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tv   Doktor Myasnikov  RUSSIA1  May 18, 2024 12:50pm-2:00pm MSK

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friendship is not only about receiving the warmth of care, but also about giving it in return. please don’t forget about this, because this also applies to our pets. we will meet you next week among friends, see you, all the best. cnop gin is a product of stellor group. kalinan beel is a place where time stops. immerse yourself in sophistication and luxury, forgetting about time on the shores of the mediterranean sea. discover true excellence by making your dreams come true. hotel kalinonbek, where
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life turns into a fairy tale. bourbon steersman - product of stellar group. vodka, veda, product of stellor group. well, maybe you can kiss me? the plot is worthy! she, he and his muse. anton, you have talent, but it’s so easy to lose inspiration. i'll leave when you finish the novel. i can not live without you. i heard that you ’re getting married, just like you’re planning to do. clean slate on
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friday on rtr, lead the week without the noise of dust , put it on the shelves, lead the week with dmitry kiselyov, sunday on rtr, hello, maybe a thousand years have not changed with you, sunday, when don’t lie to me, you like it to hit women in the face, yes, yes, i agreed with an older friend at the dacha. lam, don’t worry, the earring will always protect me, hello, darling, it’s none of your business, on sunday on rtr, we go back to childhood, perform our favorite songs from children’s films, and come on , sing us a song.
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loneliness, how it affects our health and for whom loneliness can cause heart disease. i was asked to talk about how loneliness affects health. but let's think about what loneliness is, living alone? are you there inside, alone or not? here what? what mistakes do parents make in
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feeding modern children, when these mistakes can lead to liver problems? what mistakes do parents make in feeding modern children, eat until the end, you won’t get up from the table until you eat, he doesn’t care what he says: “lyonya, eat, why does it hurt, because you’re from this age you were fed this way, what does it mean to live according to?”
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on the russia-1 channel, you see how handsome my gray dog ​​is, and my fish, yes, he will tell us, or rather, help us talk about how... loneliness affects health, and it influences very strongly, just talk in which direction, i have a special opinion here, as always, what mistakes do parents make in feeding modern children, well, this little butter dish, how to take care of the heart, our fiery engine. well, we're starting, let's go. now we have a section on how to properly, in this case, how to properly take care of our heart, let’s figure it out right away, yes, we take care of the car, we change the oil, adjust the ignition, i don’t know what else we
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do with the engine, but the heart - this is not a car the most important thing for the heart is not to harm it, there is very little you can do. for the heart yourself, you don’t have to harm it, because what happens is that we are born with a certain amount of health, with certain reserves, then we go into all sorts of troubles, we start eating everything, we start getting fat, we start smoking, drinking, sitting still , neglect physical activity, and so on and so forth, this is what you can do, don’t lubricate your heart , don’t feed it what kind of omega-3, don’t eat what polyunsaturated fatty acids, nuts, if you you won’t control your blood pressure if you continue to smoke, if you’re overweight, then you won’t
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go anywhere. so, in order to take care of your heart, you must understand that any cardiac problem, heart attack, stenocardia, and so on, is the outcome of the last two decades of your life, and especially the last ten years, that is, what has happened, is about to happen, will happen with heart attacks, strokes and so on, this is not because the stars aligned this way, although this also happens so that this to warn you, we are back to talking about risk factors. so, step up. heredity, it’s very important if you have well, let’s say what’s written in your family, your parents, mom or dad died or had a heart attack before the age of 45, you’re young, you’re at
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risk, age, yes, there’s no escape. 40 plus - you are already starting to fall into the risk zone, but this is something that we cannot change, what we can change, who is the main killer of the heart, smoking, like it, don’t like it, smoking kills, it’s either cancer or stroke, tobacco kills half of its consumers, hypertension, arterial hypertension, it must be controlled, it must be elevated. but a little bit, doctors believe that if your blood pressure is normal, but on pills, it’s still a risk factor, yes, it needs to be kept in check, then you won’t have a stroke, but even normal blood pressure on medications is still independent a risk factor for
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a heart attack, so let’s take care of our blood pressure too, this is avoiding stress, this is normal. worked until you were 100 years old, you should have normal blood pressure, normal cholesterol, normal sugar, normal body mass index, and you should not smoke,
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just maybe, well, in principle yes, and most importantly, and you should move, move. and move at least 40 minutes a day, five times a week, you know, they say: name one thing that prolongs life, medications, diet, something else. but one thing, i want to say medicine, no, but that’s one thing, the most important thing, no, not the most important thing, diet is the most important thing, no, not the most important thing, physical activity, that’s the most important thing, look, you’re 40 plus , you have numerous risk factors, but you still check your heart, you still check your cholesterol, you still start reducing it with medications, if so to speak, there are indications, check all your sugar, you have two ways, you’ve been working towards this for 20 years to harm the heart. now you’re in the wrong place, you’re either passively waiting until you
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’ve had enough, so to speak, or you’re trying to do something, with what success, i don’t know, but at least you try to do something, it’s better than nothing, well that's probably all there is to it, let's move on, so, well, now it's time for me answers to your questions, let's see what you... sent us this week, what was taken away, only you know, it’s uncomfortable for me to keep you, it’s uncomfortable for you on the table, let’s put you somewhere now, look, here you and i have a weight, yes, yes, opana, this will be a throne for you, give your paw here, that’s it. he flew away, let him sit there, there will be his time, we will call him back,
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we didn’t need that weight, so, well, what we have, good afternoon, doctor, my name is evgenia perchuk, i’m from the city of sochi, i have the following situation, in 2022. they were removed, a year later i was prescribed a planned glanoscopy, but the doctor prescribed me treatment, i completed the course, a year later, during a planned colonoscopy , one polyp was discovered, also in the upper colon, i have a question, what should i do? so that polyps do not form again? maybe change your diet? well , look, firstly, it takes 10 years for a polyp to grow, and
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it takes 10 years for it to degenerate into cancer, i think that it was just either not noticed 2 years ago, or it was small, or it really grew, it’s not in your age to start doing this, you need to do it earlier, you need to avoid red meat, eat nothing once a week, eat vegetables, fruits, because polyps are a lack of fiber. it is very important, by the way, to have calcium with vitamin d, because this is exactly what has been shown, that if this cancer does not prevent, then polyps, this prevents it, there must be a proper diet rich in fiber, substances, without unhealthy fats, this is about nutrition, but you have to eat like this for decades, but you need to be monitored, i don’t know about which you take courses of drugs, there are no such drugs in courses, well, by the way, reducing the risk of intestinal cancer is statins, regardless of cholesterol levels,
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aspirin, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, those who regularly take them for years have lower risks, by the way , not only intestinal cancer, but also liver cancer, but there are other problems, so your way is to eat right, well then what do you mean, you need a lot of meat and something else or i don’t know, eat vegetables, fruits , low-fat, dairy products, fish, you live in sochi, so you regularly observe, hello, my name is irina belova, i’m from yekaterinburg, what should i do if no amount of physical exercise and physiotherapy helps, my legs and lower back are starting to hurt a lot, and the doctors keep telling me if if your lower back and legs start to hurt, your entire spine and entire collar area will start to hurt. i was in the sanatorium for 17 days, and water massage, and just massage, and
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procedures, and wrapping, and rubbing, whatever i did, as a result, i arrived and a week later the same thing started again, although i go to the gym, do exercises in the water, do exercises, what should i do in this case, where to start, please advise me, well, you are an adult, but you are not 15 years old, but you still believe in fairy tales, aquatic ... procedures that they will help you correct what you have been going towards for decades, plus you probably also have such a problem as osteoporosis, judging by your age. and another sign, well, you understand, in general you will understand everything, pain in the lower back, pain in the legs, but you have been working towards this for 40 years, but no, that pill, it will relieve you, relieve pain, but will give you a heart attack, stroke, disappearance of a stomach ulcer, and so on , and at a regular appointment, what remains for you, you’re
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great, yes, physiotherapy, yes, a swimming pool, yes, gymnastics, yes, weight loss, this will help 100%? no, that’s all that’s left for you, and for me, by the way, what do you think, i’m just like this , i’m all over the place, everything hurts, no less than it does for you, i’d go crazy if i thought, oh here , oh here, sometimes i have to get up, get up, i got up, but sometimes it puts me down, it hurts, so what, we all, some after forty, some after 50, some after 60, live with chronic pain? in the back, in the joints, everywhere, and we will live like this until music starts playing in our house that we cannot hear. and there are two options: either whining to say when, never, never will end , i said the option, when it ends, when the music starts playing, or you need to somehow exist with it, understand that the pain there,
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let’s say, is like this, it will be, well, god bless her, with this pain, well, i’ll limit something, here i ’ll probably fight, here i might advise with doctor, but now you still won’t have it, now you wake up, nothing hurts, it will be like this, no, maybe for 1-2 days, in general, live, life is pain, our life after forty - as a rule, life is through pain, chronic, and don’t poison yourself with medications and your soul with doubts, just live, it’s better to live in pain than to lie like this without it, lifeless, what’s next? hello, alexander lionidovich, my name is devova victoria, the city of kashira, i have the following question: i read that in holland a man was sick with covid for 613 days, he was sick in the end died, but please tell me what this could be connected with, some special strain of covid or what, can this happen here in russia,
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if so, how to protect yourself, it’s just that during the pandemic many of my friends... died now i’m somehow uncomfortable with such news, thank you for your answer, well, i have my first piece of advice for you, voiced by professor preobrazhensky, yes, don’t read the newspapers, don’t read the news, now you’ve read it, you’ve become happier because of this news, and you didn’t understand anything, except that the man is 72 years old, he was sick there with covid, you understand that he is not the first, by the way, an english patient once wrote an article.
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the same, he was sick there a little shorter, but also for many, many months, he has about sixty new mutations of covid, you know, if they break through, the whole globe begins to get sick, and the mutation is even more evil and evil in the body of a sick person, that is a patient with immunodeficiency is an incubator for new dangerous strains of the virus, well, in this case the question is about covid, thank god, there are few of them, but they exist, and this is what led to the spread... covid as it was, these are not only terminally ill patients, but 20% of those sick are responsible for 80% of infections, that is, there are people who are supercarriers who spread this disease, you should not rack your brains over such things, you are thinking correctly , covid today, thank god, is not
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fashionable, i can’t even say the word covid, because so much forest and faith will be felled. interferon alfa2b can help fight here . naturally, use here is a cut with viruses that penetrate inside. no wonder
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they included interferon alfa2b, which was included in the standards of treatment prescribed, well, in the new recommendations for combating acute viral diseases, interferon alfa2. he is also given a certain well-deserved place, it is clear that infectious diseases, especially in the light of such news, require consultation with a doctor, a specialist, but here we go, good afternoon, my name is irina svetkhova, i am from the city of nizhny novgorod , kind, i would like to get an answer to a question that interests me very much: orthodox christians have several fasts throughout the year, the duration of which is measured from one week to 6 weeks, during this period a person has to limit himself to certain types of food, such as meat,
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milk, sometimes fish, sometimes vegetable oil, there are days of dryness, so i would like to know whether refusing certain types of food for a long time is harmful to the human body... thank you very much, that’s why you’re fasting, hmm, you want to lose weight, lower cholesterol, you’re fasting, that’s exactly why you’re fasting, if you hold it based on your religious beliefs, then i don’t understand all your questions, jesus went to hell, but why are these things different? religious motivation for one or another action, and you know this, it’s already like that, oh, what will i get from this, but
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i need it, you don’t need it, if you think so, fasting is not observed in order to lose weight, understand cholesterol, for another, when you understand, all the rest of the question will immediately become clear to you, well... that’s all with questions, and we’re going to a physical education break, do you want us reconsider, this is a platform, look at the application or website, look at, then, what mistakes do parents make in the nutrition of modern children, when these mistakes can lead to liver problems, loneliness, how does it affect it? on our health and for whom loneliness can cause heart disease, what mistakes do parents make in feeding modern children, eat until the end, you won’t get up from the table until you eat,
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why is it in our heads to feed and so that he eats everything else, he doesn’t care what he grows, he says to him: “eat lenya, but why does it hurt, because from this age you were fed like that, i was asked to talk about how loneliness affects health, but let's think that..." what is loneliness, living alone? are you lonely inside or not lonely ? this is where you need to start. a person cannot be alone with himself. so many years have passed, we must continue to live in the bogdanov family, i still haven’t come to my senses . death of his son. of the two of us, he... was always an angel, it’s good for you to take a break from me, everyone arranges their own destiny, let’s get married, you ’re not in a hurry to mix, i’ll give birth to a child for you and
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yulia, but suddenly a terrible misfortune happens, sasha, your mother died, the bogdanovs must unite again, otherwise new troubles cannot be avoided, if she had some secret, what would she want, y... light in the window, continuation, watch on monday on rtr. you sleeplessly toss and turn all night with your old pillows, and wake up completely broken and stressed, now that's over, introducing the dremaliina pillow, comfortable pillow for relaxation. hugs your entire body and optimally aligns it so you experience the best sleep of your life. the unique shape of the drimalina cvon pillow offers seven comfort zones that
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by not singing. what is more difficult: revealing talent or deception? with our experience with musical ear. or you can come up and look him in the eyes. the stars are ready to check. we must notice everything, every stroke. wow, they sing beautifully. my opinion is evolving. so far we have been very complimentary to everyone. brotherly, migins, please. so what next? intrigue, mad. catch me if you can. we can't wait to start. on friday on rtr, thank you for staying with us, thank you for watching russia-1, there is time, today we will talk about what mistakes parents make in feeding modern children. look, the point is
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that anyone. will tell you that illnesses of children, as a rule, of busy parents, crazy mothers, fathers, say that he looks wrong, walks wrong, coughs wrong, farts wrong, drags him to the doctor and blows the doctor’s brains out, the pills start, antibiotics, which the doctor might never have given, and so on and so forth, believe me, i also treated children a lot, 90% of the problems... pediatrics are the parents’ problems, but the same thing with nutrition, why you and me, by the way , was such a dad, they decided that it’s your parental duty to feed the child, feed him from the belly up, so that he finishes everything, eat to the end, you won’t get up from the table until you eat, and you ’re chewing this cutlet, chewing and chewing .
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i have a son, whom i also forced to eat, he took a piece of bread, but it was a pie in this case, pulled out the flesh of the rest of the cutlet for... there so that i, well , couldn’t get up, couldn’t throw it away, but damn, i ate , poor child, i am such a child, and i always fed him, as soon as he switched to eating sorochka, he became resist, resist with me, i put on his shirt, tied him to a chair, his hands are tied, and i spoon him, so where should he go? he's still there, he's trying to jump out, i 'll put everything together like this and put him back in, why is it in our heads to feed him and for him to eat everything else, he doesn't want
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to eat, so what needs to be done, or force him to tie him up, or follow the path of improving the taste of food, which gives food the taste of salt and sugar? and there are also all sorts of seasonings, there are artificial ones, but in basically salt, sugar, fat, it’s starting, i don’t want to eat, so eat the pie, it’s very tasty, it’s there, but i have jam there, in fact, i hid the meat, or just eat a piece of sausage, he doesn’t care he doesn’t know what milk tastes like, he doesn’t know what ... pizza tastes like, if you don’t overfeed him with salty, sweet foods, he won’t develop the wrong taste habit, well, see him with low-fat milk, but fatty milk tastes better, but he knows which one tastes better, it doesn’t taste better if he didn’t drink any, so what difference does it make to him, he
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will accept this low-fat milk as the norm and will continue to eat it, the nutrition of a small person is no different from that of an adult, look around, everything here is harmful except carrots, pizza is harmful, cheburek is harmful, french fries are harmful, i’m talking about pizza i’ll tell you, i was surprised when i was working in america, they were almost discussing in the senate whether it was possible to top pizza with vegetables, i didn’t understand then, i think they had already completely left it, they probably had everything, well, as it turned out later, but about pizza it was rational. but there in a certain area radius around the school it is forbidden to sell sweet carbonated drinks and fast food, and pizza producers say: well, we don’t make that kind of pizza, what do we have there, we have tomatoes, onions, peppers and so on and so
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on, the vegetable ingredients outweigh this one a thin layer of dough, let's recognize it as vegetables, then pizza falls under a different law, it can be sold at school. don’t you love your children so much, you have a feeling that it takes a long time to feed him, clothe him, and maybe it’s better to educate him, but maybe it’s better to make him play, move, play not just this, i did this too, and i did this, i gave him a game, it’s amazing how much this little man could eat while playing this game, he gave himself... meat , potatoes, he ate it all, didn’t see it, he didn’t care what he said to him: “lenya, eat, he’s playing, lenya, eat, now he has a healthy forehead, healthy muscles, but he went here six months ago for
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a blood test , and his liver enzymes are increased, they started looking, and he began to have fatty liver degeneration, which i laid on him at this age, he is now approaching 30, what to do with it, this is the payback for the fact that i taught him, taught him to eat sweets, taught him to eat salty, to all this, i taught him for a long time, personally, but he is sick it’s the same for you, you squeak, thank god they’re eating, you know, the baby is small, thank god. pecked, he will recover, he’s fat, fat in childhood, fat forever, and you also understand a simple thing, you can’t go to the pharmacy for health, for multivitamins, microelements and so on, you can’t buy them in a pharmacy, it should be in natural
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products, the same thing, you can’t buy healthy food in a supermarket, you can’t buy it in a store, here’s yogurt, you recently had an argument, so what? it says so many proteins, so many carbohydrates, few calories, and contains bacteria, i say, okay, shelf life, what month, do you understand that there may be these fats, proteins, carbohydrates, but unhealthy fats? saturated or trans fats, here is direct sugar, here is protein, it is not clear from what, what origin, this cannot be eaten, it’s harmful, but as you can see, it’s all 30 calories, which means that if i eat 100 g, then 150 g, that means 60 calories, which means i won’t gain weight, maybe you won’t gain weight, but you won’t get any benefit, but you’re an adult , but he’s just getting started, don’t touch him, god didn’t give us a lot of food, he gave us fish, children don’t
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eat fish, but first of all, what kind of fish, how to cook it, this time, god gave us poultry, meat , if you approach it wisely, give vegetables, fruits, give grains, give milk, well, do it, that you give it sausage or you stuff yourself with sausages, you understand that this sausage has zero usefulness in it, yes, it can, so to speak, kill the feeling of hunger. well, he will give the child extra grams of weight, for which he will later pay, so you looked at my answers to questions today, there a woman says she’s afraid to explain, her bones hurt, but why does she hurt, because from that age you were fed that way, you are overweight, we are talking about osteoporosis, we talked with her, ostaoparosis is a pediatric disease, why? well, because they move little, sit and eat, as they eat plus sweet carbonated
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drinks. the most terrible drink, the most harmful drink for young adults, which causes cancer, in particular , liver cancer, intestinal cancer and so on and so forth have been proven, it is not alcohol, it is not full-fat milk, it is sweet carbonated drinks, they make our children fat, our bones are fragile and in a huge number of cases they provoke cancer; it is not without reason that dozens and dozens of countries impose taxes on the sale of sweet carbonated drinks. drinks in the same way as for alcohol and cigarettes. there are two products that kill the majority of their consumers, well, up to half of their consumers: tobacco, sweet carbonated drinks, these are the two leaders, everything else is located on the floor below, and you drink it,
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eat it, but he drinks it, eats it, but what does he, and then he himself will screw up, if you love your children, think about what they will feed you and support you when you are old and weak, if instead you raise a pot-bellied, fat, sick, shortness of breath child who is medicine can’t support you, even... pull you out, this is wrong, it’s interesting, how do you feed a purebred dog, god forbid you give it something extra, some kind of chicken bone, it will choke, but it can’t do that, and this is this, this is the diet, this is the only thing i buy, because they don’t import it there today, what can we do, the dog breeding community is worried, they feed the dog there just like, i don’t know, like an athlete before a competition, these same people... feed all this, the soul of a parent is incomprehensible, so
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that’s all, that’s all, we move on, so, as the main topic, i was asked to talk about how loneliness affects health, meant in a negative sense, they even gave me a whole selection of articles where it is proven that it is more often than heart disease. illnesses of something else and so on and so on. why parrots? well, we know that cockatoos live more than 100 years in captivity and outlive their owners. in fact, on average, any woman has a chance to live alone for up to 15-20 years due to the fact that men and husbands die earlier, and sometimes much earlier. loneliness is a big social problem. let's talk with...
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yes, these patients have all medical problems, from heart attacks to oncology, more often, this is 100%. so, well, let's think about what loneliness is. when the children are far away, the spouses divorced or died, and you are alone, there are no parents, you know, here you are, who are watching everything now, whose children, husbands, wives, and even parents are alive, and you are not alone, everyone
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understands you, everyone share, everyone wants it the way you want, everyone understands perfectly what you want to say, everyone evaluates the situation in the world so, how do you assess where this boundary of moral loneliness is, what is there inside, we don’t know whether you are lonely inside or not, if you could speak, you would now say, well, you don’t have a damn thing here... so so, are you alone inside or not alone, that ’s where you need to start, probably, because physical loneliness today can be overcome by the same gadgets that i don’t like, how can you be a lonely person when
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there are a lot of social networks, yes, which i criticize, yes, who drink their brains waste nerves of everything, but nevertheless f... this is a way out for single people, if before you had to go to a club to dance, if you are, so to speak, young, either there is a nursing home, or in a chess club, or sign up somewhere - then today, today there are no problems in this, our task is to try to live in this way. your thought so that you are not alone, regardless of whether there is someone in the room, apartment, house, except you, or not, well, remember the story of chekhov's bet, how a relatively young billionaire argued at a banquet with a young
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student, lawyer, that it’s all so easy, if he spends 5 years in solitary confinement, i ’ll pay you 2 million. the student says: “i ’ll serve 15, already for 20 million 15, here’s a wild bet, he was locked in a hut for edge of the forest under guard, he had books, food, that's all, now 15 years pass, the term expires, and during this time the banker went bankrupt, he does not know that he has more debts or money, he understands that if he is a student tomorrow will be released, the last 2 million will make him a beggar, he understands that this will not happen, a student not to live, he makes his way to this house, enters the room and sees him sleeping over the table, he tries to get a revolver, suddenly he sees a note where he writes, over these 15 years i
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have learned a lot from these books, i have changed my mind a lot, and i understood life, i despise your lifestyle, i despise your wealth, i will not take it, and in order for you to understand that i won, i will leave 5 hours before the due date, that is, he served 15 years at 5 o'clock, and the banker read this, turned and left, thereby, by the way, the guy saved his life, that is, loneliness. what loneliness, a person cannot be lonely with himself, he has the best companion, you just have to think, you know, loneliness can drive you crazy when you think about it, when you think that you are lonely, when there is no one to give you a cup of tea when no one needs you, it’s all depression, it’s not
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loneliness, it’s one of the risk factors for depression and the diseases that flow from here, all our diseases, as we know, are in the head, but how else do you suggest fighting loneliness and do i need to fight him again? let's continue this topic now, we're seryozha, seryozha, let's sit on the hammer, serge, sit on the hammer, not on me, where are you going? i understand, did you see that i smashed my head with this thing? well, if you want to review us, app or website,, then climb higher. next, how to learn to live in harmony with yourself and not experience loneliness. according to conscience and is it necessary to live like this in our time? we need to fight not with loneliness, we need to fight with the feeling of loneliness, this is not a tragedy, they
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i’m used to being alone, i’m not alone, i’m with my thoughts, this is your inner state of mental illness, because i won’t be there, they won’t be there, but you will still live, you’re young, why do you need to live according to your conscience, this will never go away for you without a trace, never, with age you begin to understand... to regret, to try to fix something, by the way, i am ready in advance that i will have to answer for this, inside of us there is a struggle between two wolves, but dealing with the highest justice is much more difficult , i don't believe that you have me betrayed, but i must know the truth. i understand you, in order not to lose love, you need
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to lose your memory, retrograde amnesia, this happens, she won’t forgive me, but did you remember something? i think it's easy to fall in love with you. i wish you could, i want to forget everything, let you get out of this slush, let spring into your heart, spring is belated, premiere today on rtr, if you want twice as much harvest, the best solution for you will be a mini-greenhouse granary, it will protect keeps plants warm from frost. will accelerate the growth of fruit ripening and will extend the gardening season, the presence of zippered windows will provide quick access for watering and maintenance. we offer
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a choice of two sizes of mini-greenhouses: 120x60x60 cm and 120x90x90 cm. you can use it on the terrace for growing seedlings or exotic ornamental plants. thanks to its compact size, the mini-greenhouse granary will be successfully located even in the most inaccessible places on your site or premises. durable frame. a greenhouse made of metal pipes is resistant to corrosion and protects plants from strong gusts of wind. thanks to the covering material made of pvc film plants receive reliable protection from insect pests. choose your mini-greenhouse size and get a quality harvest. call and order a zhitnitsa mini-greenhouse at an amazing price from only 29.95. cleaning floors is a tedious and messy process that turns into torture for you, your back and your arms. forget about. exhausting cleaning on all fours, stop using a broom and dustpan, use a bulky vacuum cleaner that is not capable of cleaning the most
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inaccessible places, all this is in the past, now you can remove dirt, dust, remove crumbs, hair, wet food debris and even broken glass quickly and easily with the all-new livington dipper swiper electric broom. dipper swipper impresses with its original triangular shape. design and innovative tribrush technology. three separate high-speed rotating brushes on each side sweep everything inside. no matter which direction you point the cleaning head. even the smallest debris will be swept into the container. moreover, the durable corner brush located at the front penetrates into every corner, even where where vacuum cleaners are powerless. and when the cleaning is done, it can also be easily cleaned with just one click of a button. it is ideal for hard surfaces, all types of floors, be it tile or laminate. the swivel head easily avoids any
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obstacle, and thanks to its ultra-flat design, you can easily get under furniture where it is usually very difficult to reach. and only today, the unique, ingenious livington dipper swiper wireless electric broom with smart built-in corner bumpers that protect your furniture, father's baseboards and walls. can be yours for only 89,995, but if you call and place an order right now, you will receive an incredible discount of 20 euros, and the livington dipper swiper will get you for an incredible 6995, but hurry up, the offer is strictly limited, i liked one diet, you can eat everything, but you can’t swallow it, he entered tea for weight loss and drinks it with... he dominates me, he will hide in a corner, and you dominate,
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my beauty, run away from her, i love you.
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they are used to answering automatically, they are used to adjusting, they are used to to agree with an opinion with which they actually do not agree, so for them it can be, you know, a certain liberation, well , like in the joke, the wife died, and the husband says: oh-oh, i’m all alone, all alone, all alone, listen, all alone, yes, all alone, and it happens, i don’t have that. i get along very well with people, it was very difficult for me once when i was left alone, now sometimes i even love, i can read, think, communicate with animals, i am not alone, i am with my thoughts, which, by the way, no one interferes, which is also very important, so it’s all about how to react, well, you know, here i am... in
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the morning i’m driving around moscow, well, i already like the mood, it’s a beautiful city, clean, people are walking, trees, i’m like... then the mood rises, that i’m alone in this city, well, yes, i don’t know these people, so what, but i’m not alone, the feeling of loneliness, once again, does not depend on the number of people around whom you can call by name, i understood what was happening, and you’re over 100, because i’m not like this person who will be there in 15 years, they won’t be there, but you’ll still live, you young, he is 16 years old, but you are a day old, do you
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have something to think about? while lying down, slight pain appeared in the shoulder joint. senior comrades explained to me that the shoulder cuff is located in this area. and i have a question related to the fact that is it possible to continue physical activity, some kind of preventative, combined with treatment, or should training be stopped
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to restore this cuff, no longer so much. they intensify slightly with exercise and even with push-ups, thank you for your attention, but what does treatment mean? treatment no, the treatment is only painkillers, sometimes hormonal injections, you know, as they say, take the devil’s favor, yes, there is relief, then all this, so to speak, turns into a complication, this is really rotator cuff syndrome, as your senior comrades explained to you correctly, bench press lying down is not for you yet. and those exercises that cause pain are also not for you, the problem is that, in principle , this is for a long time, from 6 months to 2 years of entertainment, but you are young, you will probably get around six months, it’s still physical exercise, it’s still - exercise on this joint, the only thing that will give you is to put your hand on your shoulder, and start
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pressing it like this, pressing it, pressing it more. more, more, abduct, i pumped up, for example, i took a light dumbbell and lifted it thousands of times, everything that causes pain, but here again... you have to make it hurt to stop, here is the bench press, do that weight, even 40 kg, even 40 kg, i know people, international masters of sports, who in this situation started training with 40 kg, barbell, what is it for them, and then you reach those weights, accordingly, the loads need to be reasonable, not causing pain, find those exercises, because it also hurts you to do push-ups... “it was very painful for me to do push-ups on the rings, i really did it anyway, but i found a middle ground, well then you have enough entertainment for the next month, there is no effective medicine, just patience,
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exercise and don’t lose your temper, if you fail, it will only get worse, that’s the most important thing, don’t lose your temper, i’m thinking, the last time it took me so long was precisely because i couldn’t stand what i was saying, i was in a hurry, there’s no rush here, my name is...” i have a 4-year-old child, we suffered with a cough for a long time until we did a test for a couple of whooping coughs, it was confirmed for us, but the cough continued, at night until vomiting, we went to the ambulance, i took pills and syrups, nothing helped, in may it became better, in the summer the cough disappeared completely, now my child is sick and has been sick for the second week, but the porridge does not go away, only in the morning, tell me what to do, what should i do? , there are many reasons for coughing, parokuklish kuklish are no different, they are the same thing, the chinese call
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this disease is a 100-day cough, it’s just a bacterium whooping cough - this is one of the eight varieties of whooping cough bacteria, it flows differently, either like a typical whooping cough, or just like a 100-day cough. cough - with mild erased forms, it was necessary to get vaccinated, in fact, it’s a bug, the curtain saves parokli, it works on these bacteria, it was necessary to get vaccinated, now, see a doctor, he could have anything, bronchialitis, high acidity , so what can i tell you, i won’t say anything, the doctor must understand this particular case, so moreover, if he already had whooping cough, he has immunity, it means there is some other disease, there is already... maybe, so that’s it, well, that’s it, i think that we have generally exhausted the limit with questions for today, even with a reserve, let's move on, well, my favorite
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section for soul and body, this time i was offered an interesting and slippery topic, which sounds something like why you need to live according to your conscience. it’s very easy to say, you have to live according to your conscience, don’t lie, be honest, you will be happy, you always live according to your conscience, no, well, if you’re left alone in dark room, look inside yourself, i know many, many situations behind me when i did not act according to my conscience.
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whatever you do, then with age you begin to understand. try to fix something? just recently i remembered and even told my son: april 27 was my father’s birthday, he died at 45 years old, he died in november of the twenty-fourth, and a few months later his birthday, and as it is clear, he had kidney cancer, it was clear that it's his last birthday, and i already went to... him for his birthday, but i had a date with girl, and i call him from a payphone, as i remember now near the art cinema, i say: dad, i won’t come, congratulations, i won’t
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come, he chuckled so much, he says, but you understand that in general i’m unlikely will there be another birthday, i say, dad, well , that’s the story, and i didn’t go, that’s how many years ago, i remember this... i remember. and, by the way, i am prepared in advance that i will have to answer for this. i'm pretty sure there will be a situation where the same thing will happen to me. and i won’t dare to grumble about this anymore, but why did i call the question slippery? well, because glazunov's picture, christ and antichrist, absolutely identical faces, they differ only in the color of their eyes, one is blue, the other is brown, opposites live inside us, you know, as this famous parable, as a grandfather tells his granddaughter, you know, inside of us there is a struggle between two wolves, alone...
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but you know, reading various books by walter scott, in my youth, i always read, i thought, how can this be, here is a traitor in your hands, you didn’t kill him with a sword, said: “go, there is a higher justice.” and i, at 14-15 , laughed and thought, what are they fools talking about, i gave let's get everything over the head. but years have passed. i
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understand that it’s easy to kill someone with a sword, but to deal with higher justice, it’s much more difficult, therefore, when you are at a crossroads, what to do, you know, he says, do as he says, he would like them to do to you, i thought so many times, something doesn’t work out for me, i myself don’t always know how well they treated me, by the way, one of...
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the song about the robber kudiyar, why for christianity a repentant sinner is better than, so to speak, man has never sinned? for by the way, i also had a question, the answer is very simple, whoever has never sinned, he is not able to understand the depths of his soul, he cannot, is not capable of understanding the mercy of god, that’s who sinned, repented, for whom this mercy was asked by the lord , this, this is a great gift to these people, a lot is asked of them, but a lot is also given. in general, it would seem such a simple thing, people, live according to your conscience, you will be happy. but in fact, everything is very ambiguous. when you live, you can do whatever you want, the main thing is that there is no blood on you and bitter tears of other people, you cannot.
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to interfere with other people’s lives and cause them grief, this is the main condition, in fact this is living according to your conscience, and what else? you know, again, watering, if you water with clean water, the flower will grow, but if you water with poison, it will dry out, don’t tell me, if i add poison here in the guise of fertilizer and water, the flower can grow, oh, what a good one, we live according to our conscience. not for someone, we must live according to our conscience, not for someone, we must act according to our conscience, not for someone, for ourselves, because there is a soul, there is a higher justice, and sooner or later we will all have to answer, sometimes to ourselves, sometimes to someone stricter, well , that’s it, the section for soul and body is over, doctor mestikov was with you, i wish you all good health and mental health.. in balance
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, to live until our next meeting with you, fortunately it’s not too far off, goodbye, on this day, may 18, 1977, according to the decision of the general conference of the international council of museums, she was excellently versed in painting and architecture, and masterfully played for people. her close friends were leonardo da vinci, raphael, titian and rubins, who captured the classical beauty of this extraordinary woman in their immortal canvases.
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contemporaries called her the first lady of the italian renaissance and even the first lady of the world, so decisive was her influence on the cultural and political life of the era. with her energy and versatile talents , she managed to transform the insignificant duchy of mantua into one of the most brilliant courts in europe, a true pearl of renaissance culture. isabela deste - daughter of the duke of firara, consort of the marquis montuansky, was born on this day 550 years ago. the story of the russian empress catherine i is reminiscent of the fairy tale about cinderella: an orphan given into the service of a lutheran pastor, a young widow about... exactly 300 years ago, on may 18 , 1724, her coronation ceremony took place in the assumption cathedral of the moscow kremlin. the emperor personally placed the crown on
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his wife's head. less than a year had passed since peter ii died, and the illiterate daughter of the lithuanian peasant samuil skovronsky ascended the russian throne. today. marks 110 years since the birth of the wonderful pop singer singer, queen of russian romance, people's artist of russia, alla bayanova. she is a great singer, says evgeny dyatlov, a popular singer of romances. the whole era of isabela yuryeva and alla bayanova is where we drew our inspiration from. they were our teachers. the soulfulness and warmth of performance always lasts throughout life. alla bayanova. she was real. she entered the treasury. it is our duty to our culture so that we do not forget it. the acting path of zoya belaya is a faithful service to art, where, according to her own they play the words like in a drama, sing like in an opera, dance like in a ballet. the actress was born in 1924 into a musical family, but
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became acquainted with operetta only during the war, after watching the play silva. enchanted by the beautiful and charming sophia vermeule in the title role, young zoya decided to enter the operet theater studio. after studying , zoya alexandrovna came to the moscow operetta theater and remained there for the rest of her life. today marks the 100th anniversary of the birth of the honored artist of the rsfsr zoya belaya. today is may 18, 2024. hello on the russia tv channel , denis polanchukov is presenting in the studio and the main thing is for this hour.


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