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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  May 18, 2024 2:00pm-2:51pm MSK

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musical family, but became acquainted with operetta only during the war, after watching the play silva. enchanted by the beautiful, charming sophia vermeule in the title role, young zoya decided to enter the operetta theater studio. after studying, zoya alexandrovna came to the moscow peretta theater and remained there for the rest of her life. today marks the 100th anniversary of the birth of the honored artist of the rsfsr zoya belaya. today is may 18, 2024. hello on the rossiya vesti tv channel, in the studio of denis polanchukov and most importantly, by this hour the russian troops have been liberated.
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after heavy hail, heavy rains hit dagestan, the omsk region is expecting the peak of the spring flood, and the fountain season has started in st. petersburg, and the famous cycling marathon is taking place in moscow. russian
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units occupied new positions in the red army and kharkov directions. near volochansk, forward detachments liberated the village of staritsa, and the ministry of defense has just been informed about the clearing of the settlement. the ukrainian military publishes footage of the so-called defense line. the soldiers complain that there are no prepared positions for retreat. someone with seriously, having driven the tractor here, he said: “tractor, place five logs according to the portion of the hole.” the skies above the zone special operation are controlled by russian so-35 fighters. the pilots accompany and cover the crew of su-25 attack aircraft, which carry out missile attacks on ukrainian fortifications. the lancet operators knocked out the multiple launch rocket system. a kamikaze drone overtook an infantry fighting vehicle. another target was an american howitzer near verbovoy; crimean paratroopers eliminated the reconnaissance group.
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five militants were killed in belogorovka at once, drones dropped explosives into ukrainian buildings. and these shots show the consequences of a strike on a missile system based on the american hamvi armored vehicle. the equipment was torn to pieces. from the front line, reporting by mikhail andronik. a sniper of the voice cuub group uses a thermal imaging sight to hit an agrodrone that you are super. made for dropping heavy ammunition, the recording clearly shows the so-called babaega, after being hit it begins to burn and lose altitude, while it falls to our soldiers, it is in practically unharmed condition, this could happen in any way carry eighty-second mines, that is, if it hangs there over the dugout and drops it directly, then well, it will be unpleasant, of course the roll-ups will save you from eighty-two, but if it carries something heavier, then yes, it can cause a lot of damage, soldiers of the armed forces the ukrainians are slowly walking through
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the trenches in belogorovka, they don’t know that our reconnaissance drone is watching them, a kamikaze drone is approaching, the gap in the militants’ dugout is filled in, everything that flies through the enemy trenches is collected by the operators of the southern group of troops on our own here, practically on the front line, everything you need, up to ammunition, up to any element that is needed for the bird, we also have people who work on a 3d printer, in general, in general, we can make all the parts ourselves . we also design ourselves, change the modules, that is, we make contactors, we immediately make bombs that explode with damaging fragmentation, the enemy is also actively using komikaza drones in the air on the line of combat contact, there are a lot of them, they are mainly trying to catch our equipment, that is why now all armored vehicles are reinforced with additional protection before they go to the front, here is an example of how the anti-drone array works, the kamis drone flew in here. pierced it, turned it around, but
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it completed its task, the car was not damaged. a tank or infantry fighting vehicle that appears at first glance to be monolithic has many voids in its body, originally intended for tools or. several air targets were intercepted today by air defense forces in the skies over the belgorod region, governor vyacheslav announced this
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glatkov. our military has identified and destroyed new positions of ukrainian terrorists near the russian border. report by igor pikhanov. under the cover of darkness , the tos-2 multiple launch rocket system goes into combat operation, the crew’s task is to destroy the enemy stronghold. the formidable vehicle carries 18 thermobalic projectiles of 220 mm caliber; russian heavy flamethrower system ammunition has no analogues in terms of power and efficiency. it’s impossible to describe what happens after ours, from our work, what happens there, well, it’s impossible to describe it. called the second weapon after nuclear weapons, the crew of a unit of the north group of forces strikes at the enemy, firing points, artillery of the armed forces of ukraine and military equipment are destroyed, in a matter of minutes the resistance of ukrainian militants is suppressed, rocket artillery helps our infantry advance at the front,
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every trip the heart hurts for guys, that’s who’s on the front end, we ’ll double-check many times to make sure that each of our shells just lays down, well, not just goes there, well, to nowhere, just to get away there to shoot, that’s it yes, my soul aches precisely for the subsnov, who need to be supported there, the better our work is, the calmer we are for the guys and their work will be, well, accordingly better, on the neighboring sector of the front artillerymen are working on enemy positions, gun d- camouflaged in the forest 30 destroys military equipment of the ukrainian armed forces, artillerymen hit the enemy with the support of scouts, our drones are in the sky around the clock, shoot! the defeat of the enemy depends on our speed; the faster we aim and shoot, he will not have time to escape, leave his
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positions, or to retreat, as it were, and this is a modernized t-72 tank, at the front the steel fortress has become a real battering ram, which... kills the defense of ukrainian nationalists, the crew of the combat vehicle moves to the firing line to strike the identified positions of the ukrainian armed forces. we support our infantry, we are systematically pushing back, we are pushing back the enemy, we are destroying their equipment, their dugouts, and also their bullock deliveries. tankers hit the enemy with high-explosive fragmentation and guided shells. the maximum firing range is up to 12 km. during a special military operation the crew destroyed dozens of units. on enemy equipment, and also neutralized the uav crews. now the main danger at the front is enemy drones, so this tank has an electronic warfare station installed, it creates a dome over the equipment, and an anti-drone screen is also installed on the tank’s turret. the russian military is increasing pressure at
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the front. the only chance for ukrainian armed forces soldiers to survive is to lay down their arms. for this purpose, a 24-hour radio channel called volga was created. those who surrender are guaranteed decent treatment and medical care in case necessary. they will voluntarily want to report themselves. potential recruits were given 60 days to update their credentials. this norm applies not only to men, but also to female doctors, as well as to everyone who is abroad. zelensky’s office expects the eu to make a pan-european decision on the transfer
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of ukrainians liable for military service to kiev. so far, only certain countries are ready to do this. the streets of ukrainian cities are noticeably deserted today. this resident of zaporozhye is complaining. that only two pensioners came to her store this morning, and at this rate her business will soon collapses, the situation has changed critically, the situation has critically changed for the worse.
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other ukrainian officials are also asking the americans to identify targets for strikes in russia. so far, their wishes have found support only in berlin. the head of midogeria berbak demanded that ukraine be given
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long-range missiles to destroy russian targets. russia's allies are trying to destroy the us-led world order. bloomberg warns western readers about this. the publication lists countries that support moscow in one way or another. on the list china, saudi arabia, turkey, iran, india. brazil, hungary, south africa, egypt, united arab emirates and many others. bloomberg emphasizes that they all share the main goal - to finally get out from under the american umbrella. and he concludes that despite all the efforts of the united states and its allies, russia remains far from isolated. in the khavarovsky territory, hurricane winds knocked down dozens of trees with gusts exceeding 20 m/s. in the regional center, the roof of a house could not stand it and fell right on... tires in several areas there is no light in komsomolsk-on-mura due to bad weather, a city park in
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bashkiria was closed, the streets turned white after heavy hail, and up to 10 cm of ice pellets fell in some areas. in kursk, after a rainstorm , several streets were flooded, and rivers of rainwater flowed through the city. in some areas, the bad weather was accompanied by hail, which completely covered garden areas. in yakutia , the flood zone is expanding every hour. a group of rescuers was sent to the namsky district, where seven settlements have already been sunk. emergency situations ministry employees are strengthening the dam and providing targeted assistance to people. the situation is being monitored air. in the kurgan region , another 11 thousand cubic meters of water were pumped out per day. rescue units help dry houses and sanitize the area. in the omsk region, the water level in the irtysh river. raise the level of the protective embankment
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around the electrical substation. food and water are being delivered to isolated villages. flooded areas are being examined by boat, reporting by elena belyaeva. this is my white house and the car drowned. the village of tyurmetyaki, tens of kilometers from ustishim, went under water a couple of weeks ago, golemzhan. one of those, who was left homeless, but now it is not the housing issue that worries him at all: on the surviving piece of land in the upper part of the village, all his farm remains, cows, sheep, dogs. there are bears there, so i worry about the cattle. representatives of the ministry of agriculture and game wardens are sent to search for the owner himself. the area is surrounded by water, so access is only possible by boat. the village in this part is completely flooded, so we walk slowly, maneuvering between obstacles. so as not to catch the boat. on the high bank, dogs are the first to meet you. okhotovet says,
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this is a good sign, it means there is no bear nearby, but still, just in case, he unsheathes his gun. on the way he notices a dead animal. it was a dog that ran over this baby goat. there is no sign of a bear anywhere, it’s impossible. you don’t have to search for long; in a clearing near the forest, the entire livestock is grazing, and even more than two cows calved in a week, all with their owner safe and sound. then every day i will come here, the condition of the animals is assessed by an expert from the agricultural farm, we see that there is no injury, the fatness is sufficient, the calves are already on their feet, they it’s already clear that they are still sucking milk, such raids on flooded villages in the ustishimsky region are now carried out regularly, they bring in hay for the animals and, if
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necessary, evacuate them to special sites. elena belyaeva, egor kireev, lead omsk. the polar explorers of the drifting expedition northern poly 41 returned to the mainland. for 20 months they worked in the high latitudes of the arctic ocean. the base of the station was a unique vessel: a modern ice, self-propelled platform. a team of scientists has collected new data about the nature of the arctic. the main task of the expedition this time was to explore the northern sea route from murmansk, reporting by oleg posobin. for the team, the ice-resistant platform is non-freezing. from murmansk to the resort, scientists arrived here almost from the north pole, many are standing on the deck without hats with unbuttoned jackets, on the shore 6°, the heat is like the weather in morbansk, comfortable, tepechevka, the north pole 41 expedition studied the arctic in the subpolar latitudes for 20 months , most of them worked
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without a shift, a special crane lowers the ladder, and for a few minutes 34 people go down it researcher, plus crew: ship. the north pole 41 project can be compared to the international space station, only instead of an orbit, the platform roams the arctic, collecting data that cannot be overestimated. we lifted sea sediments from the bottom from depths up to almost 5 km of the sea. now we are transporting a whole container, two tons, even more samples. the diesel platform north pole was built in st. petersburg in 2000. there is nothing else like it in the world: the ship arrives at the place of drift, on water or ice, moored to the ice massif along with scientific instruments. the unique shape, as if a drop was stretched 80 m, allows it to maintain stability in the ice, and the hull is capable of storing a huge amount of equipment for a scientific expedition
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for a couple of years. the station overcomes ice one and a half meters thick, but sometimes on this ship it sounds like... a command to stop, so the path of the expedition was blocked by the owner of the arctic , the polar bear, he showed his fangs to his rival made of steel for a long time, the polar explorers had to wait until the clubfoot got hungry and got out of the way, and these are shots of other inhabitants of the northern ocean, presumably the seals were sunbathing under the polar sun, without noticing the scientific quadcopter for a long time, but hearing the sound of the propellers, they immediately disappeared under water, the main task of this expedition is to explore the northern sea route, a lot needs to be done in order... indeed, navigation on the highway in morput was year-round and effective precisely from our scientific point of view. such expeditions began back in 1937. the world's first drifting station appeared shortly after the soviet pioneers reached the north pole. modern polar explorers continue to study the arctic at institutes and hope to create
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climate forecasting models at a new level. the data obtained during the expedition will help in active work. the data economy and digital transformation of public administration are being presented at this moment at vdnkh in moscow as part of the russian exhibition. on behalf of the president, the program is being developed by the ministry of digital development. to implement it, universities will train 800 thousand specialists in the field of artificial intelligence. among other tasks - information security, data protection and online development. the most important thing is that for 100 services, the principles of proactive provision or provision of results at the time of the citizen’s or applicant’s request must be introduced, that is, in fact, the transition to a full one hundred percent online, which we talked a lot about, here by the thirtieth
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year we must have 100 such services run. immortal russian music sounded like great chinese music. denis matsuev is at the piano, yuri bashmet is at the control panel, and this is always a double passion stage. preparations for this concert began
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in a few hours, in china now the scorching sun is even in the mountains, the prima of the chinese opera inxumei hides her face from the hot rays, the maestro tunes up his young performers. in this case, you need to completely remove the weight. there is a special mark on the notes. kai bashmets, it is immediately clear whose copy, the famous conductor, has performed wherever, but in the stage located near the great wall, he sees a special symbol. it divided, separated china from the rest of the world. today's concert is right here, where it is the chinese wall, it symbolizes rather the unity of culture. for the unsophisticated, there is a portrait
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of petratch and his biography in chinese on the screen. i like the melody of his works, the passion in them. russian classics are super popular in china. the audience films the concert on their phones, applauds and, of course, subtly feels every beat of the melody. they, one might say, copied our system. soviet musical education, as in the good old days, there was a piano in every apartment, and the child automatically fell into music school. rimsky korsakov and rachmaninov, excerpts from the opera eugene onegin and the queen of spades, the golden fund of russian culture, which cannot be canceled. above us is the great wall of china, sounds flow around it, taking us to mr. veliky novgorod, the aria of the voryazhsky guest sounds, so connecting space, times and cultures can only be done... the best bass of russia ildar abdrazakov fascinated the guests with his notes, because all the emotions are understandable without translation. and the musical language is the same, there are only 7 notes, that’s why we speak the same language, and
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everyone, of course, has their own mentality, everyone feels their music in their own way, and today we are united by music here in this wonderful place. well, this song never needed translation in china. this is very famous music in china, even we, the younger generation, know the evenings near moscow, for some spectators the music played was not enough, another resounding success of russian performers in the middle kingdom, the tradition of concerts at the great hall will be continued. full version of the big concert on the great the chinese wall will be shown on the culture tv channel.
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you're watching the news, that's what we'll talk about later in our program. the wife of the french president is so frustrated with her incompetent husband that she is trying to take the reins of the british headlines. they pieced together the face, russian doctors performed a unique operation and saved a life. a child after a dog attack, and the fountain season has started in st. petersburg, about this and more immediately after the advertisement, stay with us, i will gather the whole family and introduce you officially, got over it somehow, light in the window, premiere on monday on rtr.
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hotel for an unforgettable experience rixos sharma is only for adults 18+. here you will find entertainment throughout the day. year-round performances by the best djs from around the world and comfortable rooms. rixos sharma is not just a vacation, it is a holiday for the soul, where every detail is.
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he's always engrossed in his phone, you just need to find the right book, what a strange place for a date, i immediately said on the site that i'm looking for serious relations, where are the stories of a big country, premiere on friday on rtr, hello, we haven’t seen each other for a thousand years, sunday, you’ve never been to me!
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or virtuoso facial expressions, i can’t imagine at all, this could be your trick and deception, you are capable of anything, a master of vocals or a master of deception, they want to deceive us again, but this will not buy us, come on, choose correctly or you will lose, okay, yes, catch us me, if you can, what should i do, tell me? about attempted murder, that he suspects me, we ’ll figure out who poisoned him, i need it do an examination of the drug, like you are a mogul, i’m not going to make excuses, you’re going through a stage, everything is against you, i promise that we’ll figure it out,
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it’s spring... late premiere, today on rtr, it’s getting caught somewhere, everywhere, either at a gas station, or in the corridor, where to go and what to do, you don’t have to ask anyone at all, beg, humiliate yourself or hold out your hands, they will have to take us into account, so, lifting off the ground, taking off, such a beautiful technique, how much time do you devote during a special military operation.
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i must always be in touch, moscow, the kremlin, putin, we will see, we will show more than others, thank you very much, come back on sunday to rtr, you watch the news, we continue the broadcast, a meeting of the taiwanese parliament ended with a fight in the ukrainian style. acrobatic tricks and even attempts to drench opponents with water were used. as a result , they managed to restore order in the hall, but at least one of the heroes of the confrontation needed
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medical help. he was taken away from the hall on a medical gurney. suspect in the assassination attempt on slovak prime minister robert fico appeared in court today, in the building, he was brought in under increased security measures. at the meeting, the formal issue of the arrest of seventy-one-year-old juraj tsintula is resolved. the criminal has already admitted that he committed the attack for political reasons. previously, he actively participated in opposition rallies and was dissatisfied with the termination of military assistance to ukraine. the prime minister himself. the day before he underwent another operation; doctors assess robert fitzov’s condition as serious. the wife of the french president, brigette macron, is so disappointed with her incompetent husband who is trying to take the reins of government into his own hands. daili, citing his sources in the elysee palace, reports that the first lady personally began a purge in the ranks of senior advisers to the head of state, but according to the publication, the efforts are even, macron.
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coped with love, loud statements and a complete inability to follow through. perhaps bridget will be able to bring some sense to her husband, who is 24 years younger than her, but at the moment the situation looks as if... as if the president had united everyone against himself france, daly notes. france lost control of several areas of its overseas territory of new caledonia. this was recognized today by the local administration. video footage of street fighting comes from the island. well- armed local residents fight as gendarme soldiers. the unrest began after independence demonstrations swept the island. representatives of the indigenous population claim that they... do not support violence, but the situation is taking an increasingly serious turn. paris has already been forced to cancel the olympic torch relay in new caledonia. mass riots occurred that night in bishkka; police and
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internal troops had to cordon off the center of the kyrgyz capital, where about a thousand people had gathered. the kyrgyz internal affairs directorate reported that they were ready to disperse people with water cannons, but explanatory work was enough to calm the crowd. according to department estimates , there were no deaths or injuries, but the ministry of health reported that 29 people were injured as a result of the night unrest. the spontaneous rally arose due to a fight that occurred at the beginning of the week between local residents and foreigners. today , the beshkek police, due to fears of the conflict escalating, have placed all dormitories where the prisoners live under tight security. now the situation in the city is calm, however, the indian and pakistani embassies urged their fellow citizens to observe safety measures. the professional holiday is celebrated today by sailors who defend the northwestern borders of our country.
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321 years ago, russian ships won their first victory, and at the same time the oldest in russia, the baltic fleet, was formed. reportage marina naumova. on may 18 , 1703, the russian fleet led by peter the great won its first victory by capturing two large swedish ships in the vustye neva , duty squads at their posts , an anti-drone group taking up positions to repel a training attack of the fortieth from the second sector clean at the sea ranges corvettes. the baltic fleet performs practical missile firing. the latest vertical-launch anti-aircraft missile system hits real targets. redoubt. it can engage in close combat, but its missiles are capable of intercepting targets at long range at altitudes up to 30 km, flying at a speed of almost
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5,000 m/s. the ships of the baltic fleet solve different problems. on board they carry strike weapons, anti-aircraft missiles, and torpedo weapons. thus, project 20308 corvettes are capable of repelling any attack; for this they have a full arsenal, they control the situation in the baltic and monitor the maneuvers of nato naval forces. the alliance conducts large-scale exercises in the immediate vicinity of the kaliningrad region; our ships are often in line of sight with ships of the usa, germany, italy, sweden and denmark and keep them on their toes. we just don’t have enough ships that can perform tracking tasks, weapons tracking, and issuing data. to a higher command post, all his movements, the place where he is located. the entire southern coast of the russian baltic is protected by the bastion coastal missile systems of the baltic fleet. the range of the supersonic,
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homing onix missile with which they are equipped is over 300 km. with their radars they see all the ships of the mock enemy located in the baltic sea. first first and fourth, issue targeted products. start in 2 minutes. the anti-sabotage forces of the fleet are naval special forces. it repels an attack without crew boats, protects ships at their bases, and fights saboteurs on land and under water. special-purpose boats have underwater robots that are capable of destroying mines and bombs at a depth of up to 300 m. today, in honor of the holiday, baltic sailors will show modern models of equipment. arms exhibition. will be opened at the main base of the baltic fleet day. marina naumova, evgeniy bekish, alexander naumov, pavel dolgachev, conduct the kaliningrad region. the moscow spring cycling festival is taking place in the capital at this moment. a starting town with
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interactive zones opened on zubovskaya square. the entertainment program there will continue until the evening. and right now, on the garden ring, which is closed to vehicles, there is a mass bike ride. so that cycling is convenient, safe, comfortable, and, of course, cycling creates a very friendly environment on the streets of the city. a surgeon from krasnodar performed a complex operation to restore the face of a child who was attacked by a dog. the wounds seemed so extensive that even in world practice such cases were not described. alexander kundukhov found out how the little patient, who is already undergoing rehabilitation, is feeling now. doctors did the almost
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impossible; such operations have not yet been described in the medical literature. a plastic surgeon from krasnodar, alexey dikarev, sewed his own face onto a four-year-old child. during a multi-hour operation , fragments of skin were literally collected bit by bit and the thinnest blood vessels were restored. it was a complete disconnect, that is, there was not a single bridge, not a single connection that could provide power to the face. are not needed, because those tissues that were bitten off were immediately integrated, connected to the bloodstream and retained viability. the accident happened on march 23, at a dacha in cherkessk, little sasha and his sisters were playing ball. the ball rolled closer to the booth, but the dog on the chain, unfortunately, was not in the enclosure. not
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to him, nothing like this had ever happened, well , then, when they already saw it, well, i ran up, well , there were no screams, but he had approached earlier , it was not possible to immediately unhook the dog, the shepherd tore off most of the skin of his face, including the nose, upper lip, chin and lower eyelid, the tortured baby was taken to krasnodar, the torn fragments of the face had to be stored in a special container, a team of... specialists was urgently assembled at the clinic and a unique operation was performed, this operation without any doubt, it does not belong to anyone for me, not for anyone in krasnodar, it belongs to society, this is the point, it was made in russia. after treatment in krasnodar, sasha was transferred to dr. kudzaev’s clinic in vladikavkaz. and we completed the next stage, that is, skin transplantation from the shoulder from this place. and on the lower eyelid from the behind-the-ear area too. a small skin transplant, now
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malomusarsky is undergoing electrical stimulation of the facial muscles, everything is going well, the skin is taking root, fortunately there are no complications, well, at least the boy, even though he is 4 years old, he has already seen himself in the mirror, he has absolutely no complexes, he says to me, new skin is coming out, here he is a very sociable guy, sasha himself is doing well, radiates optimism, plays with cars and makes plans for the future,
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interactions, we have created a state information system, my school, which has proven content to help the traditional education system, protected data, the republic is of great interest, we agreed that we will transfer our state information system for use in schools of the republic of belarus. the fountain season started in st. petersburg today. home the ceremony traditionally took place in peterguf. there was a theatrical show and water musical performances. and
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the city of kranstat fortress celebrates 320 years since its founding. report by ekaterina fesenko. academically and solemnly, this year the fountain festival is dedicated to the tercentenary of st. petersburg state university. the large cascade turns into a stage for a traditional celebration. it is already a tradition to open the fountain seasons in st. petersburg with such holidays. this is how summer begins in the northern capital, when the anthem city, a fifteen-meter stream hits the lion, samson, tearing the lion’s mouth, is again the main character of the water extravaganza, shining as he has for 300 years. and the public is amazed, years and decades later, hundreds of years later, the holiday is today in kronshtat. 320 years from the moment peter i
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set foot on the island, and having discovered an abandoned swedish kettle, he named the island kotlin. flowers are laid at the monument to the founder, in the naval cathedral. police atvs now ply along the famous sands of anapa, officers keep order on the beaches, which in the resort town more than 40 km, high-speed patrols, which for no reason replaced foot patrols. when a signal is received, it is possible to quickly and efficiently reach the crime scene.
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the tourist police of anapa received a passable mode of transport. this is a new unit whose task is to ensure the safety of resort areas and help guests. there are 25 tourist police officers in anapa. you can recognize them. the embankments of the resort are patrolled by electric cars, these are not only the legs, but also the eyes of the police, the cameras on the cars are connected to the dome facial recognition system, in online search for criminals. the display displays all the information, why the person is being sought, the data and location of the person. here's one of the real ones. examples: smart cameras noticed a man on the embankment, recognized him as a criminal and informed the police, just a few minutes and he was detained. in anapa , 2,000 cameras keep order, thanks to them , 260 criminals have already been detained since the beginning of the year. we are conducting an experiment and temporarily adding the film crew to the search database. no matter what public place on onapa a person appears, whose face is in the database, the cameras of
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the kupol system will recognize him, and the data will be sent to the duty station. as soon as we appeared under the camera, the online system reported this. by a police officer. it's not easy to hide from her. the system recognizes the person under the cap, by silhouette, color of clothing, and even by gait. there is a historical search function, that is, we can see where a person previously walked. let’s say, using your file as an example , we observe that while filming a report, you pass at 12:8 in the park. tourist the police use all modern methods in their work, because they receive 3.5 million guests every summer, and to ensure their safety, a new police unit will be in place during the holiday season. today on the big screens there is a new film by dmitry shpelink, the fiery fox, all the filming is documentary and only the voice-over text and remarks put by the authors into the mouths of the characters allow us to create an artistic
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story. report by anastasia letvinova. the fiery fox is the true story of the wind fox, he was born in the endless... in the vastness of kamchatka, among his brothers and sisters, he was the smallest and weakest, but the only one who survived after a bear attacked his family. dad protected us to the last. the blood of the strongest and bravest fox flows in me. at this moment , director dmitry shpelinok began filming the young fox. at first it was not clear whether the wind would survive its first winter, whether it would be able to find a mate? i saw something that took my breath away. her name was lava, the reddest on all the white. the story is told in the first person, as if by the fox himself, and this the only artistic device in this film, everything else is real, no special effects, no graphics, only a live picture, filming with a professional camera, 30 camera traps, a copter, thousands of hours of video footage, while at first the wind remained a spare,
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foxes were in sight, more effective, but every time the script was rewritten by nature itself, it is very difficult to take on such a film, because as soon as you start filming the story, it... everything lines up well, with the main characters, everything is wonderful, then tragedy, then they disappear, we’ve been filming for 2 years and nothing has been built for 2 years, how can it be, but this stock continued, well, because he was nearby and he, we tried, it was already like a sporting interest, to shoot such a panty, the film crew went to expedition to the kranotsky nature reserve in kamchatka for 3 years, in total they lived in the tundra for 26 months, this long-term observation arose, which we dreamed of over 3 years to show the transformation of character... because of a loser we became together with the wind, the wind turned into the king of the tundra, and we were glad to see it all. what remains behind the scenes is worthy of a separate film adaptation. goodbye home. i had to live in light wooden houses, in the summer we took water from the river, in the winter we melted the snow, we sacrificed my image, dmitry
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shaved my head when there was no way to wash, better, better this way, bears played an important dramatic role, but the main thing here was not to be scared yourself , the film crew consisted of two people, only i was filming, anna was guarding, it was terrible here when once there the bear almost stepped on me, i was filming. dmitry and anna, having met at the beginning of the project, got married by the end of filming. and their hero matured, had offspring and was able to stand up for his family. at night, a camera trap captured something like this when a bear tried to attack his family. imagine the fortitude he developed when he drove the huge bear away from his hole with his roar. and in these shots there is simultaneously the strength, beauty and fragility of wild nature. i am interested in the nature of russia and the kronovsky nature reserve, beautiful cinema is also mine. i love you very much lis, and i saw how cool it was filmed, how soulful it was.
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watch the main events of the last 7 days in news of the week with dmitry kiselyov on sunday at 20:00. this is the news of the week and i am dmitry.
2:49 pm
why did blinken sing in kyiv that he was satan? as french caledonia revolts, the names of those who participated in the operation to cover up the nord stream explosion have been revealed for the first time. russia has a new government, all the candidates for deputy prime ministers and ministers that we discussed were approved. what will change in the work of the ministry of defense?
2:50 pm
this downed japanese fighter has been lying in this place since july 1939, it was here that the main air battles took place, the war on the khalkhengol river, the largest in history, in terms of the number of aircraft involved. the first two-time heroes of the soviet union in history were born in the sky above khalkhengol. sergei mengazhev about the eighty-fifth anniversary of the battles against japanese militarism. news of the week, sunday, 20:00. we are monitoring the development of events, stay with us.


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