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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  May 17, 2024 11:00am-11:31am MSK

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well, here’s what you can do, probably just what i said, so start a chat and correspond, okay, let’s be careful, take care of your health, everything will be fine, our program has come to an end, i was with you , doctor besyakov, i wish you all good health, i wish you to live in good health until our next meeting with you, goodbye. you are watching the news on the russia channel, hello, in the andrey shevtsov studio. a busy program for the second day of vladimir's state visit. putin to
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china. key russian-chinese event expo in harbin. a grand technology event bordering on science fiction. what else is on the program for the day? in the volchansk area, the russian army is cutting off supply routes to the ukrainian armed forces. the lancets destroyed four ukrainian t-72 tanks. our military has begun the combat use of ground robots. latest report for the nwo zone. on our air. the situation of the ukrainian troops is incredibly desperate, as the us state department describes the situation. aggravation of the situation in new caledonia. france had been sending riot police there all night. at this place before zhukova street passed through. in the omsk region there are almost 10 villages in the flood zone. in the tyumen region, water broke through the dam in the village of big karagay. and in the krasnodar territory, large hail damaged fields and vegetable gardens. and
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russian classics in the chinese guangzhou in the people's republic of china began a tour of the academic symphony orchestra of the st. petersburg philharmonic. moscow and beijing are moving towards a strategic partnership in agricultural production and strengthening the strategic alliance. energy, vladimir putin announced this today in harbin. in on the second day of the state visit, the president opened the russian-chinese expo and forum on interregional cooperation. these are key platforms for the development of trade, economic and humanitarian cooperation. report by alexander khristenko. the highest-status state visit always lasts more than one day in the host country. this is vladimir putin's second city - harbin. in which the history of russia and
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china seemed to merge into one. one of its most dramatic victorious pages: in in august 1945, units of the red army liberated harbin from the japanese occupation, which lasted almost 15 years. putin laid wine at the monument to soviet soldiers who died for the liberation of china. after liberation in september 1945 , a victory parade, one of four, was held in harbin.
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educational and innovation centers in china. this is my first time here and the city is truly impressive; it is a modern, beautiful, dynamic metropolis, and at the same time truly original, with a rich history and traditions. since its founding in the end of the 19th century, harbin personifies the most. close ties and intertwining destinies of the peoples of russia and china, mutual enrichment of cultural traditions. by the way, we drove through the center of the city, its historical part is preserved, and this is good, you can immediately feel, it also preserves the russian trace, because our specialists from russia, engineers, scientists at one time made a noticeable contribution to
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the economic development of the city, to this since the russian exposition is represented by 16 regions, from the geographically close primorye to moscow and chelbinsk, also from outside china. putin was shown the pride of the prc. reported to the president on the creation of a subcommittee between russia and china on the northern sea route. and we see the potential to increase chinese transit to 50 million tons by the year 1930 along the northern sea route, and we involve our partners in aspects.
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a glorious temple, for the protection of the holy mother of god, the chinese rector, father yushi, serves here, at the baptism, father alexander. relations between moscow and beijing are aimed at the future, and this, of course, is youth. thousands of students come to study at universities in one and another country, there are especially many russians in the harbin political system. harbin polytechnic
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university even externally resembles the russian moscow state university, and this is no coincidence; it was founded by our compatriots in 1920 as a russian-chinese technical school. the region really needed engineering personnel, primarily to service the chinese eastern railway, they started with two faculties, the first intake of 276 students, well, now there are over 30,000 people studying here, dozens of technical specialties, but the university has become one of the leading universities in all of china . of course these the outlines of the main building appeared already in the soviet period, in the sixty-fifth, in the twentieth edition it looked like this: the president got acquainted with the history of the creation of the university, for example, the first rector... shelkov and his residence permit in china, russian engineers equipped laboratories here and taught classes. a new stage began in the post-war period, soviet specialists generously shared knowledge, experience and technologies that were unavailable to the prc at that time. already in the twenty-second year they switched to a five-year education.
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today harbin polytechnic university is an intellectual the basis of chinese high technology, chips, work equipment, aviation and space. the university actively cooperates with almost 40 russian universities, among... one of the key points of today's program of the president is a meeting with russian and chinese students of harbin polytechnic university. alexander khristenko, vladimir averin, alexandra tepugova, vesti harbin, china. the united states , with its cold war mentality, is responsible for the aggravation of
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the ukrainian crisis. this was announced today by the chinese ministry of foreign affairs. having advised washington not add fuel to the fire, do something practical for a political resolution of the conflict. well, the west. the media have been discussing vladimir putin’s visit to china for the second day. the financial times notes that the russian president's trip was a clear attack on the united states, especially after secretary of state blinken last month called on china to abandon its support for moscow. the new york times emphasizes that beijing is committed to partnership with russia, as it views it as the most important counterweight to their common rival washington. british times against this background, i calculated that vladimir putin and sidin pin are meeting. 40 times in the past 15 years, and guardian journalists add moscow and beijing's desire to deepen military ties, the latest in a series of signals that relations between the two countries are as strong as ever. today
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, vladimir putin congratulated the president of kazakhstan kasym dzhamar takaev on his birthday, who, as stated in the telegram of the head of state, through his activities reduced the well-deserved respect of his compatriots and... authority in the international arena. the president stressed that russia highly appreciates takaev’s personal contribution to the development of the strategic partnership between our countries, as well as constructive interaction within the framework of the european union. csto, cis and sco. ukraine's military infrastructure has become the target of new attacks. a series of powerful explosions occurred last night in poltava. in kharkov , the air raid warning did not stop for 17 hours straight. geraniums also worked on targets in vinnitsa. the ministry of defense published footage of the combat work of crews of the iskander operational-tactical missile system near kupinsk. the strike destroyed foreign armored vehicles. in the kharkov direction, the russian army
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is cutting off the supply routes of enemy detachments in volchansk. military equipment in the armed forces of ukraine is destroyed by artillery crews and operators of loitering ammunition. the lancets hit four ukrainian t-72 tanks. and this is footage of an odp-1500 volume-detonating aerial bomb hitting a militant stronghold. and a new video of the use of combat robots in a special operation zone. this time the platform was used remotely to destroy an enemy trench. during the night, air defense systems were destroyed and intercepted 102 ukrainian drones over the regions. according to the ministry of defense, 51 drones were shot down over crimea, 44 over the krasnodar region, six over the belgorod region, one over the kursk region. naval aviation and patrol boats of the black sea fleet sunk six ukrainian unmanned boats. online too. footage of beached surface drones being breached appeared. the day before, naval
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aviation destroyed 15 such targets. in kiev , under the cover of darkness, the temple of the canonical uoc and the chapel of the tithe monastery were demolished. the place was cleared for a museum. to carry out this special operations by the authorities blocked the internet and mobile communications, and the area was cordoned off by police and military personnel. the wreckage of the building was removed by dump trucks. in the uoc they call it. the first stone temple in russia, it was built at the end of the 10th century, during its centuries-old history the church was destroyed for the third time, first by the troops of khan batu, then by the soviet government, and now by the zelensky regime. the so-called peace conference on ukraine in switzerland is becoming less representative today. the president of brazil announced that he would not go to bürgenstock. who exactly will represent
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country instead of dosilve is still unknown, but the authorities decided that there was no point in the participation of the head of state, since both sides of the conflict would not be present at the event and the opinion of russia would not be taken into account. in addition, the president of yur sirill romafosov also decided to refuse to participate in the conference. mobile complexes yars of the south korolinsky connection. the strategic missile forces entered combat patrol routes. during the maneuvers, the crews of the missile carriers will have to complete several training tasks: change field positions, camouflage equipment and provide reliable protection from sabotage and reconnaissance groups. in total, the connection unit will work on several dozen tasks. more than 150 passengers are stranded at chuku airports. due to bad weather, a cyclone brought gusty winds to the peninsula, flights were delayed due to
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weather conditions for the third time in a week. in the krasnodar territory, large hail destroyed vegetable fields in several areas at once. local residents are counting the damage after a sudden disaster. a storm warning in the region will remain in effect for another two days. on in the stavropol region, the hail was so strong that real snowdrifts formed from the ice grains. it started snowing in yekuta this morning... the snowfall will not stop until the end of the day. in the tyumen region, water broke through a protective embankment in the village of bolshoi karagay. residents urgently evacuate. according to the latest data, the ertsh level in this area has already exceeded 12 and a half. in the omsk region , the rise of water has slowed down a little, but has not yet stopped completely. operational data in the report by elena belyaeva. almost a dozen villages near the stishimsky district.
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the airmobile group of the ministry of emergency situations deployed the second floating transporter. it is on it that everything they need is delivered to people and domestic farm animals are evacuated. all efforts are now being made to save the local electrical substation, which is caught in a ring of water. the entire area is at risk of being left without electricity. rescuers, volunteers and local residents are building a dam of sand and
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clay around the clock. the water level in artysh continues to rise. another + 3 cm per night, very clearly, zhukov street used to be in this place, but now it is completely hidden behind a layer of water, and the houses are completely hidden under water and flooded. one of the key tasks is to quickly assess the consequences in order to provide all the necessary support to those affected by the flood. more than half a thousand houses now remain flooded; federal ministers are taking personal control of the situation in the ustishimsky district; the peak of the flood is still ahead. elena belyaeva, egor kireev, valeria pronkina, news. now a small advertisement , see further, throughout last night france deployed police special forces to new caledonia. latest status data health of the prime minister of slovakia and russian classics in guangzhou in the prc tour of the st. petersburg philharmonic symphony orchestra. don't switch. hello
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dear friends. your favorite program is on air for 60 minutes. a place where time stands still, immerse yourself in sophistication and luxury, forgetting about time, on the shores of the mediterranean sea, discover true perfection, dreams into reality. hotel calinan bellec. where life turns into a fairy tale. immerse yourself in a world of luxury and comfort. rixsas golf villas and suites are sharma. a stunning world class golf resort surrounded by lush green fields and
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it seems that there is no way out, i am the master in this house, look me in the eyes, i will leave, remember, you are my property, if i want, i will slaughter you like a cow, and no one will save you, you have a choice, love or life, it’s my own fault, it was i who provoked him, everyone is to blame for such freaks, everyone except them, write a statement addressed to the district police officer, it’s none of your business, sunday on rtr, please, introduction and roll call, no formation required, i’m very glad that you came to visit me, how much tea have you drunk, how many stories have been told, i was
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bold in a white tuxedo and i begin, the light in the window in the previous episodes, so many years have passed, we must move on with our lives, in the bogdanov family everyone has become strangers to each other. i still haven’t come to my senses after the death of my son, of the two of us, he has always been an angel, it’s good for you to take a break from me, everyone arranges their own
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destiny, let’s get married, you’re all in no hurry, i ’ll give birth to a child for you and yulia, but suddenly it happens a terrible misfortune, sash, your mother died, the bogdanovs must unite again, otherwise new troubles cannot be avoided, if she had some secret, what would she want, take her to the grave, or that everyone found out what a secret the light in the window is, continuation, we look on monday on rtr, it’s on air, we continue the broadcast, in short, fsb officers are liquidated in circassia today. the operation took place in one of the villages where a member of an international terrorist organization banned in russia was hiding. it turned out to be
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a russian who was planning to attack republican law enforcement officers. during the arrest, he offered armed resistance and was neutralized by return fire. there are no casualties among personnel. on a kalashnikov assault rifle, a large number of cartridges, a homemade bomb, and components for making explosives were found at the battle site . containing correspondence with curators abroad, a criminal case was initiated. there is currently no threat to the life of the prime minister of slovakia, who was put into medicinal sleep, his deputy spoke about this today, while according to the elected president, fico remembers all the circumstances of the assassination attempt, since he was conscious when he was taken to the hospital. according to press, a total of four bullets hit the politician, one went through the stomach, the second damaged. the hip joint, the third is the shoulder, and the fourth is the leg. doctors will now discuss further actions at a consultation on monday, but it is already known that he will not have a new
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operation, and there is no talk of a transfer to bratislava until the end of the week. representatives of 77 countries, including the hungarian leader, have already expressed their solidarity with the republic and support for the wounded man. orban called the incident a big loss for europe, where elections to the european parliament will soon take place. robert fitz holds similar views to me on many international issues, including the conflict in ukraine. we pray for the example of the minister of slovakia, we worry about him and, of course, we wish him to recover. at the same time, if you look at this situation from a political point of view, this is a big loss for hungary, because even if he recovers, he will not be able to work for several more months. all last night, france deployed police special forces to new caledonia, a total of 16 overseas territories.
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its representatives in paris stated that france's colonial policy in noledonia led to the disappearance of the indigenous population, as had already happened. the united states no longer excludes sending nato instructors to ukraine, writes the new york times; the publication quotes the chairman of the joint chiefs of staff, general brown, as saying that the americans will eventually come to such a decision. according to the new york times, such a move would not only blur the red lines of the conflict, it could directly involve the united states in the war, since washington would be obliged protect instructors. according to the newspaper, training of ukrainian soldiers may begin in lviv, whose military facilities have been repeatedly attacked by missiles. and now we
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return to the first topic of the issue: vladimir putin’s state visit to china. at these moments, the president in harbin is meeting with chinese and russian students and teachers of the polytechnic university. this is one of the leading technical universities in the country. and here are the first statements by the head of state that relate to the history of the creation of harbin. university. the university has been inextricably linked with russia since the first years of its existence. moreover, it was created by russian specialists more than a century ago as a russian-chinese technical school that trained specialists for the chinese eastern railway, an important transport artery in the pacific region. look how... if you put the grain in the right direction and treat it with care, it produces such good shoots from the school. large school,
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but aimed at training personnel, in which the country needed at that time, such a wonderful, large educational institution of higher education has grown, which is rapidly developing and meets all the requirements of today. the connection between science and technology is the main topic of the conference for it specialists truхday 2.0, which began its work in moscow less than an hour ago. this year it...
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the launch was carried out by the russian military space forces in the interests of the ministry of defense. the rocket will launch several spacecraft into low-earth orbit . tonight on our tv channel there is a grand and spectacular finale the country's main show about incredible abilities. millions of tv viewers will finally find out who will be the most amazing person of the seventh season. the show's participants, selected from all over the world, can do this. which seems incredible. in the final competition, the finalists will face very difficult tests, as well as a cash prize of 5 million rubles. which the strongest will receive. anton demidov visited the set of the ground show. tonight marks the grand finale of the seventh season of amazing people. something will happen on this stage unimaginable. the final tests are more difficult than ever. but today there will be such a capture,
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because today there will be children, athletes, amazing people in all respects, here they are, oh, several times i really had to close my eyes, i was scared to look at what was happening, these participants have already proven that their abilities are incredible and sometimes defy logical explanation; today they must defeat themselves. each final test seems impossible, the participant has the right to refuse and not take risks health and reputation. i’ll tell you honestly, i’m just lost in space, i’m very scared, i’ve never been so scared. this evening , nine of the season's brightest heroes will compete in a battle of incredible abilities. unique hearing, super balance, human lie detector and other talents. in the studio, and, as
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always, they will be helped by star experts who will check everything for themselves. no concessions, that is, i will straight up find fault, i will, despite all my positivity, i will be the maximum skeptic, i will look carefully, cool, who is on the team superhumans will take the main prize of the show cup and 5 million rubles we will find out today at 21:30, don’t miss it! anton demidov, alexander ovsyannikov! news. russian classics in chinese guangzhou. the honored ensemble of russia, the academic symphony orchestra of the st. petersburg philharmonic, has begun a tour in china. at the first concert, under the direction of national artist nikolai alekseev, the musicians performed fragments from the opera by sergei prokofe, the love for three oranges, and the fifth symphony by dmitry
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shastakovich. the orchestra will visit. cross years of culture between russia and china. vesti monitors developments in russia abroad. stay with us.


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