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tv   Formula yedi  RUSSIA1  May 18, 2024 9:00am-9:26am MSK

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he dominates me, he will hide in a corner, and he dominates, my beauty, run from her, i love her, humor, humor, humor, premiere, today at 14:50 on the russia channel, well, it’s time for me and to say goodbye to you, all that remains is to remind you that everyone who has not yet subscribed to the telegram channel of the morning of russia program, do it urgently, it’s not that... only all the most interesting, but some of our internal stories and, of course, questions from you , which we later, on which we then film the story, well, there is something that was not included in the broadcast, we also send it all to telegram, have a nice day, have a nice weekend, see you on monday.
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hello, oksana kuvaeva is on the air in the studio, the main thing for this hour. legendary evenings near moscow at the foot of the great wall of china. a grandiose russian-chinese concert in the suburbs of beijing. guns! in the zaporozhye region, crews of the crimean paratroopers' d-30 gunships destroyed a ukrainian infantry squad. for the first time in the world. this operation does not belong to me or krasnodar, it belongs to society, it was done in russia. plastic surgeon from krasnodar sewed on a child’s face after a dog attack. there's another snowstorm, which means we're blushing for today's weather. may snow in dagestan, that is. to my white house, in
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the omsk region, the peak of the flood. legendary evenings near moscow at the great wall of china. on an open-air stage in the suburbs of beijing, world masterpieces were performed by yuri bashmet, denis matsuev and ildar abdrazakov. they were joined by famous musicians from china. the concert program includes "russian chinese class". combined with songs loved by listeners from both countries, about the resounding success of russian artists from the middle kingdom alexey glovko. in its long history, the great wall of china has heard many military sounds from the jerky team of balls, but on this day, as darkness fell. here you can hear music that the whole world knows.
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denis matsuev is at the piano, yuri bashmet is at the conductor's stand, and this is always a double passion for the stage. preparations for this concert began in a few hours, in china now even in the mountains the sun is scorching, the prima of the chinese opera inxumei hides her face from the hot rays. the maestro tunes his young performers. but this is thunder, and you need to completely remove the weight.
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of course, they subtly feel every beat of the melody, they can say they copied the system of our soviet music education, just like in the good old days there was a piano in every apartment, and the child automatically gets into a music school. rimsky korsakov and rachmaninov, excerpts from the operas eugene onegin and the queen of spades, the golden fund of russian culture, which cannot be abolished. above us is the great wall of china, sounds flow around it, taking us into great sir. novgorod sounds like the aria of the voyageur guest, so only truly great music can connect space, times and cultures. the best bass of russia, ildar abdrazakov, captivated the guests with his notes, because all the emotions were clear without translation. the language is musically the same, there are only 7 notes, so we speak the same language, and everyone, of course, has their own mentality, everyone feels their music in their own way, and today we are united by music here in this wonderful place. and this song
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never needed translation in china. this is very music known in china, even we, the younger generation, know the evenings near moscow; for some spectators, the music played was not enough. another resounding success of russian performers in the middle kingdom, the tradition of concerts at the great wall will be continued. alexey glovko, alexander bystritskaya, polina fedorova, evgeny kirilenko and andrey baroukhin, news from the people's republic of china. in the dpr, motorized rifle groups. vostok troops captured a british-made evacuation vehicle, in the rear the vehicle was repaired and is now being prepared to be replenished a collection of captured foreign weapons, this is a practical rarity; only 100 copies were produced in the seventies. in the zaporozhye region, crews of d-30 howitzers of the crimean paratroopers destroyed a squad
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of ukrainian infantry. in the vdeevsky direction , a complex has been organized to restore the maintenance of drones. specialists are replacing parts of the units that have failed, also on... this can carry eighty -second mines in any case, that is, if it hangs there over the dugout and drops it directly, then well, it will be unpleasant, of course the roll-ups will save you from eighty-two, but if she suffers something heavier, then yes, she can cause a lot of damage. soldiers of the ukrainian armed forces leisurely walk through the trenches in belogorovka,
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they do not know that our reconnaissance drone is watching them, a kamikaze drone is approaching, the gap in the militants’ dugout is filled in, everything that flies through the enemy trenches is by southern operators. troop groups are gathering on their own here, practically on the front line. the enemy is also actively using kamikaze drones in the air on the line of combat contact, a lot of them are mainly trying to catch our equipment. that is why now all armored vehicles, before going to the front, are reinforced with additional protection. here is an example of how an anti-drone array works. a kamis drone flew in, hit it, turned it around, but it completed its task and the vehicle was not damaged. anyway.
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district and the snowstorm lasted for several hours, gardens and vegetable gardens on the roads were damaged due to the icy conditions, drivers were advised to postpone trips until warmer temperatures and frosts in rostov in the region, under the threat of harvest, the cold significantly damaged the vineyards; weather forecasters promise an increase in temperature only on sunday. this is
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footage from yakutia. since the beginning of the ice drift, sappers have already used about 10 tons of explosives to free the riverbeds from congestion. in the omsk region, where a federal-level emergency regime began to operate due to floods, they began to pay compensation to victims of the disaster, more than 600 houses have already been flooded, rescuers are delivering food and medicine, and they are paying attention to animals who were surrounded by water, hay is regularly brought to them, and veterinarians monitor their health. there is no injury, the body condition is sufficient. several regions of france were flooded after heavy downpours. a red level of danger due to flooding was announced in mazel. stormy streams destroy everything in their path. while evacuating local residents, a rescue boat capsized. the streets of velzas turned into rivers. in the capital of kyrgyzstan, security forces
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blocked several city streets, and all bishkek police personnel were put on alert that night. fight between local citizens and by foreigners in bishkka has degenerated into chaos. about a thousand citizens blocked the highway, and cases of pogroms were recorded in the hostel where visitors lived. now the situation in the center of bishkek has stabilized, law enforcement officers managed to stop the conflict. big politics in taiwan, during the discussion of a bill that would expand the powers of parliament, one of the deputies ran out of arguments, and he decided to take a desperate step, simply snatched the papers and quickly left the meeting room, he could not go far, the fugitive was detained and the debate on the controversial bill continued. in a unique case in world practice, a plastic surgeon from krasnodar performed a complex operation on a four-year-old boy from cherke.
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the accident occurred on march 23.
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alexander kundukov, alam morgoev, anna sorokina, vesti, north ossetia. today is
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the day of the baltic fleet, the oldest in the country. 321 years ago, russian sailors won their first victory. our days, the baltic fleet is a complex complex of submarines, aircraft, air defense systems and missile launchers. all these units are in constant readiness both on weekdays and on holidays. report by marina naumova. today, all ships of the baltic fleet raised their flags. the dawn is shining, the bells are polished to a shine, the decks are polished, there are strikers on the corvette and festive bustle, a special day. on may 18, 1703, the russian fleet led by peter the great won its first victory, capturing the vust neva, two large swedish ships, duty squads at their posts, and an anti-drone group taking up positions to repel a training attack. corvettes of the baltic fleet at sea training grounds are carried out practically.
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special forces, it repels an attack without crew boats, protects ships at their bases, fights saboteurs on land and
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under water. special-purpose boats have underwater robots that are capable of destroying mines and bombs at a depth of up to 300 m. today, in honor of the holiday, baltic sailors will show modern models of equipment; an exhibition of weapons will be open at the main base of the baltic fleet all day. marina. mormon drifting expedition north pole 41, polar explorers arrived at port after 20 months of work in high latitudes, the team collected unique data on the natural environment of the arctic, completed 50 studies, the information obtained will help in the development of the north of russia. we are receiving new reports
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from our correspondents, news in a few minutes. excellent in the region. i'll gather the whole family and introduce you officially, dude, sometime, light in the window,
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premiere on monday. on rtr. on the air of vesti stolichnogo region, we continue the broadcast. see below. after 30 years, tram service will be restored in moscow from trizhsky station to the city center. and i would really like to have the tram again. drove off, started to sound again, the rails began to sing, the medicine was under the bush, the vaccine itself was harmless and safe for bird animals. vaccination of wild animals against rabies has begun in the forests of moscow and the moscow region. the cherry garden and more. you probably have no idea how popular chekhov is in japan. the
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chekhov museum of nature reserves opened the international theater festival melikhovo spring. also. let's find out when hot money will finally come to the capital and how to benefit the soul and body spend this weekend. the aroma is pleasant and concentrated and makes your head spin. after 30 years, trams will return to trifonovskaya street in moscow. we have already started to fix the abandoned rails. the route will connect rizhsky station with key points of attraction in the center. dmitry blennikov has details. trifonovskaya street is not rush hour at all, cars are barely moving. old abandoned tram tracks cut up the roadway, stick out, break the asphalt, cars jump on them, if you turn it up a little speed, an accident cannot be avoided. terrible, terrible tram tracks. trams
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were removed from here in 1995. they removed the wires, the contact network, the tracks themselves were going to be dismantled later, but... they took it and canceled it, it was so insulting, so pathetic. the first trams ran along trifonovskaya street in 1932, but they were launched on neighboring streets at the end of the 19th century. where the word itself came from, historians are still arguing, most likely on behalf of the inventor othram, who came up with the idea of ​​running transportation on rails. during its history , trifonovskaya street has seen all kinds of trams, german, czech, soviet production. everything that worked on... city streets in those years, it all ended up here, what is known is that three-car couplers, three cars, worked on these routes, this is a lot, this is a huge capacity, this is where the route of that same five-car ran , which is sung about in a famous song, although she didn’t go to any cheryomushki, her final stop was in medvedkovo, it was so nice that they even sing about my five in songs, so i would
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really like the tram to go again, the rail sounded again. they sang, exactly 30 years later, the metropolitan authorities promised to return the once removed trams. the restored section will allow connecting rizhsky station with the city center. thanks to trams, passengers will be able to save up to 15 minutes every day. as before, they will again go along trifonovskaya street, further along gelerovsky, and will turn around near the rizhsky station. a modern tram, it silently replaces the metro, and like a high-speed ground metro. i think so. this year we should completely renew the rails and sleepers, in total about 3 km of tracks will be replaced, and passenger traffic on this section will begin next year, and since... it doesn’t look like it now, it’s actually a work of art, yes, silent, beautiful, similar, or on a caterpillar, or strikazu with such eyes, a miracle. by the way,
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trifonovskie streets are not the first place where trams will run again; before that, to the delight of the townspeople, they were returned to poveletskaya square, this made it possible to significantly relieve congestion on the adjacent streets for drivers, and passengers became more comfortable. it’s more convenient to get to the metro. dmitry blinnikov, sergey truskov, nikita shchuchkin, mariana pepanyan, lead. vaccination of wild animals against rabies has begun in moscow, veterinary service employees are placing special baits made of beef fat in forest parks, inside each briquette there is a capsule with the drug, within 21 days it forms immunity for a year. in total, about 15 thousand of them were trained. vaccination will last until the end of may. this event is held on the territory of the city of moscow, in forests and forest parks and the moscow region, which allows creating tight protective ring for penetration.
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melikhovo spring clearly demonstrates how the works of anton pavlovich live all over the world. theater from algeria will show diplomacy. it is based on two stories: peresalil and a diplomat in arabic. artists from the republic of belarus, azerbaijan and kazakhstan will also appear on this stage. they come very often. theaters from neighboring countries, for example, abroad, are usually russian academic theaters, they play chekhovo in russian. and, of course, russians will also show their reading of chekhov’s works. theaters moscow, novocherkask, vladikavkaz, kostroma and others. everywhere has its own idea. the omsk northern drama theater will show the stage a love story based on the play three sisters and the correspondence of anton pavlovich chekhov and olga leonardovna kniper. this will be the fifth, also round, small date, fifth production.
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productions based on the works of another author. this year it is alexander sergeevich pushkin. the lipetsk drama theater, for example, will show evgeny anegin. and this theater is one of the founders of the festival. in 1982, on the initiative of the museum director and chief director, the actors played the seagull on the veranda of chekhov's house. thus a tradition was born, which later grew into a large-scale international festival, which develops every year. the decisions that were made a year ago on the colossal development of this. including the creation of infrastructure, and we plan that now in a few years a real czech center will appear here.
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viewers of the productions are invited not only to watch the performance, but also to take a walk around the estate, to feel the mood and atmosphere in which he lived the writer created. the festival will last until may 26, on this day the circle will close. the cherry orchard opened the program, and it will also be the last production of the twenty-fourth melikhovo spring. for 72 years , no large-scale reconstruction has ever been carried out here, only when necessary , the wires were changed in some areas. now it's time to update 14 km of wires at once.
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the overhead line supplies electricity. about ten settlements and several large enterprises, requirements for the reliability of power supply.


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