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tv   O samom glavnom  RUSSIA1  May 17, 2024 9:55am-11:01am MSK

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this is a dangerous fairy-tale animal, when it comes to fleas, i am beyond competition, there are questions here, how everything is running, i really want to check, seriously, this is flirting, obviously, just to see, let's go, it must have been poisonous, i had in i mean, of course, a bear, when such a stinking little one spoke, a hint in general, the most gambling team, if 1000 is not there, zhenya will add his own, then what many use, the most... strong love for the game, this is a five-on-one program, oops, five for one, on saturdays on rtr, grief, i don’t believe that you are for me betrayed, but i must know the truth. and
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i understand you, in order not to lose love, you need to lose your memory, electrograde amnesia, this happens, she won’t forgive me, but you remembered something, it seems to me that it’s easy to fall in love with you, if only you could, i want to forget everything. yes, get out of this slush, let spring into your heart, spring is late, the premiere is on saturday on rtr, you don’t need to make an appointment with him, it’s a joke, he will come to your house himself, we are starting, he will always help, we will train, how... correctly walking on
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ice will always tell you how to improve low blood pressure, how an air freshener can lead to asthma, how to take medicine correctly, will always support, a bowl of macaroni and cheese, this is a pan of dumplings or a frying pan of fried potatoes with lard, a knitting needle, this is how a child sleeps, but i don’t advise you to do this, who can trust 100%. you will be happy, well, i can’t guarantee happiness, but your health will definitely increase. dr. misnikov, on saturday on rtr.
9:58 am
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9:59 am
good morning, says dr. myasnyakov, and you are watching a program dedicated to our health, that is, the most important thing for us. let's talk about different things, by the way, today the topic will be dizziness, and this is how we have it. very spicy, so watch us, it will be educational and interesting. we begin. today the program is about the most important thing. the whole truth about dizziness, when is it a sign of ear disease, when is it a sign of a stroke, and what exercises will help get rid of dizziness? i have an unsteady gait, i feel sick, i can’t seem to cope with something like this. our favorite folk pastime. lung cancer is
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a struggle for survival, as the russian method of treating cancer helps people with this diagnosis. patient history from china. and he decided to try, he wants to live, i will definitely come to russia, swelling under the eyes, it’s not only salt that is to blame, how our gadgets provoke them, why swelling occurs more often in the summer, how effective are diuretics and when is it a sign of heart problems, well here place a glass of water under each eye, for 6 years there has been swelling in the eyes every morning, exercise helps. well, as you can see, the topic of the brain environment is one of the most common symptoms when visiting a doctor, but now we are building on your questions, and i will say that this topic is not so simple, so let’s ask question number one: dizziness is when your legs get tangled
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, it swings from side to side, well, yes, i would say that this is so, it somehow takes you to the side and sometimes there is weakness in the legs, yes, i think so. yes, you don’t feel a stable point, it seems to you that everything around you is floating, you lose orientation, you don’t understand where you are going, yes, because there is general malaise and the person loses balance, well, it seems to me, no, because dizziness is when it’s cloudy in head and does not always shake to the side, i do not agree with this, dizziness can manifest itself as darkening in the eyes and spots in the eyes, this is how it sometimes happens to me. now , if you looked at this carefully, you understand how difficult it is for a doctor to work with dizziness. in russian, everything is dizzy, my legs are tangled, something makes me feel sick, something makes me, so i can’t stand straight or spin, it’s all dizziness,
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in english it’s a little simpler, there’s dizziness called vertiga, that is, when you... walk, when there is noise in your head, why is this important, because in fact it is said here, whether this is a myth or not, this is the main one, is this also dizziness, yes, this is also dizziness? and so it is, or it can be a life-threatening condition, so it is very important to achieve what exactly you have, because
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this dizziness, when we understand that it is spinning, the ceiling, the sky is spinning around you, this is one reason , it's most likely dizziness. nerve, or with the perceiving part of the brain, but this is one thing, when the legs are tangled, a shaky gait, there can be many other things, there could be a problem with the brain, it could be a stroke, it could be your favorite cervical osteochondrosis, it could just be a mental state disorder , because 15% of people with dizziness, but not like this... in general, when there is something wrong with the head, it’s just 15% of patients with psychiatric diseases, in 10% we don’t find a reason at all, in general we don’t know dizziness , so it’s impossible to tell the truth here or a myth, there is something behind this, or let’s say this, because look, dizziness usually begins when we
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get up, it is always just dizziness, this spinning is associated with a change in the position of the head, if you calmly believe you with your head it doesn’t, that means... there are other reasons, this is not a banal spin, you have to look for it, that is, this is a whole diagnostic process, let’s look further, the second question: frequent dizziness is a sign of the development of hypertension or osteochondrosis, it’s quite possible, yes i i heard about this ; dizziness with hypertension can happen because the pressure rises and this increases dizziness, it may very well be, but this is most likely, because everything depends on the back, on the head, when a person has osteochondrosis then... the neck and muscles are pinched , compress the blood vessels, and accordingly, oxygen does not enter the brain, so yes, dizziness, probably this can happen, yes, if you have frequent dizziness, you should first of all contact a neurologist, and then
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a cardiologist, no, because with low hemoglobin also makes you feel dizzy, well , the question is that the reasons are very common, but... not a single person said that this is a problem of the inner ear, here is dizziness, if that’s what it is, it’s dizziness, but not like that this is an unsteadiness in my gait, i feel sick, i have something like this... and somehow it’s impossible, everything has gone dark, this happens before fainting, before such a pre-syncopal state, or i quickly jumped out of bed, and the pressure has dropped, i have this, namely dizziness - this is the ear, this benign positional vertiga, it could be inflammation, in this place, labyrinthitis, it is treated differently, it will be a minière's disease, it is different there , calcium sand accumulates in the circles, there is water in the baniere, so it just starts to put pressure on other receptors, you are croaking smoothly, and the sand gives it to the other nerve receptor, so you start
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to have no idea what you’re listening to, dizziness begins, so if you feel dizzy like that, it’s 90% the ear, but with hypertension, maybe, maybe, i’ve already i said, they say osteochondrosis and with cervical spondylosis, with cervical spondylosis this can also cause, but not dizziness, but we are already starting to understand, this is how you have it. is it dizzy or is it just that your legs are tangled and so on, this is fundamentally important, because if it’s like this, it’s most likely, and the ear, by the way, by the way, it never lasts like this dizziness for more than a few weeks, even if the damage is permanent, the central nervous system has already adapted to dizziness turns, so if you have dizziness for months, this is probably a mental condition. so remember, to feel dizzy like this, this is the ear, if
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there are any possible irregularities in gait here, let us look, especially in the elderly, in the elderly, 20% of the reasons for this condition, not this, when they walk unsteadily, they fall and so on, there are multiple reasons, this is not one reason, and by the way, this includes a previous heart attack, existing hypertension, and even the very fact of taking five or more medications... this is a severe provocateur of this condition, and what are five or more medications, i take six, if you count for hypertension, for padagra, you start to feel something, but you don’t get dizzy, sometimes it goes on like this, you get dizzy and vomiting, it means a stroke is developing, probably, yes, these are the first signs of a stroke, i think yes, this is a correct statement, i don’t think it’s always like that, no, no, a stroke is different. well , most likely yes, it’s just that my grandmother has hypertension, she had such attacks
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just before a stroke, maybe not always, that is, there will be a lot of reasons, and only a doctor can make the correct diagnosis, no, i know someone who gets out of bed abruptly, also feels dizzy, but that doesn’t mean that's a stroke, right?
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movement of the body of the head - yes, but if it does not worsen, look for other reasons, including a premarital condition, but maybe it could still be a stroke? sometimes yes, but still we ’ll say here that if you have symptoms, then of course this animeness, weakness is very important limbs, the appearance of some neurological symptoms and in general dizziness as a symptom of a stroke, this is there in tenth place in tenth, this is not the main symptom, that is, if you have dizziness from a stroke, you already have 10 other... there are symptoms, and i say again, it stands at the end, as the first sign, extremely
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rarely, specific areas and so on, but if you feel dizzy, just like this, but dizziness happens with benign vertiga like this, people start vomiting, they don’t maybe they don't at all efficient, and most importantly there are no pills, it’s just physical exercises, by the way, it will help to distinguish one from the other, the so-called ministagmus, if you follow my finger. the head is straight, but it doesn’t, and sometimes it happens physiologically, at the end point the eyes do this for a second, go, go, like that, and in pathological conditions, there they are in the wrong direction, in different directions, very useful syndrome for doctors, let's move on, if you experience frequent dizziness, you need to take a course of iv drips, perhaps it would be useful to take some vitamins, but it wouldn’t hurt, it’s always useful to do ivs, yes,
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because i had a story when i felt dizzy and i was prescribed ivs to clean the blood vessels, no, first of all for... treatment, and you need to undergo an examination, i think, no, you just need to go out into the fresh air more often, well, i haven’t heard about this, i think maybe you need to take some medications, then the gas load will be less, no, only a doctor can prescribe it. what needs to be done, consult a doctor so that he can prescribe i think that no, our favorite folk pastime is putting on ivs, but what did they put on the drip? it doesn’t fall, we are not the only nation that loves ivs, africans and asians adore ivs, that is , the closer the population is to the ground, the more they love x-ray ivs, in our country we love ultrasound, mri and ct, and that’s also very, for everything i
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said in africa to black people who came up, i said, x-rays don’t cure, why? giving you a pill is not enough, here are the droppers, i understand, they are doing something for you, and and uh, i’m talking to people who are really rich people, it would seem that if you have enough brains to earn money, you probably have enough brains to understand that we all kill with poor nutrition, lack of physical activity, bad habits, iv drips - this is very a powerful weapon, why do we administer drops, those drugs that cannot be absorbed, we administer drips, they immediately enter the blood, this is a drip - this is resuscitation, a drip...
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do drugs help with dizziness? i i think so, yes, that’s what they are needed for, as far as i know, after all, nootropic drugs have a slightly different effect, natropics simply improve brain function, but this does not affect dizziness, that is, the person will think better, i think that no, i think no, this is not enough, you will probably need to take other drugs, naotropics are not always effective, they relieve only for a while, some signs of dizziness, well, i think so, no, i think. that no, i haven’t heard about this, well, yes, that’s right one woman said that they can, of course, theoretically improve, so to speak, brain function, but they are not even originally intended to combat dizziness, there are special drugs that relieve dizziness, the most common is
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benign positional vertigo, when everything is spinning , when it’s not a herd, but there’s medicine. it doesn’t help, there are only physical exercises, they sit you on the edge of the bed, then you have to lie down, turning your head 45°, it moves again, what happens is, here are semicircles, and there is sand that has accumulated and presses on the nerve ending, regardless of the position of the body, simply due to the fact that it presses, and you must use this technique to sort of roll out this sand, you know how it is such a labyrinth, you swing it, you have to roll it out beyond the inner ear, a neurologist, a doctor shows it to you, well then you do it yourself, by the way, this is very little common here, i just came across that there is nowhere to direct it, this is not what was shown, they do it under there according to the doctor's manual, if you look on the internet, it is written there very clearly step by step, this is the only thing that helps with benign vertical, the problem is multifaceted, it starts with the fact that you
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have quilted the surroundings, everything to a heap, so you need to learn very clearly tell the doctor, and ask him correctly and correctly. understand, because otherwise , when you can take two different paths, one of these paths will be false, the main thing here is to choose the right one. okay, let's be careful about our health, we have everything will be good. next, lung cancer, the struggle for survival, how the russian method of treating cancer helps people with such a diagnosis. the story of a patient from china. i decided to try, i want to live, can you explain to me why we are leaving st. petersburg and dragging ourselves to this sample, i have problems in business. do you remember tanka vasil? and she was still in love with you. it would seem that
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we have been living together all our lives, we know everything about each other. however, not everyone? well, you liked me at school 20 years ago. are you still obsessed with this stupid childish love? isn't this stupid? girls love to see their dreams come true. your husband, your husband. with all that stress out of the way, we present the dremaliina svon pillow, a comfortable relaxing pillow that hugs your entire body and optimally aligns it so
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you experience the best sleep of your life. the unique shape of the dremalina sleep pillow offers seven comfort zones that support your back, shoulders, head and neck, arms, hips, knees, ankles and feet. you remain in the most comfortable position for sleep without tossing and turning. in contrast. compared to conventional pillows, dremalinost one keeps the spine in an ideal position and the neck at an optimal height. your shoulders and arms will be relaxed. additionally, the dremaliina s one pillow prevents your knees from touching each other, providing soothing relief to your lower back, legs and feet. the dremaliina swan pillow is made of breathable hypoallergenic lyocell fabric, it perfectly adapts to any body shape and size, supporting your posture in all respects. positions during sleep provides good ventilation throughout the night, you 'll sleep better than ever, and most importantly, the dremaliina swan pillow
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is ideal for side sleepers, back sleepers and stomach sleepers. the dremalina swan pillow provides optimal sleep for everyone, which is what makes it so unique. experience the best and most comfortable sleep of your life. call to order a unique pillow. for your best sleep for an incredible 5995, but wait, if you call right now, we will reduce the price especially for you, the dreamalina sleep pillow will become yours for an incredible 3995 and you will immediately save 20 euros, but hurry up, the offer is strictly limited and valid for a short period of time, cleaning the floors is a tedious and dirty process that turns into torture for... you, your back and hands, forget about exhausting cleaning on all fours, stop using a broom and dustpan, use a thunderous vacuum cleaner that is not capable of cleaning the most
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inaccessible places, all this is in the past, now you can remove dirt, dust, crumbs, hair, wet food debris and even broken glass quickly and easily with the all-new livington electric sweeper dipper. impresses with its original triangular design and innovative tribrush technology. three-separate high-speed rotating brushes on each side sweep everything inward, no matter which direction you point the cleaning head, even the smallest debris will be swept into the container. what's more, the durable corner brush located at the front gets into every corner, even where vacuum cleaners fail to clean. finished, its also easy. can be cleaned with just one touch of a button, it is ideal for hard surfaces, all types of floors, be it tile or laminate. the swivel head easily avoids any
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obstacle, and its ultra-flat design makes it easy to get under furniture that is usually difficult to reach. and only today, the unique, ingenious wireless electric fan limington dipper swipper with smart built-in corner bumpers that... protect your furniture, baseboards and walls from scratches, maybe become yours for only 89.95, but if you call and place an order right now, you will receive an incredible discount of 20 euros, and the livington dipper swiper will get you for an incredible 6995, but hurry up, the offer is strictly limited, the woman came out secretly from her family married to a criminal, the happy wife has... already spent millions on her husband behind bars, family and friends call him a real swindler who takes money from the family. live today on rtl.
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today we continue the transfer from the treatment cycle oncology, sotokinotic therapy, and today it will probably be interesting that we will have a chinese doctor as an expert, a chinese patient as a patient, and i found this interesting, because china... is probably a country that is rich, the richest traditions of traditional medicine from their point of view, and many methods of integral medicine come from china to us, here it turns out that everything is the other way around, well, we ’ll talk to his doctor now, she’s here, raspberry, come here, pandzian, an oncologist , nothing, polina, yes, yes, yes, okay,
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hello everyone, well, how long have you been here? i’ve been living and working here for 20 years, how many years, 20, then polina, well, first of all, how did the patient even find out about the existence of such a method and in general, what kind of patient, what kind of story, tell me, patient, he has a diagnosis lung cancer, multiple metastases to the pulmonary portal lymph nodes, received in china. two courses of chemotherapy, after the second course his condition worsened sharply, the patient himself refused further treatment, as he developed very pronounced weakness and lack of appetite, his relative, who works in russia, found a new method via the internet,
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cynogenetic quote... it’s called and told him about this method and he decided to try, he wants to live, well, yes, but how to try while living in china, did he come here or not, no, he didn’t come, because he, we have representatives in china, monitored the entire treatment process, our patient phoned an expert from moscow, and as a result, after two? course of treatment , his condition immediately improved, then the treatment the patient’s quality of life was 60 on the kornovsky scale, and after the third course of treatment it rose to 100, the fact that he had shortness of breath, severe shortness of breath, which i constantly tormented and prevented him from living, and this completely went away after the third course of treatment, and he he was examined again, he has a tumor.
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decreased by one and a half times, the use of cytokinogenetic therapy, mono-mode , helped to significantly improve the quality of life and lead to regression of the oncological disease, you know, now i constantly hear, tell me what you want, that if you want, there will be a patient now, we ’ll ask him, but how many such patients were there, the first thing they all say is that the quality of life has become better, the second, when they tell me that there was a tumor there, 7 cm, it has become two times less, four, but you always know, doubt that a patient came to you, so you took a picture of him, and then took another picture, and often you pass off what you want as really, yes, but you kind of know, here we are treating, you you can look, there’s a completely different thing here, he did it in china, he was shown a tumor there of 7 cm, which was 74 by 38 mm before treatment.
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you see how this is very valuable to me, because when a person said, i can’t, i ’m dying, i’d rather die than i will endure this, he drops the course, when you generally come back, this is a big deal, but why him? in china, there are two types of treatment for lung cancer, chemotherapy and radiation therapy. radiation therapy has a very bad effect on the body and immunity, so i did not agree to...
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“i went out to work, so now i have very little time, but when it comes, i will i’ll definitely come to russia.” well, i want to say, when i hear skeptical conversations, yes, i understand everything, but there are things that cannot be deceived, he doesn’t look like a dying person, he doesn’t look like a person who could not walk, who refused chemotherapy, who found it difficult to talk, but i... but look, he went to work, good luck to you, good health, long life, so, let us remind you how the method
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of cytokinogenetic therapy works, necrosis factor is produced in our body tumors or fno, these are special proteins that fight cancer cells, but some people don't produce enough tnf. you will probably get more patients from china this way, thanks to the method, we are already helping dozens of chinese, that is, this is already starting for you, yes, yes, yes, yeah, i ’ve been working in this field for four months, yeah, and i
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hope that we can help our people more, save them from oncology, i want to say again, this method of cytacinotherapy does not pretend to... treat cancer, it is an additional method, the so-called integral medicine, it does not replace neither surgery, nor radiation, not chemotherapy, it’s just another chance, whether it will help or not, i don’t know, there are certain studies that say yes this method is promising, yes this method can be used, but if you ask, is there do you have double-blind studies, standards, no, no, but they... are going on, but in reality these studies take 3, 4, 5 years, our patients are not there for these 5 years, they will simply die, so this is integral medicine, once again, it does not replace anything,
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it does not contain 100, together, what it gives, and you you see for yourself, this is what i constantly see people whose eyes are burning, this is serious, they are so happy that they have strength and that they can move, that i think... that this alone is worthy, doctor, thank you very much, thank you, thank you, time for the section questions from the doctor, we ask you questions based on previous programs, if you answer correctly, you receive a prize, but you have a chance to end up on a trampoline for your incomplete knowledge, whoever is ready under these conditions, raise don't you raise your hand yet? let's go, principle, since he doesn't raise his hand, it means he hasn't learned the rocks, poor student, come here, what's your name, my name is katya, it's very nice what you do, i'm a music teacher, well done, what a
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cool guy, i'm always a little i succumb to music teachers, when i was little, no, seriously, i was about six years old, they tried to teach me to play... the piano, on such a big piano, an academic family, so the music teacher came, it’s not like that, stop twisting, he’s twisting himself , taught me how to relax while sitting on this chair, do your hands like this. it didn’t go any further for me, but my rejection and fear of the music teacher remained for the rest of my life, it doesn’t apply to you, that’s good, but the questions are all simple, magnesium deficiency is the main cause of grunting spasms, ta-ta-ta, so you don’t i wrote, you'd be right.
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“i don’t know what to do at all, now there will definitely be surprises, i suggest closing this topic, don’t bring up the past, we have a serious family conversation ahead of us, you’re behaving disgracefully, you really want him to see this while the light is on in the window, v monday on rtr, staying up all night with your old pillows and waking up completely
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groggy and stressed, now that's over, introducing the dremalinost pillow, a comfortable lounging pillow that hugs your entire body to optimally align it so you experience the best sleep of your life. the unique shape of the raspberry pillow offers seven comfort zones that support your back, shoulders, head and neck, arms, hips, knees, ankles and feet. in the most comfortable sleeping position without tossing and turning. unlike ordinary pillows, dremalino swan keeps the spine in an ideal position and the neck at an optimal height. your shoulders and arms will be relaxed. in addition, the dremalina swan pillow prevents your knees from touching each other. it provides soothing relief to the lower back, legs and feet. the dremaliina svon pillow is made of breathable hypoallergenic leocell fabric. she adapts perfectly. to any body shape and size, supports your posture in all
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sleeping positions and provides good ventilation throughout the night, you you'll sleep better than ever, and most importantly, the dremaliina swoon pillow is ideal for side sleepers, back sleepers and stomach sleepers. the dremalina swan pillow provides optimal sleep for everyone. this is what makes her so unique. try the best and most comfortable one. in your life, call and order a unique dremaliina svon pillow for your best sleep for an incredible 5995, but wait, if you call right now, we will reduce the price especially for you, the dremalina svon pillow will become yours for an incredible 39,955 and you will immediately save 20 euros. but hurry up, the offer is strictly limited and only valid for a short period of time. floor cleaning. this is a tedious and messy process that turns into torture for you, your back and
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your arms. forget about exhausting cleaning on all fours. stop using a broom and dustpan, or use a bulky vacuum cleaner that is not capable of cleaning the most inaccessible places. all this is in the past. now you can remove dirt, dust, crumbs, hair, wet food debris and even broken glass quickly and easily with brand new. the dipper swipper impresses with its original triangular design and innovative tribrush technology, three separate high-speed spinners. brushes on each side sweep everything inward, no matter which direction you point the cleaning head, even the smallest debris will be swept into the container. moreover, the durable corner brush located at the front reaches into every corner, even where vacuum cleaners are powerless, when cleaning is finished, it can also be easily cleaned
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with just one touch of a button, it is ideal for hard surfaces, all types of floors, be it tiles or... laminate. the swivel head easily avoids any obstacle, and thanks to its ultra-flat design, you can easily get under furniture where it is usually very difficult to reach. and only today, the unique, ingenious wireless livington dipper swipper with smart built-in corner bumpers that protect your furniture and wall baseboards from scratches can become yours for only 89.95. but if you... call and place an order right now, you will receive an incredible discount of 20 euros, and livington dipper swiper will get you for an incredible 6995, but hurry up, the offer is strictly limited, we are returning to childhood , performing our favorite songs from children's
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films, and come on, sing a song to us, it energizes you, it’s like a friend and calls you and leads you, grabs you by the scruff of the neck and drags you, if you’re with a friend. immediately more of this with much pain, you tell him, think, gastritis is from what, what are you, well, that’s right, we treat gastritis with antibiotics, gastritis is caused by helicobacter pylori, and
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this is a bacterium that causes gastritis, which we treat with a two-week course of antibiotics, if we don’t succeed, we treat as a backup, so... treats, can antibiotics cause side symptoms of the gastrointestinal tract, yes they can , many antibiotics increase intestinal motility, can cause diarrhea, cause various pains in the abdomen, but they do not cause gastritis, on the contrary, they treat gastritis, so i wrote correctly, you love sausage, yes i do too, but is sausage a carcinogen or not, i i think, yes, write, so it is, so it is, write, write, well, yes, unfortunately, it has been a long time, almost 10 years since it was introduced, officially sausage is a carcinogen, you must understand one thing, salt is a carcinogen, sausage
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is a carcinogen , sugar substitutes carsogen, yes vos writes directly everything that replaces sugar can cause o many things are carcinogens, do they directly cause cancer, well , if they take a mouse and feed it food, then yes, in an experiment in life you must have a hereditary predisposition , too many things must come together for this to happen, but it’s safer to give up salt, especially since it’s called hypertension; sausage is not harmful in any way, but what is sausage? i don't know if there is meat there, but is it the same? the same salt, there are the same flavor enhancers, there are trans fats, some kind of emulsifiers, mixers, this is what you see written on the box, and if you look at how it is prepared, it’s not for nothing, by the way, this is what some politician said that never try to find out how sausage is made
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is a big policy, because it may cause shock. let's go. well, get it, remember what i said, that the first time they always open it is a woman in red, but you are so pinkish, it turns out that pink also suits, well, good, well done teacher, no, because of all the books that i have written, this is the most interesting, i will be happy to sign it for you. thank you very much, thank you very much, do you want us to review this platform? look
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at yourself in the mirror in the morning, and there is swelling under your eyes again, a familiar problem, why did they appear again, of course, the main reasons are lack of sleep, excessive salt consumption, but your smartphone or cream may also be to blame for the face, you are surprised, how can you understand why swelling occurs? eyes, when they signal the development of heart and thyroid diseases, what medications provoke bags under the eyes and why do they often appear in the summer? now dr. myasnikov will answer all these questions, well , let’s say, he will try to answer all these questions, because of course, okay, men, but for women this is a very painful situation, you come, this begins... the fight against bags under the eyes , this is the cucumber face i remember from this age, i saw my mother for the first time, she was
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like this, well, and these tea lotions, then the bags appeared, it was cotton wool in tea, by the way, it helps, it lets go, well, let’s immediately say that the disease is not a disease, let’s leave aside the obvious there’s an infection, when it’s inflamed, when it hurts, when it’s lumpy, when there’s a lot of different reasons, that’s understandable, we ’re just talking about swelling under the eyes, maybe it’s allergic edema, angioedema, hypothyroidism, kidney disease, heart disease, peredontitis, yes maybe, but he it will be different, this is the last thing that flows, if you have edema, you will have this kind of physiognomy, yes, if it is an allergy or angioedema, if it is, so to speak, a problem of the thyroid gland, it
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will be just part of the general edema, as well as with kidney and heart disease, at first you will have weight gain, swelling of the legs, the ring will not come off, bags under the eyes, this is part of the overall picture of fluid retention, you don’t really care about all this, you care about this, you see, she’s so thin, there are also swelling of the eyes, hello, yes, it happens, yes, for six years, every morning there is swelling in the eyes, well, you see, you see, you see, cucumber helps, well, i haven’t tried cucumber, but exercises help, yeah, well, well, what kind, i noticed that the swelling is mostly so after, if in front of the computer... i sit then i do a kind of warm-up, that is , i stretch the trapezius muscles, they don’t seem to be called, yeah, who else is thin,
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we have a thin one, there are leaks, yes there are, and also like this you’re stretching yourself, no, i didn’t know about this, so maybe you can create a chat among yourselves there, a chat of people with edema, which helps, do you remember how henry did it, and did you try the urine of a young pig?
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wrong position, and of course, this is ours, this is ours, this is ours, this is ours, bright sun and so on and so forth, stress, have you ever seen your face at all, if you suddenly look, why am i tired, i i started catching myself when i was relatively small, i have an uncle, i paid attention to everything, he’s driving with a steering wheel, he’s like that, i say that he’s so gloomy, he says, when you live as long as i do, you’ll know, here i also tells me something, listen, what are you... i'm in the mirror looked so quickly, when you look a little shallowly, everything is smoothed out, it’s normal, but you’re already walking like this, and why be happy, like this,
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respectively, when we strain these... outflow, because we have fluid circulation , especially in loose places, right here you and i have a very, well , put a glass of water under each eye, and it ’s all loose, it’s all like that, here’s what else starts, when we advise you to get rid of it, you see, we can’t local from... to you or to you, what they have will? they will have nothing, they will only stagger and paralyze, because they do not have excess fluid, they may need it on the contrary, they do not have excess fluid, but damgon, i will immediately launch an even greater mechanism of fluid retention, because the body will react, so i if i lose fluid, it will immediately produce
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an antidiuretic hormone in order to retain this fluid, limit fast carbohydrates, sugar, because they break down in the body into carbon dioxide and water, sometimes you don’t drink or anything, you still just get water increased consumption of carbohydrates, then what to do to get rid of puffiness under the eyes? honest mother, what ’s wrong with myself, they remove these hernias, both
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lower and upper, in our life it was a fairy tale storm, i always tried to do everything to make me happy. diana gurtskaya, for the first time about the main loss in her life. i will never forget this evening, when this happened, as you found out, i heard through the phone, a terrible exclamation, such a terrible cry, there’s no sign, that’s it, i just turned over in my soul, sometimes the heart happens, something, as if he had a presentiment, is coming out, and he always somehow...
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save 20 euros. but hurry, the offer is strictly limited. and is valid for a short period of time. morya, i don’t believe that you betrayed me, but i must know the truth. i understand you, in order not to lose love, you need to lose your memory, there is hail amnesia, this happens, she will not forgive me, and you are in...
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local swelling, these are the local swellings that we usually see in the morning , why in the morning? because horizontal circulation is generally disrupted, yes, that is , in your heart, in general, by the way, let’s say the heart works differently in the sitting position and in the lying position, all organs are the same, and here, uh, again, well, roughly speaking , you’re standing, uh , gravity still works for you, you’re lying down, everything remains here, if this is the result of the wrong... nutrition, increased consumption of salt, sugar, carbohydrates, if this is the result of this sedentary lifestyle, you’ll understand if you don't move, y you have no circulation, not only normal
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blood circulation, but also lymph, all your fluids, so to speak, it just doesn’t work for you, it all stagnates in all places, well, like a swamp, here the river flows slowly, yes, if the flow decreases, it begins to convene, here, here it begins to grow. a swamp is formed, that 's about the same thing, that is, this is the result, this is, as you know, your notorious osteochondrosis, this is the result of your poor diet, sedentary lifestyle and excessive stress with these gadgets and so on, there are some medications written there, medications can and the same thing retain fluid locally, some for hypertension, the same medications like abladipine, but this is different, so to speak, there more often, there more often on... the legs, using night cream for the face directly i’m sorry, i don’t understand anything about this, i don’t understand anything about the night cream, cosmetologists, maybe they’ll tell you better about this, some, i know, smear it with egg so that
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it then shrinks like that, that’s the answer for me, what to do is simple, change image life, because this is swelling, it’s just swelling, at first you’re young, beautiful, you only have swelling for now, then you’ll have a crooked neck, then you’ll start...
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you can get her tested, if you have one, you know, well, tests won’t help, but what happens, here we still have hernias that form with age, that’s really it, when they operate on the eyelids, what do they do, they remove these... on the face, they try to give up salt, not eat with water and there are many of you who have bread. no sugar, giving up salt helps,
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but the swelling still remained, that is, not so strong, but it remained, from the sugar, there is no sugar either, at most i ate ice cream during the holidays , well, what can i say, you are going the right way, the right road, you know, i understand this the dissatisfaction that you all have, you wanted some kind of, you know, such a solution to the problem, i have edema, this is a disease, not a disease, if i don’t get sick, then what should i do about it, and you, as always, are physical exercise, avoid salt, don’t eat sweets and don’t use gadgets, you tell me they agreed that i didn’t have hemorrhoids, well , it also works on hemorrhoids, it works on the eyes, it works on osteochondrosis, you understand, there are a lot of things such as skeletal muscle pain, the same hemorrhoids, the same problems. there with posture and so on and so
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on, this is all a consequence of our wrong lifestyle, but they say, so to speak, globally, they asked me what medicine needs to do to improve the quality of life and improve life expectancy, they ask how to treat , even medical examinations, something else, that’s all, yes, that’s very important, but with our lifestyle , poor nutrition, excess weight... physical inactivity, bad habits, we are killing ourselves, we are just killing ourselves, but what can a doctor do if you are killing yourself, yes, well, maybe, well, only there are pills, so here, this is all, this is all part of our wrong lifestyle, for many it is, so to speak, physiological, well, like us too, we are not us, you also struggle with cellulite, yes, with this orange peel, but this is the norm, this is the norm, that with it
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to a certain extent it is also the norm, when it fight, these eyes, the swelling, it ’s extreme, yes, well, here’s what you can do, only, probably, only what i said , so start a chat and correspond, okay, let’s be careful about our health, everything will be fine with us, our program has come to an end, i was with you, dr. besyakov, i wish everyone good health, i wish you good health. live until our next meeting with you, goodbye, you are watching the news on the russia channel. hello, andrey shevtsov is in the studio.
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a busy program for the second day of vladimir’s state visit.


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