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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  May 17, 2024 2:30pm-2:55pm MSK

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dmitry, thank you, good news for you, and we are transported to the altai territory, to one of the regions that is experiencing a real invasion of the gypsy moth, which is destroying fruit trees. my colleague mikhail bednorzhevsky is in direct contact from barnaul. mikhail, hello, why not process it right away? hello, andrey, it’s too late to poison.
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it turns out that my stroller was going down here, i hear some kind of straight-up crashing noise coming home from the stroller in my hands in ivanteevka, the residents of a high-rise building were left without a lift when will repair the treasure.
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in ivanteevka, residents of a house on khlebozavodskaya street complain about broken wheelchair lifts. they have not been working for a long time, but the management company cannot fix the equipment. why repair of lifts is impossible, more details in the report by igor roslavtsev. this is how natalya and her son go home. vitalia has a disability. the family bought an apartment here on purpose. there was a wheelchair lift at the entrance. it just doesn't work anymore. for a very long time the child is disabled, wheelchair user, that is, the legs are weak, the muscles are weak, and he just needs to move on the lifts, go down and up, however, even when the lifts were working, the residents were not particularly able to use them, they constantly broke down, the stroller turned out to be going down for me, thank god i already had the stroller on the ramp went almost down, then i heard some kind of noise, a crash, that’s it, it doesn’t go any further. not here, then,
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of course, i saw that the chain had broken, he was coming home like that, with strollers in his hands, now not a single lift in the house works, this one, for example, has a broken chain, and it won’t be possible to open it, the fastening is rusty, to use the lift you need two people, one stands here, and the other is upstairs at the console, pressing the button so that the structure was moving, there are no instructions or even an emergency service number on the lifts, there is no information there, such as a technical passport, or how... for example, yes it is located, for example , as a mother with a child, it is generally not clear to me how to use it, what is its load, can i should i put a stroller there, or should i put a stroller there, the management companies say that the lifts cannot be repaired, the manufacturer, who previously came here to repair these lifts, refused this repair, said that they would not carry out this repair anymore, since they are according to technical conditions, the lifts here must be made according to gost, other licensed organizations.
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they also refused. the management company really cannot repair the equipment on its own. this is an elevated facility dangers, experts say. and the wording of the technical conditions is the sticking point. these are standards developed by the manufacturer, not the government. there are state standards. on the other hand, you have the right, therefore, to release equipment with technical specifications, but as soon as you put it in the house, then you have a legal conflict. the developer who supplied it, he, as it were, supplied equipment that works, but the one who should.
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will hold a meeting of owners where this issue will be discussed. igor yaroslavtsev, ilya popov and oleg dobin. news. an unpleasant surprise awaited drivers in korolev this morning. without knowing it, they became participants in a massive road accident. on gorky street , a car sharing car rammed five parked cars. the ride ended only after the rented vehicle crashed into the house. and five, here is the hero of the occasion, as it turned out, a girl was driving, according to eyewitnesses, she was drunk, but refused a medical examination. in
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the moscow region, for the first time this may, warm weekend, the air can warm up to +20, the sun will delight you. however, weather forecasters warn that from the third decade of the month there will be ultraviolet rays. radiation during the day becomes unsafe, it’s time to think about protection from the sun’s rays. victoria chernikova in our studio. victoria, tell me, we agree to everything, only it was finally warm. will it not go away? it shouldn't. at least in the next 5 days we will experience normal may warmth, however, the average daily temperature will be slightly below normal, but this is due to cool temperatures. nights. let me make a reservation right away: there won’t be any problems. so, tomorrow, sunday , not a drop of rain in the entire moscow region. and from +17 in the east of the region to +20 in the west, in moscow this coming night +5-7, on saturday at 18:20 no precipitation, the sun will appear, on sunday it is also dry, the wind is weak and +19:21, on monday until +23, the nights will become warmer,
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for the first time since the beginning of may we will leave the zone of anomalous values, thank you very much, victoria chernikova said about the weather, and we continue to breathe. under the siren touch the sounds of music and look at interiors of secret objects. muscovites will have a busy program this weekend. the city's annual night of museums event kicks off. about how to spend the weekend artyom kuznetsov. the long-awaited warmth has returned to the city. this weekend, forecasters promise +20 and clear skies. the weather is favorable for both leisurely walks in the parks and outdoor sports. exercise for young mothers with strollers is the perfect combination of walking and... in our classes we perform various exercises such as lunges, swings, leg abduction, leg lifts, and this evening muscovites will enjoy a night of museums, get acquainted with the works of the impressionists, listen to jazz, take part in a quest - this is only a small
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part of the events. we have a very good exhibition, it is very relevant today, dedicated to the musical culture of china, traditional connections in the field of music between. our states of russia and china. in the museum of music, gusli, balalaikas, grand piano, violin, antonio stradivari. the exhibition features more than 4,000 musical instruments. at the interactive exhibition musical evolution you can touch music in the truest sense of the word. here you are allowed to sing, dance, in general, do whatever your heart desires. for example, let's listen to the sounds of harmony. children can jump with the large piano keys, adults can play the gramophone. muslim magamaev's song sounds from the tape recorder: the best city on earth. well, where would we be without the music of the future in this location? neurosei will generate an exclusive track especially for you, let it be, for example, jazz with a playful mood.
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stalin's nearby dacha, closed objects and for visits are not available, but the special purpose garage museum gives everyone the opportunity to see the interiors and original exhibits. dachas unfortunately, the room is small, but there is a chair there that was intended only for stalin; he was the only one who sat on it. the all-round movie theater attraction welcomes guests again after a long restoration. during the work, the façade of the hall building was renewed. particular attention was paid to technology. still, even today, when people are very accustomed, very experienced in various film techniques, there is still a circular panorama, the ability to look at the image in a circle. this is something new, something, some new impression, gorky park invites you to watch the stars, the people's observatory has resumed the season of summer excursions, they will run with us until the end of september, possibly with an extension until the end of october, and therefore that in october the comet will be visible; it will be visible
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from here even with the naked eye. here’s another reason why you definitely shouldn’t sit at home this weekend, the lilacs have bloomed in the city, an incredible riot of colors, and what aromas, are the lilacs blooming a little more? for patients of the regional children's hospice in domodedovo. a specialized center in the prizhevalsky estate was opened 5 years ago. during this time, almost 2.0 residents of the region received assistance there. these are children with oncology, spinal muscular atrophy, cerebral palsy and other serious diseases. a treatment and rehabilitation program is built here for each child. for example, six-year-old abraham from korolev will soon undergo a complex operation; next year he is preparing to go to school. what is your name? abram, abram, yeah, very it’s nice, abramchik, he has a dream to become
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a doctor, to treat everything, right? he wants to become a doctor, and i have a daughter, she also wants to become a doctor, yes, yes, but you need to know biology, chemistry, you will succeed, yes, yes, the governor thanked the doctors of the center, in addition, four teams have been formed on the basis of the hospice who provide home care to young patients in all areas. in dmitrov , new boundaries for archaeological excavations were approved, the territory became larger, and along with it, there was more work for specialists who explore these lands and never stop make interesting discoveries. hundreds of valuable antiques can already be seen at the exhibition in the dmitrov kremlin museum-reserve. alexander sandzhiev looked at everything. now you see the item after restoration. this is so wonderful.
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the real pearl of the dmitrov kremlin, the assumption cathedral, an architectural monument of the early 15th century, every believer considers it obligatory to approach this tiled icon of st. george. victorious, i know stories when pilgrims came here from very distant places, stopped and froze
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in front of this beautiful, complex and ancient image of a saint. excavations have been carried out here since the thirties of the last century. now the museum's collection includes more than 6,000 objects, artifacts of the stone, bronze, and iron ages. over the 870 years of its existence, the dmitrov kremlin was destroyed by invaders at least seven times. wooden. and part of it burned down; fortifications helped hold the defense. it only seems that these earthen ramparts, created from sediment, are actually made of wooden structures and stones inside. they were built in the middle ages they have survived to this day. the average height of the rampart is 10 m, and its length is almost 980. some see the shape of a heart in its outline. the shaft never moved, was not destroyed, did not move, was not replaced by a new one, it only grew over... layers of centuries. recently, the boundaries of archaeological excavations on the territory of the ancient settlement were expanded, this
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will allow us to create a more accurate picture of the life of our ancestors in this town near moscow. this is very important so that we can know what place we actually live in, what it is city. if we don't know our roots, we won't read our future. the museum is waiting for new historical artifacts, which, after restoration, will replenish the exhibition. alexander sanzhiev. participants from all over the country. mosgaz invited them to moscow for a ceremony to prevent the eternal flame at the tomb of the unknown soldier in the alexander garden. and even those who did not reach the finals received memorable gifts. the works were presented in several categories, including collage and computer graphics. total in the competition more than a half took part... the armored vehicles that western countries transferred to ukraine
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do not have any advantages over russian vehicles, their study is actually of no interest except for individual engineering solutions. this was stated by the ministry of defense of our country. testing of nato tanks such as the abrams and leopard in real battle conditions in ukraine revealed many weaknesses of the western military-industrial complex. one of them is poor maintainability. that's why ukrainian. formations often try to destroy damaged armored vehicles, which cannot be returned to service so that it does not fall into the hands of the russian military, we have no revelations from our study. there is no equipment, modern vehicles are here every two times and i talked, a large number of vehicles that the enemy himself cannot evacuate in a short time, the complexity of these machines, it involves the repair of these machines only at stationary production bases, we now see very few of these vehicles on the line
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of contact, before, because they were all out of order and required repairs, well, if you compare it with our... cars, then everywhere they lose. now we will pause for a moment, we will continue immediately after the advertisement, wait. hotel for an unforgettable experience rixas sharmelsheikh, only for adults 18+. here you will find entertainment throughout the day.
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dami of the best restaurants. here, each room is a journey into coziness and comfort. your holiday is your rules. titanic deluxe golf bellet is the best choice for an unforgettable holiday. treat yourself to a first-class holiday with liorets. elegant details. feast of the exquisite tastes. a variety of entertainment, a golden beach and azure waves. lio rizards, we are here for you. provocation is treacherous behavior. there is a difference between a man and a woman. i noticed. then it turns out that
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my husband and my cat are the most intelligent creatures in our family. this is some kind of parallel agenda, why don’t you worry, the conversation will continue in new episodes of our podcasts, and in order not to miss anything, subscribe, listen, watch on the media platform, the substation watches the first podcasts we watch. i don't believe that you betrayed me, but i must know the truth. i understand you, in order not to lose love, you need
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to lose your memory. you. prograde amnesia, this happens, she won’t forgive me, but did you remember something? it seems to me that it’s easy to fall in love with you, if only you could, i want to forget everything, may you choose from this slush, let spring into your heart, late spring, premiere on saturday on rtr, our life was a fairy tale, grief, peter i always tried.
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a premonition, something, well, will happen to the plane or something, he comes into my room and says, don’t you want to say goodbye with me, i have the impression that if i had been there, this would not have happened, they say that time heals, time heals nothing, time simply teaches you to live without it, the fate of a person with boris korchevnikov, today on rtr. we continue broadcasting the broadcast. almost 70 thousand students are graduating from capital schools this year, and educational institutions have begun their last calls for children.
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more graduates received high scores because there is high competition in moscow and russian universities. will work on the basis of schools more than 360 exam points, and after all the tests , graduation ceremonies will be held in moscow in june. a modern sports complex with swimming pools and an updated clinic according to the unified moscow standard. all this will soon be available to residents of zyablikovo. about this today in my telegram. sergei sobyanin told the channel. infrastructure is now being actively developed in the area; igor ogeenok’s report describes what has already changed and where work is currently underway. comfortable living conditions in
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different areas of the capital, regardless of distance from the center. the implementation of the my district program continues in moscow. now the reconstruction of one of the clinics in the south of moscow is in full swing. during the work, the buildings will be almost completely rebuilt, engineering communications will be updated, and new elevators will be installed. due to changes in the design and number of treatment rooms. and general practitioners' offices will increase by 2 and a half times, the capacity of the clinic after reconstruction will exceed 1.00 visits per shift. these will be new offices, bright, comfortable, fully equipped with new ergonomic furniture with modern equipment. this includes the placement of the most popular services on the lower floors of the clinic and convenient logistics. the aquaris sports complex is already more than half ready. it began to be built a year and a half ago in a building with an area of ​​over 400. there will be two swimming pools and a hall for group exercises, the sports complex will be able to accommodate over 100 people at a time, in addition, the building will always provide a block of administrative
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premises, technical premises, and areas for waiting areas, locker rooms, including those for people with limited mobility. the transport issue is being successfully resolved; in december last year, a new international red guard bus station was opened on the site of the old bus station. today the bus station serves order. the new building meets all international standards: a spacious warm waiting room, a buffet, a room for mothers and children, the ability to come here to take the metro to anywhere in the capital has already attracted hundreds of new passengers, the most popular flights now... depart
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they will be from yalta to gelendzhik, so that by the holiday season passengers will have new routes. igor yagienko, yaroslav, mikhail yanusov and margarita zusik, lead. the main news from moscow and the moscow region in the "week in the city" program. watch on our channel on sunday at 8 am. there is a traffic accident in the sky, how can the driver avoid colliding with the pilot? i saw such catastrophes right at the airfield, why do planes and cars have to share routes, planes simply cannot help but fly over the road in this place, you can see the footprint of a bear, large, well, you animals, why did wild animals suddenly come out to people, what about the chupacabras? how can we now establish peaceful coexistence? larisa kabanikhovna fled the crime scene. firstly, we can’t see where it’s going. rubleva arkhangelskaya. when will the next line
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of the moscow metro be launched? the most important thing is to create your own car. and what models will come off the moskvich assembly line. the work is in full swing, sparks are flying. only we have the main stories that happened nearby. on sunday, exactly at 8 am. next issue of federal news will be broadcast at 16:00, all news is always available on the media platform. watch in the application or on the website see you later , good luck.


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