago, samfitsa warned. he said it was similar according to the style of the opposition's rhetoric, it could become a reason for an attempt on the life of one of the government members. the close liberal opposition and media obscenely insult government politicians, and i'm just waiting
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for dissatisfaction with the actions of the cabinet, which are so intensively imposed on the people, to develop into the murder of one of the leading politicians of the government. but the opposition did not react to robert fitz's words. daria grigorova and vladislav chernov. news from banska bystrica, slovakia. nato countries must support the ukrainian armed forces, even if it contradicts the principles of the alliance. this was announced today by the head of the nato military committee, rob bauer. and he admitted that military production in russia is developing faster than in europe or the united states. the nato military committee today in brussels discussed with ukrainian colleagues the crisis of the armed forces of ukraine in the kharkov direction. about why attempts to save the situation increasingly end in finding those responsible for the failure. there was general excitement, casual chatter and laughter, which the members of the nato military committee were so happy about. authority chairman admiral rob bauer doubled over from stoltenberg’s joke before
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a group photo shoot, and minutes later with a mournful look he told how sorry he was for the ukrainians. our supplies are replenished, but the lives of the soldiers will be lost forever. by the way, everyone knows the problems of the kiev regime with the recruitment of troops, the failures of mobilization, so what’s going on. if you have a choice between achieving a goal, nato capabilities, or supporting ukraine, you must support ukraine. but what about all this talk about the fact that russia could attack one of the nato countries. apparently, it is the nato leadership that does not believe in this nonsense, since they are proposing to send all their forces to kiev and finance themselves on a residual basis. today, nato generals plan to discuss with the ukrainian command via closed video link. what to do next in the kharkov direction, where ukraine is retreating. the operational situation remains
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complex and is changing dynamically, but the situation has been partially stabilized. zelensky came to provide moral support, but also to raise the alarm. the ukrainian president didn’t even go to spain in order to raise this alarm. the american abc channel went to kharkov to show him what happens when ukraine is left without western military assistance. who does zelensky blame? yes, literally everyone. the situation is complex and serious.
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who stated that kharkov is a priority for washington, but for the group of rada deputies who went from kiev to washington, the priorities are different. one of the points that we are now promoting here in washington, so that we still receive a clear signal regarding our membership in nato already in july this year at the summit. we understand that after the invitation there will be no membership the next day, but we can have some specific, clear framework. i think 2028 is absolutely possible. nato thinks differently; the secretary general’s office has already stated that ukraine should not expect an invitation to the alliance at the next summit in washington. germany made an unexpected discovery for itself. deputies of the bundestag suddenly saw that they had warmed up purebreds at their military bases.


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