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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  May 20, 2024 11:00am-11:30am MSK

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today we have a well-balanced diet, dosed physical activity, and of course, special drainage products that will help you calmly get rid of a few extra pounds and enter the summer season with dignity. and we wish you a good day and a great mood, be healthy, we had a program with you about the most important things. the rossiya tv channel is broadcasting news, i greet all viewers, maria sitdel. hello. vladimir putin expressed condolences to the iranian leadership over the death.
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in russia today they celebrate volga day, as the river is being rehabilitated, treatment plants are being built in 16 regions, this is what we are leaving behind. knees and the history of miraculous salvation in primorye. volunteers found a ninety-two-year-old pensioner alive. russian president vladimir putin expressed condolences to the leadership of iran in connection with the tragic death of the head of the republic. vladimir putin called ibrahim roisi a true friend of russia and noted his invaluable personal contribution to the development of good neighborly relations.
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level of strategic partnership. search operation at the crash site of the government helicopter is completed. the bodies of the dead iranian president, head of the ministry of foreign affairs and other members of the delegation were sent to tabris. in the next 50 days , new presidential elections will be held in iran. let's continue the topic. these are the first images from the scene of the helicopter crash of iranian president ibrahim raisi. the search and rescue operation continued throughout the night, but it was not until dawn that rescuers arrived. iran was the minister of foreign affairs of the country, the governor of the iranian province of east azerbaijan, imam tabriz. according to preliminary data, none of those in the helicopter survived, about this local news agency irna reported, citing the head of the iranian red crescent society. when we located
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the crashed presidential helicopter, there was no sign of any living passengers. later , another iranian news agency, mehr, also published a message about the death of president ibrahim raisi, and iranian vice president mahsen mansouri posted the following post on his social network page: we belong to allah and we will return to him. these images were taken the day before just a few hours before the incident. iranian president ibrahim raisi is on board a helicopter heading to the eastern province. after the event, the iranian delegation led by president resi set off on three helicopters towards the administrative capital of the province, the city of tubris, in this photo the exact moment the presidential helicopter took off. it is known that an american helicopter traveled on this trip.
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according to the constitution, the powers of the head of the country were temporarily assumed by the first one. vice president muhammad mahber. together with the head of parliament and the head of the judiciary, they organize a temporary council that must hold presidential elections within 50 days. national mourning has been declared in iran. the tragedy that occurred, of course, became a huge shock for the entire islamic republic, especially now at a difficult time for the entire region, when the middle east is engulfed in a series of conflicts and confrontations. however, the peculiarities of the iranian political system are such that in fact the first person in the state is not even the president, but the supreme spiritual leader ayatala ali khaminiya, who has already stated that what happened will not shake the stability and security of iran, and the country will continue to follow the path of the islamic revolution, both in internal affairs and in the international
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arena. alexander bilivov, dmitry cherbakov and aleftina sorokina, lead the middle east. sergei lavrov, on behalf of the russian foreign ministry, expressed his deepest condolences to the leadership of the foreign policy department. iran, the relatives of the victims, as well as all the friendly people of the islamic republic. the russian minister noted that our country will always remember outstanding political figures, true patriots who firmly defended the interests of iran. according to lavrov, the role of the president of resi and the head of the ministry of foreign affairs in strengthening mutually beneficial russian-iranian cooperation and trusting partnership is invaluable. now a special operation. groups of russian troops over the past 24 hours repulsed attacks by ukrainian attack aircraft near urozhainy and staromaisky. the fighters on the ground in the same area were actively supported by aviation. the su-34 crews fired fap glide bombs at the enemy strong point. at least two tanks were destroyed
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per day in the southern group’s area of ​​responsibility. self-propelled guns malka with the river. 203 mm caliber, they destroy fortified equipment at a distance of 40 km, and after firing they retreat to reserve positions. in the area of ​​kharkov and volchansk , calculations of lancets showed their effectiveness twice a day. in one case, hostile ammunition destroyed an american howitzer three sevens, in another it overtook the ukrainian self-propelled gun bogdan, which was constantly changing position. on the same site the enemy lost a field ammunition depot. arsenal discovered reconnaissance. after which the artillery covered the target with fire from says. near avdeevka, the action of our assault units is preceded by massive preparation. first, the area is cleared by attack drones, and then t-80 tanks take over the baton. from the area of ​​responsibility of the central group of troops, report
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by military correspondent alexei boranov. the sand that rises literally envelops the tank after each shot, like additional camouflage. in those seconds until the cloud dissipates, the machine manages to strike again . t-90 breakthrough operates with a closed firing position, from here to the front line, approximately 6 km. tankers of the central military district are now working in the avdeevsky direction. modern russian vehicles operating on the line of combat contact are equipped with the latest targeting system. the crews have already appreciated its advantage. we worked on the forest regiment, which is located directly in front of umansky, the outermost forest regiment, where our infantry should gain a foothold, we worked from new complexes provided by ural carriage works. three forest regiments to umansky had to be taken in 2 days; they rolled out three times in columns of armored vehicles.
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t-90 breakthroughs operate in pairs; working from indirect firing positions is, of course, less dangerous than close combat. but requires increased targeting accuracy and clear coordination with reconnaissance, which determines the coordinates of targets using unmanned aerial vehicles. vdeevsky direction received the task of escorting infantry equipment. and the car is very good, the car is protected, withstands being hit repeatedly by a tour, that is, i myself have seen this directly several times, well , that is, i saw being hit by a tour and the car drove off, and it was on fire and the crew was all right, even closer to the line. nona self-propelled mortars are in combat contact. artillerymen of the central military district suppress the enemy infantry that survived after the work of the tank crews. the task of these vehicles is to prevent the ukrainian military from resisting the russian forces going on the offensive after the artillery barrage, in
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which tankers. malyshev, khaled tankiev, dmitry belyshev, lead: the line of combat contact in the lugansk people's republic, avdeevskoe direction. the lack of defensive structures causes heavy losses. all this forces fighters in the ukrainian armed forces in the kharkov region to surrender. among dozens of prisoners, russian soldiers are trying to identify those who may be involved in terrorist attacks on belgorod. report by igor pikhanov. weapon! with a closed firing position, russian artillery destroys the military equipment of the ukrainian armed forces stronghold. soldiers help move forward assault units in the north troop grouping, 152 mm. shells penetrate the enemy’s defenses in the kharkov region, we work behind enemy lines, destroy their
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warehouses, artillery installations, rap systems, roads on which they transport ammunition closer to the defense line, artillery, tanks and tactical aviation are working against the enemy, the only chance for soldiers is to survive the enemy means to lay down arms, a special radio channel called volga has been created to communicate with the russian military, it operates around the clock, dispatchers tell... the military checks every soldier of the ukrainian armed forces for involvement in crimes against the civilian population of the belgorod region. among the prisoners
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, eduard almakaev says that there are not enough people in the armed forces of ukraine; even disabled people are taken into the army. even now people are allowed to serve in the army without arms or legs. we have such a norm, paza state is sent. they are not fired, but not registered. units of the ministry of defense are increasing pressure at the front and moving forward. at the same time, our soldiers help residents of the liberated territories of kharkov. we are in touch with military personnel who help, if necessary, evacuate our residents on the territory of the russian federation. after the creation of a sanitary zone in the kharkov region and the liberation of the territory from ukrainian militants, housing and social facilities will begin to be restored there. igor pikhanov, mikhail vitkin, vesti belgorod region. support for small medium-sized businesses will remain among the priority tasks of the state, the head of government spoke about this today. another
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topic was the development of shipping along the northern sea ​​route, in particular the construction of ships of the highest ice class. to ensure safe year-round traffic in the northern latitudes, of course, we need a large, operational arctic fleet, and to increase the construction of such vessels we are preparing for launch. a new modern production facility, one of such sites is the onega plant in petrozavodsk, where, on instructions from the president, the first digital shipyard is being created, it will use highly efficient robotic technologies, the government has allocated 2 billion rubles for the implementation of the second stage of the deep modernization project of this korel enterprise, due to which its production capabilities will significantly expand in the next 2 years. comprehensive work to expand the fleet for... the northern sea route is being carried out as part of the president’s task to increase cargo flow
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on this most important international transport artery, especially in today’s time, in order to ensure year-round shipping , the baltic shipyard continues to build a series of nuclear lidbreakers with a capacity of 60 mw 3 nuclear powered ships, the arctic, siberia and the urals are already working, vacuatoriums of the northern seas... environmental problems of one of the largest rivers on the planet. almost half of our country’s population lives along the banks of the great river, so the pressure on water resources is simply colossal. this year, as part of the federal health improvement project.
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in the air on a paraglider with a camera to see the beauty of the volvo expanses and show it to others. on its banks, the volga has sheltered more than 70 million people from... for centuries, they have been generously sharing their gifts, feeding, singing, warms with energy, but now it itself needs help, iron, cadmium, chromium, zinc, an analysis is being conducted of where heavy metals come from in wastewater, this is an industrial enterprise, the federal project for the improvement of the volga should help the largest river in europe, one of its tasks is to reduce the share polluted succulent waters. in sixteen regions
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, new treatment plants are being built and old ones are being modernized, as, for example, in samal, where a large-scale... construction is being completed, having undergone treatment at our treatment facilities, the waste water is much cleaner than that water, which was in the volga, that is, this is what we leave to our generations. the federal project corrects the mistakes of the past. this area in the village was poisoned at christmas with waste from the distillery. production waste was not disposed of, but was dumped into the ground for decades. over 40 hectares of soil were poisoned. hazardous substances entered the volga along with groundwater . from here to the river bank is no more than a kilometer. tons of toxic soil are transported to the hangars by truck; they use a composting method using bacteria that eat pathogenic microorganisms. after 21 days, the poisoned soil will turn into safe soil suitable for agriculture. thermophilic bacteria in dry form, under the protection of the national project and
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the volga-akhtuba floodplain, a green oasis among the steppes. mesopotamia, whose uniqueness is recognized by unesco, was drying up and was just around the corner. from destruction, the natural park was saved by a network of constructed culverts, we improved the throughput capacity and filled with life- giving moisture those areas that the water did not reach well, and in some places did not reach at all, the bottom of the volga in various areas they clear the rear, deepen the earth with shells, the underwater world is replenished with red book inhabitants, the volga residents carry out general cleaning and not only on the banks of the river, the diver and saratov united to carry out... an underwater cleanup. ruslan bikbulatov, daniil yakimov, alexander bazhenov, maxim akhmetov, egor bushuev, raul mamedov. news. you are watching the news, and then we will return again to the tragic death of the president of iran. in the zaporozhye region, in the city of vasilyevka , the ukrainian armed forces have been firing massively since the very morning. well , today a state of emergency was introduced in yakutia due to floods. all details in a couple of minutes. hello
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dear! friends, your favorite program is on air for 60 minutes. 60 minutes today on rt. welcome to rixsas premium magavish suits & villas in hurghada. where luxury rooms and villas combine with a 1 km long golden sandy beach. impeccable service and exquisite cuisine will make your vacation unforgettable. rixas premium magavish hereds & villas - the vacation you've been dreaming of. rixsas premium segate. family fun starts here, every detail is created for your
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details. a celebration of exquisite tastes. a variety of entertainment, a golden beach and azure waves. lio rizards, we are here for you. happy you, galina fedorovna, children, grandchildren, and you are alone, alone, you are an amazing woman, it’s nice to hear, mark yakovich, you are also a very interesting person, in love. us and what should we do? we leave, she chooses, wow, let me decide with whom? one is good, the other is worthy, which of the two? adult daughters, prime minister! on saturday on rtr, the main character played the role that
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made him a superstar, and then he lives under the weight of this image, that’s what to ignore, cut the umbilical cord that connected you with this hype, well, it’s necessary, because otherwise you will become a hostage, that such a boy’s word, it’s a certain principle, right?
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the light in the window, premiere, today on rtr. you watch the news, we continue the release. let's return to the first topic: the crash of a government helicopter in iran, where the president and the head of the republic's foreign ministry were killed. condolences to the leadership of the people of iran come from all over the world. to the embassy. in moscow, flowers have been carried since the very morning, the national flag on the diplomatic mission building is lowered at half-mast, people leave flowers, red and white roses at the embassy in memory of the leader
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of the republic ibrahim raisi and the head of the iranian mida khassein amir abdalahian. funeral wreaths are brought to the iranian embassy in belarus. china expresses deep sorrow over the death of iran's leadership. the president of the united arab emirates and... the president of syria, pakistan, tajikistan also joined in the condolences; the turkish foreign ministry stated that ankara shares the pain of the fraternal iranian people. the funeral will take place tomorrow in tabriz, and five days of mourning have been declared in the country. to other topics. residents of vasylivka, zaporozhye region, are asked not to leave shelters. the city is under massive fire from the ukrainian armed forces. there are people injured. the death toll is currently being verified. several dozen strikes on residential areas were recorded. one of the shells. hit a private house, an electrical substation was damaged, at least 8,000 people were left without power, at these very minutes, ukrainian terrorist formations
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are firing at the yubileiny village in lugansk, hitting with western weapons, purposefully targeting residential areas, these frames show shells hitting apartment buildings parts of rockets were found at home, in courtyards, even factory parts remained on one of the fragments markings, there are... dead and injured are still unknown. one and a half hundred mercenary fighters, two infantry fighting vehicles, a towed nato howitzer and several cars. these are the daily losses in the automated control system near starmayorsky. advancement deep into the south donetsk front is now ensured by akatsiya self-propelled guns. crews demonstrate miracles of accuracy, hitting an enemy mortar, armored vehicle or strong point with one shot. edward's report. a clear sky without clouds is least suitable for artillerymen; in such weather the activity of ukrainian reconnaissance drones
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noticeably higher, but even in such conditions, combat work does not stop. an artillery crew from the akatsiya installation from buryatia is moving to the position. the crew of the combat vehicle is now mainly on duty in the vicinity of the village of staromaiskoye. this acacia works on one of the most. dangerous areas on the border of the dpr and zaporozhye, there are a lot of communication drones here, so the crews try to act as quickly as possible, fire a series of shots and immediately return to cover. the crew is constantly maneuvering, you need to move quickly, because the entire line of combat contact is visible to the enemy. the akatsiya self-propelled artillery mount can be at a distance of up to 20 km; the crews are trying to get as close as possible to the line of combat contact in order to hit , among other things, targets that are hidden deep in the rear. enemy. the artillerymen's task is to observe the front line and suppress any enemy activity. acacias work in conjunction with aerial reconnaissance. each shot is aimed and adjusted from the uav, resulting in
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effectiveness. destruction of ground targets, manpower, everything on command, strong points, mortar crews, acacias support the advance of the infantry, which is systematically squeezing the ukrainian armed forces out of fortified areas. were there any arrivals using this vehicle? yes, there were, a drone flew here, a comic, it turns out, flew through the commander’s hatch, and the breech. it was torn apart, there are still traces there - traces where the shaped charge burned through it, the breech was restored, the car was restored to work. our drones also constantly monitor the enemy’s movements and immediately direct them to the place of a possible breakthrough. technique. the task of the russian military is to push the enemy away from the dpr as much as possible, so that cities and towns are out of reach of the ukrainian armed forces’ artillery. eduard pungov,
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alexander botkin, lead. south donetsk direction. now to the topic of floods. a state of emergency was introduced in yakutia today. there are three districts and several dozen villages in the disaster zone. 500 people were evacuated to temporary accommodation centers. at the regional airports zeryanka and srednikolymsk, the runways are flooded. therefore, polar airlines organize connecting flights. volunteer employees of the ministry of emergency situations help local residents in any way they can. they deliver food and drinking water, strengthen protective embankments and ... rescue abandoned animals. the story of a miraculous rescue in primorye. volunteers found a ninety-two-year-old pensioner alive. in the forest, alone. she spent two days. an elderly woman went for a walk and got lost. an independent search for relatives did not lead to anything. they turned to the police for volunteers. and soon the victim was found. almost all the time she lay on the ground, powerless. before after the ambulance arrived, volunteers spoke
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with the pensioner. so that she does not lose consciousness, the victim was examined by doctors, there is no threat to her life, today on our tv channel the denouement of a multi-part melodrama is light in the window, don’t miss it right after the evening news, in the center of an exciting story, the bogdanov family, love and betrayal, irreparable losses and bonds, which cannot be broken, all this is in the final episodes, ekaterina frolova has already watched them, i was there. at the faculty of psychology, i realized that his death affects us all when yegor died, i don’t remember much, but it still haunts me. a series of mysterious dangerous events haunts the bogdanov family, each of them tries to improve their lives and find lost happiness, but fate again sends them trials. that's why she didn't tell me anything about the disease. i didn’t want to be disappointed in me for the last time, but i just felt sorry for you. another loss reveals new secrets that turn into a loud
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scandal and threaten. to completely destroy the family, how do you feel that we have an uncle? tough, right? well, that’s not the case in our family. maybe. now the past is intertwined with the present more than ever, and in order to move on, each of them will have to relive the events after which their lives were shattered. what do you think this is? i don't know, it looks like a suicide note. wait, wasn't it an accident? i love. the move that is used in this film, flashbacks, the so-called, here this is a very large part of our history, that is, we see the ruined destinies of people, divorce, tragedies, and then for the viewer we rewind back how it all began, how this all happened, why? plot twists that are impossible to predict: the light in the window keeps you in suspense from the first to the last minute, will the bogdanovs be able to overcome their egoism and trust each other in order to become
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truly close people. do you know when was the last time you and i hugged like this? i suppose, about 13 years ago, i hope that the viewer will pick up some moves for his story, for his life. family saga - light in the window, the long-awaited ending this week, watch on the russia tv channel. ekaterina fralova and olga sukhorukova. vesti is following the development of major events in russia and abroad, stay tuned. hello, dear friends, ladies and gentlemen, tawa.


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