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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  May 17, 2024 4:00pm-4:31pm MSK

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and my life. diana kurskaya. you are watching the news on the russia channel, hello, in the andrey shevtso studio. russia will not discuss ideas for resolving the ukrainian crisis that are not based on the real situation. vladimir putin said this today, summing up the results of his state visit to china. the conversation also turned to a special operation on the tactical goals of our armed forces in the kharkov direction, as well as international relations and reshuffles. in government, reporting
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by alexander baletsky. summing up two-day state visit, putin immediately said that in china there was an extremely warm and at the same time absolutely business-like atmosphere with the head of the people's republic of china with the russian president, and indeed there was a certain chemistry. from morning to evening, we spent almost the whole day with the chairman and his colleagues. a lot of topics were raised for discussion, but the fact that the future depends on russia and china is partly, only partly. and so, because the future of humanity depends on all of humanity, but of course, both china and russia are important components of modern civilization, we have our own opinion about how we should develop, and our development will certainly influence the development of all partners on the planet. footage from jun naihai's residence, where xi invites guests extremely rarely, certainly not all of them, is perhaps the main intrigue of last night, as they talked about.
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they also discussed the ukrainian conflict, and the head of the people's republic of china openly shared with the russian president some details of his trip to europe, which voiced his position to macron china. negotiations without russia’s participation in them and , most importantly, without taking into account russia’s position, are impossible, especially when kiev, together with its western patrons, is trying to convene the so -called swiss conference, promoting a certain formula. of course, we are not going to discuss any formulas that we don’t know, but we... never refused negotiations, unlike the ukrainian side, they withdrew from the negotiation process, they announced that they were going to inflict strategic damage on us defeat, they they said that we will fight to the end, actually not to the end, to the last ukrainian, to the last it may be possible, but it’s not possible to inflict a strategic defeat on russia, they see this, now they’ve started crying out, let’s urgently have a conference there,
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please, russia will be there to participate, we are ready to participate in peace negotiations, but we don’t invite you, well, those movies, hello, have arrived, and russia is accused of not wanting to take part, so they don’t invite us, but what do they want to do, as much as possible gather countries, convince everyone that the best proposal is some conditions that were proposed by the ukrainian side, and then present this to us as an ultimatum, to say, well, you see, the whole world thinks so, agree, the oaks have fallen, or what, for what reason? there will be no such development of events, that is , russia will definitely not participate in pseudo-negotiations, it will defend its interests, as for what is happening in the kharkov direction, this is also their fault, because they fired and, unfortunately, continue to shell residential areas of the border territories, including belgorod. well
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, civilians are dying there, it’s obvious that they’re shooting right in the city center, in residential areas, and i said publicly that if this continues, we will be forced to create a security zone, a sanitary zone, so we are doing this, putin was asked , what does macron think about macron’s initiative to declare an olympic truce for the duration of the paris games, is it not a trap for russia, the olympic principle itself will answer the way. initially beautiful, but the olympic movement is no longer the same, and if they themselves violate, then including in this case in relation to russia, by not allowing our athletes to perform at the olympic games with their banner, with their flag and with their national music, with the anthem, they are violating us, but they want us, in turn, to follow the rules that they dictate to us, this is something that no one...
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comes to mind, does this correspond to some elementary norms of justice, there is nothing like that, they violate it themselves, but they demand compliance from us. dear friends, we won’t be leaving for a long time. chinese position on russia appreciates the ukrainian crisis, especially in light of the fact that the west is now putting no less pressure on beijing. this week, the united states introduced duties on a number of chinese goods, on chips, semiconductors, metal, solar panels, and most importantly on chinese electric cars, they raised the duty fourfold, in my opinion, the duty was up to 100%. can this be considered sanctions against china ? does cooperation with russia help? china, well, to resist such attacks, these are simply elements of unfair competition, they simply kill competitors, in this case the chinese competitors are not allowed into their market, this is a prohibitive duty, and in europe, of course, the same thing happens, uh, that means,
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as soon as some country, as we often say, is a center of world development, that’s what, any center rises, uh, becomes more competitive, he immediately chick. they lower it, they try to do it. can russian-chinese cooperation somehow counter this? maybe we'll do a joint production. already now, 90% of payments in moscow and beijing are in national currencies, because the dollar - putin will already say undermined confidence in ourselves, and our countries have more maneuvers to resist financial pressure. putin had not yet left china when the pages of local newspapers began to analyze his conversation with the chairman of the people's republic of china; according to chinese experts, moscow and beijing are rendering each other.
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things will come out at around 8%. andrei ramovich, as you know, was the minister of economy, he is generally considered a good economist, one of the best in the country, he should open up the ministry of defense for constructive work with research centers, with participants economic activity in the broad sense of the word, with manufacturers of those military-technical products and those components that are needed for the production of military equipment, he must disclose the ministry of defense. for innovation, speaking about joint projects, putin is becoming involved in energy, the growing chinese economy requires more and more energy resources and even more environmentally friendly ones, which means that siberia 2 will also be strong, in the end, this is mutual benefit. alexander baalsky, sofia petrosyan and nikolai petrov, news from
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harabin, china. the central point of the second day of vladimir putin’s state visit was the city of harbin, where the president opened a russian-chinese expo. addressing the exhibition participants. the head of state emphasized that moscow and beijing are moving towards a strategic partnership in agricultural production and strengthening the alliance in the energy sector. report by alexander khristenko. the highest-status state visit always lasts more than one day in the host country. this is vladimir putin’s second city, harbin, a city with russian roots, which today is at the center of cooperation between the two countries. vladimir putin launched the russian-chinese expo, a large trade and industrial business platform, which is held annually. alternately, then in russia, then in china, and the russian-chinese forum on interregional cooperation is also taking place here. it is very symbolic that these two important events are held in the city of harbin, one of the largest scientific, educational and innovation centers
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in china. since its founding at the end of the 19th century, harbin has represented the closest ties and the intertwining of the destinies of the peoples of russia and china, the mutual enrichment of cultural traditions. by the way, we drove through the center of the city, its historical part is preserved, and this is good, you can immediately feel, it also preserves the russian trace, because our specialists from russia, engineers, scientists at one time made a noticeable contribution to the economic development of the city. these days, business cooperation is on the rise. putin inspected the russian exposition, designed in the form of a moscow-beijing train. 16 regions are represented from the geographically close primorye to moscow and chelyabinsk. putin inspected stendrosat. the head of the corporation reported to the president on the creation of a subcommittee between russia and china on the northern sea route. we see the potential
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to increase chinese transit to 50 million tons by 2030 along the northern sea route, and we are involving our partners in aspects of arctic shipbuilding and port development. in the chinese part of the exposition, putin was shown the pride of the prc, electric cars, in their production podnemestnaya has become a world leader, there are also many joint projects in this area, of course, so saturated. there would be no economic life without political understanding. after yesterday's in-depth conversation between tetatet and the chinese leader xidzenping, today in harbin vladimir putin met with the deputy chairman of the people's republic of china, han jen. you personally, when you headed my mission , made a solid contribution to the development of bilateral relations. i hope we will do a lot more together to achieve the goals that we are told to set. we will be glad to see you at the eastern economic forum. yesterday in beijing you held talks with the chairman
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sidzenpin and reached important agreements, we will definitely fulfill all your instructions. in harbini, the history of russia and china seemed to merge together, the city was founded by russians on chinese territory, as a railway station, at the end of the 19th century, and after the revolution , thousands of people flocked to harbin from russia, settling here and building hospitals, schools, and of course churches. putin was the only one who visited. an orthodox church operating in china, under the protection of the holy mother of god, the rector, the chinese father yuishi, father alexander, serves here, the president presented him with the icon of god not made by hands, painted in sofrin. and in august 1945, units of the red army liberated harbin from the japanese occupation, which lasted almost 15 years. putin laid flowers at the monument to soviet soldiers who died for the liberation of china. today , relations between moscow and beijing are aimed at the future, and this is... young people, thousands of students come to study at universities in one and another country, there are especially many russian students at
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the harbin polytechnic university, its main building even outwardly resembles moscow state university, built in sixty-fifth year, based on the architecture of the main russian university, and our compatriots founded the polytechnic in harbin back in 1922 , as a russian-chinese technical school. the region needed engineering personnel, primarily to maintain the chinese eastern railway . the president got acquainted with the history of the university, documents and photographs, how... russian engineers equipped laboratories and taught classes. a new stage began in the post-war period. soviet specialists generously shared knowledge, experience and technologies that were unavailable at that time for the prc. the large assembly hall of the historical building of harbin polytechnic university, hundreds of seats here are all filled. everyone, of course, is waiting for the arrival of the russian president, when he will take his place and answer questions from the russian and chinese students who are studying here. this is also why there is such a stir at the university in connection with putin’s arrival.
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a highly competitive field where the us plays in the technical fields, aviation, new energy, unfairly, introducing sanctions and duties, such as against chinese electric vehicles, immediately 100%. questions pour in one after another about putin's hobbies. everyone in russia knows peking duck exactly 100%, for example, yesterday - my friend and the chairman of the people's republic of china treated me to this peking duck, i'll tell you honestly, there are two pieces on them, i think i'll only eat one piece, well , you know, yes, but i couldn’t resist, i ate the second one, you know, it was already painfully delicious. the most important thing is that both the russian people and the chinese are very hospitable, we love
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guests, we love friends, we always meet them with pleasure. in the hall, students are studying harbin students from russia who admit that the president is an example for them in everything. your persistence and vision have always inspired me to grow. vladimir vladimirovich, how were you able to develop these magnificent qualities? i don’t know, it happened this way, but in general it seems to me that i , like many people, like all people, lack a lot, i still have to work on myself, when a person is critical of himself and believes that he still needs a lot. ..
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i can’t read the way i would like, well, the books are on my nightstand they lie in front of the bed, i sometimes open them. and it’s true, when i manage to do this, i do it with pleasure, people of my generation were brought up on the russian classics, tolstoy, chekhov and dostoevsky, especially dostoevsky, but communication with smart people who expressed their thoughts about life and existence in in written
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works, it is very important, it really shapes a person.
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not takaev’s excellent contribution to the development of strategic partnership between our countries, as well as constructive interaction within the framework of evraz, csto, cis and highway now there is a small advertisement, further in our program, there is a lot of interesting things, don’t switch, you get caught somewhere, sometimes at a gas station, sometimes in the corridor, where to go and what to do, you don’t have to ask anyone at all,
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beg, humiliate yourself and hold out your hands. they will have to reckon with us. so, taking off from the ground, taking off, such a beautiful technique, how much time you devote to the progress of a special military operation, for us this is fate, this is a matter of life and death, we will be the first to know about it. what do you like more, herring under a fur coat or olevye? looked, hello, no the forces that could hold him back are impressive, after your interview there are many. it’s good that they are watching and listening to what i say in the first person. volodya, well done, thank you, at 3:30 am, of course, i should always be in touch. moscow, kremlin, putin. we will see, we will show more than others. thank you very much, come again. on sunday on rtr.
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rixas premium segate. family fun starts here. here every detail is created for your pleasure. enjoy a water park for children, lush green gardens and the beauty of coral reefs and the sea. immerse yourself into a world of unforgettable experiences at rixsos premium sea gate. rixas premium seagate.
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treat yourself to a first-class holiday with leo resorts. elegant details, a celebration of refined tastes, a variety of entertainment, a golden beach and azure waves. lio rezards, we are here for you. can you explain to me why we are leaving st. petersburg and dragging ourselves to this sample? i have a problem's. in business, and you remember tanka vasil, and she was still in love with you, but... she’s not married, it would seem that we’ve been living together all our lives, we know everything about each other, but we don’t everyone, well, you liked me at school 20 years
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ago, are you still obsessed with this stupid childhood love, it’s stupid, girls love their dreams to come true, olya, your husband, your husband is cheating on you, olya, olya, come on, stop it, this has never happened before, you don’t see me, you don’t even look in my direction, but i... i’m a woman, where we are not, today on rtr, you don’t need to sign up with him , just kidding, he ’ll come to the house himself, we’ll start, he’ll always help, we’ll train on how to walk properly ice, will always tell you how to... how an air freshener can lead to asthma, how to take medicine correctly, will always
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support you, a bowl of macaroni and cheese, this is a pan of dumplings, or a frying pan of fried potatoes in lard, you sleep, that’s how a child sleeps, but i don’t advise you to do this, a doctor you can trust 100%. you will be happy, well, i can’t guarantee happiness, but your health will definitely increase. doctor myasnikov, on saturday on rtr. we're on the air, we're continuing the show. the russian military liberated 12 people in the kharkov region within a week settlements continue. advancement into the enemy’s defenses, the ministry of defense reported. now units of the north group are cutting off supply routes for enemy troops in volchansk. the ukrainian armed forces publishes footage
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of its infantry retreating from a position on the southern outskirts of the city. military equipment in this area is destroyed by artillery crews and loitering ammunition operators. the lancets hit four enemy t-72 tanks. also, the fourth ukrainian tanker, bogdana, has been hit in the last few days. and this is the footage hitting the lancet on the top. to a tanker of the ukrainian armed forces near kupinsk, and about an hour ago a military warehouse in odessa blew up. budapest vetoed the council of europe resolution on ukraine, since the eu recognizes only one peace plan - the so-called zelensky formula. this was announced by hungarian foreign minister peter szijarta. he stressed that peace negotiations can only take place if all parties to the conflict sit at the same table, but the council of europe rejected hungary's proposal to include it in the resolution. to do something practical for a political solution to the ukrainian crisis, and not add fuel to the fire of the conflict, chinese
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diplomats and the american leadership called today. the icnr noted that the states, with their cold war mentality, are responsible for the emergence and escalation of the ukrainian crisis. the white house responded by accusing beijing of inciting the conflict; washington said that russian-chinese relations were unacceptable. pose the biggest threat to european security. the japanese ministry of defense is concerned about security measures at one of its largest bases. the japanese press writes about this today. journalists say that unidentified drones quietly removed the country's largest warship and dzumo. the us nuclear-powered aircraft carrier ronald reagan was also caught in the lens. at the same time, the crews did not even notice that they were being watched. the shooting probably took place at the beginning of the week. on the eve. the aircraft carrier ronald reagan left the japanese base; local journalists noted that some local residents saw off the ship as they wished not to return. the largest in russia
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the it conference, which opened today in moscow, was attended by more than 3,500 people in its first hours. the connection with science and technology became its main theme. this year, among the most pressing issues are the use of artificial intelligence in design and the assistance of neural networks in drug development. report by olga mische. “there are no standards here, and the high-tech future seems to have already arrived. while waiting for the first theses about it prospects, industry representatives are practicing professional skills: creating program code, as they say, on the go, more precisely by weight. the main thing for us is not to write down a program, the main thing for us is to understand what a person wants, our consumer, so to speak, and then convert it all into code. it all started with the theory of maxwell and frame. quanta formed the basis of the initial move, now the industry is facing global tasks and challenges, and it itself claims to be the foundation of economic security and development, now
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everyone is waiting to see what the next step will be. another quantum leap will be made by artificial intelligence, but now it is already on the way, everyone already sees that the potential is incredible, the future is digital transformation, that is, the capabilities of artificial intelligence and neural networks, they say from the stage, the basis for breakthrough developments, quantum mechanics, astronomy, the it industry has rushed to sky-high prospects at the speed of light, about 60 thousand people are now taking part online in this conference, these are really what are called leading... market players, those who create the technological future. global issues are being raised, for example, now at this session they are talking about technological scientific inequality, such as making very expensive scientific research as accessible as possible to all countries. a joint initiative of the mts higher school of economics to study the innovative maturity of companies. for the technology market, this is also an innovation that will allow, at the stage of project creation , to accurately assess its prospects, possibly
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cosmic ones. there are navigation services, remote sensing of the earth, and meteorological services and so on, it’s all based on digital. here is a simple example when these digital technologies allow businesses to enter markets that are completely unusual for them. at the higher school of economics, mts is opening a master's program in artificial intelligence at the faculty of computer science this year. certified specialists in the field of neural networks or computers.
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the exciting finale of the country's main show about incredible abilities in the final competition of participants will face difficult challenges, as well as a prize of 5 million rubles, which will be awarded to the strongest. anton demidov visited the set. tonight will take place the grand finale of the seventh season of amazing people. something unimaginable will happen on this stage. the final tests are more difficult than ever. but today there will be such a capture, because today there will be children, athletes, amazing people in all respects, here they are, oh, several times i really had to close my eyes, i was scared to look at what was happening, these participants have already proven that their abilities are incredible and sometimes defy logical explanation; today they must defeat themselves. every final
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the test seems impossible, the participant has the right to refuse and not risk his health and reputation. i’ll tell you honestly, i’m just lost in space, i’m very scared, i’ve never been so scared. this evening , nine of the season's brightest heroes will compete in a battle of incredible abilities. unique hearing, super balance, human lie detector and other talents.
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lead. our news is always available on the media platform, look in the application or on the website we continue to monitor developments. be with the news. a woman, secretly from her family, married a criminal who was sentenced to 11 years or more. freedom, the happy wife has already spent a million rubles on her husband behind bars. the woman’s family friends do not believe in the sincerity of her young husband, calling him a real swindler who is extracting money from the family. despite the fact that all relatives are against her criminal husband, she is waiting for him from prison. we meet ekaterina vasilyeva.


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