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tv   Sto k odnomu  RUSSIA1  May 18, 2024 10:10am-11:00am MSK

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here, each room is a journey into coziness and comfort, your vacation is your rules. titanic dellux golf bellet is the best choice for an unforgettable holiday. it's a five on one right now final jackpot draw. let's play all the money in the bank, it's a nice, round number, show me. 3000 rub. let’s get acquainted with that same tv viewer who today can get rich by 300,000 rubles. playing tatiana lysenko, 63 years old, lenin suznetsky. tatyana has the following hobby: knitting and embroidery; she will spend her winnings on travel. everyone was playing nevertheless. briefly, the rule of the final
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round: each of you plays for 15 seconds, starting with genet and ending with sasha, if we reach sasha there is still no correct answer, and i already see that this will happen, then it’s still absolutely fruitless, you can give it another 15 seconds - there to try and discuss what an evil presenter is in this program, after all , we’re ready, attention to the screen, zhen, yes, let’s go, what queen victoria of england and the emperor of ethiopia exchanged in 1898, 1899. children are some kind of jewelry drinks something alive no something valuable so states this is love is like a love note to a kiss.
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names, no, slaves, no, also, well , versions, versions, versions of andre, fans, yes, no, prisoners, no, military men, who, but these are people, no, these are not people, no, ephemeral something or this i can tell you barbs, anecdotes, jokes, rudeness, i exchange thoughts, it’s interesting, and this means in some sense, in some sense, thoughts with us, it means some other guesses, this is something connected, something... then with intangible stories, a year of everything happened, it doesn’t matter meanings.
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lenin suznetsky leaves for the city, well, you have to understand that this is something very strange, if they didn’t just exchange notes there, well , this wouldn’t be in the finale of our program, this is something so unusual. and for 1898 , fingerprints are simply incredible , now we are all exchanging this, frankly, it infuriates me when it comes to me, well, not text messages, voice messages, show the answer, voice messages, they exchanged, in 1898 , queen of great britain.
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in response, in 1899, the person seemed to be waiting ignored, the emperor and his wife, empress taittu, sent her reply voice messages. which, in addition to general polite words , also touched on the issue of ownership of the disputed city, and who they belong to, i’m fine, but what about that city, queen victoria’s voice message has not survived, here’s a message from the emperor and his wife that has survived to this day, and this one the roller on which this message was written, it is this roller, it is still kept in london now, and why was the queen’s message not preserved, because the ambassador destroyed it immediately. according to their idea
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, he should have immediately written a response message, but while the phonograph was being transported from great britain to ethiopia, he forgot what was in the first message, but no, they just sort of broke the needle when they listened and could not record it again for six months they were waiting for the new phonograph to arrive. an interesting story, an incredible audio message for the end of the 19th century, can you imagine, that is, even then, what an amazing question. good question, good question, well done, you had a beautiful game today, i'm right i understand, evelina didn’t answer either in the final or in the third round, so next time evelina, you don’t have to come, everything is very
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tough here, i know, i know, but i’ll come back to this program, don’t forget, we’re joking, of course, come always, we are glad to see you, but next time there is no need. so - we will start our next program with the minimum possible amount of 20,000 rubles. well, with this our show has come to an end today, i remind you that you can find all episodes of the program on the internet platform watch. well, if you if you want to not only watch the star five, but also play with them, then you can ask your question on the page, perhaps you will become the next winner, as today a tv viewer was lucky to win 3000.
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represent a group that is directly related to the artistic film the fire fox, i guessed correctly, right, anna, please tell us about your team, hello, hello, this is dmitry shpelinok, director and cameraman of the film fire fox, a man who is ready for an idea 26 to live in the wild for months, two words, at least is this a cartoon or this? what kind of movie is this? this is a film about wildlife, about a fox cub, who is from such a real fox cub, yes, it is based on documentary material, we tried to make a feature film where there are emotions, where there is a cool story, where there is such an immersion in this amazing world of kamchatka ,
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show it to the camera, great, great idea, let's continue, this is a person. who has a great sense of humor, you can see it from his t-shirt, he's our favorite today cheerful is always positive, foxes, foxes, they understand humor, foxes, or just one, this is the basis of their life, this is the basis of their life, well then the film is definitely interesting, okay, let's continue, tatyana ganyushkina, you see that tatyana has prepared today, she has the most correct hair color of the whole team, tatyana is very bright. she knows how to solve all issues with lightning speed, just like a real fox. thank you tatiana. fiery, fiery tatiana. wonderful. sellot kuznetsov, the voice-over director who helped our little fox speak. it’s beautiful to speak from the heart. vsevlad kuznetsov helped our
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dubbing actor, oleg verozub, to voice our film. the voice of vsevlad kuznetsov, you will recognize everything at once. for example, i can’t calmly talk to him about work, all the time. team, well, our captain, charming anna shpelinok, and about her you can say, of course, that she is the producer of the film, that she is the screenwriter, but at the same time she is the bodyguard, director, cameraman of the film, when filming in the kronovsky reserve, where there is a huge bear kingdom , this is a person, as they say, what are you capable of for the sake of your dreams, here is anya, because because it was not possible to wash there in such conditions, she filmed in wild burrows in wild conditions, she had to shave completely. can you imagine, a shaved woman with a gun, who is guarding the cameraman,
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this is an incredible person, without whom there would definitely be no film, anya spielinovska, what terrible secrets, i got the feeling that you are relatives, the right feeling, the right feeling, who is who, well, we have a hairpin film here, here are three hairpins in place, but i understand, i understand, yes, we husband and wife, and peter is dmitry’s nephew, i’m his aunt, it’s clear, everything is like a master. good aunt, lucky aunt, okay, thank you, this is the fire fox team, kinalisa team, alitsy, once again i see you on our program, it’s nice, please introduce yours, we come for a reason, we come to you with people have light, cinema, telling about it, that’s why today we are with our film, we are together, in general, one team that is working on the release of this film, but... today we are rivals, we have our paws here, who can scratch, well, the paws are from
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the foxes, we are divided, but i am happy to represent my team, today i am in such a wonderful environment, just in the most beautiful women’s flowerbed, one might say, these are all representatives of the company, the film bureau, which helps us to release a film, these are our partners, at this stage in this program it is mine.
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i would say famous, because you know him, all of russia knows him, because behind him we see, and professor snek, and oragor, but it also seems to me how many, well, many dozens of seven roles that alexey anatolyevich voiced, he is actually the head of the film company koroprokat, the man who infected us with this film in a good way. in the sense of the word, and we are following it together with our wonderful producers, yes, and i hope that you all watch this movie and also fall in love with our fox, like all of us. well, fire fox is a unique family adventure about a little fox named wind who must conquer his fear of finding love and family again. the fire fox is already in cinemas. so, well, we're in the studio 100 to one,
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two teams fiery fox and kino fox, i invite you, the first round, a simple single game, you are looking at only one on the russia one channel, we are starting, a simple single game, i invite you here to the gaming table. fire fox and kinalis.
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there is this on the fifth line, but this is not the top line, but my version of the lady, lady, who is this lady, beautiful, beautiful, well , some kind of, thank you, some beautiful lady for whose sake all this is being started, yes, apparently so, let's check out the beautiful lady, yes, princess, we called her princess, we return. what are the options: castle, knight, horse, princess, spear, already there, next, sword, servant, and i think one word, i think it’s a sword, okay, let’s check the sword, in addition to the spear,
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sword, no, we have a sword, of course, but it is lower. the first line of the princess is 22 people, those in armor are 17 people, the spear is 13 people, and three more lines are free, and a dragon or something like that, i think it’s a dragon, a dragon, yes, well, how could we be without it, well, yes , we check the dragon, the dragon, here it is, on the fourth line, i’m coming back, anna, what
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else is there, maybe a tournament. let's have a tournament we’ll answer, a tournament, well, let’s see, really, since we have armor, princess, we’re watching a tournament, but there’s not much left, one more word, but it won’t be easy, it won’t be easy, the middle ages, no, but maybe some kind of obligatory thing, like stairs or not , the last element is missing here. sword we tried either shield or squire or for let's try well let's squire squire good or pasha or he
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can be called differently you can well some yes such a person servant assistant no assistant squire check the middle ages. so, unfortunately, to unfortunately, there’s a chance for you, katerina, your option, well, since i’m for fun, my option is a cup, a cup, great, wine, yana, i would still suggest a servant, there was already a squire, but maybe that’s the one there, who is helping, well, yes, we just checked, this is, well, maybe a buffoon, a buffoon. yes, oh, this is interesting, we are fun, yes, although they are such jesters, you say, i also think that the cup, but maybe the middle ages, the middle ages, something like that, yes, yes, alexey, ah, well, here i am listened to his whole team, and indeed, in the castle
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knighted and so on, well, if it’s a knight’s tournament, then there’s a cup, i think. so, how can we continue this figurative series: princess 22, armor 17, tournament 15, dragon 14, spear 13, very tight, on the sixth
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line we open the middle ages, yes, you had this version, you had this version, well well, not bad, did a good job, 81:00, so far this is a simple single game. look at one, which means that next we have a war game, all points will be multiplied by two, your husband butted a statement of attempted murder, which he suspects me, we’ll figure out who poisoned him, i need to do an examination of the medicine, how could you, little joke, i’m not going to make excuses, you ’re going through a stage, everything is against you. i promise we'll figure it out. spring is late, premiere today on rtr. rum, castro,
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product of stellor group. callinan belek is a place where time stops. immerse yourself in sophistication. and luxury, forgetting about time on the shores of the mediterranean sea. discover true excellence by making your dreams come true. hotel kalinan beleg, where is life turns into a fairy tale. mancacher whiskey is a product of the stellar group. rixas premium sigege. family fun starts here, with every detail designed for your enjoyment. enjoy a water park for children, lush green gardens and the beauty
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of coral reefs and the sea. immerse yourself in a world of unforgettable experiences at rixos premium segate. rixos premium seagate. montechoca cognac. product of stellor group. we continue. double game. i ask the second team numbers to go to the table. in this round, all points on the scoreboard are multiplied by two. and in our guests are the film crew and distributors of the film fire fox. so. attention question. because of which? the owner of the apartment asked you to carefully look at your feet or under your feet? dmitry , you are the first, i am the first, yes, well, the most obvious
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thing, of course, is that something was broken, or that somewhere there was some kind of liquid, some liquid was broken, something was spilled, no, it was broken or spilled , well, if a bottle of something, let’s say , was broken, then it was spilled accordingly, two options at once, well, yes, so we, we are like foxes, foxes, they should generally take it by cunning, well still, choose a wet floor and... polsk, where there are sharp fragments lying around, wet, wet, but i think that if the floor is wet, it’s not scary, but if there are fragments, this is already a big danger, we agreed, it’s good that- then it was broken, let's check, this is the fifth answer, nina, you have the opportunity, but yes, then i will assume that something was spilled, and yes, and the floor is slippery. animal,
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so next you are anna, and so good, i think that they have problems with a cat or a dog, in general there is a lot of hair, so you need to wear shoes, be careful when you step on the pet don’t step on houses, well, in short, a pet, let’s check. you didn’t have this version, so next, i’ll bet on an uneven floor, maybe thresholds, you have to look under your feet so as not to fall, steps, thresholds, yes, some kind of obstacle at the entrance, or thresholds, no, steps, steps, check the steps, stairs, yes, what do we suggest? there are many options, but apparently, carefully painted, carefully painted, good, some kind of repair, we check, painted, there is such a thing. so now pay attention,
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because there is only one line left, but the first one, because of which the owner of the apartment asked the guest to carefully look at his feet, the options are as follows: second line animal hair 26, wet floor - 10, step or ladder nine, spilled something or broke something.
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this owner who is the owner or the guest the owner is not clean the owner is not clean dirty let's alexey you still have the opportunity to make a mistake twice before the entrance goes to yourself let's say the threshold and then the person enters the apartment be careful threshold grandmother threshold threshold still step over the threshold apartment yes that there is a grandmother after all, but they called me to check how the repairs were done; they didn’t scatter anything, okay . well, let's check the threshold? well, yes, this turned out to be the most popular answer. on the seventh line we have a small child, because of which they could have asked to watch their step, well, that’s how the viewers we surveyed answered. it was a double game 16681, while the finalists are winning, we have a triple game coming up, you
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're watching. 100 to one, we continue, we have a triple play, i invite the third team numbers here to the table, i remind you that the fiery foxes and kinolisy are two teams that present the new feature film fire fox, peter and anna. attention, question. yes, why does a city dweller who doesn’t have a dacha often go out of town, anna, anna, you’re great, girl, so again, what’s the question, logical, why does a city dweller who doesn’t have a dacha often go out of town, to visit friends? , he goes to see friends, yes, out of town, to friends, she has already answered, to friends, there is no such answer.
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okay, nothing, start fishing with friends, everything will be fine, so, tatyana, you’re next, i’m coming to you, the foxes are also fishing, to be honest, my option is to change the environment, the environment is simple, well, yes, well, what exactly is in nature to breathe, breathe, fresh air, fresh air, fresh air to breathe fresh air, breathe fresh air, take a walk,
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breathe some air, there will be. we check, breathe, take a walk, 15, well, picking mushrooms will also be any way, so picking mushrooms also allows you to take a breath and take a walk, picking mushrooms , no, yes, after all, mushrooms, mushrooms, of course, yes, yes, that’s all, what other options, or no more no, an option, there are options, yes, no, for barbecue, as if for barbecue, most likely for berries, for berries, mushrooms, for berries. that’s it, kebabs, berries, yes, well, mushrooms, berries, well selat, well, you yourself, why do you go most often, i’m going to the dacha, but to the dacha, most likely, if the option is kebabs to the dacha, mushrooms, look, in the question , why does a city dweller who doesn’t have a dacha often travel to the countryside, your answer, but we check kebabs, kebabs, imagine, there’s not even such an answer, well
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, i need mushrooms, yes. so anna, well, he is, of course, below the scoreboard, anna, a city dweller, he has there is no dacha, and he often, why do you go to the countryside? for some reason, to go out of town, to visit parents, well, okay, parents, to visit parents, oops, you see, our respondents, as we call them, strictly distinguished between relatives and friends, to friends at the dacha, you see, it’s completely normal to visit relatives , yes, yes, our friends are on the seventh line, if anything, acquaintances and friends are on the seventh line, right. i think that most likely it’s mushrooms, because there’s still time to swim, maybe swim, swim, swim to the beach, then probably there should still be, good version, there should be mushrooms, yes, but there should be mushrooms,
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let's see, maybe let's look or mushrooms, let's have mushrooms, after all, yes, mushrooms, for mushrooms, yes, yes, yes, let's we're looking for mushrooms, looking for mushrooms, let's check the mushrooms, you don't have a task, and no, well, of course, yes, of course, they are there. so, fishing 22, to relatives 18, to zagreb 17, to breathe, to take a walk - 15, well, in general, a very natural list, there are two lines left to choose, that is, look, you can sunbathe, you can swim, all this on river, i think, to the beach or to the beach to swim, to the beach to swim, swim, well, look, a hint, a hint, in the last two lines. different logic, different logic, but completely different, yes, a different semantic series, i would say so, maybe to grow something, i don’t know, maybe for this for firewood,
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maybe for firewood, no, unlikely whether, by rights, no, either to collect something, or, but the kebabs didn’t come up, the kebabs remained, the topic of kebabs was not revealed to us, the kebabs turned out to be, no, no, hunting is also unlikely. we check, no, he will give the dog away, right, again the question is, why does a city dweller who doesn’t have a dacha often travel out of town, katerina, you
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told peter that there is a different logic, that is , not to have fun, not to swim, not to sunbathe, perhaps he is going to work, maybe, perhaps, to pick berries , some kind of harvest. pizza, berries, apples, steal from grandma, so, yana, collect some seasonal harvest, yes, but if, again, by the way, the option is to go to the bathhouse, maybe to eat in the bathhouse, yes, by the way, 100%, well of course, there are not enough bathhouses in the city, but there, but there is a different atmosphere, nature, let's have yours, so, i think that the everyday, everyday topic, in general, you need to take the child to the grandmother so that she can sit with him, finally, the child to the grandmother, i will suggest then to relax, be in silence, be alone, well how- then so, in silence, it’s good, instead of sitting in a lonely room, locking yourself in the basement, well, there
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’s city noise here, but there’s no noise there, in short, alexey, well, i, probably, last time we were a little without listening to nina, it seems that the answer about the middle ages is not very obvious, yes, it also seems to me that a city dweller goes out of town to just relax, just to relax, that’s it, yes, we are looking for just to relax, no, yes to the bathhouse, victory has returned to you, but well, i understand, summer mood, yes, we think, something sporty. okay, look, why does a city dweller who doesn’t have a dacha often go out of town, go fishing 22, parents, relatives 18, pick mushrooms 17, take a breather 15, below
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the board we have to visit friends, acquaintances, we’ve done it all, hunting we checked, this would be the eighth line, barbecue, aka picnic, this would be ninth line. but the fifth and sixth, as we said, they answered in a slightly different logic, so we open the fifth line, and there. here’s a simple story, a man goes to the countryside because he’s building a house, not for a dacha, not for strangers, he’s building a house for himself, it looks like the sixth line, the man works there, it’s simple, so he goes out of town, works,
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we have a serious family conversation, you 're behaving ugly, do you really want him to see this while it's on, the light in the window, on monday on rtr, old barrel cognac, stellar group product, cnop gin, product stellor group, welcome to... premium magavish suits & villas in hurghada,
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where luxury rooms and villas combine with a 1 km long golden sandy beach. impeccable service and exquisite cuisine will make your holiday unforgettable. rixas premium magavish suits & villas, the vacation you've been dreaming of. bourbon.
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so, dear friends, the game is in reverse, the most important test that will dot all the letters, in our game it is the other way around, the last sixth line can give 240 points, the front fifth 180 and so on, line is only 15, because the game is reversed, i ask one question and 20 seconds for the teams to think, alexey, you wanted to tell, yes i wanted to tell, because now the situation is already very tense, 297 to 166, nothing has been lost yet, i just remembered an interesting anecdote about the forest, and i wanted to make sure that we didn’t get the same combination, yes, when a bear, a wolf and a fox sit down to play... and the bear warns, so whoever is
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naughty will immediately get a slap in the insolent shaggy red face, yes , this is good, good children's, yes, about our hero little fox, so, well, finally, a question, 20 seconds to think, attention, the most famous work of pyotr ilyevich tchaikovsky, 20 seconds, yes, we were dedicated and of course pyotr ilyevich
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is our everything, this is famous, no , our everything, alexander sergeevich, well, alexander sergeevich in poetry, and so to speak, tchaikovsky in music. okay, well, we think that few people probably remember and know this, so to speak, but nevertheless, this is a very famous work, this is an opera to the music of pyotr ilyas chikovsky, queen of spades, queen of spades, great answer. adopted precisely based on the works of our whole, that is, alexander sergeevich pushkin, so, anna, your answer, and we also think so, we wanted from...
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not everyone will remember on the third line, but if you studied at a music school, then we open the third line, children's, children's album. so next i probably want to make you happy, because no one will open the last sixth line, let’s open it, this is it, pa-pa-pa-pam, this is the first concert for piano and orchestra, great,
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of course, a piece of music, well, as you probably guessed, somewhere there is a queen of spades , and somewhere... let's open evgeniy anegin for starters. and open the pit lady. 180. the finalists win this competition, but the entire team wins the game. fire fox, it was a game in reverse, now a big game for the winners, you are watching alone, this is a fun quiz, we are starting,
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we have a big game, our giant. out of 100,000 rubles can be put into the box office of the film fiery fox. five questions, someone stays here, someone goes into the terrible dark, damp, deaf, let me go, who is it? then you’ll have to stand behind me, right? yes, who? who? i'll leave, are you leaving? don’t be afraid, okay, so, everyone is ready, well, in part, so, pay attention, in which transport there are no inspectors? in the subway, what happens when it rains? umbrella, where can you see the hatch? on the asphalt,
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what fruits are compote made from? dried fruits that protect against dampness? and the legs are lovely, let’s check your answers, so, in which transport there are no inspectors, you said metro and nine people also answered, well, what happens in the rain, you said, an umbrella can happen in the rain, and just like you answered, one person, where can you see the hatch? said on the asphalt and seven people also answered what kind of fruits compote is made from, you said dried fruits, here we are probably closer to the truth, 13, finally, what protects from
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dampness, you said, legs, here, well, 22, 52 points . thank you, this is not bad, return to the team, anya is returning to the studio, we are waiting for you, take off your headphones, you’re not afraid it was scary, scary, well, that’s all, we escaped, so, we’re ready, let’s go, what kind of transport doesn’t have controllers, a minibus, what happens in the rain? a raincoat where you can see a hatch on the asphalt in a submarine .
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people said that rainwater can be water, which in general is logical, and 36 people
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noticed that rainwater can, of course, be worms, i apologize if this was said at breakfast, but this is our game, where you can see the hatch on the asphalt, vsevalot said, you said on a submarine, that’s right, there are hatches there, on any the ship has hatches, and 10 people also answered, this is a lot, there will be zero, this is a lot, only 15 people say that there are hatches on the sidewalk, but 25 people, motorists, they, of course, said that there are hatches on the road, and exactly where they should not be, so what kind of fruits are they used to make compote, dried fruits from, said 13...
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until we meet again, it was 100 to one on the russia-1 channel.
11:00 am
hello on the russia tv channel, hosted by denis polnchukov in the studio and most importantly, by this hour, russian troops.


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