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tv   Mestnoe vremya  RUSSIA1  May 18, 2024 8:20am-8:36am MSK

8:20 am
calm, uh-huh, how interesting, well, everyone has their work cut out for them, as we understand it, next week is already completely over in may, we are getting into the rhythm and routine, you know, everyone has their own moods, for some the main job, for others... then romance, but for some , travel and so on, yeah, well, with capricorns, travel, pisces and virgos, in my opinion, separating your husband, they are always for travel, you can’t even go there, well, that’s interesting. thank you, but we still have a fortune teller, an astrologer is more reliable, there was a star forecast from the astrologer tatyana borsch. thank you very much, we are returning to childhood and performing our favorite songs from children's films. she charges you, she is like a friend and calls you and leads you, grabs you by the boots, drags you, if you went out with a friend, if you went out with a friend, there were films that really educated you, and it was very cool, stand up children, stand in a circle, stand up in a circle
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hello, andrey, andrey malakhov’s evening show, today at 17:50 on the russia channel. if, for example, i want to crush your pretty face, i will do it. i like hitting women. you are not a woman, you are my wife. none of your business, tomorrow at 13:00. 3 billion rubles for the hay runoff, what do you think? yes, at the sodbes auction they sold a painting of monet's treasure. bidding for... only 8 minutes, buyers did not skimp, as a result, the work of the famous french artist was purchased by a collector from asia, now the old impressionist landscape will decorate his interior. claude monet generally loved to paint pictures of rural life; he has a whole series of works depicting hay. the artist liked its golden color. experts counted at least thirty such paintings. one of them is kept by the way, in the pushkin museum in moscow, you can see it in all its glory. but it seems to me that the secret is that he hid the needle there somewhere. yes, well, summer landscapes are like that,
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athletes, like artists, love summer and good weather, you can leave the stuffy halls to go into captivity, and there improve your health with the help of improvised means. varvara ermakova will teach you how to make yourself comfortable exercise equipment with your own hands. girl, you will be using this exercise machine for a long time, otherwise i planned to change clothes and also work out a little. today is exactly what i have planned from day of hands. in the forest or in the garden, you never know where you will meet a real one. athletes, it’s understandable, in the spring everyone was drawn to sports, actively preparing for the summer, and in order to strengthen muscles, you don’t have to go to the gym, it’s more pleasant to exercise in the fresh air, now i’ll show you a workout with this pebble, a weighty cobblestone can easily replace both kettlebells and dumbbells, in general, internet athletes prove by their example that you can improve your health with the help of any available objects, stones, bottles, tires will do, and some of all this... goodness
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manages to create a real sport of imentai. these guys pump up their muscles and get likes, because they are not only athletes, but also very creative engineers. the simplest thing is to bring something heavier to the long stick, a five-liter bottle or a stone. but the more original the simulator, the more delight it will cause on the internet. ingenuity can make the body athletic and the muscles elastic, for example, an ordinary, at first glance, stool, but if you screw such a simple mechanism made of steel to it tubes, then you will get a completely convenient exercise machine for the legs, use it, for some inventors the creative thought flies so far that entire gyms appear in the open air, most often they are built in the forest, otherwise... it’s cool here and materials
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for exercise machines are piled up , a couple of old fallen trees, a few rotten stumps, you can pump up your muscles. in general, no more excuses, the snow has melted, it’s time for street sports, here you have everything you need to train your body and strengthen your spirit. well, for the real ones bad weather is not a hindrance for champions. so, come on, roll out of here, you took up half the apartment for me, and the rain has already stopped, here’s a list for you, and at the same time you can go get some groceries. and then we will find out an amazing recipe for lemon pie. maria lyagina spied the secret ingredients in the series desperate housewives. stay with us, it will be delicious. your husband filed a statement of attempted murder. what? he suspects me. we'll figure out who poisoned him. this is what i need to do.
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examination of the drug, how could you, mistake, i’m not going to make excuses, you are going through a stage, everything is against you, i promise that we will figure it out. spring is late, premiere, today on rtr, we return to childhood, perform our favorite songs from children's films. and it was very cool. andrey malakhov's evening show, today on rtr. well, maybe you can kiss me?
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the plot is worthy of a novel. she, he and his muse. anton, you have talent, but it’s so easy to lose inspiration, i’ll leave when you finish your novel, i can’t live without you, i heard that you’re getting married as soon as you’re planning to, with a clean slate on friday. on rtr we will see again we will show more than others hello, hello, moscow, kremlin, putin, every sunday on rtr. here, somehow
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, everyone began to wonder why the famous egyptian pyramids stand in the middle of the desert? it seems that egyptian and archaeologists managed to solve the riddle of history after studying the samples. from satellite images , researchers came to the conclusion that initially a chain of thirty-one pyramids stretched along a branch of the nile, nicknamed the achromat, which supposedly disappeared after a severe drought, well, about 4,200 years ago, like this that the pyramids were originally built in a green river valley, and not in barren sands. by the way, the discovery indicates a likely method of transporting blocks for the pyramids by barges on water. and next is a new mystery using radar scanning near the tomb. an unknown structure was discovered under a two-meter layer of sand, excavations have already begun, how many wonderful discoveries have we had, but now about a tradition that arose not on neli, but on nevea. the may arregato is one of the oldest sailing competitions, it has been held since 1967. for most
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this is the first time on the water for athletes of the season and, perhaps, one of the most difficult. entering the cold water of the neva in the morning is not the most pleasant experience, but only for the land inhabitants of the city. students of sailing clubs and sections have been waiting for this day for a long time, the opening of the season promises to be not very difficult, a strong wind will help, a hereditary yachtswoman, eleven-year-old sonya, is hoping for good results; she is already a third generation sea wolf. i'm interested in this because my dad, my mom and my grandfather are involved, i’ve been doing this for four years, it turns out that this season my sheet stuck on the ford course and i just turned over, but it’s not difficult, because... the coach is always nearby, several classes of yachts participate in the may regatta, the one on which sonya will be one of the most popular, he has the cheerful name “optimist”. this is where future conquerors of the seas begin their journey. this time , more than 100 of their shifts from 8 to 15 years old went into the swim. 5, 4, 3, 2, seemingly simple,
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sail, tiller, sheet, manage it all without preparation is not easy, especially if the wind is weak, however, it is not... zooms, beams, lasers in ustinevye near petrovskaya spit. the place, as the participants themselves admit, is not the easiest. yachting is called chess on the water for a reason. to make your move here, you really need to take into account a lot of factors, this is not only the strength and direction of the wind, but also the current and the actions of your opponents. but
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here, unlike chess, luck plays a huge role. after all, participants need not only to correctly go around all the buoys, swimming for an hour against the wind, but outrun the enemy. it’s not even easy to start on time, the participant only has 3 minutes to do this. the judges monitor each yacht directly from the scene, from their board. the best ones are determined by time, but it is also important to avoid mistakes. however, one cannot do without them either; every boater is ready for the fact that the swimming season will have to open ahead of time. it’s a matter of honor, although i say it’s not an easy matter, because it ’s always very cold at this time now, even northern yachting, this thing is interesting, but incomprehensible and completely inexplicable, so vikings, thieves, well, now we, apparently, despite the special protection and suits, sukhachi, this sport is really not for weaklings. it is all the more surprising that the majority of modern yachtsmen are girls and women who are not afraid of either rain or piercing
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wind, but the may regatta is only a warm-up; the wave conquerors still have a whole season ahead. this culinary blogger from azerbaijan decided to prepare a hearty breakfast in an excavator bucket, not only for himself, but for all his friends. to begin with, he, as expected, washed the dishes thoroughly, lit a fire, boiled water and started cooking. dozens of them were loaded into the boiler. onions, potatoes and selected tomatoes. it also required minced meat from a whole lamb to make giant meatballs. these meat balls are the key ingredient. kufta besh is a very rich aromatic soup. everyone who tried it liked it, we're keeping an eye on it. yes, well, after the main course there is dessert, and we have it, and we could afford one that was previously considered an expensive pleasure, lemon pie. only truly rich people but times change, tropical fruits are sometimes
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cheaper than apples, maria lyagina prepared a lemon pie based on the recipe from the series desperate housewives, wow, oh my god, brie is the best of your pies. well, thank you, but i seemed to do everything as always, this is not my pie. okay, got it, it's mine! what about the one i brought? i cheated and put it in the refrigerator, i wanted you to eat mine! a simple trick jeopardized the culinary skills of one of the housewives. bree has always been famous for her lemon pie, but she was surprised when the pie did katherine taste better? many argue where this recipe came from, from england or from france. today you and i will cook. more french version, i have only one question: where is the lemon? here we have the lemon
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already in a compressed form, so you and i won’t have to worry about cutting it, great, i like not to worry about this, everything is already ready, well done, we start cooking with shortcrust pastry, combine the flour in a bowl, first you need to sift it a pinch of salt, butter, eggs and water should be cold, add to them powdered sugar, it is softer than granulated sugar, combine everything using a mixer. there is already some crumb there, there is already a crumb there, which, by the way, is exactly what we need, now you and i are going to pour in the eggs, here we have an egg plus water, why do we need water? look, we need the mass to come together and not be heavy, and so that the dough is crumbly in the end, pour the egg mixture with water into the bowl, increase the speed, beat, place the finished dough on parchment paper on top , cover with another sheet, so as not to stuck to the rolling pin. let's start rolling out, i like that nastya stands and does nothing,
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i'll be doing this for a long time until you roll it out, roll out the dough to a size slightly larger than our baking pans, then remove the parchment and transfer the dough onto the pan, don't be afraid, don't be afraid, oops, pubs, but beauty, beauty! place the dough in the mold, lightly pressing it to the edges and place it in the refrigerator for an hour. and i am sure that you will be able to invent a pie much better than mine. the main thing is to find combinations sour sweet. so that's the secret of lemon pie. place lemon juice and sugar in a mixer bowl. we also add corn starch there, it will give the cream stability and eggs. mix.
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we've sorted out the sour cream, all that remains is to make a sweet cap from the miringa. today we will prepare the so-called swiss miringa, it differs in that the protein and sugar are heated on... otherwise the whites will overheat. wow, just look, if you want, i’ll show you a trick, mommies, that’s what a properly prepared merenda means, now it was spectacular, scary, airy, but at the same time holds its shape, put the miringue into a pastry bag.


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