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tv   Po sekretu vsemu svetu  RUSSIA1  May 18, 2024 8:35am-9:01am MSK

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nastya, are you saying that this is lemon cream? yes, we will bake it, and it won’t be so creepy, don’t worry, because now it looks, frankly, like some kind of lemon milkshake, well, really, look, it’s thin, we’ve sorted out the sour cream, all that’s left is make a sweet hat from mirenga. today we will prepare the so-called swiss mirenga, it differs in that the protein and sugar are heated in a water bath so that the sugar dissolves. our professional mixer does this automatically. advice for you: the water for the water bath should be no more than 60°, otherwise the whites will overheat. wow, just look, if you want, i’ll show you a trick, mommies, this is what a properly prepared mirenda means, now it was spectacular, scary, airy, but at the same time holds its shape, put the mirenga into a pastry bag and set it aside,
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it’s time to take out the dough from the refrigerator, it has frozen well and now it will be easy to trim off the excess dough, then we make micro-punctures with a fork so that the dough does not rise in the oven, we don’t need this and send it bake, when the cake is ready, fill it with lemon cream and put it in the oven again, i’ve been struggling for several hours to repeat her recipe, and nothing even comes close, well, don’t worry. this is just fantastic, this is her, forgive me, all that remains is to make a sweet cap out of meringue, here i want more in the middle, give me such a pimp, pat, pat, lightly burn the miringue using a burner, just be careful, our pie is ready, it looks very beautiful, but i really like the taste... this citric acid, yeah, and
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at the same time, the sweetness, yes, the meringue balances, i noticed, that is, if it were completely without it, it would not be so impressive, not so, i like the airy texture, and at the same time a very delicate filling, i think we did it, i feel the same way it seems to me that brie might envy us, yes, we would have our own secret, we would have our own secret, and we would not share. we only share our recipes with our tv viewers, right? yes, watch movies and cook with pleasure. good morning and bon appetit. what can please us other than food? it would seem, yes? what can instantly immerse us in pleasant memories, lift our spirits, give us energy, smells, because smell is one of the most ancient human senses; the ability to influence it has always been the main task of perfumers. well, now perfume is one of the important ones. components of the whole image, but how
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to choose exactly your perfume, how the fashion for perfumes has changed, what we can be proud of now, well, we address these and other questions to our guests, in our studio we have the president of the guild perfumers oksana cherneshova, oksana andreevna, good morning, hello, well, we were surprised to find out that the starting point for domestic perfumery was already 1793, the ingredients from which perfumes began to be made then and how they make them now... or are these two completely different stories? you know, when they tell me that 100 years ago, 50 years ago, perfumes were 100% natural, but now they are so not tasty, because they are synthetic, nothing like that. i reconstruct the aromas of the 19th century, i find synthetic fragrant substances in them, developed in laboratories back then. in 1916, the directory mentioned more than 250 fragrant substances that were used in the then modern perfume industry in russia, and... in russia the perfume
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industry was just beginning, what was the most popular, some kind of natural aromas, jasmine, conditionally , roses, an addikalon of pilots was produced, an adikalon of sailors, perfumes were produced, sprat, sprat, smelt, smelt, perfumes in general are for making the world more beautiful, not for to repeat the smell of smelt or kerosene fuel, but no, not for that, we do, we decorate the world, and even if we say that the aroma of smelt has gone, yes, it will not smell like smelt, it will smell like the fresh air that fills st. petersburg when it splashes in the neva, literally, here it is, we see it, it jumps out of the water like a root, this air fills the city, we enclose it in a bottle and this is how it happened, the perfume that you like, so you put it on yourself, and you if you want to feel them too, you don’t feel them anymore after a couple of minutes, and those perfumes that... are not
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yours, you constantly dropped them somewhere in the store, yes, you tried it, that’s all, you have this smell, you wash it, wash it, but it doesn’t go away, why is this, well, in general it’s a myth that if you... feel a smell, then it suits you, but it’s not true, if you don’t feel it, you may have anasmea to some substances, anasme is when you don’t feel it smell, then how to choose the right perfume, choose the right perfume, come to the store several times, first you you try it on blotters, these are these white pieces of paper, yes, yes, white pieces of paper, if everything is fine on blotters, then you go to the store on two hands, apply it on two different hands, then wear it on your hand, all perfumes open differently on different skin. therefore, you need to check it on your hand, prices are now high for many perfumes, does the more expensive the better, or absolutely not, that there are a lot of markets, there are some luxury ones, absolutely not, of course, there is marketing, on marketing is based a lot, if we are talking about luxury, yes, then there
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most of the expenses are in packaging, it's in advertising, it's in marketing, but you can go to a mish perfume store to try completely different perfumes, they will... tell stories, it's not just a delicious smell or a fashionable one, yes, that's what the author wanted to say, in general , transformations are constantly taking place in the world, yes, they moved from floral to fruity, then there were light aquatic notes, and then suddenly the world turned towards woody-leather aromas and is still going confidently right on par with floral-fruity all- yes they are eat, gourmet food fades into the background, people are full. i don’t want the smell of chocolate anymore with perfume, well, that is, as far as i understand, even if you say you don’t want the smell of chocolate, then if a person likes it, for god’s sake i use the smell of chocolate, the main thing is on a washed body, yes, this is the base, this is the base, thank you very much just a layer of information,
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thank you, the president of the perfumers guild oksana chernyshova answered our questions about perfumes, all the best to you, thank you, who in your opinion sings and who doesn’t sing? big musical premiere, who's your name, who's from doesn't sing to you? i already realized that everything is confused, who lies, who doesn’t sing, who i already have bh, how nice it is for me to watch you fidget, worry, think, and you know which of them is here, think, decide, say, listen , who doesn’t sing,
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dressing of stars at the main fashion ball of the year in a couple of minutes, morning of russia, don’t oversleep, most importantly, welcome to the newest pixos hotel in sharmelsheikh, riksas radomis sharmelsheikh, an ideal place for a family holiday, where everything is created for happiness and comfort of children. and their parents. slip away from everyday life to the world of endless entertainment. enjoy themed rooms, the largest children's playground in the region and an unforgettable holiday. rixas radomis sharmel sheikh. we invite you to
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the swiss hotel sharmel sheikh. the world's first all- inclusive swiss hotel. treat yourself to a holiday of elegance and nature. beauty merge into perfect harmony, create memories that will remain forever in your heart, visotel sharmel sharikh is your ideal place in the heart of the city, how good, yeah, i’m already out of the habit of this, well then i’ll be your fairy, so come on, ask me for whatever you want, premiere, you won’t get out of here, sash, they’re waiting for me. who's waiting for you? i have men, so where are pasha or sasha? it’s not funny, mom, well, in our family it’s not possible, it’s hard to leave your own doorstep, it doesn’t fit, you’ve been calling all morning, pasha, i just
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want to make sure that he’s okay, and you, you, ol, you’re okay, bye the light is on in the window, on monday on rtr. catch me if you can, i think they sing, maybe this way, maybe that way, so that's the point of it. on friday on rtr, playing children's construction sets in an adult way, a resident of canada successfully combined two of his hobbies at once, his love for multi-colored plastic bricks for the fantastic film epic star wars; more than 75 thousand of these blocks were required to create this magnificent spaceship , the millennium falcon. usually, fans of the popular construction set take about a month to complete this model, but avenue completed it in a standard
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working day, 7 hours and 36 minutes, connecting approximately three cubes per second, and thus entered his name in the guinness book, the endless guinness book, now we have great news for the little fashionistas of their parents, the quality of children's products is growing in the country, and the goods themselves for children and teenagers, domestic... today they produce noticeably more than several years ago, all because an enterprise for the production of clothes and shoes for young russians is participating in the national project on labor productivity, more details in the story, a little coin, this is what to wear now, ulyana is only eight, but she talks like an adult, with such a reasonable it’s a pleasure for my daughter to go shopping, because she knows as well as her mother what is important to look for when... children’s shoes, practicality, of course, first of all, so that they are practical, so that they are beautiful, so that they are
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comfortable for the child, this is the most important for parents, and for children the most important thing is that it is modern. the pskov factory, one of the largest today, tries to combine all these qualities in its products. the company produces more than 3 million parvi per year. children's products from our company are always invariably distinguished by a combination of such properties as: to maintain this affordable price for buyers, the enterprise became a participant in the national labor productivity project, thanks to this it was possible to reduce production costs and increase its efficiency ; experts from the federal competence center suggested how to do this. as part of this process , this procurement section was moved to the sites where soles are injected into the sewing workshop. they also changed the location of the turnover.
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development, then we already have the installation site operations and we are at the beginning of the launch when it is idle. thanks to participation in the national project , labor productivity losses were reduced from 4 hours to 40 minutes, the efficiency of employees also increased noticeably, holding the position of a logistician who transfers parts from one site to another, putting components in order , saved seamstresses from unnecessary work. previously , accessories were delivered to us in boxes and we spent a lot of time finding what we needed. now we have it all in containers, all signed, he came up and took it, gone. the use of such simple
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tools to increase efficiency is the essence of lean manufacturing, which federal and regional experts are introducing at enterprises as part of the national labor productivity project. to date , more than 5,000 companies with total revenue of 11 trillion rubles have taken part in it. and 4.0 enterprises managed to increase profits by 318 billion rubles. the growth of your own production, import substitution, and the growth of product quality and the growth of wages, this is also an effect that arises after the fact that you it becomes possible for those people and resources to produce more products, and therefore earn more, not only the enterprise benefits from this, but also , of course, the consumer, who receives an affordable and at the same time high-quality product, which is especially important when this consumer is a child . holiday until the chimney sweeps brightly. there is such a thing, it’s fun, it was literally just celebrated in england. the ancient tradition goes back to a distant
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time, when people believed that how you see summer is how you will spend it, so you need sing, laugh, dance, which is what the participants of the procession did with great pleasure. one detail: for the holiday you must definitely wear things of some shade of green , best of all, like green jack, his costume cannot be confused with anything, most of all it looks like a large bush or a head of lettuce. fun, what did the stars wear to the famous costume ball, what colors did they choose, what styles did they try on, anna aksyonova about the main trends in the fashion world. good morning, let's start this saturday. with bright colors, the luxury of a riot of imagination, we are talking about the annual charity costume ball, of course, it is called the oscars in the fashion world, this is where you don’t have to be modest, the main thing is to get into the theme, this time the theme is the garden of time, and what should the stars do, just come in creepy roses, oh no, of course , boring, it’s better to have a suit of earth, a tree, a suit of sand, air,
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swamp mud is also in the theme, and what kind of garden would be without pests, of course, insects, let’s see, well, here it is, a tree, you see for yourself, no guesswork, a tree, as it is yes, but also with a mosquito net, as it were accidentally wrapped around the branches that ran along the entire perimeter of the outfit, but so what, but the singer lana del rey definitely hit the theme, and the veil gave lana the opportunity to keep everyone at a social distance, well done, the critics said, and then they saw the huge fluffy hooves on on their feet, the lanas quickly tried to develop this. it will also remain a mystery how long it took to vacuum the carpet after singer tayla appeared on it. the dress made of sand created a real sensation,
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look closely, there really are real grains of sand, they covered the hands singer's shoulders. now fashion critics are sorting it out. how could such an outfit be made ? got acquainted with the theme of the ball and came simply beautiful, well , maybe it’s for the best, otherwise mat would suddenly decide to dress up in such a transparent skirt over trousers, put on such a radish in ladsky, his wife would flood his suit, like this a handbag made of real ice, but for herself she would have chosen this image, what it was, no one understood, whether it was a plant, or an animal, or an old vase, forgotten in the garden of time, or would suddenly dress up as such a fabulous insect, but mat my wife and i decided not to frighten those gathered. irina shayk also didn’t hear about the dress code and just came in
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sparkles, but no, don’t you see, it ’s an air suit and a crystal heart of flowers, explains the designer. just like that, the floor-length dress is hand-embroidered with 84 thousand crystals, the base material is transparent the mesh, six craftsmen embroidered it with sequins for 200 hours in a row. oh, it seems like i smelled the swamp mud of a fairy tale at the same time? exactly. the outfit of the actress and singer zindaya simply captivated the audience: fashion critics noted that it hit the theme one hundred percent: grapes, feathers, flounces, the case when there is no need to describe. you just have to watch and consider, however, some said that it was hard to watch, but zindaya herself was incredibly pleased with herself and her stylist. was there a stylist here? was, we found out, a dear, famous stylist, so that singer doja cat didn’t come up with the wet t-shirt dress herself. what is the connection to the theme
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of the evening? well, dodge could have fallen into a garden pond, for example, and her makeup would have smudged there. or it happened in the shower, because before that the singer appeared in front of journalists in a towel over her naked body with a towel on her head. yes, the designer came up with that too. demimur did not forget that all the outfits of this evening will be discussed by viewers and critics for a very long time. she appeared at the event in a whimsical dress with a huge peony print, butterfly wings, or is it heart of the queen of spades? in general, demmi definitely made it into the history of the evening. by the way, after the ball the guests dressed, well, very revealingly. outfits, but that's another story, that's all for today, have a nice weekend, see you on saturday, let's chat! people speak different languages, folk songs are sung in one, well, one musical language, in any case, the older folk songs are, the closer they are to each other in rhythm and tonality. this amazing discovery was made by european
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scientists who analyzed folk melodies in 55 languages, participants in the experiment from africa, asia, europe, the researchers didn’t understand, but the music equally touched the soul and seemed vaguely familiar, probably music, like speech, has common evolutionary roots, and we are waiting for the emergence of structural comparative music in addition to linguistics, obviously. in the meantime, scientists are figuring out what's what, we have time to just listen to music. andrey petrov connections, andrey, hello, sad andrey, hello andrey! good morning studio, good morning everyone, we have the moscow bagpipe orchestra visiting the set today, guys, i welcome you greetings, thank you for coming again, this is not the first time we’ve met, probably those who sit in front of... tv screens have the same idea, maybe i should start, or maybe i should try it, they sell this kind of tool, it’s easy buy in general, it’s easy to buy, it’s not sold in russia, but with
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help, you can order using the internet, but first, before you start learning to practice the bagpipes, ask yourself and your neighbors whether you really need it, that is, electronic options not yet, there is an electronic version, well then you can have neighbors take care, that's the first thing in general, here's a person who ordered well, bought this one. a bottle, it came to him by mail, he unpacked it, what is the first thing he does, he took everything, started, inflated, started playing, took in air, well, almost like that, somewhere around a year later he starts playing, because he spends this year training his embouchure, these are the facial muscles and the diaphragm, in order to punch through this instrument with the force of exhalation, outwardly he cannot help but look like a schwarzneiger, so that just the forces of axillary pressure, no, no, this is power exhalation exclusively, wow, well... let's evaluate the power of exhalation, the power of exhalation from the professionals on the russia channel, let's go!
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hey, i really liked this saturday cry, which clearly ignites everyone and encourages everyone to live and live on the day off. the moscow bagpipe orchestra was on our film set today, this is the russian national museum of music, one of the largest music museums in the world. thank you very much, guys, studio, over to you. thank you, we appreciated the bagpipes, andrey petrov and the bagpipe orchestra this saturday morning. new musical meeting, i liked one diet, you can eat everything, but you can’t swallow it, bought tea for weight loss , drinks it with a cake, he dominates
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me, he will get into the corner, dominates, my beauty, run away from her, i love her, humor, humor, humor, premiere, today at 14:50 on... the russia channel, well, it’s time for us to say goodbye to you, all that remains is to remind you that everyone who has not yet subscribed to the telegram channel of the program morning of russia, do it urgently, there not only all the most interesting things, but some of our internal stories and, of course, questions from you that we then, on which we then film the story, well, there is something that was not included in the broadcast, we also send it all to telegram. have a nice day, have a nice weekend, see you on monday.


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